Objective Type Questions: Basic Capsule

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1. India shares what percent of world's water resources?

a. 4% b. 2%

c. 2.4% d. 1%

Ans. (a)

2. How much water is available from surface water and replenish able ground water in India?

a. 1879 cubic km b. 1869 cubic km

c. 1889 cubic km d. 1899 cubic km

Ans. (b)

3. The total utilizable water resources in the country is only cubickm.

a. 1123 b. 1122

c. 1132 d. 1125

Ans. (b)

4. Much of the annual water flow of which of the following rivers has not been harnessed?

a. Godavari b. Krishna

c. Kaveri d. Brahmaputra

Ans. (d)

5. In which of the following states, the groundwater utilization is very high?

a. Punjab b. Maharashtra

c. Bihar d. Gujarat

Ans. (a)

6. Which of the following groups of states utilize groundwater the most?

a. Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Tripura

b. Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Tami/Nadu

c. Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Kerala, Bihar

d. Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Tripura, Maharashtra

Ans. (b) Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu

7. The lagoons of states like Kerala, Odisha and West Bengal are not utilized to which of the following purpose?
a. Fishing

b. Irrigating certain varieties of paddy crops

c. Irrigation of coconut

d. For drinking purpose in household

Ans. (d) for drinking purpose in household

8. Which of the following sectors utilize most of the surface and groundwater?

a. Agriculture b. For hydroelectricity

c. industries d. Household

Ans. (a) Agriculture

9. Which of the following areas of our country are deficient in rainfall and are drought prone?

a. North-eastern states b. Deccan Plateau

c. Gangetic Plain d. Brahmaputra valley

10. Which of the following crops does not require much water to grow?

a. Rice b. Sugarcane

c. Jute d. Bajra

Ans. (d)

11. Which of the following groups of states observed the successful strategy of Green revolution of agricultural

a. Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh

b. Punjab, Gujarat and Rajasthan

c. Punjab, Western Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan

d. Punjab, Haryana and Gujarat

Ans. (a)

12. What percent of net sown area in Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh is under irrigation?

a. 88 % b. 85 %

c. 89 % d. 81 %

Ans. (b)

13. Provision of irrigation makes__________possible.

a. Humidity b. Agriculture

b. Multiple cropping d. Green revolution

Ans. (c)
1. Consider the following and choose the correct answers from the given options.

l. Over withdrawals of groundwater in Rajasthan and Maharashtra increased fluoride Concentration.

ll. This practice has led to increase in concentration of arsenic in parts of West Bengal and Bihar. Options-

a. Only statement I is correct

b. Only statement Il is correct

c. Both I and Il are correct

d. Both statements are wrong

Ans. (c)

14. What is the negative impact of intensive irrigation in the states of Punjab, Haryana and Western U.P.?

a. Increasing salinity in the soil

b. Increased soil erosion

c. Soil become alkaline

d. Decreasing of soil fertility

Ans. (a)

15. Consider and evaluate the following statements and choose the correct answer from the given options.

l. The availability of usable water is limiting day by day.

ll. The available water resource is getting polluted due to increase in population, industrial, agricultural
and domestic effluents.

a. Only statement Il is correct

b. Both are correct. Statement Il correctly explains statementl

c. Both are correct but not related to each other

d. Both are wrong

Ans. (b)

16. Which of the following are the most polluted rivers of the country?

a. Ganga and Brahmaputra b. Ganga and Godavari

c. Ganga and Yamuna d. Yamuna and Brahmaputra

Ans. (b)

17. Which of the following is not a cause of water pollution?

a. Micro-bacteria b. Chemical wastes

c. Industrial wastes d. Soil erosion

Ans. (d)

16. Match the column I with column Il and choose the correct answer with the help of given Codes.


I Yamuna Hyderabad

II Kali Kanpur and Varanasi

III Gomati Ahmedabad

IV Sabarmati Lucknow

V Ganga Madurai

VI Musi Delhi and Etawah



a. 6 5 4 3 2 1

b. 1 2 3 4 5 6

c. 6 5 3 4 1 2

d. 2 3 1 5 4 6

Ans. (a)

17. Which of the following programs sponsored by central government aims at enabling the rural population to
conserve water for drinking, irrigation, fisheries and afforestation?

a. Arvary Pani Sansad b. Haryali

c. Neeru—Meeru d. Narmada Bachao

Ans. (b)

18. Neeru-Meeru(water and you) program is associated with which of the following states?

a. Andhra Pradesh b. Karnataka

c. Rajasthan d. TamilNadu

Ans. (a)

19. In which of the following states the share of area irrigated through wells and tube wells is very high?

a. Rajasthan b. Maharashtra

c. Gujarat d. Madhya Pradesh

Ans. (c)

20. Which of the following rainwater harvesting structures have not been constructed under?

Arvary Pani Sansad Program?

a. Percolation tanks b. Dug out ponds

c. Check dams d. Wells

Ans. (d)

21. Which of the following states made compulsory to install rainwater harvesting system while constructing
houses or buildings?

a. Tamil Nadu b. Karnataka

c. Kerala d. Andhra Pradesh

Ans. (a)

22. In Rajasthan rainwater harvesting structures locally known as are constructed.

a. Johada b. Kund and Tanka

c. Kulorgul d. Percolation pits

23. Which of the following is not the benefit of rain water harvesting?

a. It increases water availability

b. It checks the declining ground water table

c. It improves the quality of ground water through dilution of contaminants like fluoride and nitrates

d. Helpful in production of hydroelectricity

Ans. (d)

24. Which of the following is the aim of watershed management program?

a. Bringing about balance between natural resources on the one hand and society on the other

b. Grow more and more trees

c. Digging of well for rain water harvesting

d. Distribution of water equally among all the sections of society

Ans. (a)

25. Which of the following method is not associated with watershed management program?

a. Percolationtanks b. recharge of ground water

c. Rechargewells d. Tube wells

Ans. (d)

26. In India water is mainly used for which of the following purposes?

a. Rearing of livestock b. Industries

c. Irrigation d. Hydroelectricity generation

Ans. (c)
27. Which of the following agents are not the main source of pollution in rivers?

a. Micro-organisms b. Solid waste and garbage

c. Chemicals d. Soil erosion

Ans. (d)

28. Which of the following pairs is not matched correctly?

a. Water Act - 1974

b. Environment Protection Act – 1986

c. Water Cess Act - 1977

b. The central pollution control board - 1997

Ans (d)

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