Guru Purnima Hindu Festival

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r a ja m

Guru Purnima
Honoring the Illumined Teachers
by a festive procession. It is especially auspi-
indu scriptures assert that more valuable than gold, and far more

H rare, is a guru, a knower of spiritual truths, also called a satguru. A

guru is the devotee’s best friend, a father and a mother, a trusted
confidant and a demanding mentor and guide on the path to God. The
guru embodies all that the spiritual seeker aspires to be; in the guru, one
cious to pilgrimage to the guru’s ashram or
monastery on this day.

Why is the full moon of Ashada

the day of the guru?
In India, this day marks the start of the four-
sees his own infinite potential. Hindus honor these rare leaders on Guru month monsoon season. Traditionally, men-
Purnima, the full moon day in June/July, the Hindu month of Ashada. dicant saints do not wander during this in-
clement time, but settle in temporary camps
where devotees gather to partake of their
What is Guru Purnima? called puja, in which his holy feet or a pair of wisdom. The first day of learning was dedi-
Guru Purnima is the annual festival which his sandals are honored. At the guru’s major cated to honoring the preceptor, and it is
honors spiritual teachers, preceptors and centers, the puja is a grand event, preceded believed this custom became established as
mentors who dispel the darkness Guru Purnima. The full moon
of ignorance by bringing forth is also known as a propitious
wisdom and illumination. Pur- time for attaining fulfillment,
nima is the Sanskrit word for full completeness and spiritual ad-
moon. vancement, and for beginning
all new endeavors.
What are the customs
of Guru Purnima? Why are the guru’s feet
On this special day all of one’s the focus of veneration?
thoughts are focused on the holy According to tradition, God’s
preceptor, tuning into his mind, presence can be most clearly
meditating on his teachings and and completely felt in the il-
expressing gratitude for his bless- lumined satguru. To sit at his
h i n d u i s m t o d ay

ings and guidance. In ashrams, feet is to be close to God and

monasteries, halls and home our own deepest Self. All nerve
shrines, Hindus gather to venerate currents terminate in the feet.
the guru of their lineage. The day’s Vital energy points relating to
primary activity is a formal ritual, every organ of his physical and

26 h i n d u i s m t o day a p r i l / m ay / j u n e , 2 0 1 0
T di i l Off
When visiting a guru, just as when going to
a temple, devotees bring an offering, such
as flowers, fruits (a lime is traditional) and,
w w w. d i n o d i a . c o m

for renunciate gurus, a piece of unstitched

cloth. These items are presented in a basket
or on a metal tray. A monetary gift, called
akshina, wrapped in a betel
eaf, is often included.
n ancient days, gurus
inner bodies—astral, mental and soul—are Are gurus worshiped as God? were given gold by
there. Touch the feet and we touch the A few Hindu denominations worship their the
he king and cows
spiritual master. Venerating the feet of the gurus as the embodiment of God, and may byy the wealthy
guru is also an acknowledgement of our even revere him as an avatar. But most too sustain their
deep respect and our knowledge that by Hindus see their guru as a great illumined schools
chools and
following his footsteps we will attain spiri- soul in whom God’s presence is most pow- allow
llow them to
tual perfection.
er c ion. apparent.
erfully appa
p rent.. freely
reely share

Tidbits About the Guru

s . r a ja m
 What is the guru’s role? It is the guru’s
life by purifying their subconscious mind,
task to lead aspirants to God. He sets souls renewing their spirit and commitment to
on the spiritual path, corrects those who religious life.
stray, softens karmas, inspires lifelong
practice and, through initiations, awakens  Are all gurus renunciate monks? Hindu
Fact & Fiction
the seeker’s superconscious knowing. He spiritual teachers may be either unmar- FACT: Hindus consider the mother to
helps us become aware of our shortcom- ried renunciates or householders. Many be a child’s first guru. She and the father
ings and strengths and gives us tools to Hindu institutions are led by luminaries are responsible for their offsprings’
overcome weaknesses and refine ourselves. who follow the householder path. Most gu-
upbringing, welfare and education.
The guru, knowledgeable in Hinduism’s rus, however, are celibate monks—swamis,
scriptures, its sacred, practical and philo- sadhus or acharyas—who have renounced Upon coming of age, youth may turn to a
sophical treatises, has the ability to help worldly life and received initiation into a satguru to begin their spiritual training.
us unlock their esoteric meaning and gain monastic order. FICTION: Some incorrectly criticize
insight as we study. He guides us in our Hinduism as a world-negating faith
meditations, helping us navigate the mind  Are gurus centrally organized? Hindu- that overemphasizes asceticism
and ultimately transcend it. ism is actually a multitude of faiths and and austerity. In fact, while its large
lineages loosely bound together by com- contingent of celibate monks pursue
 What is darshan? Darshan, literally mon beliefs and practices. There is no cen- the path of renunciation, yoga and deep
“sight,” is the mystical meeting of guru and tral organization. Each guru within his or meditation, the vast majority of Hindus
devotee. Hindus travel great distances to her own sphere of devotees is the author-
are householders dynamically engaged in
experience darshan and receive the bless- ity on religious matters, his or her wisdom
ings of a illumined soul established in his sought and words obeyed. Some are heads family life, career and community service.
enlightenment. Hindus believe that the of institutions with large followings, while Tradition affirms the pursuit of four
spiritual power, called shakti, coming others are reclusive sadhus who rarely ap- goals: righteousness, wealth, pleasure
from a great soul accelerates their spiri- pear in public. (including sensual) and liberation.
tual evolution, changes patterns in their

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