Kohl Rabi Lettuce

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Kohl rabi Leeks

Kohl rabi, (Brassica oleracea, The leek (Allium porrum) is a

variety gongylodes) the turnip- member of the onion family and,
rooted cabbage, is easy to grow. although not a common vegetable
It has a flavor of both cabbage, in the home garden, it is a valuable
and turnip, and is high in vitamin one. Leeks can be used over a
C. The " root " is really a swollen long period and have a high food
stem formed well above the value.
ground and it is cooked and served They are very adaptable to any
like a turnip. Kohl rabi may be soil type but they do need heavy
raised in seed beds and trans- fertilising to grow a quality vege-
planted like cabbage. However, table. Without adequate nutri-
it is usual to sow seed and thin tion their texture becomes coarse
out the seedlings later. and the flavor does not develop.
The soil requirements and The edible portion is the long
fertilisers are similar to cabbage white stem with the slightly bulb-
although kohl rabi requires less ous base, together with a small
attention. It can be grown in a portion of the green leaf. To
bed which has been well manured ensure the greatest amount of
for the previous crop. Other- white stem, the leek is blanched
wise, prepare soil and fertilise as by earthing up soil around the
for cabbage (page 77). plant or planting it deeply in
Spring and autumn sowings can trenches.
be made in the south of Victoria Small leeks, just a little further
but, in the north, only autumn advanced than the seedling stage,
sowings are made. Drill seeds in can be used in salads and are
rows 400 mm apart and 10 mm usable for cooking when they are
deep. When the plants are 50 mm 10 to 20 mm in diameter and until
high, thin to 200 mm. Plants they are from 50 to 75 mm.
should be well watered to make Large leeks are just as succulent
good growth and, like radish, they as small ones if they are grown
Leeks car1 be used over a period of
become tough if growth is restrict- without a check. The period of three months.
ed by limited moisture in the soil. use can therefore extend over
Side-dress with 30 g of sulphate three months. bottom. The soil can then be
of ammonia or equivalent nitrogen Leeks are raised in seed beds filled in around the plant as it
fertiliser to the metre, or make and transplanted. Sow seed beds grows. This is a convenient
regular applications of liquid from September to November in method for early summer plant-
manure. The plants are not hilled the same way as onions. January i n g ~as the leeks can be watered
in any way. and February are the main plant- by flooding the trench. The
ing months. Leeks will reach plants need a lot of water during
maturity about 25 weeks after hot weather.
planting and can be used from the In the home garden it is easiest
13th week onwards. to make a hole at least 150 mm
Soil preparation and planting deep and 25 mm wide with a
Leeks need a rich soil. Dig large dibber and drop the plant in the
amounts of stable manure or hole together with enough soil to
compost into lower layers of soil cover the roots, and then' water.
along the rows and work in about Space plants about 125 to 150 mm
100 g of NPK 5 : 8 : 4 complete apart, further if larger plants are
fertiliser to the square metre. required. Leeks can also be
Transplant seedlings when they planted on the flat. It is then
are about as thick as a pencil and necessary to allow ample room
200 mm high. There are several between rows to provide soil to
methods of transplanting. One is hill up around the plants.
Kohl rabi may be raised in seed beds to open up a trench about 200 mm Apply nitrogen side-dressings,
and transplanted like cabbage. deep, and plant the leeks along the 15 g sulphate of ammonia or 7 g
of urea to the metre after the generally less affected by disease
plants have been in the ground for Lettuce and than heading lettuce. All the
two months. Repeat applications
every two weeks. Ensure that the
endive leaves of the endive are usable,
and they can be picked without
Lettuce (Lmtuca sativa) can be
plants have enough water. pulling up the whole plant. The
grown the year round. It is an
integral part of our summer salads leaves of endive are slightly bitter.
Harvesting and it is frequently served with This bitterness can be removed by
Lift leeks as required from the grills throughout the year. The blanching the plant.
time the plants reach usable size. green crisp leaves are appealing Cos lettuce has a different
They will not retain their succul- not only to the palate but also to flavor from head lettuce and
ence after being lifted. Trim off the eye, and its importance as a endive. It forms upright leaves
the coarse outside leaves, but garnish is not to be overlooked. which make a tall conical heart.
retain as much of the young tender Endive and cos lettuce are two This lettuce grows well during the
inside leaves as possible. The close relatives of the head lettuce winter months.
green leaves of leeks have much and they add variety to salads. I
the same food value as leaf Endive (Cichorium endivia) Varieties
vegetables, and the white portion sometimes called curly lettuce. The secret of successful lettuce
has a similar value to onions. growing is selecting the correct
It does not heart and is variety for the of the year
and the district. Lettuce planted
out of season will go to seed with-
out hearting
Late spring and summer : Great
Late summer and autumn :
Imperial D, Imperial Triumph,
Winter and early spring : Penn-
lake, Sunny-lake, Yatesdale.
Lettuce may be harvested over
a period of about two weeks,
fortnightly sowings are necessary
to ensure a continuous supply.
Three to five metres of each sow-
ing should be enough for a family
of four during the warmer months.

Seedbed and fertiliser

Lettuce will grow on a wide
range of soil types, as long as the
soil is well drained. A heavy
dressing of animal manure o r com-
post should be dug under a month
Endive-all thc leaves are usrable before sowing. Lime can also be
applied, if necessary, at the rate
of 150 g per square metre. Broad-
cast NPK 5 : 8 : 4 complete com-
mercial fertiliser at the rate of 75
to 150 g per square metre; the
amount depending upon the quan-
tity of organic manure already
The fertiliser should be incor-
porated into the top 50 mm with
a rake and form a firm seed-bed
with a fine tilth.
watered before thinning to reduce beds to control slugs and snails. ,
root damage and again, lightly Fortunately, Australian-grown
after thinning to firm the soil lettuce seed is free of one of the
around the roots. most serious virus diseases, lettuce
Thinnings of lettuce may be mosaic. The incidence of lettuce
used for transplanting alongside necrotic yellows disease, also
the direct sown plants. The caused by a virus, can be reduced
heads from these transplants will considerably by eliminating the
mature two to three weeks later alternate host plant-the common
than th: direct sown plants, thus milk thistle from the garden.
spreading the cutting period.

Side dressings
Lettuce must be kept growing
vigorously with adequate supplies
of water and nitrogen. Nitrogen
fertiliser should be applied first
after thinning, then as the plants
begin to heart. Sulphate of am-
monia or nitrate of soda should
be applied at the rate of 15 g per
metre of drill row, or urea at 15 g
to 2 metres of drill row.
The fertiliser should be kept off
the leaves to prevent fertiliser
bum. Alternatively, liquid fer-
tiliser in lower concentration can
be applied each week.
of lctllrce abo~ct
Make regrrlor ,so~t,il~gs
every two weeks to make sure of a Watering and cultivation
continuous supply, especially over the
Lettuce plants have shallow roots,
summer months.
and weeds should be controlled
with a light surface cultivation
Sowing and thinning only.
Lettuce and endive are bcst sown The root zone should be kept
direct and thinned out, although moist by regular and thorough
they will transplant. However, in watering-this is essential to
the warmer weather, transplants maintain continuous growth
are apt to spiral and run to seed. Lettuce must be kept going with-
Seed should be treated with a out a check or it will become
protectant dust to reduce losses tough and bitter. It is prefer-
caused by the damping off organ- able to water in the evening, rather
isms. Make drill rows 300 :nm than in the heat of the day.
apart and 10 mm deep. Watering by furrows, rather than
The seed should be sown overhead, reduces sliming and
thinly along the length of the mildew.
drill and covered with a light Regular spraying with a 0 . 1 %
sandy soil. A mulch of lawn clip- solution of maldison at 10-day
pings or compost will keep the intervals controls aphids and
surface soil moist and prevent other insect pests. Control of
crusting. aphids and thrips also checks the
When the plants are 50 mm spread of virus diseases.
high, they can be thinned to 300 Zineb sprays control mildew.
mm between plants. Lettuce Spraying should be discontinued
will not heart if the plants are one week before harvest. Baits
too close. Leave one plant at of mesurol or metaldehyde and
each site. The bed should be bran should be placed around the

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