InSitu Bioremediation Technonlogy
InSitu Bioremediation Technonlogy
InSitu Bioremediation Technonlogy
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In Situ Bioremediation
When does it work?
National Academy Press 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20418
NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the
National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy
of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The members of
the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their special competences and with regard
for appropriate balance.
This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors according to procedures
approved by a Report Review Committee consisting of members of the National Academy of Sci-
ences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.
Support for this project was provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under
Agreement No. CR 820730-01-0, the National Science Foundation under Agreement No.
BCS-9213271, the Electric Power Research Institute under Agreement No. RP2879-26, the Gas
Research Institute, the American Petroleum Institute, Chevron USA, Inc., and the Mobil Oil Corpo-
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
In situ bioremediation / Water Science and Technology Board, Commission on Engineering
and Technical Systems, National Research Council.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-309-04896-6
1. In situ bioremediation—Evaluation. I. National Research Council (U.S.). Water Science and
Technology Board.
TD192.5.153 1993 93-5531
628.5'2—dc20 CIP
Copyright 1993 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Cover art by Y. David Chung. Title design by Rumen Buzatov. Chung and Buzatov are graduates of
the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, D.C. Chung has exhibited widely throughout the coun-
try, including at the Whitney Museum in New York, the Washington Project for the Arts in Wash-
ington, D.C., and the Williams College Museum of Art in Williamstown, Massachusetts.
In brilliant colors, the cover art shows the amazing variety of unusual shapes found in bacterial
life forms.
Printed in the United States of America
First Printing, October 1993
Second Printing, December 1994
GREGORY K. NYCE, Senior Project Assistant
GREICY AMJADIVALA, Project Assistant
WYETHA TURNEY, Word Processor
KENNETH M. REESE, Editorial Consultant
BARBARA A. BODLING, Editorial Consultant
SARAH CONNICK, Senior Staff Officer
SHEILA D. DAVID, Senior Staff Officer
CHRIS ELFRING, Senior Staff Officer
GARY D. KRAUSS, Staff Officer
JEANNE AQUILINO, Administrative Associate
ANITA A. HALL, Administrative Assistant
PATRICIA L. CICERO, Senior Project Assistant
GREGORY K. NYCE, Senior Project Assistant
ARCHIE L. WOOD, Executive Director
MARLENE BEAUDIN, Associate Executive Director
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ROBERT KATT, Associate Director for Quality Management
LYNN KASPER, Assistant Editor
TEREE DITTMAR, Administrative Assistant
SYLVIA GILBERT, Administrative Assistant
report was subjected to the report review criteria established by the National
Research Council's Report Review Committee. The background papers have been
reviewed for factual correctness.
Special acknowledgment must go to several individuals who contributed to
the committee's overall effort in special ways. First, Dick Brown and Jim Tiedje
joined me on the executive committee, which had the all-important tasks of
identifying and recruiting committee members and which also oversaw the
committee's management. Second, Eugene Madsen, the committee's rapporteur,
wrote the first draft of the report during the workshop and prepared an excellent
second draft after the workshop. Eugene did these crucial and grueling tasks with
skill and good humor. Finally, Jackie MacDonald, staff officer for the committee,
made this unique effort possible. She efficiently arranged all the logistics for the
workshop and for publishing the book. Even more importantly, she used her
exceptional technical and editorial skills to ensure that the report and the
background papers are logical, correct, understandable, and interesting to read.
The committee members owe Jackie a debt of gratitude for making us sound
more intelligent and better organized than we might actually be.
Finally, I want to mention two possible spin-off benefits of the study and
report. First, most of the principles and guidelines described here also apply to
evaluating bioremediation that does not occur in situ. Although the inherent
difficulties of working in an in situ environment make evaluation especially
challenging, other bioremediation applications also are subject to uncertainties
and controversy that can be resolved only with the kind of rational evaluation
strategies described here. Second, the format for the workshop might provide a
prototype for effective interdisciplinary communications, one of the most critical
needs for implementing bioremediation, as well as other technologies.
The Role of Microbes in Bioremediation 17
How Microbes Destroy Contaminants 17
How Microbes Demobilize Contaminants 22
Indicators of Microbial Activity 23
Complicating Factors 25
Contaminants Susceptible to Bioremediation 29
Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Derivatives 32
Halogenated Compounds 33
Nitroaromatics 34
Metals 34
Environments Amenable to Bioremediation 35
Two Types of Bioremediation: Intrinsic and Engineered 35
Site Conditions for Engineered Bioremediation 39
Site Conditions for Intrinsic Bioremediation 41
Impact of Site Heterogeneity on Bioremediation 42
Further Reading 43
Key Terms for Understanding Bioremediation 19
Intrinsic Bioremediation of a Crude Oil Spill—Bemidji, 37
Site Characteristics that Favor In Situ Bioremediation 40
A Regulator's Perspective on In Situ Bioremediation 99
John M. Shauver
An Industry's Perspective on Intrinsic Bioremediation 104
Joseph P. Salanitro
Bioremediation from an Ecological Perspective 110
James M. Tiedje
In Situ Bioremediation: The State of the Practice 121
Richard A. Brown, William Mahaffey, and Robert D. Norris
Engineering Challenges of Implementing In Situ Bioremedia- 136
Lisa Alvarez-Cohen
Modeling In Situ Bioremediation 153
Philip B. Bedient and Hanadi S. Rifai
Testing Bioremediation in the Field 160
John T. Wilson
A Glossary 187
B Biographical Sketches of Committee Members and Staff 195
Executive Summary
which cannot be seen, and partly because it has become attractive for "snake oil
salesmen" who claim to be able to solve all types of contamination problems. As
long as the controversy remains, the full potential of this technology cannot be
In this report the Committee on In Situ Bioremediation communicates the
scientific and technological bases for in situ bioremediation, with the goal of
eliminating the mystery that shrouds this highly multidisciplinary technology.
The report presents guidelines for evaluating in situ bioremediation projects to
determine whether they will or are meeting cleanup goals. The Committee on In
Situ Bioremediation was established in June 1992 with the specific task of
developing such guidelines, and it represents the span of groups involved in
bioremediation: buyers of bioremediation services, bioremediation contractors,
environmental regulators, and academic researchers. Included with the report are
seven background papers, authored by committee members, representing the
range of perspectives from which bioremediation may be viewed.
The most important principle of bioremediation is that microorganisms
(mainly bacteria) can be used to destroy hazardous contaminants or transform
them to less harmful forms. The microorganisms act against the contaminants
only when they have access to a variety of materials—compounds to help them
generate energy and nutrients to build more cells. In a few cases the natural
conditions at the contaminated site provide all the essential materials in large
enough quantities that bioremediation can occur without human intervention—a
process called intrinsic bioremediation . More often, bioremediation requires the
construction of engineered systems to supply microbe-stimulating materials—a
process called engineered bioremediation. Engineered bioremediation relies on
accelerating the desired biodegradation reactions by encouraging the growth of
more organisms, as well as by optimizing the environment in which the
organisms must carry out the detoxification reactions.
A critical factor in deciding whether bioremediation is the appropriate
cleanup remedy for a site is whether the contaminants are susceptible to
biodegradation by the organisms at the site (or by organisms that could be
successfully added to the site). Although existing microorganisms can detoxify a
vast array of contaminants, some compounds are more easily degraded than
others. In general, the compounds most easily degraded in the subsurface are
petroleum hydrocarbons, but technologies for stimulating the growth of
to degrade a wide range of other contaminants are emerging and have been
successfully field tested.
The suitability of a site for bioremediation depends not only on the
contaminant's biodegradability but also on the site's geological and chemical
characteristics. The types of site conditions that favor bioremediation differ for
intrinsic and engineered bioremediation. For intrinsic bioremediation, the key site
characteristics are consistent ground water flow throughout the seasons; the
presence of minerals that can prevent pH changes; and high concentrations of
either oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, or ferric iron. For engineered bioremediation, the
key site characteristics are permeability of the subsurface to fluids, uniformity of
the subsurface, and relatively low (less than 10,000 mg/kg solids) residual
concentrations of nonaqueous-phase contaminants.
When deciding whether a site is suitable for bioremediation, it is important
to realize that no single set of site characteristics will favor bioremediation of all
contaminants. For example, certain compounds can only be degraded when
oxygen is absent, but destruction of others requires that oxygen be present. In
addition, one must consider how the bioremediation system may perform under
variable and not perfectly known conditions. A scheme that works optimally
under specific conditions but poorly otherwise may be inappropriate for in situ
Engineered Bioremediation
Engineered bioremediation may be chosen over intrinsic bioremediation
because of time and liability. Where an impending property transfer or potential
impact of contamination on the local community dictates the need for rapid
pollutant removal, engineered bioremediation
Intrinsic Bioremediation
Intrinsic bioremediation is an option when the naturally occurring rate of
contaminant biodegradation is faster than the rate of contaminant migration.
These relative rates depend on the type and concentration of contaminant, the
microbial community, and the subsurface hydrogeochemical conditions. The
ability of native microbes to metabolize the contaminant must be demonstrated
either in field tests or in laboratory tests performed on site-specific samples. In
addition, the effectiveness of intrinsic bioremediation must be continually
monitored by analyzing the fate of the contaminants and other reactants and
products indicative of biodegradation.
In intrinsic bioremediation the rate-controlling step is frequently the influx
of oxygen. When natural oxygen supplies become depleted, the microbes may
not be able to act quickly enough to contain the contamination. Lack of a
sufficiently large microbial population can also limit the cleanup rate. The
microbial population may be small because of a lack of nutrients, limited
availability of contaminants resulting from sorption to solid materials or other
physical phenomena, or an inhibitory condition such as low pH or the presence of a
toxic material.
Modeling Experiments
A final set of techniques for evaluating whether bioremediation is occurring
in the field uses models—sets of mathematical equations that quantify the
contaminant's fate. Modeling techniques provide a framework for formally
deciding what is known about contaminant behavior at field sites. When
modelers have a high degree of confidence that the model accurately represents
conditions at the site, modeling experiments can be used to demonstrate field
There are two general strategies for using models to evaluate
bioremediation. The first strategy, useful when biodegradation is the main
phenomenon controlling the contaminant's fate, is to model the abiotic processes
to determine how much contaminant loss they account for. Bioremediation is
indicated when the concentrations of contaminant actually found in field sites are
significantly lower than would be expected from predictions based on abiotic
processes (such as dilution, transport, and volatilization). The second strategy
involves directly modeling the microbial processes to estimate the biodegradation
rates. Direct modeling, while the intellectually superior approach, requires
quantitative information about the detailed interactions between microbial
populations and site characteristics. Because this information may be difficult to
obtain, direct modeling is primarily a topic of academic research and is seldom a
routinely applied procedure.
Four different types of models have been developed:
• Saturated flow models. These models describe where and how fast the
water and dissolved contaminants flow through the saturated zone.
• Multiphase flow models. These models characterize the situation in
which two or more fluids, such as water and a nonaqueous-phase
contaminant or water and air, exist together in the subsurface.
the committee has recommended. However, further research and better education
of those involved in bioremediation will improve the ability to apply the strategy
and understanding of the fundamentals behind bioremediation.
In the past decade the United States has spent billions of dollars trying to
cleanup contaminated ground water and soils, the legacy of an era in which
industry grew faster than knowledge about safe chemical disposal. Despite the
large financial investment, ground water cleanup efforts are falling short of public
expectations. Recent studies have revealed that, while conventional cleanup
technologies have prevented the contamination problem from spreading, in most
cases they are incapable of restoring the water to meet health-based standards in a
reasonable time frame. Soil cleanups have been more successful in meeting
regulatory standards. However, conventional soil cleanup methods may transfer
contaminants to the air, posing risks that are not always acceptable to residents
near the contaminated site. The limitations of conventional ground water cleanup
technologies and the hazards of conventional soil cleanup methods have spurred
investigations into in situ bioremediation, which uses microorganisms to destroy
or immobilize contaminants in place. Bioremediation is a promising alternative to
conventional cleanup technologies for both ground water and soil because it may
be faster, safer, and less costly.
Conventional methods for ground water cleanup rely on pumping water to
the surface and treating it there. Such pump-and-treat methods are slow; they
require the withdrawal of large volumes of water to flush contaminants from
aquifer solids, and they may leave
behind reservoirs of contaminants that are lighter or denser than water and/or
have low solubilities. By treating the problem close to its source, in situ,
bioremediation speeds contaminant desorption and dissolution. Consequently, a
cleanup that might require decades using pump-and-treat methods could possibly
be completed in a few years with bioremediation. In addition, pump-and-treat
methods do not destroy contaminants but simply bring them to the surface for
treatment or disposal elsewhere. In situ bioremediation, on the other hand, can
transform contaminants to harmless byproducts such as carbon dioxide and
Conventional methods for soil cleanup require digging up the contaminated
soil and either incinerating it or burying it at a specially designed disposal site.
Soil excavation and incineration may increase the exposure to contaminants for
both the workers at the site and nearby residents. Furthermore, excavation and
final disposal are extremely costly. By treating the soil in place, bioremediation
reduces both the exposure risk and the cleanup cost.
Because bioremediation shows promise as an alternative to conventional
environmental cleanup technologies, the number of vendors selling
bioremediation has increased dramatically in recent years. Bioremediation is one
of the fastest-growing sectors of the U.S. hazardous waste market. It is expected
to become a $500 million per year industry by the year 2000. Yet despite the
rapid growth in the use of this technology, bioremediation is not universally
understood or trusted by those who must approve its use, and its success is a hotly
debated issue.
A primary reason for the lack of understanding and mistrust of
bioremediation is that the technology requires knowledge not only of such fields
as environmental engineering and hydrology, which are important in
conventional cleanup methods, but also of the complex workings of
microorganisms. The potential for large profits, when combined with the
mysteriousness of applying microorganisms, makes bioremediation attractive for
''snake oil salesmen" who claim to be able to solve all types of contamination
problems. Many buyers of cleanup services and regulators who approve cleanup
plans lack the necessary background to evaluate whether a bioremediation
project has a feasible design. Furthermore, they may be unsure how to evaluate
whether an ongoing bioremediation project is progressing toward successful
completion. Consequently, some regulators and clients approach bioremediation
with skepticism, opting for more conventional technologies even when
bioremediation is the most appropriate technology for a particular site.
Principles of Bioremediation
FIGURE 2-1 Microbes degrade contaminants because in the process they gain
energy that allows them to grow and reproduce. Microbes get energy from the
contaminants by breaking chemical bonds and transferring electrons from the
contaminants to an electron acceptor, such as oxygen. They "invest" the energy,
along with some electrons and carbon from the contaminant, to produce more
water. Thus, the major byproducts of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide,
water, and an increased population of microorganisms.
Some of the metals that anaerobic organisms use as electron acceptors are
considered contaminants. For example, recent research has demonstrated that
some microorganisms can use soluble uranium (U6+) as an electron acceptor,
reducing it to insoluble uranium (U4+). Under this circumstance the organisms
cause the uranium to precipitate, decreasing its concentration and mobility in the
ground water.
Inorganic Compounds as Electron Donors. In addition to organisms that use
inorganic chemicals as electron acceptors for anaerobic respiration, other
organisms can use inorganic molecules as electron donors. Examples of inorganic
electron donors are ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (NO2-), reduced iron (Fe2+),
reduced manganese (Mn2+), and H2S. When these inorganic molecules are
oxidized (for example, to NO2-, NO3-, Fe3+, Mn4+, and SO42-, respectively), the
electrons are transferred to an electron acceptor (usually O2) to generate energy
for cell synthesis. In most cases, microorganisms whose primary electron donor is
an inorganic molecule must obtain their carbon from atmospheric CO2 (a process
called CO2 fixation).
Fermentation. A type of metabolism that can play an important role in
oxygen-free environments is fermentation. Fermentation requires no external
electron acceptors because the organic contaminant serves as both electron donor
and electron acceptor. Through a series of internal electron transfers catalyzed by
the microorganisms, the organic contaminant is converted to innocuous
compounds known as fermentation products. Examples of fermentation products
are acetate, propionate, ethanol, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Fermentation
products can be biodegraded by other species of bacteria, ultimately converting
them to carbon dioxide, methane, and water.
Secondary Utilization and Co-metabolism. In some cases, microorganisms
can transform contaminants, even though the transformation reaction yields little
or no benefit to the cell. The general term for such nonbeneficial
biotransformations is secondary utilization, and an important special case is
called co-metabolism. In co-metabolism the transformation of the contaminant is
an incidental reaction catalyzed by enzymes involved in normal cell metabolism
or special detoxification reactions. For example, in the process of oxidizing
methane, some bacteria can fortuitously degrade chlorinated solvents that they
would otherwise be unable to attack. When the microbes oxidize methane, they
produce certain enzymes that incidentally destroy the chlorinated solvent, even
though the solvent itself cannot support
microbial growth. The methane is the primary electron donor because it is the
organisms' primary food source, while the chlorinated solvent is a secondary
substrate because it does not support the bacteria's growth. In addition to
methane, toluene and phenol have been used as primary substrates to stimulate
co-metabolism of chlorinated solvents.
Reductive Dehalogenation. Another variation on microbial metabolism is
reductive dehalogenation. Reductive dehalogenation is potentially important in
the detoxification of halogenated organic contaminants, such as chlorinated
solvents. In reductive dehalogenation, microbes catalyze a reaction in which a
halogen atom (such as chlorine) on the contaminant molecule gets replaced with a
hydrogen atom. The reaction adds two electrons to the contaminant molecule,
thus reducing the contaminant.
For reductive dehalogenation to proceed, a substance other than the
halogenated contaminant must be present to serve as the electron donor. Possible
electron donors are hydrogen and low-molecular-weight organic compounds
(lactate, acetate, methanol, or glucose). In most cases, reductive dehalogenation
generates no energy but is an incidental reaction that may benefit the cell by
eliminating a toxic material. However, researchers are beginning to find
examples in which cells can obtain energy from this metabolic process.
useful for containing hazardous materials. There are three basic ways microbes
can be used to demobilize contaminants:
Chemical Changes
Bioremediation alters the ground water chemistry. These chemical changes
follow directly from the physiological principles of microorganisms outlined
above. Microbial metabolism catalyzes reactions that consume well-defined
reactants—contaminants and O2 or other electron acceptors—converting them to
well-defined products.
The specific chemical reactants and products can be determined from the
chemical equations for the reactions the microbes catalyze. These equations are
familiar to anyone with a basic understanding of microbiology. For example, the
chemical equation for the degradation of toluene (C7H8) is:
Here, TCA and hydrogen (H2) decrease as DCA, hydrogen ion (H+), and
chloride ion (Cl-) increase. The formation of hydrogen ion may cause the pH to
decrease, depending on the ground water chemistry.
In general, under aerobic conditions, one should expect to observe a drop in
the O2 concentration when microbes are active. Similarly, under anaerobic
conditions, concentrations of other electron acceptors— NO3-, SO42-, Fe3+, Mn4+
—will decrease, with a corresponding increase in the reduced species of these
compounds (N2, H2S, Fe2+, and Mn2+, respectively). Under both types of
conditions the inorganic carbon concentration should increase, because organic
carbon is oxidized. The inorganic carbon may take the form of gaseous CO2,
dissolved CO2, or bicarbonate ion (HCO3-).
Growth of Predators
Although bacteria are the agents for biodegradation during bioremediation,
other organisms that prey on bacteria also may grow as a result of
bioremediation. Protozoa are the most common bacterial predators. Just as
mammalian predators, such as wolves, can only be supported by certain densities
of their prey, microbial protozoan predators flourish only when their bacterial
prey are in large, rapidly replenished supplies. Thus, the presence of protozoa
normally signifies that enough bacteria have grown to degrade a significant
quantity of contaminants.
Complicating Factors
The basic principles of how microbes degrade contaminants are relatively
straightforward. Yet many details of microbial metabolism are not yet
understood, and the successful use of microbes in bioremediation is not a simple
matter. A range of factors may complicate bioremediation. Some of the key
complicating factors are the unavailability of contaminants to the organisms,
toxicity of contaminants to the organisms, microbial preference for some
contaminants or naturally occurring chemicals over other contaminants, partial
degradation of contaminants to produce hazardous byproducts, inability to
remove contaminants to very low concentrations, and aquifer clogging from
excessive biomass growth.
times build up. In the second case the intermediate builds up even though the
compound can be fully degraded, because some of the key bacterially mediated
reactions are slow. For example, vinyl chloride, a cancer-causing agent, may
build up during trichloroethylene (TCE) biodegradation. The bacteria can convert
TCE to vinyl chloride relatively quickly, but the subsequent degradation of vinyl
chloride usually occurs slowly.
Aquifer Clogging
Stimulating the growth of enough microorganisms to ensure contaminant
degradation is essential to in situ bioremediation. However, if all the organisms
accumulate in one place, such as near the wells that supply growth-stimulating
nutrients and electron acceptors, microbial growth can clog the aquifer. Clogging
can interfere with effective circulation of the nutrient solution, limiting
bioremediation in places that the solution does not reach. Protozoan predators
may help mitigate clogging. In addition, two engineering strategies can help
prevent clogging: (1) feeding nutrients and substrates in alternating pulses and (2)
adding hydrogen peroxide as the oxygen source. Pulse feeding prevents excessive
biomass growth by ensuring that high concentrations of all the growth-stimulating
materials do not accumulate near the injection point. Hydrogen peroxide prevents
excessive growth because it is a strong disinfectant, until it decomposes to oxygen
and water.
nonaqueous-phase liquid
Alcohols, ketones, esters Common Established
Ethers Common Emerging Biodegradable under a narrow
range of conditions using
aerobic or nitrate-reducing
Halogenated Aliphatics
Highly chlorinated Very frequent Emerging Cometabolized by anaerobic Forms nonaqueous-phase
microbes; cometabolized by liquid
aerobes in special cases
Less chlorinated Very frequent Emerging Aerobically biodegradable Forms nonaqueous-phase
under a narrow range of liquid
conditions; cometabolized by
anaerobic microbes
Halogenated Compounds
Halogenated compounds are compounds with halogen atoms (usually
chlorine, bromine, or fluorine) added to them in place of hydrogen atoms.
Although halogenated organic compounds have been found in nature, these are
not significant compared to the synthetic chemicals listed in the middle portion of
Table 2-1. When halogen atoms are introduced into organic molecules, many
properties, such as solubility, volatility, density, and toxicity, change markedly.
These changes confer improvements that are valuable for commercial products,
such as solvents used for degreasing, but they also have serious implications for
microbial metabolism. The susceptibility of the chemicals to enzymatic attack is
sometimes drastically decreased by halogenation, and persistent compounds often
result. Consequently, bioremediation technologies for these chemicals are still
There are two broad classes of halogenated chemicals: halogenated
aliphatics and halogenated aromatics.
Halogenated Aliphatics
Halogenated aliphatic compounds are compounds built from straight chains
of carbon and hydrogen with varying numbers of hydrogen atoms replaced by
halogen atoms. Halogenated aliphatics are effective solvents and degreasers and
have been widely used in manufacturing and service industries, ranging from
automobile manufacturing to dry cleaning. Some highly chlorinated
representatives of this class, such as tetrachloroethene, are completely resistant to
attack by aerobic microbes but are susceptible to degradation by special classes
of anaerobic organisms. In fact, recent evidence shows that certain anaerobes can
completely dechlorinate tetrachloroethene to the relatively nontoxic compound
ethene, which is readily decomposed by aerobic microbes.
As the degree of halogenation in aliphatics diminishes, susceptibility to
aerobic metabolism increases. The less halogenated ethenes may be destroyed by
cometabolism when certain aerobic microbes are supplied with methane, toluene,
or phenol, as described earlier in this chapter. Thus, a common treatment
rationale for the highly chlorinated aliphatics is to remove the chlorine atoms
anaerobically, with methanogens, and then complete the biodegradation process
using aerobic cometabolism. However, routine procedures for implementing
anaerobic/aerobic sequencing to bioremediate sites contaminated with chlorinated
aliphatic materials are not yet established at the commercial scale.
Halogenated Aromatics
Halogenated aromatics are compounds built from one or more halogen-
bearing benzene rings. Examples include chlorinated benzenes, used as solvents
and pesticides; pentachlorophenol, used in fungicides and herbicides; and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), once widely used in electrical transformers
and capacitors. The aromatic benzene nucleus is susceptible to aerobic and
anaerobic metabolism, although the latter occurs relatively slowly. Overall,
however, the presence of halogen atoms on the aromatic ring governs
biodegradability. A high degree of halogenation may prevent aromatic
compounds from being aerobically metabolized, as is the case for highly
chlorinated PCBs. However, as discussed above for the aliphatic compounds,
anaerobic microbes can remove chlorine atoms from the highly halogenated
aromatics. As the halogen atoms are replaced by hydrogen atoms, the molecules
become susceptible to aerobic attack. Thus, a possible bioremediation scenario
for treating soils, sediments, or water contaminated with halogenated aromatic
chemicals is anaerobic dehalogenation followed by aerobic destruction of the
residual compounds. It should be noted, however, that when certain substituent
groups accompany the halogens on the aromatic ring, aerobic metabolism may
proceed rapidly, as is the case for pentachlorophenol.
Nitroaromatics are organic chemicals in which the nitro group (–NO2) is
bonded to one or more carbons in a benzene ring. A familiar example is
trinitrotoluene (TNT), which is used in explosives. Laboratory research has
shown that both aerobic and anaerobic microbes can convert many of these
compounds to carbon dioxide, water, and mineral components. Recent field tests
have confirmed that anaerobic microbes can transform nitroaromatics to
innocuous volatile organic acids, like acetate, which then may be mineralized.
The metals listed in Table 2-1 are common pollutants inadvertently released
during the manufacture of various industrial products, from steel to
pharmaceuticals. Microorganisms cannot destroy metals, but they can alter their
reactivity and mobility. Schemes for using microorganisms to mobilize metals
from one location and scavenge the metal from another location have been
applied to mining operations. Microbes produce acids that can leach metals, like
from low-grade ores. This same approach should be feasible for bioremediation
purposes, but it has not been proven. Microorganisms can also demobilize metals
by transforming them to a form that precipitates (see
"How Microbes Demobilize Contaminants," earlier in this chapter).
Baedecker, M. J., D. I. Siegal, P. E. Bennett, and I. M. Cozzarelli. 1989. The Fate and Effects of
Crude Oil in a Shallow Aquifer: I. The Distribution of Chemical Species and Geochemical
Facies. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4220. Reston,
Va.: U.S. Geological Survey.
Baedecker, M. J., I. M. Cozzarelli, D. I. Siegal, P. E. Bennett, and R. P. Eganhouse. In press. Crude
oil in a shallow sand and gravel aquifer: 3. Biogeochemical reactions and mass balance
modeling in anoxic ground-water. Applied Geochemistry.
Cozzarelli, I. M., R. P. Eganhouse, and M. J. Baedecker. 1991. Transformation of monoaromatic
hydrocarbons to organic acids in anoxic ground-water environment. Environmental Geology
and Water Sciences 16(2):135-141.
Hult, M. F. 1984. Ground-Water Contamination by Crude Oil at the Bemidji, Minnesota Research
Site. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4188. Reston, Va.:
U.S. Geological Survey.
have also been used to describe intrinsic bioremediation. Box 2-2 describes a
Minnesota site where researchers documented that intrinsic bioremediation
prevented the further spreading of crude oil contamination.
Engineered bioremediation is the acceleration of microbial activities using
engineered site-modification procedures, such as installation of wells to circulate
fluids and nutrients to stimulate microbial growth. The principal strategy of
engineered bioremediation is to isolate and control contaminated field sites so
that they become in situ bioreactors. Other terms used to describe engineered
bioremediation include "biorestoration" and "enhanced bioremediation."
As summarized in Box 2-3 and described below, the site conditions that
influence a bioremediation project's success differ for intrinsic and engineered
the contaminants are essentially nonmobile and occupy much less pore space
than the water. The specific concentration value at which nonaqueous-phase
contaminants begin interfering with fluid circulation varies depending on the
contaminant (the value is higher for denser contaminants) and the soil.
ignored. Most ground waters have more nitrate and sulfate than oxygen. This is
particularly true in agricultural areas that have been overfertilized and in arid
regions where gypsum is dissolved in the ground water.
The concentration of electron acceptors required to ensure bioremediation
varies with the contaminant's chemical characteristics and the amount of
contamination. More soluble contaminants and large contaminant sources require
larger electron acceptor concentrations. Natural ground water circulation
conditions at the site also influence the required amount of electron acceptor. The
circulation patterns should provide enough mixing between contaminated water
and surrounding water that the organisms never consume all of the electron
acceptors within the bioremediation region. If the electron acceptor supply
becomes depleted, bioremediation will slow or cease.
Also necessary for intrinsic bioremediation is the presence of the elemental
nutrients that microbes require for cell building, especially nitrogen and
phosphorus. Although nutrients must be present naturally for intrinsic
bioremediation to proceed, the quantity of nutrients required is much less than the
quantity of electron acceptors. Therefore, a nutrient shortage is less likely to limit
intrinsic bioremediation than an inadequate electron acceptor supply.
under variable and not perfectly known conditions. A scheme that works
optimally under specific conditions but poorly otherwise may be inappropriate
for in situ bioremediation.
While this chapter has briefly reviewed the principles underlying successful
bioremediation, the references listed in Table 2-2 provide more thorough
coverage of the key disciplines related to bioremediation. The list is not
exhaustive. The references it provides were selected to represent the diversity of
attitudes, perspectives, and paradigms that are pertinent to understanding
Wrenn. 1992. A Critical Review of In Situ Bioremediation. microbiological, engineering, and institutional possibilities
Chicago: Gas Research Institute. and restrictions for in situ bioremediation.
Statistics ASCE Task Committee. 1990. Review of geostatistics in Discusses geostatistical techniques and how they can assist
geohydrology, parts I and II. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic in the solution of estimation problems, including
Engineering 116(5):612-658. interpolation, averaging, and network design.
Commercial application Hinchee, R. E., and R. F. Olfenbuttel, eds. 1992. In Situ Papers in this compendium discuss field and research
Bioreclamation: Applications and Investigations for studies of in situ and on-site bioremediation.
Hydrocarbon and Contaminated Site Remediation.
Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.
The Current Practice of Bioremediation
outlined here extend to a much broader range of uses for the technology in the
Engineered Bioremediation
Engineered bioremediation may be chosen over intrinsic bioremediation
because of time and liability. Because engineered bioremediation accelerates
biodegradation reaction rates, this technology is appropriate for situations where
time constraints for contaminant elimination are short or where transport
processes are causing the contaminant plume to advance rapidly. The need for
rapid pollutant removal may be driven by an impending property transfer or by
the impact of contamination on the local community. A shortened cleanup time
means a correspondingly lower cost of maintaining the site, as more rapid
remediation reduces the long-term sampling and analysis costs. Actions implicit
in engineered bioremediation also address the political and psychological needs
of a client or community that has been affected by the contamination. The
construction and operation of engineered bioremediation systems can
demonstrate to the local community that the party responsible for the
contamination has a responsive "good neighbor" attitude.
Engineered bioremediation can take a number of forms. The different
applications vary according to both the context of the contamination (site
geology, hydrology, and chemistry) and the biochemical processes to be
harnessed. Regardless of site conditions, however, certain principal parameters
guide the design, depending on whether the system is to treat soil or water.
zone), the treatment system relies on transport of materials through the gas
phase. Thus, engineered bioremediation is effected primarily through the use of
an aeration system, oxygen being the electron acceptor of choice for the systems
used so far to treat petroleum contamination. If the contamination is shallow,
simple tilling of the soil may accelerate oxygen delivery sufficiently to promote
bioremediation. For deeper contamination, aeration is most commonly provided
by applying a vacuum, but it may also be supplied by injecting air. In either case
the three primary control parameters are, in order of importance, oxygen supply,
moisture maintenance, and the supply of nutrients and other reactants. Figure 3-1
shows an
FIGURE 3-1 Engineered bioremediation system for treating soil above the water
table (indicated by triangles at the bottom of the drawing). The vacuum pumps
circulate air to supply oxygen. The infiltration gallery in the center of the diagram
supplies water to replace lost moisture and nutrients to stimulate microbial
This can cause drying that, if severe enough, may impede biological
processes. Therefore, maintaining a proper moisture balance is critical to the
system's success. Moisture is added to the treatment area by spraying or flooding
the surface (if the surface is relatively permeable) or by injecting water through
infiltration galleries, trenches, or dry wells. Care must be taken that excess water
is not added, because it can leach contaminants into the ground water or decrease
the amount of air in the subsurface pores.
If inorganic nutrients or other stimulants are required to maintain the
effectiveness of the bioremediation system, they may be added in soluble form
through the system used for moisture maintenance, as shown in Figure 3-1. In
some cases, nutrients and stimulants could be added as gases. At some sites,
nitrogen has been added in the form of gaseous ammonia. Future applications of
bioremediation could add methane gas to stimulate the cometabolism of
chlorinated ethenes. Gaseous additives can be administered through wells or
trenches constructed parallel to the aeration system.
drinking water or uncontaminated ground water is used for injection. The injected
ground water moves through the saturated sediments toward the ground water
capture system. As the amended water moves through the contaminated portions
of the site, it increases microbial activity by providing the elements that limit
intrinsic biodegradation.
filed with air that is easily available to the microbes. Second, air sparging can
help remove volatile contaminants. As the injected air sweeps upward through the
contaminated zone, it can carry volatile contaminants to the soil above the water
table for capture by a vapor recovery system.
Intrinsic Bioremediation
Because intrinsic bioremediation relies on the innate capabilities of naturally
occurring microbial communities, the capacity of the native microbes to carry out
intrinsic bioremediation must be documented in laboratory tests performed on
site-specific samples. These tests must be carried out before intrinsic
bioremediation can be proposed as a legitimate cleanup strategy. In addition, the
effectiveness of intrinsic bioremediation must be proven with a site-monitoring
regime that includes chemical analysis of contaminants, final electron acceptors,
and/or other reactants or products indicative of biodegradation processes (as
explained in Chapter 4).
Intrinsic bioremediation may be used alone or in conjunction with other
remediation techniques. For instance, soils may be excavated for disposal or
treatment, with intrinsic bioremediation used to eliminate residual contamination.
Similarly, this process may be implemented after a pump-and-treat or engineered
bioremediation system has reduced the potential for migration of contaminants
off site.
For intrinsic bioremediation to be effective, the rate of contaminant
biodegradation must be faster than the rate of contaminant migration. These
relative rates depend on the type of contaminant, the microbial community, and
the subsurface hydrogeochemical conditions. Frequently, the rate-controlling step
is the influx of oxygen. Lack of a sufficiently large microbial population can also
limit the cleanup rate; this can be caused by a lack of nutrients or an inhibitory
condition, such as low pH or the presence of a toxic material.
Prior to implementation of intrinsic bioremediation, the site must be
thoroughly investigated. Parameters of concern include the type, mass, and
distribution of contaminant; the contaminant's susceptibility to biodegradation by
microorganisms at the site; the flow of ground water under nonpumping
conditions (including seasonal fluctuations); historical data on plume migration;
and the closeness and sensitivity of potential receptors that may be adversely
affected if reached by the contaminant. If information on all of these parameters
is available, a mathematical model can be used to predict the rates of migration
and biodegradation. Thus, prospects for expansion or recession of the
contaminated area can be assessed.
The general approach required to earn credibility in the bioremediation
industry is the same as for any technical business: work only within areas of
expertise, be aware of the general limitations of the technology, pay attention to
details, and work closely with clients. In general, buyers of bioremediation
services can determine whether a bioremediation contractor is competent to do
the job by reviewing the contractor's credentials. Competent contracting firms
have employees and consulting experts with credentials in the scientific and
engineering fields important to bioremediation. And, like any other successful
business, a bioremediation firm should have a
Evaluating In Situ Bioremediation
Roberts, P. V., G. C. Hopkins, D. M. Mackay, and L. Semprini. 1990. A field evaluation of in situ
biodegradation of chlorinated ethenes: Part 1—Methodology and field site characterization.
Groundwater 28:591-604.
Semprini, L., P. V. Roberts, G. D. Hopkins, and P. L. McCarty. 1990. A field evaluation of in situ
biodegradation of chlorinated ethenes: Part 2—The results of biostimulation and
biotransformation experiments. Groundwater 28:715-727.
Number of Bacteria
When microbes metabolize contaminants, they usually reproduce. (In
general, the larger the number of active microbes, the more quickly the
contaminants will be degraded.) Thus, samples correlating contaminant loss with
an increase in the number of contaminant-degrading bacteria above the normal
conditions provide one indicator that active bioremediation may be occurring in
the field. When contaminant biodegradation rates are low, such as when
contaminant levels are low or biodegradable components are inaccessible,
increases in the number of bacteria may not be great enough to detect above
background levels, given the error in sampling and measurement techniques.
Thus, the absence of a large increase in bacterial numbers does not necessarily
mean that bioremediation is unsuccessful.
The first issue for determining the size of the bacterial population is what to
sample. In principle, the best samples include the solid matrix (the soil and rock
that hold the ground water) and the associated pore water. Because most
microorganisms are attached to solid surfaces or are trapped in the intersticies
between soil grains, sampling only the water normally underestimates the total
number of bacteria, sometimes by as much as several orders of magnitude. In
addition, water samples may misrepresent the distribution of microbial types,
because a water sample may contain only those bacteria easily dislodged from
surfaces or that can be transported in the moving ground water.
While obtaining soil samples from the earth's surface is not difficult,
With gene probing and fatty acid analysis, it is unnecessary to grow the
bacteria in the laboratory to detect what kinds and how many are present in a
sample. While holding great promise, these new methods are still in the
development and testing stages.
Number of Protozoans
Because protozoans prey on bacteria, an increase in the number of
protozoans suggests a major increase in the number of bacteria. Therefore,
samples correlating contaminant loss with growth in the protozoan population can
provide further evidence of active bioremediation. The protozoan population can
be counted using a statistical MPN technique similar to that used for bacteria. The
MPN technique for counting protozoans requires growing various dilutions of the
soil or water sample in cultures containing a large number of bacterial prey.
Whether protozoans grow to feed on these prey can be determined by viewing the
diluted samples through a microscope.
Nelson, C., R. J. Hicks, and S. D. Andrews. In press. In situ bioremediation: an integrated system
approach. In Bioremediation: Field Experiences, P. E. Flathman, D. E. Jerger, and J. H.
Exner, eds. Chelsea, Mich.: Lewis Publishers.
available and can be used in microcosm tests to trace the pollutant's fate very
precisely. Comparing the microcosm-generated biodegradation rates under a
variety of conditions can provide valuable information concerning whether
environmental conditions in the field are conductive for high degradation rates.
The careful control and monitoring possible in microcosms make rate
determinations much less ambiguous than rates measured in the field.
Methods that rely on laboratory microcosms have uncertainties associated
with directly extrapolating the laboratory results to the field. The delicate balance
of chemical, physical, and biological relationships that influence bioremediation
can change rapidly with environmental disturbances, such as to oxygen
concentration, pH, and nutrient concentration. Research has shown that microbes
removed to the laboratory may behave differently from those in the field—
Bacterial Adaptation
Over time, bacteria at a contaminated site may develop the capability to
metabolize contaminants that they were unable to transform—or that they
transformed very slowly—when the contaminant was first spilled. Thus,
metabolic adaptation provides evidence of bioremediation in the field. Adaptation
can result from an increase in the number of bacteria able to metabolize the
contaminant or from genetic or physiological changes within the individual
Microcosm studies are well suited for assessing adaptation. An increase in
the rate at which microorganisms in the sample transform the contaminant in
microcosm tests provides evidence that adaptation has occurred and
bioremediation is working. The rate increase can be determined by comparing
samples from the bioremediation zone with samples from an adjacent location or
by comparing rates before and after bioremediation.
Developments based on tools used in molecular biology may provide new
methods for tracking whether bacteria have adapted to degrade certain
contaminants. Gene probes specifically targeting degradative genes can be
constructed and can, at least in principle, determine if that gene is present in a
mixed population. Using probes in this manner requires knowledge of the DNA
sequence in the degradative gene.
For the special case when a genetically engineered microorganism is applied
to a site for bioaugmentation, the engineered organism can be fitted with a
reporter gene that is expressed only when a degradative gene of interest also is
expressed. Thus, the protein product of the reporter gene signals (for example, by
emitting light) that the degradative gene is present and is being expressed in the
in situ population.
carbon taken from site samples has a 13C/12C ratio much lower than the ratio for
carbon from mineral sources, it is likely that the carbon originates from
contaminant biodegradation.
The second type of application exploits isotope fractionation, in which
microbial metabolism usually creates inorganic carbon that is enriched in 12C,
while the remaining organic contaminant source becomes enriched in 13C. For
example, microorganisms degrade the lighter (12C) isotopic forms of petroleum
hydrocarbons more quickly than they degrade the heavier (13C) forms. As a
result, the petroleum hydrocarbons remaining in the subsurface become relatively
enriched in 13C as bioremediation proceeds. Thus, observation of a decreasing
13C/12C ratio in inorganic carbon, coupled with an increase in the
ratio for the organic source, usually provides evidence that the inorganic carbon
is being produced by contaminant biodegradation.
An exception to the typical trend of decreasing 13C/12C ratios in inorganic
carbon occurs during methanogenesis, in which the end product of contaminant
biodegradation is not CO2, but methane (CH4). Methanogenic organisms
consume CO2 by converting it to CH4. In the process the pool of CO2 becomes
depleted in 12C, while the methane generated by the organisms becomes enriched
in 12C. Thus, in methanogenic environments the 13C/12C ratio observed in
samples of inorganic carbon may increase, instead of decreasing. Meanwhile, in
the methane—the final sink for the carbon from the contaminant—the 13C/12C
ratio decreases.
The 13C/12C ratio can be determined by analyzing samples with a mass
spectrometer, a standard chemist's tool for separating isotopes and determining
the relative masses of chemical compounds. The procedures for determining
isotope ratios are elaborate, expensive, and only pertinent if the characteristic
13C/12C ratio of the contaminant source can be ascertained. Today, the 13C/12C
because they are able to carry out many important biotransformation reactions
when the supply of oxygen is limited. In addition, certain anaerobes are best able
to carry out the initial dechlorination steps for highly chlorinated solvents and
PCBs (see Table 2-1). Increases in metabolic products produced by anaerobes can
signal an increase in anaerobic activity and indicate successful bioremediation
(see Box 2-2). Key byproducts of anaerobic respiration include methane,
sulfides, reduced forms of iron and manganese, and nitrogen gas. When
significant amounts of chlorinated compounds are biotransformed, increases in
chloride ion also may be observable. These measurements give the strongest
evidence when parallel measurements confirm an anaerobic (oxygen-depleted)
environment, loss of electron acceptors other than oxygen (for example, nitrate
and sulfate), and consumption of electron donors responsible for the loss of the
electron acceptors.
Harkness, M. R., J. B. McDermott, D. A. Abramowicz, J. J. Salvo, W. P. Flanagan, M. L. Stephens,
F. J. Mondello, R. J. May, J. H. Lobos, K. M. Carroll, M. J. Brennan, A. A. Bracco, K. M.
Fish, G. L. Warner, P. R. Wilson, D. K. Dietrich, D. T. Lin, C. B. Morgan, and W. L.
Gately. 1993. In situ stimulation of aerobic PCB biodegradation in Hudson River sediments.
Science 259(Jan. 22):503-507.
Labeling Contaminants
A fourth type of field experiment involves monitoring the fate of "labeled"
contaminants. Contaminants can be labeled by synthesizing versions in which the
contaminant molecules contain a known amount of a stable isotope, usually 13C
or deuterium (a hydrogen isotope). If the expected metabolic byproducts, such as
inorganic carbon and intermediary metabolites, carry the same relative amounts
of 13C and deuterium as the labeled contaminants, bioremediation is occurring.
This technique is useful primarily for field research and not commercial
bioremediation because it involves synthesizing a special version of the
contaminant, which is costly, and adding it to the site, which temporarily
increases the level of contamination. In addition, contaminant labeling is useful
only for situations in which the contaminant source can be located. Adding the
labeled compound to the wrong location may result in a false negative.
Modeling Experiments
A final type of technique for evaluating whether bioremediation is occurring
in the field uses models—sets of mathematical equations that quantify the
contaminant's fate. Models keep track of all the contaminant mass that enters the
subsurface, describing how much dissolves, how much sorbs to solids, how much
reacts with other chemicals, how much flushes out in the water, and how much
biodegrades. The goal of using models is to see whether predictions of
contaminant fate based on interpretation of the phenomena taking place during
the bioremediation, as described by the model, match what is happening in the
field, as determined by field sampling.
Contaminated field sites can be efficiently managed with the aid of models
because models provide a means for synthesizing all relevant
Types of Models
Because so many complex processes interact in the subsurface, four
different types of models have been developed: saturated flow, multiphase flow,
geochemical, and reaction rate models. Each model describes a different suite of
subsurface processes and is used in particular ways to evaluate bioremediation.
Ultimately, researchers often combine two or more types of models to do a
complete evaluation.
Saturated Flow Models. Saturated flow models start by describing where and
how fast the water flows through the saturated zone (the region below the water
table). These models are derived from basic principles of conservation of fluid
mass. Saturated flow is reasonably well understood, and the basic forms of these
models for water flow are relatively simple, accurate, and accepted.
Once the direction and velocity of water flow are known, saturated flow
models can be extended to describe the movement of dissolved contaminants.
These contaminant transport models are based on principles of conservation of
chemical mass. When the model contains no terms for reactions, it describes the
fate of a conservative tracer. The conservative material basically moves with the
water flow, although it is subject to processes that disperse, or mix, the
Sorption of contaminants to the solid matrix slows the movement of the
dissolved contaminants, compared to the water. Sorption effects often can be
modeled simply by incorporating "retardation factors" that reflect the slower rate
of transport of the contaminant relative
to the water. In other cases, sorption phenomena are more complex than can be
captured by a simple retardation factor and must be modeled using equations that
consider sorption and desorption rates.
In special cases, biodegradation reactions can be described by very simple
expressions (for example, first-order decay) that are easily incorporated into the
transport part of a saturated flow model. However, many biodegradation
phenomena are too complex to be incorporated so simply into a saturated flow
model. Special modeling tools are needed and are discussed in the section below
on biological reaction rate models.
Multiphase Flow Models. Whereas saturated flow models describe the flow
of only one fluid, the ground water, through a porous medium, multiphase flow
models describe the situation in which two or more fluids exist together in the
porous medium. The fluids can be liquids or gases. The most common multiphase
flow models predict the movement of water and contaminants above the water
table, where a gas phase is present. This situation is called unsaturated flow.
Addition of a light nonaqueous-phase liquid contaminant such as gasoline, which
resides at or near the top of the water table, is a further complication that may be
considered in models of unsaturated flow. Multiphase flow models also can
describe the flow of dense nonaqueous-phase liquids such as chlorinated
solvents, which move in a distinct mass separate from the ground water.
The phenomena controlling multiphase flow are not as well understood and
are much more difficult to represent mathematically than are those for water flow
in the saturated zone because they involve complex interactions among solids,
water, air, and nonaqueous phases. The accuracy of multiphase flow models for
water direction and velocity is limited by the large number of required transport
parameters. Furthermore, the modeling community has not yet reached a
consensus as to which modeling approach is most valid. Despite these
limitations, multiphase flow modeling provides a framework for conceptualizing
the movement of fluids in the subsurface and for making order-of-magnitude
estimates of fluid movement.
If the direction and velocity of fluid flows can be predicted, modeling
contaminant transport with multiphase flow models is similar to that for saturated
flow. However, contaminant transport is complicated by the multiple phases,
which introduce heterogeneities that affect dispersion and sorption.
Geochemical Models. At many contaminated sites, the contaminants are
subject to a significant number of different chemical reactions.
in which qmax describes the reaction rate per unit amount of biomass for
optimal conditions, X is the amount of active biomass, f(S1, S2 , .…) is a
mathematical function that describes how substrate transport
and concentration reduce the rate from the optimal rate, and S1, S2,. … represent
different substrates that participate in the reaction. The value of X is not
necessarily constant; it can change with time and location. Keeping track of X is
part of the model. The f(S1, S2,. …) function can range from very simple, such as
the concentration of just one substrate, to complex sets of equations involving
several substrates and rate parameters. Determination of appropriate rate
expressions and parameter values for those expressions is an active research area.
Combining Models. In many cases, evaluating bioremediation involves
combining two or more of the model types. For example, in situ bioremediation
of a chlorinated solvent may require a multiphase flow model coupled to a
sophisticated biodegradation rate model. The multiphase flow model tracks the
movements of the water and the solvent; once the flows are known, a transport
model uses a biodegradation rate model as a sink term.
Biodegradation rate models are most easily combined with flow models
when one rate-limiting material can be identified. The rate-limiting material often
is the primary electron donor or electron acceptor. For example, the
biodegradation rate of petroleum hydrocarbons often can be modeled with
dissolved oxygen as the rate-limiting substance. In several successful modeling
studies, overall biodegradation rates could be modeled by the rate at which
oxygen entered the bioremediation zone.
The major simplification achieved by assuming rate limitation solely by
oxygen should not be considered a general rule. It can be appropriate for
biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons (a process that is especially sensitive
to low oxygen concentrations) when the input rate for dissolved oxygen is low
compared to the amount of hydrocarbon present and the site is large. Because
these conditions are not true in many other situations, biodegradation rate
modeling may require different and more sophisticated approaches.
Except when the biodegradation or geochemical models are very simple,
coupling them with flow models requires more than an extension of the existing
contaminant transport models used for conservative tracers. Considerable
attention must be given to proper model formulation and to efficient and accurate
solution techniques. Otherwise, costs and computer time will be excessive.
Chiang, C. Y., J. P. Salanitro, E. Y. Chai, J. D. Colthart, and C. L. Klein. 1989. Aerobic
biodegradation of benzene, toluene, and xylene in a sandy aquifer: data analysis and
computer modeling. Groundwater 27(6):823-834.
than those of the other phenomena, and the model can consider only the
phenomena having relatively high rates. If the biodegradation rate is high enough
that it should remain in the model, the model provides prima facie evidence that
bioremediation is working. Solution of the complete model can verify the
Limitations of Models
Although a powerful tool, modeling has its shortcomings. One shortcoming
is that a model's validity must be established on a site-by-site basis, because no
"off-the-shelf" models are available for evaluating bioremediation on a routine
basis. Although a drawback in terms of time and cost, model validation may be a
net advantage because it results in a more complete understanding of the site.
Another limitation is that determining each of the many modeling parameters
(such as hydraulic conductivity, retardation factors, and biodegradation rate
parameters) may be as demanding and expensive as making the measurements
for other types of verification criteria. Thus, a trade-off may exist between better
modeling and more field measurements.
Despite its limitations, modeling should be a routinely used tool for
understanding the dynamic changes that occur in field sites during
bioremediation. Although the complexity and type of model can vary, modeling
is a valuable tool for linking conceptual understanding of the bioremediation
process with field observations and for giving weight to a limited set of data.
Even if site complexities preclude assembling a model that provides valid
quantitative predictions, models are valuable management tools because they
integrate many types of information relevant to the fate of contaminants.
may be gathered. Even assuming the laboratory results are completely error free,
uncertainty arises from extrapolating these point samples in an attempt to portray a
complete picture of how the water's chemical composition varies in space.
Because evaluation of bioremediation requires integrating concepts and
tools from very different disciplines, efforts to synthesize information from these
different disciplines can create problems. For example, microbiologists and
hydrogeologists use space and temporal scales that seldom match. The seconds
and micrometers characteristic of microbial processes are very much smaller than
the months and kilometers typical of hydrogeological descriptions of landscape
processes. Thus, the hydrologic data describing large-scale water flow do not
always meet a microbiologist's needs for understanding the small-scale
mechanisms that control microbial activity. For instance, models efficient for the
typical space scale of water movement (i.e., meters to kilometers) obliterate all of
the details of microbial reactions, which occur in distances of micrometers to
A prime example of the problem of trying to synthesize different scales is
illustrated by the problems encountered when trying to document major increases
in biomass during in situ bioremediation. Microorganisms often are highly
localized near their food sources. This localization makes it difficult to "find" the
organisms when only a few samples can be taken. Microbial numbers,
biodegradation rate estimates, or biodegradation potentials can vary
tremendously, depending on whether the sample was from a location of high
microbial activity or from a nearby location with low activity. Microbiological
variability occurs on a small scale compared to the scale represented by field
samples. Consequently, uncertainty in microbiological parameters always is a
Three strategies can help minimize uncertainty and should play important
roles in evaluating bioremediation: (1) increasing the number of samples, (2)
using models so that important variables are properly weighted and variables with
little influence are eliminated, and (3) compensating for uncertainties by building
safety factors into the design of engineering systems. Investigators can trade-off
these three strategies. For example, if gathering a large number of samples or
using sophisticated models is not possible, larger safety factors can cover the
resulting uncertainty. At small field research sites designed to investigate
bioremediation of contaminants not yet treated on a commercial scale, a large
number of samples and complex models may be possible—and necessary—to
draw detailed conclusions from the research results. On the other hand, at large
commercial sites, a similarly high density of samples may be cost prohibitive, and
it may
be more appropriate to rely on larger safety factors to account for the greater
Uncertainties in evaluating bioremediation can be minimized but not
eliminated. Investigators cannot fully understand the details of whether and how
bioremediation is occurring at a site. The goal in evaluating in situ bioremediation
is to assess whether the weight of evidence from tests such as those described
above documents a convincing case for successful bioremediation.
Future Prospects for Bioremediation
Background Papers
John M. Shauver
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Lansing, Michigan
Bioremediation, like any technology applied to clean up a contaminated site,
must first be approved by government regulators who ultimately must agree that
the technology has a reasonable chance to reduce the contaminant(s) at the site to
acceptable levels. This paper describes the information that regulators need to
make their decision. Basically, this information comprises descriptions of the
site, the specific cleanup process, and the overall approach to site cleanup. The
paper also answers the questions of who, what, when, where, and how in the
context of bioremediation on the basis of my 24 years of experience as a
During the past 20 years, various companies and individuals have developed
or claim to have developed biological treatment processes that could cleanup
various wastes generated by human activities. These wastes include
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), crude oil, refined crude oil products, crude oil
wastes, and DDT, to name a few. One problem that the proponents of such
treatment technology face is state and federal regulations. It is often hard for the
regulated community to understand what is required to ensure that the regulator
will approve a proposed treatment process.
• a description in three dimensions of the site and of the type and extent of
• a detailed description of the cleanup process(es) to be applied to the site,
• a detailed description of the approach to overall site cleanup.
The site description should specifically identify the types and amounts of
chemical(s) released to the soil and ground water and other phases of the site
environment. The description should also include estimates of the rate of
movement of the contaminants through the various phases of the environment and
of where they are likely to end up. The regulator's response to a given situation
depends strongly on the rate of transport and the likely fate of the contaminants.
The site is the three-dimensional area contaminated by the chemicals that
have been released. The site is not limited to legal property boundaries. In fact, it
usually involves more than one property owner, and the owners may not all be
responsible for the contamination. The site description should also include the
vertical, horizontal, and lateral extent of contamination, which includes:
In any site description the regulator will place great emphasis on identifying
the location of the source(s) of contamination. Removal of these sources, or hot
spots (identified by an adequate site investigation), is the most effective way to
limit migration of chemicals off site. In addition, elimination of the source of the
contamination as early as possible is one of the most cost-effective ways to limit
future cleanup costs.
A site description should also describe the process that caused the release.
This is important because the regulator is required to determine the full extent of
the type of contamination at the site. If the material released is gasoline, for
example, it is very important to know whether it is leaded or unleaded and
whether it came from a hole in a tank; an overfilled tank; or faulty pipes, valves,
or other fittings. If the release is described as crude oil, it is important to know if
brine, condensate, or other materials are present as well. The description of the
cause of the release allows the regulator to identify its source and thus the most
highly contaminated areas of the site.
The responsible party should provide a detailed description of the treatment
process to be used. The engineer who is accustomed to describing an activated
carbon process should provide the same level of detail for a biological process.
The description should show how the process chosen will contain, destroy, or
remove the contaminants to meet legal standards. If biological treatment is
chosen, the regulator must be given data that show the ability of the organisms
present in or added to the contaminated area to safely and effectively treat the
chemical(s) on the site.
When living organisms are proposed to cleanup a site, the regulator expects
to see a detailed description of the organisms' requirements for oxygen, nutrients,
temperature, moisture, and pH. We must be sure the organism will thrive long
enough to treat the chemicals to legal cleanup standards. In addition, if an
anaerobic treatment scenario (such as one using iron or sulfur) is proposed, the
regulator needs to know that native microbes are capable of the proposed
metabolism and that ambient or added nutrients will be available in amounts
likely to allow effective treatment but not likely to cause rapid plugging of the
delivery wells and/or the soils.
We must be able to determine that the use of bacteria in the soils and ground
water (if unsuccessful) will not prevent other treatment technologies from being
applied. Use of organisms without adequate information or controls in the past
has resulted in severe plugging problems in ground water monitoring wells and/
or the aquifer itself. Such loss of permeability not only prevents delivery of the
nutrients and oxygen necessary to sustain biological activity to cleanup the soils
or aquifer but may seriously hamper use of other technologies.
contamination in the ground water will have to be monitored to ensure that the
organisms have sufficient oxygen to decompose the chemicals in the ground
water. This type of monitoring may be in addition to or in place of simply
monitoring for the contaminant itself. In addition, if nutrients are added, they may
also be contaminants and require monitoring. Nitrate, for example, is a chemical
of concern that may have to be added to a biological treatment system as a
nutrient or may be proposed as an electron acceptor in an anaerobic treatment
process. In Michigan the drinking water supplies may not contain more than 5
mg/1 of nitrate. Therefore, if nitrate is used, the regulatory agency will require
that it be monitored in addition to other monitoring requirements.
A regulator looks for the data necessary to determine that a proposed
treatment technology, if properly installed and operated, will reduce the
contaminant concentrations in the soil and water to legally mandated limits. In
this sense the use of biological treatment systems calls for the same level of
investigation, demonstration of effectiveness, and monitoring as any
conventional system.
Joseph P. Salanitro
Shell Development Company
Houston, Texas
Laboratory and field evidence is now sufficient to demonstrate that soil
microorganisms in aquifers are responsible for a significant portion of the
attenuation of aromatic compounds—benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and
xylenes (BTEX)—from fuel spills to the subsurface environment. Most subsoils
contain indigenous microbes that can biodegrade low levels of BTEX (ppb to low
ppm), given enough dissolved oxygen in the ground water. With adequate site
characterization, analysis, and monitoring, this type of intrinsic bioremediation
can shrink plumes and control the migration of hydrocarbons. In situ
biodegradation processes, properly monitored, should be considered practical,
cost-effective alternatives for managing low-risk, hydrocarbon-contaminated
ground waters that are unlikely to affect drinking water wells.
Accidental releases of fuels from underground storage tanks over the past 10
to 20 years have been responsible for the presence of hydrocarbons, mainly
water-soluble aromatic compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes,
or BTEX), in aquifers. In most states, government agencies have required the
regulated industry to
(e.g., BIOPLUME II, Rifai et al., 1988). These plumes may initially shrink
(narrow) in the longitudinal direction because the high infiltration rate of oxygen
continues to enhance degradation of hydrocarbons to low concentrations at the
edges. Continued monitoring also indicates that because of the higher dissolved
oxygen, more BTEX is degraded and the plume may recede closer to the
hydrocarbon source. It should be emphasized that the degree to which these
reductions in plume BTEX occur depends on the removal of the free-phase and
sorbed hydrocarbons from the contaminated zones. For example, a fluctuating
water table could continue to flush more BTEX into the plume from the source
area. Removal and management of the contaminant source, therefore, are
important prerequisites for successfully implementing intrinsic bioremediation at
field sites.
Laboratory research and field research have contributed to our understanding
of intrinsic bioremediation of BTEX in aquifers as a viable option for managing
and controlling hydrocarbon plumes. Research in several areas, however, could
enhance the validity and overall regulatory acceptability of the plume
containment process. For example, important factors for understanding
contaminant behavior and predicting the time for remediation may include (1) a
better understanding of aquifer parameters (e.g., recharge and water table
fluctuations); (2) tools for quantifying subsoil sources of hydrocarbons and their
potential for transport into ground water; and (3) user-friendly ground water
models that use monitoring well, hydrogeological, and soil microbiology data to
predict the transport and fate of contaminants. Geochemical and biological
indicators of in situ biodegradation in addition to BTEX and dissolved oxygen,
such as the formation of carbon dioxide and other microbial metabolites as well
as ferrous ion, may also help verify intrinsic biodegradation processes in
aquifers. Information on the limits of degradation of soil contaminants (e.g.,
optimum BTEX and dissolved oxygen concentrations and supplemental nutrient
effects) and on the widespread occurrence of BTEX degraders in aquifers would
also improve our understanding of plume management. Finally, it is important
that demonstrated in situ biodegradation gain acceptance by the regulatory
authorities and that intrinsic bioremediation be considered a valid and cost-
effective means of controlling pollutant migration in low-risk aquifers.
Biodegradation in aquifers will continue to play a major role in the management
of low levels of soluble hydrocarbons from fuel spills to the subsurface.
Barker, J. G., G. C. Patrick, and D. Major. 1987. Natural attenuation of aromatic hydrocarbons in a
shallow sand aquifer. Ground Water Monitoring Review 7:64-71.
Beller, H. R., D. Grbic-Galic, and M. Reinhard. 1992. Microbial degradation of toluene under
sulfate-reducing conditions and the influence of iron on the process. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 58:786-793.
Chiang, C. Y., J. P. Salanitro, E. Y. Chai, J. D. Colthart, and C. L. Klein. 1989. Aerobic
biodegradation of benzene, toluene and xylene in a sandy aquifer—data analysis and
computer modeling. Groundwater 27:823-834.
Edwards, E. A., L. E. Wills, M. Reinhard, and D. Grbic-Galic. 1992. Anaerobic degradation of
toluene and xylene by aquifer microorganisms under sulfate-reducing conditions. Applied
and Environmental Microbiology 58:794-800.
Gilham, R. W., R. C. Starr, and D. J. Miller. 1990. A device for in situ determination of geochemical
transport parameters: 2. Biochemical reactions. Ground Water 28:858-862.
Hutchins, S. R. 1991. Biodegradation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons by aquifer microorganisms
using oxygen, nitrate or nitrous oxide as the terminal electron acceptor. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 57:2403-2407.
Hutchins, S. R., G. W. Sewall, D. A. Kovac, and G. A. Smith. 1991. Biodegradation of aromatic
hydrocarbons by aquifer microorganisms under denitrifying conditions. Environmental
Science and Technology 25:68-76.
Kemblowski, M. W., J. P. Salanitro, G. M. Deeley, and C. C. Stanley. 1987. Fate and transport of
residual hydrocarbons in groundwater—a case study. Pp. 207-231 in Proceedings of the
Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Groundwater Conference. Houston:
National Water Well Association and American Petroleum Institute.
Loveley, D. R., M. J. Baedecker, D. J. Lonergan, I. M. Cozzarelli, E. J. P. Phillips, and D. I. Siegal.
1989. Oxidation of aromatic contaminants coupled to microbial iron reduction. Nature
Mackay, D. M., and J. A. Cherry. 1989. Groundwater contamination: pump and treat remediation.
Environmental Science and Technology 23:630-636.
Major, D. W., C. I. Mayfield, and J. F. Barker. 1988. Biotransformation of benzene by denitrification
in aquifer sand. Ground Water 26:8-14.
Marencik, J. 1991. State-by-state summary of cleanup standards. Soils 23:14-51.
Newman, W. A., and M. A. Martinson. 1992. Let biodegradation promote in situ soil venting.
Remediation 2:277-291.
Rifai, H. S., P. B. Bedient, J. T. Wilson, K. M. Miller, and J. M. Armstrong. 1988. Biodegradation
modeling at an aviation fuel spill site. American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of
Environmental Engineering 114:1007-1029.
Thomas, J. M., V. R. Gordy, S. Fiorenza, and C. H. Ward. 1990. Biodegradation of BTEX in
subsurface materials contaminated with gasoline. Water Science Technology 22:53-62.
Travis, C. C., and C. B. Doty. 1990. Can contaminated aquifers at Superfund sites be remediated?
Environmental Science and Technology 24:1464-1466.
Wilson, B. H., J. T. Wilson, D. H. Kampbell, B. E. Bledsoe, and J. M. Armstrong. 1991.
Biotransformation of monoaromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons at an aviation gasoline
spill site. Geomicrobiology Journal 8:225-240.
Zeyer, J., E. P. Kuhn, and R. P. Schwarzenbach. 1986. Rapid mineralization of toluene and 1,3-
dimethylbenzene in the absence of molecular oxygen. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 52:944-947.
James M. Tiedje
Center for Microbial Ecology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
The ecological approach to bioremediation is distinctly different from the
traditional engineering approach: it focuses on such principles as microbial
natural selection rather than on mass balances of pollutants. Questions derived
from certain basic ecological principles, including specificity and diversity, can
serve as key guides in determining the feasibility of bioremediation at a particular
site. Similarly, certain kinds of evidence in the biological record, such as numbers
of organisms, are strongly indicative of successful bioremediation. A shift in
paradigm—emphasizing the ecological principles governing biodegradation
instead of contaminant mass balances—would greatly advance the understanding
of bioremediation.
I suggest that there are at least two conceptual approaches to hazardous
waste bioremediation. In the dominant approach, derived from engineering, mass
balance and stirred tank reactor philosophy dominate. An alternative, or
ecological, approach focuses on such principles as microbial natural selection and
niche fitness characterization. Reliance on the engineering approach has brought
us to an impasse—namely, that nature is not a stirred tank reactor, and thus
the mass balance and predictive models of such systems are often inadequate or
too expensive. In ecology, however, one recognizes from the beginning that
nature is heterogeneous; to understand nature, one focuses on key principles
governing the behavior of populations and does not attempt to achieve mass
balances. Thus, I suggest that we consider a shift in paradigm—to consider the
important ecological principles governing biodegradation and reduce the
emphasis on achieving a mass balance for the pollutant.
This paper emphasizes the ecological approach and key questions related to
it. The differences in the philosophies underlying the ecological and engineering
approaches are substantial. As details of both approaches are developed, some of
the underlying factors may merge into the same issues. Nonetheless, the emphasis
in the ecological approach is not on quantification of pollutants but on whether
principles are met, since it is known that biological communities respond
according to these principles.
The first part of this paper reviews basic ecological principles important to
the evaluation and success of in situ bioremediation. The second part converts
these principles into key questions about the feasibility of bioremediation for a
particular site. Finally, the paper outlines ways to determine whether the
ecological principles, especially the principle of natural selection, are met.
An ecological approach recognizes a key principle in biology—specificity.
Specificity provides the fitness advantage in a niche. In terms of pollutant
degradation, this means that organisms are relatively specific for particular
substrates (chemicals) and for particular environmental conditions (the niche).
Oxidation by biological organisms is the extreme opposite of oxidation by
combustion. The former is specific for particular chemicals, while the latter is
entirely nonspecific. The specificity of biological organisms is conferred by such
features as membrane selectivity, permeases, regulatory proteins controlling
enzyme synthesis, and the structure of the enzyme-active site. There is too great a
tendency to generalize about bioremediation as a class of technology, like
combustion, which obscures the fact that biodegradability should always be
discussed together with the particular chemical.
Although specificity may seem to be a disadvantage for bioremediation, in
fact it provides one of the cost advantages of the
Microbial Diversity
Diversity, nature's counter to specificity, results from evolution, in which
organisms diversify from their progenitors to occupy new niches. Because of the
heterogeneity in nature, there are many niches and thus a naturally high degree of
biodiversity. For bacteria, diversity seems to be exceedingly high; there are likely
more than 10,000 species per gram of soil (Torsvik et al., 1990). Fungi also seem
to be very diverse, with an estimated 1.6 million species on earth (Hawksworth,
1991). Most of these organisms have never been isolated, let alone studied. For
example, Bergey's Manual, which describes all known bacteria, includes only
3000 to 4000 species, and most of these are not from soil or water (Holt, 1989).
This great diversity is important to bioremediation in two ways. First, it
means some diversity in the mechanisms that confer specificity. For example, a
small number of the organisms that degrade benzoate will also be able to degrade
chlorobenzoate or perhaps dichlorobenzoate, because the active site pocket is
slightly modified in these variants to allow access to the bulkier chlorine group.
This principle seems to be important in the metabolism of polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs), since the oxygenase of some toluene- and naphthalene-
degrading organisms can attack PCBs (Kuhm et al., 1991). Generally, the
principle applies to structurally similar chemicals or chemicals subject to the
same mechanism of attack. Thus, specificity is not absolute but usually limits the
range of substrates attacked to very few.
The second reason that diversity is important is that it is thought to lead to a
more robust and stable process because diverse species are likely to include
specialists for assimilating low and high pollutant concentrations; for tolerances
for different pHs, metals, and solvents; for different growth rates; and for
different resistances to phage infection or protozoan grazing. For example, among
benzene degraders in a gram of soil, there may be hundreds or even thousands of
indigenous strains that may vary in these other important ecological traits.
Original ecological dogma was that more diversity leads to stability, but current
evidence from macroecology suggests
that less complex systems are more stable (e.g., Begon et al., 1990). However, no
evidence exists on the relationship between stability and diversity for a microbial
process. In any case, higher diversity among pollutant degraders should lead to
emergence of the most fit organisms for the degradation and hence enhance
degradation performance.
If high diversity and large populations of pollutant degraders already exist in
the habitat, it becomes virtually impossible to successfully introduce an
inoculum. The native organisms both preemptively colonize the niche and are
likely more fit for the niche. Thus, super biodegraders, whether natural or
genetically engineered, stand little chance against a significant indigenous
population that can degrade the target chemical.
Biogeography of Biodegraders
Bacteria have been on earth for 3 billion years, an extremely long period of
time. Indeed, 85 percent of bacterial existence to date occurred before the
continental plates began to drift apart. Thus, the organisms have had a very long
time to evolve, adapt, and disperse. This long period likely also led to excellent
survival strategies, so that organisms can persist outside their optimum niches for
many years. A century ago, Beijerinck, a famous Dutch microbiologist, stated
that ''everything [bacterial types] is everywhere, the environment selects." This
remains the accepted dogma. Extended to biodegrading organisms, this dogma
suggests that biodegradative traits found in one soil or water would be found in
most other soils or waters around the world. The global distribution of such traits
has not yet been fully evaluated (and is the subject of research), but general
experience suggests that the dogma is true, at least at the level of the particular
activity, if not the identical strain. Hence, there may be some local variation, but
it likely occurs at the variety or strain level and is probably not apparent at the
process level. In other words, biodegradation proceeds on similar substrates and
at similar rates even though some of the strains are slightly different.
The importance of this biogeographical analysis to bioremediation is that it
suggests that biodegrading populations are similar at many sites. The portion of
biodegrading organisms in the total community at a given site may be somewhat
similar to that at other sites if selection has not already occurred. Thus, if the total
population is high, as in a fertile surface soil, the biodegrading population will be
high. In contrast, in the vadose zone and aquifer soil, which are impoverished in
organic matter, the total populations will be lower and hence
Natural Selection
Ecological systems are driven by the resources available and the competition
for them among the community members. For pollutant degradation, the major
question is whether the pollutant is an energy resource—will an organism grow
on the chemical as a substrate? If so, there is strong selective pressure for the
degrading population to outgrow others, thereby amplifying the rate of
degradation. It is useful to group chemicals into two classes of biodegradability:
(1) those that support the growth of microbial populations and (2) those that are
cometabolized (in other words, they do not support growth but are partly
metabolized, usually through only a step or two of the complete metabolic
pathway). Organisms that carry out cometabolism are not naturally selected and,
therefore, are much more difficult to manage in nature. For this reason the
distinction of these two classes is important.
When pollutants are growth substrates, major advantages accrue: (1) the
catalyst grows logarithmically with no external input of resources; (2) the proper
growth, activity, and distribution of the microbial population (which is very
difficult to manage under other circumstances) is an inherent outcome of natural
selection for the primary energy substrate; and (3) growth substrates are almost
always completely oxidized to carbon dioxide, leaving no toxic intermediates.
Less than complete pollutant destruction by natural selection is usually due to
limitation by some other resource, most commonly the electron acceptor. Because
of these advantages, chemicals that are growth substrates have not and should not
become widespread pollution problems. This is because the limitations on natural
selection disappear as the chemical becomes more widely distributed. Examples
of chemicals that are growth substrates are benzene, toluene, xylenes,
naphthalene, chlorophenols, acetone, nitrilotriacetic acid, and 2,4-D. Whenever a
pollutant is a growth substrate, bioremediation should be seriously considered.
Even if the waste contains mixtures of chemicals, some of which are growth
substrates and others not, bioremediation may still be advantageous because it can
reduce other remediation costs, such as the amount of activated carbon needed.
Cometabolism usually results from relaxed specificity of an enzyme. No
sequential metabolic pathway or energy coupling to adenosine triphosphate
production typically occurs. Therefore, natural selection cannot be achieved
through this secondary (pollutant) substrate. If cometabolism is to be used, it
must be done by managing a primary substrate that selects for growth of active
organisms, induces the activity, and/or provides a necessary oxidant or reductant
to drive the reaction. Sometimes the primary and secondary substrates are
competitive inhibitors, which may require more sophisticated management, such
as pulse feeding or precise concentration control. Cometabolic processes typically
accumulate intermediates, some of which may be toxic.
Cometabolic reactions seem to be the only ones that show activity on many
of the recalcitrant chlorinated solvents, such as perchloroethylene (PCE),
trichloroethylene (TCE), carbon tetrachloride, and chloroform. Laboratory testing
and field testing are beginning to show that it may be possible to successfully
manage a cometabolic process in situ. Nonetheless, the experimentation, field
testing, and monitoring will all need to be more extensive than for pollutants that
are growth substrates.
zones that would support natural selection if and when the chemical became
available, and not on the immediate (and impossible) recall of that chemical from
all microsites.
A related issue, but on a slightly larger scale, is the movement of the
chemical or organism so that the two come into contact. Mobility is not a
limitation for water-soluble chemicals, which move through soil easily, but it is a
severe problem for very insoluble chemicals. In this case, movement of
organisms is all that is feasible if physical mixing is not possible.
Returning to the ecological approach, the key point in determining whether
bioremediation is successful is to establish whether the conditions of natural
selection can be expected to be met within the site vicinity. The point is not to
determine pollutant mass balances; it is not to ensure that all heterogeneity can be
understood and accounted for; and it is not even to worry about local
concentrations above regulatory targets if conditions of the surrounding
environment ensure that natural selection will occur. This approach recognizes
that energy from organic matter is the key limitation for microbial growth and
that if the appropriate enzymes and required environmental conditions exist, there
is no way to prevent complete biodegradation. Thus, the first criterion for
successful bioremediation is documentation of the conditions for natural
selection, namely: (1) is the chemical a growth substrate for microbes? (2) is the
site habitable (nontoxic) for microbial life? (3) is there sufficient electron
acceptor? The ecological approach suggests that more emphasis should be placed
on documenting adequate electron acceptor supply and less on measuring the
actual pollutant.
A second line of evidence for a successful bioremediation is whether the
biological record suggests that natural selection has occurred. This evidence was
well illustrated by Madsen et al. (1990) for a plume from a coal tar site. Types of
evidence in the biological record include (1) increased rate of pollutant
mineralization; (2) increased populations of microorganisms (e.g., total microbial
populations, the biodegrading population, and grazers of those populations); and
(3) chemical gradients that show a discontinuity caused by respiratory
consumption of electron donors (pollutant) and electron acceptors. At
contaminated sites, this kind of evidence in the biological record would be
strongly indicative of successful intrinsic bioremediation and its persistence as
long as the conditions for natural selection can be ensured.
The author's research on biodegradation has been funded by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences Superfund Program.
Begon, M., J. L. Harper, and C. R. Townsend. 1990. Ecology: Individuals, Populations and
Communities. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Harvey, R. W., L. H. George, R. L. Smith, and D. R. LeBlanc. 1989. Transport of microspheres and
indigenous bacteria through a sandy aquifer: results of natural- and forced-gradient tracer
experiments. Environmental Science and Technology 23:51-56.
Hawksworth, D. L. 1991. The fungal dimension of biodiversity: magnitude, significance, and
conservation. Mycological Research 95:641-655.
Holt, J. G. 1989. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
Kuhm, A. E., A. Stolz, and H. J. Knackmuss. 1991. Metabolism of naphthalene by the biphenyl-
degrading bacterium Pseudomonas paucimobilis Q1. Biodegradation 2:115-120.
Madsen, E. L., J. L. Sinclair, and W. C. Ghiorse. 1990. In situ biodegradation: microbiological
patterns in a contaminated aquifer. Science 252:830-833.
Mohn, W. W., and J. M. Tiedje. 1992. Microbial reductive dehalogenation. Microbiological Reviews
Paul, E. A., and F. G. Clark. 1989. Soil microbiology and biochemistry. San Diego: Academic Press.
Torsvik, V., J. Goksoyr, and F. L. Daae. 1990. High diversity in DNA of soil bacteria. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 56:782-787.
Richard A. Brown
Groundwater Technology, Inc.
Trenton, New Jersey
William Mahaffey
ECOVA Corporation
Redmond, Washington
Robert D. Norris
Eckenfelder, Inc.
Nashville, Tennessee
Since the pioneering work by Dick Raymond during the 1970s and early
1980s, in situ bioremediation has been widely used to cleanup aquifers
contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. A need for better performance led to
development of the use of hydrogen peroxide and direct injection of air into the
aquifer as sources of oxygen, which was a critical problem in bioremediation.
Bioremediation has developed in two branches. The first has been engineering
techniques and mathematical models for applying bioremediation to readily
degradable contaminants. The second branch has focused on ways to address
more recalcitrant contaminants such as chlorinated solvents, polychorinated
biphenyls, and pesticides. Work on these more challenging problems has met with
some success in the laboratory, but the techniques have yet to be
commercialized, largely because of failure to establish and maintain critical
control parameters in the subsurface. Continued improvements in the technology
will result from efforts in site delineation, engineering controls, use of
nonindigenous microorganisms, and field methods for evaluating the
microbiological processes.
Bioremediation was first used commercially in 1972 to treat a Sun Oil
gasoline pipeline spill in Ambler, Pennsylvania (Raymond et al., 1977), and has
been used almost as long as simple pump-and-treat technology. In situ
bioremediation was one of the first technologies that was able to bring a site to
closure by significantly and permanently reducing soil and ground water
contamination, predating in situ processes such as soil vapor extraction and air
The evolution of in situ bioremediation has had three important aspects:
microbiology, engineering, and applications. The microbiological aspects have
been concerned with basic metabolic processes and how to manipulate them.
Much of this work has been and continues to be laboratory scale and is currently
directed at recalcitrant substrates such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
chlorinated solvents, and pesticides. The second aspect, the engineering of in situ
bioremediation, has been concerned with field-scale systems needed to provide
the substances required for the metabolic processes, such as oxygen, moisture,
and nutrients (Brown and Crosbie, 1989). The most difficult aspect of
development has been the translation of laboratory results to field applications.
Finally, specific types of bioremediation have been developed to treat specific
types of contaminants or matrixes. For example, a significant outgrowth of in situ
bioremediation has been the development of ex situ soil biotreatment (Brown and
Cartwright, 1990), which has become a cost-effective and widely applied on-site
technology. The engineering aspects of bioremediation have produced the
greatest successes in the commercial use of the method, leading to the
development of specific applications.
Bioremediation has been a successful technology when properly used. It is
also an oversold technology, having more promise than results. Understanding
the practice of in situ bioremediation—its legitimate uses and potential results—
requires an examination of historical developments in microbiology, the current
status of the practice of bioremediation, and new developments in
bioremediation. This examination illustrates the successes, limitations, and
continued needs of bioremediation technology.
The development of bioremediation has been predicated on an evolving use
of indigenous microorganisms to biodegrade a variety of organic compounds in
soils and wastewater. A large body of information about biooxidation
mechanisms and products and the
1993) to below detection limits. Because of the potential for more efficient
oxygen supply, the use of hydrogen peroxide expanded interest in
bioremediation. However, even though hydrogen peroxide did significantly
improve oxygen supply, it, too, had severe limitations: in the treatment of vadose
zone (unsaturated) soils and the instability of hydrogen peroxide in certain types
of soils (Britton, 1985), which can cause problems such as too rapid
decomposition and formation plugging.
The first change in the use of hydrogen peroxide came with the
development of soil vapor extraction (SVE), which is now recognized as a more
efficient supplier of oxygen for unsaturated soils and which has replaced the use
of hydrogen peroxide (Brown and Crosbie, 1989). While the focus of soil vapor
extraction has always been removal of volatiles, it was observed that the process
of vapor recovery could also result in substantially increased biodegradation rates
(Thornton and Wooten, 1982; Wilson and Ward, 1986). Several recent tests, such
as those conducted by the U.S. Air Force, have demonstrated a high degree of
biooxidation versus physical removal (Miller et al., 1990).
The development of SVE led to a broadening of remedial technology.
Because soil vapor extraction could physically remove volatile organics,
bioremediation became less of a stand-alone technology. Site remediation became
an integrated approach using SVE and bioremediation.
Concerns with hydrogen peroxide stability led to a search for other soluble
electron acceptors. Several tests were conducted to evaluate nitrate as an alternate
electron acceptor for degradation of monoaromatic (except benzene) and
polyaromatic compounds. Nitrate is inexpensive, is easily transported through the
formation, and appears to cause fewer problems than oxygen. However, nitrate
does not result in degradation of aliphatic compounds, and its use may be limited
by state and local regulations and concerns for nitrite formation and potential for
The most recent innovation in bioremediation technology has been the use
of air sparging to oxygenate ground water (Brown and Jasiulewicz, 1992). Air
sparging involves injecting air below the water table to saturate the ground water
with air (and thus provide oxygen), as shown in Figure 1. The process can also
transfer volatile components to the unsaturated zone for capture by a vapor
recovery system. Currently, air sparging is receiving great attention because it is
relatively inexpensive and can distribute oxygen across the entire site at one time
rather than relying on an oxygen front moving across the site. In formations
where air sparging is applicable, it has supplanted hydrogen
peroxide. Air sparging provides the same benefits to saturated zone treatment
that soil vapor extraction has to vadose zone treatment.
The application of bioremediation is continually changing. Initially, the
technique was viewed as a primary treatment process—able, potentially, to treat a
wide range of organic compounds in soil and ground water. The advent of soil
vapor extraction and air sparging, however, has diminished the importance of
bioremediation as a stand-alone system for contaminants that are relatively
volatile and thus readily removed physically by sparging and venting. As a result,
bioremediation has evolved in two directions: as part of an integrated system for
treating highly mobile (volatile and/or soluble) and/or degradable substrates, such
as gasoline or diesel fuel, and as a primary system for treating nonmobile or
recalcitrant substrates such as heavier petroleum products and, potentially, PCBs
and pesticides.
Resistant Organics
Recent years have seen continued progress with microbial degradation of
chlorinated solvents, pesticides, PCBs, and nitroaromatic compounds. In general,
however, the current state of technology does not permit these classes of
compounds to be treated on a commercial scale. Similarly, there is little evidence
that nonindigenous microorganisms have been used successfully on a
commercial scale for in situ bioremediation.
With highly degradable substances, intrinsic bioremediation can be used as
the final treatment when the contaminant load has been reduced to the point that
the ambient nutrient levels and oxygen diffusion are sufficient to support
biodegradation. With this unassisted bioremediation, treatment costs can be very
Physical/Chemical Limitations
Major engineering advances have already been made in overcoming
physical/chemical constraints on in situ bioremediation systems, particularly in
the area of oxygenation. However, certain physical/chemical elements still
significantly affect the microbiological component of in situ bioremediation. Of
these, the molecular architecture of organic pollutant molecules has the greatest
Size and the extent and type of functional group substitution dictate the
bioavailability and biodegradability of a molecule. Bioavailability through
desorption is greatly reduced by solubility limitations as well as degree of
hydrophobicity, both of which depend on molecular size and functional group
substituents. Surfactants may improve bioavailability, but they are of no avail
where the microbial populations lack the catabolic capacity to biodegrade the
molecule(s) of concern.
Another important factor is that single-substance contamination is rare in
most polluted environments. Microbial biodegradation of multicomponent
mixtures is not as well understood as many would believe. Biodegradation of
complex mixtures is often assumed to occur if the contaminants are known to be
biodegradable and substrate interactions are known to be not important.
However, at least two studies involving gasoline (Barker et al., 1987; Wilson et
al., 1990) reported that some BTX (benzene, toluene, xylenes) constituents
persisted above regulatory action levels, even after stimulation of bioremediation
by addition of inorganic nutrients and various electron acceptors. A number of
investigators (Alvarez and Vogel, 1991; Arvin et al., 1989; Bouwer and Capone,
1988) have recognized and begun to investigate the importance of substrate
Microbiological Limitations
The unpredictability of biodegradation adds to the importance of continued
research on metabolic processes such as adaptation, co-oxidation, diauxy,
catabolite repression, and competitive inhibition. Central requirements of in situ
bioremediation are that the contaminants are biodegradable, that the appropriate
microbial populations are present, and that the microbes are able to thrive. The
understanding of metabolic pathways in biodegradation and of the factors that
control microbial populations continues to grow, thus increasing the potential for
Research into the biodegradation of chlorinated organics illustrates the
importance of continued microbiological research. Chlorinated solvents and many
other halogenated compounds (e.g., PCBs)
Future Needs
The future of bioremediation lies in overcoming the limitations of the
technologies. Clearly, the enormous costs of site remediations and the goal of
eliminating future liability constrain the development of new technologies. The
most significant advances will be those that result in the development of
predictable, efficient, lower-cost methods of remediation. Some of the limitations
are physical/chemical and will be overcome by purely engineering methods;
other solutions will be uniquely biological. In addition to the identification of new
microbial capabilities for degrading chemical pollutants, other biotechnical
offshoots will evolve. These can be viewed as bioaugmentation, analytical
methods, and process innovations.
Genetic engineering to improve catabolic capacity has enormous potential
for obviating cellular regulatory control over the expression of biodegradative
pathways. This technology offers the distinct advantage of constructing new
biodegradative pathways by eliminating misrouting of metabolites to end
products that inhibit further biodegradation of a pollutant (Reineke and
Knackmuss, 1990). The use of specially constructed strains to biodegrade a
heretofore recalcitrant pollutant would expand the range of compounds and
therefore the number of sites amenable to bioremedial technologies. However,
until the release of genetically engineered organisms is more acceptable from a
social and regulatory perspective, this technology will be of use only from an
academic perspective.
An alternative to classical genetic engineering is laboratory breeding of
organisms under appropriate selective pressures to enrich for strains with the
desired phenotypic characteristics. This process was effective in isolating a single
strain of bacteria capable of degrading chlorobenzenes from the coculture and in
the selective breeding of a bacterium that degrades toluene and one that degrades
chlorobenzoate. In addition to developing improved strains, a great deal must be
done in developing inoculation systems that assure that the desired strain(s)
compete effectively and establish residence long enough to achieve the remedial
Analytical Methods
Field analytical techniques for monitoring for the presence of specific
degrader populations or levels of contaminants that are as easy to use as home
pregnancy tests would revolutionize the environmental industry. Such methods as
nucleic acid probes and monoclonal antibody tests have been developed but are
not widely used because of their relatively high cost and low reliability. Are these
deficiencies inherent in the technology or is further development required?
It would seem that monitoring methods that could provide direct evidence of
the performance of in situ bioremediation processes would go a long way toward
validating treatment effects early in the remediation process and even provide the
mechanism for stimulus-response control of the process. Methods for on-line
analysis of general metabolic end results, such as carbon dioxide production and
oxygen consumption, are used fairly routinely. However, as the Stanford field
pilot program demonstrated, additional benefit can be gained by tracking the
levels of specific transient metabolic products of the biological
Process Innovations
A number of new technologies, biological and chemical, could be used to
enhance bioremediation. With increasing knowledge of anaerobic
biodegradation, it should not be long before we witness the use of this microbial
process to encourage in situ biorestoration of sites contaminated with chlorinated
solvents, PCBs, chlorinated pesticides, or other halogenated organics that
otherwise resist microbial degradation. On purely thermodynamic grounds, it is
not unreasonable to suppose that a treatment-train approach using both anaerobic
and aerobic biodegradation would be the most efficient way to handle such
compounds as PCE and PCBs.
A second possibility involves in situ soil flushing, a technology derived from
tertiary recovery of petroleum from oil fields. Surfactant/polymer floods are used
to essentially wash product or pollutants from the subsurface for above-ground
recovery. Typically, this process will leave behind residual contaminants and
polymer/surfactant. The potential of using in situ bioremediation to treat these
residuals (biopolishing) has received minimal investigation.
Bioremediation technology has evolved over 20 years of commercial life. It
started as one of the first primary treatment processes, able to address both soil
and ground water contamination. It has since become an incremental technology,
directed at accelerating the remediation of sites contaminated by petroleum
hydrocarbons and other degradable substrates.
The evolution of bioremediation has resulted primarily from engineering
work. Most advances in commercial application have been tied to improving
oxygen availability. The technology has evolved from simple in well aeration to
chemical carriers such as hydrogen peroxide or nitrate and, finally, to aeration
technology—soil vapor extraction and air sparging. In the course of this evolution
the importance of the biological pathway has declined as physical removal
processes have evolved.
The future of bioremediation lies in addressing those contaminants that are
not easily extracted physically, such as PAHs, PCBs,
Alvarez, P. J., and T. M. Vogel. 1991. Substrate interactions of benzene, toluene, and para-xylene
during microbial degradation by pure cultures and mixed-culture aquifer slurries. Applied
and Environmental Microbiology 57(10):2981-2985.
American Petroleum Institute (API). 1987. Field Study of Enhanced Subsurface Biodegradation of
Hydrocarbons Using Hydrogen Peroxide as an Oxygen Source. API Pub. 4448.
Washington, D.C.: API.
Arvin, E., B. K. Jensen, and A. T. Gunderson. 1989. Substrate interactions during aerobic
biodegradation on benzene. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 55(12):3221-3225.
Barker, J. F., G. C. Patrick, and D. Major. 1987. Natural attenuation of aromatic hydrocarbons in a
shallow sand aquifer. Ground Water Monitoring Review 7(1):64-71.
Bedard, D. L., M. L. Haberl, R. J. May, and M. J. Brennan. 1987. Evidence for novel mechanisms of
polychlorinated biphenyl metabolism in Alcaligenes eutrophus H850. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 53(5):1103-1112.
Bouwer, E. J., B. E. Rittmann, and P. L. McCarty. 1981. Anaerobic degradation of halogenated 1
carbon and 2 carbon organic compounds. Environmental Science and Technology 15
Bouwer, E. J., and D. G. Capone. 1988. Effects of co-occurring aromatic hydrocarbons on
degradation of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediment slurries.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 54(7):1649-1655.
Britton, L. N. 1985. Feasibility Studies on the Use of Hydrogen Peroxide to Enhance Microbial
Degradation of Gasoline. API Pub. 4389. Washington, D.C.: API.
Brown, R. A., R. D. Norris, and R. L. Raymond. 1984. Oxygen transport in contaminated aquifers.
Proceedings of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Groundwater:
Prevention, Detection, and Restoration, November 5-7, Houston. Worthington, Ohio:
National Well Water Association.
Brown, R. A., R. D. Norris, and R. L. Raymond. 1986. U.S. Patent 4,588,506, Stimulation of
Biooxidation Process in Subterranean Formations. May 13.
Brown, R. A., and J. Crosbie. 1989. Oxygen Sources for In Situ Bioremediation. Greenbelt, Md.:
Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute.
Brown, R. A., and R. T. Cartwright. 1990. Biotreat sludges and soils. Hydrocarbon Processing
Brown, R. A., and F. Jasiulewicz. 1992. Air sparging: a new model for remediation. Pollution
Engineering (July):52-57.
Fathepure, B. Z., J. P. Nengu, and S. A. Boyd. 1987. Anaerobic bacteria that dechlorinate
perchloroethene. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 53(11):2671-2674.
Floodgate, G. D. 1973. Theory concerning the biodegradation of oil in natural waters. In Microbial
Degradation of Oil Pollutants, D. G. Ahearn and S.P. Meyers, eds., Publ. No. LSU-
SG-73-01. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Wetland Resources.
Wilson, J. T., and B. H. Wilson. 1985. Biotransformation of trichloroethylene in soil. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 49(1):242-243.
Wilson, J. T., and C. H. Ward. 1986. Opportunities for bioremediation of aquifers contaminated with
petroleum hydrocarbons. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 27:109-116.
Wilson, J., L. Leach, J. Michalowski, S. Vandergrift, and R. Calloway. 1990. In situ reclamation of
spills from underground storage tanks: new approaches for site characterization, project
design, and evaluation of performance. In Proceedings: Environmental Research Conference
on Groundwater Quality and Waste Disposal, May 2-4, 1989, Washington, D.C., I. P.
Muraka and S. Cordle, eds. Palo Alto, Calif.: Electric Power Research Institute.
Zobell, C. E. 1973. Microbial degradation of oil: present status, problems, and perspectives, P. 15 in
The Microbial Degradation of Oil Pollutants, D. G. Ahearn and S. P. Meyers, eds. Publ. No.
LSU-SG-73-01. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Wetland Resources.
Lisa Alvarez-Cohen
University of California
Berkeley, California
The use of in situ bioremediation to destroy ground water contaminants
essentially requires the creation and management of a subsurface bioreactor.
Physical and chemical conditions within the subsurface environment can be
manipulated to optimize microbial growth by using hydrodynamic or gas-phase
controls. Requisite factors for successful application of in situ bioremediation
include adequate aquifer permeability; a suitable microbial population; sufficient
hydrodynamic control for plume containment and delivery of required electron
donors, electron acceptors, and/or nutrients; and a complete monitoring system.
Evaluating the progress of in situ bioremediation and proving that the
microbes are responsible for contaminant degradation can be challenging because
of the inaccessibility of the subsurface bioreactor, aquifer heterogeneities, and the
wide range of potential contaminant fates. However, overlapping lines of
evidence from a range of field-monitoring techniques may provide suitable
indication of successful in situ bioremediation.
In situ bioremediation involves the stimulation of microorganisms within a
subsurface aquifer to degrade ground water contami
Subsurface Investigation
The practicality of a subsurface bioreactor depends on aquifer characteristics
that can best be evaluated by a thorough site investigation, including tracer
studies. A combination of existing site data and both direct and indirect
measurements can be used to evaluate these characteristics and define the nature
and extent of subsurface
Adequate permeability for the transport of solutions delivering nutrients or
other compounds required for stimulation of the desired microbial population
within the subsurface bioreactor is essential to in situ bioremediation.
Additionally, the aquifer must be sufficiently permeable that the increased
microbial mass and volume will not cause extensive plugging of the aquifer
pores, thus restricting further ground water movement. The proposed rule of
thumb (Thomas and Ward, 1989) is that aquifers with overall hydraulic
conductivities of 10-4 cm/s or greater would be most amenable to in situ
bioremediation (10-4 cm/s hydraulic conductivity corresponds roughly to an
intrinsic permeability of 10-9 cm2 for clean water at typical subsurface
temperatures). However, it has been shown that microbial growth in aquifer
material can cause permeabilities to decrease by a factor of 1000 (Taylor et al.,
1990). Additionally, modeling that considered
microbial growth, transport, and biofilm shearing has shown that high-porosity
media with widely distributed pore sizes in the small-diameter range are much
more susceptible to biofouling than high-porosity media with a narrow pore size
range. These results suggest that both permeability and pore size distribution
must be considered in determining the feasibility of in situ bioremediation
(Taylor and Jaffe, 1991).
Environmental Conditions
It is important to analyze the environmental parameters inside the intended
zone of biostimulation that could exert significant impact on microbial growth
and degradation potential. Microbial metabolism is substantially affected by
temperature: the metabolism of subsurface populations tends to accelerate with
increased subsurface temperatures within typical (nongeothermal) ranges.
Although temperatures within the top 10 m of the subsurface may fluctuate
seasonally, subsurface temperatures down to 100 m typically remain within 1° to
2°C of the mean annual surface temperature (Freeze and Cherry, 1979),
suggesting that bioremediation within the subsurface would occur more quickly
in temperate climates (Lee et al., 1988).
Additional factors that may limit microbial activity have been summarized
elsewhere (Ghiorse and Balkwill, 1985; Ghiorse and Wilson, 1988). They include
pH values outside the range of neutral (pH<6, pH>8), desiccating moisture
conditions, and extreme redox (reduction-oxidation) potentials. Each of these
factors may be mitigated or controlled within a desired range with varying levels
of success using hydrodynamic controls.
Monitoring of ground water and aquifer conditions over time is necessary
for assessing activity within the subsurface bioreactor and evaluating the progress
of the bioremediation. Monitoring wells typically are installed between the
injection and production wells so as to detect microbial growth and contaminant
degradation within the biostimulation zone. Additional wells installed upgradient
from the contamination provide background characterization data, while wells
installed beyond the downgradient contaminant boundaries are useful for
detection of plume expansion or migration. Factors that should be analyzed in the
monitoring samples include contaminant concentration, microbial numbers,
electron donor and acceptor concentrations, oxygen demand, degradation
products, pH, and major ion concentrations.
Before applying in situ bioremediation, the source of contamination must be
detected and mitigated, major accumulations of free product must be removed,
and mechanisms for plume containment must be installed. Contaminants entering
the subsurface partition into different phases due to sorption, volatilization, and
dissolution processes. Contaminant partitioning impedes pump-and-treat removal
methods and may decrease the contaminant's availability to microbial
Plume Containment
In situ bioremediation typically requires times on the order of months to
years to reduce contaminants to acceptable levels. During that time the
contaminants must not be allowed to spread outside the bioremediation zone and
thereby escape treatment.
A contaminant plume can be contained by physical or hydrodynamic
controls or a combination of both. Physical controls include low-permeability
vertical walls installed to physically block the transport of the plume and/or to
inhibit the flow of clean ground water into the contaminated zone. The most
commonly used physical containment barrier is the slurry trench wall, which
typically is composed of a mixture of bentonite and soil or bentonite and cement.
A slurry wall keyed into a confining impermeable layer can significantly decrease
localized ground water flow and lengthen the ground water flow path. Grout
curtains, vibrating beam walls, and synthetic sheet curtains are also used on a
limited basis for physical containment. Physical barriers are most effective with
shallow aquifers underlayed by a solid confining layer of bedrock or clay
(LaGrega et al., 1992).
Hydrodynamic controls are used alone or in conjunction with physical
controls. They are especially suited for use with in situ bioremediation since
biostimulation amendments could be added with the control water.
Hydrodynamic controls typically consist of combinations of injection and
extraction wells and/or infiltration galleries that manipulate ground water flow in
order to prevent undesirable plume movement. Wells are situated so that their
radii of influence (area of water drawdown or mounding) overlap, allowing
control of water within the entire treatment zone as well as effective manipulation
of the level of the water table. Radii of influence are computed by iterative
application of steady pumping rates with drawdown equations appropriate to the
specific aquifer conditions. Plume direction, shape, and migration speed can each
be effectively manipulated by hydrodynamic controls, which regulate the
detention time and amendment delivery within the biostimulation zone
(Barcelona et al., 1990; Knox et al., 1986).
Stimulation of microbial populations within a subsurface bioreactor requires
an appropriate carbon source; electron donors/acceptors for energy production;
and inorganic nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and some trace metals. Also
required are proper conditions within the aquifer, such as appropriate pH,
temperature, moisture content, and redox potential.
can be aerobically degraded and used as a primary substrate for growth by a wide
range of naturally occurring microorganisms (Armstrong et al., 1991; Ridgway et
al., 1990). Bioremediation of gasoline-contaminated aquifers by indigenous
microflora has been successfully implemented a number of times (Jamison et al.,
1976; Lee et al., 1988; Thomas and Ward, 1989), although researchers have
sometimes reported that the indigenous microbial population required a period of
adaptation before degradation commenced (Armstrong et al., 1991).
Alternate Substrates
Because of the nature of contaminant partitioning within the subsurface,
contaminants may be transported through the aquifer in dilute ground water
plumes at concentrations that provide insufficient energy and/or carbon to
support microbial growth. Additionally, since aquifers may be used as drinking
water sources, the allowable levels of many ground water contaminants are set in
the range of micrograms per liter, requiring reduction of contaminants to
concentrations lower than those required for microbial reproduction. Under these
circumstances, it may be necessary to supply an alternate substrate for the
microorganisms in order to promote degradation by secondary metabolism.
Similarly, contaminants that do not benefit microorganisms by providing energy
or carbon can sometimes be degraded in the presence of an alternate microbial
substrate by cometabolism. Some examples of cometabolic degradations are those
catalyzed by the mono- or dioxygenase enzymes of methane-, propane-, or
toluene-oxidizing bacteria, which use the contaminant as electron donor and
oxygen as electron acceptor, or those carried out by anaerobic bacteria capable of
using the contaminant as the electron acceptor. A wide range of chlorinated
solvents, including trichloroethylene and vinyl chloride, have been shown to be
cometabolically degraded by methane- and toluene-oxidizing bacteria. For the
application of either secondary metabolism or cometabolism, use of an alternate
substrate presents an additional engineering challenge and potential limit on the
reaction rate. However, the use of an alternate substrate also enables the
degradation reaction to be maintained at contaminant concentrations below those
required to support microbial growth and much lower than those possible for
degradations in which the contaminant is used by the microorganisms as a
primary substrate. Therefore, alternate substrates can increase the potential for
attaining contaminant removal to regulatory levels.
Nutrient Delivery
Nutrients typically are delivered by controlling ground water flow using
injection wells or infiltration galleries coupled with downstream production
wells. In the most common configuration, ground water withdrawn from
production wells downgradient from the biostimulation zone is amended with the
nutrients required for biostimulation, treated if necessary to remove
contaminants, and reintroduced to the aquifer upgradient of the biostimulation
zone using the injection wells or infiltration galleries. Water from an external
source is required if the flow of withdrawn water is insufficient to control the
subsurface flow or if it is infeasible to reinject the withdrawn ground water. The
rate of nutrient delivery to the biostimulation zone, therefore, is often limited by
the solubility of the nutrients in water and the reinjection flow rate.
Alternately, gaseous nutrients or substrates such as oxygen or methane may
be delivered to the biostimulation zone by sparging, the direct injection of gas
into the saturated aquifer to effect in situ dissolution of the gas into solution.
However, mobilization of volatile contaminants into the gas phase may
necessitate additional gasphase controls.
When the limiting nutrients for microbial growth are added to the
subsurface, excessive microbial growth may occur around the injection zone,
causing significant plugging of the permeable media and limiting the reinjection
flow. Innovative methods for discouraging well plugging while promoting
dispersed microbial growth throughout the zone of contamination are required.
One such method, which has been shown in field studies to reduce localized
plugging associated with cometabolic bioremediation, is alternating pulses of
electron donor and electron acceptor in the reinjection water. Since both electron
donor and acceptor are required for microbial metabolism, advective and
dispersive processes within the aquifer must mix the nutrients before conditions
promote microbial growth, causing cells to grow dispersed throughout the aquifer
and producing a large biostimulation zone (Semprini et al., 1990).
mg/l dissolved oxygen, while sparging with pure oxygen can deliver 40 mg/l and
with hydrogen peroxide more than 100 mg/l oxygen. Therefore, while air
sparging is the simplest and most common oxygen delivery technique, the use of
oxygen or hydrogen peroxide may speed the bioremediation process and decrease
the pumping required. However, in some cases the increased cost and potential
explosion hazard associated with pure oxygen may more than offset its increased
delivery efficiency.
Application of hydrogen peroxide to in situ bioremediation is limited by its
toxicity to microbes and its potential for causing aquifer plugging. Two
molecules of peroxide are required to produce one molecule of oxygen:
Inorganic Nutrients
Studies of the effects of inorganic nutrient addition on bioremediation rates
have yielded varying results. Experiments using nitrogen and phosphorous
amendments have shown that they enhanced metabolic activities in some aquifer
samples while having no significant effect in other samples from the same
aquifer (Swindoll et al., 1988). Others reported that addition of nitrogen and
phosphorus enhanced in situ gasoline degradation (Jamison et al., 1976). A series
of microcosm and field studies suggest that enhancement of biodegradation by
addition of inorganic nutrients is extremely case specific (Baker and Herson,
1990). It has been further suggested that not only are inorganic nutrients not
always effective but in some cases they inhibit microbial degradation (Morgan
and Watkinson, 1992). Morgan and Watkinson have also shown that phosphate
addition in combination with hydrogen peroxide may cause precipitation of
insoluble salts during migration through the aquifer, decreasing the permeability
within the biostimulation zone.
Hence, the evidence indicates that chemical analysis is not adequate for
predicting necessary nutrient amendments. Laboratory or field studies with
aquifer material are needed to determine nutrient amendments required to
promote maximum cell growth and contaminant
degradation and to predict potential reactivity between the aquifer material and
the amendments.
Microbial Introduction
Although in situ bioremediation is a developing technology and is currently
the subject of many research studies, little is known about the movement of
microbial cells through the subsurface matrix or the feasibility of introducing a
stable mixed population of organisms into a contaminated site for the purpose of
remediation (Thomas and Ward, 1989). Microbial populations suitable for
introduction to a contaminated aquifer may have been selectively enriched in the
laboratory or genetically engineered to carry out specific degradation reactions, to
resist certain toxic effects, or to grow preferentially under specific environmental
conditions. However, while laboratory-enriched populations may be added to the
subsurface with little regulatory concern, the introduction of genetically
engineered cultures currently is not allowed in the United States.
Successful microbial introduction requires a range of factors: (1) the
population must be capable of surviving and growing in the new environment;
(2) the microorganisms must retain their degradative abilities under the new
conditions; (3) the organisms must come in contact with the contaminants; and
(4) the electron donors/acceptors and nutrients necessary for microbial growth
and contaminant degradation must be made available to the population (Thomas
and Ward, 1989). Once the microorganisms are injected into the aquifer, there
must be some mechanism for dispersing them throughout the biostimulation zone
before they attach to the solid matrix and carry out the degradation reaction of
interest. Cell transport within porous media is highly dependent on the
characteristics of both the solid media and the microbial cells. Experiments have
shown that the conditions that best promote microbial transport in porous media
include (in order of their importance) highly permeable media, ground water of
low ionic strength, and small-diameter cells (Fontes et al., 1991). To date, there
has been little convincing evidence for successful in situ remediation of aquifers
resulting from introduced microbial populations.
in the field and determining when sufficient contaminant destruction has occurred
to warrant discontinuation of the biostimulation. For in situ bioremediation to be
deemed successful, it must be shown that the mass of contaminant in the aquifer
has been decreased to desired levels and that the microbial population caused the
decrease. Factors such as the heterogeneous nature and inaccessibility of
subsurface aquifers, together with competing concurrent processes that affect the
form and location of the contaminant (such as volatilization, sorption,
dissolution, migration, and dilution), all conspire to confound mass balance
analyses. Therefore, specific documentation of the successful application of in
situ bioremediation for the destruction of aquifer contaminants is extremely rare.
It has been asserted that true proof of in situ bioremediation requires convergent
lines of independent evidence of microbial degradation in the field (Madsen,
1991). These include diminished contaminant concentrations within both the
horizontal and the vertical dimensions of the plume; increased microbial growth
on the contaminant of interest in samples taken from the biostimulation zone; and
detection of metabolic products coupled with diminished substrate concentrations
(Madsen, 1991). These types of evidence may not be readily obtainable because
of the complexity of the concurrent physical, chemical, and biological processes
involved, aquifer heterogeneities, and site-monitoring limitations. However, a
range of innovative sampling techniques may be incorporated into the field-
monitoring methods in order to measure and quantify in situ bioremediation and
provide a preponderance of supporting evidence.
Field-Monitoring Methods
The following is a sampling of the diverse field methods that have been
applied with varying degrees of success to determine and quantify the success of
in situ bioremediation:
In situ bioremediation is the management of a subsurface bioreactor to carry
out specific biological degradations of ground water contaminants. Successful
implementation should include a thorough aquifer characterization, removal of
contaminant source and free product, plume containment, laboratory feasibility
studies, installation and operation of biostimulation controls, and continuous
Although proving the success of in situ bioremediation is challenging, a
variety of field methods can be used to provide adequately convincing evidence
of success. Quantification of in situ bioremediation, however, is much more
difficult, requiring mass balances that may be achievable only under the most
controlled circumstances.
This work was sponsored in part by the National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences under grants P42-ES047905 and P42-ES04705 and by the U.S.
Department of Energy Junior Faculty Research Award Program administered by
Oak Ridge Associated Universities.
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carbon tetrachloride, freon-113, freon-11, and 1,1,1,-TCA under anoxic conditions. Pp.
41-58 in On-Site Bioreclamation, R. E. Hinchee and R. F. Olfenbuttel, eds. Boston:
Smith, R. L., B. L. Howles, and S. P. Garabedian. 1991. In situ measurement of methane oxidation in
groundwater by using natural-gradient tracer tests. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Spain, J. C., J. D. Milligan, D. C. Downey, and J. K. Slaughter. 1989. Excessive bacterial
decomposition of H2O2 during enhanced biodegradation. Groundwater 27:163-167.
Swindoll, C. M., C. M. Aelion, and F. K. Pfaender. 1988. Influence of inorganic and organic nutrients
on aerobic biodegradation and on the adaptation response of subsurface microbial
communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 54(1):212-217.
Taylor, S. W., and P. R. Jaffe. 1991. Enhanced in situ biodegradation and aquifer permeability
reduction. Journal of Environmental Engineering 117(1):25-46.
Taylor, S. W., P. C. D. Milly, and P. R. Jaffe. 1990. Biofilm growth and the related changes in the
physical properties of a porous medium; permeability . Water Resources Research 26
Thomas, J. M., and C. H. Ward. 1989. In situ biorestoration of organic contaminants in the
subsurface. Environmental Science and Technology 23(7):760-766.
Wilson, J. T., J. F. McNabb, J. W. Cochran, T. H. Wang, M. B. Tomson, and P. B. Bedient. 1985.
Influence of microbial adaptation on the fate of organic pollutants in groundwater.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 4:721.
The problem of quantifying biodegradation of subsurface pollutants can be
addressed by using models that combine physical, chemical, and biological
processes. Developing such models is difficult, however, for reasons that include
the lack of field data on biodegradation and the lack of numerical schemes that
accurately simulate the relevant processes. This paper reviews modeling efforts,
including BIOPLUME II.
One of the aquifer remediation methods that has been gaining more
widespread attention recently is bioremediation, the treatment of subsurface
pollutants by stimulating the growth of native microbial populations. The purpose
is to biodegrade complex hydrocarbon pollutants into simple carbon dioxide and
water. The technology is not novel; biodegradation of organic contaminants has
been recognized and utilized in the wastewater treatment process for years.
Bioremediation is not without its problems, however. The most important
are the lack of well-documented field demonstrations, preferably quantitative, of
the effectiveness of the technology and its long-term effects, if any, on ground
water systems. Other problems include
These are described in more detail in the next section. A more thorough
discussion of models can be found in an earlier National Research Council report
(National Research Council, 1990).
organic solute and autotrophs that derive energy from ammonia and nitrite were
Molz et al. (1986) and Widdowson et al. (1987) presented one-and two-
dimensional models for aerobic biodegradation of organic contaminants in ground
water coupled with advective and dispersive transport. A microcolony approach
was used in the modeling effort: microcolonies of bacteria are represented as
disks of uniform radius and thickness attached to aquifer sediments. Associated
with each colony was a boundary layer of a given thickness across which
substrate and oxygen are transported by diffusion to the colonies. The authors'
results indicated that biodegradation would be expected to have a major effect on
contaminant transport when proper conditions for growth exist. Simulations of
two-dimensional transport suggested that under aerobic conditions microbial
degradation reduces the substrate concentration profile along longitudinal
sections of the plume and retards the lateral spread of the plume. Anaerobic
conditions developed in the center of the plume because of microbial
consumption and limited oxygen diffusion into the plume's interior.
Widdowson et al. (1988) extended their previous work to simulate oxygen-
and/or nitrate-based respiration. Basic assumptions incorporated into the model
include a simulated particle-bound microbial population comprised of
heterotrophic facultative bacteria in which metabolism is controlled by lack of an
organic carbon electron donor source (substrate), an electron acceptor (oxygen
and/or nitrate), a mineral nutrient (ammonium), or all three simultaneously.
Srinivasan and Mercer (1988) presented a one-dimensional, finite difference
model for simulating biodegradation and sorption processes in saturated porous
media. The model is formulated to accommodate a variety of boundary
conditions and process theories. Aerobic biodegradation was modeled using a
modified Monod function; anaerobic biodegradation was modeled using
Michaelis-Menten kinetics. In addition, first-order degradation was allowed for
both substances. Sorption was incorporated using linear, Freundlich, or Langmuir
equilibrium isotherms for either substance.
MacQuarrie and Sudicky (1990) used the model developed by MacQuarrie
et al. (1990) to examine plume behavior in uniform and random flow fields. In
uniform ground water flow, a plume originating from a high-concentration source
will experience more spreading and slower normalized mass loss than a plume
from a source of lower initial concentration because dissolved oxygen is more
quickly depleted. Large ground water velocities produced increases in the rate of
organic solute mass loss because of increased mechanical mixing of the organic
plume with oxygenated ground water.
two plumes are combined using the principle of superposition to simulate the
instantaneous reaction between oxygen and the contaminants, and the decrease in
contaminant and oxygen concentrations is calculated from:
where DCRC and DCRO are the calculated changes in the concentrations of
contaminant and oxygen, respectively, caused by biodegradation, and F is the
ratio of oxygen to contaminant consumed.
The only input parameters to BIOPLUME II that are required to simulate
biodegradation are the amount of dissolved oxygen in the aquifer prior to
contamination and the oxygen demand of the contaminant determined from a
stoichiometric relationship. Other parameters are the same as would be required
to run the standard USGS model in two dimensions (Konikow and Bredehoeft,
Borden et al. (1986) used the first version of the BIOPLUME model to
simulate biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at the Conroe
Superfund site in Texas. Oxygen exchange with the unsaturated zone was
simulated as a first-order decay in hydrocarbon concentration. The loss of
hydrocarbon because of horizontal mixing with oxygenated ground water and
resulting biodegradation was simulated by generating oxygen and hydrocarbon
distributions independently and then combining them by superposition. Simulated
oxygen and hydrocarbon concentrations closely matched the observed values at
the Conroe site.
Rifai et al. (1988) used BIOPLUME II to model biodegradation of aviation
fuel at the U.S. Coast Guard Station, Traverse City, Michigan (Figure 1).
Vertically averaged plume data came from 25 wells. The modeling results along
the centerline of the contaminant plume were good, and the BIOPLUME II
results matched the field observations except in an area between monitoring well
M30 and the pumping wells.
Chiang et al. (1989) used BIOPLUME II to characterize hydrocarbon
biodegradation in a shallow aquifer. They measured the soluble hydrocarbon
concentrations and dissolved oxygen levels in monitoring wells. Results from 10
sampling periods over 3 years showed a significant reduction in total benzene
mass with time. The natural attenuation rate was calculated to be 0.95 percent per
day. Spatial relationships between dissolved oxygen and total benzene, toluene,
FIGURE 1 Aviation fuel plume at the Traverse City field site (quarter 2,1986).
SOURCE: Rifai et al. (1988). Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol.
114:1021. Copyright © by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Reprinted with permission of ASCE.
Borden, R. C., and P. B. Bedient. 1986. Transport of dissolved hydrocarbons influenced by reaeration
and oxygen limited biodegradation: 1. Theoretical development. Water Resources Research
Borden, R. C., P. B. Bedient, M. D. Lee, C. H. Ward, and J. T. Wilson. 1986. Transport of dissolved
hydrocarbons influenced by oxygen limited biodegradation: 2. Field application. Water
Resources Research 22:1983-1990.
Chiang, C. Y., J. P. Salanitro, E. Y. Chai, J. D. Colthart, and C. L. Klein. 1989. Aerobic
biodegradation of benzene, toluene, and xylene in a sandy aquifer—data analysis and
computer modeling. Ground Water 27(6):823-834.
Kissel, J. C., P. L. McCarty, and R. L. Street. 1984. Numerical simulation of mixed-culture biofilm.
American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Environmental Engineering Division
Konikow, L. F., and J. D. Bredehoeft. 1978. Computer Model of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport
and Dispersion in Ground Water: Automated Data Processing and Computations.
Techniques of Water Resources Investigations of the U.S. Geological Survey. Washington,
D.C.: U.S. Geological Survey.
MacQuarrie, K. T. B., and E. A. Sudicky. 1990. Simulation of biodegradable organic contaminants in
groundwater: 2. Plume behavior in uniform and random flow fields. Water Resources
Research 26(2):223-239.
MacQuarrie, K. T. B., E. A. Sudicky, and E. O. Frind. 1990. Simulation of biodegradable organic
contaminants in groundwater: 1. Numerical formulation in principal directions. Water
Resources Research 26(2):207-222.
McCarty, P. L., M. Reinhard, and B. E. Rittmann. 1981. Trace organics in groundwater.
Environmental Science and Technology 15(1):40-51.
Molz, F. J., M. A. Widdowson, and L. D. Benefield. 1986. Simulation of microbial growth dynamics
coupled to nutrient and oxygen transport in porous media. Water Resources Research
National Research Council. 1990. Ground Water Models: Scientific and Regulatory Applications.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
Rifai, H. S., P. B. Bedient, R. C. Borden, and J. F. Haasbeek. 1987. BIOPLUME II Computer Model
of Two-Dimensional Contaminant Transport Under the Influence of Oxygen Limited
Biodegradation in Ground Water User's Manual Version 1.0. Houston: Rice University,
National Center for Ground Water Research.
Rifai, H. S., P. B. Bedient, J. T. Wilson, K. M. Miller, and J. M. Armstrong. 1988. Biodegradation
modeling at a jet fuel spill site. American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of
Environmental Engineering Division 114:1007-1019.
Srinivasan, P., and J. W. Mercer. 1988. Simulation of biodegradation and sorption processes in
ground water. Ground Water 26(4):475-487.
Widdowson, M. A., F. J. Molz, and L. D. Benefield. 1987. Development and application of a model
for simulating microbial growth dynamics coupled to nutrient and oxygen transport in
porous media. Pp. 28-51 in Proceedings of the Association of Ground Water Scientists and
Engineers/International Ground Water Model Center, Holcomb Research Center Institute
Conference on Solving Ground Water Problems with Models. Dublin, Ohio: National
Ground Water Association.
Widdowson, M. A., F. J. Molz, and L. D. Benefield. 1988. A numerical transport model for oxygen-
and nitrate-based respiration linked to substrate and nutrient availability in porous media.
Water Resources Research 24(9):1553-1565.
John T. Wilson
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory
Ada, Oklahoma
An operational definition for success of in situ bioremediation at field scale
includes meeting regulatory goals for ground water quality in a timely fashion at a
predictable cost. Current practice for site characterization does not adequately
define the amount of contamination subject to bioremediation. As a result,
laboratory estimates of the requirements for electron acceptors and mineral
nutrients and of the time required for remediation have much uncertainty.
Another aspect of success is the capacity to continue to meet regulatory goals for
ground water quality after the active phase of remediation is complete. In
contrast to laboratory studies, the extent of remediation achieved at field scale is
influenced by dilution of compounds of regulatory concern in circulated water
and by partitioning of the regulated compounds between water and residual
nonaqueous-phase oily material. The extent of weathering of residual oily-phase
material and the hydrologic environment of the residual have a strong influence
on the potential for ground water contamination after active remediation ceases.
Transfer of bioremediation laboratory research to the field is often a
frustrating and unsatisfying activity. Part of the problem has to do with the levels
of inquiry in the laboratory and in the field. Laboratory studies deal with
biochemical or physiological processes. Appropriate controls ensure that only one
mechanism is responsible for the phenomena under study. During field-scale
implementation of bioremediation technology, several processes operate
concurrently. They may involve several distinct mechanisms for biological
destruction of the contaminant, as well as partitioning to immobile phases,
dilution in ground water, and volatilization.
Experimental controls are usually unavailable during full-scale
implementation of in situ bioremediation because the technology is applied
uniformly to the contaminated area. As a result, performance monitoring that is
limited to the concentration of contaminants in ground water over time, and
perhaps the concentrations of nutrients and electron acceptors, cannot ensure that
the biological process developed in the laboratory was responsible for
contaminant removal at full scale.
The appropriate equivalent of experimental controls is a detailed
characterization of the site, the flow of remedial fluids, and the flux of
amendments. This characterization allows an assessment of the influence of
partitioning, dilution, or volatilization and provides a basis for evaluating the
relative contribution of bioremediation.
(1981) reported empirical partition coefficients for the compounds between JP-4
jet fuel and water. To estimate the distribution of an individual BTEX compound
between fuel and water, the published partition coefficients were multiplied by
the ratio of the volume of JP-4 under the infiltration gallery to the volume of
water in circulation. The distribution between oil and fuel was used to calculate
the fraction of total material in oil or water. To predict the equilibrium solution
concentration of a BTEX compound in circulation, the quantity of the compound
originally in the fuel was multiplied by the fraction that should partition to water
and was divided by the circulated volume of ground water.
FIGURE 2 Cross section of a JP-4 spill at the Traverse City demonstration site.
Ground water was amended with mineral nutrients and nitrate as an electron
acceptor. Water was recirculated to an infiltration gallery installed above the
JP-4 spill. It moved vertically across the spill, then laterally through the aquifer
to the recovery wells. Part of the recovered water was recirculated; part was
Estimate of Bioremediation
The actual behavior of benzene is depicted in Figure 4. The dashed line is
the calculated equilibrium concentration of benzene in the recirculated water
based on partitioning and dilution. The solid line
shows concentrations in the recirculation well that captured the greatest portion
of infiltrated water. Concentrations rose slowly over time, overshot the prediction
at about two recirculation volumes, then showed good agreement with the
prediction for another recirculation volume. Then biological acclimation
occurred, and benzene was removed from the circulated water. Concentrations
dropped below the analytical detection limit over a 2-day period. Concentrations
of other BTEX compounds were not reduced (compare data for o-xylene in
Figure 5), which established that the removal was a biological process. If a
physical or chemical process had been responsible for the
on the northeast side of the spill. The flow from the well was split; part of the flow
was amended with hydrogen peroxide and nutrients and recharged to the aquifer
in a nutrient recharge gallery on the south side of the spill (Figure 6). The
remainder of the flow was delivered to a ground water recharge gallery to the
south of the nutrient recharge gallery. From 3 to 6 gpm (11 to 22 l/min) was
to the nutrient recharge gallery, and 4 to 8 gpm (15 to 30 l/min) was delivered to
the ground water recharge gallery, for a total flow of 9 to 11 gpm (34 to 42 l/
min). Figure 7 presents a mathematical model of the flow paths from the galleries
to the recovery well. The system was designed to sweep the ground water
containing hydrogen peroxide and mineral nutrients through the spill to the
recovery well.
FIGURE 7 Hydraulic model of flow from the nutrient recharge gallery to the
recovery well. Note that the spill is contained within the flow path from the
gallery to the well and that the well captures all the flow lines from the nutrient
recharge gallery.
The system was operated from October 1989 to March 1992. At a flow of 10
gpm (38 l/min), 10 to 15 pore volumes would have been exchanged in the area
between the nutrient recharge gallery and the recovery well.
FIGURE 8 Cross section showing the vertical relationship of the land surface,
water table, residual hydrocarbon after bioremediation, and the lower confining
layer of the aquifer. The cross section runs through core boreholes depicted in
Figure 6.
and biologically weathered surrounds a central core of material that has not
been depleted of BTEX compounds.
The concentration of an individual petroleum hydrocarbon in solution in
ground water in contact with oily-phase hydrocarbon can be predicted by Raoult's
law. The solution concentration in water should be proportional to the mole
fraction of the hydrocarbon in the oily phase. Assume that the weathered material
is weathered because it is in effective contact with moving ground water that
supplied nutrients and electron acceptors, and the residual is not weathered
because it was not in effective contact and the supply of nutrients and electron
acceptors was inadequate. If partitioning between moving ground water and the
weathered oily residual controls the concentration of hydrocarbons in the water,
the 10-fold reduction in concentrations of benzene and BTEX compounds seen in
the weathered core material (Table 3) would produce the 10-fold reduction in
concentrations of benzene and BTEX compounds seen in the monitoring wells
(Table 2).
tron acceptor returns to ambient conditions in the aquifer, and the hydraulic
gradient returns to the normal condition. As a result, the residence time of water
in the spill area is longer, and the total amount of hydrocarbon transferred to the
water is greater, although the supply of electron acceptor for biological
destruction of the hydrocarbon is less (compare panels C and D in Figure 10).
TABLE 5 Contrast in Conditions During Active In Situ Bioremediation and
Conditions at the Termination of Remediation at a Spill from an Underground Storage
Tank in Denver Colorado
Parameter During Active Ambient Conditions
Remediation After Remediation
Introduced concentration 470 mg/l 5.5 mg/l
of oxygen
Hydraulic gradient 0.097 m/m 0.0012 m/m
Interstitial flow velocity 2.4 m/day 0.03 m/day
Travel time of water across 20 days to recovery well 1500 days to monitoring
the spill well
Maximum oxygen demand 20 mg/l per day 0.004 mg/l per day
In the assay the microbial consumption of oxygen was faster than the rate of
supply during active remediation. If the microbes in the aquifer expressed the
potential rate of oxygen consumption, oxygen would have been depleted before
the recharge water moved across the spill. In the absence of oxygen, BTEX
compounds would have partitioned to the ground water and should have been
detected in the monitoring wells. In fact, oxygen concentrations between 2 and 5
mg/l were always present in water produced by the recovery well, and BTEX
compounds were virtually absent. Oxygen consumption must have been limited
by mass transfer of hydrocarbon to the ground water circulated through the spill.
of the average natural hydraulic gradient and the hydraulic conductivity in the
depth interval containing residual hydrocarbon. This information can be used to
predict the velocity and trajectory of potential plumes of contaminated water. The
frequency of monitoring can be adjusted to reflect the expected time required for
ground water to travel through the area containing residual hydrocarbon to the
point of compliance.
This work was supported by the United States Air Force through Interagency
Agreement RW 57935114 between the Armstrong Laboratory
Environics Directorate (U.S. Air Force) and the R. S. Kerr Laboratory (U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency). This work was also supported by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency through the Bioremediation Field Initiative. It
has not been subjected to agency review and therefore does not necessarily
reflect the views of the agency, and no official endorsement should be inferred.
Bell, C. E. 1990. State-by-state summary of cleanup standards. Soils: Analysis, Monitoring,
Remediation (Nov.-Dec.):10-16.
Clark, I. 1979. Practical Geostatistics. London: Applied Science Publishers.
Downs, W. C., S. R. Hutchins, J. T. Wilson, R. H. Douglas, and D. J. Hendrix. 1989. Pilot project on
biorestoration of fuel-contaminated aquifer using nitrate: part I—field design and ground
water modeling. Pp. 219-233 in Proceedings, Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic
Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Restoration, Nov. 15-17, 1989,
Houston. Dublin, Ohio: National Water Well Association.
Downs, W. C., S. R. Hutchins, J. T. Wilson, R. H. Douglas, and D. J. Hendrix. In press. Nitrate-
mediated biodegradation of BTEX in JP-4 contaminated soil and ground water. In
Bioremediation: Field Experiences, P. E. Flathman, D. E. Jerger, and J. H. Exner, eds.
Chelsea, Mich.: Lewis Publishers.
Hutchins, S. R., G. W. Sewell, D. A. Kovacs, and G. A. Smith. 1991a. Biodegradation of aromatic
hydrocarbons by aquifer microorganisms under denitrifying conditions. Environmental
Science and Technology 25(1):68-76.
Hutchins, S. R., W. C. Downs, J. T. Wilson, G. B. Smith, D. A. Kovacs, D. D. Fine, R. H. Douglass,
and D. J. Hendrix. 1991b. Effect of nitrate addition on biorestoration of fuel-contaminated
aquifer: field demonstration. Ground Water 29(4):571-580.
Kampbell, D. H., and M. L. Cook. 1992. Core assay method for fuel contamination during drilling
operations. Pp. 139-140 in Subsurface Restoration Conference Proceedings. Houston: Rice
University, National Center for Ground Water Research.
Kennedy, L. G., and S. R. Hutchins. 1992. Applied geologic, microbiological, and engineering
constraints of in situ BTEX bioremediation. Remediation 3(1):83-108.
Nelson, C., R. J. Hicks, and S. D. Andrews. In press. In situ bioremediation: an integrated system
approach. In Bioremediation: Field Experiences, P. E. Flathman, D. E. Jerger, and J. H.
Exner, eds. Chelsea, Mich.: Lewis Publishers.
Robbins, G. A., R. D. Bristol, and V. D. Roe. 1989. A field screening method for gasoline
contamination using a polyethylene bag sampling system. Ground Water Monitoring Review
Siegrist, R. L., and P. D. Jenssen. 1990. Evaluation of Sampling Method Effects on Volatile Organic
Compound Measurements in Contaminated Soils. Environmental Science and Technology
Smith, J. H., J. C. Harper, and H. Jaber. 1981. Analysis and Environmental Fate of Air Force
Distillate and High Density Fuels. Report ESL-TR-81-54. Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla.:
Engineering and Services Laboratory, Air Force Engineering and Services Center.
Wilson, J. T., J. M. Armstrong, and H. Rifai. In press. A full scale field demonstration on the use of
hydrogen peroxide for in situ bioremediation of an aviation gaso
Metabolism— The chemical reactions in living cells that convert food sources
to energy and new cell mass.
Methanogen— A microorganism that produces methane. Because they thrive
without oxygen, methanogens can be important players in
subsurface biotransformations, where oxygen is often absent.
Micelle— An aggregate of molecules, such as surfactant molecules, that
form a small region of nonaqueous-phase within an otherwise
aqueous matrix.
Microcosm— A laboratory vessel set up to resemble as closely as possible the
conditions of a natural environment.
Microorganism— An organism of microscopic or submicroscopic size.
Microorganisms can destroy contaminants by using them as
"food sources" for their own growth and reproduction.
Mineralization— The complete degradation of an organic chemical to carbon
dioxide, water, and possibly other inorganic compounds.
Most-probable- A statistical technique for estimating the number of organisms
number (MPN) present in a sample.
Nonaqueous- A liquid solution that does not mix easily with water. Many
phase liquid— common ground water contaminants, including chlorinated
solvents and many petroleum products, enter the subsurface in
nonaqueous-phase solutions.
Oligonucleotide A short piece of DNA that can be used to identify the genetic
probe— makeup of microorganisms in a sample and the reactions they
are capable of carrying out.
Organic A compound built from carbon atoms, typically linked in
compound— chains or rings.
Oxidization— Transfer of electrons away from a compound, such as an
organic contaminant. The oxidation can supply energy that
microorganisms use for growth and reproduction. Often (but
not always), oxidation results in the addition of an oxygen atom
and/or the loss of a hydrogen atom.
Petroleum A chemical derived from petroleum by various refining
hydrocarbon— processes. Examples include gasoline, fuel oil, and a wide
range of chemicals used in manufacturing and industry.
Plume— A zone of dissolved contaminants. A plume usually originates
from the contaminant zone and extends for some distance in the
direction of ground water flow.
Primary The electron donor and electron acceptor that are essential to
substrates— ensure the growth of microorganisms. These com
Biographical Sketches of Committee
Members and Staff
His primary research interests include ground water pollutant transport modeling
and hazardous waste site evaluation.
RICHARD A. BROWN, vice president of remediation technology for
Groundwater Technology, Inc., in Trenton, New Jersey, received a B.A. in
chemistry from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from
Cornell University. His responsibilities include the development and
implementation of remediation technologies such as bioremediation, soil vapor
extraction, and air sparging. Before joining Groundwater Technology, Dr. Brown
was director of business development for Cambridge Analytical Associates'
Bioremediation Systems Division and technology manager for FMC
Corporation's Aquifer Remediation Systems. Dr. Brown holds patents on
applications of bioreclamation technology, on the use of hydrogen peroxide in
bioreclamation, and on an improved nutrient formulation for the biological
treatment of hazardous wastes.
FRANCIS H. CHAPELLE, a researcher at the U.S. Geological Survey in
Columbia, South Carolina, received a Ph.D. in hydrology in 1984 from George
Washington University. He also holds a B.A. in music and a B.S. in geology from
the University of Maryland. Currently, he studies the impacts of subsurface
microbiology on ground water chemistry.
PETER K. KITANIDIS, professor of civil engineering at Stanford
University, received a B.S. in civil engineering in 1974 from the National
Technical University of Athens, Greece, an M.S. in civil engineering in 1976 from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in water resources in
1978, also from MIT. His current research focuses on the use of geostatistical and
predictive ground water hydrology methods for designing water quality
monitoring networks. He is also conducting research on the design of nutrient
circulation systems for stimulating subsurface microorganisms to degrade ground
water contaminants.
EUGENE L. MADSEN, assistant professor in the Section of Microbiology,
Division of Biological Sciences, at Cornell University, received B.A., B.S., and
M.S. degrees from the University of California at Santa Cruz, Oregon State
University, and Cornell University, respectively. His Ph.D. from Cornell in 1985
is in soil science, microbiology, and ecology. Since 1989, as a researcher at
Cornell, he has pursued interests in ground water microbiology, microbial
metabolism of environmental pollutants, and developing criteria for proving in
situ biodegradation. Prior to returning to Cornell, he held research appointments
at Rutgers and Penn State universities and at an environmental restoration
company in Bozeman, Montana.
WILLIAM R. MAHAFFEY, vice president of the technology department
A microscopic counting, 68
oligonucleotide probes, 69
Abiotic processes
sample selection, 67-68, 89-90
conservative tracers of, 79
in contaminant mass loss, 85-87
modeling, 8, 85-87
as evidence of bioremediation, 7, 73
by native organisms, 24
Aeration systems, 51-53
Aerobic respiration
modeling, 155
oxygen delivery for, 144-146
process, 18-20
Agricultural areas, 42
Air sparging, 57-59, 124-125, 126, 127
definition, 187
monitoring conservative tracers in, 79-80
monitoring electron acceptor uptake in,
oxygen delivery via, 144-145
Alcohols, 32
Alkylbenzenes, 161-162
Anaerobic respiration, 19, 20-21, 187
measuring byproducts of, 75-76
process innovations, 132
bioremediation systems for, 53-59
clogging, 28, 138-139
definition, 187
minerals in, 41
monitoring of, 137-140
permeability, 138-139
preparation for bioremediation, 140-141
Aromatic hydrocarbons, 187
Bacteria measurement
bacterial activity, rates of, 70-73
biogeography, 113-114
fatty acid analysis, 69-70
field evaluation, 67-70
metabolic adaptation, 73
Octadecane, 76-78
Oligonucleotide probes, 69, 192
Oxidation-reduction reaction, 18
Pentachlorophenol, 34
Perchloroethylene, 129
Saturated flow models, 81-82
Saturated zone, 81, 193
Secondary utilization/cometabolism, 21,
143, 193
Sequestering of contaminants, 25-26
Sewage contamination, 149
Site conditions
characterization of, 10, 94
in choosing bioremediation strategy,
contaminant concentrations, 25-27
determinants of bioremediation poten-
tial, 35, 126, 130, 137-138
electron receptor concentration, 41-42
for engineered bioremediation, 3-4,
39-41, 50
Tetrachloroethene, 33
Time factors
in bioremediation vs. conventional
methods, 13, 48
in ecologically oriented bioremediation,
in engineered bioremediation, 3-4, 50
Toluene, 23, 32
See also BTEX
Tracer compounds, 8
Trichloroethane, 24
Trichloroethylene, 28, 129, 143
intermediary metabolites in transforma-
tion of, 76
Trinitrotoluene, 34
Unsaturated soils, 50-53, 194
oxygen delivery techniques for, 124-125
Vadose zone. See Unsaturated soils
Vapor recovery, 124, 194
integrated with bioremediation, 61,
Vinyl chloride, 28, 143
Water circulation systems, 53-57
Xylene, 32