Take MS Word Quiz To Test Your Knowledge

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MS Word MCQ Quiz

Take MS Word Quiz To test your Knowledge

Below are few MS Word MCQ test that checks your basic knowledge of MS Word. This MS Word Test
contains around 20 questions of multiple choice with 4 options. You have to select the right answer to a
question. You can see the correct answer by clicking view answer link.

Also, Read Best MS Word interview questions.

Q1. The Spelling And Grammar Tool

A. Indicates Grammatical Errors

B. Corrects Spelling Errors As You Type
C. Identifies Words With Capitalization Problems
D. All Of Above

Q2. Which Is Not A Font Style ?

A. Bold
B. Superscript
C. Italic
D. Regular

Q3. To Display Hyperlink Fields In A Word Document, You Can Press The

A. Ctrl+Shift+F9 Key
B. Ctrl+Alt Key
C. Shift + F9
D. None Of Above

Q4. Landscape Is ?

A. A Font Style
B. Page Orientation
C. Paper Size
D. Page Layout

Q5. We Can Send The Word Documents To

A. Microsoft PowerPoint
B. Microsoft Excel
C. Microsoft Access
D. All Of Above

Q6. The Default Page Orientation Of Word Document Is

A. Landscape
B. Long Sides
C. Portrait
D. Double Long Side

Q7. Which Of The Following Is Not Available On The Ruler Of MS Word Screen ?

A. Tab Stop Box

B. Center Indent
C. Left Indent
D. Right Indent

Q8. Which Of The Following Is Not Option For Changing The Case Of The Text?

A. Indent Case
B. Sentence Case
C. Toggle Case
D. Lower Case

Q9. The Drag And Drop Feature Allows You To

A. Switch From Insert To Over Type Mode

B. Move And Copy Text Using The Mouse
C. Move And Copy Text Using The Clipboard
D. Open A New Document And Drop It Into The Active Document
Q10. To Spell Check Which Function Key You Will Press ?

A. F5
B. F6
C. F7
D. F8

Q11. How To Insert A Sound File In Word Document ?

A. From Insert -> Sound Menu Option

B. From Insert -> File Menu Option
C. From Insert -> Subject Menu Option
D. From Insert -> Object Menu Option

Q12. How Many Maximum Number Of Columns Can Be Inserted In The Word
Document ?

A. 45
B. 50
C. 55
D. 65

Q13. What Is Smallest And Largest Available Font On Formatting Toolbar ?

A. Smallest 8 And Largest 70

B. Smallest 5 And Largest 72
C. Smallest 8 And Largest 72
D. Smallest 5 And Largest 70

Q14. Where Can You Find The Horizontal Split Bar On MS Word Screen ?

A. On The Bottom Of Vertical Scroll Bar

B. On The Left Of Horizontal Scroll Bar
C. On The Right Of Horizontal Scroll Bar
D. On The Top Of Vertical Scroll Bar

Q15. Ctrl + H Is Short Cut For ?

A. Open Find And Replace Dialog Box With Activating Go To Tab
B. Open Find And Replace Dialog Box With Activating Find Tab
C. Open Find And Replace Dialog Box With Activating Replace Tab
D. Open Insert Dialog Box Activating Insert Hyper Link Tab

Q16. What Shortcut Will We Use To Align Centre ?

A. Ctrl + A
B. Ctrl + E
C. Ctrl + B
D. Ctrl + D

Q17. How To Use Format Painter Multiple Times ?

A. By Click On Lock Format Painter Icon

B. Format Painter Cannot Be Use Multiple Times
C. By Double Click On The Format Painter Icon
D. None Of Above

Q18. The process of removing unwanted part of an image is called

A. Cropping
B. Bordering
C. Hiding
D. Cutting

Q19. The space left between the margin and the start of a paragraph is called -

A. Spacing
B. Alignment
C. Indentation
D. Gutter

Q20. Which items are placed at the end of a document

A. End Note
B. Footer
C. Foot Note
D. Header

Q21. A number of letter that appears little below the normal text is called -

A. Subscript
B. Superscript
C. Supertext
D. Toptext

Q22. We can insert a page number at

A. Footer
B. Header
C. Both A and B
D. None

Q23. We can change the thickness of a line from -

A. Line Thick
B. Line Height
C. Line width
D. Line Style

Q24. Color and pattern used to fill a closed shape is called -

A. Fill Style
B. WordArt
C. Shape
D. Fill Back

Q25. Where footnotes appear in a document

A. Bottom of a Page
B. End of document
C. End of Heading
D. None
Q26. Which is the default alignment in word?

A. Right
B. Left
C. Centre
D. Justify

Q27. The shortcut command of ‘save’ in MS- WORD is -

A. Ctrl + C
B. Ctrl + V
C. Ctrl + S
D. Ctrl + A

Q28. Microsoft Word is a -

A. Presentation programme
B. Word Processing programme
C. Spreadsheet programme
D. None of these

Q29. MS OFFICE Is Application Software

A. True
B. False

Q30. How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum?

A. 55
B. 50
C. 45
D. 40

Q31. What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting

A. 8 and 68
B. 6 and 72
C. 8 and 72
D. 6 and 68

Q32. Selecting text means, selecting?

A. an entire sentence
B. a word
C. whole document
D. All of the above

Q33. In MS-Word, for what does ruler help?

A. to set indents
B. to change page margins
C. to set tabs
D. All of the above

Q34. Which menu in MSWord can be used to change character size and typeface?

A. View
B. Tools
C. Format
D. Data

Q35. Which bar is usually located below that Title Bar that provides categorized options?

A. Status Bar
B. Menu bar
C. Tool bar
D. Scroll bar

Q36. What is the function of Ctrl + B in Ms-Word

A. It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
B. It makes to selected text bold
C. It applies Italic formatting t the selected text
D. It adds a line break to the document
Q37. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+W is used for

A. Update the current Web page

B. close the current window
C. open the Print dialog box
D. None of these

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