Soal PAT II Bhs Inggris Kelas VIII - WWW - Ilmuguru.org2
Soal PAT II Bhs Inggris Kelas VIII - WWW - Ilmuguru.org2
Soal PAT II Bhs Inggris Kelas VIII - WWW - Ilmuguru.org2
Alamat : Jl. Raya yang kamu mau, Lebak-Banten Kode Pos. 42393
1. Isikan identitas anda dalam format lembar jawaban dengan teliti dan benar
2. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan paket soal ini
3. Periksalah naskah soal yang anda terima, apabila halamannya tidak lengkap minta ganti pada pengawas ruang ujian
4. Baca dan pahamilah dengan baik pernyataan atau soal sebelum anda menjawab
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan Kepada pengawas ujian
I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C dan D di bawah ini!
Text for no. 1 - 5 D. on Monday morning
Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
10. What is the twin doing?
A. they are going to the market 20. Ten years ago, I . . .only a baby
B. they are playing guitar A. Is C. was
C. they are reading a book together B. am D. were
D. they are drinking a glass of milk
21. Dodi and I . . . in the garden
11. Who is playing a guitar? A. Is C. was
A. Hasan’s family C. Mona’s Sister B. am D. were
B. Mona’s Brother D. Mona’s parent
22. I’m sure I .... him two years ago
12. They are going to the market. A. See C. Have seen
The underlined word is refers to . . . . B. Saw D. am seeing
A. Rama and Mora C. Mr. and Mrs. Hasan
B. Ami and Ima D. Hasan’s family 23. A : were you at the beach last weekend?
B : No, I _____
13. The girls . . .about the new library in the school A. Was B. were
A. Talks C. is talking B. wasn’t C. weren’t
B. talking D. are talking
Dialogue for no 24-25
14. Indah : who . . . beside Mr. Steward? Susan : Where were you at 10.00? I came to your class
Rino : Mr. Rudi, in the new teacher. but you weren’t there.
A. is sitting C. are sitting Desi : When you (24) … to my class, I was (25) … my
B. sitting is D. sitting are teacher carrying students book to the teacher at
Picture for no 15-18
24. ……….
A. Come C. coming
B. came D. has coming
25. ……….
A. Help C. helping
B. helped D. have helping
18. Sisca is the . . . of all. 27. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. Shortest C. eldest A. to inform about Yogyakarta
B. tallest D. short B. to inform about Hotel in Yogyakarta
C. to tell beautiful place in Yogyakarta
19. Hope tomorrow will be ...... than tomorrow D. to tell the writer’s experience in Yogyakarta
A. Well C. Best
B. Better D. Good 28. We arrived there at 3 pm (paragraph 3)
The underline word is refers to . . . .
Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
A. Yogya Kraton C. Borobudur temple A. To remind visitors about lost property
B. friendly guide D. Jakarta B. To ask visitors to keep their belongings safe
C. To ask visitors to leave the swimming pool
29. When did they go home? D. To inform visitors about their property
A. on Friday evening C. on Friday morning
B. on Friday afternoon D. on Saturday morning 37. Who has probably written the notice?
A. Visitors who have lost their property in Prima
30. Why did they only visit Brahmana and Syiwa temples? B. Prima swimming pool management
A. because there was no Wisnu temple C. Prima swimming pool fans club
B. because Wisnu temple was to small D. Visitors to the swimming pool
C. because Wisnu temple was being repaire
D. because Wisnu temple was being destroyed Text for 38-40
Text for no 31-32 one direction
Prima Swimming Pool accepts no responsibility for any
a. ...........................................................
loss of or damage to your property. Please do not leave
b. .............................................................
any valuable unattended.
c. .............................................................
d. ..............................................................
36. What is the purpose of the text?
Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
42. Look at the picture, tell me what is Zaenal’s family doing?
Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal