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 Study and memorize the Greek and Latin prefixes and suffixes:

http://www.technion.ac.il/~medicine/Students/latin&Greekprefixes.html (or see copied on next

 Many medical terms are built from Greek and Latin prefixes. Knowing the common words
enables one to quickly comprehend and understand many long, complicated terms.
 Find definitions and memorize terms:

Acro- extremity. Acrophobia is a fear of heights. 

Adeno- gland. Adenoid is a lymph gland found in the nasopharynx. 
Alba- white. Albinsm is the white appearance of skin lacking melanin. 
Algia- pain. Neuroalgia is a pain following the course of a nerve. 
Angi- vessel. Angioplasty is the repair of a blood vessel. 
Arthro- joint. Arthritis is the inflammation of skeletal joints. 
Auto- self. Autolysis is the destruction of body cells by bodily enzymes.

Bio- living. Biology is the study of living organisms. 

Blast- germ, bud. Osteoblast is the germ of a bone cell. 
Blephar- eyelid. A blepharoplasty is eyelid surgery. 
Brachi- arm. The brachialis muscle moves the arm. 
Broncho- trachea, windpipe. Bronchitis is the inflammation of the respiratory system. 
Bucc- cheek. The buccinator muscle is in the cheek.

Capit- head. De-capitate means "Off With the Head!" 

Carcin- cancer. A carcinogen is a substance which triggers cancer formation. 
Cardia- heart. Cardiologist is a heart specialist. 
Cephal- head. Cephalon is another term for the brain. (see capit-) 
Cerebro- brain. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is fluid circulating within the brain and spinal cord. 
Chole- bile, gall. Cholecestectomy is removal of the gallbladder. 
Chondro- cartilage. A chondrocyte is a cartilage cell. 
Chroma- color. Chromosomes are so named because they took color easily when dye is added to a
Cili- eyelash. Supercilia are eyebrows -- the hairs above the eyelashes. 
Corpus- body. Corpus albicans is the white body inside an ovary. 
Corona Crown. Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle run along the heart, encircling it
like a crown.The coronary ligaments of the liver (which encircle the liver like a crown),
the coronal suture and the corona of the glans penis, all structures which encircle
something (like a crown). 
Cost- rib. Costal cartilages attach ribs to the sternum. 
Cut- skin. Cutaneous tissue is skin tissue. 
Cysti- sac, bladder. 
Cyto- cell. Cytology is the study of cells.
Dactyl- digits. Polydactylism is the presence of more fingers than is normal. 
Derma- skin. Dermatologists are skin specialists. (see cut-) 
Dura- tough, hard. Dura mater is the tough covering around the brain and spinal cord.

Entero- intestine. Enteritis is inflammation of the intestines. 

Erythro- red. Erythrocytes are red blood cells.

Galacto- milk.Galactose-Milk Sugur; Galactosemia is the lack of ability to digest one of milk's

Gastro- stomach, belly. Gastric juices are produced in the stomach. 
Glosso- tongue. Hypoglossal means "below the tongue". 
Glyco- sugar. Glycosuria is sugar in the urine.

Hema- blood. Hemaglobin is a large molecule of the red blood cell. 

Hepato- liver. The hepatic vein drains blood away from the liver. 
Hyster- uterus. Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus.

Ileo- ileum. Part of the small intestine. 

Ilio- ilium. Part of the hip bone.

Lachry- tears. Lacrimal glands secrete tears. 

Leuko- white. Leukocytes are white cells of the blood. (see alba-) 
Lingua- tongue. Sublingual glands are beneath the tongue. (see glosso-) 
Lipo- fat. Liposuction is the removal of fat by suction tube. 
Lith- stone. Shock wave lithotripsy is a treatment for breaking up kidney stones. 
Lumbo- lower back. Lumbar vertebrae are located in the lower back.

Macul- spot, blotch. The macula lutea is a spot on the retina of an eyeball. 

Mamm- breast. Mammogram is a picture of a breast, usually a female breast. 
Mast- breast. Aren't we showing our obsession with breasts? 
Meningo- membrane. Meninges are the coverings of the brain and spinal cord. 
Metro- uterus. Endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus. (see hystero-) 
Morpho- shape. Endomorphs are people whose physical shape extends to the limits of human
Myelo- spinal cord. Poliomyelitis is inflammation of the grey matter of the spinal cord. 
Myo- muscle. Myo-cardiac infarction is a problem with the heart muscle.
Necro- death. Necrosis is death of cell tissue. 
Nephro- kidney. Nephrons are the functional units of a kidney. 
Neuro- nerve. Neurons are individual nerve cells.

Oculo- eye. An oculist supplies eyeglasses. 

Odont- tooth. Othodontics refers to repair of teeth. 
Onco- tumour. Oncology is not doctors wearing pagers; it is the study of cancerous tumours. 
Ophthalm- eye. Ophthalmology is the study of eye and its diseases. 
Oro- mouth. The oral cavity is the other name for the mouth. 
Orchido- testicle. Orchidectomy is removal of a testicle. 
Osse-, Osteo- bone. Osteoporosis is porosity of bone. 
Oto- ear. Otosclerosis is the formation of bone in the ear.Otomycosis-fungal infection in ear
Patho- disease. Pathogens are agents which cause disease. 
Peps- digestion. Pepsin is an enzyme found in the digestive system. 
Phago- eat. Phagocytes are cells (cyto-) which eat foreign material. 
Philo- love, to have an affinity for. Hydrophilic molecules are attracted to water (hydro-) 
Phleb- vein. Phlebitis is inflammation of the veins. 
Phren- diaphragm. Phrenic refers to a diaphragm. 
Pneumo- lung. Pneumonia is a disease of the lungs. 
Pulmo- lung. Are lungs related to breasts? 
Pyo- pus. Pyruria is pus in the urine.
Ren- kidney. Renal artery supplies blood to the kidney. 
Rhin- nose. Rhinoplasty is a nose job
Scler- hard. Atherosclerosis is hardening of the arteries. (see dura-) 
Stasis- stand still. Homeostasis is the process of maintaining constant conditions within the body.
Thromb- clot, lump. Thrombosis refers to a clot in the heart or blood vessel. 
Trich- hair. Trichosis is a disease of the hair.
Vas- vessel, duct. Vas deferens is the vessel which carries sperm from the epididymus. 
Viscer- organ. Visceral refers to organs.
Zoo- animal. Zoology refers to the study of animals.  

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