Bridge Repair by External Prestress: The Gibe Crossing in Ethiopia
Bridge Repair by External Prestress: The Gibe Crossing in Ethiopia
Bridge Repair by External Prestress: The Gibe Crossing in Ethiopia
Marco Petrangeli
University “G. D’Annunzio”- Pescara - Italy
Valerio Bajetti
Gaetano Usai
INTEGRA S.r.l. – Rome - Italy
Eugenio Zoppis
Salini Costruttori S.p.A. – Ethiopian Branch
ABSTRACT: The Gibe bridge is located between Addis Ababa and Jima along the homonymous highway
connecting the two Ethiopian cities. The bridge is made of a continuous, 4 span, reinforced concrete girder of
120m length and 9.6m width. The structure has 4 longitudinal beams, of variable height, connected by rein-
forced concrete diaphragms at piers, quarter spans and midspans.
The bridge, built in 1976-1977, suffered major damage from a terrorist bombing in the 80’s. The bombing
caused the collapse of a whole section of the deck that had to be re-cast in situ. Other extended damages, very
likely caused by overstressing due to the bombing and severing of the continuous girder, were not addressed
at the time.
The bridge has been used since then with load restriction with an alternative crossing available a few hun-
dred metres downstream along the old road built by the Italians in ‘30. This latter crossing was an old steel
truss girder built by the English in the ’40 that collapsed in the fall of 2006 when a dozer crashed into the up-
per bracing of the main steel girders causing the spectacular collapse of the whole structure.
Rehabilitation and strengthening of the concrete bridge became, all of a sudden, vital and urgent as it
stands as the only connection between the agricultural South Western region and other parts of the country.
The Ethiopian Government contacted Salini Costruttori SpA, a contractor presently engaged in constructing
hydropower projects in Ethiopia, with a request for technical assistance. Salini Costruttori SpA decided to
perform the bridge strengthening as a contribution to the Country, and asked Integra to devise a fast, reliable
and economic method to carry out the operations. The proposed solution makes use of external prestressing to
increase the girder strength by closing the extended crack pattern and reducing bending and shear forces in the
deck. The works, performed while the bridge was in service, were completed in three months and the bridge
opened back to traffic without load restrictions in November 2007.
the tensioning force and therefore much higher then Hogging lateral pier -13900 -43705.00 3.14
what the concrete sections can locally sustain. This Hogging central pier -18740 -51723.00 2.76
was certainly the case for the Gibe bridge dia-
Tab. 4 – Post Opera bending verifications (SLU)
phragms that are insufficiently reinforced and there-
fore could only take the upward design deviation Strengthening by post-tensioning is particularly
forces and would not bear any tangential ones. efficient with respect to shear. Post tensioning does
reduce shear forces because of the vertical compo-
nent of the inclined cable but it also increase the sec-
tion resistance as compression gives a frictional con-
tribution to the concrete shear resistance.
Ignoring the concrete contribution, shear safety coef-
ficients are now up to 1.5, and taking into account
the concrete contribution this value rises to 2.1.