Service Quality Gap Management: Module Id:MTMGTSQG01
Service Quality Gap Management: Module Id:MTMGTSQG01
Service Quality Gap Management: Module Id:MTMGTSQG01
Module Id:MTMGTSQG01
Service Quality
Service Quality:-
Competitive edge =f (Price, N/W quality, customer service
Satisfaction=f (Expectation and perceived service delivery)
PD=E =Satisfaction
Competitive strategies
*Product/service innovation
*Product/Infrastructure quality
Total Experienced
Expected Perceived
WOM Quality
Quality quality
Technical Functional
Quality Quality
GAP model
Provider gap 2:- Not selecting the right service designs and
Necessary steps:-
-The quality of service delivered by customer contact
personnel is critically influenced by the standards
against which are evaluated and compensated.
-Standards signal or send the message to contact
personnel what the priorities are and which types of
performance count.
-When standards reflect what customers expect, the
quality of service they receive is likely to be enhanced.
-By demonstrating strong leadership commitment and by
setting customer-defined performance standards, gap
2 can closed
-Leadership plays a pivotal role in providing service
-Management must perceive that customer expectations
Delivery Gap
Provider gap 3:- Not delivering to service standards
-Provider gap 3 is the discrepancy between development of customer
driven service standardization and actual service performance by
company employees.
-Even when guidelines exist for performing service well and treating
customers correctly, high-quality service performance is not a certainty.
-Standards must be backed by appropriate resources (People, systems,
technology) and also must be supported to be effective- i.e. employees
must be measured and compensated on the basis of performance
along those standards.
-When the level of service delivery performance falls short of the standards
(Provider gap 3), it falls short of what customers expect as well.
Factors leading to the provider gap 3:-
1.Deficiencies in the policies
*Ineffective recruitment
*Role ambiguity & role conflict
*Poor employee technology job fit
*Inappropriate evaluation and compensation systems.
*Lack of empowerment, perceived control and teamwork
2.Failure to match supply and demand.
*Failure to smooth peak and valleys of demand
*Inappropriate customer mix
*Over reliance on price to smooth the demand.