Black Film Review 2.4
Black Film Review 2.4
Black Film Review 2.4
Co-produced with the Black Film Institute of the University of the District of Columbia
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Vol. 2, No. 4/Fa111986
Film Clips
Notes on Peop.le, Issues, and Events
e still have a long way to go in A six-part series on the civil rights era,
. increasing employment oppor- Eyes on the Prize, begins Jan. 21 on PBS
tunities for underutilized stations throughout the country. Produced
minority talent." by Blackside, Inc., of Boston, the series is
This grim outlook was voiced by Ken narrated by Julian Bond. It covers the civil
Orsatti, national executive secretary of the rights movement from its beginnings in the
Screen Actors Guild, at a recent conference mid-1950s to the passage of the Voting
on minority hiring in movies and television.
Rights Act in 1965. The film was produced
The conference was a joint meeting of the
by Henry Hampton, founder of Blackside,
SAG and American Federation of Televi- now one of the oldest minority-owned film
sion and Radio Artists Ethnic Equal Em- and television production outfits in the U. S.
ployment Opportunity Committee.
While funding was obtained from PBS and
Current industry statistics on minori-
Henry Hampton CPB, Hampton says "there were also peo-
ty employment released by SAG's affirma-
ple holding house patties and twisting arms
tive action office underscore Orsatti's words: cluded that minorities still lag far behind across the country to raise mon~y." Prepa-
-Of the eight soap operas that em- in equal employment opportunities." ration for the project included "civil rights
ploy hundreds of AFTRA members, only. Despite this glo.omy assessment, the schools" for production staff. The film,
10 blacks are under contract. conference suggested remedies that may re- which was recently shown in New York, was
- Minority performers get less than 10 sult in higher minority employment and praised by poet Thulani Davis in The Vzl-
percent of lead roles in motion pictures and more of an jnclination to feature minority lage Voice. •
television combined. performers in more balanced portrayals of
continued on page 34
-A "disproportionately high" num-
ber of negative minority role models-
criminals, prostitutes, pimps-are regularly
showcased on television crime shows.
-Black women makeup less than 5 This Issue's Contributors
percent of the women employed by motion
Bill Alexander is a free-lance writer the Department of Radio, Television, and
pictures and television.
. ... Pat Aufderheide is a senior editor of Film at Howard University .... Spencer
- A recent study of the country's ra- In These Times and a frequent contributor Moon, a filmmaker, was an organizer of the
dio and television stations revealed that the to natioal film magazines .... Carroll Par~ Black Cinema Series of the 1986 San Fran-
hiring of minority news announcers is at a rott Blue is a filmmaker and an assistant cisco International Film Festival. Black Fzlm
"virtual standstill." professor of Telecommunications and Film Review EditorDavid Nicholson is a former
- In Georgia, less than 1 percent of at San Diego State University .... Filmmak- newspaper and wire service report,-
all persons hired for television, commercial er Roy Campanella, II produced, directed er .... Mark A. Reid is a doctoral candidate
and industrial film work were minorities. and wrote Passion and Memory. He is cur- in Afro-American Studies at the Universi-
Aware that the elimination of racial rently developing several independent fea- ty of Iowa .... Writer, actress, and film-
discrimination in front of and behind the tures, including a comedy and two suspense maker, Saundra Sharp lives in Los Angeles.
camera requires a top priority assessment of thrillers. Black Fzlm Review has signed an agree-
goals, expectations and strategies, Toey Darcy Demarco has written for In ment with the National Writers Union. The
Caldwell, a SAG national board member, These Times and other national publica- two-year agreement, effective Oct. 1, 1986,
and Belva Davis, an AFTRA vice president, tions .... Theresa Ford is a writer and psy- includes: assignments made or confirmed
issued a special industry-wide call to con- chotherapist living in Washington, D.C. in writing; acceptance / rejection/ rewrite
vene the EEOC conference. Delegates from .... KarenJaehne is a film critic who writes notification within two weeks of submis-
more than 20 cities attended the conference for Variety and other national film publi- sion; timely respon~e to queries; provisions
in March. Their purpose was to examine the cations .... Arthur J. Johnson has written covering payment of expenses, responsibil-
record of past union efforts and to explore film reviews and about film for several ities of writers, and a dispute resolution
new ways of implementing EEOC goals. metroplitan Washington publications process. Copies of the agreement are avail-
At the conclusion of the conference, Phyllis Klotman is director of the Black able from Black Fzlm Review or from the
the joint chairpersons noted in a statement Film Center ·Archive at the University of In- National Writers Union, 12 Astor Place,
that the participants had "painfully con- diana .... Paula Matabane is a professor in New York, NY 10003.
Fall 1986
Film Clips
New Work in Film, Video, and Other Media
Peter Wang Breaks Cultural Barriers
Playing football atop the Great Wall of China. (Photo: Orion Pictures)
By Pat Aufderheide for his role as the fry cook wearing a ironic image.
Samurai Night Fever T-shin) plays the lead The film doesn't build its story on the
role. mis-meeting of cultures alone, some things
Great Wall, an independent fea- The encounter is rich in insights into are shared across cultures. The youth of
ture made by Asian-Americans, has cross-cultural bridges and barriers. The both cultures face a common problem. We
met with approval from critics and Americans are appalled-by- the Chinese fa- see from the experience of the Chinese and
audiences both in China and the mily's lack of privacy, while the Chinese are American youngsters that they are moving
United States. Directed by Peter Wang, and shocked at the American son's casual into a new era without the help of the old
produced by Shirley Sun, who collaborat- familiarity with his father. And while traditions. That problem extends to the new
ed on part of the PBS series Cities ofChina generosity of spirit triumphs over cultural China itself trying to modernize without
as well as the award-winning documentary preconceptions, the clash can be hilarious. being able to meld the old ways with the
Old Treasures from New China, the film The story is told as much in production de- new needs.
tells the story of how a Chinese-American sign and pointed framing as it is in dialogue Sharply perceptive and unfailingly
deals with the cultural and ethnic differ- and incident. The sight of the new electric charming, the film does something rare in
ences he finds when he returns to China blanket-a gift from the gadget-happy Western movies. It locates character with-
with his family to visit relatives. Wang him- Westerners ~ smoking as it shorts out on in culture. In other words, although the
self (familiar to viewers of Chan is Missing Chinese current is a synoptic and typically film is warmly intimate, the dramatic struc-
Fall 1986 7
ture is built around the realization that per- their flesh. I think the men need bras. Their cause of the language. I had hired Asian-
sonal experience is always also cultural and flesh isn't pretty, but they could care less. Americans who promised me they spoke
that even such values as individualism are Those bodies, oh my Lord. It's as if they Chinese but didn't, and Hong Kong assis-
cultural ones. Wang is acutely aware of the didn't care what they did, since they're not tants, who promised me they spoke Eng-
blinders that cultural assumptions create at home. It may reflect the chauvinism of lish but didn't. Shirley Sun and I ended up
and also of the universal need for some kind the powerful. having to relay a lot of messages and smooth
of context and tradition. The double de- Not all are like that. The good side of over misunderstandings.
sire to break through boundaries and to Americans is that many show curiosity As time went on, we came to realize
have a room of your own with sturdy walls about the culture and are outgoing and that language is only one problem. The cul-
all around defines the film's drama. friendly. tural difference is what pulls people apart.
Produced in a period of liberalization Americans are very straightforward and
in China, the film has impressed Chinese BFR: Is Paul then supposed to carry your frank. The Chinese are proud and don't al-
audiences unofficially, but the Chinese criticism of the "Ugly American"? ways explain what's bothering them. And
government has yet to approve it. This sum- Wang: There are aspects of that, but that's they closely observe hierarchy.
mer, Peter Wang talked with Black Fzlm not all I wanted to do. It's interesting that I had hired a smart, young, Asian-
Review Associate Editor Pat Aufderheide the actor, Kelvin Han Yee, isn't like that American girl straight out of NYU film
about the making of the film, the ways in at all in person. He's a good actor. For me school as a production assistant. She spoke
which it reflects his own personal ex- the character he plays represents the extraor- a little Chinese, so I put her in charge of
perience, and its official and unofficial dinary desire of an Asian-American kid to liaison with the Chinese crew. Well, they
reception on both sides of the wall between be more American than the Americans. It's were in their twenties and thirties and they
cultures. overcompensation, a very interesting were professionals and it was total humili-
phenomenon. Some want to be the first ation for them to take orders from this
BFR: How did you get the funds to make Asian-American pro football player in the young woman. It took me a long time to
this film? country. get to the bottom of the trouble.
Wang: From private investors, especially in
the Asian-American community. That's one BFR: You've set up the film to be a study BFR: And yet with your personal back-
of the advantages of being a middle-aged in contrasts, East and West. ground in several cultures, I would have
filmmaker. You know a lot of people who Wang: Yes, and I looked for parallel situ- thought you could have foreseen this.
are well-off, unlike yourself. The film came ations. The film points to rnany contrasts, Wang: Well, I'm probably more American
in under $2 million. differences in culture. But the bottom line than I want to admit at this point. I left
is the common ground of humanity. the mainland as a child, and I left Taiwan
BFR: Were the investors satisfied with the to go to college in America.
result? BFR: You mean by that, I take it, the com-
Wang: Oh yes. People tell me, "I'm glad mon ground of cultural conflict across na- BFR: The character you play seems a lot like
you made it-you said something I want- tional borders and generations. you. He's someone who knows the terms
ed said." Better yet, they say "Do you need Wang: Yes. In China, there is a saying that and limitations of both cultures, who's a bit
more money?" the older generation always forces the kids of a rebel by personality and who actively
to drink ginseng soup and you have no enjoys the individualism of American life,
BFR: Do you find that people got the mes- choice but to swallow it. Human beings savoring it because he knows the alterna-
sages you wanted them to get? have a tendency to be lazy. Every genera- tive and finds it confiningly conformist.
Wang: Sometimes I'm frustrated when peo- tion thinks it invented ultimate truth. Wang: Right! Exactly! Print it!
ple fail to see what I want to say. But I made What makes civilization so challenging is
the film to be enjoyed on several levels. On that you know it but you don't know it. Ev-
the surface, it's very entertaining. There are ery milestone is made for newcomers to BFR: This movie is very much about cross-
jokes, both in Chinese and in English, and crash. cultural misunderstandings, but also very
there's the ping pong. People who are bilin- much from a Western perspective. It focuses
gual of course are going to get all the jokes. BFR: It sounds like you're speaking from on questions of privacy, of individualism.
And there. are so many different kinds of experience. I have the feeling that a Chinese filmmak-
characters that people can see a lot of their Wang: I'm the youngest·ch,iJd"ina: family er would have structured the encounter
own images in the film. Many people can of seven. My father's a very funny guy, al- quite differently.
identify with Paul, the American who goes though he didn't know it. He was very old- Wang: I think that's probably true. I did
to a foreign country. fashioned, and he didn't want me to have approach it from a Western perspective. But
any involvement in acting. So I studied en- that's appropriate to the changes that Chi-
gineering and science and then I gave it up. na is facing. In China, the old traditional
BFR: I found Paul a fascinating character. values are disappearing whether you call it
I think the youngest child in a family can
He didn't seem wholly likable and often communism or capitalism or modernization
afford to be the black sheep.
seemed to dominate the frame in a kind of or what. And then there is a crisis in the
alarming way. Were you trying to make us definition of what socialism is. Socialism
see him in some way from an insider's view? BFR: Has your family seen the film? did not have a clear-cut definition, and
Wang: Paul is typical in that way. Ameri- Wang: My brother in San Francisco has. He when they take off in a new direction, they
cans in foreign countries often leave that was a little put out, I think. He was origi- try to pick up Western terms and values and
kind of impression - aggressive, self- nally resolutely against my giving up my figure out how those terms fit into that i11-
righteous, a little insensitive. A lot of profession. He told me, "You've told every- defined socialism. So the question of what
tourists go overseas looking for Coke and body your life story. Great. What are you do terms like privacy and individualism
McDonald's and when they find it they're going to do for a script for your next film?" mean to them are questions for now.
happy. Fortunately, I have some ideas.
You know, I think this is a very polit-
I think this is terrible. I am appalled ical film. On the surface it's apolitical. I
by the way American tourists behave. Look BFR: Did you have cross-cultural problems never mention communism or capitalism.
at the mainlanders in Hawaii. They concen- in the filming in China? But it's full of value judgments and state-
trate in Waikiki. They shamelessly show Wang: Yes. At first we thought it was be- ments. I only give you the topic sentence
8 Black Ftfm Review
and you have to fill in the blanks after that. individual liberty. beings making decisions on another basis.
Look at the scene where Leo goes into Another example is the sight of the old And that's true everywhere, in every polit-
the Chinese computer room. It's sterile, al- man doing his Tai Chi steps in the disco, ical system.
most a sanctuary, and people visit the holy where the young people are learning to
machine in their white gowns. In the States, dance to Western music. The old and the BFR: That sounds to me like an engineer
you see him at work where people are all new. speaking.
using the machines, and it's casual. There's Wang: You got me. And why is that true?
a guy in his T-shirt with his belly hanging Because if a guy knows too much, he
out. BFR: This film has been received well in un- couldn't bear the consequences of making
official showings in China, but hasn't been a decision. The courage to decide comes
approved for showing by the Chinese from stupidity. Look at [Sylvester] Stallone.
BFR: Was that guy an actor? government. Do you think they're reacting
Wang: No, he's the vice-president of the He can shoot, because he doesn't bother to
to your criticisms of the political system? know. Would [Albert] Einstein ever drop
firm! Wang: Well, yes and no. No one ever told the bomb? Never.
me why the film hasn't been released there,
BFR: But what did you want to say with but one of our Chinese production people
BFR: What are you working on now?
that contrast? gave me some unofficial hints. He kept tell-
Wang: My next film will be a very serious
Wang: It shows the way the Chinese socie- ing us we would have problems all the way comedy. It's called Laser Man. It's about a
scientist who blunders across a conspiracy,
using a technique he invented, to develop
a deadly weapon. There's an international
assassination plot. The hero doesn't want
to know about it and it's his 10-year-old son
who pushes him to pay attention. There's
a happy ending by the way.
The Third Cinema Conference hosted by nel." This rather novel position was hastily ex-
the Edinburgh International Film Festival and plained to me as the outcome of an anti-racism
the British Ftlm Institute had all the markings campaign mounted by white leftists in London
ofa famtly reunion. For three lively days, the and characterized by paternalistic channeling.
Ftlmhouse set the stage for irrepressible charac- I am sure there is more to it than that.
ters, absent legends, shiny new personas, run- Nazareth had another, connected com-
ilm theoretician Teshome Gabriel images of itself. Gerima's countering advice to
gory was more crucial (Ethipia/UCLA) early achived both emi- Nazareth was haunting: if he did not start a
nent presence and legendary absence at unifying dialogue here and now, his film would
than esthetic percep- the Third Cinema Conference in Edin- be an exotic episode, forgotten by the funding
tions. burgh through the videotape he sent of a speech agencies that will work to divide and dismiss him.
that came over clear, crisp, commanding, and My own entry into the esthetics versus
larger than life. So did its message, which ideology debate was described as a "bombshell"
brought to the concept of Third Cinema the by Gerima, who was up to his best verbally
power of popular memory, not merely oral tra- provocative form throughout the conference. I
dition, but those collective transmissions that argued that the struggle over control of truth
preserve and advance a people's destiny over is more important that the isolation of the truth,
remembered trials and victories. that the role of power and knowledge in con-
How did the conference reflect on the is- trolling the esthetic category was more crucial
sues of ideology and esthetics? In recent debates than esthetic perceptions. We ought, therefore,
in the United States, this question has had to to forget the project of constructing a Black
do with rather rigid support for "positive" Cinema Aesthetic, ought to overthrow the cat-
over "negative" images-an example is the fu- egory of esthetics altogether (as it is com-
ror over the depic~ion of black men in the film promised by Eurocentrisms and racism), and at-
The Color Purple-as opposed to a more sup- tempt to build Black/Third Cinema as a tool
ple interpretive director / audience dialogue. for what Sylvia Winter calls "the rewriting of
These issues were present at Edinburgh, knowledge. "
but in new and more challenging accents. As people reshuffled to defend their posi-
Indian-British filmmaker H.G. Nazareth, for in- tions against this unsuspected line of attack, a
stance, rebutted Haile Gerima's keynote speech curious tension surfaced. It arose from the ques-
for its cultural nationalism which neglected class tion of whether I was aware that India had an
and gender. "Anti-racism," Nazareth said, "is ancient tradition of art and aesthetics. Because
another kind of burrow, another kind of tun- I was more interested in sharing than dividing
Fa//1986 11
over ideas, I replied merely that all peoples had So there was a wide diversity, yet mutual
ancient traditions of creativity and interpreta- sympathies among the shapers of black world
tion. Ne~ertheless, a gulf was exposed at this cinema. The slight strain in the dialogue be-
point between Indian and African world views. tween them and delegates from Asian commu-
The best of Third World traditions was ex- nities remained and will have to be more open-
pressed in England among Pakistanis, West In- ly approached in the future. I was made vaguely
dians, and others who united under one descrip- uneasy by the estheticism of Laleen]ayamanne
tive banner as "blacks." But this does bnot (Sri Lanka/ Australia). Her attempt to "figure
prvent some subcontinental sentimentalizing the body through work on gesture, filmic fram-
over an Aryan kinship with Eurocentric interests, ing, and how the voices in the film work in re-
for both ego and material gratifications, and at
the expense of the decolonizing process.
On a panel from the United States, film-
maker Ayoka Chenzira lodged the thoughtful
argument that the search for positive images had
lation to the images" may have had some power-
ful revelations about feminism's struggle over
the female body, but I had missed her film,
Song olCeylon, and was therefore mystified by
her~discussion .
o n a panel from
the United States,
led to self-stereotyping and finally to self- I had seen Trinh Minh Ha's (Viet- filmmaker Ayoka
censorship of all images, except those of a new nam / France / U C- Berkeley) Reassemblage Chenzira lodged the
character type, a neuter personality as evidenced (1982). A curious mix of lovely images of Sene-
by Diahnn Caroll on Dynasty, and the figures gal and turgid semiotic jargon, it produced in thoughtful argument
on The Cosby Show. me a discomfiture that carried over to her prese- that the search for
A jet-lagged Charles Burnett confessed that nation in Edinburgh. So my comments were
his community was disoriented and dispirited blunt. I found her way of uttering strings of iso- positive images had
beyond reach of films and filmmaking to offer lated quotations from herself, alternating with led to self
hope of relief. [See accompanying article - Ed. } quotations fromn others slide-projected over-
Gerima saw the hope for Third Cinema in the head to be mannered. There was also something stereotyping.
evolution of a dynamic between audience/com- facile in openly expressing her ambiguous role
munity, filmmaker / storyteller, and activist / crit- vis-a-vis African imagery as "the inappropriate
ics. But he also saw the black film movement Other." She had described this as an undeter-
in a crisis formed by its openness to petty bur- mined place both in and out of a host culture
geois corruptions. "like two sides of a coin," but I reminded her
One could feel warm affinities between the of a legacy of Asian middle-man traders in Afri-
Afro-Americans and the Afro-British that came ca. But Menelik Shabazz was even more blunt,
out of their shared semi-colonialsm, even while the urgericy rising in his voice as he asked twice,
noticing their differing historical postures. As "who do you make films lor?"
filmmaker Menelik Shabazz (Barbados/UK) Her latest film, Naked Spaces, was rich
noted, the street uprising of 1981 made the cur- with marvelous images of African people and
rent black British film context possible. [See ac- architectural surroundings, but turned out to be
companying article - Ed. } The vitality and spirit more self-indulgent than exploitative, its pace
one feels in this movement springs from its dictated by the drawn-out pomposity of its nar-
closer connections to these rebellions than in the ration. Those who did not fall asleep left be-
U.S. movement, and therefore to the cool-out, fore it ended.
fool-out funding that follows. Some of the Trinh Minh Ha's position between two
young black British that I talked to seemed con- stools was troubling to me. On one side, I felt
fident of the funding of their next films, even sympathy with her interrogation of some bur-
as their last ones were just being finished. densome legacies of Western esthetics in non-
The young bloods of the Sankofa, Ceddo, Western contexts. On the other, the esthet-
and Black collectives were refreshingly aware, ic/ political no-man's land she chose for herslf
serious, and articulate, well-versed in their own was located above certain battles she had to
and other theoretical positions. They seem to know were going on. I made an association here
have profited from the earlier struggles of ar- between her posture as "inappropriate Other"
ticulation and purpose in the black film world and ]ulainne Burton's self-description as "nei-
and, so armed, feel no need to be defensive in ther / nor" in relation to First and Third worlds.
the face of Western theory. This sophistication Were they both not refractions of the medieval
has doutbless benefitted from the presence of position of "unmoved mover?"
Jim Pines, coordinator of the conference, eth- Burton (Euro-American critic/UC-Santa
nic affairs officer at the British Film Institute, Cruz) had claimed this murky ground in a
and author of Blacks in Film. But with all their speech marked by an aggressively apologetic
awareness of the need for unity, one could gath- stance on the outskirts of self-destruct. The
er the waiting tensions between a Caribbean- apologetic note had to do with a Summer 1985
based cultural nationalism and the cos- Screen article in which she attacked Gabriel's
mopolitanism of gender, sexual orientation, and book on Third Cinema for being insufficiently
class among the British-born. dependent on Western feminist and avant-left
12 Black Fzlm Review
film theory. The agression came in her self- traditions. One is the imperialist tradition,
description as "mediator" of critical ideas, in- which has three aspects: The economic, the po-
nocent to the historical and implied dominance litical, and the cultural. The cultural aspect is
over Third World critical ideas being mediat- where we function as carriers of values. It is here
ed. Burton's confusion was a reminder-and that one of our most important activities takes
there were others - of the persisting temptation place-the development and preservation of the
to revert to notions of Eurocentric priority even concept of self. But under imperialism, these
in the act of trying to liberate ourselves. cultural tasks are threatened because the con-
By the time we arrived at the final session, trol of the economic and political make possi-
the debates had generated a populous swirl of ble efforts to control the images of the world.
ideas, opening new vistas in their striking and The second tradition is the tradition of re-
contentious relation to each other. But how did sistance. Under imperialism, the people strug-
these relate to Third Cinema, which had gone gle to control their own labor power for control
vinually unmentioned all this time? From its ori- of their political destiny and for their culture.
gin in an essay by Argentine film directors Fer- Where the two traditions collide, can there
nando Solanas and Octavio Getino, the concept be a neutral image? There can only be an aes-
of Third Cinema has been based in Third World thetic of domination or one of liberation. The
struggles and particularly in an identifying mili- former attempts to control images of the world
tant commitinent. But the authors left open the to the advantage of the dominators, while the
assumption of participation from Westerners. esthetic of liberation searches for and cultivates
In his book, Third Cinema and the Third the beauty of resistance. The search for a univer-
World, Teshome Gabriel had more fully ex- sal esthetic can never be anything but contradic-
plored its theoretical inferences, but more as a tory when the esthetic of domination pervails
framework for criticism and ideological reflec- over the esthetic of liberation.
tion than as a manifesto for filmmakers. At But we of the Third World are in fact the
Edinburgh, the dialogues were resolutely test- mainstream in literature and in cinema. Weare
ing the limits and capabilities of the concept. the mainstream because we are the majority,
So it fel to Kenyan Noveilst Ngugi wa Thiongo making an esthetic from our struggles.
to sum up the preceding discussions, like a mas- Even in the absence of his magnetizing
ter giving grades. Perhaps by design, his sum- delivery, the recollection of Ngugi's words,
matory statement also provided regrounding merely paraphrased her, ring with the memory
and new visions for Third Cinema. of their perfection. If the conference, with all
One of the resonsibilities of the artist, Ngu- its confrontations, had posed a complex of ques-
Er film to act as an
agent for altering peo-
gi said, is to ourselves, a responsibility born out
of the capacity to dream, to feel. Because of that
responsibility, we should not be afraid of ex-
amining the issues of form. On the other hand,
tions, then Ngugi's words offered, I think, the
most thoughtfully adequate responses.
To have participated in this dialogue at
Edinburgh was wonh three to five years develop-
ple's behavior, a the artist does not live in isolation, but is a prod- ment through more solitary channels. It was per-
uct of society. haps the most productive Third World film con-
politicization must be In the Third World, we are products of two ference I have been to. •
taking place. ~Because
the black community
lacks leadership, it Film A5 a Force for Social Change
lacks direction.
The following is an edited version of a paper The question is how does one who is dis-
Los Angeles filmmaker Charles Burnett deliv- satisfied with the way things are going set about
ered during the Third Cinema Conference at the transforming society? To whom and- to what
Edinburgh Fzlm Festival in August. should one direct his message, and what will be
the spark to motivate people to alter their habits
f one has any interest in film as a means to when even the realization of death itself has
alarm and tried to dramatize concerns that were us only when we can discuss them with our fel-
eroding the foundation that makes a society a low .... We humanize with what is going on
society was, "This makes us look bad." Middle- in the world and in ourselves only by speaking
class blacks wanted to emphasize the positive. of it and in the course of speaking of it we learn
The inner-city wanted Superfly. Neither had any to be human." ~
substance, however, both were detrimental. Solidarity and humanity occupy the same
There is a difference between illusion and space. And nowhere is a common bond more
inspiration. The difference in concerns clearly necessary than in the inner city. It seems that
marked the direction, consciously or uncons- the object of all films shou1d be to generate a
ciously, people who lived on opposite sides of sense of fraternity, a community. However, for
the tracks were going. Surprisingly, there are a an independent filmmaker, that is the same as
large number of people with reactionary and/ or swimming against a raging current.
chauvinistic points of view in the inner city. One of the features of my community is that
Commercial film is largely responsible for it does not have a center. It does not have an
affecting how one views the world; it reduces elder statesman and, more important, it does not
the world to one dimension, creating taboos and have roots. In essence, it is just a wall with graffiti
fostering superstition, concentrating on the written on it. Life is going to work, coming home
ugly, creating a passion for violence and reflect- and making sure every entrance is locked to keep
ing racial stereotypes, instilling self-hate', creat- the thugs out, thinking about how to move up
ing confusion (rather than reflecting clarity). In in the world, or being a member of a street gang
later films that strove for reality, the element standing on neighborhood corners, thinking
of redemption disappeared. As a consequence, about nothing and going nowhere.
the need for a moral position was no longer rele-
vant. There was no longer a crossroads to face
and to offer meaning to our transgressions. The
bad guy didn't have to atone for his sins. We
could go on enjoying life victim.izing innocent
Commerczalfilm reduces the
people. -
In essence, then, commercial film is anti- world to one dimension, creating
life. It constantly focuses on the worst of hu-
man behavior to provide suspense and drama,
to entertain. The concerns are generally about
taboos andfostering superstition.
a young white male. The rest of society and its In both cases, what is missing is not only
problems are anathema. Any other art form the spiritual, but mother wit. Even though there
celebrates life, the beautiful and the ideal, ex- is a church on every other corner, it only holds
cept American cinema. services one day a week and it is not a domi-
The filmmaker, then, is always asked to nant part of the life of the community. The
compromise his integrity. And if the socially community may be like a ship that has lost its
oriented film is finally made, its showing will rudder, but it seems that those of us who ob-
generally be limited. The very ones it is made serve tradition and have a sense of continuity
for and about likely will never see it. To make can at least see the horizon.
filmmaking viable, one needs the support of the External forces more than internal forces
community. You must become a part of its have made the black community what it is to-
agenda, an aspect of its survival. day. There has always been the attempt to de-
A major concern of story-telling s-hould be stroyour consciousness of who we were, to deny
restoring values, reversing the erosion of all those the past, and to destroy the family structure. For
things that conspire against better lives. One has us each day has not a yesterday or a tomorrow,
to be prepared to dig down in the trenches and thereby making the use of experience a lost art.
wage long battles. The problem is that we have While we have always lived in a hostile en-
all been given a bad name by a few adventurers. vironment, it was not one where parent and off-
The issue is that we are a moral people, and the spring turned guns on one another. The inner
issue need not be resolved by a shoving match city is now characterized by people whose be-
(or taken on blind faith), but should be con- havior is irrational. The perception is that peo-
tinuously presented in some aspect of a story - as ple are dangerous. Everyone is paranoid and
did, for example, Negro folklore, which was an rightfully so, for you can witness people chang-
important cultural necessity that not only ing character within a breath.
provided humor, but was a source of symbolic How do you place a chair for someone who
knowledge that allowed one to comprehend life. can't sit still? In trying to find the cure, what
A good summary of this theme is in Men person do you address? It is not a matter of in-
in Dark Times, by Hannah Arendt, who states forming someone of the truth, the facts, the
that "however much we are affected by the reality, it is only when he finds he cannot live
things of the world, however deeply they may with himself that he has stopped deluding him-
stir and stimulate us, they become human for self. The way back is redemption.
14 Black Fzlm Review
If film is to aid in this process of redemp- swers, but it will allow you to appreciate life.
tion, how will it work its magic? It seems not And maybe that is the issue, the ability to find
getting a satisfactory answer to that old ques- life wonderful and mysterious. If the story is
tion of why are we here is what makes man's fate such, film can be a form of experience. What
intolerable. I think it is the little personal things is essential is to undertand that one has to work
that begin to give a hint at the larger picture. to be good and compassionate. One must ap-
The story has the effect of allowing us to com- proach it as a job. But until there is a sharing
As black filmmak-
ers, we must be con-
prehend things - feelings and relationships-
we can't see. The story may not give you an-
of experience, every man is an island and the
inner city will always be a wasteland. •
critically examine the tools that are employed. gy from the West.
We must develop a critique that is devoid This--is t~e for the workshops, as well as
of internalizations of superior and inferior. We the independent sector, are at this juncture. Al-
must develop a critique that will also take into though receiving grant aid to which they -like
consideration the restraints or demands that the many "Third· World" countries - are entitled,
.~olonizers tools put on our art, and any precon- they are made to feel grateful for an act of
ditions that call for the self to be given up. "philanthropy.'~ Such grants should be consid-
Within the context of this paper the role ered, instead, for what they are-the miserly
of the filmmaker is to reclaim and redefine our repayment for many years of exploitation of
history and in so doing to relieve us from cul- resources and labor.
tural domination and self-hate. Thus development of black British cinema
Ceddo, our name, is taken from the title is controlled. Although it is conceded that we
of Ousmane Sembene's film. It means "culture are doing good work that needs to be en-
of resistance." The emergence of the black work- couraged, the financial commitment is lacking.
shop sector came out of a crucial time in our his- The autonomy -of the black British filmmaker
tory in Britain when the black community react- is impeded by preconditions and criteria that
ed violently to racist oppression. The uprisings seek to determine the films we produce.
of 1981 manifested not only black people's dis- Cinema is a powerful tool for implement-
enchantment with the social and economic or- ing change within our communities. Our adver-
der, but an inability of the host community to saries are not unaware of this factor, therefore
see us as we are. Frightened of a war on main- the instruments we need to effect those changes
land Britain, the authorities poured money into are kept from us, or at least blunted.
the black community to solve the problem of How radical can black British cinema then
the "racially disadvantaged" and culturally claim to be? It can be radical if it elicits the sup-
alienated youths. port of its community. It must hold discussions
Ceddo was born in this context. We want- with the community about cinema and race in
ed to produce images that would begin to trans- order to produce the greater benefit and merit
form or create an image of self. It was crucial for that community. It must give "ordinary peo-
to produce, otherwise we could not enter or par- pie; " people who heretofore have remained
ticipate in this transformation process. The pow- voiceless, a voice, allowing them to speak with-
er that the black community vested in us in 1981 out censorship.
has to be returned to it and the only way that The most radical aspect of black British
Ceddo can do that is to make sure we are reflect- cinema in the "Third Cinema" context is the
ed on the screen as we are. reversal of roles and notions within the domi-
So, what is the state of Black British Cine- nant ideology of cinema. Instead of trying to
ma? Within its short history, it has achieved decode a language that is mystifying, we must
some positive goals. Yet it stands at a neo- employ a language that is universal, breaking
colonial or post-independence stage. We have down structures that we are uncomfortable with
been "given" our independence but not the and erecting new structures that are familiar.
freedom to develop as we will. An analogy with But most important, instead of being the
Third World countries in receipt of aid from the re~ipients of information, we must become the
West is appropriate here. Black British Cinema givers of information defining our own time,
is still dependent on aid, advice, and technolo- our own space, and our own histories. •
Collectors' Dreams
Tracking Down Lost Franzes andLobby Cards
By Saundra Sharp
he voice on the telephone is cool. "Look," films? Where are they today? The answer is part
with other subjects. In 1972, Clayton opened a short with Fats Waller that might be consid-
the Western States Black Research Center in Los ered a precursor of today's music videos.
A.ngeles and felt a need to include films in the Webb identifies his favorite as Eleven
collection. Her first two purchases were of films P.M., a 1925 film directed by Richard Maurice,
from the 1940s-Dirty Gertie from Harlem, who operated one of the black independent film
USA, directed by Spencer Williams, and Para- companies of the 1920s. Prints of this dramatic in Harlem, with Mamie Smith and Luckie feature about a street violinist's revenge for his
Millender's orchestra. Today, the collection con- wife's capture are rare, and researchers have
tains some 75 films, including all the Micheaux found little information about the production.
prints known to be available, and more than 500 And then there are gems like The Negro Stew-
movie paper items dating back to 1903. ard, one of a series of instructional films made
Ed Vaughn, owner of a Detroit bookstore by the U.S. government in World War II.
and executive assistant to the mayor of that city, For Pearl Bowser, associate director of Third
owns a collection of 50 films, including a 16nlm World Newsreel, the two films she favors are
ones she helped restore: Scar ofShame, a 1927
independent feature, and the more modern
Ganja and Hess, directed by and starring Bill
Gunn. As a film archivist and exhibitor based
in New York, Bowser has acquired about 50
16mm titles and "close to a thousand pieces of
paper-stills, clippings, posters- because the
nature of the collection is to document the his-
tory of black independent film."
For committed individuals like Bowser and
Clayton, collecting cannot be separated from
restoration and preservation. Bowser spent
$10,000 to restore Ganja and Hess. "It had been
shot on Super 16 and blown up to 35 mm, so
it was grainy. The important thing in going back
from 35 to 16 was to preserve the color in the
film, but I didn't have a negative for the lab
to work from. The cost factor becomes very tick-
lish. It's easy to just get a cheap copy, but in
order to get something as close to the original
as possible, you have to invest some money."
Mayme Clayton, executive Working with the American Film Insti-
director ofthe Western States tute's collection, which is housed in the Library
Black Research Center, hold- of Congress, Bowser located a hand-tinted
ing a Cinecam Model B. The 16mm print of Scar ofShame, and by transfer-
16mm camera was produced ring it to 35mm color stock preserved the origi-
between 1925 and 1931. nal tinted scenes. The process cost about $400
(Photo: Saundra Sharp)
per print, plus the costs of the negatives. When
technicolor film of Ntozake Shange's play For Clayton found a print of Micheaux' The Notori-
Colored Girts Who Have Considered Sui- ous Elinor Lee, the picture was fine but the
cide. . . . The film was made in California in the sound was not. She restored the entire sound-
1970s, before the play gained fame on track.
Broadway. ) Restoration and preservation have always
In Northern California, Salah Webb, a me- been a quarrelsome issue for film historians and
dia specialist with Skyline College, and Thur- archivists. According to Jan-Christopher Horak,
man White, an attorney, met while students at associate curator and film archivist at the Ge-
the Stanford University film program. They orge Eastman House in Rochester, N. Y., the
joined forces, and in 1981 entered negotiations difference is that: "Preservation is taking a ni-
to acquire the Kit Parker Collection of black trate film and transferring it to acetate or safety
films. They had been renting the films for sev- film stock. We usually make a negative, then
en years, and that track record helped them in another print. The optical sound is electronically
bargaining. ' enhanced, then re-recorded. Most films are
What they got was 150 films in 16mm of shorter than their original release because they
some 100 titles produced between 1914 and get chopped up by distributors, or to insert com-
1954. The collection includes Clarence Muse's mercials for television, or they get damaged.
BLACK FILM Broken Strings (1940); Spirit of Youth (1938) These need to be restored. Restoration is trying
HISTORY with Joe Louis; a Minnie the Moocher cartoon to find an original script, taking a number of
featuring Cab Calloway; and Ain't Misbehavin', different prints, and trying to put together the
Fall 1986 19
films on video. The program will draw on his Sanders 0/ the River, starring Paul Robeson, in
collection of 300 cinema classics from 1916 to a K-Mart bin.
the 1950s, projected on an 8-foot by 10-foot Sometimes, paper items cost more than the
screen. "A lot of us are not only illiterate in the films, and in some cases are more valuable.
sense of not reading, but we're also visually il- When a scrapbook that had been kept by Lena
literate, because we can't distinguish what we Horne's secretary was found in vacant house by
see in terms of understanding it. By showing new tenants, Mayme Clayton didn't hesitate to
these films, I hope to stimulate dialogue," purchase it. Pearl Bowser managed to meet
Wheeler said. Shinzi Howard, an actress who had starred in
Videotape may be easier to store and han- several Oscar Micheaux films and had been his
dle than celluloid, but there is some concern personal secretary for several years. Howard was
that it is placing the vintage 16mm print in so excited at Bowser's work that she gave her her
jeopardy. Several collectors report that houses personal scrapbook. The stills and handbills it
that used to provide 16mm films have now contains provided documentation on the theat-
turned exclusively to video, and Vaughn was ers where black films were shown, sometimes
ambivalent about finding a VHS copy of with Hollywood features and Topsy movies. •
(1913); and a melodrama, The Grafter and the ing the life of a wealthy white oilman's daugh-
Maid (1913). Lottie Grady, formerly of Chica- ter. After he has achieved sufficient skills, he
go's Pekin Theatre's stock company was the com- discovers oil and becomes independently
pany's leading star and also sang while the wealthy. He then returns home to marry the girl
projectionist changed the reels. he had left behind.
Between 1910 and 1915, black-controlled This shon, but revealing, synopsis describes
film production was limited to Foster's compa- many elements of the. black rural family film.
ny. Nonetheless, using performers like Grady The Realization ofa Negro's Ambition begins
andJerry Mills from black theatrical stock com- with a black rural family, proceeds with the
separation of the hero from the family, and ends
with the return" of the hero. Moreover, the nar-
Lncoln producedfilms supporting rative was not primarily generated to entertain,
as were the two-reeler comedies of the Foster
By Paula Matabane
he case of Nola Darling will probably
havior as a woman has evolved.
While Nola Darling may not be the multi- to be the traditional quest for indepen-
dimensional, independently defined woman dents such as Jim Jarmusch, Joel and
some of us may have hoped for, she is nonethe- Ethan Coen and John Sayles. So· far,
less an extremely interesting character who has their formula of making uniquely personal films
initiated the liberation of the black female ~free of editorial interference and then distribut-
screen image with respect to sexual expression. in.g th~se films within customized-for-profit dis-
Spike Lee effectively took on this most delicate tr1but1on patterns seems to have worked to their
task ~f attempting to construct a socially ap- advantage. All of them are continuing to make
propr1ate, yet realistic and satisfying, sexual films. They and others like them have been so
identity for black women. successful that their operational mode is begin-
ning to include women filmmakers and film- COUChing basic so-
The prescribed sexual puritanism and
female-only monogamy laid the burden of rape makers of color. cial questions in the
on black women and denied them sexual self- _ Given the financial and popular demand form of very entertain-
expression. Nola has offered an alternative role as a backdrop for the success of this cadre of in-
model, but left open serious questions about dependent filmmakers, there are now two new ing comedy, each
how women might actually pursue multiple films on the summer circuit that 'bear serious at- filmmaker consistently
relationships and still be in control of their bod- tention by all filmmakers seeking to break away
from the commercial mode. The first film is draws each character in
ies and sexuality.
Still, Nola Darling articulates, albeit im- called Men . .. by a German woman filmmak- rhe films in a non-
perfectly, important questions about male- er, Doris Dorrie. The second film is called She's
Gotta Have It by black American filmmaker exploitive manner.
female relationships for a black community that
has been slow to address issues of male domi- Spike Lee.
nance and sexual equality. Many women are Both films offer the best of independent
amused by' the exposure Lee has given to the and commercial film styles by using Hollywood
very behav10r they eschew verbally but practice film genres as well as the innovative story lines
qU1etly. Where the real-life struggle for black traditional for independents. The films take the
female identity will go is a still unfolding dra- best of the independents - their films lack the
ma, but at least the screen image of black wom- slick, homogenized, predictable world view of
en should not remain the same after Nola Dar- commercial films. They have a bite with tex-
ling. • tured edges that could help to lead audiences
into self-reflection. Simultaneously, both films
remold old Hollywood genres in fresh ways.
~oth evoke the sophisticated, mildly provoca-
t1ve screwball comedies of the 1930's-40's and
the rough and tumble aspects of the male bud-
dy films of the 1950's-60's.
Men. . . is reminiscent of Walter Matthau
and Jack Lemmon; Robert Redford and Paul
Newman. She's Gotta Have It recalls the "in-
dependent woman" films of Katherine Hep-
burn, Rosalind Russell and Bette Davis. The
dance sequence on Nola's birthday has the fla-
vor of the 1930's MGM musicals. The free-
flowing action of Woody Allen's contemporary
New York City relationships are present in both
films. Both films contain enough past filmic
conventions to reassure and comfort audiences
as they watch a fresher, less-than-traditional style
unfold within each film's story.
The filmmakers look at their sexual
opposites-a black male examines a black wom-
an's unconventional sexuality; a German wom-
26 Black Ftlm Review
expressly created to give men pleasure and/or bear InJust Between Friends, a modern, subur-
their children. They exercise little or no control ban homemaker (Mary Tyler Moore) learns af-
over their own sexual response and enjoyment. ter her husband's death that he had been hav-
Like Simone in Mona Lisa their entire sexual be- ing an affair with her friend (Christine Lahti).
ing is shaped by the man or men in their lives, Lahti's character, a single career woman, is
who regard their wishes and desires as incidental shown to be unfulfilled because she wants a hus-
to theirs. If women enjoy sex, it must be because band and a child, and her career, which is point-
they are getting paid for it, or because they are edly blamed for breaking up a previous mar-
"freaks." As Mars Blackmon (Spike Lee) says in riage, will not permit them. By the end of the
She's Gotta Have It, "All men want freaks; we film, Moore has realized that it was her uptight, F:male sexual free-
just don't want them for a wife." near-frigid behavior that caused her husband to dom in the films of
If black female sexuality is captive to the seek solace elsewhere, and she has managed to
dominating male, white female sexuality is cap- relax enough to accept Lahti's bearing his child. the past decade often
tive to the threat of male rejection and violence. The story ends with a happy "family" scene as results in violence for
While black female characters are permitted a the women, now reconciled, tearfully view a vid-
small measure of sexual initiative through the role eo of the late husband, humbly grateful to the both black and white
of prostitute - it is accepted, and even expected, man who has done so much for them. women.
that a hooker be black-white women are permit- The sexuality - indeed, the en tire
ted none, and are violently punished when they character-of both women is shown throughout
exercise it. White women remain within the con- ~ as completely dependent upon him, but in
straints of a monogamous, male-dominant rela- different ways: Lahti's sexuality is tied to her
tionship. Most film roles continue to portray the need to have love and a child, while Moore's is
white woman as wife or lover, emotionally de- an expression of her need to control everything
pendent on a man, or as desperately unhappy in her life. Both needed the late husband, who
because such a relationship eludes her. Yet within gave meaning to Lahti's life before his death by
the monogamous, "ideal" relationship, her sex- providing her with a child, and showed his wife
uality is often repressed or warped. continued on p. 34
28 Black Fzlm Review
Robert Hooks: The Actor as Independent Producer
By Phyllis Klotlllan
tage, film, and television actor cluding the Pulitzer Prize. We were nomi-
Roben Hooks was a founder of both nated two times before that, but we final-
the Negro Ensemble Company and- ly won in 1982. We are the most productive
the D.C. Black Repertory Com- black theater company in the world today,
pany in Washington. Hooks now lives in and it's all because of the need for us to do
Los Angeles, where he seeks to expand his our own thing. -
horizons by becoming an independent pro-
ducer / packager of television and film BFR: You went from there to Washington,
propenies. He is producing a special for the D.C. Was it to do the same kind of thing?
Public Broadcasting System that will pres- HOOKS: Yes, it was. I saw that the Negro
ent a retrospective of the plays performed Ensemble Company was successful on all
by the NEC over the past 20 years. the levels we had planned and then on
While developing properties to sell to some more levels. I realized that it brought
studios and television, Hooks has also made white people and black people closer to-
frequent guest appearances on such televi- gether in the cultural sense because when
sion shows as 227 and Murder, She Wrote. we started doing plays steeped in black cul-
In this interview with Phyllis R. Klotman, ture, the white audiences began sharing our
director of the Black Film Center Archive culture with us. They began appreciating
at Indiana University, Hooks talks of his ex- our brilliant writers and directors.
periences as an actor and producer. The in- Actually our first play was one written
terview was conducted in March 1985 after by a white writer, which didn't sit too well
Robert Hooks with a lot of people, but we knew what we
Hooks received an Oscar Micheaux Award
at the Black Filmmaker Hall of Fame were doing. We were trying to say to the
of review from this production I could prob- world that this was a theater company that
ceremonies in Oakland, Calif.
ably get professional actors to do the play. is really going to be about a universal kind
After a hard struggle,' I got a series of plays of approach and feeling. What's happen-
BFR: Take us back to 1963 when you first produced with a $35,000 investment. ing politically in South Africa concerns us
became interested in becoming a producer. The plays were an instant success. We as well as what's happening in Birmingham.
HOOKS: We were having backers' audi- had a great cast including Douglas Turner So we did a play on apartheid written by
tions trying to raise the money to produce Ward, Esther Rolle, Gloria Foster, and my- Peter Weiss-before [Athol] Fugard ap-
these plays but to no avail. At the time I self. Well, those were the four of us in peared on the scene. The play was called
was acting in a play called Dutchman by Happy Ending and then in the big play, The Song ofthe Lusitanian Bogey, and we
LeRoi Jones, which was a big hit, and I Day ofAbsence, we let the best of the kids have since produced several hundred' plays.
remember I was asked to speak to a group do the smaller roles. We called our com- We saw our audience go from 80 percent
of teenagers in the Chelsea area of New pany the Group Theatre Workshop. black-20 percent white to 50-50. It was
York City. They asked so many questions wonderful.
I invited them to my house to discuss act- BFR: Is this the beginning of the Negro En- I moved to Washington in 1970 and
ing and perform skits. semble Company? built the D.C. Black Repenory Company,
These meetings grew to include HOOKS: I'm getting to that. The plays which was modeled after the Negro Ensem-
teenagers from Harlem, Jamaica, Bedford- were a smash hit. We ran two years and ble Company. But unfortunately,
Stuyvesant, and ot~r parts of the city. I could have run longer. Washington is not New York. Washington
ended up having to knock out a wall of my We were approached by the Ford was very unreceptive in the sense of sup-
rented railway flat and build a stage to ac- Foundation, which said we would like to port from those in positions to help. They
commodate 60 kids. Eventually, I "bor- help get your enterprise off the ground. So were our only hope because, at that time,
rowed" the Cherry Lane Theatre, where we Douglas, Gerald Crone, our general man- large numbers of the city's people were poor
were doing Dutchman, to use as a show- ager, and I, gathered in a restaurant and and unemployed.
case for the kids. They performed improvi- wrote out a proposal on a tablecloth. After Washington is a very middle-class and
sations, poetry, and a play. the submission of a polished version of the upper middle-class bourgeois town. Being
The play was Happy Ending. We in- tablecloth we were rewarded with a three- my hometown, one of the reasons I left and
vited their parents and the community. We year grant for $1.5 million and that's how one of the reasons I went back was because
didn't invite any press so I didn't realize that the Negro Ensemble Company began with I thought I could do something about that.
some critics were in attendance. Jerry Douglas Turner Ward as the artistic direc-
Talmer of the New York Post wrote a tor, myself as executive director and Jerry BFR: I want to hear about the move to
favorable article on the play and the per- Crone as the administrative director. California because that takes us into film.
formances. So, I thought, if it gets that kind We have won every award possible, in- HOOKS: Oh yes. My first film was Sweet
Fall 1986 29
Love, Bitter on the East Coast, one of the ered by Columbia Pictures. The other mov- minorities. It's a terrible thing to say, but
first interracial movies with Dick Gregory, ie is based on the book The Ants of God it's true. There just is no real compassion.
Diane Varsey, and Don Murray. Then I did and our treatment is being looked at by It's all about making money. You under-
a play in New York called Where's Dad- Clint Eastwood. There is also a situation stand it because we live in a capitalistic so-
dy?, a William Inge play, and I think Otto comedy project being considered by Embassy ciety. You understand the need to be com-
Preminger came backstage and said he Television. It's called All in Good Time. mercially successful, but whatever
wanted to talk with me about this movie. happened to humanity? When do you
I thought, "Why not?" Otto Preminger, BFR: Have you done the pilot? reach out and help other people?
one of the last of the Hollywood hot shots. HOOKS: No, we haven't presented it to the
Anyway, he offered me the movie Hurry networks yet. We're still in the develop- BFR: I talked with Martin Ritt, director of
Sundown and I did that. Then I got ment stages of that. Then there's a Movie Sounder, a few weeks ago and he told me
NYPD, the 'television series about the New of the Week that I'm working on, the how difficult it was to get the movie dis-
York Police Department. Soon my interests Robert Goodman Story. You know, Robert tributed even in the 1970s. NormanJewi-
began focusing on producing for film and Goodman is the pilot who was shot down son apparently had problems with A Sol-
television. over Syria. diers's Story.
I really had had it with theater as a HOOKS: Sure, NormanJewison had a very
producer. It's just futile, you know. You BFR: Is Jesse Jackson going to play himself? difficult time getting A Soldier's Story
do greatowork artistically, but you can't sur- ,HOOKS: Well, it's a thought. Either he'll picked up by Warner Brothers. A couple
vive and people work for nothing. You can't play himself or I'll play him. We are in the of studios turned him down. The only rea-
pay what you should be paying them. It's process of putting a second draft treatment son Columbia said "yes" was because he
just so difficult. on that. So, I have three television projects made it a pan of the deal he already had
T'he next natural step for me was to as well as the four films. I'm also trying to with them. Some studios and producers just
move into the mainstream, producing for work on a co-ventureship with the Negro don't know what they have when they have
film and television. Not as an independent Ensemble Company and a major studio or it. The fact is that A Soldier's Story has
producer who solely produces "black a major network. The purpose of this work- made somewhere in the neighborhood of
movies" that can only be shown in certain ing partnership is to create some projects $30 million so far, and it only' cost about
specialized markets. No, I want to produce for film and television, get them produced, $6.5 million, so they're in the black. Any
quality material that appeals to all au- with the Negro Ensemble Company par- movie that goes in the black you can then
diences. ticipating in the profits as well as in the parlay on for your bext project.
To be successful, you have to know the creative end of it, to help them survive.
demographics and you have to understand It will utilize the company's writers, BFR: Is there anything else important hap-
marketing . You have to understand distri- directors and actors. \Y/ e hope that some as- pening out here that you can point to?
bution, especially. I've been working and sociate producers would be able to work on HOOKS: Well, let me just reiterate that
learning over the last seven years and I know this co-venture. That would move some of what I'm seeing and what other black in-
that in order to be an effective, successful these talented people into the mainstream dependent producers are seeing is the be-
producer, you have to pay your dues before of the movie and the television industry. ginning of a turnaround for blacks in film
you jump out and produce a little old m'ov- Otherwise, there are a lot of talented peo- and television, specifically with the success
ie just because somebody gives you the ple out there that will never get an oppor- of The Cosby Show on television and A
money to do it. tunity to work professionally in this in- Soldier's Story at the box office. The suc-
So, I've been working on the building dustry. cess of these two will allow black producers
of Robert Hooks Productions, which is a It's a shame that the industry is so to begin to be considered seriously. I want
new production entity. Under the banner monopolized. It will take a few indepen- Paramount and Universal and Warner
of Robert Hooks Productions there are sev- dent producers to have a couple of hit mo- Brothers and all the other studios to accept
en flags and each of those flags is a sepa- vies and a couple of television things to me as a serious filmmaker and not as a film-
rate film or television production. Present- build that good strong leverage for them- maker who just wants to do the "jive"
ly I'nl juggling seven projects. They're all selves, thus making it possible for others to things. I want to make movies that make
looking very, very good. I won't go into the come in the door. But the industry is not money by satisfying crossover audiences. I
specifics, but four of them are feature films. going to reform on its own. The industry know how to do that by making quality
Three of the films are being consid- is happy with ex~luding 'blacks and other movies that have substance. •
R ~
Black and White Together
By KarenJaehne
George's humility and inarticulate decen- nal comedy. The film takes strong jabs at portrays a young, intelligent black woman
cy some compensation for the love he so Southern Californians, therapists, wealthy as wonhy of, and receiving, the respect and
selflessly strives for but never quite attains." WASPs, and money-hungry, air-headed love of a white male, with no hint of sexu-
Life might. Art, the voice of our dreams, college students. It also forces the white al stereotyping. While it is true that when
wouldn't. • members of the audience to confront their Mark kisses her he is still "black," the au-
own buried prejudices and stereotypes. dience knows he is white and accepts the
My companion, who is also white, said kiss and their subsequent pairing off at the
afterwards he was extremely uncomfonable end of the film.
Chitlins and Tapioca with the bald qepiction of whites making The film's major problem is that the
racially based assumptions about Mark. The producers couldn't decide who their target
sight of supposedly liberal whites in one of audience was. The first half hour is a typi-
By Dar~y DeMarco the more progressive environments in the cal juvenile comedy-gimmicks, party
country fighting for the right to get Mark jokes, and high school-level dialogue and
on their basketball team, and of a female acting. Once Mark reaches Cambridge, the
t has been described as racist, hilarious, law student telling him after a sexual ses- issues gradually ~ecome.more important,
is its wafer-thin plot. But Prince is to be ing ladies have been white. Such casting movies on television.
commended for doing something com- shows how much American society has The plot of the film has to do with a
pletely different as a follow-up to his ex- changed since Sidney Poitier could only mysterious message Terry gets on her com-
tremely successful filrn debut. He has made peck Katherine Hepburn's cheek in a rear puter from a British spy trapped in an East-
a film that is sure to alienate his young fans, view mirror shot in 1967's Guess Who's ern European country. He's trying to find
who will scoff at the use of black and white Coming to Dinner? and only hold poor someone to go to help him get home.
and the absence of scenes with Prince per- blind Elizabeth Hartman's hand in A Patch The title of the film comes from the
forming. ofBlue, even though the novel on which song by the Rolling Stones of the same
In this romantic comedy, Prince plays the film was based made them lovers. And name, a song Terry uses to figure out the
Christopher Tracy, a part-time piano play- remember when network programmers password so she and the British spy can
er and full-time gigolo on the loose in the were upset when Harry Belafonte held Pet- communicate via computer. It's a typical
south of France where he and his best bud- ula Clark's hand while singing together on piece of Hollywood calculatedness: casting
dy and confidante, Tricky Gerome a TV special in the late 1960s? Whoopi to appeal to blacks, using the Roll-
Benton-Morris Day's sidekick in Purple What message does Prince send his ing Stones to apppeal to whites.
Rain), seek rich women. When Christopher young black fans with this casting? Perhaps In a larger sense, the use of that Roll-
sets his sights upon a young heiress (Kristin Prince's light complexion makes the sight ing Stones song is a clue to one of the main
Scott Thomas), he doesn't foresee that he of a black man with a white woman mak- things that's wrong with the movie. All of
will fall in love and, for the first time, put ing love less provocative. Perhaps Howard the cultural references in the film are white.
romance before finance. It's the classic and Rollins, Glynn Turman, or Danny Glover When they aren't, the references are from
time-worn story of gigolo meets girl, girl would provide more of a visual shock to that gray, watered-down area where black
hates gigolo, gigolo woos girl, girl falls in white audiences if they romanced Kathleen culture intersects with white culture to cre-
love with gigolo. Turner, Sally Field, or Jane Fonda on cel- ate something neither black nor white and
What Prince manages to bring to the luloid. So far, Hollywood has not offered lacking any pungency at all.
dusty old plot is the keen eye of a seasoned such opportunities. Whoopi Goldberg made a career out
filmmaker. Each shot is a carefully planned Or perhaps Prince is, not so subtly, of that kind of cultural mixing. Take her
study in light and dark, texture, and per- telling his young. black and - dark- last name, and the fact that she wears
spective, making Cherry Moon a splendid skinned-female fans that they are welcome dreadlocks. When she was photographed
work. Prince also has avoided making the to fatten his wallet but should never hope for the cover of Rolling Stone, she wore blue
much dreaded "music video" movie and es- to be wined and dined by His Royal Bad- contact lenses. In the Broadway show that
chews MTV musical montages to take up ness. • first brought her to national prominence,
screen time or to tell the story, slight though she did routines that ignored the bound-
it is. aries of race, imitating blacks, whites, Jews,
The fact that Prince's music is down- men, and women.
played is further evidence that this film is Makin' Whoopi Still, her persona was appealing
not an excuse to sell an LP. It is instead a enough to land her the lead role in The Col-
movie that, with the addition of a few sub- or Purple. InJumpin'Jack Flash, you want
titles, could probably pass for a modern si- By David Nicholson to ask yourself just what the fuss was all
lent film. Prince already uses his enormous about. Whoopi plays Terry as a foul-
eyes and mouth provocatively and wears mouthed child, a female Eddie Murphy,
hOOPi Goldberg's new movie,
enough makeup, mascara and eye-liner to
rival that worn by silent film star Rudolph
As an actor, Prince is quite natural in
the part although the role is not exactly a
demanding one. While Benton and Tho-
W Jumpin' Jack Flash, is the first
film we have had in many years
that stars a black woman. We
have to go back to Sounder, which starred
Cicely Tyson, or certain films of the blax-
and there's nothing appealing about listen-
ing to her curse her way from one side of
the screen to another.
Black characters in American movies
are usually powerless. They're mammies,
coons, and Uncle Toms-objects of deri-
ploitation era to find another American
mas are adequate, the real standout is Fran- sion. Here, Whoopi reinvents the Sambo
movie in which a black woman plays a lead-
cesca Annis, who is wonderfully wicked as stereotype. She's Moms Mabley, without
ing role.
the stunning society matron who pays for Moms' good humor and folk wisdom, in the
Given that, it would be nice to give
Christopher's services. Movie buffs will guise of a liberated black woman of the 80s.
Jumpin 'Jack Flash even qualified approval.
remember her exceptional performance as What gives the lie to the pretense of
The best that can be said about it is that
Lady Macbeth in Roman Polanski's film of liberation is the nature of her character.
it is for diehard Whoopi Goldberg fans.
Macbeth. Her dialogue-less opening scene, When Whoopi isn't playing Terry as a foul-
Others will find it a typical Hollywood film
in which she and Christopher flirt with one mouthed child (most of the time), she's
that demeans blacks and then adds insult
another, is a screen gem. supposed to be playing Terry as lonely, but
to injury with a pointless plot, silly slapstick
But there is a down side to the film strong and independent woman. But even
comedy, and limp acting.
aside from the tired plot. A dark-skinned if she wanted to get involved, she couldn't
In the opening scenes of the film the
black woman with widely spaced teeth is because there are no black men in the film.
camera pans the walls of an apartment,
shown in a brief scene as a menace to Except a security guard at the bank who
showing several movie posters, all of them
Christopher as she ~ags for his services. spends his time watching white women put-
featuring white heroines. It then shows a
Many members of the predominantly black ting on their panty hose on his closed cir-
painting that contains a shadowy black face,
audience, with which I viewed the film cuit television, and the great Roscoe Lee
with two white eyes peering out. That jux-
laughed when the woman was shown. Was Browne, whose deep voice and impressive
taposition occurs later in the film and is a
this intentional on director Prince's part? abilities are wasted in his small part as a CIA
central part of the sub-text.
Since this woman was the only black wom- official.
Goldberg plays Terry, a computer
an in the film with a speaking part, it is Because there are so few black men in
operator at a bank who spends her days
indeed curious that she is used as an object the film, it's up to the white man to save
listening to her friends talk about what they
of ridicule. Terry when she really gets in trouble. At
did the night before and her nights watch-
This brings us to another issue: in both the end of the film, the spy comes on-screen
ing white ~ouples embrace in romantic
Purple Rain and Cherry Moon Prince's lead- for the first time. Whoopi and her English-
Fall 1986 33
man go off hand in hand - and the scene comfortable kind of sorrow. features Grande Otelo, considered by many
subverts whatever attempts the- movie has The filmmakers,]ohn N. Smith, Giles to be the dean of Brazilian actors.
made to convince us she's black. It's as if Walker, and David Wilson, have long ex- The story opens -with a newly arrived
every black woman's dream is to be rescued perience in documentary and docudrama. slave leading a spontaneous uprising and
by a white man, while her co-workers stand They developed the film by long in.terviews taking his group to Palmares, bringing with
up and cheer in a reprise of the last scene with black Montreal teenagers, and then him the community's first white settlers.
of An Officer and a Gentleman. • left the script open to improvisation on set. Once there he is crowned "Ganga Zumba"
"The dramatic element," said Smith, comes the new leader of the qui/ombo and under
from the fact that the scenes in the film are his leadership Palmares prospers.
made up from other people's experiences- During an attack by whites, a young
experiences tha~ are close to but different boy is abducted and raised as the servant
Non~Actors In Gripping from those of the actual people in the film. " of a white priest. Zumbi returns to Palmares
The filmmakers adopted a shooting ra- as an adult and becomes a fierce and cun-
Limbo tio typical of documentary- 20-to-l- to ning warrior. Later Ganga Zumba makes a
leave time to assess assembled segments of pact with the Portuguese and unwittingly
the film as they went along. The small leads a group of the people into capitivity.
By Pat Aufderheide crew- never more than five - and the use He corrects his mistake by staging his own
of cinema1!._~[ite techniques results in a grit- death, which is blamed on the whites. The
ty, authentic look, and the reggae-rich people are thereby united and the splinter
itting in Limbo is the kind of film
S soundtrack echoes the pop culture at- group returns to the mountains.
. that rescues the reputation of cine- mosphere of the community they filmed. With Dandara's help, Zumbi valiant-
ma verite. Produced through the The result is' a film that carries the ly protects his people until the Portuguese
National Film Board of Canada's voice of its participants, and that transmits government becoming increasingly threat-
Alternative Drama Program, and starring a lived experience far beyond the borders ened, dispatches a special army equipped
non-actors, it captures the tensions and con- of Pat and Fabian's world. • with cannons that eventually destroy Pla-
flicts of black teenagers who are sitting in mares and its residents. The lone survivor
limbo in Montreal. is a young boy, who later becomes the new
Pat (Pat Dillon) lives in a cramped leader of the resistance movement and con-
apartment with her girlfriends, both single tinues the struggle.
mothers. They share the exasperations and In Search of Freedom The cinematography and the stirring
ordinary joys of a life that revolves around
musical score in QUI/ambo heighten the
their mothers, children, and the church. Pat
drama in the filn1. The music also serves to
falls in love with high school dropout Fa- remind us that despite the African origin
bian (Fabian Gibbs), who prides himself on By Theresa Ford
of the slaves, this is a uniquely Brazilian ex-
his cool macho moves and who draws his penence.
strength from the music of the black sub- The visual effects are' stunning. The
culture. y the 17th century, there were large
sight of the warriors' bodies painted in
When Pat gets pregnant, Fabian sud- numbers of African slaves in Brazil
many colors or the entire village celebrat-
denly tries to go straight, finding - against working on the sugar cane planta-
ing leaves a lasting impression. When Gan-
all odds-an apartment and a job. But the tions. Many qut/ombo (or settle-
ga Zumba prepares Zumbi for battle, we
pressures of poverty - there's a hilarious ments of runaway slaves) existed through- sense that something important is hap-
scene where Pat and Fabian borrow a 'out the country, but the largest and most penIng.
friend's car and drive out to the landlord's famous was made up of blacks who escaped In addition, there are other effective
to demand heat for their apartment- from the Republic of Palmares. uses of imagery in the movie. Palm leaves
challenge the young relationship. And Fa- These former slaves liberated them-
wet with the morning dew are later splashed
bian's boredom at a dead-end job, com- selves and traveled to neighboring towns
with Zumbi's blood at the time of his
bined with his inability to match his con- freeing their brethren, who then joined
death. The mythical quality of the film is
sumer desires with his actual income, soon their community. They were aided in their
illustrated by the comet that awake~s Zum-
end his working career. efforts by the war that Portugal waged bi and guides him back to his people. In
These are good kids, but everything is against Spain, and the Dutch occupation another scene, Zumbi's spear bursts- into
against them. And when Pat miscarries, all of Pernambuco. flame before he goes into battle.
the film's conflicts are centered on her hos- Although founded by Blacks, QUI/ambo is more a story about a peo-
pital bed. There, she mourns her baby, Palmares became a haven for Portuguese ple than any specific individuals, although
while Fabian attempts to get up the cour- Jews, Indians and poor whites as well. Land we do get glimpses of the leaders. Ganga
age to visit her. Was her mother right to was owned communally and each jurisdic- Zumba is portrayed as a proud and wise
say she could not have a child' without the tion was governed by an elected council of man, save his one fatal error, with a pen-
protection of a family? Were her friends elders. At its zenith, Palmares spanned ap- chant for attractive women. As Dandara,
right to say she should have stuck with the proximately 240 miles and contained Zeze Motta is fire, strength, and dignity
girls? Does she have a future? Does Fabian? 20,000 people. Its inhabitants resisted personified. She invokes the image of
Sitting in Limbo is a film that doesn't numerous attacks by the Dutch and the Queen Nzinga, an African woman who also
flinch at reality, but even though reality for Portuguese before finally being crushed.
fought the Portuguese during roughly the
these kids is grim, the film isn't depress- Director Carlos Diegues fuses histori-
same time period in what is now Angola.
ing. Carrying the film beyond an exercise cal fact with folklore in Qut/ombo, a film
Zumbi exudes youthful energy and cour-
in social work is the fact that it's about about Palmares that he calls "the first
age . •
struggle, not about victims. The situation democratic society we know of in the West-
ought to reduce the characters to victims, ern hemisphere." The film stars Zeze Mot-
but they have enormous strengths. Pat, Fa- ta of Xica fame as Dandara, a female war-
bian, their friends, and family, insist on rior, Antonio Pompeo as Zumbi, the last
their right to a future, and that insistence leader of Palmares, and Toni Tornado as
creates anger and insight, not a third-party, Ganga Zumba, Zumbi's predecessor. It also
34 Black Film Review
some $15,000, Ford, who speaks French, studied locations the first day and shot the
minority characters. and two Howard students, Ellen Sumter second.
During the prot~acted negotiations be- and Stephen Cobb, neither of whom spoke The making of the film was a "train-
tween the Screen Actors Guild and the tel- the language, flew to Burkina Faso in early ing classroom," Ford said. "Some of the
evision industry thi;"summer, an attempt December 1985." (Mrican) students had been studying (film)
was made to include some of those sugges- I insisted that in spite of the language for three years and had never been out in
tions as a part of all SAG contracts. barrier we could work together given the the field," he said.
Proposals included making discriminatory opportunity. After 10 to 15 days, the stu- Shooting was completed in mid-
practices subject to arbitration, strengthen- dents were communicating without the January of this year, and the film itself was
ing present SAG antidiscrimination poli- benefit of an interpreter. They managed to processed at Howard during the summer.
cies, and removing the confidentiality of actually pick it up that way, "Ford said, ad- A work print was then shipped to Burkina
production companies' minority hiring ding that the experience proved "we can Faso for assembly, ana later four African
statistics. Only the last was adopted, but work across language barriers." crew members, one teacher and three stu-
SAG Affirmative Action Officer Rodney The African-American crew's "gruel- dents, came to Howard to edit the film un-
Mitchell hailed it as a "breakthrough" be- ing" schedule called for coverage of almost der Ford's supervision. The still-untitled
cause the statistics, if made public, could the entire country and living with the peo- film will officially premiere at FESPACO
be used to encourage producers to improve ple of each village for two days. The crew 87 in February, Ford said. •
their hiring practices.
As a direct result of the March confer-
ence, Screen Actors Guild board member
Paul Winfield has been appointed as a liai-
son to the national AFL-CIO and its
Stereotypes, fromp. 27
Washington lobbyists to explore tax incen- the error of her ways after his death, a buoyantly pro-woman film that
tives for producers who employ large num- making her a more fit companion for celebrates black female sexuality. That
bers of minority performers. In his efforts
to win favor with this idea, Winfield has his best friend, who conveniently an attractive black woman is shown as
already met with both the Congressional moved in to take his place in his wife's desirable to a number of black males
Black Caucus and the Hispanic Caucus. life. Neither of the women is ever sex- is itself important, marking a change
Two other approaches involve the use ually free, or even thinks of being so. from the usual assumption that black
of state film commissions to adopt and en- Female sexual freedom in the women are more sexually exciting and
sure fair employment policies, thus putting films of the past decade often results more available to white men, and that
the responsibility at the local level. in violence for both black and white black men prefer white - preferably
Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., lo- women, but much more so for white, blonde - women; but what is most .
cal union officials and the city government because it is the white woman who has unique about She's Gotta Have It is
have joined to create two innovative projects achieved more actual freedom in our that it is the woman who is in con-
to get the film and television industries to
improve minority hiring practices. Last year,
society, and who poses the greatest trol.
at the direction of Mayor Marion Barry, threat to male dominance. The sexual Tracy Camila Johns, provocative
David Simon, director of the city's Office self of black women is often shaped by Nola, knowns exactly what she does-
of Motion Picture and Television Develop- violence, while for white women vio- and does not-want: She wants to
ment, met with National Association of lence results from too-free exercise of date, enjoy her freedom and remain
Broadcast Employees and Technicians Lo- this self. In The Color Purple, Celie's fre'e of emotional entanglements and
cal 15 business agent Barrett Seeley, Arts sexuality is dramatically affected by her / ties, at least for the present. That the
D.C. (a government-sponsored arts employ- stepfather molesting her. Her total lack three men she is involved with have a
ment agency), and the local Depanment of of control over her body continues hard time digesting this is their prob-
Employment Services, to design a career throughout her marriage to Mister, and lem, not hers. The idealisticJamie, the
training program.
when she is ultimately awakened by egocentric Greer Childs (played to an-
The program was implemented with
a $32,000 grant from the city and in-kind Shug, it is unclear whether she is noying perfection by john Canada Ter-
donations from five local film and televi- responding as a human being to a rell), and the adolescent Mars Black-
sion production houses. It allowed five lo- woman who has shown her the gentle- mon all want Nola for their own
cal youths to receive five months each of on- ness men have denied her, or whether purposes, to fulfill their needs without
the-job training with the contributing she is responding as a lesbian. Sexual- considering hers. And they are willing
production companies~Panicipatingin the ly she remains a question mark; she to stoop to almost any level- even
program were Guggenheim Productions, never initiates a relationship with a rape~to make her conform. That she
Washington Source for Lighting, Hen- man or a woman, and is acted upon, does not is a triumph of the soul and
ninger Video, Organizing Media Project, rather than choosing to act. Perhaps self over the insecurities and fears that
and the American Federation of State, all women must face in their relation-
with good reason: since 1977 and Look-
County, and Municipal Employees.
Three of the five youths are presently ing for Mister Goodbar, which began ships with men. "I don't want to be-
working full- or pan-time in a craft, the the spate of anti-woman films that long to someone else," says Nola. That
fourth has decided to go to college while r~ached a .grisly nadir with Dressed to most women in film still do belong to
working pan-time for the C-Span Cable Kzll, female sexual initiative has often someone else is a sad commentary on
Network, and the fifth will soon be placed resulted in horror, torture, or death. the film industry and the society it
in a job. • In contrast, She:r Gotta Have It is serves to entertain. •
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