My Hero: The Engineer Gerardo Acevedo
My Hero: The Engineer Gerardo Acevedo
My Hero: The Engineer Gerardo Acevedo
My career teacher
Was he a teacher? Yes, he was.
Why he was your hero? He was my hero, because, he
always cares for everybody learn at your own pace.
My hero: The engineer Gerardo Acevedo Mi héroe, es el ingeniero Gerardo Acevedo. Fue mi
My hero, is the engineer Gerardo Acevedo. He was my maestro durante la universidad de 3 asignaturas.
teacher during college of 3 subjectsand. I really Realmente aprecio lo que ha hecho por mí. Me enseñó
appreciate what he has done for me. He was taught me sobre muchos temas topográficos.
about many surveying themes. Mi maestro, Gerardo, es muy inteligente. Ha ganado
My teacher, Gerardo, is very smart. He has won many numerosos premios sobre topografía. Además, publicó
awards about topography. Also, he was post three books tres libros sobre geodesia y topografía. Lo que creo que
about geodesy and topography. The thing I think I like the más me gusta es que se preocupa por que todos
most about is that he cares for everybody learn. He also aprendan. También le gusta la música. Estuvo en una
likes music. He was in a band when he was young. banda cuando era joven.
Once, when we were studying "Topografia aplicada", Una vez, cuando estudiábamos "Topografía aplicada", el
Prof. Acevedo came to school whit ice cream for all. He Prof. Acevedo vino al colegio con helado para todos.
also dressed up as Dracula on Halloween. When we También se disfrazó de Drácula en Halloween. Cuando
were studying. It was fun. estábamos estudiando. Fue divertido.
That is why my teacher Gerardo,is my favorite teacher. Por eso mi maestro Gerardo, es mi maestro favorito. Me
He has taught me things I've never thought learn during ha enseñado cosas que nunca pensé aprender durante
the career. And that's why I'm writing this, to tell why mi carrera. Y por eso escribo esto, para contar por qué el
teacher Gerardo Acevedo is my hero. He is the best maestro Gerardo Acevedo es mi héroe.
teacher I ever had!
who was she? Mary Anning search for fossils, often risking her own life to get them by
climbing dangerous cliffs. She once nearly died in a
Was she a scientists? Yes, she was a scientists.
landslide which killed her dog.
Why he was your hero? She was my hero, because,
I admire her because she kept on trying to make new
she kept on trying to make new discoveries at a time
discoveries at a time when usually only men, and men
when usually only men, and men with money, were
with money, were allowed to be scientists.
allowed to be scientists.
¿quién era ella? Mary Anning
¿Era científica? Sí, ella era científica.
who was he? My career teacher
¿Por qué era tu héroe? Ella era mi heroína, porque
Was he a teacher? Yes, he was.
seguía intentando hacer nuevos descubrimientos en un
Why he was your hero? He was my hero, because, he momento en el que normalmente sólo los hombres, y los
always cares for everybody learn at your own pace. hombres con dinero, podían ser científicos.
My hero isn’t very famous, but she ought to be. When I Mi héroe no es muy famoso, pero debería serlo. Cuando era
was a child, i liked all about dinosaurs, and one day i read niño, me gustaba todo acerca de los dinosaurios, y un día leí
sobre ella.
aboaut she.
Ella es Mary Anning, que solo tenía 12 años y era de una
She’s Mary Anning, who was only 12 years old and from
familia pobre cuando hizo un descubrimiento asombroso.
a poor family when she made an amazing discovery. She Encontró el primer esqueleto de dinosaurio, en los acantilados
found the first dinosaur skeleton, on the cliffs in the south del sur de Inglaterra. Eso fue en 1811, y hasta entonces la
of England. That was in 1811, and until then people had gente pensaba que era imposible que un animal se
thought that it was impossible for an animal to become extinguiera.
Como era mujer y no tenía suficiente dinero, no pudo
Because she was a woman and didn’t have enough participar adecuadamente en la comunidad científica de la
money, she wasn’t able to take part properly in the época. Pero continuó buscando fósiles, a menudo arriesgando
scientific community of the time. But she continued to su propia vida para conseguirlos escalando peligrosos
acantilados. Una vez estuvo a punto de morir en un
deslizamiento de tierra que mató a su perro.
La admiro porque siguió tratando de hacer nuevos
descubrimientos en un momento en que generalmente solo los
hombres, y los hombres con dinero, podían ser científicos.