Ceremony For The Installation of Officers Introductory Rites

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Ceremony for the Installation of Officers

Introductory Rites

The Presider prays in these or similar words:

The needs of the Church and the Discalced Carmelite Secular community are many
and varied and God shows His goodness by providing for them through the efforts
of His individual followers called for that purpose. Today, we ask God to bless our
brothers and sisters who have declared their willingness to humbly follow in the
footsteps of our Discalced Carmelite saints by serving their community, as we
celebrate their installation as responsible leaders.

Prayer of Blessing over the Community

Presider: O God, you have created us in love and saved us in mercy; through our
profession you have called us into the land of Carmel to reap the fruits thereof and
to become a sign of Christ’s love for His people.
Shower your blessing on this community gathered here in your name and
under the patronage of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Enable us, joined by this
dedication to Carmel and by the inspiration of our Holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus
and our Holy Father St. John of the Cross, to support one another in fervor of spirit
and devotion to prayer. In all we say and do, make us witnesses to Jesus Christ
and servants of our brothers and sisters. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
ALL: Amen

Prayer of Blessing over the Outgoing Officers

The Presider invites the outgoing officers to step forward. Once they have
assembled, he addresses the community in these or similar words:

You have faithfully served the__________ community during your terms of office,
leading the members to an increased love of Jesus Christ through your example
patterned after that of Mary, His Mother. In gratitude for your diligent efforts on
our behalf, we ask the Lord’s blessing on each of you. (They return to their seats.)

Acceptance of Office by the New Officers

The Presider then invites the newly elected officers to come forward for their
installation. Once they are assembled, the new President steps forward and the
Presider addresses the President in these or similar words:

____________________, you have been elected to serve your community of

Discalced Carmelite Seculars as President in its journey to an increased love of
Jesus Christ after the example of Mary, His Mother. It shall be your duty to
convoke and preside over the meetings of the Community and Council showing a
spirit of fraternal service to all and, united with the Council to designate those who
are to carry out duties necessary for the life of the community. You shall ensure
that these duties are faithfully carried out, taking care to promote charity at all
times. You shall aid the Spiritual Assistant and the Director of Formation by your
support of them, and in their absence you will be required to take their place
temporarily. As a most visible member of the community, it is especially
important that you endeavor to live and comport yourself in a way that exemplifies
the ideals of the Order. You shall be expected to maintain the Carmelite spirit of
the prophet Elijah, a spirit of zeal for the Lord God.
Will you accept these responsibilities?

The newly elected President replies:

R. Yes, with the help of God, I will accept the duties of my office as
President of the Community.

The Presider then addresses the Director of Formation:

____________________, you have been appointed the Director of Formation.
You shall provide for the instruction of newcomers, and have the responsibility to
prepare candidates for first and definitive promises, in collaboration with the
Spiritual Assistant. You will take the place of the President in the event of his/her
absence. The community members look to you for leadership that will help them
grow in faith, assisting them to fulfill their baptismal commitments and their
Discalced Carmelite promise.
Will you accept these responsibilities?

The newly appointed Director of Formation replies:

R. Yes, with the help of God, I will accept the duties of my office as
Director of Formation of the community.

The Presider then addresses the three Councilors:
____________________, ____________________, and ____________________,
you have been elected by the members of the community to serve as its councilors.
They place their confidence in you and your ability to promote the ideals of the
Discalced Carmelite Seculars. With the President and the Director of Formation,
you are the immediate authority of the community. Your joint decisions, within
the limits of the Constitutions and Statutes, are to be obeyed by virtue of the
Will you accept these responsibilities?
The newly elected Councilors reply, each in turn:
R. Yes, with the help of God, I will accept the duties of my office as
Councilor of the community.

The Presider then addresses the newly appointed Secretary for the Council:
____________________, you have been appointed Secretary for the Council.
You are to record the minutes of the Council meetings, respecting the
confidentiality of the proceedings. You are to keep the Community register and
other records at all times. This includes having charge of the record books of the
elections, and of admissions to the Secular Order, to the Promise and the Vows.
You are to keep these up to date, and to present them to the Council and to the
community at appropriate times.

Will you accept these responsibilities?

The newly appointed Secretary replies:
R. Yes, with the help of God, I will accept the duties of my office as
Secretary for the Council.

The Presider then addresses the newly appointed Secretary for the Community:
____________________, you have been appointed Secretary for the Community.
You are to record the minutes of the community meetings, and additional duties as

Will you accept these responsibilities?

The newly appointed Secretary replies:
R. Yes, with the help of God, I will accept the duties of my office as
Secretary for the Community.

The Presider then addresses the newly appointed Treasurer:
____________________, you have been appointed Treasurer of the community. It
is your duty to have charge of, and administer the funds collected under the
direction of the Council and to keep accurate financial records. This is a serious
responsibility that requires discretion and respect for the confidentiality of the
information you collect.
Will you accept these responsibilities?

The newly appointed Treasurer replies:

R. Yes, with the help of God, I will accept the duties of my office as
Treasurer of the community.

Prayers of Blessing for the New Officers

The seven new officers remain standing. The Presider says:

Discalced Carmelite Secular communities collaborate in the mission of the Order
in various ways. The life and vitality of these local communities depends upon
leaders who are willing to give of their time and talent. We join in prayer now for
these new officers of the __________ community, asking the Lord’s blessing on
their efforts.

Almighty God, we give you thanks for the many and varied ways in which you
build up your Church and our Discalced Carmelite Order. Bless these officers of
our __________ community. Grant that they may be of service to our Order and
bring honor and glory to your name. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
ALL: Amen.

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