Kohl Rabi Lettuce
Kohl Rabi Lettuce
Kohl Rabi Lettuce
Side dressings
Lettuce must be kept growing
vigorously with adequate supplies
of water and nitrogen. Nitrogen
fertiliser should be applied first
after thinning, then as the plants
begin to heart. Sulphate of am-
monia or nitrate of soda should
be applied at the rate of 15 g per
metre of drill row, or urea at 15 g
to 2 metres of drill row.
The fertiliser should be kept off
the leaves to prevent fertiliser
bum. Alternatively, liquid fer-
tiliser in lower concentration can
be applied each week.
of lctllrce abo~ct
Make regrrlor ,so~t,il~gs
every two weeks to make sure of a Watering and cultivation
continuous supply, especially over the
Lettuce plants have shallow roots,
summer months.
and weeds should be controlled
with a light surface cultivation
Sowing and thinning only.
Lettuce and endive are bcst sown The root zone should be kept
direct and thinned out, although moist by regular and thorough
they will transplant. However, in watering-this is essential to
the warmer weather, transplants maintain continuous growth
are apt to spiral and run to seed. Lettuce must be kept going with-
Seed should be treated with a out a check or it will become
protectant dust to reduce losses tough and bitter. It is prefer-
caused by the damping off organ- able to water in the evening, rather
isms. Make drill rows 300 :nm than in the heat of the day.
apart and 10 mm deep. Watering by furrows, rather than
The seed should be sown overhead, reduces sliming and
thinly along the length of the mildew.
drill and covered with a light Regular spraying with a 0 . 1 %
sandy soil. A mulch of lawn clip- solution of maldison at 10-day
pings or compost will keep the intervals controls aphids and
surface soil moist and prevent other insect pests. Control of
crusting. aphids and thrips also checks the
When the plants are 50 mm spread of virus diseases.
high, they can be thinned to 300 Zineb sprays control mildew.
mm between plants. Lettuce Spraying should be discontinued
will not heart if the plants are one week before harvest. Baits
too close. Leave one plant at of mesurol or metaldehyde and
each site. The bed should be bran should be placed around the