Master of Commerce: 1st Year

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1st Year


Master of Commerce

1st Year

School of Management Studies

Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068

Master of Commerce
M.Com., 1st Year

ASSIGNMENT − 2010-11

Dear Students,

As explained in the Programme Guide, you have to do one Tutor Marked Assignment in each Course. We
are sending the assignments of all the six courses together in this booklet.

Assignment is given 30% weightage in the final assessment. To be eligible to appear in the Term-end examination,
it is compulsory for you to submit the assignment as per the schedule. Before attempting the assignments, you
should carefully read the instructions given in the Programme Guide.

This assignment is valid for two admission cycles (July 2010 and January, 2011). The Validity is given

1. Those who are enrolled in July 2010, it it vaild upto June 2011.

2. Those who are enrolled in January 2011, it it vaild upto December 2011.

You have to submit the assignments of all the courses to The Coordinator of your Study Centre. For
appearing in June Term-end Examination, you must submit assignments to the Coordinator of your study
centre latest by 30th April. Similarly for appearing in December Term-end Examination, you must submit
assignments to the Coordinator of your study centre latest by 31st October.

Note : In case you receive the study material and assignment late, you can submit the
assignment responses within one month after receiving the study material.


Course Code : IBO-01

Course Title : International Business Environment
Assignment Code : IBO-01/TMA/2010-11
Coverage : All Blocks

Maximum Marks: 100

Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Do you think that analysis of foreign environment is essential for the international business?
Give your arguments? Discuss the economic and financial environment related to the
international business. (5+15)

2. You are an export manager of a firm. Formulate a detailed standardized export sales contract
for your firm. (20)

3. a) “FDI helps in accelerating the rate of economic growth of host country”.

Discuss giving suitable examples.
b) Discuss the recent trends in world FDI flows.

4. a) Distinguish between GATT and WTO. Describe the functions of WTO.

b) Explain various plurilateral trade agreements. (10+10)

5. Write notes on the following:

i) The Montreal Protocol
ii) India’s trade in Commercial Services
iii) Global Trade Point Network
iv) International Finance Corporation. (5 x 4)


Course Code : IBO-02

Course Title : International Marketing Management
Assignment Code : IBO-02/TMA/2010-11
Coverage : All Blocks

Maximum Marks: 100

Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. “In the present scenario, international marketing is essential not only for the realization of
the full potential of a business, but even for the survival of the business.” Do you agree with
this statement? Give reasons for your answer. (20)

2. “Compared with products, marketing of services poses distinctive challenges to

marketers.” Explain why it is so and enumerate the challenges particularly in international
marketing. (20)

3. Distinguish between the following:

(a) International Marketing and Global Marketing
(b) Licensing and Franchising (2 X 10)

4. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Counter Trade
(b) Export Agency Agreement (2 X 10)

5. Comment very briefly on the following statements:

(a) Publicity will always have positive influence on sales of the company.
(b) Vertical trade shows are useful for all commodities.
(c) A seller can not assure homogeneity and consistency in the service provided.
(d) Convenience sampling method is not a random sampling.
(e) Trade blocks do not import from member countries. (5 X 4)


Course Code : IBO-03

Course Title : India’s Foreign Trade
Assignment Code : IBO-03/TMA/2010-11
Coverage : All Blocks

Maximum Marks: 100

Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. a) Describe briefly the most important items in India’s export basket at present.
b) Explain the major problems faced by the export sector in India. (10+10)
2. Discuss the important measures initiated by the government of India for the promotion
of exports. (20)
3. Outline the steps taken by the government of India to increase exports of the agricultural
products. (20)
4. Explain the competitive advantages & disadvantages faced by India in the export of the
services. (20)
5. Write short notes on the following:
a) Globalization of world trade
b) FDI inflow in India
c) India’s trade relations with CIS countries
d) Objectives of ASEAN (5x4)


Course Code : IBO-04

Course Title : Export Import Procedures and Documentation
Assignment Code : IBO-04/TMA/2010-11
Coverage : All Blocks

Maximum Marks: 100

Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What are the objectives of Foreign Trade Policy of Government of India? Discuss the
general provisions related to exports. (5+15)

2. a) Discuss various Value Added Network Services (VANS) under EDI.

b) Describe various legal documents required in importing countries. (10+10)

3. What is Post-Shipment finance? Discuss various schemes of Post-Shipment finance

available to Indian Exporters. (20)

4. a) Explain various types of losses under cargo insurance with suitable examples.
b) Describe the steps involved in the customs clearance of import cargo. (10+10)

5. Write notes on:

i) Duty Draw Back Scheme
ii) Tax exemption schemes for exports. (10+10)


Course Code : IBO-05

Course Title : International Marketing Logistics
Assignment Code : IBO-05/TMA/2010-11
Coverage : All Blocks

Maximum Marks: 100

Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss the difference between classification survey, registration survey and under
writer’s survey and enumerate the important checks the classification society does on a ship. (20)
2. Enumerate the common areas where frauds and disputes normally take place in internationally
marine transaction and commercial shipping, and state the common precautions to be
taken by international buyer and sellers to prevent the possibilities of maritime frauds. (20)

3. Write short notes on the following (5x4)

i) ABC Technique
ii) Tank Container
iii) Voyage Charter
iv) International Chamber of Commerce

4. Distinguish between the following: (5x4)

a) Domestic logistics and International Logistics
b) Carriage of goods by land & Carriage of goods by Rail
c) Export-Import Traffic and Freight Traffic
d) Advalorem Rates Vs. Arbitrary Rates

5. Briefly comment on the following: (5x4)

i) Cross subsidization is the characteristics feature of the liner freight.
ii) Bill of Lading is a document of title to goods.
iii) Application for registration is made by the ship owner.
iv) Controlling inventories are vital in the logistics activity mix.


Course Code : IBO-06

Course Title : International Business Finance
Assignment Code : IBO-06/TMA/2010-11
Coverage : All Blocks

Maximum Marks: 100

Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. a) Why have Euro markets grown over the years. Discuss. (12)
b) What are the major risks involved in the Euro markets. (8)
2. What is economic exposure? Explain the method of market initiative as a hedging
technique of economic exposure. (20)

3. What is letter of credit? What are its types? How does it protect the interests of
buyer and seller? (20)

4. a) Discuss the five basic criteria for a Multinational Company. (8)

b) What is transfer pricing? Discuss the transfer pricing technique with an example. (12)

5. Write short notes on

2) Capital Adequacy requirement
3) Euro Bonds
4) Forward Market Hedge. (5x4)

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