001 - RESEARCH CHAPTER 1 To 3 (Group 8)
001 - RESEARCH CHAPTER 1 To 3 (Group 8)
001 - RESEARCH CHAPTER 1 To 3 (Group 8)
To our fellow classmates thanks for being part of this study for us to pass and ready
Who lifted and informed us that there’s no room for us to give up.
Finish it well .
We would like to send a thanks to the following people who served us our back and our
tales wherever we go and whatever things that we want to have in our life.
To our God Almighty who gives us the right way for us not to be tempted by anything
To our beloved teachers who supported and guided us as we work our study.
To our motivator Ms. Rachael Pialan who is there when we need a person who can cheer
To our family who supports us not only in the financial subjects but also giving us the
wisdom to pursue.
To our beloved friends who gives the happiness when we needed them most.
Impact of Discipline on Academic Performance among Senior High School Students.
Ballera, James
Anoling, Maribel
Iway, Mailyn T.
December 2019
This study is all about the effect of disciplinary measures as perceived by selected
Senior High School student in Center for Healthcare Profession. Cebu Inc.(CHP. Cebu
Inc.). The study was conducted year 2019 and it was led by four researchers which
determine what disciplinary method need them ,and knowing what factors that the
students affect their performance. This study was supported by the admin , selected 50
student to participate in our study in CHP. Cebu Inc. All the data was done using
questionnaires. This study pursued by the four researchers for them to inform that
wearing proper discipline and lifting people is a must because we believed that no one
The background to the research problems and the research statement are discussed in this
chapter. The purpose of this study, the research question, and the significance of the
Discipline is the key to achievement – this declaration is valid for all ages and
individual of all ages. But its very important for student. their are so many attraction in
the contemporary world that is a students can destruct from his primary goal in life.
Discipline inplies a working, frank and strict adherence the registration and guidelines to
cultural standards and values, the disciplinary elements standard and values. the
But discipline is not only important for school student it is for everyone.
Discipline is self improvement practice. It is what help us all to achieve our goals in life.
This is a study of the frequency of occurrence of behavioral problems as schools and the
consisted of principals of the 150 school which participated in the third international
problems were compared with those of an international sample for which data was
Student misbehavior is a problem affecting schools across the nation and around the
world. The study focused on students’ misbehavior in the context of personal, emotional,
social, spiritual, economic and psychological influences and the degree of seriousness of
student of Cabiao National High School, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija. Descriptive research was
between factors that contribute to the behavioral problems of Social Studies students in
There are many problems specially in this school Center For Healthcare Profession
Cebu, Inc. This school is a training center at the same time a learning center for the
students develop their knowledge and skills. Students in the said school or in the selected
school will not be tolerated because students do not have a good discipline will probably
got low grades towards their academic performance, lack of knowledge of the lessons and
missed their chance to foster their learning. And the purpose of this study is to enlighten
especially students that they should have good attitude inside the campus as well as in the
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
attention to the ways in which many of our actions are not learned through conditioning;
rather, they are learned by watching others (1977). Young children frequently learn
behaviors through imitation. Sometimes, particularly when we do not know what else to
do, we learn by modeling or copying the behavior of others. An employee on his or her
first day of a new job might eagerly look at how others are acting and try to act the same
way to fit in more quickly. Adolescents struggling with their identity rely heavily on their
peers to act as role models. Newly married couples often rely on roles they may have
learned from their parents and begin to act in ways they did not while dating and then
wonder why their relationship has changed. Sometimes we do things because we’ve seen
it pay off for someone else. They were operantly conditioned, but we engage in the
behavior because we hope it will pay off for us as well. This is referred to as vicarious
Social Psychology by Saul McLeod, published (2007). Social psychology is the
scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intentions and goals are
constructed within a social context by the actual or imagined interactions with others.It
therefore looks at human behavior as influenced by other people and the conditions under
Baron, Byrne and Suls (1989) define social psychology as 'the scientific field that seeks
to understand the nature and causes of individual behavior in social situations' (p. 6).
Topics examined in social psychology include: the self concept, social cognition,
Jean Piaget (1896–1980) is one of the most influential cognitive theorists inspired
to explore children’s ability to think and reason by watching his own children’s
development. He was one of the first to recognize and map out the ways in which
children’s intelligence differs from that of adults. He became interested in this area when
he was asked to test the IQ of children and began to notice that there was a pattern in
their wrong answers. He believed that children’s intellectual skills change over time and
that maturation rather than training brings about that change. Children of differing ages
Statement of the Problem
This research will determine the effect of discipline measurement among the
students and to determine the factors influencing the selected senior high-school students
to engage themselves to have a good discipline inside and outside the campus in selected
Statement of the Hypothesis
Significant of the Study
Students would be able to enhance themselves and to inform what are the factors
Teachers would be able to enhance their teaching skills and to know what are the
Parents to be inform that the students should always give enough encouragement
to pursue.
Researcher to be able to find what are the some cases or the factors of discipline
Future Researcher to make them easy to find what are they important details
This study is only good for 50 students in Center for Healthcare Professionals
Cebu Inc. (CHP. Cebu Inc.) In a year 2019 the study was started at Suabangdako,
Mandaue City. The researcher was picking a students randomly to answer questions,
Until a few months ago it was continued through online. In the questionnaire instead of
putting it on the paper, it was just through goggle form so they could respond and also for
researchers to gather all the data easily . One of the reasons wwhyit is done online
because for our safety.
Definition of terms
Intervention Plan- is a combination of program elements or
promotion campaign.
effective discipline practices back to the beginning of united states schooling during early
colonialism (Empey and Stafford, 1991; Greenberg, 1999; Regoli and Hewitt, 1997). In
every era, some American school children have been untruly and destructive. Greenberg
reported although disciplinary responses have changed from the early 19th century. When
school reformer Horace Mann reported seeing 328 floggings in one school during the
course of a week, and where as it is banned in a few states, corporal punishment of
students was upheld by the Supreme Court as recently as 1997. Disciplinary problems
and practices do not exist in a vacuum but are part of the developing sociological
Throughout the last decade of 20 th century, increased attention was given to the
lack of discipline and growing use of violence among young people, particularly in and
around schools. Contrary to the thinking of some analysis, school-base violence is not
reaching epidemic proportions, although it has certainly taken on some new forms that
are frightening to most people and intriguing to those who seek to reduce adolescents’
use of violence ( Warkins and Wagner, 1987). An escalation in the number of school-
based shootings have included calls for more school security and demands for
Harshman and Philips ( 1994 ), There have been renewed pleas to address the issue of
gun control and for more stringent policies that further restrict the choices of young
In recent years, numerous practices have emerged to deal with the problem of
results; even so, each schools and community should develop an individual plan to
The literature review addresses published literature as it relates to; (a) programs
to prevent classroom problems, (b) discipline plans in current use. (c) the controversy
over behavioral curricula versus time for academics, (d) parental and community
involvement, (e) importance of rules, (f) climate of schools and the effects on the
discipline, (g) methods for changing inappropriate behavior, (h) impact of class size on
discipline, (i) bullying, (j) zero tolerance policies, (k) data systems for discipline records,
Schools use a wide variety of educational and none educational approaches and
under the premise violence is learned behavior. In general, practices focus on primary
prevention; that is, they seek to prevent violence before it occurs. According to
action plan, (b) addressing rule violators, (c) involving students as decision makers, and
(d) meeting with gang leaders. Curwin points out if children are afraid because of school
violence, they cannot learn, and if teachers are afraid, they cannot teach. Educators
should keep in mind that for any school discipline program to work, everyone within the
president of the American Federation of Teachers, “Unless you have order and civility,
One program that has necessitated students in elementary and middle schools to
inventory themselves and be responsible for their actions is character counts. The largest
and clearest impetus for character education was the Aspen Conference on Character
Education held in the summer of 1992. From 1992 to 1997, a project of Jospehson
This coalition is based on the theory if students initialize the right values and their actions
are influenced by those values, they will become responsible citizens in the school
Primarily, the staff must seek consensus and identify the problems and the solutions.
Coming up with solutions should not be the responsibility of the individual school alone;
at the outset, the district should form a district-wide safety committee. Everyone in the
representatives from the schools, community, school system, and community agencies –
especially law enforcement, medical and juvenile services. Safety factors that need to be
and conflict resolution. While looking for a safety program, the committee should look
all relevant state school laws, all state and district board of education regulations that
affect safety, model safety plans from other districts, a written timeline, and crisis
response teams.
Because no one practice can provide the solution to all discipline problems,
several school-wide behavior plans have been developed to address the increase in
frequency and severity of misbehavior in schools. The next section gives an overview of
In an attempt to create an orderly, respectful, and predictable school environment,
many schools have implemented school-wide behavior management systems. One such
Canter (1992) related the key to Assertive Discipline is catching students being
good, recognizing and supporting them when they behave appropriately, and letting them
know it is appreciated, day in and day out. He stated it is imperative that classroom
teachers have a systematic discipline plan that explains exactly what will happen when
students. The teacher gives specific directions for each classroom situation. Canter
misbehavior, but teachers must choose consequences with which they are comfortable.
Teachers must provide positive reinforcement for appropriate and on-task behavior and
work, Canter (1989) stated administrators need to understand that assertive discipline is
reported that administrations should monitor teachers, and staff developers should coach
establish a positive discipline system. First, whenever teachers want students follow
certain directions, they must teach the specific behaviors. Next, teachers must use
positive repetition to reinforce the students when they follow the directions. Finally, if a
student is misbehaving after a teacher has taught specific policies and has used positive
repetition, only then should the teacher use the negative consequences.
This chapter provides a description and explanation of the research design, the
research instruments and how these instruments were developed. Description and the
population sample, how the research instrument were supervised, the validity and
Research design
This study is used to find the factors affecting students performance in school.
These are the problems why students had a struggle life in school like the self-
effacement, lack of motivation, and factors of socialization on the children. This study is
where people know what are the factors and the importance of socialization. Qualitative
Research Environment
The study was conducted in Center for Healthcare Professions Cebu Inc. located
at Subangdako, Mandaue City, HVG II Park, Innodata . To be able to find the said
school, first we can see the Gaisano mart where people buy something followed by the
school, there are many doors there like where student usually enter and more, in the
main door where students usually passed as I said we see the guards table across the table
FIGURE 2: Center For Healthcare Profession Cebu Inc. (Photo Taken From: Google)
Research Respondents
Students in this school are consisted of more than one hundred Senior High School
students that had been observed and know what are the answer why students struggling
that can probably affect his or her performance in school. We are randomly picking 50
students to answer our survey and it is done online to determine the factors affecting
their performance and to know the degree of the importance of disciplinary measures at
selected school
The questionnaire is done through Google form or poll ,all questions was categorized
based on their sections. The responders was asked to answer it with heart for us to know
Research Instruments
The researcher is used scaling questions and it is referred to as ranking questions,
the researchers are presented an option for respondents to rank the available answers to
the questions on the scale at given range which is five(5) represents strongly agree,
four(4) agree, three(3) disagree, two(2) strongly disagree, and one(1) undecided. The
researcher is using this type of way on answering or ranking the questions for us to gather
Research Procedure
Gathering Data: The researcher are asked a permission to conduct a study and
this permission will submitted to administrator or the CEO of the school and we also
provided a letter for the confirmation of the students to inform them that there will be a
survey happen .
The questionnaire was distributed through online and it is done in Google form,
we’re picking 50 respondents and these respondent was asked to answer it sincerely
students are being studied. The research is the survey type about the level of awareness of
students character among selected senior high school it has been argued that
with respect to the critical factor skills and competences (frischknercht 2000).
Qualitative research in the humanities is often base on the analysis of the content
and form of the chosen topic. Due to various features and characteristics of the research,
there is a range of traditions in the analysis of content and form in humanistic disciplines.
data: Simple percentage was used to determine what factors that can affect the students
to the selected school which is the Center for Healthcare Professions Cebu Inc.