Introduction To Wealth Management
Introduction To Wealth Management
Introduction To Wealth Management
03 00 00 03 40 60 00 00 00 00 100
Text Book(s):
Title Author/s Publication
Investment Adviser (Level 1) NISM National Institute of
Securities Markets.
Course Evaluation:
Continues Evaluation consist of two test each of 20 marks and 1 hour of duration and
average of the same will be converted to 20 marks
Faculty evaluation consists of 20 marks as per guidelines provided by course
End semester examination consists of 60 marks.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, the student will be able to
Understand the concept and importance of wealth management.
Know about Indian as well as international financial markets.
Enhanced understanding on wealth management products.
Knowledge about working of primary and secondary markets.
Understanding on balance between savings and investments.