Promoting Effectiveness of "Working From Home": Findings From Hong Kong Working Population Under COVID-19
Promoting Effectiveness of "Working From Home": Findings From Hong Kong Working Population Under COVID-19
Promoting Effectiveness of "Working From Home": Findings From Hong Kong Working Population Under COVID-19
10,2 Promoting effectiveness of
“working from home”: findings
from Hong Kong working
210 population under COVID-19
Received 16 June 2020 Ada Hiu Kan Wong and Joyce Oiwun Cheung
Revised 17 August 2020
Accepted 31 August 2020 School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong, and
Ziguang Chen
Derby Business School, University of Derby, Derby, UK
Purpose – Working-from-home (WFH) practice has been adopted by many companies of a variety of
industries in a diverse manner; however, it is not until the recent outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) pandemic WFH gains worldwide popularity. With so many different views out there and based on
work–family balance theory, this study aims to find out the factors which affect peoples’ WFH effectiveness
and whether they want the extended WFH practice when the pandemic crisis is over.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper adopted an online survey approach by posting questionnaires
on the university website and different social media channels to collect views from full-time Hong Kong
workers who have had WFH experience during the coronavirus outbreak. A total of 1,976 effective responses
were collected for the data analysis.
Findings – The findings of this study indicate that WFH effectiveness is improved by personal and family
well-being but reduced by environmental and resource constraints. When workers are experiencing higher
WFH effectiveness, they have a higher preference for WFH even after the pandemic; the female workers
preferred WFH twice per week, while the male workers more often preferred WFH once per week. Finally,
workers from the management and the self-employed levels demonstrated a lower preference for WFH,
compared to the front-line and middle-grade workers.
Originality/value – This paper fulfils to provide a timely reflection on workers’ post-pandemic WFH
preference, the factors affecting their WFH effectiveness and the demographic differences inducing to the
differentiated preferences.
Keywords Working from home (WFH), Work–family balance, Role theory, WFH effectiveness, WFH
preference, COVID-19
Paper type Research paper
Working from home (WFH), which is also known as home office, telework, telecommuting
and flexible/agile work arrangement allows employees a certain extent of flexibility to
complete their job duties at a location other than the office (e.g. home). According to the
International Labour Department, WFH can be regularly based at home, highly mobile in
several locations or just occasionally working outside office. Employees may work fully or
occasionally a number of days from home with the same benefits of those who work in
traditional office settings; alternatively, employees may work as “independent contractors”
who receive neither benefits nor equipment sponsorship (International Labour Department,
2011). Since WFH has been implemented in a variety of ways (i.e. fully work from home,
intermittently work from home a number of days per week and shifting duty rosters with
Asian Education and Development
Studies colleagues) and has blended with other flexible work arrangements (FWAs) (e.g. flexible
Vol. 10 No. 2, 2021
pp. 210-228
working hours, splitting job duties amongst colleagues, etc.), WFH is a complex
© Emerald Publishing Limited
organizational model which is agile and distinctive in different countries, regions and
DOI 10.1108/AEDS-06-2020-0139 industries. Despite the various models of WFH arrangement, this research focusses on the
purely WFH arrangement because this is the practice that has been widely practised Working from
worldwide during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. With many workers home
experienced WFH for several months since the pandemic, the goal of this study is to examine
how WFH is being perceived by workers in Hong Kong. Specifically, this study aims at
identifying factors that affect an individual’s WFH effectiveness and investigating whether
workers prefer to continue the WFH practice when the pandemic is over.
Work from home and the pandemic coronavirus disease 2019
In the high time of maintaining social distancing during COVID-19, many countries have
imposed various degrees of WFH policies to minimize virus contraction amongst colleagues.
In the USA, 34.1% of around 8,000 survey participants in Brynjolfsson et al. (2020) have
switched to home office, and 37% of American jobs, according to Dingel and Neiman (2020)
can be conducted at home (e.g. finance, corporate management, professional and scientific
services). However, Dingel and Neiman (2020) pointed out that jobs like agriculture,
hospitality and retail are unlikely possible to be completed at home. In fact, Baker (2020)
found that 75% American workers (usually in healthcare, manufacturing, retail and food
catering) cannot work at home, while only 25% (usually in technology, computer,
management, administration, finance and engineering) can do so. Companies which were
hit hard by the isolation or failed to adapt to WFH arrangement were forced to shut down, lay-
off or put employees on furlough. Brynjolfsson et al. (2020) estimated that 16 m Americans are
hence out of work; worse still, Kahn et al. (2020) concluded that job vacancies have contracted
in all sectors except nursing and food-selling retail. In China, Zhang et al. (2020) observed a
slightly higher rate of WFH – 38% have worked from home. That said, 25% also ceased
working. This brought huge physiological and mental impact on people in both countries.
Unlike the statutory isolation imposed by the Chinese Government, Zhong (2020) noted that
the neighbouring country Japan only set up a Telework Comprehensive Portal Site which
offered citizens information and a discussion platform that WFH is purely voluntary.
Compared to the USA, China and Japan, much stricter policies have been in place in Belgium.
According to de Baker (2020), the Belgium Ministerial decree on March 18, 2020, stipulated
that all non-essential jobs (i.e. jobs other than ministers, hospitals, elderly homes, universities,
media, police and military forces, courts and tribunals, legal professions and food sellers)
shall either switch to home office or maintain 1.5 m distancing between staff members.
Violators were forced to shut down. Different extent of isolation polices (which ultimately led
to the emergent adaptation of WFH in companies) may be due to various factors. Dingel and
Neiman (2020) found a positive correlation between a country’s income level and the number
of jobs that can be completed at home. While Mexico and Turkey have less than 25% WFH-
able job share, Sweden and the UK have more than 40%. In short, the wealthier a country, the
more likely WFH can take place in it.
self-interests. In HK2030 study, Planning Department (2002) concluded that clients back then
had no confidence in home business. Since then, the Hong Kong Government has not
publicized any WFH-related surveys or guidelines. The closest information is the “Five-day
work week” and “Flexitime” leaflets released by the Labour Department (2017) which
promotes five-day work week and flexitime (i.e. flexible working hours). By adopting five-day
work week, employees work five days and take two days leave per week. Employers and
employees can decide on taking leaves on weekdays or weekends, depending on the
corporates’ operation need. On top of this, under the flexitime suggestion, employers can set
up a core working hours and let employees flexibly work on the non-core hours as long as the
total number of work hours remains the same. Although Hong Kong employers and
employees are now familiar with five-day work week and flexitime, moving the workplace to
home is still a novel concept. Recent surveys summarized Hong Kong people’s concerns over
WFH, such as technostress (Leung, 2016; Recruit May 29, 2020) and limited access to internal
resources (Fastlane April 29, 2020), work–family conflict (Leung, 2016) and particularly the
interruptions from children (Recruit May 29, 2020), lower productivity (Choi March 26, 2020;
Morgan McKinley, 2020; Randstad, 2020; Recruit May 29, 2020), as well as being less
respected (Chan July 4, 2020) due to the bad impression of non-commitment (Fung, 2019) and
mistrust (Recruit May 29, 2020). Multinational incorporates like Adidas were chosen by the
Labour Department (2009) as exemplars to share their WFH management decision based on
individual employee’s reason, department, work type, service years, maturity and self-
discipline; Adidas also shared the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the
output based on schedule, progress and instructions and provided WFH employees with Working from
secure laptops to avoid information leakage. Besides, HSBC and Sanofi are two more home
companies which stories exemplified that their employees can apply for and discuss with
supervisors their options of WFH (e.g. WFH or job sharing by two or more people) (Labour
Department, 2015). Having said that we argue that the Hong Kong Government has yet
officially endorsed WFH.
Japan is similar to Hong Kong that WFH was briefly mentioned under the aspect of
“family friendliness” of their work–life balance charter (“Shigoto to seikatsu no chouwa 215
(waaku raifu baransu) kenshou”) (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2013), while
Taiwan made no mention of any WFH policies except flexible work hours in the Article 30 of
the Labour Standards Act (Ministry of Labor Republic of China (Taiwan), 2018). Taking one
step forward is the non-statutory guidelines set up by Singapore: the Tripartite Standards
specified that, under the (Singapore) FWAs, employers can adjust three types of
arrangements (i.e. flexi-load (full-/part-time), flexi-time (staggered/compressed hours) and
flexi-place). In view of flexi-place, which is equivalent to remote/home office, employers can
refer to the Singapore FWA templates to discuss with employees the number of work hours,
tasks, communicative tools, expenditures, appraisal parameters, monitor frequency and take-
home resources, etc. (Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices,
n.d.). Still, WFH agreement is not protected by law in Singapore. The Ireland Government
officially made WFH an essential feature of its Smarter Travel 2007 initiative which aims at
reducing or eliminating the daily commute to workplace and the pollution. However, as
Hynes (2014) and Hynes (2016) criticized, WFH has not been received well not because of the
lack of official endorsement but for the official failure in legitimatizing the benefits and
introducing the seamless incorporation of WFH. WFH is much better received in Australia,
where statutory law guarantees the legitimacy of WFH, though coming with great
restrictions. According to the Fair Work Ombusman (n.d.) – under the (Australia) Fair Works
Act – FWAs, individuals who are parents, caregivers, disabled, aged 55 years or above,
victims of domestic violence and caregivers of family members are eligible to request WFH,
after which the employers are bound to reach an agreement on the work hours, work patterns
and work locations in 21 days. However, employees other than the said categories are not
entitled to such request power. Their counterparts in the UK, The Netherlands and Canada
can apply for WFH if so they wish. The UK Government stipulates that employees, regardless
of background, can write to request for flexible work in terms of WFH and their employers
must write back to reach an agreement within three months. Employees reserve the right to
lodge complaints to the employment tribunals (, n.d.). A similar practice is guaranteed
in Canada that, under the Canada Labour Code, employees can freely write to request changes
on working locations and the employers must reply with an approval or denial. Employees
can also appeal cases to the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (Government of Canada,
2019). Better yet, since 2016, employees in The Netherlands can resort to the Flexible
Working Hours Act to request changes on their working locations, upon which their
employers must agree unless business interests will be threatened (Loyens and Loeff, 2015).
Ultimately, Finland is one of the most WFH-friendly countries where, under the New
Working Hours Act effective in 2020, employees can decide at least half of the working hours
and the corresponding work locations on their own (Nevalainen and Toivonen, 2019).
Question items were developed based on a review on a wide range of literature (e.g. academic
papers, industry reports, newspaper commentaries, etc.). Hence, question items are not
sourced from factors reported in Table 1, which only summarizes a selected number of
studies. All measures in this study used a five-point Likert scale, where 1 5 “strongly
disagree” and 5 5 “strongly agree”, unless otherwise indicated. The composite measures for
each variable were the average of all items of the construct, except for “Resource constraint”,
whose composite score was the sum of its items (i.e. this is a formative scale).
Personal and family well-being was measured by a six-item scale that captures various
benefits of WFH. WFH effectiveness was assessed by a three-item scale that describes various
work efficiency and effectiveness conditions. For items of these two constructs, respondents
were asked to indicate their agreement to each of the statements about WFH benefits,
compared to working at office.
Environmental constraint was assessed by a five-item scale that captures the commonly
known challenges of WFH. For these two constraint factors, respondents were asked “as
compared to working at office, do you find the following a challenge when WFH?” Items were
initially scored as 1 5 “Yes”, 2 5 “No” and 3 5 “Neutral”. To match the other five-point scale
measures in this study, these items were recorded to a five-point scale as 1.5 5 “No”,
3 5 “Neutral” and 4.5 5 “Yes”.
Resource constraint was measured by a two-item formative scale (not reflective scale);
hence, the composite score of this scale was the sum of the two items but not their average.
Before testing our hypotheses, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to see Working from
whether the underlying factor structure matches our theoretical model as shown in Figure 1. home
In this study, we test two models as shown in Figure 1. There are four variables in model 1,
namely, personal and family well-being, environmental and resource constraints and WFH
effectiveness, while there are three variables in model 2, namely, WFH effectiveness (this is
the same as in model 1), gender and WFH preference. Since gender is a categorical variable
and WFH preference is a single-item measured variable, we conducted the EFA employing
the principal component analysis by using Varimax rotation (Gerbing and Anderson, 1988) 217
on the above-mentioned measure items of the four variables in model 1. As a result, four
factors were generated with eigenvalues exceeding 1. The suitability of this approach was
supported by a sufficiently high Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value of 0.89 and a statistically
significant Bartlett’s result. The four-factor structure matched our theoretical models as
presented in Figure 1, which means that all variables loaded substantially on their relevant
components. Loadings on other components in no case exceeded 0.38, indicating that the
measurement procedures used were sufficiently discriminating. Table 2 shows the results of
this EFA. We used an unweighted index to calculate the four variables’ scores.
Respondents were asked to indicate their gender by selecting 1 5 “Male” and
2 5 “Female”. Another dependent variable in this study was WFH preference, which was
assessed by asking the respondents, “when the current coronavirus crisis is over, would you
still want to continue working from home?” Choice options include 1 5 “No”, 2 5 “Yes, once a
week”, 3 5 “Yes, twice a week” and 4 5 “Yes, 3 days or more a week”.
Control variables include gender (except in conceptual model 2), age, marital and
residential status (living alone or with others) and job position. These variables were included
in the data analysis to reduce spurious effects owing to the potential influence of demographic
Descriptive statistics are provided in Table 3, the general demographic characteristics of
respondents are presented in Table 4 and interconstruct correlations of key variables are
provided in Table 5.
Model 1:
Environmental H2 WFH
Constraint Effecveness
Model 2:
Preference Figure 1.
H5 Conceptual models of
Gender this study
AEDS Cronbach’s Item-to-total
10,2 Items alpha correlation
Control variables
Gender 1 2 1.68 0.47
Age 1 7 3.56 1.01
Marital status 1 3 1.46 0.53
Residential status 1 6 3.47 1.00
Job position 1 5 1.63 0.78
Independent variables
Well-being 1.00 5.00 3.55 0.84
Environmental constraint 1.50 4.50 3.41 1.00
Resource constraint 3.00 9.00 7.08 2.29
Dependent variables
Table 3. Work efficiency 1.00 5.00 3.06 0.86
Descriptive statistics Work-from- home preference 1 4 2.50 0.97
What factors impact the effectiveness of WFH? The regression analysis was performed to
test H1 to H3 in this study (Table 6). Results revealed that a total of 37% of variance of WFH
effectiveness was explained by the three independent variables, namely, personal and family
well-being (H1), environmental constraint (H2) and resource constraint (H3). Specifically,
personal and family well-being shows greatest positive effect (β 5 0.48, p < 0.01) on WFH
effectiveness, followed by moderate negative effect by environmental constraint (β 5 0.18,
p < 0.01) and a small but statistically significant effect by resource constraint (β5 0.03,
p < 0.01). Hence, all H1–H3 are supported. The moderated regression analysis was performed
for each of the control variables (i.e. gender, age, marital status, job position and residential
Items Count Percentage
Working from
Male 638 32.3
Female 1,338 67.7
Below 18 years 5 0.3 219
18–25 years 238 12.0
26–35 years 789 39.9
36–45 years 629 31.8
46–55 years 229 11.6
56–65 years 77 3.9
66 years or above 9 0.5
Marital status
Single 1,099 55.6
Married 850 43.0
Single parent 27 1.4
Job position
Front-line or basic level 1,010 51.1
Middle grade 769 38.9
Management 122 6.2
Self-employed 66 3.3
Others 9 0.5
Residential status
Alone 87 4.4
With friends 32 1.6
With family 1,151 58.2
With spouse but no children 279 14.1
With spouse, children and/or family member(s) 421 21.3
Others 6 0.3
Company type
Government 214 10.8
Public bodies including hospitals and schools 527 26.7
Private enterprise 802 40.6 Table 4.
Small and medium enterprises 325 16.4 Demographic
Self-employed 69 3.5 information of
Others 39 2.0 respondents
status) to explore the potential moderation effect but no statistically significant result was
identified. Such results suggest that the relationships between all the three independent
variables (IVs) and WFH effectiveness are robust, regardless of different demographic
While many of the working people were either forced or encouraged to WFH, is the
WFH practice still preferred by the working class even after the pandemic? Table 7 shows
the breakdown of preference indicated by the respondents. A majority of respondents
(35.6%) indicated that they prefer to continue to WFH twice a week, followed by 29.7%
who want to WFH once a week. Only 16.3% respondents indicated a post-pandemic WFH
preference of three days or more a week. Amongst the WFH options, 18.4% respondents
indicated that they do not want to continue the WFH arrangement after the pandemic. In a
word, majority of Hong Kong workers (65.3%) preferred to WFH one to two days
per week.
Table 5.
The correlation matrix
Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Question: when the current coronavirus crisis is over, would you still want to continue
working from home? Count Percentage
Who would have a greater preference of WFH when the current COVID-19 pandemic is over?
Another regression analysis was performed to explore the effects of WFH effectiveness and
gender on WFH preference. As shown in Table 8, when the three IVs (i.e. personal and family
well-being, environmental and resource constraints) of WFH effectiveness were controlled for
analysis, WFH effectiveness (H4) and gender (H5) together explained 3% of variance, with the
whole model explaining 29.5% of variance in post-pandemic WFH preference. A greater
positive effect of WFH effectiveness was observed (β 5 0.24, p < 0.01) on WFH preference,
compared to gender difference (β 5 0.08, p < 0.05). To further explore the effect of gender on
post-pandemic WFH preference, independent sample t-test was performed. Results indicate
that there was a significant difference in the scores for male (M 5 2.43, SD 5 0.99) and female
(M 5 2.53, SD 5 0.96); t (1974) 5 2.00, p 5 0.046. These results suggest that female workers
slightly more often preferred to WFH for two days per week, while the male workers slightly
more often preferred to WFH for one day per week. Hence, H4 and H5 are supported.
by the significant difference in the scores for “frontline and middle grade” group (M 5 2.52,
SD 5 0.96) and “management and self-employed” group (M 5 2.30, SD 5 1.07);
t (1965) 5 2.96, p 5 0.003.
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Further reading
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The Standard (2020), “Working from home a favored choice, survey says”, available at: https://www.,-
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Ada Hiu Kan Wong can be contacted at: [email protected]
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