1.1 Background of The Study
1.1 Background of The Study
1.1 Background of The Study
Liquidity is the availability of cash. Bank needs liquidity for two reasons:
To meet deposit withdrawal
To fulfill customer’s loan demand
Lack of liquidity indicates great financial problem caused by lack of people’s trust. In
such a situation, depositors go on demand of cash rapidly. Similarly, higher the amount
of liquidity, higher will be the opportunity cost of banks which leads to decrease in profit
due to investment in non-earning assets more than requirement. Thus bank should fulfill
the customer demand. One of the most important tasks in the effective management of
any financial institution like bank lies in maintaining an adequate liquidity. Liquidity can
be regarded as capacity of meeting short-term obligation.
1.2 Statement of the Problems
Commercial banks are the profit-oriented financial services institution. They provide
credit to those who need the funds ensuring their productive use by mobilizing otherwise
rigid and scattered saving of public. But it has to determine “how commercial bank
maintain the appropriate level of liquidity?” to maintain short-term obligation such as to
meet deposit withdrawal and to fulfill customer’s loan demand. Furthermore, it is
important to determine the factors affecting the liquidity and its management. Sufficient
liquidity is a signal to the wider market as a whole that the bank is prudent, profitable and
well managed. This helps to reduce the risk premium that a bank has to pay on its
borrowed funds. An adequate position for one bank may not be sufficient for another.
Moreover, a position considered adequate for a bank in one time period may not be so in
Chapter – I Introduction
This chapter deals with the subject matter of the study. The outline of the research is
presented in the chapter. The whole research is based on the introduction chapter. It
deals with general background of the study, statement of the problems, focus of the study,
objectives of the study, significance of the study, limitations of the study and
organization of the study.
2. Review of Literature
Liquidity Ratios
This ratio measures the liquidity position of a firm. It measures the firm’s ability
to meet its short- term obligations. As a Financial Analytical tools, following
liquidity ratios will be used.
i. Current Ratio
ii. Cash & Bank to Total Deposit ratio
iii. Cash and bank balance to current Assets ratio
iv. Investment on Government Securities to Total Current Asset Ratio
Profitability Ratios
Profitability ratios are used to indicate and measure the overall efficiency of a
firm in terms of profit and financial performance. For better performance,
profitability ratios of firm should be higher. Under this, the following profitability
ratio will be computed.
i. Return on Loan and Advances Ratio
ii. Return on Total Asset Ratio
iii. Return on Equity (ROE)
iv. Interest income to Total Income Ratio
v. Total Interest Paid to Total Working Fund Ratio
Risk Ratio
Risk and uncertainty is a part of business loss A bank has to have ides of the level
of risk of risk that one has to bear while investing its funds. Through following
ratios, effort has been made to measure the level of risk inherent in the EBL and
i. Credit Risk ratio
ii. Liquidity Risk Ratio
Other Ratios
The other ratios are:
i. Earnings per share (EPS)
ii. Market price per share
iii. Price Earnings Ratio
Standard Deviation
The standard deviation is usually denoted by the letter sigma ( σ ).It is a widely
used measure of dispersion and is defined as the deviation of the observation from
their arithmetic mean of a set of value
Probable Error
The Probable Error (PE) of correlation coefficient is an old measure of testing of
reliability of an observed correlation coefficient. The Probable Error of the
correlation coefficient is the basis for the interpretation of its value.
Trend Analysis
The arrangement of Statistical data chronologically (according to occurrence of
time) is known as time series and the statistical analysis of this chronological
variation is termed as Trend Analysis. It helps to know the past behavior of data
in certain span of time interval.
Diagrammatic Representation
Diagrams & graphs are visual aids that give bird's eye view of a given set of
numerical data. They represent the data in simple, comprehensive and readily
understandable form. Multiple bar diagrams are used for presenting a
comprehensive picture of the banks selected for the research study. Line graph is
used to represent the trend of financial indicator variables of private and
government banks.
Amarachukwu Ona (2003), ‘Obstacles In Liquidity Management‘, Business Day
Newspaper of February 6,2003.
Submitted By:
Anuta Shrestha
Regd.No: 7-2-353-61-2008
Symbol No: 250012
Nepal Commerce Campus, Kathmandu
Submitted To:
Research Department
Nepal Commerce Campus