Media and Information Literacy 12 Performance Task No. 2: Rubric For Essay
Media and Information Literacy 12 Performance Task No. 2: Rubric For Essay
Media and Information Literacy 12 Performance Task No. 2: Rubric For Essay
Criteria 5 4 3 2
The poster is Some drawings Most of the The drawing is
relevant to the are not relevant drawings are not not relevant to
topic and to the topic but relevant to the the topic and
communicates it still able to topic. It does not able to
Content the message acceptably
communicate the communicate a
clearly. message communicates clear message.
clearly. the message but
lacks clarity.
The poster is The poster The poster is The poster lacks
very creative and is creative but creativity
neat. somehow lacks neatness. and
creative neatness.
Description Score
Demonstrate complete understanding of the task. All the requirements of the task are included in the 5
Demonstrates considerable understanding of the task. All requirements of the task are included. 4
Demonstrates partial understanding of the task. All requirements of the task are included.
Demonstrates little understanding of the task. All requirements of the task are included.
Media and Information Literacy 12 Performance Task No. 1: Rubric for Collage