Bridge Repair by External Prestress: The Gibe Crossing in Ethiopia

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Bridge repair by external prestress: the Gibe crossing in Ethiopia

Marco Petrangeli
University “G. D’Annunzio”- Pescara - Italy
Valerio Bajetti
Gaetano Usai
INTEGRA S.r.l. – Rome - Italy
Eugenio Zoppis
Salini Costruttori S.p.A. – Ethiopian Branch

ABSTRACT: The Gibe bridge is located between Addis Ababa and Jima along the homonymous highway
connecting the two Ethiopian cities. The bridge is made of a continuous, 4 span, reinforced concrete girder of
120m length and 9.6m width. The structure has 4 longitudinal beams, of variable height, connected by rein-
forced concrete diaphragms at piers, quarter spans and midspans.
The bridge, built in 1976-1977, suffered major damage from a terrorist bombing in the 80’s. The bombing
caused the collapse of a whole section of the deck that had to be re-cast in situ. Other extended damages, very
likely caused by overstressing due to the bombing and severing of the continuous girder, were not addressed
at the time.
The bridge has been used since then with load restriction with an alternative crossing available a few hun-
dred metres downstream along the old road built by the Italians in ‘30. This latter crossing was an old steel
truss girder built by the English in the ’40 that collapsed in the fall of 2006 when a dozer crashed into the up-
per bracing of the main steel girders causing the spectacular collapse of the whole structure.
Rehabilitation and strengthening of the concrete bridge became, all of a sudden, vital and urgent as it
stands as the only connection between the agricultural South Western region and other parts of the country.
The Ethiopian Government contacted Salini Costruttori SpA, a contractor presently engaged in constructing
hydropower projects in Ethiopia, with a request for technical assistance. Salini Costruttori SpA decided to
perform the bridge strengthening as a contribution to the Country, and asked Integra to devise a fast, reliable
and economic method to carry out the operations. The proposed solution makes use of external prestressing to
increase the girder strength by closing the extended crack pattern and reducing bending and shear forces in the
deck. The works, performed while the bridge was in service, were completed in three months and the bridge
opened back to traffic without load restrictions in November 2007.


The Gibe River Bridge is located 185 km from Ad-

dis along the National Road connecting the capital to
the city of Jima, the largest city in the rich South-
Western agricultural region of Ethiopia.
The road was built by the Italians in the ’30. The
crossing of the Gibe river was provided with a ma-
sonry arch bridge later sabotaged during World War
II and soon replaced with a steel truss girder simply
supported on the existing arch abutments.
In the late ’70 the crossing was displaced few
hundred metres upstream on a more direct alignment Figure 1: The concrete bridge over the Gibe river
that required the construction of a new concrete The missing deck section was recast in situ in the
bridge (Fig.1) made of 4 spans for a total length of early ’90 thus allowing the bridge to be re-opened to
120.5 m. traffic. The bomb damages were not fully repaired
Few years after its opening, during the civil war though, since the extensive cracking and spalling
that preceded the fall of the military regime (early that took place on the adjacent spans could not be
’80), the bridge was severely damaged by a bomb tackled at that time. Those damages caused a pro-
that severed a full section of the deck. gressive deterioration of the structure during the
subsequent years as the bridge is subjected to heavy The deck cross section is made of an 18cm thick
traffic around the clock. slab and 4 rectangular beams, 40cm thick and with a
Recently, due to increased deck deterioration, variable depth between 3.15m over the pier to 1.7m
load restrictions were enforced diverting lorries and at midspan. The beams are also connected by 18cm
other heavy freight to the downstream truss girder. thick diaphragms, 4 intermediate ones each span
Unfortunately, this structure collapsed in Novem- plus one at each pier.
ber 2006 (Fig. 2) when a dozer carried by a low Total deck width is 9.6m, with 8m carriageway
loader exceeding the maximum clearance crashed and a pedestrian kerb on each side.
into the girder upper bracing causing the whole The 3 piers, all with direct foundations on plinths,
structure to collapse. The traffic had to be diverted are made of 2 circular columns, 5 m apart, connected
back onto the concrete girder with the same load re- by a pier cap and a lower diaphragm.
striction and a reduced carriageway width. The
heavier freight had to be rerouted through Nekempt
increasing the trip by 150 km along smaller and un-
paved roads with severe damage to the country

Figure 2: The collapse of the old truss girder

The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) had al-
ready assigned to a local contractor the works to
build a new bridge a few dozen metres upstream of
the concrete girder, but its completion will take a
Figure 3: The Gibe River Bridge
few years; meanwhile the situation was unbearable
to the public and local administration that relied on
that highway for transport of people and exchange of
supplies. Therefore Salini Costruttori S.p.A. inter- 1.1 Ante-Operam situation: damage assessment
vened assisting ERA by strengthening the existing From a simple visual inspection of the bridge it
concrete bridge at his own expenses. was clear the major damages were the very wide
The strengthening solution, as described in the shear cracks (Fig. 4) at both side of the central pier
following pages, has been outlined during the site (Pier 2). These cracks were so wide that they could
visit of early 2007 by Prof. Petrangeli and Eng. Zop- be easily spotted from the river bed as no by-bridge
pis and thoroughly presented to ERA that promptly was available at the time.
provided the go-ahead for the project. The works As said before, the bomb blast severed the deck at
that lasted 3 months, with the bridge constantly 5m from the lateral pier Jima side leaving the deck
opened to traffic, required 200,000 Euros of over- cantilevering out 25m from the central pier.
seas procured technology and services and another This configuration, under dead load only, is by
200,000 Euros of local cost (personnel, equipment far the most severe the bridge could have possibly
and materials) for a total cost of 330 Euro per square undergone during its whole history. With a deck
metre of deck. self-weight of 14 ton/m the cantilever configuration
increased the shear on Pier 2 of 110 ton and the
1 THE GIBE BRIDGE bending moment of 3000 ton*m circa with respect to
the pre-damage (continuous) configuration. The
The bridge consists of a continuous reinforced con- shear increased on both side of Pier 2 since bending
crete deck, 120.5 metre in length, with 4 spans, 35 m increased the reaction on Pier 2 unloading Pier 1
the central ones and 25.25 the lateral ones.
(Addis side) thus increasing shear also on the span
from Pier 1 to 2.
The above mentioned values do not take into ac-
count dynamic effects which may have increased the
cantilever stresses (vertical vibrations) or added ad-
ditional stresses via other dynamic mechanisms (ax-
ial impulse/vibration).

Figure 5 – Spalling of beam lower flange over Pier 2

Based on the above mentioned drawings and ma-
terial properties section models have been set up and
strength verifications performed.
As far as tests are concerned, it was decided not
to postpone the strengthening intervention to allow
for all the necessary equipment to be shipped from
Figure 4 - Shear cracks in the deck beams
abroad since none of the basic instruments and
The sharp increase of bending moment over Pier equipment required for non-destructive test on
2 was later confirmed by a closer inspection of the bridges were available in Ethiopia at the time.
deck (Fig.5). The beams lower part had a large por- Using a finite element (F.E.) model of the bridge,
tion of concrete cover spalled and the reinforcing maximum bending and shear forces due to perma-
bars seemingly buckled. nent and live loading (AASHTO) have been calcu-
Obviously the damage situation would have dete- lated. Stress calculations for the deck based on the
riorated because of rusting of the reinforcing bars maximum bending moments are reported in the fol-
exposed through the macro cracks and concrete lowing table. These stresses are calculated using a
cover spalled areas. Apart from a reduction of the unit load factor for both permanent and live loading.
net steel area, the resisting mechanisms which are
very likely to deteriorate because of rusting and cy- Bending бc (comp) бs (trac)
clic loading is the bond between rebars and concrete [kNm] [Mpa] [Mpa]
in the vicinity of the macro cracks. Once the cracks Sagging shoulder span 8560 -4.71 155.60
widen because of bond deterioration and/or rebar Sagging central span 9550 -5.01 154.70
yielding, forces transmitted by aggregate interlock Hogging lateral pier -23110 -6.84 143.10
suddenly vanish potentially causing very brittle Hogging central pier -26000 -7.11 158.10
shear failure with associated collapse of the super-
structure. The risk of a similar event in case of heavy Tab. 1 – Material stress (SLE)
loads crossing the bridge was therefore the prime The stress level, modest by today’s standard, is
source of concern. unsafe for the structure under consideration given
the poor quality of concrete and steel. The evalua-
1.2 Strength assessment: ante-operam tion should also take into consideration that the
above values have been calculated ignoring the
An almost complete set of original drawings of damages to the concrete section and the corrosion to
the bridge was kindly provided by ERA, namely: the rebars (reduction of resisting area) and assuming
- drawings of the original construction dating perfect bond (plane sections remain plane).
back to 1976/77 including rebar layout. Nonetheless, as far as the flexural resistance is
- drawing of the repair works performed after the concerned, the bridge had some residual safety mar-
bomb blast (May 1993). gin. This is also confirmed with an Ultimate Limit
In these drawings, mechanical properties of con- State (SLU) analysis with factorized loads as sum-
crete and steel used in the construction were set as marized in the next table. Once more, calculation ig-
follows: nored the existing damages, although, apart from
- concrete characteristic strength fck=21 MPa some significant spalling, the modest corrosion and
- steel allowable stress бadm=140 MPa
loss of bond would not have a significant impact on side of the internal beams and one each on the inner
ultimate bending resistance of the section. side of the lateral beams. The reason for not having
cables on the outer side (of the lateral beams) is that
Md Mr γ=Md/Mr these cables could not be deviated using the dia-
[kNm] [kNm] phragms and would be more exposed to weathering
Sagging shoulder span 8560 13380.00 1.56
agents while spoiling the bridge aesthetic.
Longitudinal layout of the cables is optimized to
Sagging central span 9550 15011.00 1.57
counteract bending and shear due to self weight of
Hogging lateral pier -23100 -37626.00 1.63 the bridge. The cables are continuous over the whole
Hogging central pier -25900 -43645.00 1.69 length of the deck (120m circa) and anchored on the
deck slab near the abutments. The cables follows
Tab. 2 – SLU section bending verification
two different layouts, one for the 4 inner cables
When it comes to shear verifications though, re- (Type A) and another for the outer ones (Type B).
sults are significantly different. Maximum shear
force calculated with unit load factor is 1010 kN per
beam. Shear resistance of each beam is only 60% of
this value if the concrete contribution is neglected
and 120% of it if concrete shear strength is ac-
counted for. Given the macro crack pattern of at
least 3 of the 4 beams, concrete contribution was
very likely lower then what norms allow to consider.
The numerical analyses therefore confirmed the
shear as the most critical failure mechanism with a
narrow safety margin. This safety margin was suffi-
cient to keep the bridge standing only because traf-
fic, although intense, never reached the maximum
design values.


The severe damage suffered by the deck would

not allow for a simple retrofitting aimed at repairing Figure 6 – Anchorage slot in the top slab
cracks, spalled areas and corroded rebar. The two layouts have been chosen so as to intro-
The lack of alternative crossing also called for a duce the optimal deviation forces at each diaphragm.
strengthening solution that would leave the bridge Cables are deviated using steel saddles and steel
open to traffic during the works. At the time the re- pipes directly glued onto the existing concrete sec-
pairs took place, the bridge was typically used by tions. Only in few cases, at the anchorages and at the
light weight trucks carrying all kind of goods and deviations of Cable Type B over the piers, additional
commuter busses. cast in situ concrete blocks were required to allow
Since the piers and foundations were in good for a safe transmission of the cable forces to the ex-
shape, it was decided to strengthen the deck. This isting concrete section.
solution is certainly competitive where alternative Special care has been taken in the correct posi-
routes do not exists and where a quick bridge re- tioning of the deviation elements. Previous experi-
placement is not feasible. ence suggested to check their correct positioning us-
A screening of the different options was therefore ing a nylon rope before the saddles were glued and
carried out in order to identify the most simple and the strands were spun.
cost effective solution to strengthen the deck.

2.1 Strengthening with external prestressing

The continuous deck configuration with variable
height suggested the use of external prestressing as
the most effective means to reduce bending and
shear forces and introduce compressive ones to seal
the macro cracks. The deck depth and the dia-
Figure 7 – Cables Type A
phragms provided an optimal configuration for the
cables to be deviated using steel saddles fixed to the
concrete structure. Six cables with 12 (06”) strands
could be easily spun under the deck, two on each
Bending N.F. бc (comp) бs (trac)
[kNm] [kNm] [Mpa] [Mpa]
Sagging shoulder span 4250 9300 -3.02 -1.25
Sagging central span 7940 7500 -4.76 57.18
Hogging lateral pier -13900 8800 -5.34 39.14
Hogging central pier -19920 6950 -6.37 79.37

Tab. 3 – Post Opera material stresses (SLE)

Figure 8 – Cables Type B Md Mr γ=Md/Mr

[kNm] [kNm]
As a matter of fact position and orientation are
Sagging shoulder span 4250 19539.00 4.60
both very important because forces arising from
strands jammed into the deviators can be as high as Sagging central span 7940 19929.00 2.51

the tensioning force and therefore much higher then Hogging lateral pier -13900 -43705.00 3.14
what the concrete sections can locally sustain. This Hogging central pier -18740 -51723.00 2.76
was certainly the case for the Gibe bridge dia-
Tab. 4 – Post Opera bending verifications (SLU)
phragms that are insufficiently reinforced and there-
fore could only take the upward design deviation Strengthening by post-tensioning is particularly
forces and would not bear any tangential ones. efficient with respect to shear. Post tensioning does
reduce shear forces because of the vertical compo-
nent of the inclined cable but it also increase the sec-
tion resistance as compression gives a frictional con-
tribution to the concrete shear resistance.
Ignoring the concrete contribution, shear safety coef-
ficients are now up to 1.5, and taking into account
the concrete contribution this value rises to 2.1.

2.3 Repair of damaged concrete

Before tensioning the cables, the major damages
of the concrete deck have been repaired so as to
benefit from the application of the prestressing
forces. The wider cracks have been injected with ep-
oxy resin, the large spalled portions near the sup-
Figure 9 – Deviation saddle ports and other major honeycombs have been re-
paired with highly fluid cement mortar. For the
The 6 cables tensioned to 1000 MPa apply a total larger damaged areas, as the one depicted in the fol-
compression force of 1000 ton. The vertical compo- lowing picture, small diameter reinforcement has
nent at the deviation points varies between 20 to 30 been added.
ton (upwards) for the 4 intermediate diaphragm
along each span and from 70 to 110 ton (down-
wards) at piers and abutment.

2.2 Post Opera verifications

The combined action of bending moment and ax-
ial forces induced by the external prestressing suf-
fice to counterbalance the permanent load effect. All
sections along the deck are therefore fully com-
pressed under dead and permanent load alone.
Under AASHTO live loading the section devel-
ops some tensile stresses but these are much smaller
(Tab. 3) when compared to the Ante Opera situation
(Tab. 1). Similar results are obtained for the safety
coefficient at the SLU (Tab. 4).
Figure 10 – Repair of spalled area
The amount and extension of the repair works
carried out on the concrete girder has been limited
by budget restraint and cost-effectiveness evalua-
tion. The authors have suggested ERA to proceed ones. Finally the cables were tensioned to 100% of
with a complete overhaul of the deck concrete sur- the design values from both extremities. In other cir-
face in the near future. Currently, the available cumstances cables could have been tensioned di-
budged is allocated to the construction of the new rectly to 100% of the design vales but in this specific
crossing. Luckily enough, Ethiopia benefits from a case the authors were concerned about the deviation
dry and warm weather that extends concrete struc- forces applied to the lightly reinforced diaphragms.
ture service life well beyond European and North Since the bridge concrete is almost 30 years old,
American standards. there will be no losses due to creep and shrinkage
nor due to strand relaxation as stabilized strands
have been used.
3 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Strands have been tensioned to 1050 MPa against
a design value of 1000 MPa to account for some an-
The principal advantage of the adopted solution is chorage losses. Strand elongation has been in accor-
the extreme simplicity of its implementations. All dance with the calculated value of 60cm circa and
that is needed is a small by-bridge or otherwise sus- uniform for the different cables confirming the cor-
pended scaffolding that is placed at the deviation rect positioning of the deviation elements and that
points as done for the Gibe bridge. friction forces are within the expected values.
The steel saddles and deviation pipes were manu-
factured in shop and brought to site fully finished. 4 CONCLUSIONS
The design of such pieces was optimized so that
could be handled by two persons (max 80 kg). The bridge has been successfully commissioned on
Installing of the saddles only required epoxy resin 3rd November 2007. The tests have been designed to
and small fasteners to hold them in place before the guarantee the achievement of at least 85% of the
resin hardened and the prestressing force pushed maximum bending forces under the operating live
them against the concrete section. Deviation pipes loads prescribed by AASHTO.
were installed inside holes previously bored into the Taking advantage of the bridge symmetric design,
diaphragms with man held equipment. only the spans on the Jima side have been tested, ac-
Chemical anchoring of reinforcing bars in the ex- tually those that were worse damaged by the bomb
isting concrete section and wooden form works to blast. Therefore 4 sections were tested: the maxi-
cast them using ready mix high strength concrete mum negative bending moments on Piers 2 and 3
were required only for the cast in situ deviation and the maximum positive bending moments on the
blocks. central and shoulder (Jima Side) spans. The maxi-
mum positive bending moment has been tested by
positioning 3 tipper trucks weighting 40tons each,
while the maximum negative moment has been
checked by placing two pairs of tippers trucks, face
to face (at a distance of about 25 m) on each side of
the piers, with a total load of 120 ton and 160 ton re-

Figure 11 – Suspended scaffolding at deviation points

The slot of the cable anchorages have been cut
into the top slab and the additional reinforcing block
cast from below the deck all in the same phase. Ve-
hicles could run over temporary steel plates posi-
tioned over the anchorage slots.
With all the strands in position and all the an-
chorages ready, tensioning operations have been car-
ried out with maximum symmetry with respect to
the bridge axes of symmetry. Figure 12 – Bridge commissioning
The tensioning operation lasted 3 days: firstly ca-
bles have been tensioned to 50% of the design val-
ues from both sides. At each side, tensioning started
from the central cables and then moved to the outer

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