IEEE Power and Energy Magazine-May June 2021
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine-May June 2021
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine-May June 2021
on the
20 M
icrogrid Protection 58 Practical Microgrid
Against Internal Faults Protection Solutions
By Dimitris Lagos, Vasileios Papaspiliotopoulos, By Scott Manson and Ed McCullough
George Korres, and Nikos Hatziargyriou 70 North Bay Hydro Microgrid
By Michael Higginson, Matt Payne, Keith Moses,
36 Influence of Inverter-Based
Peter Curtiss, and Stephen Costello
Resources on Microgrid
Protection (Part 1) 83 Status of Microgrid Protection
By Matthew J. Reno, Sukumar Brahma, and Related Standards and Codes
Ali Bidram, and Michael E. Ropp By Ward Bower and Tom Key
47 Influence of Inverter-Based Resources
on Microgrid Protection (Part 2)
By Michael E. Ropp
and Matthew J. Reno
94 columns &
4 Editors’ Voice
10 Leader’s Corner
14 Guest Editorial
94 History
Society News
In My View
The IEEE Power & Energy Society is an organization of IEEE members whose principal interest is the advancement of the science and practice of electric power generation,
transmission, distribution, and utilization. All members of the IEEE are eligible for membership in the Society. Mission Statement: To be the leading provider of scientific and
engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and the preferred professional development source for our members.
Analyse protection settings using PowerFactory, DIgSILENT’s leading power system analysis
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microgrid protection
rethinking reflexive action at the edge
smart grid-related initiatives have directed
our gaze toward customers and the edge
of the system. Intelligent equipment and
processes now pervade the electric system.
They are dramatically affecting electricity
customer investments in smart equipment.
Initiatives are underway to reimagine dis-
tribution system operations. And this trend
is not stopping. While committed to devel-
oping issues on a diverse set of themes that
cover the power and energy industry land-
scape, keeping our readers abreast of the
latest developments in integrating and co-
ordinating the operation of customer and
distribution system resources continues.
The microgrid concept represents a
collection of ideas for organizing operat-
ing principles and imagining new ways for
customer-managed systems to integrate a variety of situations. These agreements To do this, microgrids use operational
with the distribution system. The ideas recognize the different parties responsible mechanisms that support the reliable op-
recognize a boundary of responsibility for operations on either side of the inter- eration of the microgrid footprint as well
between the utility electric power system connection. While technical approaches as the electric grid infrastructure. The in-
and a collection of resources managed to achieve this coordination have been tegration of a large amount of distributed
by the customer (or a surrogate). While well demonstrated, there still are areas solar power and battery energy storage
people continue to debate the definition where experience and socialization of systems is accelerating microgrid tech-
of a microgrid, it usually involves an inte- ideas need to mature. nology development. This breakthrough
grated set of power-producing and power- In response to power system distur- technology aims to transform microgrid
consuming resources. With full capability, bances, safety is job one. Minimizing islanding operation from a tentative, emer-
a microgrid can either run independent of impacts to electric service follows close gency option used during system faults
the regional power system (island mode) behind. Whether faults occur in the mi- into a general solution for improving grid
or run synchronously with the power sys- crogrid or regional power system, ensur- reliability and resiliency in both normal
tem (connected mode), and smoothly tran- ing the protection schemes on either side and abnormal situations. By smoothly
sition between these two modes. of the interconnection respond properly switching between grid-connected and
The elegance of the concept lies with is critical to safely clear these disruptions grid-disconnected modes, microgrids
agreements on codes and standards of and minimize service interruptions. can supply loads and support grid servic-
operation that ensure safe, coordinated es as needed.
operation that designers can replicate in In This Issue One of the major hurdles for intercon-
A motivating factor for the microgrid con- necting microgrids into the electric system
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3057947
cept is to improve resiliency for withstand- is the effective integration of microgrid
Date of current version: 19 April 2021 ing high-impact, low-probability events. protection systems with the electric
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pivot to virtual
meetings, conferences, and lifelong learning
SO MUCH HAS CHANGED IN THE speaker. For the General Meeting and in a virtual environment. No need to
past year—how we get our food, get our all of our PES virtual conferences, it book a hotel room or plane ticket, but,
children to school, do our work, and has been important that these events instead, enjoy the technical programs
learn. IEEE Power & Energy Society be offered for the benefit of PES mem- of PES conferences from the comfort
(PES) meetings and conferences are no bers. We lowered the registration cost of your home and office. For example,
exception. Some keywords we heard in to US$99 for PES members and kept at the 2020 PowerAfrica Conference,
2020 were reposition, change, new nor- the technical presentations online until we had 347 attendees from 45 differ-
mal, shift, rethink, reset, change course, the end of August. After that, presenta- ent countries. In 2019, we had only 28
modify, reset, and, of course, pivot. tions were transferred to the PES Re- different countries represented. Please
Last year’s PES General Meeting source Center. Again, this was done as consider attending and experiencing a
had to pivot from a face-to-face meet- a service to our members. PES conference outside your Region.
ing to a virtual one in fewer than 100 Several other PES conferences also With all of the changes happening
days. This was the first major event for pivoted to a virtual format, including in the electric power industry, it is vital
PES that changed from in person to the following: to share this knowledge and expertise
virtual. It is also one of our largest con- ✔✔ Innovative Smart Grid Technol- with our members. This becomes even
ferences, after the biannual IEEE PES ogies (ISGT) Europe, which fo- more important during a pandemic,
Transmission and Distribution (T&D) cuses on smart grid technologies when most of us are not able to have
Conference and Exposition. Needless ✔✔ PowerAfrica the “water-cooler talks” and hallway
to say, it was not a small task, but, with ✔✔ Latin America T&D Conference informal conversations with colleagues
a very qualified team in place made ✔✔ PowerCon in Asia in the industry. Please know that PES
up of volunteers and PES professional ✔✔ Smart Cities Conference. is here for you now more than ever. We
staff supporting us every step of the When this column was written, fin- are your knowledge resource through
way, it resulted in a great event. A spe- ishing touches were being put on the the PES Resource Center, award-win-
cial thanks to General Meeting Steer- ISGT North America Conference on ning publications, virtual meetings and
ing Committee Chair William Cassel 16–18 February 2021. Normally, this conferences, tutorials, webinars, and
and his team for a job well done. conference would be held in Wash- more being held around the world.
The theme of the General Meeting ington, D.C., but this year’s gather- As a part of PES’s long-range stra-
was “Are Big Data, Machine Learning, ing is virtual, with exciting keynote tegic planning, the Society has been
and Electric Transportation Transform- speeches from offering what our members most need
ing the Grid?” There were more than ✔✔ Dennis Arriola, CEO of Avan- to learn over the decades. How long
2,200 attendees from 69 different coun- grid is your degree going to last? Back in
tries, 130 panel sessions, 617 papers ✔ ✔ Gil Quiniones, president and the 1960s, the half-life of knowledge
presented via video, and a very suc- CEO of New York Power Au- was a phrase attributed to economist
cessful PES members meeting and ple- thority Fritz Machlup, who studied, among
nary session. We were thrilled to have ✔ ✔ Eliot Mainzer, president and other things, the economic value of
David Murray, chief technology officer CEO of California Independent knowledge. It is the amount of time
from Hydro Québec, as our keynote System Operator. that elapses before half of the knowl-
If there is any silver lining to CO- edge in a particular area is superseded
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3057948
VID-19, it is that you can now attend a or shown to be untrue. Machlup and
Date of current version: 19 April 2021 vast variety of global PES conferences others of his day discovered that, while
guest editorial
Jim Reilly and S.S. (Mani) Venkata
microgrid protection
its complexities & requirements
MICROGRIDS AROUND THE WORLD risen and their impact on grid reliability connection to the larger distribution
are evolving at a quick pace. They come has become a reality, microgrids have grid in islanded operation. Also, the
in many sizes and types, for a v ariety become a serious consideration for protection schemes, or at a minimum
of uses. With the integration of smart, utility system protection schemes. Mi- the protection system settings, must be
digital devices and technologies, real- crogrids may not lead to greater reli- changed and adapted when transition-
time, automated grid operation with ability and resiliency than that already ing from grid-connected to islanded
the human in the loop is a daunting delivered by existing networks, espe- modes of operation. These transitions
task. Eight years ago, this topic was cially mesh, unless protection is taken include those that require the design
the theme of the July/August 2013 into consideration. of adaptive protection systems. The
issue of IEEE Power & Energy Maga- combination of a large penetration of
zine. Two years later, the related topic System Protection: inverter-based DERs and an absence
of grid and microgrid resiliency was Art and Science of a strong grid in islanded operation
given comprehensive treatment i n System protection is both an art and mode results in a microgrid protection
the May/June 2015 issue. Continu- a science involving protective equip- design that significantly departs from
ing this theme on the development of ment, which is like a silent sentinel. the conventional power system protec-
m icrog r id tech nologies, t he July/ The protection of even a classical, pas- tion philosophy.
August 2017 issue covered microgrid sive, and radial distribution system has To allow islanded and autonomous
controllers, which define the micro always been incredibly challenging. operations, microgrids need to in-
grid’s operations and functionality. Practices vary widely even within a corporate local DERs, which include
This 2021 issue further continues the utility and especially so among utili- renewable energy resources (wind
microgrid theme with the challenging ties. Practices for microgrids are even and solar), and the associated electri-
topic of protection. more fluid and challenging. cal storage required for balancing
Microgrid protection has become a and firming intermittent generation.
topic of great interest as the number Consider System From this perspective, a microgrid is
of microgrids with prominent levels Protection: Integration a means to aggregate DERs. In the mi-
of inverter-based resources (IBRs), Complexities crogrid islanded operation, the local
storage, and managed loads has grown As modern technologies and distrib- distribution system is no longer con-
greatly along with the trend toward uted energy resources (DERs) with nected to the larger power grid provid-
new generation being connected to dis- energy storage and renewable generat- ed by central generation. This makes
tribution networks. Microgrids them- ing resources become more prevalent the design of protection systems in an
selves are no longer diesel generators in electric power systems, operational islanded mode different from that in
connected to specific building loads complexity increases. Attention to sys- grid-connected mode.
in case of power outages. They have tem protection is a critical issue to pave DERs are mostly interconnected
evolved into complex entities that oper- the way for achieving safe, efficient, to the distribution grid using power
ate in parallel with the grid and provide and effective means of managing this electronic-based energy converters.
grid support services. As their im- emerging complex system. The chal- The presence of these types of DERs
portance in serving critical loads has lenges in microgrid protection design requires approaches to protection that
result from the combination of a high are different from those for conven-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3057949
penetration of DERs using power elec- tional rotating-machine-based DERs,
Date of current version: 19 April 2021 tronic interfaces and the absence of a such as combined heat and power,
Eugenio Carvalheira
IEC 61850 is my topic … Engineering Manager
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Challenges in Islanded and cant interest over the last 20 years and are per-
ceived as key components of future power
Interconnected Operation systems. Microgrids are defined as distribution
networks with distributed energy resources
(DERs) (e.g., distributed generators, storage
devices, and controllable loads) operating in
a controlled and coordinated way. Moreover,
microgrids should have clear electrical bound-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3057950 aries and the ability to operate connected
Date of current version: 19 April 2021 to the main power network or islanded. The
Circuit Circuit
Breaker Closed Breaker Open Bus 5 Bus 6
L Load PV Photovoltaic ICB4 ICB7
15 –100%
0.15 1.5
0 0.5 1 2 2.5
Time (s)
(a) (b)
figure 2. (a) Typical fault ride-through characteristics and (b) the wind turbine dynamic reactive current contribution
during a fault.
Circuit Circuit
Breaker Closed Breaker Open Bus 5 Bus 6
L Load PV Photovoltaic
CB4 CB5 CB7 CB9 CB10
WT Wind Turbine Utility Grid
Batteries Energy ICB6
Grounding Fault
Transformer CB6 CB8 CB11
Fault Current L L
Current Through CB7, ICB7 (A)
X/R Ratio = 1
400 X/R Ratio > 1
X/R Ratio < 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
PV Short Circuit Current Power Factor
figure 3. (a) A simplified microgrid model and (b) the impact of the wind turbine short circuit current angle to the fault
current (ICB7).
Off-Grid Microgrid CB3
Bus 2 B
Time to Trip (s)
Storage Diesel
Relay (CB4)
Fuse 1 (F1)
0.1 Fuse 3 (F3)
figure 4. (a) An off-grid island microgrid and (b) the impact of topology changes in the protection system performance.
Voltage (%)
70 Frequency
60 49 Collapse
50 Fault
48.5 Clearance
30 48 DER
20 Disconnection
0 47
1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
figure 5. (a) Voltage sags for operating units during a three-phase short circuit and Greek noninterconnected island sys-
tems fault ride-through requirements and (b) the microgrid frequency response.
Batteries Energy
Bus 3 Bus 4
CB14 CB16
Bus 2 CB3
Off-Grid Microgrid
Bus 6
0.6 Zone 1 e,
PV we
On r Fa
PV ow
0.4 ac
, R cto
Line 1 to
O er F
n, a
fI r=
R cto
fI r
re 0.7
nc =
re 0.
as 8
Bus 2
0 2 4 6 8 10
R (Ω)
figure 6. (a) The distance relay (R3) protection zones and (b) the calculated impedance for different fault resistance val-
ues and DER power factors during fault. Rf: fault resistance.
Bus 1
CB14 CB16 CB19
Transformer ICB3 L L
Bus 2
Distribution Grid B Microgrid
Main Feeder L L
Bus 3 Bus 4
Bus 1
CB14 CB16 CB19
Transformer L L
Bus 2 Microgrid
Distribution Grid B
figure 7. (a) A differential protection scheme for microgrids and (b) the operation of the main feeder protection. (Continued)
Bus 1
CB14 CB16 CB19
Bus 2
Distribution Grid Microgrid
status signal to the relay at the other end of the line when respectively, and their respective breaker fails to operate, those
a forward in-zone fault (or a blocking signal for out-of-zone relays can send a signal to the upward relays, e.g., the relays con-
faults) is detected. However, a trip signal is issued to the asso- trolling CB13 and CB15, to trip and clear the fault. Topological
ciated circuit breaker of the relay only if it detects a forward changes can also affect the overall differential protection scheme.
fault, e.g., the relay at CB15, and at the same time receives a For example, if CB10 and CB18 are open, the relays controlling
signal from a remote-end relay, e.g., the relay at CB17. CB9 and CB17 will not experience fault currents, and they will
For example, if a fault occurs between buses 3 and 4, the maintain blocking to their pairs even if faults inside their pro-
relays at CB15 and CB17 will detect a forward fault. Both tected zone (lines) occur. The differential protection of a line can
will send a command to each other that will allow the relays be enabled or disabled based on the status of its respective circuit
to trip their circuit breakers and disconnect the faulty feeder breakers. In the previous case, the relays of CB10 and CB18 can
[Figure 7(b)]. On the contrary, relays controlling CB10 and send their status to the relays of CB9 and CB17, respectively, to
CB12 will also detect a forward fault. However, they do not stop or start the blocking procedure of their pair. Therefore, if
receive a signal to trip from the relays at the other end of their the relay controlling CB10 informs the relay controlling CB9 to
respective lines (relays at CB13 and CB18) because those stop blocking the relay controlling CB7, the line between buses
relays detect a reverse fault. Therefore, CB12 and CB10 will 5 and 6 is solely protected by the overcurrent element of the relay
not trip, and the faulted feeder only will be isolated. controlling CB7.
Communication between the devices can also assist in Differential schemes increase the protection reliability if
the deployment of backup protection schemes that address proper communication infrastructure is used. Also, they require
breaker failures or topology changes. In the previous exam- digital devices that can execute basic protection functions, sup-
ple, if CB15 or CB17 fails to open, the respective relays will port communication protocols, and offer the flexibility to design
transmit a tripping command to the upstream relays that the logical equations on which they operate.
control CB13 and CB18 and to relays controlling the gen- Industrial substation communication protocols, mainly
eration that will remain in the faulty region, e.g., the relay IEC 61850 and especially its generic object-oriented sub-
controlling CB14. The operation is presented in Figure 7(c). station event (GOOSE) feature, can be deployed for such
If a fault occurs in the zone of the relays protecting distributed schemes. GOOSE messaging can be deployed for the peer-
generators or loads, e.g., the relays controlling CB14 and CB16, to-peer communication required for differential protection
Bus 5 Bus 6
L Bus 4 L
PV Bus 3
CB13 CB15 CB18
CB1 CB2 CB14 CB16 CB19
Bus 1 CB17
Grounding L L
Distribution Grid CB20 CB3 WT Microgrid
Bus 2 B
Circuit Breaker Closed Circuit Breaker Open Utility Grid PEs Grounding Transformer
Bus 5 Bus 6
L Bus 4 L
PV Bus 3
Grounding L L
Distribution Grid CB20 CB3 WT Microgrid
Bus 2 B
Circuit Breaker Closed Circuit Breaker Open Utility Grid PEs Grounding Transformer
L Load PV Photovoltaic WT Wind Turbine B Batteries Energy Storage Local Area Wide Area
Network Network
figure 8. The (a) centralized and (b) distributed adaptive protection system architecture for microgrid protection.
IED: intelligent electronic device.
Circuit Circuit
Breaker Closed Breaker Open Bus 5 Bus 6
L Load PV Photovoltaic
CB4 CB5 CB7 CB9 CB10
WT Wind Turbine Utility Grid
Bus 3 Bus 4
Utility Bus 1
Grid CB13 CB15 CB17 CB18
Bus 2 WT
Simulated System CB3
Trip Command
Real-Time Relay
Digital Voltage and
Simulator Current
Trip Command
Breaker Setting
Status Group Change
Signals Central Signals
Influence of
Resources on
Microgrid Part 1:
Microgrids in
Radial Distribution
for IBRs (i.e., grid forming and grid following) protecting circuit elements in IBR-based microgrids in
© SH
signatures and dynamic response under faults 1) Microgrids can be fed by multiple distributed sources.
impact microgrid protection. The protection of conductors, transformers, and other
wider bandgaps, such as silicon carbide (2.3–3.3 eV) and gallium current available from IBRs and potentially make protec-
nitride (3.4 eV), could have significantly higher operating volt- tion more challenging.
ages, higher operating temperatures, lower on-state resistances,
and faster device switching. Challenges Posed by IBRs
Higher-frequency switching and higher-voltage operation are for Microgrid Protection
especially desirable for power electronics. The higher switching DERs in general, and IBRs in particular, pose different chal-
frequency permits the use of smaller components in the low-pass lenges to the protection system. At the distribution system
filter that extracts the 60-Hz component from the switched wave- level, they can cause several issues, such as sympathetic
form, and higher-voltage operation can lead to greater operating tripping, coordination loss, protection blinding, and failed
efficiency through reduced resistive losses and new application autoreclosing. In general, the challenges associated with pro-
opportunities for solid-state transformers. These advantages tecting IBR-based systems stem from the fact that IBRs do
likely will cause wide bandgap use in inverters to accelerate. not exhibit conventional synchronous-machine short circuit
Higher switching frequencies could lead to more precise behavior, including transient, subtransient, and steady-state
control over individual pulses of energy injected from the responses. In the following sections, we elaborate on the pro-
inverter into the power system, and that precision of control tection challenges associated with IBRs in more detail.
could one day facilitate the development of novel protec-
tion techniques in IBR-energized systems. However, the IBR Fault Current Signatures
trend toward higher-voltage converters might also lead The reliance of IBRs on semiconductor switches and the fact
to lower-current designs that would further reduce the fault that IBR fault currents are largely determined by their nested
P/Q/Power Factor Power Control Internal Current
Setpoint Output Filter
Loop Control Loop
Current Measurement
Internal Voltage Internal Current
Output LC Filter
Control Loop Control Loop
Frequency Phase Lock Loop
Voltage and Current
Voltage Setpoint Frequency and Voltage P and Q Measurement
Droop Control Calculator
control systems lead to IBRs having specific fault current sig- but have different time constants, they may interact with
natures. These unique features include the following. one another.
modes when the microgrid transitions between grid-connected used for detecting nonsymmetrical faults is highly
and islanded operation. compromised under the high penetration of IBRs.
For example, in grid-connected mode, both a PV inverter ✔✔ Protection system coordination: High penetrations of
and an energy storage inverter may use current-controlled IBRs distributed throughout the system can impact
grid-following inverter controls with no zero- or nega- the coordination of fuses, reclosers, and overcurrent
tive-sequence injections. During the microgrid transition to protection relays due to the fault current injections from
islanded operation, the PV inverter will likely stay in grid- multiple locations. Furthermore, because IBRs will
following control mode, but the energy storage inverter may produce, essentially, a fixed current into a fault, there is
be designed to transition to grid-forming mode and, thus, no decrease in available fault current as a fault becomes
able to inject negative- and zero-sequence current. more electrically distant from the IBR, and coordina-
tion must rely on varying time delays only. Depending
Impacts of IBR on Conventional on the utility practice, a minimum coordination time
Protection Schemes interval should be met between primary and backup
The unique fault current characteristics of IBRs can ad overcurrent devices, independent of the fault locations,
versely impact the performance of conventional protec- state of the microgrid, or dispatch of the energy sourc-
tion schemes. es in the microgrid. The fault currents from the high
✔ ✔ Impact of IBRs on overcurrent protection: The penetration of IBRs may change the tripping times of
low-fault-current contribution from IBRs can ad- primary and backup protection relays and violate the
versely impact the operation of overcurrent protection minimum required coordination time interval. IBRs
devices. This impact is more salient in an islanded can also adversely impact fuse-saving schemes.
microgrid, where no fault
current is supplied from the
upstream grid, and the mi-
Sequence Currents (pu)
that provide sufficient sen-
sitivity and selectivity.
✔✔ Impact of IBRs on directional 1
protection: The potentially 0.75
unpredictable negative-se - 0.5
I0 = I1 = I2
quence cu r rent of I BRs 0.25
significantly impacts the 0
0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12
performance of protection Time (s)
schemes that highly rely on (b)
this quantity, for example, in
determining the direction of Positive Negative Zero
faults. Moreover, the perfor-
mance of negative-sequence figure 4. The experiment results for a single-line-to-ground fault applied to a three-
overcurrent relays that are phase (a) grid-following and (b) grid-forming inverter.
Current (kA)
Voltage (kV)
0 vC 0
vneg –2
7.95 8 8.05 8.1 8.15 8.2 8.25 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
Current (kA)
Voltage (kV)
iB 1
0 0
7.95 8 8.05 8.1 8.15 8.2 8.25 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4
Time (s) Time (s)
(c) (d)
figure 5. Inverter behavior during a phase A to ground fault in islanded mode. (a) Grid-forming inverter terminal
voltage, (b) grid-forming inverter output current, (c) grid-following inverter terminal voltage, and (d) grid-following
inverter output current.
transformer, so the ground fault on phase A results in higher However, while undervoltage relaying readily indicates
voltages on phase C on the delta inverter side of the trans- the existence of a fault, it does not work well in iden-
former. Simulating this fault behavior for the dynamics, tifying the fault’s location. Figure 6 shows the pu volt-
sequence currents, and transient voltages is crucial to ana- ages at all buses for phase A-to-ground fault in the IEEE
lyze the protection of microgrids. 13-node system.
The change in the voltages at all nodes is large enough
Exploring Traditional Protection Options to detect a fault in the system, both at the IBR terminal or at
for IBR-Fed Microgrids any bus in the system. However, the values of the voltages
There are three objectives to protecting any power system: at all buses are very similar. The differences in the highest
1) detecting a fault, 2) determining the location of the fault on and lowest voltage magnitudes are about 2% for the A–G
the feeder, and 3) de-energizing the fault before equipment fault, 2.3% for the three-phase fault, and 3.1% for the
is damaged while interrupting the smallest possible number A–B fault. This difference is too small to provide a reli-
of loads. Traditional distribution system protection schemes able means of discerning the fault location. Voltages are
achieve all three objectives using coordinated overcurrent so close because physics dictates the voltage at the fault
protection, the design of which relies on the assumption that point be drawn to a low value, and the system currents are
the system is radial and fed only from an infinite bus. quite small, so the voltage drops across feeders are quite
An IBR-fed microgrid may have multiple sources, hav- small. This creates a situation where a fault anywhere in
ing bidirectional fault currents that are severely limited in the system will be certainly sensed through undervoltage
magnitude. Therefore, the traditional distribution protection at every bus, but no discrimination is available to identify
schemes that heavily depend on fuses and reclosers are not the faulted section.
expected to work well in IBR-sourced microgrids. For this
reason, more sophisticated protection schemes have been Distance Protection
explored regarding their suitability for the protection of dis- Distance protection works well in transmission and is
tribution system microgrids. The suitability of such protec- attractive because it can be implemented without commu-
tion schemes is discussed in the following subsections. nications, but it is generally difficult to apply in distribu-
tion even when there is no microgrid. For example, it is
Increasing the Available Fault Current usually challenging to use distance protection for feeders
One of the most straightforward options that can be con- with laterals due to problems of overreach into protective
sidered is to increase the microgrid fault current to the zones at different impedances. In a branching radial dis-
point at which coordinated overcurrent protection becomes tribution system, the recloser protection zone may extend
effective. This solution is most viable in cases in which the only a short distance to a fuse on one lateral but much
microgrid sources are located at one source bus and not dis- farther down a different lateral before the next protec-
tributed throughout the microgrid. One way to increase the tive device. Since the boundaries of all taps inside the
fault current frequently used in microgrids today is to install protective zone are not equal distances or impedances,
excess inverter capacity (usually twice the expected peak
load requirement or more) so that the IBR plant provides
substantially higher fault currents. This option can work, 0.155
but it significantly increases the cost of the IBR plant and 0.15
microgrid. Another method being actively explored is the 0.145
use of synchronous condensers as fault-current sources in
microgrids. While this approach shows high promise, it also 0.13
significantly increases costs, and it can have some detrimen- 0.125
tal effects on microgrid dynamics. 0.12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Bus Numbers
Undervoltage Protection
Under voltage relaying has attracted some attention figure 6. The phase A voltages throughout the IEEE 13-node
because it can be implemented without communications. system for a phase A-to-ground fault.
Phase A
Current (A)
250 Phase B
Phase C
0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2
Time (s)
Phase A
Current (A)
250 Phase B
Phase C
0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2
Time (s)
750 Phase A
Current (A)
500 Phase B
250 Phase C
0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2
Time (s)
figure 7. The currents for a phase A to phase B line-to-line fault inside a differential protection zone when an IBR-based
microgrid is in island mode: the (a) sending end, (b) receiving end, and (c) differential currents.
Tie Breaker
Relay Relay
exceptionally high-reliability electric service is
required for specific loads. Secondary network pro-
tection makes extensive use of the fact that the avail-
able fault currents in such systems are typically very
high. Also, most faults in secondary networks must
be isolated from both sides, which requires some
special considerations. Today, microgrids are also
being deployed as a means of increasing power sys-
tem resilience on radial circuits. Many microgrids
are energized exclusively by inverter-based resources
(IBRs), either all the time or under certain operational
conditions. The protection of IBR-sourced microgrids
By Michael E. Ropp
and Matthew J. Reno
© SH U
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3057952 T TER STO F ER T
C K . C O M / L E OW O L
is entirely different from that of secondary networks. IBRs a collection of distributed energy resources (DERs) and
are often distributed throughout a system, their fault currents loads within a defined boundary that have been planned and
are generally low, and the current flow is not unidirectional. designed to operate in either a grid-parallel mode or to dis-
Thus, if it were ever contemplated to deploy a microgrid on a connect and operate in an off-grid mode when desired. Many
secondary network, significant system protection challenges microgrids are in operation, with all known examples con-
would have to be overcome. structed on previously radial circuits (no loops and meshes).
This article is the second in a two-part series about the Microgrids may be powered by any combination of DERs,
influence of IBRs on microgrid protection. It briefly dis- including rotating machines and IBRs. The use of local
cusses secondary networks and IBR-sourced microgrids and sources reduces the level of vulnerability to disruptions in
then delves into the protection of both types of systems, the the transmission system. Microgrid protection is an evolving
difficulties that would need to be surmounted in protecting field in which several challenges must be solved. Microgrids
a secondary network containing an IBR-sourced microgrid, must be protected in both on- and off-grid modes, and the
and potential approaches to addressing these issues. available fault current and its properties may vary greatly
between those configurations through time. This is espe-
Background cially true for microgrids sourced entirely by IBRs, noting
Secondary networks are a nonradial, three-phase power that most microgrids deployed today fall into this category
system topology that provides redundancy in a distribution for at least some portion of their off-grid operation. Also, if
system so that loads have a continuous connection to alterna- a microgrid’s sources are distributed instead of centralized,
tive feeders. Thus, secondary networks provide an extremely there are additional protection challenges.
high continuity of electric power service against disturbances If one were to contemplate creating a microgrid on a sec-
in the distribution network, although they are still vulnerable ondary network, these two sets of protection requirements
to interruptions in the transmission systems above them. would collide in a way that creates unique and particularly
Secondary networks are so named because they operate at a difficult challenges. In this article, secondary networks and
“secondary voltage,” usually 120/208 V or 277/480 V in the microgrids, especially IBR-sourced microgrids, are briefly
60-Hz world. Secondary networks have been in use for more described along with their protection challenges. The task of
than a century, and today they serve hundreds of urban down- deploying a microgrid on a secondary network is described,
town areas and thousands of individual facilities worldwide. and potential protection approaches are discussed. DC
Secondary network protection is a mature field. Because of microgrids, while important, are not addressed.
the redundant paths to the source, these networks tend to have
low source impedances and very high fault current avail- Secondary Networks
ability, and secondary network protection is often designed
around (and to take advantage of) this fact. Also, because Topology of Secondary Networks
secondary networks contain loops and meshes, most of their Secondary networks are grouped into two main categories:
faults must be isolated from both sides, which requires spe- grid and spot. These are briefly described in the following.
cial considerations in the protection system design.
It is also possible to conceive of a “primary network” in Secondary Grid Networks
which loops and meshes at a medium voltage (MV), such as Secondary grid networks are used to serve dense urban
15 kV, are used to provide redundancy in the power path and areas, such as downtowns and business districts. They are
achieve continuity-of-service improvements. Many of the sometimes called street networks because the cables in the
general principles discussed here concerning secondary net- grid are usually laid out under, and thus follow, the streets in
works would also apply to such a “primary network.” Since the area. They may also be referred to as area networks and
almost no distribution systems today are designed to operate downtown networks. Figure 1(a) presents the topology of a
in this way, this possibility is mentioned only as a future typical secondary grid network. A single main three-phase
consideration and discussion item. service is shown at the top, but a grid network can have more
Microgrids are another means to provide higher-reliabil- than one. This secondary grid network has N primary feeders
ity electric service and increased power system resilience. and K secondary mains, all three phase. The main service
According to IEEE Standard 2030.7-2018, a microgrid is and primary feeders are all operated at MV (a distribution
To Primary Feeder
Main 1 (LV) NU = 32
Loads Loads
P, Q P, Q
To Secondary Main
Main K (LV)
figure 1. A typical secondary grid network without DERs: (a) the network topology, showing the directions of the active
(P) and reactive (Q) power flows, and (b) a network unit (NU). CB: circuit breaker; LV: low voltage; NP: network protector;
NT: network transformer.
Main Service (MV)
Feeder N
Feeder 1
Feeder 2
To Primary Feeder
NU = 32
P, Q P, Q P, Q NP
To Secondary Main
Main 1 (LV)
Main 2 (LV)
Main N (LV)
P, Q P, Q P, Q P, Q
figure 2. A typical secondary spot network without DERs: (a) the circuit topology, showing the P, Q power flow direc-
tions, and (b) an NU. NC: normally closed switch.
CB 1 CB 2 CB 3
Feeder 1
Feeder 2
Feeder 3
NU 1 NU 2 NU 3
Main 1 (LV)
Main 2 (LV)
Main 3 (LV)
figure 3. A spot network with a fault on primary feeder N, showing fault current paths sourcing current from both sides
of the fault.
Microgrids Sourced by Rotating Machines known to determine the phase angle. An iterative solu-
Some microgrids are energized by diesel- and gas-powered tion is required to model this mathematically.
generators as well as by rotating turbomachines driven 3) Many IBRs limit their fault current magnitude by shav-
by steam plants. For low-impedance symmetrical faults, ing the output current waveform peaks. For these IBRs,
rotating machines typically provide subtransient fault cur- the fault current is highly nonsinusoidal. This may cause
rents ranging from six to 10 times their rated current for problems, such as errors in root-mean-square measure-
approximately six cycles, assuming that they are effec- ments and the tripping of ground fault sensors.
tively grounded. For this reason, microgrids that are served 4) IBRs can trip during fault events on various internal
exclusively or primarily by rotating generators can usually triggers, such as frequency measurement errors and
use standard time–overcurrent protection, although care software-applied limits on maximum phase jumps
must be taken to ensure that such a defense is triggered (phase-locked-loop errors).
quickly enough, preferably within the subtransient period.
Also, it is common, although not universal, that all gen- Distributed Versus Centralized Microgrids
erators are connected to a microgrid at the same source A centralized microgrid has all its power sources connected
bus and not d istributed across the network. In some such at a single source bus. A distributed microgrid has multiple
cases, this centralization further simplifies the system pro- source buses. The protection of a distributed microgrid is
tection by making the coordination of time–overcurrent more difficult than that of a centralized one because the
protection possible. In addition, centralization can make it safety system must continue to operate properly for all feasi-
possible to use directional elements to enable the defense ble combinations of sources. This is true regardless of whether
to work both on and off grid. Together, these factors sug- the distributed sources are rotating or IBRs. Also, a dis-
gest that the protection of microgrids sourced by rotating tributed microgrid has the potential to separate into islands
machines can, in general, be achieved using existing tech- centered around each source bus, and the protection system
niques and devices. must deal with that situation and with any recombination of
the islands back into the microgrid.
Microgrids Sourced by IBRs
Microgrids sourced entirely or primarily by IBRs pose a differ- Protection Challenges for Microgrids
ent set of protection challenges. These difficulties are covered in Secondary Networks
in detail in the first part of article, “Influence of Inverter-Based Today, microgrids are usually deployed to provide con-
Resources on Microgrid Protection,” by Reno et al, in this issue. tinuity of service in the event of a loss of the main utility
For the purposes of this article, there are four key challenges that source. It is conceivable that if a facility already served by
arise in IBR-sourced microgrids, as described in the following: a secondary network has an on-site power source, such as
1) IBRs generate limited fault current (grid-forming in- steam and CHP plants, the operator might consider creating
verters typically produce less than twice their rated a microgrid based on that resource to provide power dur-
current into a fault, with most supplying only about ing a catastrophic event that knocks out all primary service.
1.1–1.5 times their rating). This is an inherent limitation If there is sufficient generation capacity to provide power
of IBR hardware since s emiconductor switches can be to nearby facilities, it is also possible that the boundary of
quickly damaged by overcurrent. In some microgrids, this microgrid could extend, thus including a portion of the
this drawback is mitigated by providing much more secondary network. Based on the foregoing, two key chal-
inverter capacity than required to serve the loads, lenges must be overcome if a microgrid were to be deployed
thereby increasing the available fault current. This, of on a secondary network. The first arises if the microgrid
course, comes at a cost. DERs cause a reverse power flow through the NUs. Figure 1
2) The phase angle between an IBR’s fault current and details a network without DERs and indicates that the power
the voltage at the point of current injection depends on flow through the NPs is unidirectional. In Figure 4, DERs
how the IBR is programmed. IBRs will typically have have been added to the same grid, and now the power flow
a specific LV reactive power response so that they will through the NPs can be in either direction, as shown by the
adjust the phase angle of their output current, depend- P, Q arrows in Figure 4. This reverse power flow must be
ing on the voltage, meaning that the voltage must be differentiated from the reverse fault current flows, and there
Main Service (MV)
P, Q
Primary Feeder 1 (MV)
P, Q
Main 1 (LV)
Main K (LV)
figure 4. A secondary grid network with DERs added (indicated by the red arrows). The DERs are larger than the loads
served, and thus the power flow through the NUs can now be bidirectional under normal operating conditions, as
indicated by the P, Q arrows.
Main Service (MV)
Primary Feeder 1 (MV)
Main 1 (LV)
B Loads
Main K (LV)
figure 5. A secondary grid network sectionalized into four microgrids, labeled A, B, C, and D. The dot–dash lines indi-
cate the microgrid boundaries. The gray portions of the system are outside the microgrids.
Feeder N
Feeder 1
Feeder 2
Main N (LV)
Main 1 (LV)
Main 2 (LV)
figure 6. A secondary spot network sectionalized into two microgrids, labeled A and B. The dot–dash lines indicate the
microgrid boundaries. The gray portions of the system are outside the microgrids. O: open secondary bus breakers.
(IBRs) offer an exciting promise of clean, renewable, and resil-
ient energy. However, these emerging technologies pose a new
set of challenges due to simulated inertia, limited overload
current contributions, firmware-based inverter behavior, and
more. This article explains some of these challenges and shares
several common techniques used to overcome them with pro-
grammable protective relays (PPRs).
The prevalence of IBRs is expected to continue to grow in
microgrids and electric utility grids as governments and corpo-
rations pursue aggressive renewable energy goals that necessi-
tate the integration of batteries, photovoltaics (PVs), wind, and
nonfossil-fueled energy sources. The decarbonization of elec-
tricity generation requires electric power systems to function
with variable numbers of conventional rotating synchronous
generators and/or IBRs online.
Protection systems keep society functioning by isolating
faults and mitigating disturbances, thereby keeping critical
infrastructure online and protecting the environment, pro-
cesses, revenues, assets, and human lives. Uptime (reliability)
is directly related to quality of life. Humans are directly pro-
tected by removing fault currents and indirectly protected by
keeping hospitals powered, ship systems online, and military
facilities operational and safeguarding assets, such as elec-
tric power system conductors, transformers, motors, and the
This article starts with a summary of the common protec- Inverter Fault Current Limitations
tion challenges posed by implementing microgrids using some Figure 2 shows a relative comparison of the total fault current
form of an IBR, and then it provides several common types of produced by a synchronous generator versus an equally rated
microgrid protection solutions proven on projects worldwide. continuous inverter. The fault current produced by generators
dynamically changes as a function of fault duration. The first
Inverter Challenges few cycles of a fault are characterized by very high currents,
This section points out some of the most common chal- followed by slightly lower currents. Protection engineers sim-
lenges that inverter implementation poses for both utility and plify these changes by assuming artificial impedances behind
microgrid protection and control systems: limited fault cur- an ideal voltage source. These impedances are the transient
rent, negative-sequence current contribution, the influence reactance ( X l ) and subtransient reactance (X m ). The transient
of battery state of charge, inverter response time, load inrush reactance is the value used for coordination of most protec-
current, and frequency tracking. These examples indicate tive relays to a traditional synchronous generation-driven
that the power and flexibility of inverter digital controls can power system (from approximately 1900 to today).
be harnessed with a clear set of standards to ensure consis- As Figure 2 shows, inverter currents during faulted-
tent behaviors and coordination with PPRs. circuit conditions are radically different from those of syn-
chronous generators. Fault currents produced by inverters
fall into two general categories: 1) silicon short-term limits
PPR Inverter and 2) longer-term thermal limits posed by the heat sink and
Visualize thermal management control. Inverters reduce their current
Control from the silicon to the thermal limit after the silicon time.
Relay Monitor Some inverters stop commutating after sustained operation
at the long-term thermal limit. Others reduce voltage to
Transformer maintain current within limits and only trip if the resulting
Protect voltage dips below acceptable limits.
Circuit Breaker
Power electronic devices are permanently damaged
Current Transformer when silicon current limits are exceeded. Thus, firmware in
the inverters strictly limits this current, and for this reason,
Potential Transformer
the silicon limit is sometimes referred to as either a hard-
ware or surge limit.
figure 1. PPRs providing protection, control, and monitoring. Thermal limits are commonly adapted in inverter firm-
ware using real-time measurements of aluminum heat sinks
and cooling water jackets. Because the hardware associated
Fault Current per Unit of Nameplate
X ′ Transient Reactance
Inverter Negative-Sequence
5 Current Contributions
The totalized inverter fault current limit is calculated as the sum
of positive-sequence current (I1) and negative-sequence current
Silicon (I2) (see Figure 3). Zero-sequence currents are most commonly
2 suppressed in inverters. The level of I2 differs greatly between
1 inverters and generators. Generators naturally provide signifi-
cant levels of I2, whereas I2 in the inverters is subject to the con-
Silicon Stop Commutation trol loops and current limits programmed in firmware.
Limit Time Time (Optional)
In general, most grid-interactive inverters do not pro-
vide I2; however, that is changing. I2 is an important quan-
figure 2. The fault current of inverters versus generators. tity for some conventional protection methods because
have found significant advantages in the close cooperation nameplate power before voltage sagging occurs. Note that
between protection and inverter control engineers. motor and load rotational speed and load characteristics vary
Rotating generator sets (gensets) have significant iner- considerably, and the typical values of 50 and 15%, respec-
tial (kinetic) energy storage, whereas inverters do not store tively, are meant to be representative. The nature of motor
any kinetic energy. Gensets are synchronous generators loads such as inertia and speed-related load characteristics is
that are shaft coupled to an engine (prime mover) and have, that they can cause large variability in these estimates. Cir-
historically, been the primary power-producing equipment cumstances such as motor pole count, motor X/R (the ratio of
for the utility grid. For example, a 500-kW, reciprocating the system reactance to the system resistance) ratios (electri-
gas engine-driven genset has an inertia of roughly 1 s; this cal time constants), mechanical load characteristics, and con-
equates to the energy storage of full-rated power for 1 s. tactor sensitivity can all affect successful cold-load pickup.
A 500-kW, reciprocating gas genset would therefore have Further modeling can determine more accurate numbers.
500 kJ of stored kinetic energy at rated speed. Note, how- Figure 5 depicts the root-mean-square current required for
ever, that such a generator must slow down to 0 Hz to facili- a direct online (DOL) motor start. After some initial inrush,
tate the harvesting of this stored inertial energy. the DOL motor gathers kinetic energy as it gains speed. Dur-
ing this time, the DOL absorbs a much larger amount than
Load Inrush Current rated power; after a start time of a few seconds, the motor
Inverters with batteries store many orders of magnitude more and load are up to speed and the current consumed is the load
energy than rotating conventional gensets; however, the rate power. Inverters limit current during large motor starts that
at which this energy can be released to the power system exceed the overload capability of inverters, which may result
is limited by silicon current and heatsink thermal limits. in unwanted voltage sag or unsuccessful load energization.
Gensets, on the other hand, store limited amounts of kinetic Focusing on the “Inrush” of the motor start of Figure 5, the
energy, which is readily available for fast-starting loads. The magnetic inrush plot shows that the current waveforms in the
result is that gensets can reliably start direct-coupled motor first few cycles have a large dc offset. This dc offset is due to
loads up to 50% of their nameplate power, whereas invert- magnetic remanence in the steel of transformers, motors, and
ers (unless purposely built with surge capability) can reli- other magnetic devices; remanence is predicated by the point
ably start only direct-coupled motor loads up to 15% of their on wave of the voltage signal when the circuit breaker (or
Current Current
Load Power
Time Time
figure 5. (a) The motor cold-load pickup and (b) magnetic inrush. X/R: the ratio of the system reactance to the system
contactor) to the motor or transformer was last opened. This islanded microgrid, and several challenges arise. In overload or
phenomenon becomes more pronounced in larger transform- faults, this particular battery IBR produces a 120% surge cur-
ers closed onto an energized bus than in DOL motors, but the rent for 10 s and then a 100% current indefinitely; during this
physics are the same. The dc offset decays at a rate described overload, the inverter voltage is held at a low level, and after
by the X/R ratio of a power system. Larger X/R ratios make the 5 s (configurable), the inverter stops commutating. The PV IBR
dc component last longer; for example, high-efficiency trans- is continuously limited to a 100% current at a lower than 0.8
formers with small R and large X are the most prolonged and power factor. When grid connected, the utility grid is capable
difficult for inverters. X/R ratios range from 4 to 50 for power of producing fault currents at approximately eight times the
systems, with typical microgrids having roughly 15. This dc nominal current rating of interconnection. Because normal
component can cause momentary current requirements of two feeder loading so closely resembles the fault current capability
times or greater the nominal transformer current. Ironically, a of the islanded IBR, the reclosers downstream of the IBR must
less efficient power transport system (greater resistance and be prompted to dynamically switch to more sensitive (different)
lower X/R ratios) has fewer dc offset problems. Resistance can protection when islanded; however, there is no communications
be added or inverters can be programmed to emulate this resis- infrastructure connecting the downstream reclosers.
tance. As discussed later in this article, islanded inverters can One solution to this problem is for the PPR at the utility
ramp and avoid magnetic inrush altogether. disconnection point to communicate a frequency reference
shift to a battery energy storage system inverter. This higher
Frequency-Tracking Failures frequency prompts the downstream recloser relays to shift
Frequency-tracking failures in grid-following inverters have a to more sensitive and different protection settings, all with-
history of causing instability and lost revenue for power sys- out the cost or complexity of a communications system. This
tems. As shown in Figure 6, some types of inverters track the ability of inverters to quickly shift system frequency is one
power system’s frequency; however, during ac faulted-circuit advantage of a low-inertia power system. Note that this same
conditions, the ac voltage waveform is suppressed and the technique is possible with lower-inertia-distributed gensets
inverter cannot accurately track the frequency. This puts the but can take -roughly 0.5-s longer than inverters. A similar
inverter into the position of having to “guess” the power sys- frequency-shifting technique is used in Germany to force
tem. Note that inverters with no dependence on “tracking” the IBRs offline without communication.
power system’s frequency offer a more resilient response.
When inverters fail to accurately track the power system’s
frequency, they will phase shift away from the power system
and then trip offline (stop commutating). This may happen dur- +
ing power system transients, switching operations, or faulted- dc ac
circuit events. Thus, even the best protection system cannot stop –
some inverters from demonstrating unreliable behavior. For this Park
reason, the industry is strongly advised to move all inverters to a Transformation PWM
grid-forming-with-droop mode of operation with limited or no Vd DQ
frequency-tracking dependence. This necessitates moving the Modulator
industry away from grid-following standards.
Further IBR challenges not addressed in this article
include human error and preferences, Park and Clarke trans- δ ~60 Hz
dt 4 kHz
forms, excessive control complexity, a lack of transparency
regarding intended firmware behavior, and disparate (and Best-Guess
contradictory) industry inverter standards. Frequency
Adapting Protection
Without Communication figure 6. The inverter frequency tracking “guessing” the
In this example, a battery and a PV IBR on a distribution feeder power system’s frequency and phase angle. PWM: pulse-
are islanded by an upstream protection event; this forms an width modulated; DQ: direct and quadrature.
voltage and/or frequency of the voltage waveform. For exam- circuit breaker wear and closing times change. Certainly,
ple, some inverters linearly ramp the voltage and frequency at these methods can be improved through direct flux measure-
a constant ratio. Others fix the frequency but ramp the voltage. ment and power electronic closing circuits; however, this is
These techniques work fine with inverters from the same sup- a costly solution.
plier designed to start together, but coordination is required
for large grid-connected infrastructure where several IBRs Bypass Systems
may be attempting to simultaneously re-energize a grid. In As shown in Figure 9, a bypass system balances the flux
sizing inverters for flux management, a conservative estimate before energization through a tertiary (third) winding. For
is to size them from one to two times the transformer rating. this style of black-start mitigation, PPRs should be pro-
Modern PPRs are commonly used to isolate sensitive grammed to provide full transformer protection during this
loads during these flux-managed start-ups. Voltage and fre- sequence of events. This technique has proven to be more
quency deviate from nominal during the reenergization of an robust and requires less maintenance than the point-on-wave
islanded microgrid using a flux-management method. This technique. On the downside, this method is costly due to the
may cause contactors to chatter and power electronic power extra circuit breaker, custom transformer, and reactor.
supplies and uninterruptible power supplies to go into alarm
mode for off-nominal conditions. Older protective relays Synchronous Condensers or Generators
will not track frequencies and voltages and their protection Synchronous condensers or generators can be added to pro-
elements may not function as desired. vide magnetic inrush demand over the inverter overload
capability. This is a reliable and simple solution that can
Point-on-Wave Switching correct magnetic inrush problems. Additional PPRs must be
The point-on-wave technique attempts to “remember” where purchased to start, control, and protect the condensers and/
the flux in one or more of the steel legs of the core was left at or generators from damage. For some islanded microgrids,
the last de-energization. The point-on-wave technique uses a synchronous condensers have been used to improve the sta-
PPR to control a special circuit breaker with individual clos- bility margins and fault ride-through capability of inverter-
ing of each phase; this enables each phase to be closed inde- dominated microgrids.
pendently at voltage zero crossings to limit inrush. There
are, however, two main challenges of this system: Oversized Inverters
✔✔ how best to properly estimate the flux from indirect Although inverters can energize large transformers using a
voltage and current measurements when de-energiza- flux-management method, voltage and frequency will likely
tion occurs deviate from nominal during a black start. In scenarios
✔✔ how best to maintain the millisecond-accuracy close where this voltage ramp is not acceptable, inverters can be
timing of the point-on-wave closing system with con- oversized to overcome magnetic inrush challenges. Invert-
ventional circuit breakers. ers can be sized to provide reactive power beyond the real-
These systems incur the cost of the specialty single-phase power limit of the battery cells.
circuit breaker and require regular human recalibration as
Sequenced Technique
This technique involves distributing the transformer inrush
among multiple inverters and sequencing the energization of
downstream transformers. With this method, each inverter is
CB1 controlled by a PPR via a time-synchronized start.
In the simultaneous method, high-speed communica-
tion is not required among PPRs because events are pre-
progrmmed to start at a certain time, either from the relay
front panel, remotely, or from a supervisory control and
Bypass System
data acquisition (SCADA) system. Note that SCADA sys-
tem communication can be performed at a very low data
figure 9. The bypass system of transformer energization. rate and thus at a low cost. Downstream PPR automatically
Limitations of Conventional, Nondirectional At the CEP microgrid, fault-current levels while islanded
Overcurrent Protection are significantly lower than fault-current levels while grid
Nondirectional overcurrent protection trips when current tied. When the microgrid’s transformers are initially ener-
levels are higher than normal. This is the most frequently gized, they draw higher-than-normal currents to magnetize
used protection method in distribution systems and behind- the transformer core in a phenomenon called transformer
the-meter utilization systems. Nondirectional overcurrent magnetizing inrush. With a strong source, transformer mag-
protection devices typically include fuses and molded-case netizing inrush can exceed 10 times the normal full-load
circuit breakers. Distribution switchgear and reclosers are current. Normal current levels during transformer magnetiz-
also typically set to trip on nondirectional overcurrent. This ing inrush while grid tied could exceed fault-current lev-
protection strategy activates protection only when fault els while islanded. This means that overcurrent protection
current levels significantly exceed the normal operating settings that reliably detect faults while islanded may not
current. Fault-current levels in a microgrid can vary signifi- be secure while grid tied, and overcurrent protection set-
cantly when the system is in grid-tied or islanded operation. tings secure while grid tied may not reliably detect faults
DERs can also impact fault-current levels, which make con- while islanded.
ventional, nondirectional overcurrent protection difficult to Furthermore, directional overcurrent protection is needed to
use in a microgrid of this nature. selectively coordinate protection. In contrast to conventional,
nondirectional overcurrent protection, which considers only
the current magnitude, directional overcurrent considers cur-
rent and voltage phase angles to determine the direction of
N the fault-current flow. For example, consider a scenario of
North Bay Community islanded operation where both of the CEP microgrid’s CHP
Energy Park W E
generators are running. Protection at each generator must be
S directional to determine whether the fault is on the protected
generator or elsewhere in the microgrid, a fact that cannot be
Fraser St Chippewa Creek determined by current magnitude alone.
Directional overcurrent protection in microgrids is also
YMCA a challenge. Directional overcurrent typically uses phase-
angle differences between voltage and current to determine
the direction. In microgrids, faults can cause the system fre-
Kinsmen Way
Arena ured to minimize both peak demand and the total energy
imported. At this site, power export (on-site power produc-
tion exceeding site load demands) is allowed for only a
limited duration.
To meet both the power-import objective and export
constraint, DERs are dispatched within the microgrid
figure 1. A map of the North Bay Hydro Community to maintain a low level of import. However, with a low-
Energy Park microgrid area. import level, the microgrid may be incorrectly prompted
44 kV
12 kV
Multifunction Relay
(Microprocessor Based)
R 52 CB52-1
K Key Interlock
12 kV 12 kV
600 V 600 V
600-V Switchgear Bus
ac ac
dc dc
CHP CHP Solar Memorial YMCA Thomson
265 kW 265 kW 8 kW Gardens Park
250 kW
Customer Loads
figure 2. A simplified single-line diagram of the CEP microgrid. CB: circuit breaker; CHP: combined heat and power.
(b) (e)
figure 3. The North Bay Hydro CEP equipment. (a) CHP generators, (b) the Solar Flower PV, (c) the CEP welcome sign,
(d) the main power transformers, and (e) the battery energy storage system.
ac ac
dc dc
44 kV
12 kV
Multifunction Relay
(Microprocessor Based)
R 52 CB52-1
K Key Interlock
12 kV 12 kV
600 V 600 V
50 kW K
200 kW 200 kW ac 8 kW ac
dc dc
CHP CHP Solar Memorial YMCA Thomson
265 kW 265 kW 8 kW Gardens Park
250 kW
Customer Loads
44 kV
12 kV
R Multifunction Relay
(Microprocessor Based)
R 52 CB52-1
K Key Interlock
12 kV 12 kV
600 V 600 V
ac ac
dc dc
CHP Battery
CHP Solar Memorial YMCA Thomson
265 kW System
265 kW 8 kW Gardens Park
250 kW
1) Total Load
2) Online Generation Capacity
figure 7. The transfer-readiness considerations for the CEP microgrid seamless transition.
44 kV
12 kV
R Multifunction Relay
(Microprocessor Based)
R 52 CB52-1
K Key Interlock
12 kV 12 kV
600 V 600 V Microgrid
Figure 9 shows how the current supplied by the DERs after tens of seconds, and significant power export causes
increased substantially when the fault occurred. After a trip within 1 s. If these limits are exceeded, all three of
approximately seven power system cycles, the intercon- the DERs (the CHPs, PV, and battery) are tripped offline.
nection breaker opened to disconnect the microgrid from This approach maintains the utility power to the loads while
the utility system. During the fault, the DERs’ voltage was removing DER contributions.
depressed. Following the disconnection of the microgrid To avoid this protective trip event, the microgrid control-
from the utility system, the microgrid voltage recovered ler must adjust the power output of the DERs to maintain a
while the utility voltage collapsed. positive power flow from the utility. This is achieved through
After this successful operation, the microgrid operated in the following control actions:
island mode for approximately 2 h. The microgrid was then ✔✔ For gradually changing loads, the microgrid controller
successfully resynchronized with the utility to return it to has user-defined set points that allow microgrid opera-
grid-tied operation. tors to set a minimum and maximum net power-import
target. The microgrid controller measures the total
Microgrid Control Interactions net power input every few seconds. Any time the net
With Protection power input is below the defined minimum or above
As previously described, the protection design of the 44-kV the defined maximum, the microgrid controller issues
utility system and the additional 600-V backup protection new set points to the CHP generators. This method as-
for this microgrid provides a comprehensive solution for sumes that the CHP reaction time to a new set point is
keeping DERs and other equipment protected in the event sufficient for maintaining a positive net power import.
of a fault. However, protective relays only react to faults or ✔✔ For dramatic load changes, the battery energy stor-
other undesirable system conditions. When combined with age system is used. One of the primary loads in the
a secondary-level control architecture, the entire microgrid microgrid is approximately 150 kW and runs in a re-
can act proactively to avoid potential faults or other undesir- peated, but unpredictable, cycle throughout the day.
able conditions. Seamless, unplanned islanding is achieved This 150-kW load step and corresponding 150-kW
through a combination of control and protection systems. load rejection occur approximately every 2–3 h. The
Power-export protection and asset-availability functions also microgrid controller must command the battery en-
use a combination of both control and protection systems. ergy storage system to quickly charge during the load
Power-Export Protection
While Grid Connected
When the microgrid is connected 2,000
Output Current of One CHP Generator
to the utility source, it is prohib-
Amps (RMS)
ited from continuously exporting
power. The available DER assets
have more capacity than requir 500
ed to supply the loads and could 0
export as much as 300–400 kW 0.4
back into the 44-kV utility system.
kV (RMS)
Protection and
Related Standards
and Codes
i ng a sign if ica nt aggregation of
distributed energy resources (DERs)
By Ward Bower and Tom Key that improves the reliability and
resilience of the power delivery sys-
tem. Most of the early microgrid
experience occurred in behind-the-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3057975
meter applications for installations
Date of current version: 19 April 2021 with critical loads and significant
Microgrid Components
Aggregator Communications Electrical Production
Analyzer and Distribution
Optimizer Network Rotating
Power Flow
Renewable and
Energy Point of Combined Heat and
Management Interconnection Power Resources
System (Curtailable)
Electrical and
Thermal Energy
Control Module
Microgrid Controller and
Control System
(Centralized or Distributed) Reports Direction and
Magnitude of Power Flow
* All Components and Subsystems Can Be Accessed With Wireless Communications
Represents Component Subsystems That May Be Modularized
figure 2. A conceptual virtual system for microgrids and DERs that can be used in a mesh network.
IEEE 1547-2018
Interconnection and IEEE 1547.1-2020
Interoperability Test Procedures for UL 1741 Supplement
• EPS Interconnection DER Interconnection SA and SB
Technology Specifications/ Inverters, Converters, NFPA 70 (NEC)-2020
• Type tests: Response
Performance Priorities, Operation Controllers, and Interconnection National Electrical Code for
• Reactive Power and Parameters, Voltage System Equipment for Use the Installation of Safe
Voltage Control and Frequency Support, With Distributed Energy Electrical Systems
• Response to EPS Synchronization, Resources
• Contains Physical Component
Abnormal Conditions Unintentional Islanding, • Used in Conjunction With Requirements, Such as
• Power Quality and Many More IEEE Standard 1547 and Ampacity, Voltage Ratings,
• Islanding • Interoperability Tests, Supplements IEEE Locations, Allowable
• DERs on Distribution Production Tests, Standard 1547-1 for Thermal Levels, and More
Secondary, Area, Street, Monitoring Tests, Smart Grid Testing • New/Revised Requirements
and Spot Networks and Protocol Mapping • Certified Products Are for Microgrids, Microgrid
• Information Exchange Intended to be Installed Operating and Interconnection
Protocols per NFPA 70 (NEC) Devices, Means of
• Covers Power Systems Disconnection, and so on
That Combine Independent • Energy Storage Systems,
Power Sources With System and Installation
Inverters, Converters, Requirements, Inverters,
and Interconnection and Charging Requirements
System Equipment – Note: Extensive NEC
Changes Were Too
Numerous To List Here
figure 4. Selected families of standards that influence microgrid applications. NFPA: National Fire Protection Association;
NEC: National Electric Code.
table 1. The IEEE 1547-related standards that are the most pertinent to microgrid protection.
IEEE Standard Title Protection Relevance and Description Notes
IEEE 1547- IEEE Standard for Foundational category This is a complete revision of IEEE
2018, Interconnection and This standard provides most of the basic Standard 1547-2003. It brings
active Interoperability of requirements for consistent and safe interconnection rules in line with efforts
standard Distributed Energy interconnections that can be made with to implement a smarter, more distributed
Resources With the compatibility of legacy protection grid. Interim requirements to allow
Associated Electric schemes and the development of new modifications of previous interconnection
Power Systems safety standards. (2003) rules were applied. This note is
Interfaces provided because a significant number of
utilities in the United States still use the
older 2003 standard.
IEEE 1547.1- IEEE Standard Structural category This new guide specifies the type,
2020, Conformance Test The relevance to protection is that testing production, commissioning, and
active Procedures for Equipment to validate IEEE Standard 1547-2018 periodic tests and evaluations to confirm
standard Interconnecting provides data for performance, set conformance with IEEE Standard 1547.
Distributed Energy points, accuracy, and consistency that
Resources With Electric will be compatible with or impact the
Power Systems and operations of protection methods and
Associated Interfaces equipment.
IEEE 1547.2- IEEE Application Guide Building block category A new IEEE P1547.2, Draft Application
2008, for IEEE Standard This standard guides the application of Guide for IEEE Standard 1547 for
under 1547: IEEE Standard IEEE Standard 1547-2018 to designs and Interconnecting Distributed Resources
revision for Interconnecting installations. A thorough understanding is With Electric Power Systems, is being
Distributed Resources necessary when analyzing and applying drafted as an update to include IEEE
With Electric Power IEEE Standard 1547 to interconnection Standard 1547-2018 requirements.
Systems protection. The protection will be better
designed and installed by understanding
the requirements.
IEEE 1547.7- IEEE Guide for Building block category This standard provides alternative
2013, Conducting Distribution This version of IEEE Standard 1547.7 is approaches and good practices for
active Impact Studies for provided here because many utilities engineering studies of the potential
standard Distributed Resource still use IEEE Standard 1547-2003 for impacts of single and aggregate DERs
Interconnection interconnection requirements. Impacts, interconnected to the electric power
such as reverse current and ground fault distribution system. An understanding of
detection, apply to smart grid protection impacts and potential disruptions applies
and legacy (2003) requirements. to improving protection.
IEEE P1547.9, Guide to Using IEEE Building block category The requirements for this new standard
new standard Standard 1547 for Energy storage in systems connected must be compatible with interconnected
project Interconnection of Energy to EPSs is becoming an important distribution system protection.
Storage Distributed element for EPS support that will, in
Energy Resources with turn, be important considerations for
Electric Power Systems compatibility with legacy and new
protection methods.
table 2. The IEEE 2030 standards that are the most applicable to microgrids and protection.
IEEE Standard Title Protection Relevance and Description Notes
IEEE 2030.5- IEEE Standard for Structural category This standard is often applied to
2018, Smart Energy Profile This standard enables utility management state mandates for communication
active Application Protocol of end-user energy environments, protocols that can be tied to protection.
standard including demand response, load State mandates are tied to important
control, time-of-day pricing, distributed standards, such as IEEE 1547-2003 for
generation, electric vehicles, and so on. It interconnections and UL 1741 smart
is structural because it can be used to aid inverter requirements.
the protection of the grid and microgrids.
IEEE 2030.7- Standard for the Foundational category This standard provides functional
2017, Specification of Microgrid This standard provides all the functional specifications for microgrid controllers
active Controllers specifications for microgrid controllers. and is coupled with IEEE Standard 2030.8
standard These specifications guide the for testing. The functional specifications
performance of the microgrid and the include transition timing and waveform
output characteristics that can directly quality, two fundamental areas that affect
affect protection processes. protection processes.
IEEE 2030.8- Standard for the Testing Structural category This standard provides testing
2018, of Microgrid Controllers This standard is tied to IEEE 2030.7 requirements for microgrid controllers
active and covers the testing of microgrid covered by IEEE 2030.7, with the
standard controllers. same dependencies and guidance for
IEEE Distributed Energy Foundational category This standard project guides the
P2030.11, Resources Management The functional specifications for DER development of functional specifications
project Systems Functional management systems will be important for DER management systems. It includes
underway Specification factors in designing and deploying guiding principles for the application and
protection for DERs and microgrids. deployment of DER management systems
The management system will provide that, in turn, will interact to varying
controls for coordinating system degrees with protection systems.
operations that may interact with
protection methods.
IEEE Draft Guide for the Foundational category This project encompasses the design
P2030.12, Design of Microgrid The resulting selection and design and selection of protective devices and
project Protection Systems guidance will facilitate the deployment the coordination for various modes of
underway of protection systems through different microgrid operation, including grid-
approaches to detect problems and connected and islanded modes and
protect microgrids. The standard will related transitions between modes.
address protection configuration and
challenges, protection system structures,
modes of operation, system coordination,
requirements for microgrid energy
management, and communication system
in Denmark describes how top-down This issue’s “History” column on wind energy in Denmark explores top-
policy support and bottom-up initia- down policy support and bottom-up initiatives that shaped the Danish wind
tives shaped the Danish wind power power sector. From the early days of wind power, to the global energy cri-
sector, ultimately facilitating the in- sis in the 1970s, and up to the present day, this history article outlines key
tegration of wind energy in the grid. events, advancements, and milestones on the technology and policy time-
From the early days of wind power,
line in Denmark.
innovative entrepreneurs tinkered
Our author of this month’s article is Katinka Johansen. She is with the De-
with and improved upon the emergent
partment of the Built Environment at Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Den-
wind power technologies, but coal
and oil remained the prioritized fuels mark. The department is rooted in the field of engineering, but it also con-
for the almost entirely energy import- tains important and comprehensive elements from the social sciences and
dependent country. After the economic the humanities.
shock of the global energy crisis in the Katinka has a Ph.D. degree in social psychology with research interests
1970s, the Danish government focused spanning energy transitions, environmental governance, and research design.
on energy efficiency, independence, We welcome Katinka Johansen for the first time to our “History” pages.
and diversification and sought alter- John Paserba,
natives to oil. Proactive antinuclear Associate Editor, “History”
movements called for alternatives to
nuclear power.
As environmental awareness in-
creased, the energy policy goals trans-
lated to the integration of renewable Wind Energy in of its private-sector jobs are within the
energy resources in the grid. Already Denmark wind power industry and supply chain.
popular among the public, cooperatively Denmark, a small Nordic country, Denmark is part of the highly inte-
owned wind farms emerged throughout is well known for wind energy, wind grated Nordic electricity market, and
the country. However, as the onshore power technologies, and wind farms. the energy and technology mix in the
wind power technologies grew to in- The country is also known for its high country is varied.
dustrial scale and height, support for ly flexible and interconnected domes- Denmark is naturally rich in wind
specific local wind farm projects could tic power system as well as for inte- resources. The Danes have harvested
no longer be taken for granted. Mean- grating large amounts of renewable wind power for centuries, and various
while, the offshore wind power sector energy resources (mostly wind power) early wind-powered technologies have
matured, and the price of offshore wind into the energy system in a relatively been popular throughout history. This
power generation decreased. This brief short time. account explores the modern history of
historical account aims to describe the In 2019, wind power accounted for wind power in Denmark. It outlines
complex technological journey of the almost 50% of the total national elec- the early development of wind power
wind power sector in Denmark. tricity consumption in Denmark. The technologies, describes key histori-
country currently produces the high- cal events and political decisions
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3057973
est amounts of wind power per capita on this technological journey, and
Date of current version: 19 April 2021 in the world, and approximately 2.3% tells how wind power technologies
800-722-8078 •
tinkerers also experimented with
the emergent wind power technolo-
the energy effic ie n c y of t h e m o s t
common wind turbines at the time.
The Danes
gies, and this wind power innovation With a 43% efficiency rate in harvesting have harvested
was encouraged by the state. During the power of wind, the propeller wind
1919–1926, the Danish association for turbine was ranked as the best. Practi- wind power
the use of wind power was granted state
support, and the Danish State evaluated
cal and theoretical wind power-related
research topics were debated enthusiasti-
for centuries,
and various
table 1. Timeline: A brief history of wind power in Denmark.
early wind-
Year Key Events and Political Decisions
1891 Wind turbine by Poul la Cour technologies
1903 Danish Wind Electricity Company (D.V.E.S.) founded have been
1914 1914–1918: World War I
1919 Wind turbine with aerodynamic wings; design J. Jensen and P. Vinding
1939 1939–1945: World War II
1950 The Vester Egesborg turbine history.
1952 Application for Marshall Plan support for wind power research
cally in the national engineering journal
1963 Silent Spring, book by Rachel Carson The Engineer (in Danish: Ingeniøren).
1973 90% of the total national energy consumption based on imported oil See Figures 2 and 3.
1973 First international energy crisis
Postwar Enthusiasm
1976 Danish Energy Agency established During World War II, wind turbines
1978 The Tvind turbine, the largest in the world at the time again provided a welcome source of
power as energy resources were scarce.
1979 Second international energy crisis
However, general interest in wind pow-
1979 Public protests against nuclear power er dwindled quickly as energy imports
1979 Danish Energy Policy 1979 normalized after the war.
After the shock of war, agricul-
1985 Parliamentary decision: “no” to nuclear
tural, medical, and technological ad-
1987 The Brundtland Report vances generated optimism about the
1990 Energy 2000, the first plan for low-carbon energy transitions in the world future. The collective experiences of
wartime resource and energy scarcity
1991 Vindeby Offshore Wind Farm, the first offshore wind farm in the world
served as a reminder of fuel depen-
1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change dency. The Danish government set out
1997 The Kyoto Protocol implements objectives of the United Nations Framework to develop and improve the electricity
Convention on Climate Change grid, prioritized coal imports for cen-
2000 13% of the total national electricity consumption supplied by wind power
tralized electricity generation, and
accepted hydropower from Norway.
2004 Energy Agreement However, importing coal proved chal-
2006 An Inconvenient Truth, book by Al Gore lenging under the postwar political
frictions: coal imports from the East-
2008 2008–2011: Energy Agreement and Renewable Energy Act
ern Bloc countries proved unstable,
2010 Anholt Offshore Wind Farm; the largest in the world at the time and coal imports from the Western
2012 2012–2018: Energy Agreement Bloc countries were costly.
The economists in the Organisation
2015 Paris Agreement signed by 197 countries
for European Economic Co-operation
2018 46.9% of the total national electricity consumption supplied by wind power rightly predicted that the European re-
2018 Energy Agreement construction work after the war would
lack sufficient energy resources, and they
2019 Climate Act
discussed the use of wind power as an
400 400
100 BL-1 100 Upstream Upstream Electrode Est Arc Flash Working Incident
80 GE AKR-50 80
Arc Fault Arc Fault Electrode
TX-2 Bus Name Bus kV Trip Device Trip Device Equip Type Configuration Gap Boundary Distance Energy
60 1000 / 1288 kVA 1600/1760 60 Name Function (mm) (inches) (inches) (cal/cm2)
50 6% 50
BUS-3 13.8 R-6 51/50 Open Air VOA 152 32.1 + 26 1.7
40 SWG-4 40
· Easy to Use
30 BL-3 30 BUS-7 13.8 R-7 51/50 Open Air VOA 152 30.5 + 26 1.5
MAIN SWG 3.8 R-18 51/50 Switchgear VCB + HCB 152 189.3 + 18 59.3
10 GE MVT-Plus 10 REFINER 2.4 R-7 51/50 Switchgear VCB + HCB 104 261.9 + 18 122.8
Sensor = 1600
8 8
Plug = 1600 SWG-4 0.48 R-6 51/50 Switchgear VCB + HCB 32 213.2 + 18 135.1
6 6
Cur Set = 1.1 (1760A)
4 4
STPU = 2.5 (4400A) BL-5 MCC-2 0.48 BL-3 MCC VCB 25 53.1 + 18 6.8
3 ST Delay = Int
Int 3
ST Delay I²t = Out PNL-1 0.208 FS-2 Panel VCB + HBB 25 48.2 + 18 7.1
2 Override = 50000A 225/150 2
PNL-2 0.208 PNL-1 Panel VCB 25 57.8 + 18 7.7
.6 BL-3 .6
.5 GE MVT-9 .5
Risk Hazar
.4 Sensor = 800 .4
and Shock
Plug = 800 BL-1
· Fast Results
LT Band = 1 C-6
Arc Flash and Shock
.2 Inst
Inst = 4 (3200A) .2
1 - 400 kcmil CU
Appropriate PPE Risk Hazard
Incident Energy coverall
.1 1000 / 1288 kVA .1
Top-Down and
Bottom-Up Support
for Wind Power
In response to the energy crisis, Danish authori-
ties initiated longer-term energy policy initiatives,
broadly captured via the headlines of energy diver-
sification, energy efficiency, and energy indepen-
dence. More specifically, this entailed diversifying
the fuel and technology mix in the energy system,
harvesting locally available energy resources (e.g.,
wind and solar), and reducing the national energy
figure 2. A wind turbine (1920), designed by J.C.H. Ellehammer.
consumption overall. The primary goals were to (Source: Danish Museum of Science and Technology; used with
reduce energy import dependency and protect permission.)
the national economy. Mirroring the ideology of
the growing Danish welfare state, these policy
initiatives were also designed to provide stable
9 MW
200 m 7 MW
4 MW
2 MW
100 m 1.2 MW
1–12 kW 0.5 MW
figure 8. Wind turbines throughout the decades. (Courtesy of Claus Nielsen, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, adapted
from Bloomberg NEF 2017; used with permission.)
to predefined REA criteria. Compensa- eration at sea decreased drastically in lation: When Denmark Got Wings: The
tion for potential reduction in property the following years. Thus, as onshore Wind Turbine History). Copenhagen,
value due to wind farm proximity could (and near-shore) wind farm opposition Denmark: Narayana Press, 2018.
also be granted according to REA crite- became the new normal, ambitions for K. Sperling, F. Hvelplund, and B. V.
ria. The REA policy measures have been large-scale wind power generation moved Mathiesen, ”Evaluation of wind power
adjusted and refined over the years. further offshore. planning in Denmark—Towards an
integrated perspective,” Energy (Ox-
The Offshore Wind Power Conclusion ford), vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 5443–5454,
Sector Matures This brief history of wind power in Den- 2010–2012. doi: 10.1016/
As onshore wind farms faced more fre- mark describes how the emergence and 06.039.
quent opposition, offshore wind turbine the evolution of Danish wind energy F. Hvelplund, P. A. Ostergaard, and
technologies matured, and the offshore technologies were supported by a bot- N. I. Meyer, ”Incentives and barriers
wind power industry grew. Horns Rev toms-up innovative drive, the coopera- for wind power expansion and system
1 offshore wind farm was connected to tive culture and values, and by top-down integration in Denmark,” Energy Pol-
the grid in 2002 (80 wind turbines at policy support. This shows how govern- icy, vol. 107, pp. 573–584, Aug. 2017.
2 MW each). It was the largest offshore ment policy ambitions for energy inde- doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.05.009.
wind farm at the time. In 2010, Anholt pendence and energy diversification, N. I. Meyer, ”Learning from wind
offshore wind farm became the largest public antinuclear sentiments, and grow- energy policy in the EU: Lessons from
offshore wind farm in the world (111 ing environmental awareness gradually Denmark, Sweden and Spain,” Environ.
wind turbines at 3.6 MW each). translated to the focus on, and support Governance Policy, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 347–
In continuation of the 2008 Energy for, locally available renewables, most 362, Sept./Oct. 2007. doi: 10.1002/eet.463.
Agreement, the 2012–2020 broad po- notably wind power. With the advent “Energy policies of IEA countries:
litical coalition Energy Agreement also of power-to-X technologies, and with Denmark 2017,” International Energy
comprised multiple, ambitious low-car- various large-scale energy infrastruc- Agency, Paris, France, 2017.
bon energy-transition goals, including ture planning initiatives on the drawing K. Johansen and P. Upham, ”The
plans for a 450-MW offshore coastal board, the future for wind power and the post-normal politics and science of
wind farm tender. The government wind power industry in the country of wind power planning: Evidence from
did not predict the level of social, po- Denmark looks promising. a Danish near-shore wind farm ten-
litical, and legal controversy that would der,” Energy Res. Social Sci., vol. 53,
follow in the wake of these planned For Further Reading pp. 182–193, July 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.
wind farms close to the Danish coast. P. Flemming, Da Danmark fik Vinger: erss.2019.02.007.
However, the costs of wind power gen- Vindmøllehistorien 1978–2018, (Trans-
of virtual gathering is advancing at a ogy areas to continue to cross these pag- guest editors and authors significantly
quick pace. Post COVID-19, meetings es. This includes topics such as energy contributed to the quality of the mate-
will never be the same. conversion, transmission and distribu- rial presented. Thanks to Assistant Edi-
tion equipment, system operations, and tor Susan O’Bryan for her editing and
Parting Words planning, along with the methodologies management efforts. We appreciate the
To keep with current industry trends, and tools that support them. efforts of Associate Editor John Pas-
this magazine featured more articles We are grateful to Jim Reilly and erba in arranging another engaging his-
that were distribution- and customer Mani Venkata for assembling the ar- tory column and the professional staff
system-oriented in its recent past than any ticles for this issue. Thanks also to the at IEEE Publishing for making us look
other technical area. Although proposals authors and their valuable efforts to good. Finally, thank you to past Editor-
for future issues reflect themes consistent develop the featured articles. Associate in-Chief Mike Henderson for his coun-
with this trend, please expect the broad Editor Ning Lu led the technical review. sel and guidance.
spectrum of power and energy technol- Her constructive engagement with the
Due to a production error, in Figure 1 of [1], the years Reference
on the x-axis were incorrect. The corrected figure is print [1] J . Matevosyan, S. H. Huang, P. Du, N. Mago, and R. Guiyab,
ed below. “Operational security: The case of Texas,” IEEE Power
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3064710
Energy Mag., vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 18–27, March-April
Date of current version: 19 April 2021 2021. doi: 10.1109/MPE.2020.3043611.
Cumulative Wind MW Installed Cumulative Wind MW Planned
55,000 Cumulative Solar MW Installed Cumulative Solar MW Planned
50,000 15,435 15,833
45,000 9,576
30,000 11,805
26,141 5,854
25,000 23,634 2,281
21,766 1,857
20,000 18,228
16,147 566
10,771 11,221 23,860
24,976 24,976 24,976 24,976
10,000 20,698 21,777
15,857 17,662
5,000 10,698 11,100
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
figure 1. The ERCOT installed and planned generation capacity as of 30 September 2020. The cumulative megawatt
(MW) planned include projects with signed interconnection agreements.
providing an engaging virtual format
land, Oregon, 2020’s IEEE Power &
Energy Society (PES) International
Transactive Energy Systems Confer-
ence and Workshop (TESC2020), “Ar-
chitecting a Resilient Transactive Grid,”
shifted to a virtual format due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. Ten sessions,
held 7–10 December 2020, were hosted
in partnership with the GridWise Ar-
chitecture Council, welcoming 151 at-
tendees from 14 countries.
TESC2020 was the seventh time
this conference and workshop was
held. It consistently features lively
discussion and debate among the
participants that fuel insight and col-
The keynote panel featured U.S. Department of Energy Program Managers Erika
laboration. Organizers worried that
Gupta, Chris Irwin (top right), and Alejandro Moreno.
this vibrancy would suffer in a virtual
meeting environment and worked to
preserve the in-person energy. IEEE,
the GridWise Architecture Council,
and participants stepped up this year
to preserve attendee engagement; they
set up the virtual venue tools with ca-
pabilities to keep the attendees in a
shared space. The meeting featured an
agenda of online panel sessions with
live video discussions and recorded
video present at ions wit h l ive a nd
moderated question-and-answer ses-
sions where the presenter addressed
attendee comments from chat boxes.
Attendees also had the option to par-
ticipate in two tutorials on transactive
energy and grid architecture.
PES meetings
for more information,
THE IEEE P OW E R & E N E RGY Sa n-Roma n, tomas.gomez@comillas IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid
Society’s (PES’s) website (http://www .edu, Technologies Latin America (ISGT features a meetings section, LA 2021), 15–17 September, Lima, Peru,
which includes calls for papers and July 2021 virtual event, contact Jorge Lafitte,
additional information about each of IEEE PES General Meeting (GM [email protected]
the PES-sponsored meetings. Please 2021), 25–29 July, virtual event, con-
check the conference website for the tact Roseanne Jones, roseanne.jones@ October 2021
most current information and any ven-, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid
ue changes due to the pandemic. Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe
August 2021 2021), 18–21 October, Espoo, Finland,
May 2021 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies contact Pourakbari Kasmaei Mahdi,
IEEE International Conference Symposium (ESTS 2021), 4–6 August, [email protected]
on Electrical Machines and Drives Arlington, Virginia, United States,
(IEMDC 2021), 16–19 May, Hartford, virtual event, contact Julie Chalfant, November 2021
Connecticut, United States, virtual [email protected], IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and
event, contact Ali Bazzi, alibassi@ Energy Engineering Conference, IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica (Power- (APPEEC 2021), 21–23 November,
Africa 2021), 23–27 August, Nairobi, Thiruvananthapuram, India, contact
June 2021 Kenya, virtual event, contact Hum- Boby Philip, [email protected]
IEEE Transportation Electrification phrey Muhindi, h . m u h i n d i@i e e e
Conference and Expo (ITEC 2021), 23– .org, December 2021
25 June, Chicago, Illinois, United States, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid
virtual event, contact Rebecca Krish- September 2021 Technologies Asia (ISGT Asia 2021),
namurthy, rebecca.k@rna-associates IEEE PES GT&D International 5–8 December, Brisbane, Australia,
.com, Conference and Exposition, Istan- contact Tapan Saha, [email protected]
bul (GTD), 14–17 September, Istanbul,
IEEE PowerTech Madrid (PowerTech Turkey, contact Omer Usta, usta@ieee For more information on additional tech-
2021), 27 June–2 July, Madrid, Spain, .org, nical committee meetings, webinars, and
virtual event, contact Tomas Gomez events, please visit our IEEE PES calendar:
2021 IEEE PES GT&D International
Conference and Exposition, Istanbul, -conferences/conference-calendar.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3057971
is postponed until the Spring of 2023
Date of current version: 19 April 2021 due to pandemic conditions.
and fault-current characteris- reconfiguration and self-healing capa- and functional requirements of mi-
tics than rotating machines. bilities, but this also creates challenges crogrid architectures, the process of
2) Distribution of resources across to protect a meshed system. For exam- determining DER short circuit current
the microgrid: Each combination ple, networking two or more microgrids requirements, protection schemes,
of sources has different fault re- together provides additional economic and interconnection types could be
sponse characteristics. and reliability benefits, and new protec- better defined.
3) Bidirectional flows: Distribution tion schemes will have to be developed
system protection was designed to coordinate these types of intercon- IEEE Power & Energy
for only radial faults for pow- nections. Microgrids on downtown sec- Society Support for
e r f lows in one direction, but ondary networks with a meshed circuit, Microgrids
most microgrids will have their such as those in some urban downtowns, The IEEE Power & Energy Society
sources in a different location, present different protection challenges. (PES) has been working to bring new
which will present fault currents Today, the protection of meshed net- microgrid protection technologies and
going in the other direction in works is based in part on an assumption solutions to system protection overall.
both grid-connected and island of unidirectional current flow through Specifically, the Microgrid Protection
modes. certain parts of the system, and few vi- Working Group, under the PES Power
4) Design of protection systems: able alternatives to this approach are System Relaying and Control Commit-
The design of protection systems presently available. Protection challeng- tee, is bringing new insights to special
for a microgrid in islanded op- es arise when microgrids operate on a protection schemes, remedial actions
erating mode is different from portion of a mashed network. The DERs schemes, monitoring technologies, and
the connected operating mode. in the microgrid can interfere with a net- control systems. New technologies that
Moreover, it is necessary to con- work protector auto-reclosing scheme to have a bearing on protection system
sider protection during the tran- the point that it may not reclose because performance during abnormal power
sition between these two opera- the network voltage or phase angle is system conditions are being studied
tional modes, which may require outside the permissive closing bound- with respect to microgrids, both re-
two different sets of protection ary. Further, DERs within the microgrid mote and grid connected, in radial and
schemes and quick switching be- can cause inadvertent islanding if net- secondary networks. Furthermore, a
tween the two schemes. work protectors trip on reverse power working group has been formed in the
The interconnection of DERs to from the DER. These are highly conse- IEEE Standards Association specifi-
distribution networks, as individual quential considerations when develop- cally for microgrid protection, IEEE
devices, presents one set of challeng- ing protection schemes for microgrids p2030.12, Guide for the Design of Mi-
es to protection. DERs within mi- in secondary networks in major cities. crogrid Protection Systems, sponsored
crogrids, connected to distribution R&D into any or all of these is- by the Power System Relaying and
networks as systems, present a differ- sues could provide valuable advance- Control Committee. This guide will
ent set of issues. Therefore, system ments in the protection of microgrids cover the design and selection of pro-
protection solutions may need to vary in secondary networks. Examples are tective devices and the coordination
under different operational configu- technologies for low-cost differential between their modes of operation.
rations. For example, when inverters protection of IBRs in microgrids. My appreciation goes out to IEEE
are used in microgrids, they need to The ability to use inverter capabili- Power & Energy Magazine for publish-
be designed to be compatible with ties to assist in fault detection and iso- ing an issue on the ever-important topic
all modes of operation and provide lation has not been studied sufficiently of microgrid protection and bringing
quality power equal to or better than at this time, and research into that pos- the work of several valuable initiatives
that of the utility. sibility would be of high value. Beyond to the attention of its readership.
this, inverters and protection could be
Protection for Microgrids co-designed in a more holistic system- For Further Reading
on Secondary (Meshed) level process to provide a cooptimized M. Ropp, M. J. Reno, W. Bower, J. Reil-
Networks generation and protection system. This ly, and S. S. (Mani) Venkata, Secondary
Most microgrids installed today have a possibility and its potential cost-benefit networks and protection: Implications
single point of interconnection, but the tradeoffs should be explored further. for DER and microgrid interconnec-
electric power grid continues to become A microgrid connected to a meshed tion, Sandia National Lab., Albuquer-
more interconnected and meshed over network still must deal with reverse que, NM, Tech. Rep. SAND2020-1120
time. The fractal grid of the future pro- flow through network protectors. By 9692985, Nov. 2020.
vides reliability and resilience through developing frameworks for the design p&e
microgrid protection
R&D to meet the challenges to come
THE DEDICATION OF AN ENTIRE A major goal of the microgrid pro- search priorities. These successes as
issue of IEEE Power & Energy Magazine gram has been to develop promising well as the emerging issues are sum-
to microgrid protection is recognition of new solutions to integrating microgrids marized in the articles in this issue
the heightened importance of both mi- capable of of IEEE Power & Energy Magazine.
crogrids and protection in the electric ✔✔ operating in parallel with the util- In most of the articles, the authors
power industry. The importance of mi- ity distribution system discuss emerging issues and propose
crogrids is reflected in their ability to ✔✔ transitioning seamlessly to an is- some possible solutions for tackling
enhance the resilience of critical facilities landed power system them. R&D to resolve these issues is
against high-impact events, such as those ✔✔ operating safely and reliability still very much a work in progress.
caused by extreme weather. These days, as islanded power systems. The contents of the articles show that
microgrids often employ multiple distrib- Solutions for microgrid protection are these research priorities remain valid
uted energy resources (DERs) from re- critical for this integration to take place. today for microgrid protection as both
newable energy sources, most commonly the main grid and microgrids are see-
solar in combination with storage. The Strategies for Microgrid ing higher penetration of inverter-
protection system is a critical component Protection in the based DERs while facing an ever-grow-
of power system operation and respon- Microgrid Program ing need for resiliency.
sible for identifying faults in the system When the microgrid program developed
or microgrid and isolating them before its strategy for advanced microgrids in Unique Protection
additional equipment is damaged. Mi- early 2011, five areas for R&D in mi- Requirements of Microgrids
crogrids are often connected to electric crogrid protection were identified as Today, in microgrids as well as in dis-
power distribution networks and oper- priorities. These areas are tribution systems, major challenges
ated interactively with distribution utili- 1) the architecture of protection for come from the high penetration of
ties, making microgrid protection and the emerging (smart) grid and inverter-based resources (IBRs) and
protection coordination with the main microgrids ever-changing microgrid configura-
grid increasingly complex. Another lay- 2) new digital protective devices tions and controller designs. The mi-
er of protection complexity is added if and solutions croprocessor relays of the past must
a microgrid is deployed on a secondary 3) the integration of new, faster de- be adapted to the needs of protecting
distribution network. vices with existing slow devices the microgrids as well as the distri-
Although the main function of mi- 4) the design of the protection bution networks in systems with high
crogrid protection is to isolate faults in schemes and the coordination of penetrations of IBRs. The starting
grid-connected or isolated modes, pro- all devices to meet the philoso- point for this adaptation in microgrids
tection is also a key consideration for the phy and objectives of smart grid begins with its unique protection re-
transition mode, transferring to/from operations quirements, which are different from
the connection to the utility. During the 5) the protection of the microgrid typical radial distribution protection re-
transition, the compatibility and coordi- in both grid-connected and is- quirements in four key ways.
nation of system protection devices are landed modes of operation and 1) Prevalence of power electronic
critical; without them, the microgrid the transition between opera- sources: Microgrids have signifi-
would be in danger of collapsing. tional modes. cantly different time constants
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3057972
Now, 10 years later, there has been
Date of current version: 19 April 2021 great progress in pursuing these re- (continued on p. 107)