DATA Sheet Varios Radioisotopos
DATA Sheet Varios Radioisotopos
DATA Sheet Varios Radioisotopos
Specific Gamma-Ray Dose
UNION Constants for Nuclides
Important to Dosimetry and
Radiological Assessment
Laurie M. Unger
D. K. Trubey
Printed in the United States of America. Available from
National Technical Information Service
U.S. Department of Commerce
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Tables of specific gamma-ray dose constants (the unshielded gamma-ray dose equivalent rate
at 1 m from a point source) have been computed for approximately 500 nuclides important to
dosimetry and radiological assessment. The half life, the mean attenuation coefficient, and thickness
for a lead shield providing 95% dose equivalent attenuation are also listed.
The unshielded gamma-ray dose-equivalent rate at 1 meter from a point source, i.e., the
specific gamma-ray dose constant, is a useful quantity in radiation protection applications. Recently,
an extensive compilation of the nuclear data required to compute this constant has become
available' for approximately 500 nuclides important to dosimetry and radiological assessment
applications, and it has been used to compute a table of the specific gamma-ray dose constant. In
addition, the half-life, mean attenuation coefficient, and thickness for 95% attenuation with a lead
shield have been computed.
The data were computed on a different basis from earlier tabulations, e.g., Ref. 2. The dose
equivalent rate is given in SI units as mSv/h for a unit source of 1 MBq. To convert to the previous
common normalization, one may note that 1 mCi is equal to 37 MBq and 1 Sv is equal to 100 rem.
That is, to convert data in units of (mSv/h)/MBq to (mrem/h)//iCi, multiply by 3.7.
A second difference is that the conversion of gamma-ray flux density was taken to be:
In D(E) = A + B(In E) + C(ln E)^ + F(ln E)' (rem/h)(cm^-s) (1)
where the energy is in units of MeV, and the constants are given in Table I taken from Ref. 3.
The specific gamma-ray dose constant, P, was summed over n according to:
r = (l/47rR^) S S , D ( E , ) (rem/h per Bq) (2)
where R = 100 cm,
n = number of gamma-rays emitted by the nuclide,
S, = emission probability of each gamma ray,
E, = energy of the gamma-ray (Mev),
D(E,) = dose rate per unit flux density from Eq. 1.
Only gamma-rays of energy greater than 0.01 MeV were included.
The mean attenuation coefficient was determined by first computing the thickness of lead
required for 95% attenuation, i.e.,
0.05 r = 2 r, exp(-M(E,) t) (3)
where T, = S, D(E,)/(47rR^)
/i(Ei) = linear attenuation coefficient from Ref. 4 for lead,
t = thickness required (cm),
The value of t was detemined by an iterative procedure, i.e., Newton's method. The value of the
mean attenuation coefficient was determined by solving the following equation for /u ;
0.05 = exp(-fxt). (4)
The results, presented in Table 2, were computed using computer-readable data from Ref. I
available as DLC-80/DRALIST from the Radiation Shielding Information Center. The
computations were performed using a computer program, SPEC-GAM, programed by the first
author for the ORNL Engineering Physics Information Centers (EPIC) Data General Eclipse S/130
computer in FORTRAN.
The authors are grateful to J. B. Zipperer, of the EPIC staff, for assistance in implementing
the program on the Eclipse, and for his suggestions in regard to programming Newton's method.
1. D. C. Kocher, "Radioactive Decay Data Tables: A Handbook of Decay Data for Application to
Radiation Dosimetry and Radiological Assessments", U.S. Dept. of Energy, DOE/TIC-1I026
(1981), $18.75 from NTIS. The data are available in computer-readable form from the ORNL
Radiation Shielding Information Center as DLC-80/DRALIST.
2. D. Nachtigall, "Table of Specific Gamma-ray Constants," Verlag Karl Thiemig KG, Munich
3. "Neutron and Gamma-ray Flux-to-Dose-Rate Factors," ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977, American
Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL 60525, $12.
4. J. H. Hubbell, "Photon Cross Sections, Attenuation Coefficients, and Energy Absorption
Coefficients From 10 keV to 100 GeV," NSRDS-NBS 29, National Bureau of Standards (1969).
Photon Energy
(MeV) A B C F
0.01 to 0.03 -20.477 -1.7454
0.03 to 0.5 -13.626 -0.57117 -1.0954 -0.24897
0.5 to 5.0 -13.133 0.72008 -0.033603
5.0 to 15.0 -12.791 0.28309 0.10873
30.6 0.6600 2.375-4 3.927 0.763 49Ca 8.7m 856.1 0.0013 3.615-4 6.344 0.472
28Mg 20.9h 400.7 0.3660 1144.0 0.0011
941.4 0.3830 1409.0 0.0063
1342.0 0.5260 2229.0 0.0019
1373.0 0.0470 2372.0 0.0049
1589.0 0.0420 3084.0 0.9210
1620.0 0.0030 4072.0 0.0700
717.6 0.0013 4738.0 0.0021
947.0 0.0018
26A1 7.2-l-5y 1130.0 0.0250 4.047-4 4.595 0.652
1809.0 0.9976 44Sc 3.9h 1157.0 0.9988 3.602-4 3.264 0.918
2938.0 0.0024 1500.0 0.0091
511.0 1.6360 2656.0 0.0011
2375.0 0.0000
28A1 2.2m 1779.0 1.0000 2.384-4 5.467 0.548 511.0 1.8870
31Si 2.6h 1266.0 0.0007 1.306-7 4431 0.676 46Sc 83.8d 889.2 0.9998 3.155-4 3.808 0.787
1120.0 0.9999
38C1 37.2m 1642.0 0.3250 1.942-4 5.689 0.527 2010.0 0.0000
2167.0 0.4400
3809.0 0.0002 46mSc 18.7s 142.5 0.6270 1.809-5 0.123 24.378
4IAr .8h 1294.0 0.9916 1.881-4 4.492 0.667 47Sc 3.4d 159.4 0.6800 2.170-5 0.162 18.513
1677.0 0.0005
48Sc 1.8d 175.4 0.0747 5.117-4 4.113 0.728
40K 1.28+9 1461.0 0.1067 2.208-5 4.843 0.619 983.5 1.0000
57Co 270.9d 144 0.0954 4.087-5 0.075 39.800 6ICu 34h 674 0.0387 1.536^ 1.999 1,499
122.1 0.8551 283.0 0.1230
136.5 0.1060 373.0 0.0212
692.0 0.0016 529.2 0.0041
536.0 0.0003 588.6 0.0118
656.0 0.1049
58Co 70.8d 810.8 0.9943 1.659-4 2.971 1.008 816.7 0.0036
863.9 0.0074 841.2 0.0024
1675.0 0.0054 908.6 0.0119
511.0 0.2986 1100.0 0.0028
1185.0 0.0363
58mCo 9.1h 24.9 0.0004 2.637-8 0.006 528.9 1198.0 0.0082
511.0 1.2290
60Co 5.3y 1173.0 1.0000 3.703^ 4412 0.679
1333.0 1.0000 62Cu 9.7m 875.7 0.0015 1.910-4 1.784 1.680
693.8 0.0002 II 73.0 0.0034
1966.0 0.0009
60mCo 10.5m 58.6 0.0202 9.057-7 3.580 0.837 5II.0 1.9560
1333.0 0.0024
9474 0.0001 64Cu 12.7h 1346.0 0.0049 3.566-5 1.855 1,615
511.0 0.3574
61Co 1.6h 674 0.8500 2.286-5 1.756 1.706
283.0 0.0012 67Cu 61.9d 91.3 0.0700 2.363-5 0.230 13,011
625.6 0.0012 93.3 0.1610
841.2 0.0059 184.6 0.4870
908.6 0.0298 208.9 0.0012
215.6 0.0000 300.2 0.0080
393.5 0.0022
56Ni 6.1d 1584 0.9879 2 . 9 4 1 ^ 2.990 1.002
66Ga 9.4h 448.9 0.0011 3.504-4 4.868 0.615 72Ga I4.1h 11.0 0.0003 3.936-4 4.657 0.643
686.3 0.0026 112.5 0.0014
833.6 0.0619 289.5 0.0020
856.7 0.0012 336.6 0.0011
907.0 0.0012 381.2 0.0028
1039.0 0.3880 428.4 0.0018
1190.0 0.0014 587.4 0.0012
1233.0 0.0054 600.8 0.0559
1333.0 0.0127 629.9 0.2439
1356.0 0.0038 735.6 0.0036
1357.0 0.0013 786.4 0.0317
1357.0 0.0019 810.2 0.0201
1419.0 0.0065 834.0 0.9565
1459.0 0.0010 861.1 0.0091
1508.0 0.0059 894.2 0.0985
1899.0 0.0044 924.1 0.0014
1919.0 0.0219 939.4 0.0026
2174.0 0.0012 970.5 0.0110
2190.0 0.0582 999.9 0.0080
2214.0 0.0014 1051.0 0.0692
2393.0 0.0026 1215.0 0.0080
2423.0 0.0199 1231.0 0.0144
2752.0 0.2371 1260.0 0.0115
2781.0 0.0013 1277.0 0.0156
2934.0 0.0022 1464.0 0.0356
3229.0 0.0152 1568.0 0.0020
3257.0 0.0010 1572.0 0.0083
3381.0 0.0145 1597.0 0.0424
3423.0 0.0084 1681.0 0.0087
3433.0 0.0029 1711.0 0.0038
3767.0 0.0014 1838.0 0.0020
Nuclide Half-Ufe E Prob. Nuclide Half-Ufe E Prob.
73As 80.3d II.O 0.1326 3.784-5 0.005 662.1 75 Se Il9.8d 10.5 0.1611 2.323-4 0,330 9.079
534 0.1030 10.5 0,3140
13.3 0.0009 11.7 0,0727
66.0 0.0102
74As 17.8d 11.0 0.0222 1.472^ 2.030 1.475 96.7 0.0341
595.9 0.5985 121.1 0.1674
608.4 0.0055 136.0 0.5920
1204.0 0.0029 198.6 0.0145
1194.0 0.0009 264.6 0.5980
511.0 0.5923 279.5 0.2524
634.8 0.1543 303.9 0,0132
6854 0.0003 400.7 0.1142
332.7 0.0010
76As l.ld 559.1 0.4470 7.408-5 2.891 1.036
563.2 0.0117 77 Br 2.4d 11.2 0.1543 1.923-4 0.977 3.068
571.3 0.0014 11.2 0.3003
657.0 0.0608 12.5 0,0718
665.3 0.0039 87.9 0.0140
740.1 0.0012 138.9 0.0013
771.8 0.0012 161.9 0.0110
867.6 0.0013 180.7 0.0028
1130.0 0.0014 200.4 0.0121
1213.0 0.0163 239.0 0.2310
1216.0 0.0384 249.8 0.0298
1229.0 0.0139 270,8 0.0032
1439.0 0.0033 281,7 0.0229
1454.0 0.0013 297.2 0.0416
1788.0 0.0033 303.8 0.0118
385.0 0.0084
439.5 0.0156 83Br 24h 529.6 0.0130 1,401-6 1.859 .612
484.6 0.0100 5374 0,0010
517.9 0.0016
520.7 0.2241 84Br 31.8m 230.2 0.0031 2.392-4 5.230 0.573
565.9 0.0043 354.7 0,0031
567.9 0.0086 382.0 0.0057
574.6 0.0119 604.8 0.0177
578.9 0.0296 736.5 0.0131
585.5 0.0157 802.2 0,0608
755.3 0.0167 881,5 0,4220
817.8 0.0208 947,5 0,0036
1005.0 0.0092 987,3 0.0078
4414 0.0081 1006,0 0.0046
511.0 0.0146 1016,0 0.0625
1083,0 0.0014
80 Br 17.4m 11.2 0.0094 2.166-5 1.844 1.625 1119,0 0.0014
11.2 0.0182 1185,0 0.0011
12.5 0.0044 1213,0 0.0262
665.8 0.0105 1464.0 0,0198
957.5 0.0007 1535.0 0,0010
511.0 0.0440 1578,0 0.0066
616.2 0.0660 1608.0 0.0040
6394 0.0026 1741.0 0.0165
703.8 0.0019 1819.0 0.0024
1256.0 0.0007 1877.0 0.0114
1897.0 0.1494
80mBr 4.4h 11.9 0.2289 1.900-4 0.004 698.2 2030.0 0,0211
11.9 0.4444 2094.0 0.0022
13.3 0.1097 2201.0 0.0118
37.0 0.3900 2484.0 0.0675
48.9 0.0034 2594.0 0.0014
2623.0 0,0030
82Br l.5d 92.2 0.0072 4.377-4 3.308 0.906 2759.0 0,0049
1374 0.0014 2824,0 0,0114
2214 0.0226 2989,0 0,0018
273.5 0.0080 3045,0 0.0253
554.3 0.7056 3202,0 0.0021
606.3 0.0117 3235.0 0.0207
619.1 0.4307 3366.0 0.0291
698.3 0.2816 3927.0 0.0688
776.5 0.8331 4085,0 0.0028
827.8 0.2416 1123,0 0,0067
952.1 0.0037
1008.0 0.0127 85Br 172s 794,8 0,0010 1,059-5 3.592 0.8.M
1044.0 0.2733 8024 0,0256
1081.0 0.0062 861.8 0.0023
1318.0 0.2691 865.2 0,0018
1426.0 0.0011 913.3 0,0013
1475.0 0.1658 919.1 0.0065
1650.0 0.0074 924.6 0.0163
1780.0 0.0011 1038.0 0.0010
743.6 0.0076 1727.0 0.0038
103Ru 39 4d 20 1 0 0025 8 970-5 1 738 724 103mRh 56 1m 20 1 0 0220 6 912-6 0 00^ 864 0
20 2 0 0048 20 2 0 0418
22 7 0 0015 22 7 oono
53 3 0 0037 39 7 0 0007
295 0 0 0025
443 8 0 0032 l05Rh 5d 21 0 0 0010 1 588-5 0 759 ^ 949
497 1 0 8890 21 2 0 0019
557 0 0 0083 23 8 0 0006
610 3 0 0560 280 1 0 0017
486 9 00012 306 1 oo5n
3189 0 1920
105Ru 4 4h 20 1 0 0017 1 397-4 2 493 1 202 294 9 0 0006
20 2 0 0031
22 7 0 0010 l05mRh 45s 20 I 0 118^ 4 251- -S 0 OM) 98 565
85 9 0 0032 20 2 0 2249
149 2 0 0167 22 7 0 0700
163 6 0 0014 129 6 0 2040
183 6 0 0010
225 0 00015 l06Rh 29 9s 5118 0 2060 1 7M-5 2 '578 1 260
262 9 0 0720 616 2 0 0070
3165 0 1170 621 8 0 0981
326 1 00118 873 6 0 0042
330 9 0 0079 1050 0 001T<
350 0 0 0030 1128 0 0 0040
350 2 00110 1562 0 00016
393 4 0 0420 1357 0 0 0058
407 5 0 0018
4135 0 0248 103Pd 17 Od 20 1 0 1984 6 219-5 0 OOt 871
469 4 0 1750 20 2 0 ^772
470 0 00130 22 7 0 1174
489 6 0 0059 359 6 OOOO"!
499 2 0 0240
500 4 0 0030 109Pd n5h 508 6 0 0014 I ^10-7 1 756 I 706
5137 0 0036
539 2 0 0013 106mAg 8 5d 21 0 0 1996 S 217-4 T.
159 0 948
575 0 00013 21 2 0 1788
575 3 0 0107 23 8 0 1201
632 3 0 0023 195 1 0 0011
638 6 0 0028 221 7 0 0658
652 6 0 0035 228 6 0 0210
656 0 0 0020 328 5 0 0114
656 1 0 0240 374 5 0 0026
676 4 0 1670 391 0 0 0168
724 5 0 4900 406 2 0 1142
822 1 00019 4186 0 0011
845 9 0 0073 429 7 0 1116
875 8 0 0340 451 0 0 2824
907 7 0 0059 474 1 0 0091
969 4 0 0234 511 8 0 8770
10170 0 0034 586 0 0 0044
1321 0 0 0023 601 2 0 0161
707 4 00128 6162 0 21 S7
646.0 0.0146
680.2 0.0218 09mAg 39.6s 22.0 0.0988 2.722-5 0.005 .548.6
703.1 0.0447 22.2 0.1870
717.3 0.2894 24.9 0.0603
7484 0.2061 88.0 0.0372
793.2 0.0588
804.3 0.1237 llOAg 24.6s 21.0 0,0006 5,558-6 2475 1.210
808.4 0.0403 21.2 0.0011
824.7 0.1535 23.8 0.0004
847.6 0.0246 657.8 0.0449
848.2 0.0193 1046.0 0.0010
874.8 0.0033
949.5 0.0019 lOmAg 249.9d 22.0 0.0020 4.466-4 3422 0.876
956.2 0.0047 22.2 0.0037
1020.0 0.0104 24.9 0.0012
1046.0 0.2955 98.9 0.0001
1050.0 0.0026 23.0 0.0006
1054.0 0.0096 23.2 0.0012
1122.0 0.0057 26.1 0.0004
1128.0 0.1175 3654 0.0011
1137.0 0.0023 446.8 0.0364
1178.0 0.0019 620.4 0.0277
1199.0 0.1123 626.3 0.0023
1223.0 0.0702 657.8 0.9419
1349.0 0.0012 676.6 0.0014
1394.0 0.0149 677.6 0.1068
1528.0 0.1631 687.0 0.0647
1565.0 0.0048 706.7 0.1668
1572.0 0.0658 708.1 0.0028
1723.0 0.0140 744.3 0.0464
1839.0 0.0202 763.9 0.2228
1043.0 0.0063 818.0 0.0728
884.7 0.7258
108Ag 2.4m 21.0 0.0043 4.399-6 1.939 1.545 937.5 0..14I9
21.2 0.0081 997.2 0.0012
23.8 0.0026 1334.0 0.0011
433.9 0.0051 1384.0 0.2426
618.9 0.0027 1476.0 0.0400
913.5 0.0003 1505.0 0,1306
511.0 0.0044 1562.0 0,0118
633.0 0.0174
lllAg 7,5d 23.0 0,0002 5,329-6 0,871 1,440
108mAg I27y 22.0 0.0051 3.436-4 2.153 1.392 23.2 0,0005
22.2 0.0097 26.1 0,0002
24.9 0.0031 96.8 0.0012
79.2 0.0709 2454 0,0123
30.4 0.0000 342.1 0.0668
21.0 0.1822 654.7 0.0006
21.2 0.3458
23.8 0.1098 109Cd 464d 22.0 0,1861 4.981-5 0,004 6S1,6
433.9 0.8988 22.2 0.3526
6144 0.9039 24.9 0.1117
722.9 0.9050
113Sn 115.Id 24.0 0.2069 4.844-5 0.006 462.8 ll7Sb 2.8h 25.0 0.2350 8.219-5 0.212 14.115
24.2 0.3896 25.3 0.4409
27.3 0.1294 28.5 0.1487
255.1 0.0193 158.6 0.8610
638.1 0.0000 861.3 0.0031
1005.0 0.0021
117mSn 13.6d 25.0 0.1873 6.796-5 0.113 26.595 1021.0 0.0010
25.3 0.3514 1021.0 0.0011
28.5 0.1185 1037.0 0.0026
156.0 0.0211 511.0 0.0340
158.6 0.8640
122Sb 2.7d 25.0 0.0050 8.223-5 2.140 1.400
119mSn 293 .Od 23.9 0.1610 2.789-5 0.006 517.0 25.3 0.0094
25.0 0.0788 28.5 0.0032
25.3 0.1479 1140.0 0.0077
28.5 0.0499 27.2 0.0009
65.7 0.0002 27.5 0.0016
31.0 0.0006
123Sn 129.2d 1089.0 0.0060 1.062-6 4.025 0.744 563.9 0.7065
992.9 0.0004 692.8 0.0374
1257.0 0.0078
!25Sn 9.6d 331.9 0.0129 4.674- 5 4.074 0.735 1179.0 0.0002
350.9 0.0022
469.7 0.0129 124Sb 60.2d 27.2 0.0010 2.883-4 4.197 0.714
800.5 0.0095 27.5 0.0019
822.6 0.0378 31.0 0.0007
893.7 0.0023 400.0 0.0013
915.5 0.0378 444.0 0.0021
934.7 0.0015 525.5 0.0017
1017.0 0.0026 602.7 0.9787
1067.0 0.0860 6324 0.0015
1087.0 0.0095 645.9 0.0726
1231 I3.lh 27.2 0.2463 7.478-5 0.155 19.341 1261 12.9d 27.2 0.1269 1.055^ 2.063 1.452
27.5 0.4595 27.5 0.2368
31.0 0.1595 31.0 0.0822
159.0 0.8340 666.3 0.4020
346.4 0.0013 753.8 0.0506
440.0 0.0043 1420.0 0.0036
505.3 0.0032 1781.0 0.0001
529.0 0.0139 511.0 0.0215
538.5 0.0038 29.5 0.0011
494.4 0.0048 29.8 0.0021
33.6 0.0008
1241 4.2d 27.2 0.1650 2.050-4 3.095 0.968 388.6 0.2908
27.5 0.3078 491.2 0.0243
31.0 0.1068 879.9 0.0064
541.2 0.0018
554.0 0.0010 1281 25.0m 27.2 0.0106 1.616-5 1.507 1.988
602.7 0.5900 27.5 0.0198
645.9 0.0092 31.0 0.0069
695.0 0.0018 743.2 0.0013
713.8 0.0011 29.5 0.0004
722.8 0.0974 29.8 0.0007
968.2 0.0040 33.6 0.0003
976.3 0.0010 442.9 0.1425
1045.0 0.0041 526.6 0.0137
1054.0 0.0012 969.4 0.0034
1325.0 0.0140 1051.0 0.0001
1368.0 0.0028
1376.0 0.0162 1291 1.64-7y 29.5 0.1996 3.401-5 0.010 287,0
1489.0 0.0018 29.8 0.3702
1509.0 0.0292 33.6 0.1316
1560.0 0.0016 39.6 0.0752
1638.0 0.0019
1676.0 0.0011 1301 124h 29.5 0.0042 3.791-4 2.523 1.187
1691.0 0.1015 29.8 0.0078
1720.0 0.0017 33.6 0.0028
1851.0 0.0020 418.0 0.3415
160Tb 72.3d 45.2 0.0603 1.788^ 3.594 0.834 165Dy 2.3h 46.7 0.0259 6.193-6 1.649 1.817
46.0 0.1079 47.5 0.0461
52.1 0.0432 53.9 0.0186
86.8 0.1330 94.7 0.0358
197.0 0.0490 279.8 0.0050
215.7 0.0371 361.7 0.0084
298.6 0.2707 545.8 0.0016
309.6 0.0082 565.7 0.0013
337.3 0.0033 6334 0.0057
392.5 0.0128 715.3 0.0053
682.3 0.0055 6414 0.0067
765.3 0.0193
872.0 0.0018 166Dy 3.4d 28.2 0.0101 1.550-5 0.129 23.196
8794 0.2850 46.7 0.1358
962.3 0.0902 47.5 0.2420
966.1 0.2422 53.9 0.0978
1003.0 0.0097 54.2 0.0070
1103.0 0.0052 82.5 0.1290
1115.0 0.0150 371.7 0.0049
1178.0 0.1444 426.0 0.0054
1200.0 0.0236 333.9 0.0007
1272.0 0.0703
1312.0 0.0285 I66H0 l.ld 48.2 0.0286 6.270-6 3.408 0.879
6514 0.0051 49.1 0.0508
55.7 0.0207
162Tb 7.8m 45.2 0.0507 1.924-4 2.944 1.018 80.6 0.0620
46.0 0.0908 1379.0 0.0093
52.1 0.0364 1582.0 0.0018
80.7 0.0850 1662.0 0.0012
185.0 0.0265 1182.0 0.0008
185.3 0.1419
260.1 0.7873 16m Ho 1200.0y 48.2 0.1089 2.870-4 2.627 1.140
543.2 0.0011 49.1 0.1934
Nuclide Half-life E Prob. T T M Nuclide Half-life E Prob. r T M
662.2 0.0018
233 U 1.59-l-5y 13.0 0.0392 7.866-6 0.004 705.0 748.1 0.0010
114.5 0.0018 819.2 0.0014
844.1 0.0016
234U 2.44-l-5y 13.0 0.1050 2.097-5 0.004 720.7 611.2 0.0092
53.2 0.0012
1214 0.0004 240U 14.Ih 13.9 0.4309 7.686-5 0.003 921.3
44.1 0.0165
235U 7.04-f8y 13.0 0.3091 9.159-5 0.132 22.675
72.7 0.0011 235Np • ly 13.6 0.3766 6.979-5 0.004 840.5
90.0 0.0273 94.7 0.0051
93.3 0.0446 98.4 0.0083
105.0 0.0206 111,0 0.0039
109.1 0.0150
120.0 0.0015 236Np 1.15-(-5y 13.6 1.3100 2.833^ 0.019 161,6
140.8 0.0022 45.2 0.0015
143.8 0.1050 94.7 0.2070
163.3 0.0470 984 0.3355
182.7 0.0040 104.2 0.0747
183.7 0.5400 111.0 0.1562
194.9 0.0059 160.3 0.2760
202.1 0.0100 14.3 0.0884
205.3 0.0470 99.6 0.0008
2214 0.0010 100.0 0.0052
190.3 0.0092 103.8 0.0013
117.0 0.0006
236U 2.34-l-7y 13.0 0.0998 .992-5 0.004 722.4 160.0 0.0142
68.2 0.0011 44,6 0.0001
237U 6.7d 13.8 0.0010 1.589-4 0.055 54.239 236mNp 22.5h 13.6 0.2559 6.390-5 0.043 69,674
13.9 0.7114 94.7 0.1126
26.3 0.0228 984 0.1824
33.2 0.0011 111.0 0.0849
51.0 0.0021 642.3 0.0138
59.5 0.3402 687.5 0.0037
64.8 0.0118 304.5 0.0003
97.1 0.1629 14.3 0.0363
101.1 0.2632 44.6 0.0001
114.0 0.1231
164.6 0.0186 237Np 2.H-6y 13.3 0.5919 1,251-4 0,006 512,0
208.0 0.2202 294 0.1399
267.5 0.0072 46.5 0.0014
3324 0.0122 57.1 0.0042
370.9 0.0011 86.5 0.1260
262.9 0.0025 88.0 0.0016
92.3 0.0158
238 U 4.47-(-9y 13.0 0.0883 1.763-5 0.004 722.5 94.7 0.0083
664 0.0010 95.9 0.0258
108.0 0.0119
239U 234m 13.9 0.1326 3.630-5 0.125 23.988 117.7 0.0017
43.5 0.0427 143.2 0.0042
74.7 0.4800 1514 0.0025
117.7 0.0014 195.1 0.0021
227.0 0.0630
255.0 0.0020
262.0 0.0020
266.0 0.0050
270.0 0.0020
285.0 0.0140
291.0 0.0040