Company Specification: Eni S.p.A

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Eni S.p.A.

Exploration & Production Division




Rev. 3

February 2011

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20209.VAR.ELE.SDS
Rev. 3 February 2011
Exploration & Production Division
Sheet 2 of 24


Rev. 0 Total number of pages 24

December 1995
Issue in conformity to E.E.C. directives
This specification replaces and supersedes the following specification:
06679.VAR.ELE.SPC: General Specification – Lighting systems

Rev. 1 Total number of pages: 23

June 2003
Issue for normative references revision and contents conformity
This specification replaces and supersedes the following specification:
05219.VAR.ELE.PRG: Electrical plants – Lighting levels

Rev. 2 Total number of pages: 23

January 2007
Issue for lighting levels and technical contents revision

Rev. 3 Total number of pages: 24

February 2011
- Added paragraph 1.1.1
- Deleted laws and regulations list
- Deleted paragraph 2.6.2 and replaced with paragraph 2.7
- Added paragraph 2.7.4
- Added new paragraph 2.8
- Updated Tables "lighting levels" and added the column "Emergency Lighting"
- Updated Table 5 - Type of lamps and their use (ex Table 2)
- Updated paragraph 2.10.1 (ex 2.8.1)
- Deleted Table 3A e 3B “cables characteristics”
- Added new paragraph 2.11
- Added chapter “Method of company standards request / informations”
- General revision of the document

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Rev. 3 February 2011
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Sheet 3 of 24


1. GENERAL......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Reference Documents .................................................................................................... 4

2. OPERATIONAL FEATURES ........................................................................................... 5

2.1 Definitions........................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Definitions Symbols and abbreviations ....................................................................... 5
2.3 Graphic symbols and identification tags ..................................................................... 5
2.4 Operating environment .................................................................................................. 5
2.5 Measurement units ......................................................................................................... 5
2.6 Lighting design ............................................................................................................... 6
2.7 Lighting systems ............................................................................................................ 6
2.8 Lighting levels ............................................................................................................... 12
2.9 Selection of lamp types................................................................................................ 19
2.10 Materials......................................................................................................................... 22
2.11 Earthing plant of lighting systems .............................................................................. 22
2.12 Documentation .............................................................................................................. 22
2.13 Boundary conditions, limits and exclusions ............................................................. 23
2.14 Ergonomics ................................................................................................................... 23
2.15 Safety ............................................................................................................................. 23
2.16 Requirements for Quality Management and Assurance........................................... 23


Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Rev. 3 February 2011
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1.1 Scope

This Specification sets out the minimum requirements and general criteria for the design,
construction and installation of lighting systems for OUTDOOR areas, industrial and civil
buildings INDOOR, for onshore and offshore OIL & GAS plants.
The project design shall be in compliance with the requirements of the documentation
issued by the Company and with the Laws and Normative references.
In any case, good engineering practices shall be applied, especially as far as safety and
accident prevention are concerned.

In case of conflict between what is described in this specification and other

Company standards on the subject, this specification shall have priority.

1.1.1 Note for incandescent lamps

The European Union has set out the progressive banning of incandescent bulbs will be
completed in September 2012 and also many countries around the world such as
Venezuela, Malaysia, Russia and Canada, are moving to the abolition of the 'use of such
Therefore, it is a study by the Company for the choice of fixtures and equipment to be used
for both new construction installations or for replacement of incandescent lamps in existing
To date, however, be borne in mind that some countries outside Europe have not yet made
final decisions on the subject and therefore it is necessary in the design phase, analyzing
the feasibility of using these lamps, however, or to orient themselves in each case other

1.2 Reference Documents

1.2.1 Provisions of the law

The design, construction and testing of equipment and / or materials shall be in accordance
with the laws in force in the country where they are to be installed.

1.2.2 Normative references

All systems, equipment and materials shall be in accordance with regulations in force in the
country where they must be installed.
The rules applicable standards ENI are listed in the specification of Company:

- List of applicable standards to Company specifications 20235.DOC.ELE.ELN

Of that specific company, the Contract / Supplier will have to verify the validity of each rule
(latest edition available) and also will check for the issuance of new regulations which
In any case shall be respected, if any, the requirements established by laws and
regulations, under whose jurisdiction the plants are installed.

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Rev. 3 February 2011
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Sheet 5 of 24


2.1 Definitions

For definitions to be reference to the Normative in paragraph 1.2.

The most common are listed below:

2.1.1 Medium lighting levels

Are the minimum required during the operation of plants, estimated by assuming a medium
lighting value in the specified area.

2.1.2 Uniformity factor

It is a ratio of maximum lighting level - minimum lighting level in the specified area.

2.1.3 Maintenance factor M

It is a ratio of maintainance medium lighting level - medium lighting level in the specified

2.2 Definitions Symbols and abbreviations

As per definitions, symbols and abbreviations the references will be the standards listed in
paragraph 1.2.

2.3 Graphic symbols and identification tags

For graphic symbols, codes and identification tags reference shall be made to the
Normative references in paragraph 1.2 and the standards and procedures indicated in the
Project Documentation.

2.4 Operating environment

The components of the electric lighting system shall be designed and manufactured
according to the environmental conditions of the place of installation specified in the Project

2.5 Measurement units

The measurements units adopted shall comply with the International System (I.S.).
Measures in “inches” are generally allowed for the diameters of conduits and fittings.

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
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Rev. 3 February 2011
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Sheet 6 of 24

2.6 Lighting design

2.6.1 General criteria

The lighting systems shall be designed and fabricated in order to ensure:

• reliability of operation and lighting levels

• safety for people and objects
• possibility of improvements/expansion
• simple running and maintenance

The installation of lighting plants should be designed in order to ensure at least medium
lighting levels in operation, specified in the following tables 1,2,3,4 for different areas
indicated with respect of the uniformity factor recommended.
The tables show, in a purely indicative way, the values of initial lighting, assuming medium
decay of lighting elements in respect to the levels in operation of 0,15-0,25.

The decay of lighting elements shall be specified by the manufacturer, the following factors
will be taken into consideration:

• ageing of lamps and loss of emitted initial flux

• dust deposits on devices and lamps
• deterioration and ageing of devices, walls, reflective surfaces, screens
• higher than usual absorption of light for the presence of dust in the zone of illumination

The lighting levels recommended for emergency and safety lighting and the areas, within
which they will be considered advisable, shall be checked in conformity with the legislation
and requirements in force at the installation site.

Generally, the safety lighting plant is designated to provide lighting in an uniform manner for
the areas and evacuation way (corridors, doors, stairs etc.), for this reason it should be of
choice the use of an increased number of luminous sources, even if of low luminance,
instead of using a small number of sources of high luminance.

The design shall be also developed taking into account installation costs, expenses and
maintenance costs.

2.7 Lighting systems

The lighting systems shall be divided and classified as follows:

2.7.1 Normal Lighting

It is the lighting system designed so as to enable normal operating activities.

In onshore plants, the general lighting for outdoors areas, roads, yards, tanks area etc. and,
when required, for enclosures, shall be realised maximising the use of floodlight towers.
The location of the floodlight towers, the types, number and orientation of floodlights shall
be chosen so as to ensure proper lighting both for work and for peoples safety.
In plant areas placed in environment respecting zones in relation to the use of floodlight
towers will be bound to take proper precautions comply with particular normative references
regarding luminous contamination (protected areas, parks) such as for example:
• narrow-beam floodlights
• screens to prevent the beam of the headlights come out from the fence installation

Where necessary to achieve the levels of illumination required, and/or special project
requirements, general lighting will be supplemented by additional local lighting.

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
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In process and service plants the lighting shall be obtained by means of lighting points
uniformly distributed privileging work, manoeuvre control and passage areas and escape
In offshore plants, the lighting shall be realised by lighting fixtures mounted on pole or
suspended, are not normally used floodlight towers and the use of floodlights shall be
limited to specific applications paying particular attention to glare problems and in
compliance with the sea safety standards.
Further information details are given in the following paragraphs of this specification. Power supply and electrical distribution

The normal lighting will be feed from the main electrical system (external power supply
and/or self-generation as described in the Company standard 20208.VAR.ELE.SDS).

The electrical distribution to normal outdoor lighting circuits will be derived directly from low
voltage electrical substation plant in the following ways:
• power feeders from Lighting Board (LB) which is feed through isolation transformer
from a main switchboard (usually Power Center)
• power feeders from "light section" of Auxiliary Services Board (ASB) through
isolation transformer. The ASB is normally feed directly from a main switchboard
(usually Power Center)
• power feeders from "light section" of Power Motor Control Center (PMCC) through
isolation transformer (if necessary). This system is usually used in small plants
where PMCC is designed as single switchboard for LV distribution system.

The isolation transformer shall be of the type having resin insulation with adequate
protection degree, primary triangle winding, secondary star winding and accessible neutral
directly grounded as described in Company standards 20210.VAR.ELE.SDS and

Normally and unless otherwise specified in the relevant project documentation, electrical
distribution of outdoor lighting plants will be realized as follow:


Single circuits (three-phase or
three-phase + neutral) for
General lighting (roads, yards, etc.) individual zones or areas to
light up.
Single circuits (three-phase or
Onshore Lighting of process plants and three-phase + neutral) for
services individual zones or areas to
light up.
Single feeders (one for each
General lighting (large areas, tanks floodlight tower) three-phase
area, etc.) by floodlight towers + neutral
Single circuits (three-phase +
Offshore Lighting of process plants and neutral or phase + neutral) for
services single areas to light up

In the case of plants of great extension may be necessary to divide the lighting in areas and
provide local lighting panels to be installed, whenever possible, in areas not classified as

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20209.VAR.ELE.SDS
Rev. 3 February 2011
Exploration & Production Division
Sheet 8 of 24 Power supply system – Voltage drops

Unless otherwise specified in project documentation, the supply to the normal lighting
system shall have the following characteristics:


Power supply From the main electrical system

400V – Three-phase + Neutral
Rated voltage
230V - Phase + Neutral
Directly grounded
State of neutral
(TN-S system)
Rated frequency 50 Hz

Primary distribution Three-phase + Neutral + PE (five cores)

Distribution to user:
For the lighting of general areas
(floodlight towers, road lights, Three-phase + Neutral + PE (five cores)

For the lighting of process and Phase + Neutral + PE (three cores)

service plant

The load on three-phase or three-phase with neutral circuits shall be uniformly distributed
among the three phases.
Similarly, the load on the single-phase circuits shall be fixed so as to enable as much as
possible a balanced load on the three-phase supply system.

For lighting systems of the process plants and services and in off-shore applications the
power to the various lighting points shall be supplied alternatively from different circuits (at
least 2) so that in case of fault or planned cut-off of a circuit, part of the normal lighting can
still be kept in operation.

The maximum permissible voltage drops in steady conditions shall be normally contained
within 3% for the furthest user (lamp), unless lower values are required for the good running
of the lamps during the start-up and the normal running phases.

Furthermore, a 10% reserve for future enlargements shall be provided for each circuit. Control

The lighting systems of outdoor areas shall always be set for centralised manual and
automatic control by means of photoelectric cells or timers.

The use of local manual controls in order to activate part of the lighting system shall be
considered (e.g. local light panels). Lighting fittings power factor correction

All mercury or sodium-vapour, fluorescent lamps and the relevant reactors shall be
corrected at power factor 0,95 with condensers installed in each individual lighting body
which will contain also the relevant reactors and fittings.

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20209.VAR.ELE.SDS
Rev. 3 February 2011
Exploration & Production Division
Sheet 9 of 24 Circuits protection

The lighting system shall be considered subject to short-circuit but not overload.
All supply feeders to normal lighting (400/230V) circuits shall be individually checked with
an omnipolar circuit switch with neutral sectioning, equipped with magnetic thermal
protection and earth differential.
The differential earthing protection shall generally be rated as Id equal to 300 or 500mA,
unless otherwise preset by the plant characteristics, within the timeframe of the reference
The ratings of the circuit protection systems shall be selective with the available protection
devices provided downstream of the switch, included those provided in each lighting local
The ratings of the protection devices shall be fixed in accordance with minimum fault
currents in the furthest point, with single-phase short-circuit current (neutral phase fault)
and they shall guarantee the protection of the cable.
The switching power of the circuit switches shall be grater than or equal to the maximum
value of the fault current immediately below the switch itself.

2.7.2 Emergency Lighting

Lighting system to be designed and installed to allow in case of power failure from the main
system, the restoration quickly established a level of interoperability, capable of ensuring
continuous operation of temporary installations and maintenance of minimum operational,
until the restoration of normal conditions or, if necessary, to stop the plant.
The emergency lighting system will consist of the same normal lighting system described in
paragraph 2.7.1 but powered by the emergency power system (emergency diesel generator
or in case of self-generation, from the external network if present and available as
described in the Company standard 20208.VAR.ELE.SDS) which will come into operation
automatically in case of failure of the main electrical system.

The minimum percentage of lamps, belonging to the normal lighting system, which will be
reenergized by the emergency system is shown in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 below.
Plant is to be done so that these lamps are uniformly distributed in interested areas.
Will also avoid the use of lamps that involve long lead times of ignition.
Unless otherwise stated in the project documentation, the floodlight towers are not part of
emergency lighting system and therefore will not be reenergized by emergency power

For the timing of the autonomy of emergency power sources, refer to times set by laws,
rules and regulations, under whose jurisdiction will be installed plants. In the absence of
limits refer to the project documentation.

2.7.3 Safety Lighting

Lighting system sized, designed and installed for operation immediately in case of power
failure from the main system and for the time required to start-up of emergency power
In case of emergency power systems are fault or not present, safety lighting system should
be operated to allow the minimum conditions of feasibility, safety and survival and to allow
communication activities, to immediate relief, people evacuation or remedial action and
upgrading of facilities.
In the process plants and services the lighting points shall be positioned in critical points for
the safety of people: they shall mark the escape routes allowing the personnel present to
find their way and leave the place.

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Rev. 3 February 2011
Exploration & Production Division
Sheet 10 of 24

Safety lighting shall also be provided in the proximity of communication points with control
rooms and/or aid centres (telephones, interphones etc.).

In buildings, the safety lighting points shall be positioned in critical points for the safety of
people: they shall mark the escape routes allowing the personnel present to find their way
and leave the place.
The minimum safety lighting levels are shown in follow tables 1, 2, 3, 4.
Plant is to be done so that these lamps are uniformly distributed in interested areas.

In the main electrical switchroom will be at least one rechargeable torch explosion proof
type suitable for Zone 1 (hazardous area identified by the standard IEC 60079-10 or
corresponding API or IP), connected to a 230V outlet.
In addition to the compliance with the above mentioned minimum requirements, the safety
lighting systems shall also allow adequate use and the safe movement of personnel within
the whole installation.
For this reason, safety lighting points shall be provided along all passage routes with lights
that can guarantee the movement of personnel, along all escape routes guaranteeing
sufficient light, and also where specifically required by safety rules and standards. Power supply and electrical distribution

Safety lighting will be feed by the safety electrical system, consisting of Direct Current
Panel (DCP), installed in the electrical substation, through stationary storage batteries, as
described in the standard 20208.VAR.ELE.SDS.

Stationary storage batteries shall have capacity and autonomy for the period fixed by laws,
rules and regulations, under whose jurisdiction will be installed plants. In this regard,
particular attention shall be paid for offshore where the runtimes required may be much
In the absence of limits refer to the project documentation and in the Company standard

The safety lighting systems shall be supplied by centralised systems constituted by battery
charger rectifying units and 110V DC battery.
Only for small plants and is expressly approved by the Company may be used voltage 24V
All supply feeders to safety lighting circuits shall be equipped with magnetic thermal
omnipolar circuit breakers.

Centralised systems shall be provided with an automatic system for the exclusion of the
battery supply at discharge end, so as to avoid damages to the battery itself.

In off-shore installations, safety lighting circuits shall unfold along separate routes from
those of normal and emergency lighting.
The lighting points supplied by centralised systems shall be alternatively shunted from
different circuits in order to guarantee at least 50% of light in case one circuit is out of order.

All other characteristics of safety lighting systems, when possible, shall be the same as
those highlighted earlier for normal and emergency lights.

The use of luminaires with built-in battery back-up and battery charger rectifiers shall be
limited to installations where there is no system that centralized power. This type of lighting
equipment will be fitted with automatic switching device in case of no AC power supply and
control systems for determining the power of the lamps from battery only when the AC
power supply is out of service.

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20209.VAR.ELE.SDS
Rev. 3 February 2011
Exploration & Production Division
Sheet 11 of 24 Command and control

Safety lighting systems shall always be set for centralised, manual and automatic control.
The manual control option shall be properly highlighted and signalled.

In the automatic option position, the outdoor safety light shall be controlled by a
photoelectric cell or centralised device able to operate only in case the AC systems are out
of order.

When required in the project specifications of all the lighting fixture of safety light circuits
and lighting fixture with built-in battery, shall be equipped with diagnostic report to the main
switchboard and, if provided, also to the Electrical Management System (EMS).

Quando richiesto nelle specifiche di progetto tutti gli apparecchi illuminanti dei circuiti di
illuminazione di sicurezza e gli apparecchi illuminanti con batteria incorporata dovranno
essere provvisti di sistema di diagnostica con segnalazione al quadro principale di
distribuzione e, se previsto, anche al sistema di supervisione della rete elettrica (EMS).

2.7.4 Safety lighting system with AC supply

Established that in the Company plants the electrical distribution system of indoor and
outdoor safety lighting will be as described in paragraph, it should be noted that the
existing rules (in particular note the BS EN 50172) allow possibility for indoor workplaces,
including AC power supply as described below.

Below, are some excerpts from the chapter "Definitions" derived from the BS EN 50172:

• Combined emergency luminaire

A luminaire containing two or more lamps, at least one of which is energized from the
emergency lighting supply and the other(s) from the normal lighting supply. A combined
emergency luminaire is either maintained or non-maintained.

• Maintained emergency luminaire

Luminaire in which the emergency lighting lamps are energized at all times when normal
or emergency lighting is required.

• Non-maintained emergency luminaire

Luminaire in which the emergency lighting lamps are in operation only when the supply
to the normal lighting fails.

Therefore, if required by project requirements and expressly requested by the Company,

will be possible realize the indoor safety lighting system with lighting fixtures and/or
combined lighting circuits as for example:

Circuits with lighting fixtures containing two or more lamps:

• Lighting realized by lighting fixtures (i.e. ceiling mounted in electrical substation)
that each contain two or more lamps of which at least one feed from UPS and is
always energized and turned on, both during normal operations that during the
emergency, the other (or others) supply by the main electrical system.

Circuits with lighting fixtures each containing one lamp:

• Typical case of lighting in cabin where the lighting is realized by, for example, 4
lighting fixtures single-lamp of which at least one feed from UPS and is always
energized and turned on, both during normal operations that during the
emergency, the others supply by the main electrical system.

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Sheet 12 of 24

2.7.5 Normal, emergency and safety lighting internal to buildings (civil type)

The normal, emergency and safety lighting systems internal to civil buildings, electric
substations and control rooms will be managed by electrical switchboards installed inside of
each building.
Since the buildings and cabinets will be treated, during project development, as package
units, also their electrical switchboards for internal distribution will be considered part of the
Each switchboard shall be provided with a normal section and a safety section each one
feed as below described.
Unless otherwise specified in the project documentation, based on installed electrical power
in each package, the normal section of its internal electrical switchboards should be
powered by:
• Auxiliary Service Board (ASB)
• Power Center (PC)
• Power Motor Control Center (PMCC).

By means of single circuits (three-phases+neutral or single-phase+neutral depending on

the required loads).

The safety lighting section shall be supplied by centralised systems.

The normal section, as described in the preceding paragraphs, will be also as emergency
section, as described in paragraphs 2.7.1 and 2.7.2.

2.8 Lighting levels

In follow Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 are shows the required average lighting levels expressed in lux,
Emed (lux).
These values are the minimal requirement for places typically found in plants of the
For plant areas, facilities or room not covered in the following tables or in which staff work
with special needs, lighting levels required will be established on a case by case depending
on their similarity to the table values or by referring to good engineering practices.
In any case, the values will be considered valid in the absence of specific demands
imposed by competent authorities under whose jurisdiction the plants will be installed.

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Rev. 3 February 2011
Exploration & Production Division
Sheet 13 of 24



Emax Initial Operation Emed (lux) Emed (lux)
(Note 1) Ug=
Emin (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5)
Platforms, operative
footbridges and walkways of:
A.1 heat exchangers, separators, T 2 120 100 30% 10
furnaces, cooling towers,
boilers and various equipment
Normal stairs, ladders and
A.2 T 2 60 50 30% 20
step irons
A.3 Aligned pumps WL 4 120 100 30% 20
A.4 Manifold WL 4 60 50 30% 20
A.5 Wellhead area WL 4 60 50 30% 20
A.6 Compression area T 4 300 240 30% 20
A.7 Separation tanks BL 4 60 50 30% 5
A.8 Furnaces (burners) WL 4 60 50 30% 5
A.9 Cooling towers 1m 5 60 50 -- 5
Local switchboards and Local
A.10 1,6 m 1,5 120 100 30% 10
control panels
Handling of servicing tools,
utilisation of manually
regulated valve, starting and
A.11 1m 1,5 60 50 30% 5
stopping motors, lighting of
burners (Operators
occasionally present)
Handling of servicing tools,
utilisation of manually
regulated valve, starting and
A.12 1m 1,5 120 100 30% 5
stopping motors, lighting of
burners (Operators frequently
Internals of bonnets for gas
A.13 turbines and internal 4 120 100 30% 20
combustion engines
A.14 Tanks store 3 30 20 -- 5
A.15 Stairs and footbridges of tanks T 2 60 50 30% 10
Tank truck loading (general
A.16 3 120 100 30% 5
area and at loading point)
A.17 Racks 5 40 30 30% 5
A.18 Electric power generation area 4 300 240 30% 50
A.19 Plant general area T 3 30 20 -- 2


B.1 Switches area (outdoor) T 3 60 50 30% 50

Substation general area
B.2 T 3 20 15 30% 5


Emergency exits (gates with
anti-panic exit device) located
C.1 T, EL -- -- -- -- 5
along perimeter walls or
C.2 Vehicles parking T 5 7 5 -- --
C.3 Trucks parking T 5 18 15 -- --
C.4 Roads T 5 15 10 -- --

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Rev. 3 February 2011
Exploration & Production Division
Sheet 14 of 24

1) T = Treading level; WL = Working level; EL = Eye level; BL = Bank level.
2) The initial lighting illumination level is given as an indication only because it depends on the type
of lamp and lighting fixture used.
3) The operation lighting illumination level indicates the average value referring to the plant life
period, including maintenance and lamps replacements, based on a maintenance and
depreciation coefficient which depends on the type of lamps and lighting fixture.
4) The value of emergency lighting required, is expressed as a percentage of the normal operation
lighting value.
5) Lighting illumination value required with the task of anti-panic and for escape routes.



Emax Initial Operation Emed (lux) Emed (lux)
(Note 1) Ug=
Emin (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5)
Automation and instrument
A.1 1,6 m 1,5 600 500 30% 10
Control desks and
A.2 1m 1,5 600 500 30% 20
A.3 Control room general area T 2 240 200 30% 5
A.4 Battery room WL 2 240 200 30% 5

Electrical switchboards inside
B.1 1m 1,5 240 200 30% 10
the substation (front and rear)
B.2 Electric power generator room 1m 1,5 240 200 30% 10
Electric power generator in
B.3 1m 1,5 240 200 30% 10
dedicated building
Transformers Boxes (external
B.4 WL 2 120 100 30% 5
B.5 Transformer room WL 2 240 200 30% 5
B.6 Battery room WL 2 240 200 30% 5
Electric substation general
B.7 T 2 240 200 30% 5
B.8 Cables compartment under 3
WL 60 50 -- 5
electric substation

C.1 Main entrance T 2 360 300 30% 10
C.2 Circulation areas and corridors T 2 120 100 30% 5
C.3 Internal stairs T 2 180 150 30% 5
Offices and workstations with
C.4 display screen equipment WL 2 600 500 30% 5
C.5 Meeting room WL 2 600 500 30% 5
C.6 Laboratories WL 1,5 720 600 30% 5
C.7 Infirmaries WL 1,5 1000 850 30% 5
C.8 Archive WL 2 240 200 30% 5
C.9 Lifts cabin T 2 180 150 30% 5

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TABLE 2 (continuation) - ONSHORE INDOOR PLANTS, Lighting levels

D.1 Stores storage areas WL 3 120 100 30% 5
D.2 Stores handling areas T 2 360 300 30% 5
Medium works on machine
D.3 WL 3 360 300 30% 5
D.4 Bridge crane operation area T 3 180 150 30% 5
D.5 Fine mechanics WL At point 600 500 30% 5

E.1 Bedrooms, beds T 2 120 100 30% 5
E.2 Canteen, bar WL 2 300 250 30% 5
E.3 kitchen WL 2 600 500 30% 5
Changin rooms, showers,
E.4 1m 3 240 200 30% 5
E.5 Cinema, TV room 1m 3 120 100 30% 5
E.6 Reading rooms, classrooms WL 2 600 500 30% 5

Fire Brigades garages
F.1 1m 3 120 100 30% 5
(general area)
Fire Brigades garages (repair
F.2 1m 3 300 250 30% 5
F.3 Repair garage 1m 3 120 100 30% 5
F.4 Aircrafts Hangar 1m 5 600 500 30% 5
F.5 Boilers room 1m 3 120 100 30% 5

1) T = Treading level; WL = Working level; EL = Eye level; BL = Bank level.
2) The initial lighting illumination level is given as an indication only because it depends on the type
of lamp and lighting fixture used.
3) The operation lighting illumination level indicates the average value referring to the plant life
period, including maintenance and lamps replacements, based on a maintenance and
depreciation coefficient which depends on the type of lamps and lighting fixture.
4) The value of emergency lighting required, is expressed as a percentage of the normal operation
lighting value.
5) Lighting illumination value required with the task of anti-panic and for escape routes.

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Emax Initial Operation Emed (lux) Emed (lux)
(Note 1) Ug=
Emin (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5)
A.1 Operative areas and walkways T 5 180 150 30% 10
Normal stairs, ladders and
A.2 T 2 120 100 30% 20
step irons
A.3 Aligned pumps WL 4 120 100 30% 20
A.4 Manifold WL 4 120 100 30% 20
A.5 Wellhead area WL 4 240 200 30% 20
A.6 Pumping area T 4 300 240 30% 20
Treatment area (Operators WL
A.7 5 180 150 30% 5
occasionally present)
Treatment area (Operators WL
A.8 3 360 300 30% 10
frequently present)
A.9 Furnaces (burners) WL 4 120 100 30% 5
A.10 Piping area / deck WL 5 180 150 30% 5
Local switchboards and Local
A.11 1m 1,5 120 100 30% 10
control panels
Handling of servicing tools,
utilisation of manually
A.12 regulated valve, starting and 1m 1,5 120 100 30% 5
stopping motors, lighting of
Internals of bonnets for gas
A.13 turbines and internal 4 120 100 30% 15
combustion engines
Sea surface under and at side
A.14 3 36 30 -- 15
of the platform
Loading areas / areas of
A.15 T 2 120 100 30% 20
A.16 Muster station T 2 120 100 30% 20
A.17 Helideck T 3 120 100 30% 20
A.18 Lifeboat area (on board) T 3 240 200 30% 20
A.19 Lifeboat area (at sea level) T 3 60 50 30% 15
A.20 Power generation area WL 4 300 240 30% 50
A.21 General area T 5 60 50 30% 5

1) T = Treading level; WL = Working level.
2) The initial lighting illumination level is given as an indication only because it depends on the type
of lamp and lighting fixture used.
3) The operation lighting illumination level indicates the average value referring to the plant life
period, including maintenance and lamps replacements, based on a maintenance and
depreciation coefficient which depends on the type of lamps and lighting fixture.
4) The value of emergency lighting required, is expressed as a percentage of the normal operation
lighting value.
5) Lighting illumination value required with the task of anti-panic and for escape routes.

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Emax Initial Operation Emed (lux) Emed (lux)
(Note 1) Ug=
Emin (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5)
Automation and instrument
A.1 1,6 m 3 600 500 50% 250
Control desks and
A.2 1m 3 600 500 50% 250
A.3 Radio room T 2 600 500 50% 250
A.4 Control room general area T 2 240 200 30% 5
A.5 Battery room WL 2 240 200 30% 5

Electric power generator in
B.1 1m 3 360 300 30% 50
Electrical switchboards inside
B.2 1m 3 360 300 30% 50
the substation (front and rear)
Transformers Boxes (external
B.3 WL 2 120 100 30% 5
B.4 Transformer room WL 2 240 200 30% 5
B.5 Battery room WL 2 240 200 30% 5
Electric substation general
B.6 T 2 240 200 30% 5


C.1 Circulation areas and corridors T 5 120 100 30% 5

Offices and workstations with
C.2 display screen equipment WL 3 600 500 30% 10
C.3 Meeting room WL 2 600 500 30% 10
C.4 Laboratories WL 3 720 600 30% 10
Emergency hospital (general WL 3
C.5 360 300 100% 300
Infirmaries/hospital (general WL 3
C.6 360 300 100% 300
C.7 Infirmaries/hospital (spot light) WL 3 1200 1000 100% 1000
C.8 Archive WL 2 240 200 30% 5
C.9 Lifts cabin T 2 180 150 30% 5

D.1 Stores storage areas WL 3 120 100 30% 5
D.2 Stores handling areas T 2 360 300 30% 5
Medium works on machine
D.3 WL 5 360 300 30% 10
D.4 Fine mechanics WL At point 600 500 30% 10

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TABLE 4 (continuation) – OFFSHORE INDOOR PLANTS, Lighting levels


Emax Initial Operation Emed (lux) Emed (lux)
(Note 1) Ug=
Emin (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5)
E.1 Bedrooms, beds T 2 120 100 30% 5
E.2 Canteen, bar PL 2 360 300 30% 5
E.3 kitchen PL 2 360 300 30% 5
Changin rooms, showers,
E.4 1m 5 360 300 30% 5
E.5 Cinema, TV room 1m 3 120 100 30% 5
E.6 Reading rooms, classrooms PL 2 600 500 30% 5

F.1 Main engines room 1m 5 240 200 30% 10
F.2 Auxiliary engines room 1m 5 240 200 30% 10

1) T = Treading level; WL = Working level.
2) The initial lighting illumination level is given as an indication only because it depends on the type
of lamp and lighting fixture used.
3) The operation lighting illumination level indicates the average value referring to the plant life
period, including maintenance and lamps replacements, based on a maintenance and
depreciation coefficient which depends on the type of lamps and lighting fixture.
4) The value of emergency lighting required, is expressed as a percentage of the normal operation
lighting value.
5) Lighting illumination value required with the task of anti-panic and for escape routes.

2.8.1 Uniformity factor

The general lighting uniformity shall be calculated as the ratio between minimum and
maximum lighting relevant to the area in question.

The minimum uniformity values that shall be foreseen are indicated in above TABLES 1, 2,
3, 4.

2.8.2 Special requirements

The lamps and lighting fixtures shall be chosen, positioned and oriented so as to keep
within the limits of good practice any shadows, direct, indirect and reflected glares as well
as stroboscopic effects.
The positioning and orientation of the lighting fixtures shall be as even as possible and
thoroughly studied in order to avoid the above mentioned phenomena, especially when
narrow beam (< 15°) and medium beam (15 - 30°) projectors are used. When required, the
lighting fixtures shall be provided with opaque or semi-transparent screens or refractors.

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2.8.3 Use of regulators of luminous flow

Regulators of luminous flow may be considered for use.

Regulators of luminous flow shall be power stabilisers, it shall provide for the regulation of
the lamps intensity through an action of linear reduction of the power supply voltage
according to the cycles programmable in value and in time.

During project phase, should be considered their use as described below:

• In the outdoors plants in onshore and offshore locations: to be preferably used in the
non-manned places to save energy and/or to comply with particular normative
references regarding luminous contamination (protected areas, parks);

• In the indoors plants in onshore and offshore locations: for luminous flow regulation
in housings adapted for control rooms, offices etc. to reduce the reflective effect on
the monitors.

The best performance of these systems are obtained using high frequency electronic
Given the multiplicity of solutions available on the market, the types and applications of
control systems of luminous flux to be used shall be agreed with the Company during
design phases.

2.9 Selection of lamp types

Lamps shall be used that have a high light efficiency, long lifetime, that are reduced in size
according to their power, that are resistant to voltage and temperature changes, and that
have a good colour rendering.
Normally, depending on the various applications and in normal environmental conditions,
the types of lamps indicated in TABLE 5 shall be used.

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TABLE 5 – Type of lamps and their use

Normal 1 – 2 - 10
Indoor civil and industrial
Emergency 3 - 10
Safety 4 -10
Incandescent 25 ÷ 100
Normal 5 - 10
Outdoor onshore and
Emergency 3 – 10
offshore industrial plants
Safety 4 -10
Indoor civil and industrial
18 ÷ 36 ÷ Safety 6
58 Normal
Outdoor onshore and
offshore industrial plants
Safety 6
Mercury Outdoor onshore and Normal
125 ÷ 250
vapours offshore industrial plants Emergency
Outdoor general areas
High pressure (roads, yards, tanks area,
400 ÷ 1000
sodium vapour etc.)
Emergency 7
Industrial buildings
Metal halide Outdoor onshore and
70 ÷ 400 Normal
lamps offshore industrial plants
Plants for Normal 9
40 ÷ 100 planes obstacles signalling Emergency 9
lights and navigation aids Safety 9
Plants for Normal 9
planes obstacles signalling Emergency 9
lights and navigation aids Safety 9
LED technology
Indoor and outdoor
Safety 7
onshore and offshore
Signalization (boards,
panels, etc.)
Normal 7-8
Indoor and outdoor
Induction lamps 55 ÷ 250 Emergency 7-8
onshore and offshore
Safety 7-8

1) In particular applications.
2) If necessary to guarantee minimum lighting levels in case of lamps that are kept on for long
3) As per notes 1 and 2, if required in the project.
4) For supply from DC centralised systems (battery system and battery-charger).
5) In exceptional cases and for specific applications
6) For systems consisting of lamps with battery system and battery-charger and with automatic start
when normal and emergency supply are out of order.
7) When expressly required in the project.
8) Use of this lamps with related technical features and applications could be take into account under
Company approval.
9) For offshore plants see also the Company standard 20174.EQP.ELE.FUN “Navigation aids
system for offshore platform”.
10) See "Notes fro incandescent lamps" in paragraph 1.1.1 of this specification.

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2.9.1 Supports - Lighting fixtures positioning

Unless otherwise required in the specific job documentation, the supports for the lighting
fixtures shall be chosen as follows: Floodlight towers

• Mast with movable rounded or cross-rack floodlight carrier

• Hinged mast with fixed cross-rack floodlight carrier
Maximum overground height 15 ÷ 30m. Columns for road lighting

The poles shall be tubular and made of steel with or without range depending on the
roadway width and the relevant distance in between poles (poles without range can be
used when the roadway width is less than or equal to 0,8 times the pole height).
Unilateral location plan (lights installed on one side of the road only), unilateral-central
location plan (lights installed on a double-ranged pole in the middle of the road), bilateral
with zigzag (lights installed alternatively on the two sides of the road).

The distance between the poles shall normally be inversely proportional to the roadway
width and approximately:

• 3 ÷ 3,3 times the pole height in case of unilateral or central positioning

• 2 ÷ 3 times the pole height in case of bilateral positioning

The pole height shall normally be:

• greater than the roadway width for unilateral and central positioning and greater than
half the roadway width in the zig-zag positioning
• the maximum height shall not be in any case greater than 12 ÷ 18 metres

Particular requirements for enclosures lighting systems, when included, shall be specified in
the Data Sheets.

Greater heights shall be used to improve the uniformity of lighting and to reduce glare and
Lower heights shall be used in case of adverse environmental conditions such as fog for
long periods etc. Lighting fixture poles

The lighting fixture pole, installed at floor level or on structure, shall be made of metallic
The pole height shall normally be 3 – 4 metres.

2.9.2 Calculations and inspections

The design of the lighting system shall be provided with the necessary project calculations
and/or inspections which shall take into account the coefficients and indexes of calculations
relevant to the area in question.

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2.10 Materials

2.10.1 Choice criteria

Equipment, components and materials for the lighting systems shall be suitable for correct
installation and operation in the foreseen environmental conditions and in hazardous areas.

Protection and execution safety degrees shall be those indicated in the data Sheet, and in
any case, they shall comply with the requirements of the normative references.

In offshore plants outdoor areas, the electrical equipments shall be Ex type at least
adequate to Zone 2 (minimum), even if installed in a non-classified zone.

In offshore plants indoor areas, the electrical equipments of safety lighting system shall be
Ex type adequate to Zone 1 even if installed in a non-classified zone.

All materials and relevant protections against corrosion shall be resistant to atmospheric
and/or corrosive agents specific to the site of installation.
When required, equipment and materials shall be tropicalized.

The lighting fixtures shall be standard, made of strong and corrosion-proof materials; they
will allow easy bulb replacements and, where necessary, their focusing.

The characteristics of floodlights shall be chosen in order to optimise the lighting uniformity.
In any case shall be used apparatus, equipment and accessories in mounting comply with
regulatory requirements applicable in the country under whose jurisdiction will be installed

Equipment, components and materials shall also be in compliance with the requirements of
the Data Sheet and the relevant reference documentation.

2.10.2 Electrical cables

The electrical cables used for lighting circuits shall be in accordance with applicable
normative / regulations.
Refer also to the Company standard:
- Electrical power and control cables 20169.EQP.ELE.FUN

2.11 Earthing plant of lighting systems

Protection against direct, indirect contacts and atmospheric discharges for the lighting
circuits shall be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable regulations.
Refer also to the Company standard:
- Earthing and lightning protection system 20210.VAR.ELE.SDS

2.12 Documentation

The Supplier shall deliver to the Company all the documents indicated in the Document
Data Sheet (D.D.S.), in accordance with the corresponding delivery schedule.
The technical documentation shall be written in the official language indicated in the project
documentation and shall use the symbols required by the applicable standards.

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2.13 Boundary conditions, limits and exclusions

2.13.1 Applicability
This specification shall be considered as integration for those aspects not specified in the
Project Documentation. The latter indicates limits of competencies, project data and the
specific choices that have been made.

2.13.2 Limits and exclusions

Any particular limits and exclusions shall be indicated in the Project Documents.

2.14 Ergonomics

2.14.1 Access
The access to the equipment during the various phases of assembly, maintenance,
manoeuvre and operation shall be in compliance with the requirements of the Normative
references and the relevant ergonomic requirements.

2.15 Safety

2.15.1 General requirements

The Supplier shall guarantee that all materials and components of the plant which is object
of specification shall be workmanlike products to comply with the safety requirements
indicated in the Normative References.

2.16 Requirements for Quality Management and Assurance

Any additional requirements of quality management and/or quality assurance are contained
in the relevant management specification enclosed in the bid request.

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For employees of Eni Exploration & Production Division:

• All documentation Company Standards, for ENI employees, is available on follow
ENI intranet:

• To request technical informations on this document write to Community of Pratics

Electrical / Automation / Instrumentation:

[email protected]

For the outside companies:

• The outside companies that in a contract with the contractor must use the company
standards, they may request a copy of the company standard at the development
manager of the contract.

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