FMC Strainer

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FLUID MACHINE CONTROL Valves & Equipment Strainers Ns) Applications Steam, weter, oll or gas where protection fram foreign matter ina pipeline 's required, Construction » The FMC Style FSA (carbon steel) & PSSA (stainless steel) fabricated > Y-type strainers are normally supplind with 2 bolted (slip hinge) caver andare available with elther flanged or butt weld connections. Flanges are raised > face and drilled in accordance with ASME 816.5 and come standard with baci-faced hotthotes. » Special dimensions are available. For additional pressure 50 flanges. and materials of construction {Low Carbon Steel, Alloy 20, Hastelioy C276,Monel, and Duplex Stainioss Steel) Features The Keekley Style FSA and FSSA strainer screens are plot ed through the " > use of machined grooves in both the body and caver to ensure proper alignment. The cover gasket is designed for specific pressure and temperatureratings. > FMC Style FSA and FSSA strainers have studs and nuts and are furnished with & blow down plug as standard Blind covers are available upon request. Self Cleaning > Solf cleaning of the Style FSA and FSSA strainers are accomplished byopening the valve or drain plug connected to the blow aff port: Design Features > Standard Sizes from 2"to 90°, > 95 316/55 304/MS Wedge wire screens are standard. (Other materials available upon request Perforated screens are available, > Standard body material is SS304/5S3 16NCB/M.S, ther ‘materials are available upon request, > Drain and sifferential pressure connections are standard. > 1508 RF Flanged connections are standard, 3008 and 600i flanges are availate ‘Screens Im Standard screens are perforated 304 stainless steel and are spot welded formaximum strength, > Different size perforations and moshies are available in stainless steel, monel, and brass to meet specific media requirements. if media is not indicated ¥" perforated 304 stainless stacl screens will be supplied. ewrfmegroupsin Strainers Basket Strainer Applications Steam, weter, oll or gas where protection fram foreign matter ina pipeline is required, Construction > The FMC Style FB family of fabricated basket strainers are available in > carbon stoel or stainiess steel. ther flanged or butt weld connections are furnished. These basket strainers are available with 3 Quick Open Cover > [FB-Q), Bolted Stip Hinge Cover (FB-H1, or Integral Swing Arm Davit > Assembly (Style FB-D). Flanges are raised fate and dried In accordance with ASME B16.5 and come standard with back-faced bolthales. > Special dimensions are available. For additional pressure classes anges and materials of cansruction Low Carbon Steel, Aly 20, Hastelioy C276,Monal, and Duplex Stainless Steel) Design Features » Standard Sires from 2" to 60°. J» 55.316/55 304/MS Wedge wire screens are standard. Other materials avalable upon request. Perforated screens are available. 1 Standard body material is $$304/5S316AWCB/M.S, Other ‘materials are available upan request. ‘> Drain and differential pressure connections are standard, > 1508 RF Flanged connections are standard. 300% and ‘8008 flanges are available. Baskets > Baskets are perforated 204/316/3161 stainless steel and are spot welded for maximarn m strength. Different size perforations and meshes are available in stainless steel, monel, meet specific media requirements, If media is not indicated, &° perforated 304 stainless steel baskets will be supplied ‘Cleaning > Cleaning of the Style FE strainer is accomplished by ‘removing the cover and pulling out the basket. > Strainer information Section for = =a Strainers ate) tral Applications Stearn, water, oll or gas where protection fram foreign matter ina pipelineis required. Construction > The FMC Style T "Tee" strainers are supptiod with weld ‘neck flange ar butt connections, >» Ring Type joint connections are also avaiable; for ring type jsin€ specify ring number and style. The Style T& TO strainers are suitable for either horizontal or vertical(doyanward flow) piping. > Spocial dimensions are available. For additional pressure classesflanges and matenals of construction {Low Carbon Stwol, Alloy 20, Hastelicy C276,Monel, and Duplex Stainioss Steel) ‘ Design Features » ® Standard Sizes fram 2" to GO", 55 316/95 204/MS Wodge wire scrcens are standard, Other materials available upon request Perforated screens are available, > Standard body material is $S304/5S3 16/NCB/M.S. Other ‘materials are available upon request. > Drain and differential pressure connections are standard. > 150 AF Flanged connections are standard, 300% and 600i flanges are available ‘Self Cleaning > Self cleaning of the Style T & 70 strainers is accomplishedidepending upan erientation) by either ‘opening the valve or drain plug connected to the blow off port or remaving the caver and pulling out the basket. Baskets (> Standard baskets are 4° perforated 30% stainless stecl {approximately Gmesh) and are spat welded for maximum strength > Different size perforations and meshes are avaiable in stainless steel, monel, and brass to meet specific meds requirements ‘wururfegroupsin Strainers ele) (geen tect g Applications Stearn, water, ol or gas where protection fram foreign matter ina pipelinels required. Construction ® The FMC Style “Duplex” strainers are supplied with weld ‘neck flange or tip on flangeand also Buttweld connections » Ring Type Joint connections are also avadable; for ring type joint specify ring number and style lox ‘Style strainers are suitable for either horizontal ing Special dimensions are available. For additional pressure classes flanges. and materials of construction {Low Carbon Steel, Alloy 20, Hastelioy C276,Monal, and Duplex Stainioss Steel) Baskets > Baskets are perforated 304/316/3161 stainless steal and are spot welded for maximum strength. Different size perforations and meshes are available in stainless steel, monel, meet specific media Foquirements. if media ts not indicated, }° perforated 30% stainless steel baskets will be supplied Design Features > ‘Standard Sires from 2*to 00" 55 316/55 304/MS Wedge wire screens are standard Other materials available upon request Perforated screens ane avaitable ‘Standard body materia! is SS304/SS3 1G/ANCE/MS. Other materials are available upon request. (> Drain and differential pressure connections are standard. > 1508 RF Flanged connections are standard. 300% and 600 flanges are avalabie ‘Cleaning > Cleaning ofthe Style FB strainer ts accomplished by ‘removing the cover and pulling out the basket; ‘Strainer information Section for ewrfmegroupsin Strainers Temporary Strainer Applications Stearn, water, ol or gas where protection from forwign matter ina pipeline is required. These strainers are installed between Ranges for inexpensive protection of mechanical equipment. Construction > The FMC Style Cone/Basket/Plate strainers are available In-carbon steel stainiess steel, and other alloys > Screens are available perforated. mesh oF mesh lined to meet specific mediarequiremerts. ‘Standard Screens. * Ren ET Reames When Ordering Specify > Style > Perforation or Mesh Size ‘> Specify direction of flow Cone Strainer Basket Strainer Plate Strainer ‘wwwsimegroupsin Strainers te aliel ene WORKING > FMC las developed a self-cleaning fiter, designed to handle large flows, higher pressures & heauy dit loads. i cleans itself automatically ether by sensing pressure drop across. the fiter;r by timer, whichever occurs earlier, DIT collected 's sjected out autarnatically with litle Mid » Shell of the fiter js fabricated in S-& Is designed to handle working pressure of filter. Filter elements are S300 wedge-wire screen candles, mounted vertically with their bottom ends open to dirty fluid & top ends closed. » All candies are exposed to flaw of dirty fluid, except one, Dirt is collected inside the candles. > One of the candie’s outiet bs opened to backwash port by aligning rotary face seal to itBackwash outlet valve is opened fora short time so that the dirt collected in this candle is let out to atmosphere pressure. Since large pressure differentials avaiable between working pressure of filter & atmosphere, baclowashing is wery effective. When the preset pressure drop reaches (or time elapsed is complete), the rotary face seal is allgned with next candle outiet 8 backwash outlet valve is opened for a short time to effect backwashing of that candle. > The process is repeated automatically to keep the filter clean & to eject the dirt. A recovery filter is provided to recover fiuid ejected along with the dit. > Wedge-wire screen openings, number of working candies, candie sizes can be altered depending on following: Flow & viscosity of fluid, quantity & type of dirt ett. The flter housing can be designed to handle required working pressure, > Fittor prosently developed has @ candles, 1000 mm long X.100 mmm dameter It s designed fo flow of 8000 LPM (480 m3} of water based emulsion fr filtration level of 100 microns. tis going to work as Roll Coolant Filter for a steel cold rolling rll. ‘wwwsimegroupsin SEB EES == IV =lusters wh; 23 sembcorp fa Ss PIC | £ P& SF We feuinnts 5) Zuari Coment =) a z ——e

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