MA-8 Transcript

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2.3 Transcript CNV-1


Stony 5, 4, 3

O0 00 02 P I have the lift-off. Clock has started.

And she feels real nice.

O0 00 08 CC Wally, you got a pin for this flight?

O0 00 10 P Yeah, I got the pins on my office wall.

Altimeter's off the peg.

O0 O0 15 CC Standby for 20 seconds.

O0 O0 16 P Okay.

00 O0 18 CC 2, 1, MARK. (00 O0 20)T

O0 O0 21 P Roger. Backup started and running good.

I'll give you a hack at my 30 (seconds).
Ah, she's riding beautiful Deke.

O0 O0 29 CC Looks real fine from here.

00 00 30 P MARK 30. Okay. Fuel is okay. Oxygen

is okay. All systems appear go, and she's
getting noisy.

00 00 42 F Not at all too noisy. Easy to talk through.

O0 00 52 P Main cabin pressure is remaining on schedule.

Fuel is okay. Oxygen is okay. Cabin pressure,
10 psi, and she's really moving.

O0 O1 16 P Cape Cap Com Sigma Seven. Do you read? Over.

00 01 28 P Cape Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. How do you

read? Over.

00 01 37 P Cape Cap Com, Sigma Seven. I read you. Over.

O0 01 45 P Cape Cap Com, Sigma Seven. I read. I am

broadcasting in the blind, g is building.
Ail systems are go here.



00 O1 54 CC Roger. How do you read now, Wally?

O0 O1 55 P I read you beautiful.

O0 O1 57 CC You had your transmitter keyed, that's why

we couldn't read.

00 02 00 P I'll be darn. I'm push-to-talk now.

O0 02 05 CC Standby for staging.

O0 02 07 P I have a BECO. I could see the flash.

O0 02 16 CC Staging.

O0 02 17 P Roger, staging. Standing by for tower. Fuel

looks good. Oxygen looks good.

00 02 25 CC Roger. Start a new flight.

00 02 27 P Okay. I'm on push-to-talk, and the sun is

coming in the window now. Okay. There goes
the tower,

O0 02 35 CC Roger.

O0 02 37 P Auto retrojett off. This tower really is a


00 02 41 CC That pitch should be about -10 (degrees).

00 02 43 P Roger. I have about -5. Cabin pressure is

holding very well at, right at 6 psi=

O0 02 51 CC Roger.

O0 02 52 P And I'll give and electrical check now.

O0 02 54 CC Roger.

O0 03 05 P Okay, a-c and d-¢ are all in the green. It

looks real good.

00 03 10 CC Roger.



00 03 14 P I'll go back on VOX again. How do you read

me on VOX now?

00 03 21 P Cape Cap Com, Sigma Seven.

00 03 22 CC Go ahead, Seven.

00 03 24 P Okay. I'm back on push-to-Calk.

00 03 29 CC Roger. You have a go from Control Center.

00 03 31 P Roger. You have a go from me. It's real


00 03 33 CC Roger. Have a go from here.

O0 03 36 P Roger. It looks real good.

00 03 39 CC Are you a turtle today?

00 03 41 P Going to VOX record only. You bec (Correct

answer recorded).

O0 03 46 CC Just trying to catch you on that one.

00 03 48 P Nope - okay. I've finished VOX record.

00 03 51 P Coming up on 4 minutes. I'll give you a hack.

O0 03 54 CC Good head.

00 04 O0 P MARK. (00 04 00) T

00 04 01 CC Roger. Right on the nose . . . 3 pitch.

00 04 03 P Okay, and I've got good fuel, about 101-95

(percent). Oxygen is fat 65-52 (psi in
hundreds), correction 72.

O0 04 14 CC Roger.

O0 04 22 P She's starting to build up now.

00 04 25 CC Roger.



00 04 29 P Sunlight's in my upper right hand corner of

the window, Just peeking in at me.

O0 04 34 CC Roger.

00 04 49 P How's the V/Vt?

O0 04 51 CC I get a 0.8 V/Fro

O0 04 53 P Good show.

00 04 59 CC Standby for SECO.

O0 05 18 CC SECO.

O0 05 20 P I have SECO. Cap sep, and in aux damp, and

it's very pleasant. Going to Ely-by-wire
Iow. Going to fly-by-wireo

O0 05 29 CC Roger. Fly-by-wire.

00 05 32 P Yaw is answering very nicely. Roll answers

nicely. She's turning around very nicely.

00 05 44 CC You have a go, 7 orbit capability.

00 05 46 P Say again, I like that kind.

00 05 54 P I see little ice crystals, I'm sure that's

what it is around me now°

O0 06 O1 CC You're a little garbled°

00 06 02 P Okay. Got a good view of the earth now.

00 06 07 P Coming around to retroattitudeo Coming into

retroattitude; and a good shot of the sustainer
here. It's right in the window where it belongs.
I am pitched up a little bit.

00 06 26 CC Roger.

00 06 40 P Okay. Just about into retroattitudeo

00 06 46 CC Roger. We have full couununications. Tell me,

can you confirm retrojett off?

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00 06 54 P That's affirmative. Retrojett is off.

00 06 57 CC That's fine.

00 06 58 P Okay° I'm getting set up for yaw. I can see

yaw at (-) 34 already.

O0 07 10 CC You say you still have some yaw.

O0 07 13 P Roger. I just went into ASCS at about 7

minutes and 10 seconds. The sustainer
is sitting very steady above me. I should
say above the horizon. And I'm in chimp
mode right now and she is flying beautifully.

00 07 34 CC I_ll give you (contingency recovery area) 1-B

retro 16 22,

00 07 43 P Roger. Understand 16 22. Is that correct?

O0 07 47 CC Roger. 16 22.

00 07 51 P Okay. I've got my chart case out. I'll put

that in. I'll send the blood pressure now
for the medics.

O0 07 59 CC Roger.

O0 08 02 P Boy[ That sustainer looks real cute. I'll

pick her up in a moment and track her.

00 08 09 CC For your information, you are slightly garbled-

slightly garbled.

O0 08 12 P Okay. I'll use VOX-push-to-talk as much as


O0 08 16 CC Roger.

00 08 21 P Okay, I'm s_opping that blood pressure run.

Boy_ This ASCS made tracking very nice. The
sustainer is very stable. It is not oscillat-
ing at all. I see no vapors; it looks very

O0 08 48 CC 28 25

Page 2 - CO[]FIOJ_TI J,


00 08 51 P Say again Deke.

00 08 56 P Cape Cap Com, Sigma Seven. Say again.

00 09 03 CC Seven, Cap Com. You are fading - you are


O0 09 08 P Roger.

00 09 15 P Cape Cap Com. I read you loud and clear.

O0 09 29 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven, Cape Cap Com. How

do you read?

00 09 34 P Cape Cap Com, this is Sigma Seven. I read you

loud and clear. How me?

00 10 15 P Cape Cap Com, Sigma Seven. How do you read?


00 10 31 P This is Sigma Seven. Squib off. Three retro

fuse switches on. Fire-arm on, Going to
fly-by-wire low.

00 11 30 P This is Sigma Seven. Tracking sustainer very

easily in fly-by-wire low.

00 11 56 P Am going to manual proportional.

00 12 58 P This is Sigma Seven. I am now in ASCS auto,

retroattitude. Manual proportional works very


00 14 31 P Canary Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. Over.

00 14 40 CT Sigma Seven this is Canary Com Tech. Trans-

mitting HF/UHF. Do you read? Over.

00 14 46 P Roger. Canary Cap Com this is Sigma Seven.

Do you read me?

00 14 50 CC Sigma Seven this is Canary Cap Com. Reading

you loud and clear. We have valid radar



00 14 55 P Roger. Good show on radar. _Awfully sorry our

friend Julian couldn't be with us. I would
like to give you my report on control mode.
First off, manual and fly-by-wire Iow are
excellent; aux damp works excellent. I am
now in auto mode; retroattitude. Attitudes
holding beautifully. I am go. My suit
temperature is going up a bit. I have set
it at 4o5. Over.

00 15 29 CC Roger. I copied suit temperature at 4.5. What

does your suit temperature read?

00 15 33 P Negative. That was suit dome - is reading 75

(degrees). I have set the suit at 4.5.

00 15 43 CC Roger°

00 15 44 P I am checking on my cabin. It's about 60 (degrees).

I am going to leave it alone. The cabin heat
exchanger is about 48 (degrees).

00 15 54 CC Roger.

O0 16 02 P Canary, as far as I am concerned all control

systems are perfect. The manual was slightly
sluggish as predicted, but better than I have

00 16 14 CC Roger. Are you on UHF-hi at this time?

00 16 19 P That is affirmative, and will be switching to

UHF-lo for a check with you shortly.

00 16 24 CC Roger.

00 16 30 P I have made an electrical check. We had communi-

cation problems on the way across. And all the
systems checked out very well. Oxygen is holding
up very well. I will give the suit circuit a
little more time to cool down.

O0 16 50 P My suit temperature at this time is 68 (degrees).

I am not worried about it yet.



00 16 56 CC Roger.

00 17 O0 P Everything else is green°

00 17 03 CC Roger.

00 17 07 P I am going to go to gyros free for a Ts-_ 5


00 17 U CC Roger.

O0 17 20 CC I have a (recovery area) 2-1 retrosequence

time if you want it.

00 17 24 p Roger. Standby.

00 17 26 CC O1 28 21.

O0 17 30 p Roger. Correction to 2-1. O1 28 21_

00 17 36 CC That's confirm.

00 17 37 P Roger.

00 17 53 p Okay. Looks like the dome is coming down a

little bit. I'll stick with this setting
for awhile.

O0 18 O0 CC Which dome is that?

00 18 O1 P That is the suit dome. The cabin dome is 55


00 18 07 CC Roger 5.

00 18 10 p Canary Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. Do you


O0 18 12 CC I copy cabin dome setting at 5°5 and suit dome

at 4.5.

00 18 18 P Now those are not settings, Let me go over that:

Suit dome temperature is 75 (degrees). Cabin
dome temperature is 56 (degrees), Suit setting
on the coolant valve is 4,5. Cabin setting is
4. Do you understand?

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00 18 40 CC I copy now.

00 18 41 P Ckay. Going back to gyros normal. Ts+5


00 18 46 CC Roger.

00 13 57 P I see we're coming across cbc coast. I haven't

uo_i Cbc l_criscope coo much as yet.

00 19 04 CC Roger. are you on UHF-hi yet - or lo yet?

00 19 08 P _egative. I will switch to lo now before I lose

you. VOX off.

00 19 37 P Canary Cap Com, Sigma Seven. On UHF-lo. How do

you read?


00 20 25 P Kano Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. On UHF-lo.

How do you read? Over.

00 21 01 P Kano Cap Com, Kano Cap Com, Sigma Seven. UHF-lo.

How do you read?

00 21 12 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Kano Gom Tech

transmitting on UHF/HF. Do you read? Over.

00 21 19 P Roger. Kano Cap Com. Do you read me? UHF-lo.


00 21 23 CT _ger. Standby this frequency, Seven, for Cap Com.

00 21 27 P Okay.

00 21 33 CC Hello Sigma Seven this is Kano Cap Com. Standing

by for your short report.

00 21 38 P _ger. I am go. All system are go. I am in ASCS

auto; maneuver is off. My Tr-lO bypass is to
normal. The fuel and oxygen are all green.
Everything is green. I am fat here. I would
like a CET time check.



00 22 00 CC Understand you want a CET ground check.

00 22 02 P That's correct.

00 22 04 CC Roger. At m_ mark it will be 22 10o MARK.

(00 22 10)_

00 22 12 P Roger. I am right on_

00 22 15 P I am changing my suit setting to almost 5.


O0 22 22 CC Understand. Changing suit setting to number 5.

00 22 27 P That is correct. The dome temperature is at this

time approximately 77 (degrees)° I will leave
it at number 5 for at least 10 minutes.

00 22 54 CC Kano Cap Com standing by for any further reports,

Sigma Seven.

00 22 57 P Roger. Kano. Looks like you got good weather

down there°

00 23 01 CC That's affirm. Do your attitude displays check

with your visual reference?

00 23 10 P Very well. I noticed that the yaw reticle is

performing quite well. I've been using it
crossing land here.

00 23 19 CC Roger. Understand.

00 23 23 P I am going to try some of the periscope now.

Rather unusual sight through the periscope.
Not as thrilling as through the window, I'll
have to admit.

O0 23 42 CC Understand.

O0 23 44 P Looks like we are coming up on some cloudy


00 24 07 CC Seven, our telemetry pitch attitude shows about

27 (degrees) minus and your scanner output shows
about - oh, -36 (degrees).



00 24 17 P Roger. I'm right on -34 (degrees). It correlates

with the window reference mark and I feel quite
content we are right on.

00 24 28 CC Very good.

O0 24 30 CC How is your suit temperature doing now?

00 24 32 P The suit temperature is now . . . still going up

a little bit, it's about 72 (degrees). I am
setting at suit . . . number 5 and I'll give it
a little more time to try to cool down.

00 24 55 P As soon as we have got a reverse in flow of this

dome temperature we'll have a cut at it, I think.

00 25 00 CC Roger.

00 25 O1 P Okay, we are picking up some pretty fair clouds


00 25 13 P My inverters look real good.

00 25 15 CC Roger. Understand. What does your suit dome

temperature look like now?

00 25 20 P It looks like it is holding. I may have to

increase it after a little while. I'll let
it sit for awhile.

O0 25 34 CC All the T/M systems look good, Seven.

00 25 36 P Roger. I think the only problem I have is the

suit circuit. I'll work on it for awhile and
see how we are.

00 25 43 CC Takes a wee bit of time for that to stablize_

00 25 46 P Right. That's what I am trying to do.

00 25 57 P The dome now is still holding at 78 (degrees).

I think I will let it set for a little bit

00 26 06 CC Say again that temperature.



00 26 08 P The suit dome is 78 (degrees),

00 26 11 CC Understand.

00 26 17 P Cabin dome is 60 (degrees).

00 26 48 P Cabin dome - Kano this is Sigma S_ven. Do you


O0 26 52 CC LOS Seven.

00 26 54 P Roger. Cabin dome is working very well. It's

just fluctuating.

O0 27 04 CC Roger.

00 27 05 P It goes between 52 and 58 (degrees). And I owe

Frank Samonski, so far at least, 50 cents,

00 28 48 P At this time, I have three axes practically on

retroattitude. The yaw through the reticle
usually observed as a rate and I am now trying
to check for a change in attitude in yaw. I
do notice that one cloud, even, gives you an
attitude immediately as a reference. It's
almost too accurate for the actual observation
that I have within the capsule.

O0 29 39 P I am now going to low mag. Correction high mag

on the periscope see how it looks? . . . yawed
right about 5 degrees. See how she matches up
with the periscope at this point. Say, we have
the yaw axes (indicator) at about 10 degrees
right, at this time, and clouds are tracking
right up the line, as if the yaw axes might be
off by as much as 5 to 6 degrees. Now this may
be a minor problem; we will have to observe it.


O0 30 28 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven, . HF and UHF.

00 30 35 P Hello Kano. This is Sigma Seven. You are both

coming in broken but clear. Over.

00 30 42 CT Sigma Seven. Standby for Cap Com. Over.



O0 30 44 P Roger.

00 30 47 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Zanzibar Cap Com.


00 30 53 P Kano Cap Com, you are coming in weak and broken.


O0 30 59 CC This is Zanzibar Cap Com, Zanzibar Cap Com. Over.

00 31 03 P Roger. Zanzibar. Sorry I miscalled you. I am going

to set my . . . setting on the suit coolant valve
to 5.5. Over.

00 31 23 P Zamzibar this is Sigma Seven. Do you read?

00 31 27 CC Seven this is Zanzibar. You were cutting out. I

didn't get your last message. Will you repeat?

00 31 32 P Roger. Standby, I'm switching to IR{F-hi.

O0 31 36 CC Roger.

O0 31 58 P Hello, Zanzibar this is Sigma Seven. How do you

read? Over.

00 32 02 CC Seven this is Zanzibar Cap Com. Read you loud and

clear now. Go ahead.

00 32 05 P Roger. I have set my suit control valve to 5.5. The

suit dome temperature is 80 (degrees). Over.

00 32 19 CC Roger. Understand.

00 32 20 P The cabin dome is 55 (degrees) and is apparently

under control.

00 32 27 CC Roger. Understand.

00 32 30 P My suit temperature has come down to 75 (degrees) at

this time.

00 32 36 CC Roger.



00 32 38 P In fact, that's a correction, it hasn't come down.

It's just going there. I would like to give you
a briefing on my control mode. I am in auto mode,
the bypass switch is normal, maneuver off. Fuel
is in the green. Oxygen is way in the green. Ail
electrical is in the green.

00 33 03 CC Roger. Seven. Your (recovery area) 2-1 retrosequenc_

time is 01 28 21. Over.

00 33 20 CC Seven, Zanzibar_

00 33 21 P Roger. I'm sorry I was trying to get my card out. I

understand 01 28 21.

00 33 25 CC Yeah.

00 33 27 P Okay.

00 34 39 CC . . . Zanzibar.

00 34 41 P Go ahead, Zanzibar.

O0 34 44 CC Ail systems are green here on the ground. We get

a good T/M.

O0 34 52 P Roger. Zanzibar. I'm all green here. I'm still

working on the suit current circuit.

00 35 02 CC Roger. How do you feel? Uncomfortable?

00 35 05 P I feel quite comfortable. I'm a little warm°

Particularly from sunlight but other than that I
feel fine.

00 35 13 CC Roger.

00 35 14 P I am holding the suit control setting at 5.5 for a

little longer.

00 35 22 CC Roger. You changed that over Kano awhile ago.


O0 35 24 P That's correct. Looks like you got pretty good

weather down there, too.

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O0 35 33 CC Very good.

00 35 34 P I've got a lot of good clouds for yaw checks_ I'll

say that,

00 35 37 CC Right,

00 35 38 P Would you check your yaw reading on what you read for
me in yaw at this time?

O0 35 48 CC Roger_ We are getting about a_5 degreeso Overs

O0 35 51 P Roger_ Concur. I am trying to come back toward 0

(degrees) now.

00 36 01 CC _)ger. We are pulling you right back to 0 (degrees)


00 36 03 P _¢ayo That's the - that's the ASCS system doing it

for me, of course_ I'm going to have to increase
the suit setting. I'm just barely breaking even.
I'm going to set the suit control valve to number 6_

00 36 18 CC _gero Understand° It's been about 10 minutes_

00 36 22 P Roger. Thank you. The cabin is holding very well on

settings, and I'm perfectly comfortable there°

00 36 57 CC Seven this is Zanzibar. We have LOS in approximately

1 minute° Anything else to report?

00 37 03 P Nothing. I will keep the suit setting at this point

until it gets a little hotter. If it does I may
have to go up another half notch at about 45 (minutes),
before I get to Woomera.

00 37 15 CC Roger_ Understand_ I would like a reading on that

before we get LOS please.

00 37 19 P Roger. My system is 6. The dome is 81, 81 (degrees).



O0 37 44 CC Seven. All systems are still performing well here

on the ground.

O0 37 47 P Roger.

00 38 11 P This is Sigma Seven. Somebody broadcasting in the

blind, I do not read you too well,

00 38 18 CC Seven this is Zanzibar. Read you 5 by.

00 38 20 P Roger. You are garbled. I will give you an HF

call shortly.

00 38 25 CC Roger.

00 38 48 CC Zanzibar Cap Com. In the blind° How do you read?


00 38 57 P This is Sigma Seven. I read you° It's rather _ . .

very garbled. I did not observe my HF antennas on
turnaround. The rages were just too much smaller,
I assume. I am going to switch now to VOX off and
go to HF.

00 39 45 P Canary Com Tech, Canary - correction. Zanzibar,

Zanzibar this is Sigma Seven° On HFo How do you
read? Over.

O0 40 11 P Hello Muchea, hello Muchea Cap Com this is Sigma

Seven. }IF. How do you read? Over.

00 41 00 P This is Sigma Seven. I have noticed minute objects

that I can knock off the capsule, one or two, in
the bright sunlight at CET 41 10s

00 41 17 CT Seven this is Zanzibar. I barely read you HF check.


00 41 23 P Roger, Zanzibar, I read you loud and clear at this

time. That is at 41 30 ganzibar_ getting HF loud
and clear.

00 41 43 P Muchea Cap Com, Muchea Cap Com_ Sigma Seven HF.


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00 41 49 P I am switching to push-to-talk.

00 42 O0 P Muchea Cap Com, Sigma Seven. HF check,

push-to-talk. Over.

00 42 36 CT . . .

00 42 51 ? 12 53 00. He talked to Guaymas after we

finished and IOS picked him up. Out.

O0 43 O1 P The last station that talked on HF I could not

identify. It came in very clear and should be
recorded aboard the capsule at approximately
43 minutes, 10 seconds elapsed time.

00 43 24 P I have switched to VOX transmit and record. I

am satisfied that I can see yaw through the
window on AMCS without the use of the reticle
by letting images come up from all sides. It's
only a matter of a short period of time
before objects show translation immediately.

00 44 07 P The pitch scribe mark does indicate up a little

bit and as a result matches the retroattitude,
which at this time, is 30 degrees. I am now
yawed right approximately 10 degrees, and it
looks like I am tracking right down the line.

O0 44 35 P I am at 45 minutes. I am going to increase the

suit setting knob just a small amount, about a
quarter of a turn. I think we almost have
control of the situation. I have set the suit
knob at 6.25. The dome temperature at this time
is 82 (degrees). Suit inlet is 76 (degrees).

O0 45 10 P I definitely can see a right roll at this time

of about 5 degrees, and I noticed the periscope
is dark, meaning we are coming into the dark
side. I will attempt to look for the changes
through the periscope for any observations.



At this time, I can see nothing through the peri-

scope for night observation, at least in this
attitude_ I'm not even sure when I have low mag,
other than the position of the lever_ The winJow
is cloudy_ I have sunlight on it now and ic d_fini-
tely has been clouded over by the escape tower
rocket, not to a great degree, I am seeing tha
so-called fireflies drift dramatically at this
point° I tried a couple of knocks and they
definitely have a relative velocity to the vehicle,
but apparently are part of the same orbital sy_tem,
I definitely see them as white objects_

00 46 39 P I would like to take some water to drink at this

point, but I would rather keep the visor shut to
keep the system attempting to cool down_ We may
make some progress on the cold side. It looks like
I am going to have to decrease the cabin, it's gone
down to 45 (degrees) dome I_m coming to 3_5
on the cabin_

00 47 03 P Checking on inverters at this time_ They look very

good. 150 is 102 (degrees)° 250 is approximately
107 (degrees). Going back to cabin heat excharger_

O0 47 24 P Coming into the night side now at approximately 47

minutes elapsed time° I set the cabin suit to 3°5°
The suit dome is now just, correction - the cabin
dome is nearing 50 (degrees) again_ I will leave
that setting at 3_5 for a period of timer

O0 48 19 P With this much sunlight, I cannot see stars at all.

Sun is off to my left and I am getting close to
sunset at approximately - 49 is the schedule time_
That's just about right on I'm approaching 49
and the cabin lights are on white I am going to
switch the cabin lights to red_ And turn off that
blasted lift-off correlation clock light_

O0 49 03 P Oh, I almost missed my first sunset trying to get the

right cabin light off: It is rather rapid as I was
told it would beo I am not able to, there I have
got Arcturus right on the right side where it



O0 51 12 CC Roger. Go ahead with status report° Over.

00 51 15 P Okay° I am in auto mode at this point. Every-

thing is acting perfectly_ The maneuver switch
is off. The systems are all green I'm
practically using no auto fuel, My only
problem area is the suit circuit, which I am
monitoring very carefnlly_

00 51 36 CC Roger. Sigma Seven, I'll now give you an

emergency voice check_ The next transmission
will be on emergency voice_

00 51 46 P Roger.

O0 51 50 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Muchea Cap

Com on emergency voice. Do you read? Over_

O0 51 56 P This ia Sigma Seven, Read you loud and clear

Gene on emergency voice. Very good. I am
setting it down at about volume level 4o

00 52 04 CC Roger.

00 52 06 P I'll give you a blood pressure.

00 52 08 CC Roger.

00 52 15 CC Has anybody asked you yet to drink water,

Sigma Seven?

00 52 18 P Negative, I've tried not to get into that.

If I can get the suit temperature down a little
bit, I'll open the visor and get some water

00 52 25 CC Roger. Understand. Status of the Woomera

flare test is okay. They are going to light
them, but there is broken clouds and light
rain. No lightning reported. They will fire



00 52 38 P Is the place covered with clouds? Over.

00 52 43 CC Negative_ Broken clouds - the last estimate

I got was 0.8 and several breaks_

O0 52 50 P Roger_ Understand_

O0 52 54 CC Sigma Seven, will you give us a cabin heat

exchanger temperature, please_ Over.

00 52 58 P Roger_ That is 41 degrees. Over.

00 53 05 CC Roger° Understand_ Your body temperature

readouts on the ground are not goods We
are not paying any attention to your body
temperature readouts° Over°

O0 53 16 P Roger° I understand°

00 54 09 CC Sigma Seven this is Muchea_ What is your suit

dome temperature again?

O0 54 13 P It is now holding at 82 (degrees), at a coolant

setting of 6_5o Over°

00 54 23 CC Say again - being interfered with there° Will

you repeat?

00 54 29 P Roger° My dome temperature is 82 (degrees)_

My coolant _ _ o 82, number 82_

00 54 43 CC Sigma Seven° Your transmissions are now very

noisy° We will stand by and not contact you
for awhile_ You are due to contact Woomera
in about 3 minutes_

O0 54 57 P Roger_

00 55 08 P Woomera this is Sigma Seven_ Overs

00 55 13 CC Go ahead_ Sigma Seven.



00 55 15 P Is this Muchea or Woomera?

00 55 17 CC Muchea. You are coming in much better now.

00 55 19 P Roger. I have the moon right in the center of

my field of view. It's a marvelous yaw
reference° Just no sweat on it at all.

00 55 29 CC Roger. Understand° Very good yaw reference_

00 55 32 _ That's affirmative_ I'm still on automatic

control. I'm going to switch to fly-by-wire

O0 55 41 CC Roger. We will standby and expect you to report

control mode when you change to fly-by-wire low;
and gyros free.

00 55 49 P I am switching - My cabin is working okay_ The

suit is okay. I_m going to go down for the
yaw check° Correction, for the flare check
now. I'm pitching down in fly-by-wlre low0

00 56 05 CC Roger. Understand.

OO 56 12 P Fly-by-wire low working very well. Trying to

hold-40 (degrees in pitch)o Correction,
- 50 (degrees)o

O0 56 27 CC Roger°

O0 56 29 P Setting is -50(degrees). Gyros are free_ Holding

at -50 (degrees)o Standing by for flare° Roll
and yaw are holding. I see the flare on my
left which is kinda wrong, I think. I think
I saw a flash of lightning_ Probably - that is
lightning I'm seeing, not the flare. I'm
seeing more lightning. It fs going to be hard
to tell what I am seeing whether it's lightninE
or flares.


WOM- 1


00 57 09 CC Sigma Seven this is Woomera Cap Com0 Over_

00 57 12 P Roger_ Woomerao Go ahead.

00 57 15 CC This is Woomera Cap COmo Flare ignition will

be in 1 minute 20 seconds.

O0 57 20 P That's one reason why I can't see it, because

I am looking at lightning, obviously,

00 57 25 CC And I didn't receive your gyro switch position.

O0 57 29 P Roger° I am in fly-by-wire low and I have

gyros free°

O0 57 37 CC Roger°

00 58 08 P There appears to be no trouble at all in

tracking the gyrose The - there was a large
problem for me in trying to get the right cabin
light d_mmed down to red° It's very hard to
reach due to ditty bag° I have not even
messed around with the camera° I don't intend
to until I have the suit circuit under control.

00 58 35 CC Roger° You have 5 seconds to flare ignition.

00 58 39 P Roger_ I am tracking -50 degrees pitch.

00 58 42 CC Ignition now.

O0 58 43 P Roger_ I have lightning only, It looks like

you're just about socked in, I'll stay here
for a while and then come back up to A SCS
shortly. I think I saw lightning right below
me but it couldn't have been the flare° It
should burn steadily as I understand it.

00 59 03 CC Correct°



O0 59 07 P The lightning looks like a big blob, rather

than a jagged streak we are use to seeing
when earthbound. Just looks like a big -
almost like a antiaircraft shot. A big
blob of bright light, and then it fades out
almost instantly. It definitely looks like
you are overcast. By the way, how is my IF
coming through to you all?

O0 59 35 CC Clear at Woomera.

00 59 37 P Very good. I am on HF and dipole, as you may


00 59 41 CC In fact, we picked you up when you began

working Muchea.

00 59 44 P You did? Very good. Well, looks like we got

the poles out.

O0 59 48 CC Roger.

O0 59 57 P I think I'm going to - between you and Canton,

will make another attempt at the suit
temperature control. We, definitely, aren't
making much progress. I'm holding my own.
That's all.

01 O0 15 CC Roger. You're picking up a little plus yaw


01 00 19 P Roger. I concur. I was looking for the flare.

Are you lit now?

01 O0 24 CC From heresayo Have you found it?

01 O0 26 P Roger. I've got a steady light in sight.

That's because I've pitched up though. Now,
it looks like we're getting much clearer
weather here.

O1 O0 37 CC ..



01 00 41 P Must have some ground lights in sight


O1 00 53 CC Picking up some plus roll now.

O1 O0 55 P Very good. I've been searching around a

little bit for this. Okay, I'm going to hold
that pitch still now. Holding the yaw still.
Stopping roll. And I'm sorry I can't see your
flare. I'm going to start pitching for ASCS.

O1 01 29 CC We have 10 seconds of flare left, and Cape

requests your suit temperature.

01 O1 36 P Say again.

O1 O1 45 CC Requesting your suit inlet temperature and dome


01 01 49 P Roger, my suit inlet is 78 (degrees), my dome

temperature is 82 (degrees).

01 02 O0 CC Sigma Seven this is Woomera Cap Com, Your

transmission was not received.

01 02 06 P Roger, my suit inlet is 78 (degrees).

01 02 07 CC What is your suit and dome temperature?

01 02 22 P This is Sigma Seven. I say again. My suit

inlet temperature is 78 (degrees). My suit
dome is 82 (degrees).

O1 02 33 CC Okay. We got that.

O1 02 34 P Roger. I'm going to increase my setting to 7

on the coolant control on the suit. I'm
now in automatic mode, gyros are normal.

01 02 50 CC Suit setting at 7.



01 02 52 P The suit coolant valve setting is 7v That

is correct_

01 02 56 CC Scanners and attitudes agree here°

01 02 58 P Roger. I'm in orbit mode and _racking very


01 03 03 CC Roger° We had T/M LOS_ Correction, we've got

it back_

01 03 07 P Roger° Ibm going to decrease the cabin setting

It's still running a little coolo

01 03 20 CC Roger_

01 03 22 P I will set the cabin at setting number 3_

01 03 27 CC Roger_ Number 3 for cabin_

01 03 30 P I just set now, MARK, (01 03 31)T at number

3, and the suit is riding at number 7_

01 03 38 CC Roger° And Woomera has had TiM LOS° We are

standing by HF_

01 03 47 P Roger_ Am definitely see some white at this

time under the overcast, and I'm sure it must
be one of your major cities, possibly Brisbane.
I'm not sure_

01 04 06 CC Ail we got was, "under the overcast", on that


O1 04 10 P It looks like a city under the overcast° I'm

not sure_ At about - almost right in the
middle of the window at this time_

01 04 26 CC Sigma Seven, Woomera read your last transmission.

01 04 57 P This is Sigma Seven° Going to fly-by-wire low

and pitching up to reentry attitude. Select-
ing reentry on attitude select_



01 05 56 P I'm now in reentry attitude. Standing by to

go into automatic mode° Fly-by-wire tracks
absolutely beautifully, just as it worked in
the trainer° Very positive results from
using the procedures trainer° There is no
doubt about it, time does pass rather rapidly_
Going back to automatic mode_ I got pitch
down signal, just a slight Iow thruster, and
everything seems to be all right. This probably
was a slight error in the corrected readout.
I was right on, I believe, in all three axes.
The capsule logic is working very well, and is
tracking very well in reentry.

O1 06 50 P I will check my time as I plus 06 plus 50 seconds

when ! went into reentry attitude. The stars
are very easy to see. I see quite a few, but
am bothered by a considerable amount of red
light_ I, now, am going to devote some atten-
tion to the suit circuit for a minute or so.
Then prepare to go back into retroattitude for

O1 07 28 P One definitely gets the illusion of looking way

up above you at this attitude, and if there is
no horizon, it's just a black sky° The amount
of light in the cockpit is quite high. Once
one gets adapted and it can be reduced, of
course, by the cabin light° At this point, I
am somewhat reluctant to reduce the light level
in here, due to the problem with the suit
circuit° I'm using my fingertip lights liberally.
It is observed that in future flights, we must
have some catch-all device that we can stuff
objects into, and have them trapped there for
a period of time, I'm driving at the problem
of the washer and small crimped piece of metal.
I . . o believe I finally got them stuffed into
the little bag on the hatch. Suit temperature
is just holding its own. I am hot, and
probably will have to decrease the setting. I
am sure I don't understand why the suit circuit
takes so long to react. My cabin circuit works
beautifully. I'm going to go back to fly-by-wire
Iow; select retroattitude; and fly to retroatti-




O1 09 16 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Canton Corn

Tech. Do you read? Over.

01 09 21 P Canton this is Sigma Seven. I read you.

At this time, I am in fly-by-wire iow,
pitching down to retroattitude for ASCS.

O1 09 35 P Canton Cap Corn, Canton Cap Com. Sigma Seven.

01 09 42 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Canton Com

Techo Do you read? Over.

01 09 46 P Canton Com Tech this is Sigma Seven. I read

you loud and clear. How me?

O1 10 03 CT Sigma Seven this is Canton Corn Tech. Do you


O1 10 07 P Canton Com Tech, Sigma Seven. Read you loud

and clear.

O1 10 24 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Canton Corn

Tech. Do you read? Over.

01 10 28 P Canton Corn Tech this is Sigma Seven. Read you

loud and clear. How me?

01 10 39 P Canton Com Tech, Canton Com Tech. Sigma

Seven. Loud and clear. How me? Over.

01 10 49 CC Sigma Seven. This is Hawaii Cap Com.

O1 10 52 P This is Sigma Seven. Go ahead.

O1 10 59 CC Sigma Seven this is Canton Cap Com. Over.

01 11 03 P Canton Cap Corn this is Sigma Seven. How do

you read me? Over.

CONFIDENTiaL Page 2 - 32


01 11 46 P Canton Com Tech, Canton Com Tech this is

Sigma Seven_ UHF-hio Over,

01 11 54 CT Sigma Seven this is Canton Com Techo Do

you read? Over°

O1 11 58 P Canton Com Tech this is Sigma Seven. I'm

on UHF-hi. How do you read? Over.

O1 12 27 P Canton Com Tech, Canton Com Tech. Sigma

Seven° Over,

O1 12 34 CT Sigma Seven this is Canton Com Tech_ I read

you 3 by 3. Over,

O1 12 39 P Roger_ Status report° I have sent you a blood°

Ail systems are green, but for suit circuit,
which I am working on carefully° I am in ASCS
retroattitude; gyros normal; maneuver off.
I am working on the suit circuit° I am still
holding setting number 7. Over.

O1 13 05 CC Sigma Seven° Repeat, I got your status green;

ASCS retro; gyros are normal; holding at 7.
Repeat all others.

01 13 17 P Roger. I am holding the suit coolant valve

setting, George, at number 7, Over°

01 13 25 CC Say again. Holding suit at what and what?

01 13 29 P The coolant valve setting is at number 7. The

coolant control valve for the suit circuit.

01 13 39 CC Roger, Sigma Sevenc Would you give me your standard

report again° Over_ This is Canton Cap Com.

01 13 47 P Roger, Canton° You did read that I was in ASCS

retro? You did read that I had my maneuver off?
You did read my gyros were normal? I'd like to
get the suit circuit discussed. Everything
else is green_

Page 2 - 33 CONFIDENTL_L


01 14 05 CC Roger, Sigma Seven° Go ahead.

01 14 08 P I have the suit setting for the control valve

at number 7. I have the suit dome temperature
of 82 (degrees). I have suit inlet of 78
(degrees). Do you understand?

01 14 26 CC Roger, Sigma Seven. I understand.

01 14 29 P I am increasing my suit setting at this time

to 7.5. Over.

01 14 37 CC Roger, Sigma Seven. Understand increasing your

suit setting to 7.5. Over.

01 14 44 P That is affi=mative.

01 14 55 CC Sigma Seven. Request you push stop button on

your blood pressure. Over.

01 15 00 P I have done that. I just didn't come through

right. Did that clean up the trace? Over.

01 15 12 CC Say again. Over.

01 15 13 P Is your EKG okay now?

01 15 17 CC Roger, Sigma Seven.

01 15 30 CC Sigma Seven. How do you feel right now?

Are you hot?

01 15 35 P Not uncomfortably hot, but just a little warm.

I'm trying not to take a drink of water until
I can get this suit circuit under control. If
I can't get it mlder control right away, I
will be drinking some water.

01 15 48 CC Roger, Sigma Seven.

01 17 05 P Canton Cap Com. Sigma Seven. Over.

01 18 27 P Boy, this is a wrestling job with this ditty bat;.



01 18 33 P I'd just _b_soon

f .
not even go into it. Finally
got one' doszmeter out, and will have to put
it up on the hatch and itfs the - let me
mark, wait one, I can't even see anything on it.


01 18 59 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Hawaii Cap Com.

Calling HF°

01 19 07 P This is Sigma Seven° Sigma Seven on UHF-hio

Does anybody read? Over.

01 19 19 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Hawaii Cap Corn on HF.

01 19 25 P VOX off.

01 20 03 P This is Sigma Seven on HF° Hawaii. Do you

you read? Over.

01 20 09 CC Roger. Sigma Seven . o.

01 20 14 F Hawaii. You're coming in broken. I cannot

read you° I'm handling HF at this time. Over.

O1 20 54 F There's Jupiter°

01 21 16 P Guaymas Cap Corn, Guaymas Cap Cora this is Sigma

Seven° On HF. Do you read me? Over.

01 24 12 P Hello, Guaymas Cap Com, Guaymas Cap Com.

Sigma Seven. HF. Over.

01 24 40 P I'm now starting to see the sunrise in the

periscope. First light in the periscope
during this particular orbit as a result of
the night side. It is obvious that the peri-
scope has no function whatsoever in retroattitude
on the night side. First light that I get is
right now at a CET of practically i 25 - 1 hour
and 25 minutes. The sunrise is coming in



rather rapidly through the periscope;

I do have the lighted objects that John
mentioned, and I can create some by knocking
them off_ I definitely have a sensation of
their being a field and varying in size from
small to bright. The periscope itself is
blinding me. I'll have to put the chart on
it, so I can see out the window_ I am in
condition for retro at anytime, so I have
nothing else to do but look out this window.
Assuming that the suit circuit is satisfactocy.
That chart helps no end to cover up that
blasted periscopes Quite a large field of these
objects. Definitely is confirmed that you can
knock them off the hatch, as Scotty said. A:_d
they stream off at, definitely there is no
problem in judging that they are going away
from the capsule, at a different rate than you
are. They are definitely going slower, in
velocity, than the capsule itself° One rap,
and you can see them sliding aft. They are
too small an object for photography_ I would
not even attempt to take a picture of them.
Retroattitude is being held very well by the
ASCSo I should be able to reach Guaymas by now_


O1 26 52 CT Guaymas Com Tech on HF/UHF_ Do you read? Over_

01 26 56 P Guaymas Cap Com, Guaymas Cap Com this is Sigma

Seven_ Over_

01 26 59 CC Guaymas Cap Com, reading you 3 by 3, Give me a

quick rundown on how you feel, Wally, and suJ.t
and dome and inlet temperagures, please.

01 27 09 P Right, Scott. I feel fine. I'm sure we're

getting in on this suit circuit. The dome
temperature is holding now. It's just about
BI(degrees) 0 I'm making a change in it. ThE
suit inlet temperature is at about 78 (degrees).
I think another cut at the controls will solve
this problem_



01 27 29 CC Roger_ Say again your suit inlet temperature,

please, and what is your control setting?

01 27 34 P Roger_ The suit inlet is 78 - 78 degrees° The

setting is exactly 7°5 on the circuit control valve.

01 27 46 CC Roger°

01 27 50 P Scott, I feel we're in very good shape for one more

orbit at least, and we'll see how we can hack this
suit circuit here°

01 27 58 CC Understand, Wally_ We have a go. Are you ready to

copy (recovery areas) 3-1 and 6-1 times?

01 28 03 P Roger_ Standby_

01 28 10 P Okay, Scott_

01 28 12 CC Roger: 3-1 is 03 01 20_

01 28 18 P Oh, back to 20 now_

01 28 19 CC Roger.

01 28 21 P Okay.

01 28 23 CC 6-1 is 08 51 33° Read those both back and give me

a standard report, please.

01 28 29 P Will do. Okay° 3-1 is 03 01 20. 6-1 is 08 51 33.

01 28 41 CC Right° The report, please.

01 28 42 CC Okay, stand by. I'll stow this pencil_ I'm in

chimp configurations The capsule is flying
beautifully° Ail thrusters are working well. The
gyro switch is normal° Maneuver switch is off.
Ail systems are green on green; and I'm bird-
dogging the dome temperature at this time on the
suit circuit.



01 29 08 CC Okay, Wally, give me your cabin dome and

cabin temperature. Also, your flow control
setting on cabin, too.

01 29 19 P Okay. I have cabin temperature of 100 (degrees),

cabin dome, 40 (degrees_ cabin heat exchangec
is 42 (degrees); the setting on the cabin is
3 and it's holding steady for a long period >f
time. I'd rather not change that.

O1 29 40 CC Okay. And now your fuel and oxygen, please.

O1 29 43 P Okay. You want number?

01 29 44 CC Roger.

01 29 45 P Okay. The numbers on fuel 100 (percent) for

auto, 95 (percent) for manual, oxygen is
62 primary, 72 (psi, in hundreds) secondary.

01 30 01 CC Roger. And on my mark the ground elapsed time

will be 1 hour, 30 minutes and 10 seconds.
Standby. MARK. (01 30 Il)To

01 30 13 P I am exactly 1 second slow. Correction, I am

1 second fast.

01 30 18 CC Roger. Understand. One second fastp and look,,;

1_ you're good for another one, Wally.

01 30 24 P Okay. And I saw some of John's friends up

here; I'm afraid to say, although I knocked
them off the way you did it. Ha' Ha'

O1 30 33 CC Roger. Interested in your report.

O1 30 34 P I imagine. John listening to some of that,


01 30 38 CC Roger.



01 30 41 P Basically, what I saw was the firefly color

that John saw, which I could create at other
times as white color. I'm definitely convinced
it's capsule - a capsule derivative and once in
a while, even now, I see one go by.

01 30 59 CC Roger. That's good to hear.

O1 31 02 P I'm getting a very good yaw check with the yaw

reticle in the ASCS mode. Having no trouble
with that at all.

01 31 12 CC Wally, are the particles luminous or reflecting?

01 31 16 P Scott, I think they are reflecting. I'm going to

go ahead now, Scott, and do some yaw check as
long as IIve got some good terrain to look at
and leave the particles off for a while.

01 31 27 CC Okay. We are just about . . . losing T/M. We're

reading roughly O, 0, and (-) 34 (degrees) at
this time.

01 31 38 P Roger. Understand.

01 32 26 P This is Sigma Seven. I am now commencing day yaw

checks. I am - Guaymas. Do you read? Over.
This is Sigma Seven. I'm going to send a blood
pressure at this time.

01 32 42 CC Sigma Seven, Guaymas Cap Com. Reading you on }IF.

01 32 47 P Roger. I'm going to fly-by-wire low at this time.

01 32 52 CC Roger. You're loud and clear on HF nowj Wally.

01 32 55 P Roger, Scott.

O1 33 14 P I moved my left arm too much on that last trans-

mission. I'll give another one a little later.

O1 33 20 CC Roger.




01 33 23 CC Sigma Seven, Cape Cap Com. How do you read?

01 33 25 P Hi, Deke, I read you loud and clear. How me?

O1 33 27 CC You're coming in fairly good.

01 33 32 P This reticle is working very well for yaw, as well

as for almost any other attitude.

O1 33 49 CC Sigma Seven_ Sigma Seven, this is Cape Cap Com.

01 33 51 P Go ahead, Capes

O1 33 55 P Cape Cap Com, go ahead_ Cape Cap Com this is

Sigma Seven_ I read you loud and clear_ How

O1 34 11 P Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven, Cape Cap Com.

01 34 14 P This is Sigma Seven. Go ahead, Cape, I read you

loud and clear.

01 34 18 CC You are coming in about 3 by_

01 34 20 P Okay.

01 34 23 P I'm okay. Standby, I'm going back to ASCS.

It's gotta hold me up _elay me) The capsule
- I'd like to straighten out this problem
that you are - obviously have seen on the
suit circuit. I have had very little luck
in bringing it down. I'm going to increase
the setting to 8 at this time. I am on 8
now - the suit dome is now about 81 _egrees_
It has dropped about a degree. Do you

¢)1 _15 02 CC Understand suit dome is 81 _egree_.



01 35 07 P That is correct. Suit dome is 81(degrees).

The suit inlet is about 76(degrees). I'm
making a little ground on it.

01 35 15 CC That sounds promising.

01 35 16 P Yeah, I think it is. I didn't want to rush

into it, and I didn't get too hot. I
know you are concerned. I'd rather come
up on the right setting than dicker around
going back and forth.

O1 35 27 CC Roger.

01 35 28 P Now all the systems are working very well. I'd

like to give you a rundown on the control
systems. My fly-by-wire is excellent. Manual
was slightly sluggish but very good. The
capsule at this time is in auto mode, maneuver
off, gyros normal. Ts_ 5 did check out very
well. The fuel is holding up as you can see, as
well as the oxygen.

O1 35 57 CC Okay, sounds good.

O1 35 58 P Okay. I'm going to continue with my day yaw

checks now.

O1 36 02 CC Next transmission will be on emergency voice.

01 36 06 P Roger.

01 36 14 CC Sigma Seven, Cape Cap Com, transmitting emergency

voice. Over.

01 36 18 P Roger. I read you loud and clear. I'm going to

send you another ...(blood pressure)here,
because I moved too much on the last one.

01 36 27 CC Roger.

01 36 52 CC Seven, Cap Com.


CNV- 2

O1 36 54 P Go mheod. Dek_.

O1 36 56 CC Your_ontingency recovery _r_a)2 Braw_ rctro.

01 36 58 P Standby 'till I finish my blood here. Okay,

I_m done. Okay, go ahead with your 2 Bravo.

01 37 11 CC 2 Bravo, 01 48 32.

O1 37 15 P 48 32. Is that correct?

O1 37 22 CC O1 48 32.

O1 37 25 P 32 Roger. Understand. O1 48 32, 2 Bravo.

O1 37 32 CC We suggest you have a drink of water if you

haven't had one recently.

01 37 36 P No, I haven't. I've tried not to open the

visor. I want to get the circuit going down.
I think we might have a chance to take a quick
one. I'll get ready for one.

O1 37 46 CC Okay. If you're reading this, I want to clear

you on one item.

O1 37 49 P Okay.

O1 37 51 CC You indicated high thruster action at Bermuda

and Muchea on switch over from ASCS to fly-
by-wire. Has this been apparent to you?

01 38 01 P Negative. It has not. I have one case where

I went into reeentry attitude after -
correction, before - Canton but this was to
check the stars at night after Woomerao
And I got a twitch then, which I think was a
high thruster.



O1 38 20 P Otherwise, it dropped in beautifully on

transition from control mode to control mode.

01 38 28 CC You're pretty poor transmitting, let's try

UflF once.

O1 38 32 P Okay. Standby, VOX off.

01 38 58 CC Seven, Cap Com, UI{F. How do you read?

01 39 12 P Deke. I read you loud and clear. How me?

01 39 14 CC How you reading now?

01 39 17 P I read you fine. I just had some water and it

does feel kinda good.

O1 39 21 CC Roger, loud and clear.

01 39 25 P Say again.

O1 39 26 CC Looks more readable on UI_F.

01 39 27 P Okay. We'll use that around the pad.

01 39 33 CC Have some Echo sighting data for you if you're


O1 39 38 P Yeah, I'd like to hear about it.

O1 39 40 CC In the second orbit over Zanzibar, time 15 23

Zulu. Azimuth should be 2.30 _egree_,
elevation 83.25 _egree_.

O1 39 59 P Roger, we'll see if we can take a peek at it.

01 40 04 CC Our recc,m,endation is that you decrease suit

valve to position 3 and observe dome tempera-
ture for 15 minutes. If this doesn't help,
then go back to 7.

CONFIDENTI;_ Page 2 - 44


O1 40 15 P Deke, I finally got a grasp on this thing° I'm

beginning to feel a little cooler. And the
suit inlet temperature is now down to 76
(degree_. Over.

01 40 26 CC Roger, understand you would prefer to maintain

a status quo, is that correct?

01 40 30 P No, I've been sneaking up on this thing for

almost a whole orbit.

01 40 36 CC Roger.

01 40 38 P Do you understand?

01 40 39 CC Roger.

01 40 53 P Cape Cap Com, Sigma Seven.

01 40 56 CC Go ahead°

01 40 57 P I really do feel I am getting cooler. The

suit inlet is now about 75 to 76 _egrees_
so I am making progress. 0ver_

01 41 08 CC Roger, understand. You are getting a slight


01 41 09 P That is affirmative° I would rather not

throw in the sponge on the settin_ I have
so far°

01 41 18 CC Roger, understand_ You would prefer to let

it stabilize a while longer.

01 41 21 P Right. I'm going to go back to some more yaw


01 41 40 P Going to fly-by-wire low.

01 41 44 CC Fly-by-wire lowo

01 41 45 P Roger.

01 42 04 CC Sigma Seven, Cap Com.



01 42 05 P Go ahead, Deke.

01 42 07 CC Bermuda again shows high thruster action on

switch over to fly-by-wire.

01 42 12 P I'm positive I'm not getting it, because if -

I'd be leaping all over - I'd be leaping
all over the sky if I were getting highs
at this point. I haven't used more than,
oh, 1/2 degree per second.

01 42 40 CC Sigma Seven, Cap Com.

01 42 42 P Go ahead Deke.

O1 42 47 P Go ahead Cape Cap Com.

O1 42 50 CC Roger, you are fading. We are about at LOS.

Flight would still prefer that you consider
going to position 3 after evaluating 8 a
while longer.

01 43 02 P Roger. Understand.

O1 43 07 p Roger. I'm now getting into attitude. Standby

for 0 (degrees) yaw, and pitch and roll. This
will be - .

01 43 24 p Yaw is now aRproximately 0 at this time - MARK.

(01 43 31)_. I will look - about 4 degrees
left. Correcting in pitch, yaw is okay, going
to go back to ASCS to get gyros straightened
out, gyros are normal at this time. I'm setting
up into the tight pattern.

01 44 35 P Rates are just about right on, attitudes right on,

going to fly-by-wire, gyros normal. At 1 44 50
approximately, we are back into chimp configura-
tion. Understand I will have LOS at Bermuda;
next station is Canaries. At this point suit
temperature is now down to 75 (degrees), dome
is still high.



01 46 38 P On the 0 - on the 0 to 50 - on the 0 to 50

Roentgen Scale at O1 hour 46 minutes, there
is practically no reading at all.


01 48 47 CT Sigma Seven this is Canary Com Tech, trans-

mitting UHF/HF. Do you read? Over.

01 48 52 P Hello, Canary Com Tech, this is Sigma Seven.

I read you loud and clear. How me? Over.

01 48 57 CC Roger, Sigma Seven, this is Canary Cap Com,

reading you loud and clear. We'd like to get
some temperature readings from you. Cabin
suit and cabin dome and suit dome. Over°

01 49 08 P Okay, I'll give you a readout. Suit dome is 80

(degrees), suit inlet temperature is 75 (degrees),
cabin dome is 41 (degrees), cabin temperature
is 97 (degrees), suit coolant setting is 8,
cabin is 3. I will follow .....

01 49 40 CC Do you feel that these settings now are giving

you adequate cooling.

O1 49 44 P I am going to take Flight's suggestion, and

reduce my setting to unit 3 for a few minutes,
and then try back at 7 if this does not work.

01 49 56 CC Roger. I copied.

01 49 57 P I am now going to setting number 3 on the

suit temperature control.

O1 50 04 CC Roger.

01 50 09 P At 1 hour and 50 minutes.

01 50 12 CC Roger. What is your present control mode?

01 50 23 P I mm in ASCS. I have completed yaw checks with

the window, I am going to try some yaw checks
with the periscope at this time°



01 50 34 CC Roger.

01 50 39 P Switching to fly-by-wire low, gyros free.

01 51 20 P I can definitely see a yaw pattern in the

window_ in the periscope, in the reticle.
The window itself is satisfactory at (-)
34 degrees, I've covered the gyro and am
now coming back to the left to remove yaw.

O1 51 44 CC Roger. Did you, how far did you have to come

back on yaw?

O1 51 48 P I am not there yet. I'd say about 25 to 30

degrees, I'm stopping yaw at this time. The
periscope checks with the window and the
reticle and I'm going to give a mark shortly,
to try to get all the rates stopped. I am
just about in retroattitude now, and yaw
looks real clean. I'm going to pull off and
look. It's about 1 degree of yaw, to the
right - MARK. (01 52 20)T. Okay, I'm satis-
fied with that kind of day yaw check. That
was done in retroattitude. I had a real good
cloud layer, that was what was the cue.

O1 52 32 CC Roger. How do you feel about systems at the

present time now?

O1 52 33 P All systems are green except for the suit

cooling and it definitely is - the dome
temperature is going up at this time. I'm
going to go back on ASCS for a while and hack
out a network.

01 52 52 CC Roger.

01 52 56 P I will not go to ASCS. Ah, by the way, how

about taking a look at my high thrusters.
Have you seen any high thruster action at all?

01 53 04 CC Standby.

01 5_ 06 p I shouldn't have had any at all.



O1 53 12 CC Wally, did you already switch to ASCS?

01 53 16 P Negative. I have not switched.

01 53 18 CC Do it now.

01 53 20 P Say again.

01 53 24 CC Go ahead and switch.

01 53 26 P I'm going - have I had any high thruster action

so far?

O1 53 29 CC Negative.

O1 53 30 P Okay, that's good. I'm still in fly-by-wire

Iow, standby switching now, flop. I'm
going - .

01 53 41 P Say again.

01 53 42 CC No high thrusters.

01 53 44 P Okay, good deal going, gyros normal.

01 53 46 CC Roger, that is affirmative.

01 53 49 P I have completed my day yaw checks. I mm very

satisfied with the technique of taking care
of roll as I , . .

O1 53 58 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is ....

Do you read? Over.

01 54 05 P This is Sigma Seven. I had to give up on this

lower temperature. Everything's going up.

O1 54 11 CC Okay, I'll report that to the Cape°

01 54 13 P I'm going to set in to n_ber . ..




O1 54 15 CT Sigma Seven this is Kano Com Tech, trans-

mitting on UMF/flF, do you read?

01 54 20 P Roger, Kano. I read you loud and clear.

How me?

01 54 24 CC . read you here. Report . . setting


O1 54 27 P Okay. I've set it back to 7.5.

O1 54 32 CC Roger. I copied 7.5.

01 54 34 P The suit dome went up to 82 degrees.

O1 54 38 CT Sigma Seven this is Kano ComTech, trans-

mitring on UfIF/NF. Do you read? Over.

O1 54 44 P Could you read me, Canaries?

01 54 49 P Hello Kano, hello Kano.

O1 54 52 CT Sigma Seven Sigma Seven this is Kano Com

Tech, transmitting on UfIF/flF. Do you
read? Over.

O1 54 58 P Kano, I read you loud and clear. How me?


01 55 09 CT Sigma Seven Sigma Seven this is Kano Com

Tech, transmitting on UHF/HF. Do you read?

01 55 16 P Kano this is Sigma Seven. Read you loud and

clear. How me? Over.

01 55 18 CC Roger, Seven, I read you weak but readable.

Standby this frequency for ....

O1 55 24 P Okay.



01 55 32 CC Sigma Seven, . . . how do you read?

O1 55 34 P I read you loud and clear. I wonder whether

Canary's got my last on the suit system.
I've got 82 degrees on the dome and went
back up to a setting of 7.5 on the coolant
valve. Over.

O1 56 O0 CC Sigma Seven, Kano Cap Com.

01 56 03 P Go ahead, Kano.

01 55 14 P Kano Cap Corn, Sigma Seven, go ahead.

01 56 27 P Hello, hello Kano Cap Com, Sigma Seven.


O1 56 55 P Kano, Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. Go


O1 56 59 CC Sigma Seven, Kano Cap Com ....

O1 57 08 P Kano Cap Com, this is Sigma seven, go


01 57 14 CC Sigma Seven, we don't read you.

01 57 16 P Roger, Kano. This is Sigma Seven. I read

you loud and clear. Sigma Seven switching
to HF.

O1 57 31 CC Sigma Seven, Kano Cap Com.

01 57 43 P Kano, this is Sigma Seven. Over.

O1 57 47 P Hello, Kano Cap Com. Sigma Seven. Over.

01 57 51 CC Roger, Sigma Seven. I have not read your

transmissions. Over.

O1 57 55 P Roger. I had to switch to flF at this time,

and am in VOX at this time. HF. How do
you read?



01 58 04 CC Negative, Seven. Would you say again?

01 58 07 P I'm on VOX - correct, I am going to push-to-

talk on HF. Do you read me now?

01 58 13 CC Roger. I read you better now.

01 58 16 P Okay. Do you want some suit stuff?

01 58 18 CC Roger. How is your suit doing?

01 58 20 P Okay. I've already caught the dome temperature.

Went up to about 82 (degrees). I've got it
back to 81 (degrees). The suit inlet went
up to 80 (degrees). I've got it back to 78
(degrees). I am back at the setting of almost
7.5 on the suit set selector. I'm going to
setting number 8 at this time.

01 58 43 CC Understand. You are going to n_ber 8 on

suit setting.

01 58 47 P That is correct.

01 58 50 CC Would you say again your suit temperature.

01 58 52 P Suit temperature at this time is dropping

slowly. It is now 77 (degrees).

01 58 59 CC You're rising?

01 59 O1 P Negative. lit is dropping - lowering.

01 59 03 CC What is your dome temperature?

O1 59 06 P It is coming down. It is now 81, 81


01 59 10 CC Roger, I copied.

01 59 11 P Okay, I think we got locks on it by going

higher in settings.



01 59 17 CC Say again° You were garbled°

O1 59 19 P'_ I think we have the situation under control.

01 59 28 P I am now in ASCS, gyros normal, maneuver off,

all systems green. I am green,

O1 59 35 CC Roger. Understand, Auto retroo

01 59 39 P That is affirmative,

O1 59 46 CC Our telemetry shows pitch attitude of 25

(degrees) negative and our scanner shows
36 (degrees) negative°

O1 59 59 P Roger, your scanner is correct_ I am indica-

ing 36 (degrees) negative that it checks
with the window,

02 00 11 CC Sigma Seven°

02 O0 13 P Go ahead° Go ahead°

02 00 17 CC Standby for a (contingency recovery area)

2 Charlie retro time,

02 00 25 CC Sigma Seven° Kano Cap Cemo

02 O0 27 P Go ahead° I'm ready to copy,

02 O0 34 CC Sigma Seven, do you read?

02 O0 36 P I read° Go ahead, Kano,

02 O0 40 CC Sigma Seven,

02 O0 43 P Kano, this is Sigma Seven° Go ahead,

02 00 47 CC This Kano Cap Com transmitting in the blind,

Sigma Seven° 2 Charlie time is 02 04 30,

02 O1 03 P This is Sigma Seven° Roger° 02 04 30, for

2 Charlieo

02 01 16 CC Sigma Seven,come in, please°



02 01 19 P This is Sigma Seven. I read you loud

and clear, How me?

02 01 22 CC I read you now. Did you get my 2 Charlie


02 01 26 P Roger. 02 04 30.

02 01 32 CC Would you say it back to me.

02 01 34 P Roger. 02 04 30.

02 01 41 CC That is Roger.

02 01 47 CC How is your suit temperature now, Seven?

02 01 52 P It is now coming down to about 76 (degrees)

and the dome is 80 (degrees). We're going
in the right direction.

02 02 O0 CC Is your cabin temperature holding?

02 02 04 P Cabin temperature is under control. It

is 95 (degrees). 95.

02 02 11 CC Roger.

02 02 17 CC How do you feel?

02 02 20 P I feel very comfortable now. I'm cooling off

at last.

02 02 24 CC Very good.

02 02 26 P I am going to manual proportional at this


02 02 31 CC Are you going to power down?

02 02 32 P Negative, this is manual proportional.

02 02 34 CC Roger, understand.



02 02 41 CC T/M LOS, Seven.

02 02 46 P Roger.

02 02 54 CC Seven, do you read?

02 02 57 P This is Sigma Seven, I read you still.

02 03 O0 CC I read you very clear, Wally.

02 03 02 P Roger.

02 03 12 P Gyros are free.


02 04 53 CT Sigma Seven Sigma Seven Zanzibar Com

Tech transmitting HF/UHF. How do you
read? Over.

02 04 59 P Sigma Seven on HF. Read you loud and clear.

How me?

02 05 21 P Zanzibar, Sigma Seven. Over.

02 05 25 CC Sigma Seven Sigma Seven this is Zanzibar.

I am not reading your sigmal. What are
you transmitting on, please?

02 05 34 P Sigma Seven on HF.

02 05 41 CC Sigma Seven Sigma Seven this is Zanzibar

Cap Com° Do you read? Over.

02 05 51 CC Sigma Seven Sigma Seven this is Zanzibar

Cap Com. Do you read? Over.

02 05 55 P Zanzibar, this is Sigma Seven. I read you

loud and clear. How me? Over.



02 05 58 CC Roger, I'm not reading you. I'm not

reading you. Very, very weak. Will
you report the suit control setting now,
and how do you feel?

02 06 12 P This is Sigma Seven. I feel marvelous and

I have finally knocked suit control.

02 06 35 P This is Sigma Seven. I had a slight case

of double authority here. I got very bored
with manual proportional during the drifting
period and forgot to put the rate command
switch to auto, .it's about one stroke
in pitch.

02 06 52 P Zanzibar, this is Sigma Seven. Over.

02 07 01 I' Zanzibar Cap Com, Sigma Seven. Over.

02 07 19 p Zanzibar Cap Com, Sigma Seven. Over.

02 07 30 CC Sigma _even_ this is Zanzibar. Over.

02 07 41 CC Sigma Seven Sigma Seven this is Zanzibar. Over.

02 08 53 P Zanzibar Cap Com, Sigma Seven on UHF. Over.


02 09 57 P Indian Ocean Ship, Indian Ocean Ship, Sigma

Seven. Over.

02 10 45 P Indian Ocean Ship, Indian Ocean Ship, Sigma

Seven on UHF-hio Over.

02 11 11 P Indian Ocean Ship, Indian Ocean Ship.

Sigma Sew_n. Over.

02 12 04 CC Sigma Seven.

02 12 09 P Indian Ocean Ship, Indian Ocean Ship. This

is Sigma Seven. I read you. How do you
read me? Over.



02 12 15 CC Read you now. Do you have anything at

this time° Over.

02 12 18 P Roger, I have good news. The suit dome

temperature is now 70 degrees. The suit
inlet temperature is now 70 degrees. Over.

02 12 51 CC Sigma Seven Sigma Seven. Surgeon wants to

know if you feel particularly hot.

02 12 57 P No, I feel very comfortable. Did you read what

I've got for the suit temperature?

02 13 04 CC Roger, understand.

02 13 18 CC Sigma Seven, this is IOS Cap Com standing by.


02 13 22 P _;oger. I want you to read back what tempera-

tures I gave you on the suit dome and on
the suit inlet. Over.

02 13 30 CC Roger, the suit temperature is 70

(degrees). The suit inlet temperature is
70, Over.

02 13 38 P Roger, the dome is now about 63 degrees and

is holding fairly steady. I will monitor
it so it doesn't go too low.

02 13 50 CC Roger, 63 (degrees), dome, holding steady.


02 13 54 P Roger, I think we've got that problem licked.

02 14 47 CC Sigma Seven, I have about 1 minute to LOS.

Over °

02 14 54 P Roger, everything is good here. Thank you

very much for waiting for me to come by



02 16 32 P lOS, this is Sigma Seven. I'm not sure

whether you realize but I have been in
auto mode retroattitude. Over.

02 16 58 P At last we have solved the suit circuit

temperature problem. I can see why Scott
was concerned about this record position
only. There is no side tone as well. The
suit temperature at this time is - CET
2 17 20 MARK. (2 17 20) T - is 68 degrees
and I'm feeling marvelous. The suit dome is
about 72 degrees again° Apparently, it does
fluctuate, and we are going into the night
side at this time. I believe we have the
suit circuit under good control. I will go
back to VOX push-to-talk. Standing by for
Muchea at 25 (minutes). Gotta watch one

02 17 55 P Sunset is rather striking, I don't think that

I need to waste much time looking at them.
They are very interesting. The other thing,
it's fascinating is how black it is when your
eyes are not adapted. I definitely can see
some coating on the window. Going back to
VOX at this point in UHF-hi to transmit.
Opening visor to wipe off the right microphone.
I licked ito Closing visor. Visor was sealed
immediately for the suit circuit to go to work
for me. I don't want to get fouled up with
it again. The suit inlet is holding very
nicely at about 68 (degrees). So the dome again
is going to go back up. It's now up at 76, 75
(degrees). Apparently this higher setting
is the one we want_ Think I'll put in another
half a mark on that now and we may have her
locked. She's getting kinda cool at last so
I know where I want to go with the setting.
I have set the coolant quantity for the suit
and control lever at 8.5 at 2 hours 19
minutes, 28 seconds. The readout the dome
at this time is 75 (degrees).



The suit inlet is 68 (degrees)_ Very

pleasant. I can feel cool air crossing
my face. The oxygen quantity looks real
good, 60 and 75 (psi, in hundreds)°
I have been watching the 250 inverter°
It is approaching 140 degrees, and the
150 contrast is down to about 100
degrees° Standby is about 100 (degrees)
which is cabin temperature. Thirdly,
the 250 - that one's suffering, and I
will keep an eye on it. Cabin heat
exchanger is definitely settling out at
40 degrees, and its given me a hard time
because I obviously owe Frank Samonski
50 cents. I'm pleasantly surprised_
Cabin fuel too, is reading a little high.
Let me see now, we're carrying 5.5 psi.
it's reading about 5 point, correction,
5.3, that's not too high for this cabin°
It's getting nice and dark out, I think
I'll take a peek out at the stars at
this point° The cover for the battery
for the flashlight on the left glove
is coming loose° Only where - where
the switch is, is no problem, just a
case of wearing out before they should.
Drifting, checking my wrist watch as a
backup and I have 2 hours and 51 minutes.
Correction, that's 2 hours and 21
minutes_ Check that, 2 hours and 21
minutes and 35 seconds. Right on,
We're not too bad, we better get a CET check
at Muchea on this trip.

02 22 25 P Going for the computer. Clock is reading about

2 hours and 23 minutes. We'll say 2 24.
At 2 24 we should pick up Muchea, also pick
up a yaw checko 2 24 we have 05 36 on the
other set°



02 16 32 P IOS, this is Sigma Seven. I'm not sure

whether you realize but I have been in
auto mode retroattitude. Over.

02 16 58 P At last we have solved the suit circuit

temperature problem. I can see why Scott
was concerned about %his record position
only. There is no side tone as well. The
suit temperature at this time is - CET
2 17 20 MARK° (2 17 20) T - is 68 degrees
and I'm feeling marvelous. The suit dome is
about 7Z-degrees again. Apparently, it does
fluctuate, and we are going into the night
side at this time. I believe we have the
suit circuit under good control. I will go
back to VOX push-to-talk. Standing by for
Muchea at 25 (minutes). Gotta watch one

02 17 55 P Sunset is rather striking, I don't think that

I need to waste much time looking at them.
They are very interesting. The other thing,
it's fascinating is how black it is when your
eyes are not adapted. I definitely can see
some coating on the window. Going back to
VOX at this point in UHF-hi to transmit.
Opening visor to wipe off the right microphone.
I licked it. Closing visor. Visor was sealed
i_mediately for the suit circuit to go to work
for me. I don't want to get fouled up with
it again. The suit inlet is holding very
nicely at about 68 (degrees). So the dome again
is going to go back up. It's now up at 76, 75
(degrees). Apparently this higher setting
is the one we want. Think I'll put in another
half a mark on that now and we may have her
locked. She's getting kinda cool at last so
I know where I want to go with the setting.
I have set the coolant quantity for the suit
and control lever at 8.5 at 2 hours 19
minutes, 28 seconds. The readout the dome
at this time is 75 (degrees).



The suit inlet is 68 (degrees)° Very

pleasant. I can feel cool air crossing
my face. The oxygen quantity looks real
good, 60 and 75 (psi, in hundreds)_
I have been watching the 250 inverter°
It is approaching 140 degrees, and the
150 contrast is down to about 100
degrees. Standby is about 100 (degrees)
which is cabin temperature. Thirdly,
the 250 - that one's suffering, and I
will keep an eye on it. Cabin heat
exchanger is definitely settling out at
40 degrees, and its given me a hard time
because I obviously owe Frank Samonski
50 cents. I'm pleasantly surprised°
Cabin fuel too, is reading a little high.
Let me see now, we're carrying 5.5 psi.
it's reading about 5 point, correction,
5.3, that's not too high for this cabin.
It's getting nice and dark out, I think
I'll take a peek out at the stars at
this point. The cover for the battery
for the flashlight on the left glove
is coming loose. Only where - where
the switch is, is no problem, just a
case of wearing out before they should.
Drifting, checking my wrist watch as a
backup and I have 2 hours and 51 minutes.
Correction, that's 2 hours and 21
minutes. Check that, 2 hours and 21
minutes and 35 seconds. Right on.
We're not too bad, we better get a CET check
at Muchea on this trip°

02 22 25 P Going for the computer. Clock is reading about

2 hours and 23 minutes. We'll say 2 24.
At 2 24 we should pick up Muchea, also pick
up a yaw check_ 2 24 we have 05 36 on the
other set.




02 23 13 P Perth should be coming into view and it should

be - oh, what a beautiful yaw check this is,
and it's approximately 10 degrees left of
path. Better make that about 12 degrees left
to path. Just on the edge of the window, and
'* that should give us 0 (degrees) yaw. I cannot
see anything through the periscope that would
help me. It is too - it is too cloudy. I'm
coming out on VOX 1, 2, 1, 2. VOX is now
_< coming in very well.

· j_ HUCflEA

02 24 03 CC Sigma Seven Sigma Seven this is Muchea Cap

Com. How do you read? Over.

02 2_._ P Huchea, this is Sigma Seven. Read you loud

and clear. How me?

02 24 11 CC Read you loud and clear, also, Wally. How

about a standard report.

02 24 15 P Okay, Gene, I'll give you the suit thing

first so everybody is off the hook. We
have a dome on the suit of 72, that is
dome temperature (degrees). I have a
suit inlet of 66 (degrees) on the suit and
the suit setting is 8 and I am very happy
with the suit circuit at this time. I am
very comfortable.

02 24 43 CC Roger. Cape advises they are very happy with

the whole situation at this time. Particularly,
the ECS systems solved itself, and they seem
to think you have a good handle on the whole
situation there.

02 24 55 P Roger, I lost it for a while when I went back

to the 3 setting, but I didn't stay there
very long. It definitely should be about
7-1/2 to 8. At this point, I am on ASCS
auto retroattitude. I am going to go to
fly-by-wire shortly. I had been on gyros
normal, and maneuver has been off.



Ail systems are green° I snapped off

_ about 2 percent of manual (fuel) one time
by hitting RSCS_ It was double authority.
It was my boo-boo_ It was just one pitch
down motion.

02 25 34 CC Roger° Understand and stand by.

02 25 37 P Okay, I would like to go ahead with my night

yaw check on fly-by-wire low_

02 25 42 CC Roger° We'll stand by.

02 25 44 P Okay° Now I_m using the moon which is to

the left of me, and itgs a real good fix for
ito I'm just gonna go ahead and cover up the
attitude indicator and you can watch the yaw.
I'm going to gyros free, trying to select
to fly-by-wire low at this time_ I'm gonna
put the moon in the center of the window first -
and holding roll and pitch and then put the
moon back where it belongs° The moon is
approaching the center of the window at this
pointa Okay, I'm gonna stop it there, and
we'll put the roll control in to get that
balanced out° Okay, at this point, I will
get 0 roll. I have overshot the moon and am
picking up the planet Mercury which is nice
and bright, and that's a little bit far to
the right_ Now take a check off and we'll
see how many degrees we_ve got here in yaw°
About 20, which is enough for a quantitative
check° We'll bring her back now_ And I
have to go ahead with slight roll motion each
time I do thiso This is to track the horizon

02 27 06 CC Roger° Understand°

02 27 11 P Okay, we're coming to the right as you may be

able to see, and we're coming around very well.
I still have to correct my roll out° Coming
up on yaw attitude very shortly here° I'm


MUC- 2

quite satisfied with both day and

night checks. I've been real pleased
with it. I have to say this has been
a real treat to see these bears flow
into place.

02 27 39 CC Roger, everything checks out just as you say

on the ground indication, Wally.

02 27 44 P Okay, I'm gonna give you a mark on the moon

now for a yaw reference. I would _ay this

is now zero yaw. MARK. (02 27 51) .

02 27 56 CC Fine. We had a -4 on the ground. That's

pretty good.

02 27 59 P -4. Okay, I'll check here. Looks about right.

I could have come right a little bit more.
Okay, that's about all I need for the night
yaw checks, and, as far as I'm concerned,
I'll go back and give the guys some more
ASCS time. I don't see any reason to burn
up too much fuel. Now I'll give one you oneof thc
things for your Sir John.

02 28 26 CC Roger. Understand. There's a few lights on at

.... Can you see anything?

02 28 33 S We seem to be getting reasonable body temperatures

now, Wal.

02 28 36 P Oh, very good. Warren, nice to hear from you,

old man.

02 28 40 S Me too. How are you, Sand Groper?

02 28 41 p Oh, great sport. Understand some suds are on

the way back.

02 28 50 P I might as well look down and see if you fellows

have got some lights on. I'm gonna kill the
blood pressure.

C_FIDENTIAL Page 2 - 62


02 28 55 CC Shannon runs out of fuel, . he doesn't

get bogged down in the sand°

02 28 59 P Ha_ Ha! I still have black skid marks on

my swim fins from your trip into the bush.
Okay, you can see I've yawed right again. ,
I need to come - correction, yawed left. I
need to come right, the moon is right on the
horlzono I'll put it right on again, just to
show you how easy it is to acquire. I seem to
be holding up on my fuel minimum so I'll_go
ahead and play With it a little bit here. Okay,
we're just about on in yaw, and still off in roll.
I'll slap her in and we'll have it made. Here
comes roll to straighten her up. Coming up on
roll - okay, I'm quitting right there. That's
about as good as I'll ever give you. Little
off in roll here. There we go. Now, that's
what I would give you° Okay, I'm gonna go back
to gyros normal, and let them come back on the
line. I'm going to set up now and uncover the
instruments for chimpanzee configurations.
Dammit, I'm sorry, auto mode.

02 30 13 CC Roger. I understand.

02 30 15 P I broke my promise.

02 30 22 CC _e had you on a _5 (degree) roll when you


02 30 26 P Right, that's about right. Oh_ I've got

some lights down there. How about that?

02 30 33 CC Good, that's us.

02 30 34 P That's a great deal. Sure thank you-allo I've

got a washer in here. I captured a washer and
a/little piece of metal and this looks like
_$ort of a conical washer like a Voishan type
or something, better not be.



02 30 50 CC Fine - can you give us another blood pressure.

That one cut off a little too soon.

02 30 54 P Okay, let me get back into configuration here.

I'm going to ASCS at this time. And she
walked in without any high thrusters, I believe.
Will you double check that? And for that, I'll
give you a blood pressure.

02 31 09 CC Roger.

02 31 11 P Got to check the Sanborn I guess, for that one.

Coming up on BPMS. Gene, I'm real pleased
with the suit temperature now. I've got a
real steady 65 (degrees). Although the
dome is reading just about 70 (degrees) as a
steady number.

02 31 37 CC Roger. 65 and dome 70.

02 31 39 P Right. The cabin is just sitting here fat,

dumb, and happy, I haven't had to do a thing
to it. Now, have you been watching my 250

02 31 54 CC I've got 55 (degrees) on the ground.

02 31 57 P I've got 140 (degrees) here. And the trend

has been very slow building up. I don't thin_
I'll change the cold plate settings. The
150 is holding about ....

02 32 08 CC This is Muchea - recommend you go over to



02 32 10 P Roger. Woomera Cap Com, Sigma Seven. Over.

02 32 15 CC Sigma Seven, Woomera Cap Com. Loud and clear.


CONFIDENTIAL page 2 - 64

WOM- 2

02 32 18 P Roger. Nice to be back over Woomera.

02 32 21 CC Same here. And . 0.

02 32 22 P I'm a little bit ....

02 32 23 CC . . . mode.

02 32 24 P Okay.

02 32 25 CC . condition.

02 32 26 P Roger. I am in ASCS auto, in other words a

normal mode. Gyros are normal, maneuver is off,
all systems are green. I'm real happy with
the suit circuit at this time.

02 32 41 CC Roger. We received your last reports from

Muchea and is that auto retro?

02 32 46 P That is auto retro. Would you give me a time

hack at 33 minutes. Over. That's 2 hours,
33 minutes.

02 33 06 CC You want to get your blood pressure stopped?

02 33 08 P Roger. Can you read me?

02 33 10 CC Affirmative, we are reading you.

02 33 12 P I need a mark on capsule elapsed time. Your

ground elapsed time, give it to me at 30

02 33 20 CC Roger.

02 33 26 CC 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. MARK 02 33 30. (02 33 30) T

02 33 34 P Roger. I read 31. I'm 1 second fast. That's

very good.



02 33 39 CC Your T/M readout on your capsule elapsed time

occasionally reads out 1 second fast and then
comes out to be correct with our time, then
it gains a second again.

02 33 50 P Welcome to the Quiver Club.

02 33 52 CC Roger.

02 33 55 P Okay, I think I gave you some good old blood

for that one. Thanks for the swap.

02 34 02 S Roger, that was the stop button. The stop

button, we're still getting it.

02 34 07 P Okay, I'll stop her.

02 34 09 S Roger.

02 34 10 P I'll try to give you the full bit.

02 34 13 S Thanks.

02 34 14 P You were so nice asking for it. I had to give

it to you.

02 34 17 S We meant the stop button.

02 34 20 P Oh, for gosh sakes, I gave you a whole new


02 34 23 S Ha_ Ha_ It never quit.

02 34 25 P I see.

02 34 26 S Looks good now.

02 34 27 P Good show. Okay, I feel happy about the fuel

condition. We've got - I'm reading 95 _percent)
auto, 90 (percent) manual. What are you reading?


WOM -2

0234 38 CC Reading 98 auto and manual 94.

02 _34 46 P Well, how about that.

02 3448 CC Beautiful.

02 34 50 CC Okay, Spacecraft Commander, this is Woomera

Systems. Do you have any high thruster actions
during your last pass over Woomera and Muchea?

02 34 59 P I don't think so, because I was just cruising

over you that time in fly-by-wire iow and
ASCS. I had one ....

02 35 06 CC Z Cal jumped down here and indicated high thrust.

We think that was probably erroneous.

02 35 14 P I'm quite sure it was, because I would have

noted it rather rapidly° I made one large
thrust application in the flight so far,
where I was going back from manual propor-
tional to fly-by-wire and I forgot to
move the rate command switch to auto. I had
one pitch function and you really know it.
So if I had a high thruster, I'm sure I would
have known ito

02 35 37 CC Roger.

02 35 38 P Very good. Thanks for looking out for me.

02 35 43 CC Everything looks green down here°

02 35 45 P Oh, it's great up here.

02 35 47 CC Standing by.

02 35 48 P Righto. Igm seeing a lot of your lightning


02 35 53 CC Yeah, we got a bunch.

02 35 54 P I'll bet you have° Sorry I couldn't see your

fl_e just - I thought I saw_ but it's just
lightning all the time.



02 36 03 CC Maybe next time.

02 36 05 P Okay. I see Africa. Looks pretty good down

there. We'll give them a whack at it.
Don't give up though, I think the flare will
help us some day.

02 36 19 CC We'll let Gordo take a look at it.

02 36 23 P Right. I'm gonna do a little star gazing now.

02 36 29 CC Woomera has T/M LOS.

02 36 30 P Roger, Woomera.

02 36 34 CC Sigma Seven, Woomera.

02 36 36 P Go ahead, Woomera.

02 37 38 P There's the old Corona Australis, shows in

beautifully, and we've got Nunki. We've
got Kaus Australis, and Nunki is right on
the flight path where it belongs. I'm
reading 0 yaw, 5 degrees left roll, in
retroattitude. I sure would like to know
why it's so complicated. And up above
those boys I should pick up another brighty.
That must be, has to be Altair. Very good.
You actually get the feeling that you aren't
really going over Australia on this flight.
Okay. Now let's see, we finished yaw
check for those boys, coming up on Canton.
They get more ASCS than they reckoned for
this time.

02 38 53 P That's right, on HF at 3 plus 20, everything

else is in order. Take another look at that
dome there, over there. Suit temperature is
64 (degrees) and I'm really happy.

02 39 20 P Tr-10 back to normal. I've done that earlier.

Okay, we got - got suit pressure. Go ahead



and take a look at the inverters again

here. 250 is 141 (degrees), 150 is about
107 (degrees). Well enough alone, Standby
is , . , 7. Just about ambient. Negative,
it's even a little .... The cabin pressure
is about 5.3 (psi), which is perfect. Suit
dome is 72 (degrees). Cabin dome is 45
(degrees) and cabin is holding. Suit tempera-
ture is about 64 (degrees) and I like it,
Oxygen is 60 (psi, in hundreds). Cabin 02
is 5.3 (psi), and a complete electrical.

02 41 00 P All batteries are reading about 23_ (volts)

or higher, ammeter is just about steady at
20 amps. Wanted to check before we power
down, ASCS is 115 (volts). Fans is about
115 (volts), standby 0 (volts). Okay, the
cockpit is clean. It's obvious that that
damn antenna situation is no good. Just brought
HF back in bicone again.


02 42 06 CT Sigma Seven Sigma Seven, this is Canton Com

Tech. Over.

02 42 12 P This is Sigma Seven, I read you loud and clear.

How me?

02 42 21 P Okay, we're back in dipole.

02 42 23 CT Seven, Canton Com Tech, how do you copy?

02 42 27 P Canton is coming in early. No, heUs coming in

about on time.

02 42 34 P Canton Com Tech, this is Sigma Seven. Read you

loud and clear. How me?

02 42 39 CT Sigma Seven Sigma Seven. This is Canton Com

Tech, Canton Com Techo How do you copy? Over.

02 42 51 P Canton Com Tech, this is Sigma Seven. I read

you loud and clear. How me? Over°




02 43 02 CT Sigma Seven Sigma Seven this is Canton

Corn Tech, Canton Corn Tech on HF. Over.

02 43 10 P Canton Com Tech this is Sigma Seven. How

do you read me? Over.

02 43 16 CT Sigma Seven Sigma Seven this is Canton Corn

Tech on HF/UHF. Over.

02 43 30 CT Sigma Seven Sigma Seven, this is Canton Corn

Tech, Canton Com Tech, how do you copy? Over,

02 43 38 P Canton Cora Tech, this is Sigma Seven. I read

you loud and clear. How me?

02 43 46 CT Sigma Seven, Canton Corn Tech. I read you 5

by. Over to Cap Com. Over.

02 43 52 P Roger, I'm here too.

02 43 57 CC Sigma 7 this is Canton Cap Com. Over.

02 44 00 P Roger, Canton. All right I'll give you a short

report. I am in auto retro mode, gyros
normal, maneuver off, all systems are green,
suit circuit is under positive control.

02 44 26 CC Roger, Can - Roger, Sigma Seven.

02 44 30 P This is Sigma Seven. I am ready at this time

for a retrosequence if required. Ail I have
out is one star chart and that's it.

02 44 43 CC Roger, Sigma Seven.

02 44 45 P And you'd better not give me one. Ha, Ha, Ha.

02 44 50 CC Say again, Sigma Seven.

02 44 51 P I don't want one. Ha. Ha.

02 44 53 CC Roger.



02 44 55 P She is really performing like a jewel right


02 45 03 CC Say again, Sigma Seven.

02 45 05 P I said she is performing like a little jewel.

02 45 08 CC Roger, that's great.

02 45 10 P Now, the only thing we had trouble with so

far is the suit circuit, and we°ve got that
pretty well licked.

02 45 17 CC That's what I understand from listening over the

Goddard conference (network communications loop).

02 45 20 P Now, just for your briefing, I_ve got a suit

inlet (temperature) now of about 63 degrees,
and the dome is holding steady, at 70 degrees.

02 45 33 CC Roger, understand°

02 45 34 P I'm perfectly comfortable. I_m gonna quit

with that thing while I_m ahead.

02 45 39 CC Roger.

02 45 44 P Some of that reason that I've lost HF

communications_ I believe, is that I keep
bumping that switch from dipole to bicone.
You understand?

02 45 54 CG You say you keep bumping the switch from

dipole to bicone?

02 45 59 P That is correct° So on the HF check here,

I_m set up for it. I think we can probably
get a good one this time.

02 46 06 CC Roger.



02 46 07 P That's at 3 hours and 20 minutes, of course.

Apparently I've got to keep checking that
thing for bicone_ Correction - for dipole.

02 46 17 CC Roger, understand.

02 46 20 P I just have to move my elbow to the right,

and I knock it.

02 46 24 CC I see.

02 46 28 P It's not critical. It's just a way of doing

business. I had compared the night yaw checks
over Muchea and Woomera, and am very satisfied
with the results. With known objects it is
absolutely no problem at all to acquire yaw.
In addition, we can watch . . . down through
the window_

02 46 47 CC Roger, that's what I heard. I heard your report

at Woomera.

02 46 53 P Roger. There is nothing new up here, then.

02 47 02 CC Roger. We have nothing. No questions here.

02 47 06 P Roger. Apparently, the 250 inverter is not

going up very much. My reading is still
remaining about 140 degrees.

02 47 19 CC Roger.

02 47 33 P I guess Frank Samonski knows I owe him a half

a dollar by now.

02 47 38 CC Roger.

02 47 53 P For your information, because you can't read

it, my retro (package) temperature at this
time is 72 degrees.

02 48 O1 CC Roger. Understand 72 degrees.



02 48 05 P That is correct.

02 48 06 CC Thank you° Seventy-two degrees_

02 48 09 P Seventy-two degrees for the retro heater.

Retro rocket rather. There are no heaters.

02 48 49 P I'm opening the visor just for a moment to

scratch my nose.

02 48 55 CC Roger.

02 48 56 P And closing visor. I missed on that, I'm

gonna have to reseal that. Okay, it's re-
sealed. I'd just as soon not stay on that
cabin any longer than necessary.

02 49 12 CC Roger_


02 49 35 CT Sigma Seven, Hawaii Com Techo How do you

read? Over,

02 49 38 P Hello, Hawaii Com Tech. I read you loud and

clear° How me?

02 49 46 P Hawaii Com Techo This is Sigma Seven, read

you loud and clear. How me? Over.

02 49 50 CC Sigma Seven, Hawaii Cap Com.

02 49 52 P Hi, Gussie, how ya' doin'

02 49 56 CT Sigma Seven, Hawaii Com Tech.

02 49 59 P Hawaii Com Tech_ Hawaii Cap Com, this is

Sigma Seven. I read you loud and clear.
How me?

02 50 04 CC Sigma Seven_ this is Hawaii Cap Com. How do

you read?



02 50 09 P I read you loud and clear.

02 50 15 P Hawaii Cap Com, I will start a standard

report for you. I am in auto retroattitude.
I have gyros normal, maneuver off, all
systems are green, and go for the next orbit.

02 50 37 CC Roger, Wally. Understand all systems are

green and go. We indicate you have a go
down here.

02 50 44 P Roger.

02 50 45 CC Could you give me a CET, . please?

02 50 47 P Roger. Standby for a mark at 50. MARK 50.

(02 50 50) T. That's 2 hours 50 minutes
plus 50 seconds.

02 50 52 CC Roger. We indicate you're 1 second fast.

02 50 56 P Roger, Gus. I think everybody's got the reading;

on the suit circuit, I won't bother bringing
that up anymore.

02 50 59 CC Roger. I'd like to have a cabin temperature

and a cabin dome temperature.

02 51 04 P Okay. Cabin temperature is 97 (degrees).

The dome is 45 (degrees).

02 51 08 CC Say again dome temperature.

02 51 17 P 45.

02 51 20 CC Roger. 45.

02 51 22 P And the setting has not been changed for a long


02 51 26 CC Roger.



02 51 27 P I have not changed the setting on the inverters.

I'll give you a recap on those_ Inverters are
at 4. That's the (coolant control) valve
setting. The cabin is at 3. The suit is at 8.

02 51 43 CC Roger.

02 51 45 P And it's working all very fine. I've got about

62 (degrees) inlet now on the suit.

02 51 52 CC Would you push your blood pressure stop button,


02 51 56 P Roger.

02 52 01 P Now you don't have to ask me for it, you have to

tell me to stop. This is horrible. Hal

02 52 06 CC I'd rather ask you to give it.

02 52 08 P I liked your dispatch the other day. It helped.

02 52 14 CC I almost forgot, Aloha, from Hawaii.

02 52 16 P Oh! Aloha.

02 52 24 P Got some real good night yaw checks, Gus. It

just slops right in.

02 52 28 CC Roger.

02 52 29 P And, your reports on manual proportional, just

about right. The tail-off is what you see
more than anything elseo It's a little

02 52 51 CC Wally, Cape seems to think you're in good shape


02 52 53 P Roger° I feel fine° This old bird is really

performing up here°



02 52 59 CC Good show.

02 53 25 CC Wally, give me a reading on your attitudes

nOW o

02 53 29 P Okays I am rolled left about 7 degrees. Yaw

right 2 degrees° Pitched up about 4 degree_.

02 53 41 CC Roger. Pitch up 4 degrees_

02 53 43 P That's affirmativeo

02 53 45 CC Roger.

02 53 46 P We have a _ 5% degree envelope on this

one, Gus.

02 53 51 CC Roger.

02 53 59 P She's tracking beautifully° I haven't had a

thruster one problem. Really nice.

02 54 05 CC Roger. Give me your pitch attitude again,

Wally. We don't agree with that.

02 54 09 P Okay, I have an indicated (-) 30 degree pitch,

and it checks with the window just about
right on the button, Gus.

02 54 18 CC Okay, Roger_ I misread you then.

02 54 21 P I'm sorry I said -_ 4, I was going up from

the repro mark which would probably confuse

02 54 29 CC yes, you did,

02 54 30 P I can imagine.

02 54 31 P Okay, I'].l read them out the way I see them

instead of the way th_ SEDR (Service
Engineering Department Report) boys do it.




I'm getting the old fireflies again.

I guess John is relieved. I haven't
been looking for them - they're just

02 54 49 CC Okay.

02 54 52 P They're just freebees. You can see some

big ones amd some little ones. They're
almost impossible to photograph. Most
of them are of a less magnitude than I'd
say a good star. Every once in a while
you see some of the big ones.

02 55 OB CC Do you see them close to you?

02 55 11 P Oh, yeah, you can actually see relative motion,

Gus. You can see them right by the window,
then have them drifting way away. Looks like
you see them way out because the velocity
between you and fireflies is definite.

02 55 27 CC Roger° Wally, I think we're losing you.

Will you stand by for California?

02 55 31 P Okay, Gus. I want to talk about this to John.

He's the one that's been waiting. I guess
we're gonna have them all the time.

02 57 54 P Sunrise over the West Coast. It is rather

disappointing because it is just about
socked in completely; smog and cloud conditions.
I em seeing breaks as I approach the coast
line. Someday, I'll get a flight across the
Pacific without clouds underneath me.

02 58 26 P The attitudes check out very well. No doubt

about it. Yaw can be seen with the periscope.
And it can be acquired very rapidly. It can
also be seen through the window without any

02 59 05 P Covering up the periscope again. Standing by

for John.



02 59 10 CC Hello Sigma Seven, Cal Cap COmo Do you

receive'? Over°

02 59 12 P Hi, there Johno I read you loud and

clear. How me?

02 59 16 CC Hello Sigma Seven, Cal Cap Com. Do you


02 59 19 P Cal Cap Com, Sigma Seven. Loud and clear.

How me?

02 59 22 CC Roger, loud and clear, Wally. Looks like

things are leveling off pretty good up
there. Looks like it's going fine now.
You got a status report?

02 59 28 P Yes sir. I_m real happy with this bird.

I am in ASCS auto mode, retro attitude, I
have gyros normal, maneuver off, all
systems are green° I've got the suit
circuit under control as you probably
know by now, and a delightful report for
one John Glenn. I do see fireflies°

02 59 52 CC Good boy.

02 59 54 P And they were your color, John_ That was

a very good description° Although during
the bright side, if I rap them, they're
definitely white. While on the sun center
sunrise_ they come out the true firefly
color you described.

03 O0 16 P John, did you read all that?

03 00 18 CC This is Caio Now reading you very weak, Wally.

You faded after that first good transmission
there, ii got that you were seeing the fire-
flies and them you faded out on your description.
Repeat please.



03 00 29 P Okay. How do you read me now?

03 00 31 CC Loud and clear again.

03 O0 32 P Okay, we°re back on UHF-hio They were

definitely the fireflies that you described
at sunrise. I haven't been looking at
sunsets particularly. As we get brighter,
for example, now when IOta in the daylight and
I rap it, I get white crystals which look like
ice o

03 00 53 CC Roger, got that all okay. Understand as

described at first, and they got whiter as you
go into better light.

03 00 59 P Right, I_ve got white ones right now that are

sort of drifting around° Look like little
bits of frost.

03 O1 05 CC Roger, sounds good. Are you read to copy

(recovery area) 4=1 retrosequence? Over.

03 01 11 P Roger, go ahead John.

03 01 13 CC Roger. Incidentally, you have a go for the

next orbit in case you were wondering. Cape
concurs with that one. Your retrosequence
time for 4_1 is 04 32 36. Over.

03 O1 25 P 32 36.

03 01 26 CC Roger, 04 32 36. And Cape advises Just proceed

with normal flight plan. Looks like things
are going fine.

03 01 33 P Yeah_ I feel real happy with everything° I

stopped everything to get a hold of that
suit circuit and that seemed to fix it up.

03 01 40 CC Roger, that had everybody concerned for a

while, but looks like it is in good shape now.



03 01 44 P I was sure everybody was jumping up and

down on that one.

03 O1 46 CC You were right.

03 02 09 P It's kind of hard to describe all this,

isn Rt it John?

03 02 12 CC Yeah, it sure is, Wally. Can't describe it.

03 02 16 P 1_o, - real, real thrill.

03 02 20 P Too bad you're all socked in. I hope to

see you pretty soon though.

03 02 24 CC Haven't even looked outside.

03 02 25 P Ha, Ha, Ha. That was my problem when you were

going over.

03 02 32 P I guess you heard my yaw reticle is working

out very well.

03 02 36 CC Yeah, that% real good. Glad to hear ito

03 02 54 P I definitely did detect some fogging on the

window from the tower rocket, John.

03 03 00 CC Roger, got that. Some fogging on the window

from the rocket.

03 03 04 P Yeah°

03 03 12 P I'm gonna try your idea on pitch technique

here for drifting. I think that_ll be fun.

03 03 18 CC Say again, Wally, didngt get it.

03 03 19 P I911 try your technique on the drifting period

for this orbit by using - I think that will be
a lot of fun. I just had a hole out here wi:h
an island. Looks like that might have been
San Clemente_ I'm not sure. Yeah, Igm over
land now.



03 03 39 CC Roger.

03 03 40 P I'm getting a good sight of the UoS.Ao

We just got the typical California
fog belt behind me and looks like I'm
getting a watch at the Salton Sea, I

03 03 53 CC Roger. That's where Scott and I both

picked up loud and clear over here.
Seems to be always clear back in there.

03 03 59 P Yeah, just as soon as you get over the ridge


03 04 03 P I don't see anybody water skiing today° Is

it cold?

03 04 08 CC Not that coldo

03 04 10 P Ha, Ha, Ha.

03 04 44 P That's about as far north as I can see is the

Salton Sea. You get a real good look at
Baja California. And I probably can see
Guaymas loud and clear, the way it seems.

03 04 56 CC Looks like you have pretty good visibility

today, if you see all that area°

03 05 00 P Yeah, I can see just about as far as the

Salton Sea north° I can see the Mt. Whitney
area, but not much of it for the snow
capped peaks that are just about on' the
horizon now°

03 05 15 CC Right°

03 05 16 P And I can see with a little craning_ around

almost the southern tip of the Baja



03 05 25 CC Sounds like you've got a real good view

today with not much cloud cover up there
over a lot of it o

03 05 30 P No, just the coast is all that's socked in.

The rest of it's CAVU (clear and visibility
unlimited) o As long as I get some ASCS
time I can look. I've got some roads down
here that are pretty obvious to me right on
the flight path. I'm really talking to you
for a long way, John.

03 05 58 P Cape Cap Com, Sigma Seven.

03 06 16 P Cape Cap Corn, Sigma Seven°


03 06 22 P Muchea Com, correction - Guaymas, Sigma Seven,

03 06 26 CC Roger. Go ahead Sigma Seven.

03 06 28 P Okay, Scott, things are going real well up

here. Gonna get a grip on that coolant
system, and your cogent was very valid°
If a guy has time, he can usually work
it out°

03 06 41 CC Roger, Wally, you faded out at the lasto

Understand everything is good up there,
you have another good trip°

03 06 48 P Right, I think I had a good look at your station

going over°

03 06 51 CC Roger, understand.



03 07 10 P Cape Cap Com_ Sigma :Jevcll. ;.'t_ ,

o5 ,)7 21 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma S_ven. C>;?_ I;_, L_,m.

03 07 24 P Roger, Deke. I'm on push-to-talk _:E Lh;s

time. How do you read? Ove_'.

03 07 29 CC Roger. Reading you 5 by.

03 07 30 P Roger, this is UHF-hi_

03 07 33 CC Roger.

03 07 34 P Going to VOX_

03 07 40 P Cape Cap Com Sigma Seven. On VOX

03 07 42 CC Roger. You're good on VOX.

03 07 44 P Okay: I'm sending you one. Control mode

is ASCS; auto retro; gyros normal; maneuv_.
off. All systems are green. I'll give y_u
a readout on the domes here, if you'd like.

03 08 11 P Cape Cap Com. Sigma Seven.

03 08 13 CC 3igma Seven. Cape Cap Com.

03 08 15 P Did you read the report?

03 08 17 CC I read the report. Awaiting the dome tempera ~

ture, particularly suit.

03 08 20 P Okay. Suit dome is 70 (degrees). Cabin

dome is 45 (degrees). That blasted cabin
heat exchanger is 40 (degrees). Suit
inlet is 62 (degrees), and I'm very

03 08 38 CC ]Excellent.

03 08 40 P Are you ready for me to make a power down




03 08 43 CC Very good. Would you give us all thcee

inverter temperatures at your leisure.

03 08 49 P Okay. I'll give you those, and then I'll

power down.

03 08 52 CC Roger.

03 08 53 P 250 is 143 (degrees). It's gone up

about: 2 degrees in the last 40 minutes.
The 150 is about 105 (degrees). The
standby is about, ha, 110 (degrees)
i'd say. A little warmer.

03 09 12 CC Roger.

03 09 13 P And the retro heaters, the retropackage

temperature is about 74 (degrees), and
it's stayed there almost all this time.

03 09 21 CC Roger. That's very good.

03 09 22 P Okay. I'm gonna go into a power down.

03 09 25 CC Roger. Understand.

03 09 26 P I'll give a readout on how I do it.

Selecting fly-by-wire. Going to gyros
caged. Judging gyros caged. I'm
going to O.

03 09 44 CC Roger.

03 09 45 P Going to ASCS bus, turning it off, and

that's 0 volts. And am I clear to kill
my beacon?

03 09 56 CC Affirmative.

03 09 57 P Okay. Beacon off. The rates are ....

03 10 03 CC Hit your blood pressure stop button, we're

still getting BP.



03 10 06 P Yeah, instead of getting asked for it, I'm

gotta asked to stop it now_

03 10 tl CC That's a welcome changeover.

03 10 13 P There go the beacons off.

03 10 15 CC Roger.

03 10 16 P I caught your Z Cai_ Okay, the rates

are nice and zeroing. I'm going back to
normal position instead of fly-by-wire.

03 10 28 CC Roger°

03 10 29 P Gyros are caged, and the VOX is off. I'm

going to select reentry for the attitude,
so I got that set up for the powering-up

03 10 38 CC Very good°

03 10 40 P Okay, live got fiy_-by-wire low, and the

normal on the ASCS mode, auto, gyros
caged, maneuver is still off° And the
bea - and the beacons are off. Here she's
cruising along very happily.

03 11 01 CC Very good° Are you ready for a (contingency

recovery area) 3-C retro(time)?

03 11 03 P Say again°

03 11 04 CC Are you ready for your 3-C retro time?

03 11 08 P I'm sorry_ You're very garbled_

03 11 12 CC Are you ready for your 3 Charlie retro


03 11 15 P Okay° I_ll try to get it from you, Deke.

I - you're garbled, say them very slowly.

03 11 20 CC 03 39 36°

i'_t_c 2 '-tJD CO_FIDENTIAL


03 IJ 26 P Okay. You came in loud and clear.

03 11 28 CC All righty.

03 11 29 P 03 39 36 for 3 Charlie.

03 11 35 CC That's affirmative.

03 11 36 P Okay.

03 11 39 CC Let me give you a GMT time hack, see how we

are there at this time.

03 11 42 P Yeah. That's probably all fouled up. Okay.

You give it to me.

03 11 46 CC On my mark, I'm 15 27 00 - MARK. (03 11 50) T

03 11 52 P 27?

03 11 54 CC Affirm.

03 11 55 P Holy Malone! That's got a, okay, that thing

is, really a pile of gabog. I've got 24.

03 12 05 CC ....

03 12 07 P Well, lee me try that GMT on my back-up

clock here. Any time.

03 12 15 CC Want a mark on the back-up?

03 12 17 P Yeah.

03 12 19 CC Okay. 03 12 25 on my mark. - MARK. (03 12 26)T

03 12 30 P That was 15 47 30. Is that correct?

03 12 36 CC I gave you a mark on CET, CET.

03 12 40 P Oh, oh, oh. I'm sorry, I was looking at my


03 12 43 CC Okay.

CON_'IDENTIAL Page 2 - 86


03 12 45 P Let's try fo_ CET again at 50 (seconds).

03 12 47 CC Roger, in 3 seconds. MARK. (03 12 51) T

03 12 52 P Okay. I am a sec_nd and a half fast.

03 12 _3 CC Very good.

03 12 J5 P GMT of 28 coming up, actually, I've

passed it.

03 i_ .)L P Give me 28 15.

03 13 _, CC MARK. (03 13 05) T

03 13 07 P Very good, I'm about 3 seconds slow on the

back-up. That's the best one.

03 13 14 CC ....

03 13 15 P Say again.

03 13 17 CC Roger. Did you see Echo?

03 13 19 P Negat:ive. I could not get to it. I was

trying to conserve some more fuel there,
and couldn't get pitched up in the right
attitude for it.

03 13 27 CC Roger. How about Mercury?

03 13 30 P Mercury? Loud and clear. I used Mercury and

the moon for my night yaw check.

03 13 37 CC Roger.

03 13 38 P No, this thing has, ah, practically no rates

indicated, Deke, but I'm now, I'd say rolled
over, oh, probably 30 degrees to the left. -
Pretty close to pitch attitude, and of course
it's pretty hard to tell what yaw is under
these conditions.

03 13 58 CC Roger. Eat and drink - you're also fading.



03 14 04 P Okay. I think I'll try some of that.

03 14 06 CC Roger. We'll leave you alone for awhile.

03 14 09 P Okay. That might be fun, too. I'm now going

to go ahead and do an orientation test.

03 14 13 CC . ..

03 14 14 P Okay. Thank you.

03 14 31 P Okay. On the orientation test. - I touched

the manual lever_ I touched the clock, a
rivet above the clock at about 10 30 just
between the clock face and the yaw indicator.
On the emergency rate lever, I touched it
right on the button.

03 14 53 CC You're coming in garbled. You must have your

mouth full

03 14 55 P No. I'm just, ha ha, I'm talking about my

orientation test.

03 15 O1 CC Roger.

03 15 16 P Okay. We finally got the right scale for this. -

I've got to go to VOX record. Got the right
scale for the dosimeter - and it is reading -
about, less than 0.1, exactly 0.04. I am
now putting the dosimeter back on the hatch -
which is the lowest scale reading.

03 16 00 P I'm back on VOX transmit now. Do you read,

Deke? I've ended up with a beautiful 90
degree roll to the left. Boy, what a nice
eight-point roll this is. Coming up for
HF reception. Going to transmit HF, VOX off.

03 16 38 CC Sigma Seven. Cape Cap Com. Do you read? We

are approaching LOS.

03 16 59 P This is Sigml_ Seven broadcasting on HF. Deke,

how do you read this now?



03 18 30 P It should be noted that the ammeter is reading

12 amps as advertised - apparently, somebody
is getting to me with a R Cai on the cabin
02 . The ammeter is just about exactly on
12 amps.

03 18 56 P There is a slight rate in yaw about % degree

per second, it's almost impossible to take
out without having tc fly it out. This does
look like an appropriate time to get ready
for an HF check. Turning the VOX to push-

03 20 04 CC Sigma Seven this is Cape Cap Com. Transmitting

HF, for a voice check. At 03 10 - MARK.
(03 20 11) T

03 20 18 CT Sigma Seven this is Canary Com Tech. Trans-

mitting HF check at 03 20 21, MARK, out.
(03 20 24) T

03 20 32 CT Sigma Seven this 03 20 30 Kanoo

03 22 49 P Going to VOX record. Looking at the window

witi_ sun glow all over it. It definitely
is _ smoked pattern with streaks of light.
Powdery debris on it - some of it has a
pink color, sort of a pinkish-orange color.
Probably from the RTV 90 sealing devices
that were around the rings and sealing
parts of the system - the tower jettison

03 23 25 P Definitely have a reduced visibility as a

result of this. The rate, at this point,
at 3 23 35, MARK, (03 23 35) T are almost
all zeros.


03 23 49 CC Sigma Seven this is Canary Cap Com. Trans-

mitting on UHF/HF.

03 24 O0 P Hello, Ca .


CYI- 3

03 2_ 06 CC Sigma Seven this is Canary Cap Com. Trans-

mitting on HF/UHF_ How do you read?

03 24 45 P Canary Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. UHF.

Do you read me? Over.

03 25 26 P This is Sigma Seven. On HF. Canary Cap

Com I read you. Did you read me? Over.

03 25 36 CC Roger. Sigma Seven this is Canary Cap Com.

03 25 42 P Roger. I'm having a ball up here drifting.

Enjoying it so much I haven't eaten yet.
I'm going to start to eat now. Over.

03 25 55 CC Sigma Seven this is Canary Cap Com_ Do you

still read?

03 25 58 P That's affirmative, Canary. Do you read me?

03 26 01 CC I read you about 4 by 4.

03 26 03 P Roger.

03 26 05 CC How's everything now?

03 26 06 P Very good.

03 26 14 P At this point, I definitely have a feeling

of flying along yawed, 90 degrees, rolled
right 30 degrees, and pitch almost right
on the horizon.

03 26 30 CC Roger. Sigma Seven. I did not read.

03 26 33 P Roger. I have a slight yaw rate about a

half a degree per second. I'm recording as
well as transmitting, naturally, and I appear
to be yawing right around into proper yaw

03 26 54 CC Sigma Seven this is Canary Cap Com. You're


03 26 57 P Roger.


03 27 33 Y in VOA rc,:_Jrd. I _ve just che_kJJ tha sti,_:kout -

wh_lc =n d_lfting flight - to ,_=e if i lould
get :_iy at3.; built up by stro_<ing the :;tick,
and I did _i t, it's working buautifully.

03 31 11 P Viso: _t_an - n_.


03 32 1_ P Kano.

03 32 16 CT Sigma Seven thzs K_n_ _J;n Tech. Fzansmitting

on HF. Do you r_td!

03 32 22 P Kano Cap Corn this is S-_sma Seven. _,n _JF. I

read you. Do you re,d me? Oreo.

03 32 _] CC Sigma Seven this is Kano Cap Com. How do you


03 32 56 CC Sigma Seven this is Kano Cap Com. How do you


03 33 07 P Kano Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. I read you

loud and clear. How me? Over.

03 33 12 CC Rogec, Seven. I read you - fairly weak and

a little garbled.

03 33 20 P Roger. How do you read ;ne now? I'm on push-

to-talk, HF. Over.

........ CC (I read you very weak, Seven.) G

03 33 _1 CC Sigma Seven. How do you read?

03 33 _3 P This is Sigma Seven. I read you loud and

clear. How do you read me? Over.

03 3q 06 CC Sigma Seven this is Kano Cap Com. Do you

read? Over.

03 35 59 CC Sigma Seven this is Kano Cap Com. Transmitting

on UHF.

03 36 08 CT Sigma Seven this is Kano Com Tech. Transmitting

_n HF. Do you read? Over.



03 36 26 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Kano Com Tech.

Transmitting on }IF. Do you read? Over.

03 36 35 P This is Sigma Seven. I read a station on }IF.

Say again. Over.

03 36 40 CT Sigma Seven this is Kano Cap Com. Transmitting

on HF. Do you read? Over.

03 36 46 P Kano Com Tech this is Sigma Seven. I read you

loud and clear on HF. How me?

03 36 54 CT ....


03 40 06 P Indian Ocean Ship this is Sigma Seven. Over.

03 40 14 P Indian Ocean Ship. Sigma Seven. Over.

03 41 29 P Indian Ocean Ship. Sigma Seven. Over.

03 42 20 P Indian Ocean Ship_ Sigma Seven. Over.

03 43 07 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is IOS Com Tech.

Do you read? Over.

03 43 12 P Indian Ocean Ship this is Sigma Seven. I read

you loud and clear. How me?

03 43 23 CT Sigma Seven this is Indian Com Tech. I read

you loud and clear. Standby for Indian
Cap Com. Over.

03 43 30 P Roger.

03 43 32 CC This is IOS Cap Com.

03 43 40 CT This is Indian Ocean Ship Com Tech. Sigma

Seven. Go ahead, please.

03 43 46 P Indian Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. Over.

03 43 49 CC Roger. I read you now. Over.

03 43 51 P Roger. I read you too.



03 43 55 P You got T/M on me? Over.

03 43 58 CC That is Roger.

03 43 59 P Okay. I'm going to power up the ASCS bus.

03 44 02 CC Say again?

03 44 0'4 P I'm going to power up.

03 _4 06 CC Roger. Understand. You're going to power up.

03 _ 12 P Inver_ter on. All okay. Turned it on at 44

(minutes) .

03 _4 28 P I'm on fly-by-wire at this time.

03 4_ 55 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. I've lost

cormnunica tions.

03 45 02 P Roger.

03 45 18 CT Sigma Seven this is Indian Com Tech. Do you

read? Over_

03 45 21 P Indian Com Tech. Affirmative. I heard you

loud and clear.

03 45 2_ CC Roger. This is IOS Cap Com. Standing by.


03 45 27 P Roger.

03 45 34 CC Sigma Seven. We have just been advised that

we have visual sighting at this time. Over.

03 45 38 P Roger. I'll have to go by and say hello.

03 45 42 CC Roger.

03 46 28 CC . over.

03 47 55 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is 1OS Cap Com ....



03 52 08 P On the powering up. I went to gyros normal,

finally, after getting gyros set at approxi-
mately three zeros with the maneuve_ off.
There was no high thruste_ t_ansition. Then,
when I set up for three zeros, I did get a
high thruster t_ansition in the reentry
select attitude. However, this is probably
due to the no rate gyro run up case.

03 52 41 P I am flying at three zeros on ASCS mode at

this time, to see if this helps me reestablish.
At approxin_tely 4 hours, I just find out
where I am as far as the moon goes.

03 52 56 P Having little t_ouble getting stars oriented as

to which ones they are, and this is going
to be the problem. Particularly with two
gadgets to hold in your hand fur a computer.
This doesn't help one bit.

03 53 17 P There is a star that occurs at 3 hours and

53 minutes. What it is, is going to take a
while to find out° Read the computer,
set up, 3 hours and 53 minutes, and the
time at 55, set up to a standard - 56
minutes . . . standard ....

03 54 09 P I should have the moon - in sight _ by now -

and do not. Therefore, I better go searching
fur it.

03 54 37 P Going to fly-by-wire low. Gyros free.

03 55 10 P Going to gyros caged. Gyros are caged.

03 55 51 P There's Cassiopeia which is to the north.

03 57 08 P There's our friend the moon. We're due over

Muchea at what time, 4 hours - get set up

03 57 _8 P Gyros are going to be ....

CON_IDENI'IAL Page 2 ~ 94

MUC- 3


03 58 04 CC . Muchea. Over.

03 58 05 P Muchea Cap Com this is Sigma Seven_

03 58 10 P Hello. Hello, Much=a Cap Com. Sigma Seven.

03 58 15 CC Sigma Seven_ Sigma Seven this is Muchea Cap

Com. Do you read? _er.

03 58 21 P This :is Sigma Seven, I read you loud and

clear, Muchea_ How meY

03 58 38 P Muchea Cap Com. Sigma Seven. I read you

loud and clear. How m_?

03 58 42 CC How do you read?

03 58 58 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Muchea. Do

you read?

03 59 03 P Muchea Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. On UHF.

How do you read me now? Over.

03 59 10 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Muchea. On

UHF. Do you read?

03 59 15 P Sigma Seven. I read you loud and clear,

Muc]_ea° How me?

03 59 19 CC Roger. Read you and clear also. I called

you two or three times on HF and got no
answer° You're loud and clear on UHF.
How's your status?

03 59 28 P Roger. My status is fine.

03 59 31 CC Are ali svstems undec control?

03 59 33 P That's affirmative, I just used the moon to lock

on. I w iil give you a short report. I'm just
going to go on the ASCS _ . if you watch my


MUC- 3

03 59 45 CC Roger.

03 59 50 P I will go on ASCS; reentry attitude.

03 59 55 CC Roger. You're on now according to us.

04 00 02 P Roger. I'm just about going in. I'm not on it.

Ha. Ha.

04 00 12 P Okay. I'm going in it now, on gyros free. I'm

going to go to gyros normal.

04 00 21 P Okay, Gene. I'll give you a readout on what

we've got up here.

04 00 24 CC Okay.

04 00 31 P First off, I'm in auto reentry; I'm in auto;

gyros are normal; maneuver is off; all
configuration is of reentry; bypass switch
for rate gyros is in normal. Give you a
fuel readout, the auto tank is 90 (percent),
manual is about 90 (percent). Give you a
read on the suit which has been very
comfortable now. The suit temperature is
60 (degrees). My dome is down to 45 (degrees).
I'm going to back it off a half a notch. I'll
go to 0 and then come back up again. Over.

04 01 18 CC Okay, Wally. Stand by.

04 01 27 S Sigma Seven. How about blood pressure?

04 01 33 P On the way.

04 01 36 CC Roger. John Glenn suggests that you have time

when the numerous particles first appear, at
sunrise, to tap the side of the capsule, and
test his favorite theory.

04 01 57 P Roger. I haw_ done that Gene, and they do come

from the capsule_

CONFIDE_TIAL Page 2 - 96


04 02 03 CC Rogerd And h_ suggests later on, when they appear

like white particles, that you do the same and
this might prove that they are the same particles.

04 02 11 P I tried that too.

04 02 13 CC You got the same result?

04 02 14 P That's affirmative_

04 02 15 CC Roger.

0_ 02 43 CC Sig_m Seven. If you're not doing anything, can

you give us an attitude readout.

04 02 47 P Okay. My indicated attitudes are 0 degrees

pitch, lO degrees left yaw, 0 degrees roll.

04 03 07 CC We concur° Very good°

04 03 09 P Roger. How do the scanners look?

04 03 21 CC Within 4 degrees, Wally° They are consistent,


04 03 26 P Roger. I think I got the bea_ lined up pretty

well, then.

04 03 30 CC Roger. Everything looks very good here. You

sound very good, and it looks like go for 6.
I think from here I'!1 just ask the doctor
in °

04 03 39 P Okay.

04 03 41 S How do you feel?

04 03 42 P Very good. I'm enjoying the ride very much.

0_,03 46 S Excsllent.

04 03 54 P You can tell Chris I got bored racking around

amd I just decided to give him his auto retro.
Actually auto reentry attitude at this point.

Page 2 - 97 CONFIDEntIAL


04 04 06 CC Roger.


04 04 27 CC Sigma Seven. Woomera Cap Com.

04 04 30 P Hello, Woomera. Go ahead.

0_ 04 35 CC Sigma Seven. Woomera Cap Com. Did you say

you were going to auto retro?

04 04 41 P Negative. I'm in auto reentry at this point.

04 04 q5 CC Roger. We received your Muchea report, and

we're standing by.

04 04 51 P Roger, Woomera. Thank you.

04 04 57 CC What is your comfort control valve suit setting?

04 05 03 P Roger. It is now set at 7.5. I went back to 0

and came back up again. Over.

04 05 15 CC (Roger.) G Would you repeat that last part?

04 05 17 P Say again?

04 05 19 CC We received you going to zero, but we didn't

know what it was set at.

04 05 24 P Roger. 7.5°

04 05 26 CC (All systems) G green at Woomera.

04 05 29 P Roger. My suit dome is 62 degrees at this time.

04 05 37 CC Suit dome 62 (degrees).

04 05 38 P Correct.

04 05 41 CC Thank you. You ....

04 05 50 CC You reported the suit dome at 45 (degrees) over

Muchea. Is this correct?

04 05 55 P That's correct. It moved that fast.



...... CC (Good.) G

04 06 28 CC We are about to have LOS here at Woomera.

04 06 32 P Roger.

04 06 33 CC Anything else for the Cape?

04 06 35 P Negative. Everything's going along fine


O_ 06 39 CC Roger.

0_+ 08 29 P Roger. At this period, I'm looked ahead at

the flight plan. I frankly feel that a lot
more star information is needed, for nailing
down attitudes - or a better computer. I'm
rapidly working here when I shouldn't have
to be.

04 11 20 P At 4 11, it is 1 15 on the star chart com-

puter, ....

04 11 30 ? ....

04 11 44 P I have Jupiter off on the right side, right

corner of the window.

04 12 07 P . Altair

04 12 15 P I can see the double stars of Grus all form-

ing a line - coming right into the center
of the window. Jupiter-, of course, is a
real bright one. I can see Ankaa and -
correction A1 Naiir, and that, this must
have been Peacock. A1 Naiir is slightly
to the right of the flight path. I'm
flying, but that must be her. Jupiter
Shows up in the corner of the window.
Proper head position, Formalhaut shows
up to the right of flight path. Jupiter
in the right corner. It checks at this
time. Very nice.

04 15 21 P ....



04 15 58 P Don't tell me this compass is working? I

should talk more_ What I have been doing, I
have been getting the standard source of
light out. Au this point, for the capsule,
for my face because I am looking straight
up at the compass is really rolling in the
plane of the roll axis. I have a North
pointing toward my right elbowc The com-
pass definitely takes a swing when I moved

04 17 32 P The compass is too much affected by the atti-

tude instruments and gyros behind them_
That's why I can't bring it to close to
them. I am holding it just about halfway
between the inst£u_ent panel and my face
and in reference to a line halfway between
the glove box and the pack. At the CE time
of 4 18, it is pointing direcnly at the
forward hatch clamp line_ It seems that
this is the resuraining pin link for the
hatch. I guess they can stow uhat for
future reference.

04 18 57 P ° get rid of that for awhile.

04 19 04 P We are on time 4 hours and 19 minutes. On

ASCS and I will pinch down_ At this point,
going to fly-by-wire low - to reentcy
attitude for Hawaii.

04 19 35 P Selecting reentry attitude_

04 19 45 P Always surprising when you finally see some

object and the rate really shows up_

04 20 09 P I am stopping the capsule in reentry attitude.

Taking roll out_ Yaw is zero_ roll is
coming out_ I want to acquire this, and
then watch i_ Roll looks good= Pitch is
coming in; yaw is coming in= Rates and
attitude are good .... ASCS a little low
thruster tweek and very nice. I will warm
up the TT-!0, gyros for _heir benefit. And
starting to get some light om uhe scope,
just barely.



04 21 49 P I have a feeling I am off in pitch, but I think

it is that damn horizon air glow line. Makes
you think it's higher than it is. I still
have the feeling though that I am pitched down
about 10 degrees further than I want to be.
If we are that close, we will let the scanner
work on the problem.

04 22 44 P Now we are indicating retroattitude. We are

fairly close to it. So the scanners are
to:_quing it up about 5 degrees I'd say.


04 22 55 CC Sigma Seven. Hawaii Cap Com.

04 22 59 P Roger. Hawaii Cap Com this is Sigma Seven.

How do you read?

04 23 02 CC We are reading you okay now. How about giving

a short report?

04 23 06 P Okay, good. I am in ASCS; retroattitude; gyros

are normal4 the maneuver switch is off. I
am warming up the Tr-lO bypass for the rate
gyros. I still have fly-by-wire low selected.
Ail quantities and systems are green. I am

04 23 31 CC Roger. Could you give me your cabin dome

temperature, and cabin temperature, and valve

04 23 38 P Roger. The suit dome is 68 (degrees). The

cabin dome is 48 (degrees)° The suit setting
is 7.5. The cabin setting is 3. Over.

04 23 59 CC Roger. Give me your cabin temperature, suit

temperature, and inverter setting.

04 24 04 P Okay. Cabin temperature is 92 (degrees), and

I'll give you inverters. Stand by. - Main
ir_erter is, 250 inverter is about 143
(degrees). The 150 is 102 (degrees). Standby
is about 115 (degrees).



04 24 28 CC Wally, I cut you out there. Give me your

water valve setting on your inverter.

04 24 33 P On the inverter it is 4.

04 24 38 CC Roger.

04 24 40 P That seems to work pretty well so far for the

whole flight, Gus°

04 24 43 CC Okay fine° Cape feels you are in good shape

Wally, and so I have good news° They give
you a go for 6 orbits.

04 24 48 P Hallelujah.

04 24 51 CC They request you stay in retroattitude, and

go ahead and prepare for retro like you
would normally°

04 24 58 P I understand.

04 25 O0 CC And remain in retroattitude until you pass

your (recovery area) retro 3-1 time.

04 25 04 P I understand.

04 25 06 CC And then proceed with your flight plano

04 25 08 P Okay, Gus. I will seeyou out there shortly_

04 25 11 CC Roger.

04 25 45 P These attitudes look honest as can be, Gus.

04 25 48 CC Roger.

04 25 52 P How do the scanners check out with you?

04 25 55 CC You're looking real good down here, Wally. We

can see nothing wrong.

04 25 57 P Good deal_ I use the moon and then later on

Jupiter to line up some of the other stars.
A little too dim to bet on every time_



04 26 07 CC Roger.

04 26 11 P The star computer device I have helps a lot to

confirm stars, but it's a little hard to
acquire them to begin with.

04 26 19 CC Roger.

04 26 30 CC I guess the only thing I don't have is your

suit inlet temperature. Could you give me

04 26 32 P Roger, 62 (degrees).

0_ 26 35 CC 62 (degrees). That sounds good.

04 26 37 P Yeah. It's been very comfortable since I

finally got that final setting.

)4 26 _1 CC Roger.

04 26 45 CC How much water have you had Wally?

04 26 47 P I took a big sip awhile ago, and then I just

had a tube of peaches and a couple of those

04 26 53 CC Okay. Good,

04 26 54 P Now it looks like a good time to take a

drink of water, over you.

....... CC Visor open?

04 27 15 P My visor is open now.

04 27 18 CC Roger. Visor open.

04 27 52 CC Wally, give me your pressure . . readout.

04 27 56 P Just a second Gus, I am trying to stow this

water hose.

04 27 59 CC Okay.



04 28 01 P Partial pressure oxygen°

04 28 06 CC Say again,

04 28 08 P Are you for PO 2 ?

04 28 10 CC Roger.

04 28 13 P Okay stand by_ That is about 4_2 (psi)

and I am back on the suit again.

04 28 21 CC Roger,

04 28 23 P That is actually as pure as we normally

would have it, That is why I didn't want
to stay on too longo

04 28 29 CC Roger_ Check your visor close_

04 28 32 P Roger° The visor is closed and sealed up_

Suit visor bottle is way up in the green.

04 28 40 CC Roger°

04 29 09 P Well Gus, We -at least we got some fuel coming

over here this time,


04 32 12 CC Sigma Seven° Cai Cap Com,

04 32 14 P Cai Cap Com this is Sigma Seven° Read you°

Do you read me? Over_

04 32 18 CC Roger° Read you loud and clear, Wallyo Looks

like it is all go for a next orbit. Do you

04 32 25 P Roger° Everything feels good here, John.

04 32 32 CC Roger° Standing by for your report_

04 32 34 P Roger° I am in ASCS auto at this time; in

reentry attitude; the gyros are normal;


CAL- 3

manmuver is off; all systems are green. Auto

fuel is 89 (percent), manual is 90 (percent).
My temperatures at this point are very
comfortable. The suit inlet is 62 (degrees),
the dome is 69 (degrees). I believe I am
all set to power down. Over.

04 33 12 CC Roger. That's next on the flight plan here.

You are all set to power down if you concur.
And I would like to check your clock setting.
What do you have on the clock there? Over.

04 33 21 P Okay. I will give you a mark at 30 seconds.

04 33 24 CC Your _CT I have here, what's your setting for

retrosequence. Over.

04 33 27 P Roger. 08 hours-P 50 _ 21.

04 33 32 CC Roger. Thank you_

04 33 38 CC What is your cabin pressure, Wally?

04 33 40 P Roger, the cabin pressure is just about 5.1


04 33 45 CC Okay. Sounds good.

04 33 47 P Right° Not much time for that one for this

orbit is there John?

04 33 56 CC What2 Say again please?

04 33 57 P There wasn't much time to get ready for

coming down_ coming down this time was there?
Sorry I couldn't go back to Hawaii for you
this way. I'll see you out there, I guess.

04 34 09 CC Wall),, yeah right here at the end of six. Do

you have any comment with regard to relative
motion of those particles that you saw? Did
you see any of them moving past, or did you
see any of them coming toward you if you were
facing in the direction of flight? Over.

Page 2 - 105

04 34 23 P I never had the direct opportunity of them

coming toward me John, but they definitely
were going away from men I could get a
big blast of them, either green fireflies
or white ice crystals, by rapping on the
capsule almost anytime°

04 34 38 CC Roger° If you happen to have a chance at

sunrise, anytime between now and end of
flight, you might see whether you can see
any coming toward you during that period

04 34 47 P Roger_ Understa_do

04 34 49 P Okay° I am going to shove off for a relaxation


04 34 53 CC Good show° Understand you are going to power


04 34 55 P That's affirm° I'll give you a readout on

it, so you can watch its

04 34 56 CC (Roger) G

04 35 03 P Going to fly-by-wire_ Going To gyros caged°

04 35 09 CC Roger.

04 35 11 P Gyros are three zeros at this time, ASCS bus

off° I have 0 vol_s_

04 35 23 P Roger_ Powering down the beacons, ground


04 35 26 CC T/M's dropped°

04 35 27 P Roger_ I have 12 amps at this time,

04 35 31 CC Roger° That's what we show=

04 35 32 P Roger° Okay I am going from fly-by-wire back

to normal now, so I can keep a cold stick_

04 35 42 CC Roger_



04 35 44 P Okay. I am in normal, and I am going to

select reentry attitude select foe powering
up time.

04 35 59 P And she's all set.

04 36 17 CC . . . this is Cal, you are looking good.

. see you next time around.

04 36 21 P Right'o John, and thanks so much for your


04 36 23 P Roger.

04 36 35 P At 04 36 37. I took a light reading, and the

light value is 13 for ASA 160.

04 36 47 CC Roger. Got it.

04 36 51 P I'll see if I can flounder around with the

camera now and get a picture of the Baja.

04 36 57 CC Roger. I understand getting a picture of

Baja California.

04 37 00 P I am just breaking out the camera now, John.

04 37 02 CC Okay, very good.

04 37 03 P Right. I'm sure I'll be ready for it though.

04 37 49 P Okay. Setting in 11 - and we can look down

towards the Salton Sea again - on infinity.

04 38 02 CC Yeah° That's a pretty good setting from up


04 38 04 P Yeah. . actually, I am looking north of

the Salton Sea because of the yaw effect
I must have in here° There is just a
slight yawing effect just left of the
capsule. Maybe about a quarter of a
degree per second. Enough to bring me
up towards the U.SoA.



04 38 44 CC Roger. Understand. Little slow yaw rate

to the left. You are beginning to fade a
little bit here. Probably won't get you
much longer.

04 38 51 P Okay. I'm yawing to the right. Sorry I

misled you.

04 38 55 CC Roger.

04 40 10 P Going to VOX record.



04 40 14 P Roger. Standby 1 second Deke.

04 40 41 P Roger. Made a dosimeter check, and it is still

less than the last reading.

04 40 46 P Cape Cap Com, Sigma Seven in UI{F-hi. Go ahead.

04 40 59 P Cape Cap Corn, this is Sigma Seven, UHF-hi. Go ahead.

04 41 04 CC Go ahead, Sigma Seven, this is Cape Cap Com.

04 41 10 P Cape Cap Com, Sigma Seven UHF-hi. How do you read?


04 41 13 CC You are now coming in about 4 by.

04 41 17 P Roger. I am in drifting mode, everything is working


04 41 24 CC · · ·

04 41 26 P Sav again.

04 41 29 CC . . .

04 41 33 P You are coming in garbled Deke.

04 41 35 CC Here are your retro times, if you are ready.

04 41 38 P Roger. I think I will be through in a second. I

will take them.

04 41 41 CC Roger.

04 41 45 CC (Recovery area) 4-2 is 05 44 05.

04 41 53 P Do that one over again and I will be right on_

You're in clear now.

04 41 57 CC Okay 4-2 is 05 44 05.

04 42 04 P Okay. 4-2 is 05 44 05.

04 42 09 CC Right. (recovery area) 6-1 is 08 51 24.



04 42 14 P 24.

04 42 16 CC (Contingency recovery areas) A and B are nominal

and I'd like to give you a GMT hack and see
what your clock is doing now Give you one at
16 57 35. I_%RK. (04 42 26) T

04 42 28 P Roger. I'm reading 55 45.

04 42 31 CC Pretty good.

04 42 32 P Let's check the backup clock and we will hack that.

04 42 35 CC Roger.

04 42 37 P Anytime.

04 42 41 CC For your information, we are going to start caili:_g

you Venus. IOS visually sighted you on the last

04 42 49 P How about that ?

04 42 52 CC Did you have your steak?

04 42 54 P Yeah. Did you?

04 42 56 CC Yeah It was okay. Did you eat it?

04 42 59 P Would you do me a time hack again on GlUt?

04 43 02 CC Okay, GMT. 16 58 15. MARK. (04 43 06) T

04 43 08 P 15 okay. I'm 15 - that was just about 3 seconds

slow on my backup clock°

04 43 15 CC Very good. Flight would like to talk to you now.

04 43 17 P Okay.

04 43 19 CF Wally, we have some Echo sighting data. You prepared

to copy ?

04 43 24 P Just get my pencil out. Standby. Okay, go Chris.


04 43 28 CF 00 17 30 is contact time for 4 minutes. Azimuth

99.5 (degrees), elevation 90 (degrees). Echo
will be in the light, the capsule in the dark.

04 43 46 P That should be fun, shouldn't it?

04 43 47 CF Roger. Been a real good show up there. I think

we are proving our point old buddy.

04 43 52 P I hope so (_ris. I am enjoying it.

04 43 55 CF Roger.

04 44 09 CC Sigma Seven . . standing by.

04 44 12 P Roger.

04 44 34 CF Sigma Seven, Cape Flight.

04 44 35 P Okay, Flight.

04 44 38 CF We are ready to go into fast time if you are.

04 44 40 P I_ Ha Ha Ha Ra_ That's a good one. Very good.

04 45 08 CF Sigma Seven, Cape Flight.

04 45 10 P Go ahead there Chris.

04 45 12 CF llle . . . retrosequence now shows 08 51 21 which

means you can advance it exactly 1 minute and
that would be the correct time. You can do that
anytime you want to.

04 45 25 P Advance it 1 minute?

04 45 28 CF Affirmative. That would be 08 51 21.

04 45 32 P Okay. I will throw a minute in now. You reading

me alright ?

04 45 36 CF Affirmative.

04 45 37 P Okay,

04 45 44 P . , That's a trick. Okay, I got 08 51 20 . I'll

throw another second in. I've got 08 plus 51
plus 21.

Page 2 - 111 CONF_)ENTIAL


04 45 46 CF Roger° We concur.

04 46 00 P Roger.

04 46 01 P Ah boy, I just happened to drift into an invertec

position right now. For some reason or another,
you can tell that the bowl was upside down.

04 46 56 P Cape Flight, Sigma Seven.

04 47 00 CF · _ .

04 47 04 P You can tell Cape Sir John that we have practically

nothing on the navel engagement.

04 47 27 CC Sigma Seven, this is Cape Cap Com, we did not get

your message to Sir John_

04 47 31 P Roger. Never mind.

04 47 33 CC . Cape Cap Com.

04 48 24 P I took picture 4, 4a at 4 48 29, which is the

coast of United States. I assume - I will
have to look at my map shortly and see where w_
are° A rather large cloud mass at this point.
We will stow the camera again. The drift
rate isn't consistent enough that you can just
take a picture and then put the camera away.
Plus, the camera is a little hard to take
out and put back in again.

04 49 23 P At 4 hours and 50 minutes, I can't get that

camera back out of that box again. Time to
take a picture° Better stay in there for

04 50 01 P Camera will not work in (to) the glove box


04 50 21 P Reading at light value 13-½, and a _ _ . inside°

04 50 36 P ....

04 50 51 P I punched the wrong button twice. I did not

get a picture of the iris°


04 50 57 P I am just about straight down. We will take

some cumulus pictures° The time hack is
4 hours 51 minutes. The picture will be
a 5a color.

04 52 13 P The dome (temperature) is holding at 70 degrees.

Cabin dome is 50 degrees. Suit inlet is
comfortable at 62 (degrees)° Suit pressure
is steady at 5 psi. Very interesting cloud
formation for picture 6b on the color back.
Rather nice collection of circular clouds.

04 52 46 P . · · shot at 250 56. (1/250 second at f 5.6)°

04 53 52 P At 04 53 53. Bit of in a rolled over attitude

with the nose fairly high .... the light
value (setting) was 13.

04 54 17 P I can actually see the little object that looked

like a snowflake this time, going away from
the capsule. In the same flight path, of
course. Definitely, looked like a piece of
white, but it is quite visible against the
black sky that I see now .... the stars
that go away from us. Definitely has a
different velocity than the capsule itself.

04 55 29 P 4 55 and still am sighting some of the snowflake

effects. 250 inverter is now approximately
135 degrees. Suit dome (temperature) is 72
(degrees). The cabin dome is about 46(degrees).

04 56 47 P Sun right in view again. . that should be

the proper yaw angle, approximately, because
that's where the sun would be at sunset.

04 57 02 P Coming up on 5 hours, so I'll be getting

prepared to copy the intermediate report
at this time. I will not put the camera
all the way in the case at o .

04 57 44 P . .

04 58 21 P Capsule is working very well at this point.

250 (inverter) is 132 (degrees), 150 (inverter)


is . . . 5o Standby (inverter) is 120 .

thrusters; . . o right, over !00 (degrees)
left. Pitch down (thruster) is 105 (degrees)·
Pitch up (thruster) is 100 (degrees). Cabin
heat exchanger (setting) is 4.0. Roll left
manual (thruster) is 79 (degrees)_ Roll
right auto (thruster) is i10 (degrees), rcll
left aute (thruster) is 105 (degrees). Think
we will go back and pick up the retrc.
Temperature is 80 (degrees). This is at almost
exactly 5 hours·

()4 59 59 P Ready for the 5 o'clock report. Fuel is 89-90

(percent). Oxygen 56-75 (psi, in hundreds).
Suit inlet is .... Dome (temperature)
is 70 (degrees). Cabin dome (setting) is
· 0.8° That should be enough for now.

05 00 50 P Got more targets of opportunity.

05 00 59 P At 5 hours and 1 minute I am shooting pictures

of weather almost vertically. There is a
light value of 13-%. Gives me 250 and
5 6 (1/250 second and f5.6) roughly° Infinity
is the setting.

05 01 46 P Light value of 13 for that same subject. I

shot at 13-_. Seems like a very low setting.

05 03 00 P If I don't talk much more than this, it won't

be very long to real time this tape recorder.
Coming up on IOS at 5 hours and 15 minutes.
Quite obvious that you don't care really
what attitude you are in. There is always
that concern about trying to get back into
the attitude you must be in. Particularly,
when you are coming around at the end of the
third orbit to buy off on a go or no-go.

05 04 20 P When I get much more I look at the earth. Rates

at this time, having powered down at approximately
4 hours and 35 minutes are almost exactly 0.
There is a very, very slight pitch rate.
Approximately maybe % degree per second.

05 05 16 P . . . stowing the camera again . _ to get out

until after ....

CONFIDENTIAL page 2 - 114

05 06 28 P Okay, should be coming up on Africa pretty

soon° Tip her over and see how she looks
without light.

05 06 43 P . . . sunlight in my eyes now. Get a tan on

this flight at last.

05 07 39 P Hello A_cension, hello Ascension, this is

Sigma Seven° Over_

05 07 52 P Hello Ascension, hello Ascension, this is

Sigma Seven. Over.

05 08 10 P Hello_Ascension, hello Ascension, this is

Sigma Seven° Over.

05 08 38 CC Sigma Seve_ Sigma Seven, Ascension Cap Com on

HF, do you read?

05 08 46 P _is is Sigma Seven. I read a station, very

garbled, please identify.

05 09 46 P A_: this point in time, which is of course just

prior to sunset, we are coming up with a
batch of the white particles. They show
up in the blue sky. I have the horizon
almost in sight. And they are drifting
away from me.

05 10 08 P Let's check and see if we actually do get yaw

out of these. They are tending to go up in
relation to me, rather than tending to draw
away aft. With this kind of lighting I
can really see the illusion of visibility,
due to the external problem of having smoke
on the outer panel. Definitely is not on
inner panels. It is quite easy to see by
changing panels through reflections that
it's the outer panel.

05 11 05 P We are now going into night _, _ _ _ 5 i_ _,_

11 minutes. Suit dome is setting at 7.0 very
happily. Suit itself is at 62 (degrees) and
I am happy.

05 11 28 P Testing, 1 2o



05 11 36 P I have some pretty stars in sight, and also I

have the little white cbiects that seem t_
come from the capsuie itse!f and drift off.
If they are a yaw check it's fantastic. I
suspect that the star I she is Arcturus. It
would be very interesting - it is neither.
It is one of the white _bleets. tw,_
stars are staying quite _tili. The white
object actually iccked like it came teward
me, but it wasn't. I can actually see the
particle now, flying off as John described it,
as a lathe shaving. It's a very good description
cf it.

05 12 39 P My rates are now just about 0 in ali three axes.

I still have light in the periscope, ef course.
I am looking straight up and yet at this point
which is . , that my attitude is - let me get
into the couch here. I reaziy can't pick it
too well, I am just about inverted at this
point, and that my nose is above the horizon.
As a result I notice that these particles
keep tending aft of me, relative to me at
any time.

05 13 48 P Periscope is blacking out rather rapidly at


05 13 57 P It is almost blacked out completely at this

point. It is really not usable.

05 14 45 P Getting a real burst of light in the window. I

really don't know what it is. At this point
I should be coming up on the sunset. Five
hours 15 minutes. Periscope is dark. I must
be just getting a last look at the horizon;
yet I'm not down on it. Here we go into night
rather rapidly. Now we're into the night side.
I am apparently pointed towards the surface of
the earth, as I can see clouds with lightning
in them.


05 15 53 P Indian Ocean Ship, this is Sigma Seven_ How do

you read? Over.



05 15 58 CC . . with a little bit of background noise.


05 16 05 P Roger, I have to run my volumn up to read you.

I am talking UHF-hi at this time° I am
drifting, and I suppose dreaming° I under-
stand you saw me last time, over.

05 16 20 CO That is Roger. We had a 5 minute visual sighting

for about 9 degrees or over.

05 16 28 P Very good_ Looks like you've got some lightning

down your way now°

05 16 33 CC Do you have an intermediate report for me at

this time?

05 16 36 P that's affirmative° Are you ready to copy -

all systems were green at the time. At 5
hours fuel was 89 (percent) auto, 90 manual.
Oxygen 56 (psi, in hundreds) primary, 75
secondary. Were you copying?

05 17 07 CC Roger, I have your load and oxygen only at this


05 17 12 P Roger. The fuel quantity, did you get that?

05 17 15 CC Negative.

05 17 16 P O_ay, 89 (percent) automatic, 90 manual.

05 17 24 CC Roger. Your gyros and maneuver switch?

05 17 27 P Okay, gyros are caged, maneuver switch is off.

I am powered down.

05 17 35 CC Roger° We have request from the Cape for a blood

pressure reading since they did not get one
at pass over at MCCo Overt

05 17 41 P Okay, you deserve one anyway. Coming up. In

addition, I would like to give you the suit
inlet temperature, which was 62 degrees.


05 17 54 CC Roger.

05 17 55 P The suit dome (temperature) is 70 degrees and

the circuit is comfortable.

05 18 03 CC Wonderful. We also have a request from the Cape.

On your next pass over California, between
6 08 and 6 10, they are going to pass your
voice to live TV. Over.

05 18 19 P Roger, understand at 6 08 to 6 10.

05 18 23 CC They would like you to say something to the live

TV audience at that time. Over.

05 18 27 P Roger.

05 18 39 P At this time I will perform an orientation test.

Missed the manual fuel Candle) by 2 inches,
and capsule repressurization (handle).

05 18 58 P Try to touch the yaw attitude (indicator) touched

the yaw attitude (indicator) at 270 degree
indication. Try to touch the manual emergency
rate lever. And I will - I put my hand right
on it. I believe I am through on this test
over the other (yawning) - I'm yawning - by
considerable margin.

05 19 39 CC Sigma Seven, this is IOS Cap Com.

05 19 41 P Go ahead.

05 19 42 CC Readouts at this time?

05 19 44 P Say again.

05 19 45 CC Anything you want from the ground readouts at this time?

05 19 49 P Negative, looks like everything's clean_ I guess

there's not much sense in giving me scanners
because I'm pretty well cruising along here.

05 20 O0 CC Roger, do you have your time on your intermediate




05 20 05 P _tat was at 5 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds.

05 20 09 CC _od.

05 21 39 P I can see my attitude now. I am - looks like

it's pretty good attitude. It's pitched down
about 55 or 60 degrees.

05 21 54 P No, that's all wrong. I can now see that I must

have been inverted. The horizon is coming
into view, and some stars.

05 22 59 CC Sigma Seven, IOS Cap Com, 1 minute to LOS.

05 23 02 P Roger, IOS, thank you for your cooperation and

enjoyed talking with you.

05 23 28 P IOS, I'm going to try HF again after I leave you

just to see how we do.

05 24 16 P Indian Ocean Ship, this is Sigma Seven on }{F. How

do you read? Over°

05 24 47 P IOS, this is Sigma Seven on HF° How do you read?


05 25 04 P _lis flight I think I can take a whack at this

photometer at last_

05 25 25 P Turn off the cabin lights first. - It's off -

Extincted - total loss_

05 26 33 P G_tting - getting a good look at Orion at this

time. Beautiful view of it. There are the
Pleiades, Alvagrino Ifil look at Atvagrin
and see what I can do with that°

05 27 18 P I have extincted Alvagrin to read at 05 27 27_

Now this experiment isn't going to be valuable;
I need cabin lights to see. It's awfully hard
to find the extinction photometer° Let's see
if I can do it now. Contrasted Alvagrin, the
standard source, under the same lighting conditions.
Extincted at 3°8.


05 28 08 P I'm unable t:o run any more tests on stars at

time. I am coming bac_ to the view cf
the surface of the earth. There's quite a
bit of moonlight, and as a result the horizon
is very bright.

05 28 29 P I'll put t_: photometer in an area where it may

be available again At 05 28 48, the rates are
almost exactly-negative-yaw is 0; pitch is
-If; and roll is roll left _]. We definitely
have a cold stick.

05 30 59 P This quiet ti::lemust be getting to a let of people

on the ground. I think we should probably put
some more data in here. Geth__red at 5 hours
and 31 minutes. And about this time they want
an intermediate report. Wa'_ get it for them.

05 32 57 P Okay, we'll tak_ an electrical chacl_. Main bus

is 24 (volts) - Isolated bus is - clicking
because of the clock, of course-and that's
27 to 27-_ (volts).


05 33 27 P Hello Muchea Cap Ccm this is Sigma Seven. I read

you. How me, ever?

05 33 36 CC Sigma Seven, this is Muchea C_p Com_ I think I

read . . _ say again.

05 33 44 P Roger, this is Sigma Seven_ I read you loud and

clear, Gene. There is no change in my status.

05 33 56 CC Sigma Seven, this is Muchea, I did not read you

very well=, but would request bleed pressure.
Doctor Berry would appreciate blood pressure
during last three Grbits.

05 34 13 P Roger, Gene. I say there is no change in my

status since the last report at 0500. Over_

05 34 26 CC Roger, understand no change in status since

your last report.



05 34 32 P _lat is correct; all quantities are the same.

05 34 36 CC Ail quantities are the same.

05 34 38 P Roger. And temperatures. Gene, I do have one

change. The 250 inverter is now 120 (degrees).

05 34 59 CC Roger. check, 250 inverter is now 120 (degrees).

05 35 05 P Very good.

05 35 11 CC Roger. We do not have telemetry, so, if you

pressed your blood pressure button it isnft
doing us any good. If we get telemetry, we'll
give you another call.

05 35 21 P I was wondering how the heck you were gonna get

it. It will go onboard (tape recorder) though.
Ail d-c power is 25 volts or greater. Over°

05 35 33 CC Say again.

05 35 34 P All d-c power, d-c, is 25 volts or greater. Over.

05 35 48 CC Did you say d-c volts are 25?

05 35 52 P That is affirmative. All of them- they are all in

good shape.

05 36 40 P This is Sigma Seven, at 5 hours, 36 minutes, 45

seconds. No yaw rate, a slight left roll rate
of ½ degree per second° A slight pitch up
of % degree per second.

05 37 23 CC Sigma Seven, this is Muchea. I have not read your

transmissions for the last minute. Hand you
over to PCS.

05 37 32 P Roger, Muchea,


05 37 47 P Hello, Pacific Command Ship, Pacific Command Ship°

This is Sigma Seven on HFo Over°


05 38 05 p Hello, Pacific Command Ship. PCS, this is Sigma

Seven. IF. Cver.

05 42 20 P Hallo PCS, PCS_ This is Sigma Seven. How do

you read? Over.

05 42 30 CC Sigma Seven, PCS° We read you weak but readable.

How me ?

05 42 33 P I read you loud and clear, Al. And nice to talk

to you today.

05 42 40 P ....

05 42 44 P I am talking on HF at this time.

05 42 52 CC Standby, Seven.

05 42 53 P Roger.

05 43 10 CC Seven, this is Cap Com. Anything you want to say.

05 43 13 P Nothing in particular. Wanna say hello to you

though. All the systems are perfect. There
are no changes in quantities since the 05 00
summary. Over.

05 43 30 CC Roger. We have one message for you. They would

like to ai__temptto contact you over Hawaii
through tile relay airplanes. So, would you
please go up to UHF prior to acquisition of
Hawaii? Over.

05 43 46 P I understand, Al, Roger.

05 43 53 CC We do not have T/M as yet_ We might pick it up

in a couple of minutes°

05 43 57 P Right, I'm - very far south of you as you know.

How's the weather there?

05 44 04 CC You sound a little scratchy to me, Waily_

05 44 06 P Roger, we're still pretty far apart, How is your

weather there?



05 44 13 CC Szy again.

05 44 14 P How is the weather there?

05 44 18 CC Weather actually is fairly good here in location.

I think on your next pass you might be able to
see the typhoon. I'll give you a bearing and
distance when you come over next time.

05 44 27 P Very good, we had quite a flap on this suit circuit

for the first orbit as you may know.

05 44 40 CC Sorry, Seven, not reading you very well.

05 44 42 P Roger, I said we had a lot of trouble with th_

suit circuit in the beginning of the flight.

05 44 53 CC Sigma Seven, you're breaking up too much.

05 44 55 P Roger. I'll be back.

05 45 00 CC Why don't you - why don't you take a rest for

awhile, you've bean talking quite a bit.

05 45 06 P Good show.

05 46 00 CC . Hawaii.

05 46 10 P That is correct Al, and we'll talk better next

time around.

05 46 16 CC Roger. See you next time.

05 46 18 P Roger, it's real nice up here today.

05 47 33 P At this point I'm in VOX record. I'm going to

switch to UHF for relay aircraft in Hawaii area.
The time is 05 hours 47 minutes 44 seconds.

05 47 49 CC . . I'll give you a mark oK GET of 05 48 00 -

3,2,1. MARK. (05 48 02) GET 05 48 00.

05 48 08 P Roger, I had that 03 seconds. I am 3 seconds

fast on you Al.



05 48 16 CC Understand 3 seconds fast.

05 48 18 P That is correct.

05 48 20 CC Roger.

05 48 22 P I am going t_ switch to UHF at this tima. You

are really crystal clear here.

05 48 28 CC Roger. See you next time.

05 48 29 P Roger.

05 48 51 P This is Sigma Seven, broadcasting in the blind

on UHF-hi. Does anybody read, over.

05 49 05 ? . . .

05 49 21 P Hello Huntsville, hello Huntsville, this is Sigma

Seven, do you read my UHF-hi, over.

05 49 46 ? . . .

05 50 09 P At 05 hours, 50 minutes, I have a yaw rate of

degree per second right, a pitch rate of
degree per second up, a roll rate of _ degree
per second left.

05 50 41 CC Sigma S _ven, Sigma Seven, this is . . . Cap Com

on HF, do you read?

05 50 47 P This is Sigma Seven, station calling, I can just

barely hear you over.


05 50 56 CC Sigma Seven Sigma Seven, this is Watertown Cap

Com on HF. If you are copying me, Cape Flight
requests that you go to UHF, go to UtIF, and try
to contact the relay aircraft. I say again -
in the blind, Cape Flight requests that you go
to _ and attempt to contact the relay aircraft.



05 51 20 P This is Sigma Seven, read you loud and clear

Watertown. I have been on UHF.

05 51 26 P Relay aircraft this is Sigma Seven. Please patch

in Hawaii. Over.

05 51 40 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven, this is Watertown Cap

Com. Cape Flight requests that you go to
UHF - go to UHF - and attempt to contact
relay aircraft.

05 51 51 P This is Sigma Seven. I am on UHF. Understand


05 51 57 P Relay Aircraft, Relay Aircraft, this is Sigma Seven.


05 52 14 P Relay ....


05 52 15 CC Hawaii Cap Com.

05 52 16 P Hi Gussy. How are you reading me?

05 52 20 P Hawaii Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. I just read

you loud and clear.

05 52 38 CC Sigma Seven Sigma Seven, Hawaii Cap Com.

05 52 42 P Hawaii Cap Corn, this is Sigma Seven, read you

loud and clear. How me?

05 52 54 P Hawaii Cap Com, Sigma Seven, I read you very

clear and loud. Over.

05 53 09 CC Sigma Seven Sigma Seven)this is Watertown Cap

Com on fifo If you read, go to UHF, go to UflF,
and attempt to contact relay aircraft°

05 53 29 P Hawaii Cap Com, Hawaii Cap Com, Sigma Seven. Over.

05 53 56 P Hello, Hawaii Cap Com. This is Sigma Seven. Over.



05 53 59 P H_waii Cap Corn, Hawai: Cap Con, _hi. .s Sigma Sev,_m.

Ore r.

05 55 56 P %ilLs is Sigma Seven, L.ving the :f;].:ct_ ,f flying

in a sunri,t_, 90 degree.= yaw. It is the
_,'-stobvbms thing .. you, what our direction
; ?_th :is. Lile king cut 'i- z r_ilrcad train
wi_i,:i.:w.You see thc terrain i' ig by you. There
z,g _.cuds cf al'. varied typea. I can see the_
?w_cping by me just by the 90 degree plane-in :ha-
_0 dasrees to the iungitudia: a::is =f the vehicle.
Very, very graphic display of yaw. As I swing
sr_un=_ n-w, my b_unt end is startling t _ go into
o-:c,_aryaw attitude a_,though I a_ _,.nv_r '_' . I
_ ,'..d
seJ _ sniall island at this point. And it's nice
and bright in the u,ckpit again_ ?,!_have light at
appi: ,:'imately 5 56 this pass. Tbe:'e: _,.:'
aim .'t swung ar uno intq yaw =l_w.

05 57 i0 CT Sigma S::,-_n,Sigma S_-ven, Hawaf f C ,': ,i;. H w

d y u read? Cver.

05 57 14 P This is Sigma Seve_, UHF-hi. ]' read _, J._ c_nd

c;er, . _[ow me?

05 57 26 P H_wai:_ Cc:_ 'i'cch,Sigma Seven; -_.M y ,u ,_ _4

c _a_r. How me? Over.

95 57 31 CT Siji:c
_ Seven, Sigma Seven, Haw :{ Con] Tach. H'
d( y.u read? Over,

05 57 34 P .__read you J.£,adand czear, Ha_ _i. how ._:_,?I

believe I just saw Midway t-h_:ttime. Bi bec
down that way a little late:, l"hat was right
.ab'mt 5 . . . ? te 6 and .. '.gback

05 57 54 CT . . d you t-c_':_?

05 57 56 P Ha_,_Ji:i
Corn Tech, Sigma Seven. l...,d_'M. cigar.

05 58 08 CT Sic.=: Seveu, C_:_ Tach, Hawaii. H.w d, '/au readi

05 58 13 P H_w,'i'_ Sigmc_ 5evsn. I read 5 '; l,_u,5 and clear.


05 58 16 CC Sigma Seven, this is Hawaii, this is Hawaii

Cap Com.

05 58 19 P Hi, Gus° How are you doing?

05 58 21 CC Real good. How about you?

05 58 22 P Oki, fine° I'm not bored up here. I just flew

over Midway a while ago. Got a good look at
that. I'm steaming up towards you-all now, of
course, north of you. I gave Gene Duret my
intermediate report - if he could pick me up on
HI:. Actually ....

05 58 45 CC Go ahead with your report.

05 58 46 P Okay, as you know, the control mode is set up

for drifting. The mode selected is normal,
auto, gyros caged. I've selected reentry
attitude. I'm of course in fly-by-wire
low. The maneuver switch is off. I'll
give you the fuel quantities and oxygen.
Just to chmckyour_ against m_ne. I still
have 89 _percent) auto and 90 (percent) manual.

05 59 20 CC Roger. Was that 89-90?

05 59 22 P _lat's affirmative 89-90.

05 59 25 CC Roger

05 59 26 P _ygen, I have 55 and 75 (psi, in hundreds).

05 59 31 CC Roger.

05 59 33 P Ac 05 hours no minutes no seconds, I have 56

(psi, in hundreds) on the oxygen and 75.
There is practically no change on it_

05 59 45 CC R_ger.

05 59 46 P S_it inlet temperature is still about 61 to

62 (degrees). The dome is about 72. It's
about as cool as I want it. It's just


HAW -4

05 59 57 CC Re,ger. We confirm th._se quantities, Waiiy.

Looks like you're in good shape. Did you
get the message to go to LR{F prior to elapsed
time of (5 lg.

06 O0 08 P Right, I have that on nr

y card, also Watertown got
it to me on HF. But neither Watertown nor you
could hear me. I heard you loud and clear.

06 00 19 CC Were you reading me through relay?

06 00 20 p That's affirmative, s,_ I would suggest to you,

broadcast: in the blind if you have something
hct for me.

06 00 26 CC Roger. I'll do that anyway, and I'n_ glad to hear

that you got us at least.

06 O0 30 P Right, I heard you way back and, I'd say at ab.cut

5 hours and 53 minutes.

06 00 39 CC Say that time again.

06 00 40 F Five hours and 53 minutes.

06 O0 43 CC Repeat the whole time. I missed it.

06 00 45 P Five hours 53 minutes.

06 00 49 CC Roger.

06 0i 03 P Sure braa!.ing traditic_n cn this pass.

06 O1 07 CC Roger, how do you like drifting flight?

06 O1 10 P Great sport. The rates are nut consistent. They

do change.

06 01 17 CC Roger, understand. Your rates d change.

_6 0 _? P That'_ affirmative. I've never had more than

ab ut, f, I w:_uld say about 3/4 f a degree
per sec:nd in any nc direcli:n.

i)6 C1 39 CC W_ly, you're cutting -inand _ut <_n w ic:_.

P_ssibly we're icsing it.


06 01 34 P Okay. Can you read me better with the push-to-


06 04 33 P At 6 hours and 4 minutes - we have a 1 degree per

second right yaw rate. 0 degree per second
pitch, and 3/4 of a degree per second left
roll. No change in fuel quantity. No de-
tectible thruster action. We are swinging
around and acquiring the horizon at this point.


06 05 48 P California Cap Com, this is Sigma Seven, over.

06 06 04 CC Hello Sigma Seven, this is Gal Cap Com_ How

do you feel, over.

06 06 07 P Read you loud and clear, John. How me?

06 06 09 CC You're loud and clear_ Everything's solid down

here. I guess you got the word on the 6 08
bit. Is that affirm2

06 06 14 P That's affirmatives You have T/H on me now?

I'll power up before all that jazz.

06 06 20 CC Okay, Roger_ T/M is solid°

06 06 21 P Okay. ! have gyros normal, auto, gyros caged°

I am going to power up and then go - correction -
gonna power up and fly-by-wire_ Monitoring the
a-c bus at this time. She comes up to 115
(volts). I have 25 amps, in good shape°

06 06 45 CC Roger. We confirm.

06 06 47 P I'll hold off on my beacon° Clock's at 6 06

approximately I guess, when I powered up_ so
that it would be good at about 6 11o I have
no change in consumables, John_ It looks real
good here°

06 07 06 CC Roger. Everything's looking fine here_ We have

T/M solid and we confirm your actions here°


06 07 11 P Roger. I got a real weird attitude at this

point I'll clue you_ Ha, ha, I'm looking
down at the earths I'm sort of coming toward
you head first, inverted_

06 07 23 CC Roger. You can pick your own up frum that


06 07 26 P Y_ah_ You really get the illusion you're

ready for a split S every once in a while,
don't you?

06 07 33 CC Right.

06 07 40 CC Waily, I'll give you a count to the 6 08 here

so we · _ . start in They're o_c'
zn__, t_ have it
_n for 2 _ninutes beginning at 6 08. That's
about 20 seconds, here_

06 07 46 P Okay, John,. sounds like fun.

06 08 _ CC Okay, Sigma Seven. This is Cai Cap Com. You're

at 6 08.. Two minutes on live TV. Go ahead,
Wa iiy.

06 08 10 P Roger, Just came out of the powered down

configuration where we had the ASCS inverter
off. It: came up in good shape and will stay
on now for the rest of the flight° The amps
and volts are reading prop_rly_ The amps are
now down to about 19 amps, after we powered
upo They were up to 25 at first_ I'm coming
toward you inverted this time, which is an
unusual way for any of us to approach
California, I'll admit°

06 08 44 CC Roger, Wally, you got anything to say to everyone,

watching you across country on this thing. We re
going out live on this°

06 08 50 P That sounds like great sport, I can see why you

and Scott like it_ I'm having a trick now. ]i'm
looking at the United States and starting to g itch
up slightly with this drifting rate_ And I see
the moon, which I'm sure no one in the United
States can see as well as I right now.


06 09 08 CC I think you're probably right.

06 09 09 P Ha, ha. I suppose an old song "Drifting and

Dreaming" would be apropos at this point, but
at this point I don't have a chance to dream.
I'm enjoying it too much.

06 09 22 CC Things are looking real good from here, Wally.

06 09 24 P Thank you, John. I guess that what I'm doing

right now is sort of a couple of Immelmans
across the United States°

06 09 37 CC Roger. Wally, have you had a chance to observe

a haze layer any?

06 09 42 P Yes, I have. It's quite fascinating; in fact,

it's misleading in the evening. Gives you the
feeling that you are pitched down quite far.
Have you noticed that?

06 09 54 CC Roger.

06 09 55 P It's projected up much higher in the evening.

06 10 06 P Ah, I see you got me on a Z Cal.

06 10 12 CC Negative, did not send Z C_l, Over°

06 10 14 P Oh, somebody did° Maybe Scotty.

06 10 18 CC May have.


06 10 19 CC Roger . o Z Gal off now.

06 10 22 P See, you can't be sneaky with me, can you Scott?

Now I got the P O? (oxygen partial pressure),
which goes to 0 wfien you do that° Okay, R C_I.
How's that? Anybody want blood pressure.

06 10 34 CC Say again, Wallyo

Page 2 - 13 i

06 10 36 P Okay, I'll send you blood pressure now_

06 10 40 CC Roger, standing byo C_i coming off_

06 10 44 P Blood pressure on_

06 10 54 CC We have your blood pressure° Standing by for a

s tanda_d report _

06 10 58 P Roger, Scott. I am in drifting flight, but I have

powered up the ASCS a-c bus: Ir has come on the
line very well. I will power up the beacons
later. The control mode selected is fly-by-_lire
although I'm not controlling in it. The aut<_
switch is auto, gyros switch is still caged.
The reentry attitude is selected, maneuver i._;
off. l_e quantities are all in the green.
Suit temperature is about 60 (degrees). I_'m
quite comfortable with it Electrical is green
and a-c is green

06 I1 47 CC Roger, and could we have one more blood pressure,

please° I didn't get the tast_ Your (recovEry
area) 5-1 TORF (time of retrofire) I have. Are
you ready to copy?

06 12 O0 P Let me get that first, then I'ii give you the blood

06 12 03 CC Roger, 07 18 10o

06 i2 06 P 07 18 10o

06 12 10 CC That's Roger_ At 07 18 !0, and for your information,

Ascension copied you on your last pass and they
are standing by to copy you again this time.

06 12 21 P Roger, I'll send you a BPMS_

06 12 23 CC Roger_

06 12 27 P I have your 07 18 10:

06 12 31 CC That is Roger, 07 18 10 for (recovery area) 5-1_

06 12 35 P Roger°

Page 2 - 132

06 13 03 CC Incidentally, Wally, if we have LOS before we

read the last of your blood pressure, don't
forget to turn her off.

06 13 12 P Roger. Thank you°

06 13 22 P Going to VOX record only momentarily.

06 13 26 P Now in the dosimeter check, it is still reading

less than 1/10 on the lowest scale°

06 14 40 P (Picture) Able 8 taken at 06 14 40. A coastline.

It should have been the coast of o . . Tampico,
just south of Texas°

06 15 23 P All color shots have been made so far, no black

and white° I'm going to try to take another
shot here of a cloud structure, at 06 15 30.

06 15 37 P Go ahead. Go ahead. Cape Cap Com.




06 15 45 CC Sigma Seven. Cape Cap Com.

06 15 47 P This is Sigma Seven. Go ahead, Deke_

06 15 50 CC Roger, you're coming in weak and intermittent.

Can you read us? Over.

06 15 5_ P _oger_ I'm coming up at this time at - just

across the Yugatan Peninsula here.

06 16 05 CC Sigma Seven. Standby, we're still not reading


06 16 07 P Roger.

06 16 25 CC Sigma Seven. Cap Com. Let's try it again.

06 16 27 P Deke, this is Sigma Seven. Just passing over

the Yucatan peninsula.

J6 lo 55 CC _oger. You're still weak and intermittent.

3_ 16 3o P Roger.

06 17 04 CC Sigma Seven. Cap Com. How do you read

now /

06 17 06 P I read you loud and clear° How me;

06 17 09 CC Roger, you are loud and clear. You were

very garbled before.

06 17 11 P Roger. I'm doing partial control on fly-by-

wire low_ Will acquire ._SCS when I get in
retroattitude. No problem, just the b_rd's
flying beautifully, and giv_ her a b£=aK.

10 17 27 CC _og=z_

_6 17 _0 P !._henyou have a yaw of 90 degrees, _t's just

like looking at a train window - that's
all there is to lt. That's about what I'm
g_lng thrc_ugh now. Just walking right around
the horizon. Dekc.



06 17 _4 CC (Roger) G

06 17 48 P Let's put a little ....

06 17 49 CC _ pressure for environment.

06 17 51 P Say again, Dekeo

06 17 52 CC Give us a cabin pressure,

06 17 54 P Roger_ Standby, Okay_ It's about - just

about 5 (psi) on the button.

06 18 01 CC Roger_

06 18 02 P Okay.

06 18 06 CC Have you eaten yet? We haven't been able to

confirm this.

06 18 08 P That's affirmative. I had some peaches and

a couple of cubes_ I didn't want to eat
it all up in one batch.

06 18 15 CC That's a good idea.

06 18 18 P Spread it out a little bit, you know°

06 18 20 CC How are you feeling in general?

06 18 23 P Very fine, Deke. It's the first time I've

had a chance to relax since last December.
I've been exercising a little bit to get my
muscles toned up as well, Not exactly
walking around but a little bit of stretching.

06 18 42 CC o o . (You say - you say you are what?) G

06 18 46 P Roger_

06 18 50 CC Did you say you'd like to get up and walk


06 18 52 P I did a little exercise_

06 18 54 CC Roger° Understand.



06 19 01 P I'm just about in retroattitude now. Just about

made a complete 180 (degrees).

06 19 13 CC (Roger Seven, Cape Cap Com .... )G

06 19 15 P I'm going to pick up pitch very shortly.

06 19 25 CC Cape Cap Como Auto One, do you read?

(Auto 1)

06 19 39 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Auto One. Do you

(Auto 1) read?

06 19 41 P This is Sigma Seven. Read you loud and clear.

How me ?

06 19 49 CC Hello, Cape Cap Com ....

06 19 55 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Auto One. Do you

(Auto 1) read?

06 20 01 CC Gc ahead, Cape Cap Com.

06 20 16 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Auto One. Do you

(Auto 1) read?

06 20 20 P This is Sigma Seven. I read you loud and clear.

06 20 24 CC Roger. Sigma Seven. Cape Cap Com. Auto One.

(Auto 1)

06 20 33 CC ....

06 20 35 CC Roger, Cape Cap Com. Auto One. Contact . . .

(Auto 1) relay.

06 20 40 CC o . o Cape Com Tech0 How do you read?

06 20 44 CC How do you read Auto One?

06 20 48 CC Roger.

06 20 53 CT (?) Did you call Com Tech?

06 20 55 CC (?) ....



06 21 03 CC Sigma Seven. Auto One. Do you read Cap Com?

(Auto 1)

06 21 05 P That's affirm. What's your problem?

06 21 15 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Auto One. Can

(Auto 1) you read Cape Com Tech?

06 21 19 P That's affirmative. For God sakes°

06 21 32 Warfare Auto One. Warfare° Do you read me?

06 21 34 CC Roger_ Auto One_ Reading Warfare loud and

(Auto 1) clear.

06 21 38 CC Roger_ Go bravo then_

06 21 41 CC Roger_ Bravo_
(Auto 1)

06 21 46 CC Auto Two Bravo°

06 21 58 ? Mercury will pick it upo

06 22 10 Warfare Auto Two. Warfare_ Do you read?

06 22 12 CC Auto Two reads Warfare,

(Auto 2)

06 22 14 Warfare Roger. Give Sigma Seven a call.

06 22 16 CC Sigma Seven° Auto Two. Do you read?

(Auto 2)

06 22 18 P This is Sigma Seven° I read you. What do

you want?'

06 22 22 CC Sigma SeverLo Auto Two. Do you read?

(Auto 2)

06 22 31 CC Hello Sigma Seven, Cape Cap Tech. How do

you copy?

06 22 3+ _' I copy you loud and clear, Murph.

1 Relay aircraft communicator at Cape Canaveral°

COnfIDENTIAL Page 2 ~ 137


06 22 36 CC Roger° Standby for Cape, please,

06 22 38 P Okay_

06 22 45 CC SJ.gma Seven_ Cap Com. How do you read now?

06 22 48 P Read you loud and clear, Dekeo How me?

06 22 50 CC Much better° Got you through Grand Turk relay


06 22 53 P Oh_ How 'bout that. I'm now in auto reentry

mode. Over.

06 23 03 CC Understand. Auto retro mode.

06 23 05 P Negative. Auto reentry mode.

06 23 09 CC Roger_ Understand° Reentry_

06 23 11 P Roger. And she looks like she's really well

lined up_

06 23 16 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Auto One. Do you

(Auto 1) read?

06 23 26 CC S_Lgma Seven, Sigma Seven° Auto One. Do you

(Auto 1) read?

06 23 36 CC ....

06 23 41 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Auto One. Do you

(Auto t) read?

06 23 59 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven° Auto One. Do you

(Auto 1) read'_

06 24 06 P Auto One this is Sigma Seven. I read you.

How do you read me? Over_

06 24 15 P This is Sigma Seven on VOX record only. I have

reestablished auto mode in normal with no high
thruster action. At this point I have 85
percent auto, 90 percent manual. And I
feel, now that I am on ASCS, I can do some



experiments where before I was not able too

I will now pitch the capsule down on fly-
by-wire lowo First I will check to see -
if I turn on my beacons, nobody down here
can get to me on those_ At 6 hours and
25 minutes - if anybody has a beacon in
South America they deserve to hear it_
Beacons are on, for a good 3 amps° Opening
visor to wipe off chin, and I think I'll
take a drink of waters

06 26 22 P Closing visor_ Okayo Let's take a look and

see where we are° At this point we made
a dosimeter check° I will pitch down on
fly-by-wire to reentry attitude° Now let's
give it a manual proportional go this times

06 27 37 P In mmnual proportional, with manual lever

pulled out, and having selected rate command°
I'm slowly but surely coming into retro-
attitude_ All axes are working very well.
Setting up in roll_ Getting yaw rates, pow,
pow° And I want this to count - I'm going
to go back to fly-by-wire low_

...... P That was s_:upido Now we go to fly-by-wire

lowo I had a case of double authority and
really flotched it_ But better conserve
our fuel, It's much too easy to get into
double authority, even with the tremendous
logic you have working on all these systems°
The pitch is in; yaw is in; selecting
reentry attitude; roll is in; going to ASCS,
reentry now° And she's in_

06 29 58 P Okay° I think we can change backs, and get

some weather bureau pictures if it's
possible, Shoot up the rest - the rest of
these, just lightly. That's A 10 at 6-_30
hours, and 11 is coming up, and 6+30 hours
with a cloud bank off to the lefto Okay.
I'll get the plate back on, and save this
at Ao Take the plate back out again, zap°
Okay_ That's wound up, A 12 to go.



06 31 23 P The capsule at this point is, at 6 hours and

31 minutes, it is under chimp configuration.
I've used manual proportional to a great
degree. I now have 79 (percent) in manual
(fuel) and 81 (percent) auto. Let's see
how we stand° Ah, 81, 80 auto, 71 manual.

06 32 25 P I fouled up, oh shucks.

06 33 07 P _lat's clever° - Weather bureau back is finally

out. First shot not worth using, so I'll
change that. - Okay° We got slider out.
Weather filter in, if I can get it. This
side toward le_ls_ Tllere,,_,_g_,t a filter in.
I'm going to shoot at ASA 64.

06 34 42 P Take a light value at 06 35 minutes, and that

light value is 13 for 64 ASA. Very good.
Fairly bright .... I'll give her 13, and
we'll punch off a couple quickies because
of the first bad one. First shot taken at
6 35 25.

06 35 47 P Second shot 6 35 45°

06 36 37 P Capsule is in perfect attitude. Ideal shots

for weather bureau. Think i even put on
finder at this time° Shooting black and
white of the clouds.

06 37 O1 P I:n the white. Ready to shoot at 6 -06 37 07.

That was an oblique, Shot number 3. I'll
take shot number 4 almost as straight down
as I can sight° Beyond a little bit of
shadow as we approach sunset° Okay, that
was 6 37 34.

...... p TiRat's capsule elapsed time. At 6 38 we will

copy the manual intermediate report and I
can do that at this time.

06 38 48 P Okay, at 6 hours and 35 minutes we are at 81

(percent auto fuel) - 79 (percent manual fuel).
· . .cabin 90 (degrees). . . suit 63 (degrees)
.... Dome 71 (degrees),



06 40 25 P We're now at 6 400 Going to map two.

06 41 43 P At this point, I made a complete electrical

check° All electrical systems are green°
The amps are about 19 amps° This is very
logical after we've been inserted° The
load has been diving over release of relays
at Tr+ 5°

06 42 04 P All the eq_ipment is in good order_ Coming

up over IOS for 6_4-50, in the night, and
this time I want to go down the star charts
to check this bear out° That is why I
am on ASCSo

06 42 27 P Had the fun with experimenting and now will

get the ;fun of being ready for reentry at
any time_ Okay° Let's see - we got IOS
at 6 40. 6 40 .... same as 0 52_

06 44 03 P There is a nice interesting horizon° The

sun is off to the left abou_ - oh I'd say
40 degrees_ There's a dark line of the
surface of the earth, orange at the clouds -
a light yellow, a light white and a blue
band_ A very light blue and I have the
Planet Mercury in sight at this point.
Before the sun has set_ And it's in the
proper position.

06 44 37 P Describing the blue band° There's a

relatively dark blue band right at the
surface of the earth, and a light blue
band, and another dark blue band, and a
large white band which is the air glow,
and then a deep black one and sorta goes
from a grayish blue in to a dense black_
Almost looks like underneath a rain cloud
as far as the transition from the blue
band to the total darkness_



And I'll bring up my fingertip lights. And

at 06 45 52 Mercury is right on the horizon.
Arcturus should be in view, but I guess we
we can't get her°

06 45 45 P Okay, I (06 45 46) T see Mercury going through

the - air glow_ We'll see if she holds up.
When I said, "I see" that was the beginning
of ito MARK, (06 46 10) T the first change
of color, which is now a light blueo And
it's still visible° MARK, (06 46 12) T a
darker blue_ Visible MARK, (06 46 16) T into
the yellow orange of the surface of the
earth° This was - Mercury, dropping over
the horizon° I should be picking up the
moon and Venus fairly soon° At 6 46 -
and at 6 48 I'm over IOSo

06 49 12 P Okay, it looks like we are getting some lighted

areas over the southern tip of Africa° I
definitely have a city in sight, and - this
is Sigma Seven° On transmit, I've had on
VOX record onlyo I definitely have a city
in sight in Africa° It first showed up at
06 49 30 seconds° The lights come up very
clear_ I'm in retroattitude at this point
to give a mark on my position, and the moon
is on my flight path for yaw references

06 50 07 P I'll bet you any money that city my left,

and was Port Elizabeth°


06 50 43 P Indian Ocean Cap Com this is Sigma Seven. Over.

06 51 06 P Indian Ocean Cap Como Sigma Seven. Over_

06 51 26 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Unable to read your

transmission° Over_

06 51 34 P Indian Ocean Cap Como Sigma Seven° Over.

06 51 37 CC Roger_ I read you now. Over°



06 51 39 P Roger. I read you weak.

06 51 43 CC Do you have a short report for me? Over.

06 51 45 P Roger° I_ll give you my configuration° I

am in auto, retro control mode; gyros are
normal; maneuver switch is off; all con-
sumables are in the green; electrical is
checking out very well; capsule is track-
ing well. The moon is perfect reference
at this ]point, it is right on the predicted
path as well as Venus, as you probably
know from down there.

06 52 18 CC Roger, We have a CETo You have about a

plus 3 second lead on your CETo

06 52 27 P Would you give me a countdown on CET, please.

06 52 30 CC Roger° On my mark it will be 06 52 33.

MARK (06 52 36) T

06 52 38 P That was 33 - that's about a 4 second differ-

ence° I see you have some good ole'
lightning again.

06 52 51 CC Sigma Seven° Not to mention the word, but

will you send a BP? (blood pressure) Over°

06 52 56 P Okay.

06 53 35 CC This is IOS Cap Com. Standing by.

06 53 38 P Roger° If you'll stand by I'm going to take

a check on Venus, at this point, for extinction
to see how she looks.

06 53 45 CC Roger.

06 54 26 P Okay° Venus is extincted at 06 54 29, at a

value of 5°2.

06 54 40 CC Seven° What was the time you stated?

06 54 44 P I'm just recording data.



...... P The standard light is also extincted at 3°8°

06 56 04 P Picture taken, 06 56 27 black and white, of

the moon° With the weather bureau filter
pulled out. Picture number 6o And as the
moon sets we'll try one more at a lower
shutter speed. Trying to hold it carefully°
That's the second picture taken of the
moon at moon set_ At this point the camera
back will be reinstalled and the camera
stowed in case of retro attempt°

06 57 12 P Hello_ - A pretty flash of light.

06 57 52 P Camera is going to be stowed in the space


07 O0 12 P ....

07 O0 24 P _to beacons° Beacons are on power now°

Camera is stowed.

07 03 31 P Okay while I'm reading instruments, the 250

is 145 (degrees) o That is the 250 inverter.
The 150 inverter is 105 (degrees), and the
standby inverter is 119 (degrees))retro
temperature is 75 (degrees)° Yaw right
100 (degrees), yaw left 90 (degrees),
pitch down 96 (degrees), pitch up 102
(degrees_ cabin heat exchanger 42 (degrees_
roll left manual 98 (degrees), roll right
auto 108 (degrees)_roll left auto 108
(degrees), samey, sameyo Very good. And
this report was made at 07 04 40°

07 06 07 P All systems look very good at this point°

This is as tight a vehicle as anyone can

07 10 29 P At 07 hours 10 minutes and 30 seconds, I see

a lighted area° Very well lighted. - It
shows up more like an airport. Better
identify where that would be - that should
be the Phillippineso Possibly it's at
Zamboanga, and that's 07 hours 10 minutes



and 30 seconds° Very graphic series of

lights° Very easy to see_

07 11 38 P Correction, at 07 hours and minutes put me


07 11 48 P _ _o It's marked on the chart at 07

hours and 10 minutes_ I was looking
down at - almost in retroattitudeo It
showed up very clearly°

07 12 25 P Now we're getting a planet in sight. Roger.

$upitero I can see a string of stars for
Grus, and good ole' Formalhaut - there in
the upper corner, Grus coming down through
the middle° And Formalhaut coming right
down middle_ Very good°

07 13 24 P All attitudes seem to be checking out very well.

Head and couch with scribe line works_ My
reticle at this, quick check on it.

07 13 47 P Unable to dim reticle sufficiently for a night

acquisition° MARK again Grus that is, of
the stars themselves in the window .....
Thaurus is coming right down through the
center line. Could yaw right about 5
degrees which would satisfy dead reQkoming.
Then roll left about 5 (degrees) which is
quite graphic° For retro, this looks like
a very good set-up° Be no problem at all
flying attitude here with the moon bright
o light which would be dawn's light.
Occasionally you can see a ground light,
particularly, along the island chain at
this point.


07 15 52 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is PCS Com Tech,

PCS Com Tech_ Do you read? Over°

07 15 58 P This is Sigma Seven° Read you loud and clear.

How me?

CONFIDENTIAl Page 2 - 145


07 16 02 CT Roger° Sigma Seven° Reading you 5 by, 5 byo

Going to Cap Como

07 16 06 P Rcger_

07 16 10 CC Hello Seven_ Standing by for your report°

07 16 11 P Roger, Alo I am in auto; retro; the gyro

switches are normal; maneuver is off_ The
capsule is prepared for retrosequence but
for stowing two charts° I_m sure we're goo
I have 81 percent auto, (fuel) 80 percent
manual {fuel), which is the same as my
intermediate report° They did not change°
I have 52 (psi, in hundreds) on primary,
75 (psi, in hundreds) on secondary oxygeno
Suit is go at 62 <degrees)° Same as before°

07 16 53 CC Roger, Seven_ I did not catch your manual

fuel reading° You broke up a little bit°
Will you give that to me please?

07 16 58 P Roger° Manual is 80 _percent) o

07 17 04 CC Roger° I have 81 (percent) auto, 80 (percent)

manual, oxygen 5,200 (psi) and 7,500 (psi)°

07 17 12 P That is correct°

07 17 13 CC Well, I would say you were definitely goo We

are out of contact with the Cape at the
moment, but looks like you are good for the
full route°

07 17 20 P Right you are° Now my CET, I guess, is about

3 seconds fast, as you know°

07 17 29 CC Roger_ Why don't you give me a time hack on it?

07 17 31 P Okay° I'll give you a 35° MARK 350 (07 17 35)_

07 17 37 CC Roger_ You are about 3 seconds fast° I show your

TORF (time of retrofire) as 08 Volume 1 21o

07 17 44 P Roger° That is what I have in_



07 17 47 CC Your T/M on CET is also 2 seconds fast_ The

retrosequence for (contingency recovery area)
5-gcho is nominal°

07 17 56 P Roger. 5 Echo, Al. It's a real ball.

07 18 01 CC Man - sound llke you're really enjoying it.

I'll give you a few seconds of silence
while I send through a calibration_

07 18 07 P Okay_

07 18 50 CC Seven this is Cap Com_

07 18 52 P Roger_ I see you are still on R Calo

07 18 54 CC Affirmed° The R Cal is now off°

07 18 58 P Roger° I [lave it coming off_

07 19 00 CC We've been comparing the free surface effect

of liquid on the center of gravity of the
capsule, and we recommend that you drain
the bilges prior to reentry°

07 19 10 P Hal Hal Ha!

07 19 11 CC It's during the coming orbit.

07 19 13 P I'm concur.

07 19 16 CC Also, Seven° At LOS, which should occur about

07 21, the typhoon will be located about
400 miles about 45 degrees left of your track°
So you should be able to pick it upo

07 19 31 P Oh, very good° I'll look for ito

07 19 34 CC And we are reading you loud and clear and will

be standing by for your HF check at 7 20.

07 19 40 P Roger°

07 19 42 CC If you have nothing further, I'll see you

next time.



07 19 45 P Okay° I'll drop ins

07 19 49 CC Standing by_

07 19 50 P Roger, Al0 Thanks a loto

07 20 06 P Gyros are free°

07 20 16 CC Seven° PCS°

07 20 22 P This is Sigma Seven. On HF. This is Sigma

Seven° On HFo Giving a short count at
07 hours, 20 minutes, 34 seconds CETo This
is to check for HF coverage on the world
wide range_ The duration of the transmission
is to last 60 seconds° I wish I knew what
else I could say to eat up the time° If I
breathe hard enough this might help. The
capsule is working very well and I believe
we are just about coming up on the end of
a 60 second mark. Using HF transmit and
record throughout the world wide range.
And this is Sigma Seven° Checking out.

07 21 31 CC Seven this is PCS° Do you still read?

07 21 34 P That is affirmative on HFo How do you read

me, Al?

07 21 38 CC Loud and clear, Wallyo Could you, if you have

time, give us a readout on how you are
coming on your orientation tests? Over°

07 21 44 P I seem to be improving. What I am touching

is just these three items, but I get closer
to them each time I whack at it.

07 21 54 CC Very good° The head shrinkers will be delighted.

07 21 58 P I guess they are out of a job altogether.

07 22 01 CC Okay Wally san° See you next time.

07 22 02 P Righto Al. Thanks again°




07 22 05 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Huntsville

Com Tech°

07 22 10 P Huntsville Com Tech this is Sigma Seven° On

HFo Do you read? Over_

07 22 15 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Huntsville

.... Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is
Huntsville Com Techo

07 22 38 CC Sigma Seven° Hawaii Cap Como Could you read me?


07 22 41 P Huntsville Com Techo This is Sigma Seven_ On

UHFo Hawaii Cap Como I read you° Over°

07 22 48 CC Sigma Seven this is Cap Como Over°

07 22 53 P Roger. Huntsville this is Sigma Seven° Read

you loud and clear° Have you anything to
relay to the Cape? Over°

07 23 06 P Negative° Everything here is going honky dory.

Apparently I am committed for six and I am
very happy about it. The whole rig is
running beautifully° In case A1 couldn't
relay my fuels° I have 81 (percent) auto,
80 (percent) manual, - I am in auto, retro
control mode at this point°

07 23 30 CC Sigma Seven° Please say again° Over°


07 23 35 P Okay. I am in auto, retro control mode at this

point° - Gyros are free for the scanner test.

07 23 54 CC Sigma Seven° Will you give it to me HF, please?


07 23 59 P Hawaii Cap Com° Can you read me UHF? Roger.

Switching to HF° Standby for warm upo

07 24 15 CC Sigma Seven° Say again UHFo




07 24 24 P This is Sigma Seven° On HFo Do you read me HF?


07 24 31 CT Sigma Seven this is Watertown Com Techo I read

you UHF_ Over,

07 24 34 P This it Sigma Seven, Watertown° On HFo I read

you UHF_ How do you read me? Over.

07 24 48 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Watertown.

07 24 52 CC o are you still go? Over_

07 24 58 P This is Sigma Seven. I am goo Sigma Seven°

Switching UHFo

07 25 13 CC Sigma Seven° Are you still go? Sigma Seven,

Sigma Seven. Are you still go? Are you
still go?

07 25 42 P Hawaii Cap Corn, Hawaii Cap Como Sigma Seven.

On UHFo I am very, much go. Overo

07 25 57 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Watertown

Cap Como How do you read HF? Over.

07 26 O1 P Watertown this is Sigma Seven. On ]iF -

zorrection, I am on UHF-hio I read you HF
loud and clear°

07 26 09 CT Sigma Seven this is Watertown Com Tech calling

HF. How do you read? Over o

07 26 16 P Watertown° Sigma Seven reads you loud and

slear ·

07 26 27 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Watertown

Corn Tech. How do you read HF?

07 26 36 P Watertown Cap Corn this is Sigma Seven° I read

:you loud and clear UHF° Over°

07 26 47 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Watertown Com

Techo On HF_ How do you read?



07 26 55 P Sigma Seven reads you loud and clear,, Out°

07 27 02 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Watertown

Com Tech_ HFo How do you read?

07 27 08 P This is Sigma Seven_ Read you loud and clear,


07 27 15 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Watertown

Com Techo HFo How do you read?

07 27 31 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Watertown

Com Tech, HFo How do you read?

07 27 44 P Hawaii Cap Com, Hawaii Cap Com. Sigma Seven_

Do you read? Over,

07 28 17 P Hawaii Cap Com, Hawaii Cap Com_ Sigma Seven°

Over o

07 29 15 CT Sigma Seven_ Sigma Seven this is Watertown

Com Tech_ HF_ How do you read?

07 29 28 CT Sigma Sevenv Sigma Seven this is Watertown Com

Tech_ HF, How do you read?


07 29 46 CC Seven° Hawaii Cap Como Go aheado

07 30 07 CC Seven_ Hawaii Cap Como _ over_

07 30 12 P Hawaii Cap Com this is Sigma Seven_ How do

you read now?

07 30 34 P Hawaii Cap Como Sigma Seven_

07 30 41 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven_ Hawaii Cap Como I

read you_ Over_

07 30 45 P This is Sigma Seven_ I read you loud and clear.

How me?

07 31 O1 P Hawaii Cap Como Sigma Seven° Over,



07 31 07 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Hawaii Cap Como

07 31 10 P Roger° Hawaii Cap Com this is Sigma Seven.

07 31 29 P Hawaii Cap Como Sigma Seven° Hawaii Cap Como

Sigma Seven° UHF-hio Over.

07 31 39 P Hello, Hawaii Cap C,m. Sigma Seven. UHF-hio

07 32 00 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Hawaii Com Tech.

On HF/UHFo How do you read? Over.

07 32 04 P H_Lwaii Com Techo Sigma Seven° Loud and

clear° How me?

07 32 21 P Hawaii Com Techo Sigma Seven. Loud and clear

on UHF/HFo Over°

07 32 32 CT Roger, Sigma Seven. Read you on HF/UI{Fo Stand

by for Hawaii Cap Como

07 32 37 P Rcgero

07 32 39 CC Sigma Seven. Hawaii Cap Como Over°

07 32 42 P Rcger, Gus_ I've been reading you for a long

time_ Over°

07 32 45 CC Ah, that is good° We lost all contact with

you° I have correct retrosequence time for
(recovery) area 6-1. Are you ready to qopy?

07 32 57 P Stand by 1 second here_

07 33 O0 CC Are you ready to copy retrosequence time, Wally?

07 33 02 P Okay, goo

07 33 03 CC Roger, 08 51 27o

07 33 07 P Roger, 08 51 27°

07 33 11 CC That's correct°

07 33 12 P Okay.



07 33 15 CC Give me your status°

07 33 16 P Roger° My status is goo I could receive all

the stations in the Pacific, but they
apparently weren't receiving meo Would you
advise them to transmit in the blind. I
had very good communications with the Pacific
Command Ship°

07 33 33 CC You say you had good communications with PCS?

07 33 36 P That is affirmative° Ideal°

07 33 39 CC Roger° You are cutting out here_ It's

difficult to understand you. That's good
communications with PCS?

07 33 45 P That is affirmative°

07 33 46 CC Roger° Roger°

07 33 49 P I could hear Watertown, Huntsville, and you,

loud and clear all the time.

07 33 58 CC Roger°

07 33 59 P I still have ample fuelo The capsule is

tracking beautifully in auto, retro mode.
I have 81 (percent) auto and 80 (percent)

07 34 13 CC Wallyo

07 34 14 P Go ahead°

07 34 15 CC Would you reset your clock?

07 34 17 P Roger_ To 08 51 27o Standby. Roger, it is

set to 08 51 27. Do you concur?

07 34 33 CC Roger: I have that setting°

07 34 37 P Roger.

07 34 39 CC When you take into account your error in CET,

it should be set at 08 51 31, Cape advises°



07 34 47 P Roger° This means I have to punch retro-

sequence° Right?

07 35 03 CC Will you give us a blood pressure?

07 35 05 P Roger.

07 35 35 CC Wally, give me a C£To

07 35 41 P Rcgero I have - I_ll give you 45° MARK

(07 35 44) T 45 seconds. That's 07 hours,
35 minutes 45 seconds° Did you read, Gus?

07 36 00 CC Wally, we lost you° I think your transmitter

is fading out° I_ll give you a CET at 07
36 10oMARK 07 36 10o (Computed mark
garbled, unobtainable)

07 36 18 P Roger. I got your mark° I am 4 seconds fast.

Did you read Hawaii?

07 36 27 P Hawaii Cap Como I am 4 seconds fast° Sigma

Seven transmitting in the blind.


07 40 29 CC Hello Sigma Seven, hello Sigma Seven this is

Cal Cap Com, Cal Cap Com. Broadcasting in
the blind° We have had a power failure on
our receiver. I am broadcasting in the
blind. Reset your clock for retrosequence
at 08 51 33° This takes into account your
clock error at last readout. You had last
report had 27 seconds set in. This should
be 33 by last CET check we had with you.
Cape wants you to reset that at 33. This
is Cal broadcasting in the blind,

07 41 10 P Roger, Calo I have set in 05 - correction,

08 hours, 51 minutes, 33 seconds° Guaymas
Cap Com, do you read? Over°

07 41 35 P Guaymas Cap Como Sigma Seven. Over.

07 41 44 CC Sigma Seven this is Cal Cap Como Repeating



broadcasl_ in the blind. Cape advises

reset your clock to 08 51 and 33 seconds,
and 33 seconds_ Cal out.

07 41 59 CC Sigma Seven this is Cal Cap Com, in the blind

again° Make sure face plate is closed.
Face plate closed°

07 42 17 CC All right_ This is - Sigma Seven - this

is Cal0 We have your change on T/M of
08 51 and 33, showing good. This is
correct setting°


07 42 33 CT Sigma Seven this is Guaymas Com Tech_ Do you

read? (hler_

07 42 37 P Roger, GuaymaSo How do you read me? Over°

07 42 39 CC Roger° Sigma Seven° Guaymas Cap Com. Loud

and clear° They had a power failure up
the California way_ We're reading your
correct retrosequence time 08 51 33° On
my mark, let see, your capsule elapsed
time is _kt this moment 4 seconds fast,
Wallyo This - this takes into effect
this error° Over°

07 43 09 P Roger, Scot:to I understand_ Excuse me. Just

finished my beef and vegetables. I am in
good shape up here. I have had good
communications with Al. The clock is set
properly_ The capsule is tracking well.

07 43 29 CC Roger_ Very good_ Remember to close your

face plate at this time° Remember also
do it prior to reentry.

07 43 39 P Roger° I have done that°

07 43 41 CC Okay, at this time°

07 43 42 P Roger_ Face plate is closed and I have had a

navel man.euver_



07 43 48 CC Roger°

07 43 50 P Everything looks real good, Scott.

07 43 52 CC I_: looks real good down here Wallyo Doing

a good job and we are looking forward to
seeing you shortly at Midway way°

07 44 00 P Roger° We'll get some boat duty in too°

07 44 10 P Scott° Do you have horizon scans on me?

07 44 13 CC Roger° Wait one, Wallyo

07 44 16 P I would like to have you check my roll


07 44 23 CC Roger° CET on my mark will be 7 hours, 44

minutes, 30 secondso MAKK_ (07 44 30) T

07 44 31 P What? Is that right? That's what my clock


07 44 36 CC Right° That was CETo The Cape asked for

that. We are showing 4 seconds behind
you Wallyo

07 44 43 P Oh, okay_ That was right on_ Now what is

my roll attitude on your scanner?

07 44 50 CC Okay_ Your roll scanner shows minus - minus -

minus 10 (degrees), Wallyo

07 45 03 P Roger_ I concur° Believe I am a little bit

steeper than 10 (degrees) left. I'll
bring that out with the manual axes and
then let her fly it again. And see what
she does_

07 45 20 CC Wally_ How about one more blood pressure

before you leave?

07 45 28 P Rcger. Standby.

07 45 34 CC Sigma Seven° On my mark, the ground elapsed



time will be 7 hours, 45 minutes, 40

secondso Standby_ MARKo (07 45 44) T

07 45 46 P Roger° ! concur.

07 45 47 CC Roger°

07 46 09 P Going to fly-by-wire low at this point_

Manual lever ino The capsule attitudes
appear to be very good°

07 46 30 CC Yhat_s low at this time. Sigma


07 46 33 P Yha_'s correct° I just want to check this

roll out during the daylight side° Pitch
is real honest and so is yaw. I think
I've got to correct about 6 degrees worth
of roll though_

07 46 50 CC Roger_ Gyros are normal? Is that correct?

07 46 52 P That's correct°

07 47 i0 CC Wally, we also show a gyro free position on

the ground°

07 47 14 P Roger_ I just went to that free° Standby,

07 47 20 CC Roger° And. do you plan to return to ASCS


07 47 25 P Momentarily_

07 47 26 CC Rogers

07 47 27 P Just coming on to it_

07 47 30 CC Okay_ Stop the blood pressure_ We got a good

one, Waliyo

07 47 32 P Okay_ STand by _ normal ASCS_

07 47 39 CC Roger° We're reading - gyros normal_



07 47 43 P Roger° The scanner test was what the problem

was_ And the roll went off as we antici-
pated it would° And I am going back to
gyros normal, at this time, which is about
2 minutes early° This is the routine that
was on the flight plan, if you'll see ito

07 48 O0 CC Roger°

07 48 04 P Okay, we should pick up this roll problem that

I had there now that we've got the scanners
back on the line_ Looked pretty good for
pitch though, it's beautiful°

07 48 18 CC Rcger_ And the gyros are showing, at this

time, only a 4 degree difference, and that
is decreasing°

07 48 26 P Rcgero That's the deal. That's what I

wanted you to check for me while I was over
your station, Scott° Thank you° So it
looks like the ASCS is pure° I am now in -

07 48 37 CC Scanners are also in agree - pitch scanners

in agreement with your gyros, and we have

07 48 45 P Roger° I'm happy here_

07 50 12 P This is Sigma Seven_ A 30 second HF check, at

07 50 minutes commencing at 10 seconds after
that_ This is a 30 second duration test,
as I pass down through the coast of Baja
California, enroute to South - South America.
Every system is working very properly. I
have 5 more seconds of check to go. Test
out° Sigma Seven° Switching to UHF for

07 51 38 CC Warfare° Auto Two°

(Auto 2)



07 51 48 CT Sigma Seven. Cape Com Tech. Do you read? Over.

07 51 51 P Roger, Cape Com Tech. I read you loud and clear.

How me?

07 51 57 CC Warfare. Auto One relay.

(Auto 1)

07 52 O0 p Cape Com Tech, _igma Seven, How do you read,

UHF relay?

07 52 12 p Cape Com Tech. Sigma Seven. On UHF. Over.

07 52 16 CT t_F relay is good. Do you read? Over.

07 52 24 CT :Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Cape Com Tech, Cape

Com Tech broadcasting 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1. How
do you read? Over.

07 52 33 P I read you loud and clear, Murph. How do you read

me? Over.


07 52 38 CC TMS calling. Repeat please ..... Did you receive

(?) Cape Com Tech? Over.

07 52 44 P Hello, Quito. This is Sigma Seven. Can you relay

to Cape that I read thel_ loud and clear? Over.

07 52 50 CC Yes, you are coming through fine. Any traffic you

have, be glad to take it. Go ahead.

07 52 56 P Everything here is all set_ Would you relay to

the Cape, I have everything under control_ We
are all set here.

07 53 02 CC Very fine. Thank you very much, You don't have any
word to pass on? Can you say anything in
Spanish to the fellows down here?



07 53 12 P I'm afraid I can't. Except I would like to come

down and visit you. I'm enjoying a beautiful
sight of the country.

07 53 19 CC Certainly nice to hear that, but could you say just

a few greetings to them? They would appreciate i_
so much. They want to put you on their radio doll

07 53 27 P I must send my greetings to the other people of

our same area. The fact that we are two hemis-
pheres joined is even proven today by our capabilLty
of flying over each other's countries realizing
that we are one and the same.

07 53 44 CC Would you say:. "Buenas dias," or something like

that back to them?

07 53 49 P Right, all I can do on that now is say, Buenas

dias you-al]L.

07 53 54 CC Ha, ha. Thank you so much. I think they'll love


07 53 57 CC · · · Cape Coal Tech? Over.

(Auto ?)

07 53 59 P Would you relay to Cape Com Tech - Cape Com Tech

that I can read him?

07 54 03 CC Who can you read?

07 54 05 P Would you relay to Cape Canaveral Com Tech that

I read him.

07 54 10 CC That you do read Cape Canaveral right now?

07 54 13 P That's affirmative.

07 54 14 CC Okay, will tell him. Thank you a lot.

07 54 18 CC Sigma Seven. Auto One Cap Com. Did you receive

(Auto 1) Cape Com Tech? Over.



07 54 23 P Sigma Seven. Affirmative.

07 54 28 CT Sigma Seven this is Cape Com Tech. This is

Cape Com Tech. How do you read? Over.

07 54 34 P Sigma Seven. Loud and clear.

07 55 09 CC Sigma Seven. Auto One Cap Com. Do you read?

(Auto 1) Over.

07 55 14 P This is Sigma Seven. Affirmative. I do read.

07 55 18 CT Sigma Seven, Cape Com Tech UHF/HF. How do you


07 55 24 P Sigma Seven. Loud and clear.

07 55 28 CC Were you calling Quito or Cape Com?

07 55 33 P Trying to talk to the Cape. But apparently they

don't realize I am still talking. Quito, I can
hear them all loud and clear.

07 55 42 CC Cap Com. Did you read Cape Com Tech? Over.

(Auto 1)

07 56 03 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Auto One Cap Com. If

(Auto 1) you read, give a short count. Over.

07 56 10 P This is Sigma Seven. We don't a transmitter

exercise. I do read 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1.
Sigma Seven. Out. I'm tired of carrying on Com.

07 56 33 CC Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven. Auto One Cap Com. Can

(Auto 1) you read? Over.

07 59 06 P At 7 hours, 59 minutes, 10 seconds, light value

reading, for the black and white film, is 13 for
ASA 64. Setting light value of 13. Taking
picture number 7 with filter. The continent of
South America is difficult to photograph because
of all the weather. I will take a panorama at
this time. Starting at 7 59 almost 8 hours. In

Page 2 - 161 CONFIDENTIAl,


fact, it will be 8 hours. MARK (08 00 00) T,

7, 8, 9 black photographs, black and white film.
Ten photographs, black and white film. The shots
are being taken at 250 5.6 (1/250 second and f5.(0
at infinity. Taking number 11, looking to the left.
I am coming across the South American continent
at this point. I have a large river in sight.
Take a picture, camera facing down as much as
possible. I believe I got the capsule window very
nicely there. I'll come back to - B-1 now. I've
shot the 12 first pictures. I'm on B-I, shooting
at the cloud streaks. I've shot B-2 and these are
all black and white shots, with weather bureau
filter in at 08 02. I will take the last pictures
of this series. That is the end of the weather
bureau pictures. I believe we've taken enough to
satisfy the requirements. Pulling out the filter.
Restoring the slide to the back. Removing black

08 03 37 P Bring out color back. Taking a light value reading

of the South American continent at 08 04 co_enc-
lng, - gotta change the ASA number. ASA number
changed to 160. Light value being measured at
this time. Light value is 15.

08 05 01 P Very interesting terrain pictures. L will take onE:

of the horizon just for posterity. At this time_
that picture was A number 12, resetting to B and
now have B-1. Taking some colored pictures of
the South American continent. I don't think
we'll have much luck with them.

08 06 09 P That was at B-2. Coming up on B-3. Pitch down at

this time to approximately 10 degrees. The roll
error that developed during the period where we
had the scanners off has disappeared. At this
point, I am going to increase the suit flow to
approximately - just a tad to increase the cooling
for reentry. See if I can bring it down a littlE_
hit more. There is almost perfect attitude.



Yaw is good. Pitch is down a little steep. It's

definite that the yaw reticle is not good for
night work.

08 07 46 P I'm going to stow the camera now for the check on

the Durban light. As we did not have any luck
with the flare.

08 08 44 P Camera is stowed. Photometer is light enough to

take out and leave out. I will make another check
on a low-level gadget here before we terminate.
And it has gone up about the thickness of one llne.
Is now reading 0.06 that is less than 0.1. Ail of
these will now be stowed in the glove box; they
have been on the hatch, adjacent to the hatch
detention spring nearest the emergency rate handle.
In a vertical plane parallel to the bag that holds
the extra goodies that can't be shoved other places.

08 10 52 P At 08 hours and 10 minutes. Going to pitch up to

reentry attitude shortly. No reason to keep glove
box open at this time. Have to get the standard
source of light, I may be able to get it. Put
that away in a hurry. That'll stay there. That
is the yaw cover. Everything else is ready.

08 12 02 P Skies are getting darker.

08 12 30 P Fly-by-wire low and pitching up to reentry attitude.

Going to fly-by-wire low, now (08 12 39)T.

08 13 19 P Attitude okay. Pitching back down to reentry

attitude, correction retroattitude. No reason to
stay at reentry attitude. No reason to stay at
reentry attitude, when we can see so well in
retroattttude. And this is truly the attitude
we need to fly. Coming up on retroattitude. Roll
checks out. Yaw checks out. Reentry attitude is
on _;elect. Stopping pitch shortly. (Pitch is
drifting in very slowly). Pitch is stopped - on
pitch. Going to ASCS auto, gyros are normal,
maneuver is off.



08 14 34 P Closed face pla_e_ Opened it momentarily, merely

to wipe my nose_ and try to clear a lens, which
I cannet dc,. Reentry select. Camera is stowed.
I will now extinct the standard light source -
and cannot move the cabin light on the starboard
side; therefore, i will extinct it as a continua]
reference. There_ it is now extinct, at 3.3.
Cabin source extincted at 3°3 at 08 hours 15
minutes and 35 seconds CET.

08 16 06 P Fly-by-wire low did check out very well.

08 18 02 P Moving suit setting to 8 at this time. That is

the suit coolant quantity settings to 8. Suit
inlet is now 65 (degrees), which is comfortable.
In fact, I was quite coo! before, but i'd like tc
get cool again. And the dome is about 73 (degreEs).

08 18 23 P Cabin is all set, I don't want to lower the dome

any more. It's been very good_ Checking on time
18 minutes. Okay on the clock. Thrusters - roll
left auto is 119 (degrees). Roll right auto is
115 (degrees). Roll left manual is 100 (degrees).
Cabin heat exchanger is 43 (degrees). Pitch up
auto is 95 (degrees). Pitch down auto is 95 (de_-
rees). Yaw left auto is 80 (degrees), Yaw right
auto 100 (degrees). 250 inverter, oh how nice,
less than 160 (degrees). The 150 inverter - is
110 (degrees). Standby is 125 (degrees). Turning
to cabin heat exchanger°

08 19 42 P Checking out d_c volts at this time. Main bus 24

(volts), isolated bus 27½ (volts), one is 25 (volts).
Two is 25 (volts). Three is 25 (volts).
Standby one is 25 (volts), standby two is 25
(volts), isolated is 28 (volts). Back to main.
ASCS and fans are both 115 (volts). Drawing 20
amps. Oxygen remaining 50 (psi, in hundreds)
primary, 75 (psis in hundreds) secondary°



08 20 47 P Will perform an orientation test at this time while

I m m on ASCS and not so busy. Reaching for manual
handle - and on it, exactly on it. Reaching for
),aw attitude. I hit it at 20 degrees, right
20 degrees. Reaching for emergency handle.
FLight on it, negative, that one - slightly off
touched the side of the box first. I didn't hit
it exactly, I'm sure. That is completion of the
orientation test.

08 21 29 P I have the moon in sight. There is Venus. The

_oon is tracking beautifully. Right on in yaw,
right on in pitch, right on in roll. All three
axes are very beautiful.

08 22 07 P Sec,ms so sad Just a little less than a half an

hour left to play with this. I am now going to
fly-by-wire low. Gyros free, to pitch down to
observe the Durban light. Gyros free, fly-by-wire
low, correction, I am going to manual proportional
at this point. I have not charged any rates so I
will go back to ASCS. Clean. Over to rata
command. Manual proportional out. I will try
l:his mode out for size. Down a very small amount,
23 minutes.

nmi,EA OC
. .A

08 23 05 P Indian Ocean Ship this is Sigma Seven. Do you

_ead? Over.

08 23 15 P Indian Ocean Ship. Sigma Seven. Do you read? Over.

08 23 28 P Indian Ocean Ship. Sigma Seven. Do you read? Over.

08 23 40 P Indian Ocean Ship. Sigma Seven. Do you read? Over.

08 23 49 CC · . · how do you read? Over.

08 24 05 P Indian Ocean Ship. Sigma Seven. Do you read? Over.

08 24 08 CC Roger, Sigma Seven. Read you 5 by 5.

Page 2 - 165 CONFIDENTI_L


08 24 12 P Roger, Indian Ocean Ship. Have not seen the

flare. I am pitching back up to retroattitude.

08 24 20 CC Roger. Were you able to check the Durban lights?

08 24 22 P I mean the Durban lights. I was not able to see

them. I see some lights on the ground - at this
time - in the middle of the window, which is just
about the time for the Durban lights. They are
underneath clouds and are not good enough for
complete recognition. Over.

08 24 49 CC . . . short report.

08 24 56 P Say again. Over.

08 24 59 CC Could you give us a short report? Over.

08 25 01 P Roger. I am back in - retroattitude. I'm going

back to chimpanzee configuration. The gyros are
normal. Everything is stowed but the photometer,
which will be stowed shortly.

08 25 22 CC Roger.

08 25 26 p I have set my suit circuit cooling valve to position

number 8 just to precool a little bit, and it is
working properly.

08 25 37 CC Roger. Can we have one more blood pressure at

this time? Over.

08 25 44 P Roger. Coming up.

08 25 59 CC Sigma Seven. Did you say that your att - your mod¢_
was ASCS retro?

08 26 05 P I'm coming to that just now.

08 26 06 CC Roger.




08 26 15 P I have the moon setting at this point,

08 26 21 CC Say again.

08 26 22 P The moon just set. And I have lightning in

sight over this area,

08 26 25 CC Roger. Are you about ready to go through your

pre-retrosequence checklist?

08 26 31 P That% affirmative, Just stand by 1 second.

Will go to ASCS.

08 26 37 CC Okay.

08 26 44 P Okay, ready for pre-retrosequence checklist.

08 26 49 CC Do you want some help with it?

08 26 50 P Say again.

08 26 52 CC Do you want some help with the checklist?

08 26 54 P Negative. I am in attitude at this time. I will

give you the rest of the checklist for your

08 27 01 CC Roger. Would you push to stop blood pressure,


08 27 07 P Roger. Have got that done. I've got attitude

select retro,

08 27 15 CC Roger.

08 27 17 P I've got retro correction thrusters on - normal

instead of low, I'm going to switch to HF
antenna to bicone although I'm using UHF - at
this time.

08 27 32 CC Roger.



08 27 38 p I am on bicone, and the visor is closed. All

other items are in their proper position. Over.

08 27 48 CC Roger.

08 27 52 p Checklist complete except for squib switch arm.

08 27 56 CC Roger. Could you give us a cabin pressure and

suit readout?

08 28 00 P Roger. Standby. The cabin pressure is 4.9 (ps:i)

almost 5. The suit temperature inlet is 63
(degrees). The cabin temperature is 92 (degrees).

08 28 20 CC Sigma Seven. Say again cabin pressure. Did not

read you.

08 28 24 p Cabin pressure is 5., 5.0 (psi).

08 28 29 CC Roger.

08 28 35 P I am warming up gyros although they should have a

bypass anyway.

08 29 02 CC Sigma Seven. Everything looks good. IOS


08 29 06 p Roger, IOS. It looks good here.

08 30 45 CC Sigma Seven. We have 1 minute to LOS.

08 30 48 P Roger, I am completely secure here and ready fo_

retrofire on command.

08 30 49 CC Roger.

08 31 11 p Ail attitudes check out perfectly here. How do

they check with you there?

08 31 27 P This is Sigma Seven. I will check fly-by-wire

high thrusters at this time.

08 34 15 CC ....

08 34 32 CC ....

CONFIDENTiaL Page 2 - 168

IOS -6

08 34 50 P At this time, I have completed the high

thruster checks. A delayed report, Each
axis worked beautifully. I now have 75 (percent)
auto (fuel) and 75 (percent) manual (fuel).

08 35 41 P Ail attitudes are responding very nicely. Suit

heat dome is about 72 (degrees), suit inlet is
about 63 (degrees)) coming down just a tad.
Definitely it - optimum flight setting of about
7% to 8 for this vehicle. I will crack it up
another notch to 8. I have set the - suit
regulator for the coolant quantity to position 8,
at CET 08 36 23.

08 36 35 P That's a more accurate reading on fuel if I can

get my fingers up to it would be 78, 78 (percent)
- prior to retro. I am set up to have retro
performed - automatic control - subsequent to
retro - I will switch to fly-by-wire and pitch
up to reentry axis - correction - subsequent to
retro jettison, switch to fly-by-wire, pitch up
reentry attitude and select rate con,hand at 08

08 40 35 P Cabin, at this time, is monitoring at about 4.8

(psi)° The suit apparently about 4 (psi), and
the suit pressure gage is reading 4°9 (psi). This
is the suit pressure gage on the suit°

08 41 03 P The index finger - finger-tip light left hand

finally failed, They really do not have the long-
time durability that we're looking for.

08 41 19 P The horizon is very clear, Roll and pitch look

very good. Yaw looks good. I believe we've got
a medley of stars coming into sight now to give
us a fix.

08 41 37 P One gets the illusion that you're on a train or

some other vehicle, due to the humming, and you
feel that you should be on a track of some kind
and you're driving down. Much like the sound of

Page 2 - 169 CONFiDENTi/_L


the ship when you're under way at sea. The

blower noise, I assume, and the inverters give
you the same illusions

08 42 14 P Okay. We got Grus, and we got Jupiter in the right

position. So our yaw reference is right on the
money. No problem with that. When I lean way
down I can pick up Jupiter, and Formalhaut shou]d
come down very shortly after.

08 42 36 P Have a slight roll to the right, which is indicatc:d

by the gyro as well. Coming on 8 minutes and
50 seconds.

08 43 24 p Tr-10 relay must have set in, although I have no

clues - other than the ASCS rate gyros coming up
and I can't bet on those since they're in anyway
by the switch being selected to Tr-10 bypass.

08 43 49 P Gyros normal. Attitude - fly-by-wire. Retrofire

armed, the 3 fuses are armed. We are fat!

08 44 04 P There is Jupiter, and there is Formalhaut in the

middle of the window, this time around. Attitude
is real stiff now. Just by chance, I assume.
Roll is right on, yaw is right on.

08 44 41 p Cabin PO2 at this time is about 3.9 to 4.0 (psi).

Cabin heat exchanger is about 50 (degrees), at this
time. Dome just happens to be on an upswing now.

05 45 01 P Dome, cabin dome is about 57 (degrees). Cabin

temperature is 90 (degrees). Suit inlet is 62
(degrees). Oxygen remaining 50 (psi, in
hundreds) primary, 75 (psi, in hundreas_
secondary. Ail electrical looks good. Fuel
remaining, still is, 78, 78 (percent).

08 45 53 P Coming up on the 5 minute to go to retrograde


08 46 34 P Five minute to go retrograde light is on.



08 47 01 P Attitude looks very good, nice and stiff, Pressure

is holding very well. Vehicle looks very good.

08 47 23 P Roll left, not so good. Let's see what we have.

Five degrees roll shows up very readily.

08 48 21 P Checking over the other systems. They all seem to

be fairly constant. Suit dome is still about
71 (degrees), suit inlet is 62 (degrees_which
this time is comfortable. Cabin pressure and suit
pressure and suit pressure gauge all match within
about 1/10 of a psi. Getting some light in the
periscope at this time.

08 48 54 P About 2 minutes to go to retrofire. I'm in

UHF-hi, transmit and record, R/T. All fuse
switches are in the proper position but for the
landing switch fuses.

08 49 17 P Here comes some sunlight.


08 49 55 P Pacific Command Ship this is Sigma Seven. Do

you read? Over.

08 50 04 CC Sigma Seven this is Pacific Command Ship. Do

you read? Over.

08 50 08 CC Affirmative, Seven. Are you reading me?

08 50 09 P Roger, Al. Read you loud and clear.

08 50 12 CC Understand you're ready to go home, Wally.

08 50 14 P Roger. I've got everything all set, Al, except

for the squib switch, which I'll put on your

08 50 20 CC Very good. You're going to use ASCS retro, and

manual proportional standby.



08 50 26 P That is affirmative_ The handle is sitting in at

this time; I'll pull it out.

08 50 31 CC Okay. Your attitudes look very good, Wally, and

your clock is 5 seconds fast. - So with the
present setting, we should time out right on

08 50 39 P Roger, Al. I've got - I'm coming up on 30 second_

to go. I'll give you my light.

08 50 46 CC Okay.

08 50 49 P I've got the 5 minute light on. This is the 30

second light - 5, 4, 3, 2, 17 LIGHT (08 51 02) T
There it is. I've got a light and a tone. Tone
is out.

08 51 07 CC Very good. The timing is right on, Wally. I'll

count down to retrosequence, and you'll arm the
squibs at 5.

08 51 14 P That's correct.

08 51 22 CC Here we go at 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5.

08 51 28 P Squib arm.

08 51 30 CC 3, 2, 1. SEQUENCE (08 51 32) T.

08 51 34 P I have sequence, and capsule is nice and tight.

Got attitude green. She sitting here like a
tight rock, Al.

08 51 42 CC Roger, attitude looks very good from here, Wally.

08 51 44 P Yeah. They looked beautiful here, too. Oh boy!

She's a good little capsule, I'll clue you.

08 51 52 CC Here you go.

08 51 53 P Roger.


PCS -6
08 51 57 CC 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, O. (08 52 02)

08 52 04 P I've got (retro rocket number) 1, and she's

holding real tight. Very tight. I got 2,
my attitudes are right on the money. I've
got 3.

08 52 17 CC Very good. We confirm on T/M. Retros 1, 2,

and 3. Attitudes holding very well. Retro
jettison switch to arm.

08 52 24 P Roger.

08 52 25 CC Emergency retro jettison fuse switch is on.

08 52 28 P Roger. They are all on. Retro jet is armed.

Got sunlight. Everybody's very happy. I'm
going to fly-by-wire, Al, to pitch to reentry
attitude. Manual is going in.

08 52 41 CC And we show you have about 68 percent auto and

84 percent manual fuel left. I think our
readings are probably a little closer than yours.

08 52 50 P I've got 68 (percent) auto and 78 (percent) manual.

08 52 56 CC Roger.

08 53 O0 P Standing by for retro jett. I have retro jett,

and light is green. I could hear it by the way.

08 53 10 CC Very good. We confirm retro jettison.

08 53 12 P Okay. I am using fly-by-wire Iow to pitch up

to reentry attitude.

08 53 18 CC Okay. We're following you here.

08 53 20 P Roger. I am a little sloppy on the roll as you may

see. No strain. I'm going to put her right into
ASCS when I get up here. Okay. She's in reentry
as far as roll goes. Okay. The scope is coming
in. I'm on the gyros.



08 53 40 CC Roger. We confirm scope retract on T/M.

08 53 43 P Roger.

08 53 44 CC And you're very close to reentry attitude.

08 53 47 P Roger. I'm in reentry attitude now.

08 53 51 CC Roger. Understand you will go to RSCS prior to

0.05g, with aux damp as a back up.

08 53 57 P That is affirmative. I'm now going to ASCS at

this time. And she's tight and holding.

08 54 05 CC Understand you are in ASCS.

08 54 07 P That is correct. I want to see if the reentry

logic was in.

08 54 11 CC Roger. _md you will go to RSCS prior to 0.05g.

08 54 15 P That is correct, Al. I want to give her a

checkout. Those retros were real cute, and
right on the money.

08 54 25 CC Roger.

08 54 26 P I'd say attitudes didn't vary 1 degree.

08 54 29 CC Real tight. Real tight°

08 54 30 P Righto. I think they're gonna put me on number

3 elevator.

08 54 35 CC Ha, ha. Good show. Stand by I'll call the

Cape. :See if they have anything.

08 54 39 P Okay, Al.



08 54 49 P Okay. Post retro, I read 65 (percent) auto

(fuel), and about - 78 (percent) manual (fuel) o
Manual lever is in. I'm in fSCS at this time.

08 55 10 CC Understand you are still in ASCS but the manual

lever is in.

08 55 14 P That is correct° What is my nominal time for


08 55 19 CC Standing by Wally_ We have LOS. See you later.

08 55 22 p Roger, Al.


08 56 57 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Watertown

Com Tech. UHF. How do you read?

08 57 02 P Roger. Watertown Com Tech this is Sigma Seven.

Read you loud and clear. How me?

08 57 07 CT Sigma Seven this is Watertown Cora Tech. I

read you weak, I read you weak. Please make
another transmission.

08 57 13 P Roger. I read you loud and clear, Watertown.

How do you read me now?

08 57 19 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Waterto_

Cora Tech. I read you broken up. I read you
broken up. Please make another transmission.

08 57 27 P Roger_ Watertown. I read you loud and clear.

Please make your transmissions to me in the
blind, if I do not acknowledge°

08 57 37 CT Sigma Seven, Sigma Seven this is Watertown

Com Tech. I read you 3 by 3. Stand by, Ifll
turn you over to Com - Cap Com.



08 57 45 P Roger.

08 57 55 CC Sigma Seven this is Watertown Cap Com.

08 57 58 P Roger. Watertown Cap Com. How do you read


08 58 02 CC Weak and unreadable, at the moment. But I

will transmit in the blind. Please check
to make sure your face plate is closed and
sealed. Do you read?

08 58 10 P Roger. Face plate closed and sealed.

08 58 13 CC Will you verify that your scope is fully

retracted and the door closed. Does it
look dark?

08 58 18 P The scope is retracted, and I think you'll

have to confirm that for me.

08 58 23 CC Understand - I just barely understood you,

but I'l.1 go ahead. Will you confirm that
the UHF/DF switch is in the R/T position.

08 58 32 P That is correct.

08 58 37 P I am standing by to check out my RSCS mode

at the proper time.

08 58 47 CC Sigma Seven. Did not understand the last

transmission but assume you read that we
should have UHF/DF switch in the R/T
position. I do not have any landing recover 7
information for you at the moment, but I'll
pass it:on to you if I can.

08 59 03 P Roger° Have you acquired track?

08 59 09 CC Expect If)S blackout anytime. I'll keep

transmitting in the hope that it will get it
on your tape recorder.



08 59 16 P Roger.

08 59 22 CC At main chute deploy if you get a chance,

will you shut off your three water controls
to help out the data reduction people?

08 59 28 P Wilco. If I get a chance. Ha, ha.

08 59 36 CC Sigma Seven. Don't forget to watch your

your cabin pressure and your altimeter.
If they do not check, pull your decompress
or your snorkle handle.

08 59 45 P Roger. Understand.

08 59 50 CC Sigma Seven. I'll keep on talking in the hope

that we can clear this blackout problem.
At 17K, your 02 emergency light should come
on. At that time pull your snorkle.

09 00 01 P Roger. Understand.

09 00 04 CC You should have sent your blood pressure.

09 00 07 P I did.

09 00 11 CC I still have you on T/M. No blackout yet.

09 O0 13 P Roger. I'm going to check out rate command

at this time.

09 00 18 CC Roger. Understand. Checking out rate cormnand.

09 00 29 CC Sigma Seven. Do you still read?

09 00 31 P Sigma Seven. Read you loud and clear. How me?

09 00 34 CC Clear.

09 00 35 P Roger.



09 00 40 CC Wally, by the way, how do you feel? All your

systems ()kay at this time?

09 00 43 P Oh, they're beautiful - very good. Every

control mode has worked perfectly.

09 O0 53 CC Lost you on T/M_

09 00 55 P Roger.

09 01 19 P I have selected aux damp and rate command at

this. The window is almost completely occluded.
It would be impossible to see out of it at
this point.

09 01 38 P I'm seeing things come off, but I can't see them

very clearly. There we go into 0.05, a green.
I am hands off at this point. In rate command:
in aux damp. And I have a roll rate started.
A slight pitch rate, not bad at all. I can see
out the window for some strange reason at last.
There goes another long spiral like looking
device. I will give another blood pressure at
this point, subsequent to 0.05 g. Ail rates
are very nominal. Rate command is working quite
well I would say.

09 02 44 P Going back into g-field. And the attitude looks

very stable. I'm rolling right around the
horizon. I'm going to stop my blood pressure
at this time - and sit back here and regroup.
I can see the ion layer. I'm inverted at this

09 03 14 P Attitudes are controlling very well. Seems to

be plenty of manual fuel. I'm still at 72
percent. Definitely has the cyclic rate in
pitch at this point. Yaw is fairly stiff; g
is building up. Capsule is quite stable.


There is a green flow - and looks like orange

streaks every once in a while. RSCS is doing
very well on reentry. Rather unusual slow
roll. Building up to 2g's. I have plenty of
fuel in rate command. Seeing sparkles coming
by now. A definite green glow, like a limeade;
g's building up. Oscillations are very good at
this point. About 3g.

09 04 18 P Still in a relatively horizontal attitude. Rate

command working well. Glad she's holding.
Doing very well. Coming up to 5½ (g). Rate
co_and still holding, fuel is still 70 (percent),
seems low. Coming up to 6_2 (g), 7g's. Coming
up to 8g. Rate command holding. Taking a
pretty big yaw out. Not too bad, I have it
pretty well. Manual (fuel) is 60 percent.
She's flying it very well.

09 05 29 P Coming off. Peak-g was an indicated 7_ (g).

09 05 38 CC I read you weak. How do you read?

09 05 40 P Roger. Read you well, loud and clear. - I still

have about 3g on. Capsule performing very
well. Rate eom_nand holding pretty well.
Altimeter off the peg. Attitudes holding very


09 06 05 CC Sigma Seven this is tlawaii Cap Com.

09 06 07 P Roger. Go ahead.

09 06 09 CC Everything appears to be nominal.

09 06 11 P Roger. Seems nominal here. Everything looks

good. Got 55 percent auto fuel. Passing
through 70,000 feet, 65,000. Attitudes are
very stable. Coming up on 60 (thousand). Rate



conmland doing very well. Coming up on

50 (thousand). She looks like a sweety.
Coming up on 45,000. I'm down to about
1 g. Preparing to punch the drogue, at
40, 41 (thousand). I'm punching drogue,
and the drogue is out. You can hear it; I
can't see it because of the clouds.
Attitudes are holding well. Manual ].ever
is in. RSCS fuel is going pretty fast. I
can see the drogue now. Drogue looks very
good. I'm going to aux damp to. Actually
don't need it. Rate command is burning itself
out. And aux damp is doing nothing, just
sitting there. I'll put in auto mode just _
let her ]pump out.

09 07 30 CC - about 3 seconds.

09 07 31 P Roger, I'm coming down on 20,000. Standing by

for snorkle. Cabin pressure is increasing.
Snorkle should go. I believe snorkle lid
blew. I felt them I will pull it any_ay. I
have an emergency rate. I think I led the
snorkle a little bit on that one.

09 07 58 P I'm dumping H202. Switch fuse on. Standing

by. Recovery arm is "arm". Standing by for
main chute. All switches are in proper
position. Manual fuel is almost all gone.
There goes drogue and main is out. It's -
she's out: beautiful. Bright blue sky. And
it's dereefed, and looks like a sweety pie.
Auto fuel is dumping. Rate of descent is
about 35 (fps) at this time. I see no problem;;
at all. I'm going to get prepared for impact.
Auto fuel is dumping out. Cabin pressure is
increasing properly. Ail systems look real
good. I am cool, I am not hot. Main chute looks
delightful. Rate of descent is 35 feet per
second. I have no reason to select anything e2se.
Landing bag is out.



09 09 09 CC Roger, Wally. How do you feel?

09 09 10 P I feel marvelous. This is a beautiful flight,

wasn't it?

09 09 15 CC Understand, you feel marvelous.

09 09 18 P That is affirmative. I'm opening visor at this

time to relieve my ears?

09 09 26 CC Did you get the weather in the recovery area?

09 09 29 P I probably had too much to say. What do you

fellows have?

09 09 32 CC Roger. Weather is 2,000 broken, visibility

10 miles, 3 foot seas. We don't have any
tracked IP yet but you should be very close to
the Kearsarge.

09 09 42 P Roger. Sounds good, Gus. It's a beautiful

chute here. I want to get a good description
out before we got into the - the drink here.
I'm preparing for impact by disconnecting the
visor hose.

09 10 O1 CC What's your altitude, Wally?

09 10 03 P Say again.

09 10 06 CC Altitude?

09 10 07 P I'm now at about 6,000 feet.

09 10 12 CC Understand, 6,000.

09 10 13 P That's correct. I'm not rolling at all on this

chute. Okay I've got that darn visor hose
off, and the Velcro strap loose. Visor seal is
dumped. I take off the exit hose from the
helmet - and stuff that up in the toolies. I'm
not even hot here, Gus.



09 10 55 CC You say it's hot.

09 10 56 P I am not hot. I am very comfortable.

09 11 01 CC Say again lhere. Just don't read.

09 11 03 P I am very comfortable.

09 11 07 CC Talk slow. You come in clear then.

09 11 09 P Roger. I am very comfortable.

09 11 14 CC Very good. We understand.

09 11 17 P I want to stay aboard.

09 11 22 CC ..

09 11 24 P I am turning off ASCS bus. I'm going to get

rid of these coolant valves that the fellows
wanted, they're all going to 0. And I hear
the aux beacon already.

09 11 58 CC ....

09 13 06 P I am about ready to impact now. I'm just about

on the water.

09 13 46 P Ohf stay dry baby.

09 13 52 P Okay. It's taking a while to right itself

but I think I've got the small end out of the
water here. Can you read_ Over.

09 14 01 Flag 2 Roger. Si_a Seven. Flag Plot. Are you stable

Plot and on the water?

2Commun£cator onboard the recovery vessel, U.S.S. Kearsarge.



09 14 05 P Looks like I'm stable on the water. The

whip antenna is up. I can see it. I
will switch to whip antenna.

09 14 13 P I am definitely canted over pretty far, but

there seems to be no water in the capsule,
and I am very comfortable. She is righting
herself very nicely, at this time.

09 14 23 CC Roger. Carrier has you visual and the helos

are on their way.

09 14 28 P How about that? That's great.

09 14 32 CC Do you still feel better?

09 14 33 P Ohf I always feel better. There, she's

getting nice and straight now.

09 14 42 CC Say again, Wally.

09 14 45 P She's getting up there nice and straight now.

09 14 49 CC Talk very slowly. I have difficulty reading.

09 14 51 P Okay. She's almost erect in the water at this

time. I'm going to put up the whip antenna,
Gus, and turn the squibs off. Standby°

09 15 05 CC I'm sorry, Wally. I didn't read that.

09 15 09 P Okay. I have put the whip antenna up, and I'm

turning off the arm squibs.

09 15 17 CC Whip antenna is up. You're turning off the

squib arm°

09 15 20 P That is correct.

09 15 22 P Okay. I'm going to check the cockpit, to be

sure we don't get the boys in trouble.
Everything looks real good, Gus. This is a real
sweetie pie of a capsule.

Page 2 ~ 183 CONFIDENTIAL.


09 15 34 CC Roger. I agree.

09 15 36 P I am in comfort, absolute complete comfort.

The suit inlet is now 72 (degrees), the
cabin is about 98 (degrees). That's all.
I feel very comfortable.

09 15 51 CC Roger. Repeat the last part before the very


09 15 55 P The suit inlet temperature is 72 - 72 (degrees).

The cabin temperature is 98 - 98 (degrees).
I'm going to retract the scope manually to
get it out of the way for the boys when they
come around.

09 16 27 CC Wally. You landed about 9,000 yards from the

carrier. How about that?

09 16 30 P That's pretty close isn't it?

09 17 33 P Boy this is a sweet little bird. I just can't

get over it.

09 18 10 CC Wally. Hawaii Cap Com.

09 18 12 p Go ahead.

09 18 16 CC Recovery has been advised of your status.

You're comfortable. They see the whip antenna,
and they are on the way.

09 18 22 p Very good. I am very comfortable.


09 18 33 Ri Hello Astro, Hello Astro this is Swiss One.

How do you read me. Over.

09 18 37 P Roger. Swiss One this is Astro. How are you




09 18 40 R1 Fine, fine. Got your squibs off. Give me

a short count, please.

09 18 44 P Roger. A short count follows: 1 2 3 4 5

5 4 3 2 1. This is Astro. Sigma Seven.
Very happy to be back in the Pacific league.

09 18 57 Ri Good. Glad to be able to talk to you.

09 19 00 P Oh, it's a good habit.

09 19 06 Ri Hello Astro this is Swiss One. We have you on

sight. You're looking good from here, on
the green dye.

09 19 16 P Roger, t seem to be bathing in it, don't I?

09 19 20 Ri Roger. I'm going to fly overhead, come back

around and drop the swimming team.

09 19 23 P Okay. Good show.

09 19 32 R1 Wally. You look fine.

09 19 34 P Good show. How's it? She looks pretty erect

to me. She's canted off a little bit towards
what would be my left side. Is that correct?

09 19 42 Ri That's affirmative.

09 19 43 P Roger.

09 19 46 R1 Okay. We're going, now coming in with the


09 19 48 P Roger, Swiss One.

09 19 54 P I can hear you now.

09 19 55 Ri Roger. You've got four helicopters overhead.

09 19 59 P Oh, thatlll do.



09 20 18 P Tell the fellows I am perfectly comfortable.

I can wait as long as they want.

09 20 22 Ri Understand.

09 20 23 P Okay. Don't tell them. Don't let them get

their hands cut on something on here - go at
it casually.

09 20 30 Ri Roger.

09 20 31 P Thank you.

09 21 12 Ri Okay, Astro. The swimmers are in the water.

09 21 14 P Roger.

09 21 30 P I see a little old string hanging along down

the side here. Ohf That's my dye marker.

09 21 36 Ri I see your die marker, is very bright green.

09 21 39 P Yeah. I can see it through part of my window.

Apparently, what I was looking at was the
piece of string and that was the dye marker.
Howdy fellowsf

09 21 51 P Do they know I'm all right. I assume, I heard

them knock on the capsule.

09 21 54 RI Astro. Understand you requested you - you want

to remain in the capsule? You want to know ii
we know that?

09 22 O0 P I assume they do. Don't they?

09 22 03 R1 Right.

09 22 15 R1 Astro. This is the Swiss pilot. The carrier

is about three quarters of a mile - closing.



09 22 24 P Okay, pilot. I think I would prefer to stay in

and have a - a small boat come alongside and
using your collar routine, of course, to
support me, and having a ship pickup. Over.

09 22 38 Ri Roger. Understand. You want ships small boat.

Will give them that word right away.

09 22 41 P Okay. I think they are briefed to make a -

attachment with a small boat and then hoist me

09 22 51 R1 Please say again, the last.

09 22 54 P I understand that this is the Kearsarge, is that


09 22 57 R1 Affirmative.

09 22 59 P She is briefed, I understand, to bring me and

the capsule aboard together.

09 23 05 R1 I'll wait one.

09 23 06 P Okay.


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