PPTfor WB-IWMI ygn-Robin-U Myint Thein

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Ayeyarwady Integrated River Basin Management

State of Basin Assessment

Groundwater in the Ayeyarwady Basin

Assessment of groundwater resource (availability and quality), use and sustainability

1. SOBA Package 2 (led by IWMI)

Whole of basin assessment
team includes Len Drury, U Myint Thein,

2. AWP support (Dr Len Drury)

update and publication of 1988 report on Geology and Hydrogeology of the Dry Zone
Collaboration with Ministry for Agriculture Livestock and Irrigation
Irrigation Management and Water Utilization Department
Groundwater Division
C1.12 State of the Basin Report Package 2 – Groundwater & Data Management

State of the Basin Assessment (SOBA)

Ayeyarwady Integrated River Basin Management (AIRBM)
Project (World Bank-IDA credict-5559-MM)

Core Objectives
◼ sustainability of groundwater resources and use and report on current status
and trends
◼ monitoring sustainability of groundwater use and resources.

Task 1- collect, collate and analyze hydrogeological database for the AIRBM:
31st May 2017 - end of January 2017);
Task 2 - Prepare the SOBA chapter on groundwater resources in AIRBM:
DRAFT: 31 March, FINAL 30 June 2017
Task 3 - Update and publish book on groundwater of Dry Zone: DRAFT 30 June

- Update the last 30 years’ technical understanding of groundwater resources
of Dry Zone (An Assessment of the Hydrogeology and Geology in the Dry Zone)

- Strengthen water management decisions, planning and governance;

- improve success rates and reduce costs in establishing water supplies;

- reduce risks of over exploitation; and efficient and environmentally

sustainable development groundwater resource.
Consulting Services, Hydrogeology of the Central Dry Zone, Myanmar

4 weeks completed
technical workshop on the Hydrogeology of the Dry Zone with
Water Resources Utilization Department (WRUD) of the Ministry of
Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MOALI);

two week field work in Dry Zone

government authorities (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and
Irrigation, Water Resources Utilization Department, Dept. of
Rural Development); and
NGO and others (WHO, Save the Children, UNICEF).
By early December: 11 (19%); and Final Drafting: 16 (28%)
figures have been completed. 4
First meeting at Yangon on 4th November 2016
Workshop at WRUD in Nay Pyi Daw
from 7th Novemeber 2016 to 8th Novemer2016

showing of the field
trip at the points
In Dry Zone
( for AIRBM project:
SOB Package 2-
Groundwater & Data

Field Trip Team in Dry Zone, Myanmar
Activities under AWP project Nov – Dec 2016
Workshop on Hydrogeology of the Dry Zone with MOALI (7 Nov)
Two weeks field work in Dry Zone

Interviews with 124 people including:

Mandalay and Yangon City Development Committees;
Township Development Committees (Thazi, Magway, Taundwingyi,
Yenangyang, Pokokku, Monywa, Sagaing, Shwebo),
Universities (Yangon, Mandalay, Magway, Monywa);
Surface and groundwater irrigation projects;
government authorities
NGO and others (WHO, Save the Children, UNICEF).

Maps and cross sections being digitally redrawn by ICEM

History of Dry Zone with Artesian since 1986

Achieved Printed Central Dry Zone Map by RWSD (1987,Burma)

Ayeyarwady River
Watershed & Basin
and Delta
with the towns
along the riverside
Delta-wide 12
Groundwater potential are circle 13
Geological Maps of Outside Dry Zone for groundwater availability

Delta Field trip
will be start
from 2nd week of
January 2017;
Meeting with DRD
for Delta is before
that trip
The Geological Map of Myanmar

Understanding the Geology is

essential for groundwater and data

◼ Sedimentary Rocks
• sandstone, shale, limestone, conglomerate
◼ Glaciated Terrain
• large valleys and basins were carved out
• sediments (sands, clays) were left behind
◼ Alluvial Valleys and Fans
• along rivers and streams
◼ Tectonic Formations
• solid rock is fractured by pressures due to earth’s movement

2016 1986

Dr. Robyn Jonhston, Country Representative of IWMI in Myanmar
Dr. Len Drury, Team leader, Groundwater Review of Dry Zone, Myanmar
(Australian Water Partnership / WAP)
U Myint Thein (AG Member/NWRC) / GW & W (Freelance Consultant)
Hydrogeological Advisor (Part time to IWMI for AIRBM-GW & Data management)

Thanks to all 16

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