Structural and Molecular Bases of Cardiac Inward Rectifier Potassium Channel Function
Structural and Molecular Bases of Cardiac Inward Rectifier Potassium Channel Function
Structural and Molecular Bases of Cardiac Inward Rectifier Potassium Channel Function
TABLE 4.1 Diversity of α-subunit proteins in the family of inward rectifier potassium channels
9 A4
Kir2 Kir2.1 KCNJ2 17q24.3 11 E2 IK1
Kir2.2 KCNJ12 17p11.2 11 B2 IK1
Kir2.3 KCNJ4 22q13.1 15 E1 IK1
Kir2.4 KCNJ14 19q13.4 7 B4 ?
Kir2.5 KCNJ17* 17p11.1
Kir2.6 KCNJ18 17p11.2
Kir3 Kir3.1 KCNJ3 2q24.1 2 C1.1 IKACh
Kir3.2 KCNJ6 21q22.1 16 C4
Kir3.3 KCNJ9 1q23.2 1 H3
Kir3.4 KCNJ5 11q24 9 A4 IKACh
Kir4 Kir4.1 KCNJ10 1q23.2 1 H3
Kir4.2 KCNJ15 21q22.2 16 C4
Kir5 Kir5.1 KCNJ16 17q24.3 11 E2
Kir6 Kir6.1 KCNJ8 12p11.23 6 G2 IKATP
Kir6.2 KCNJ11 11p15.1 7 B4 IKATP
Kir7 Kir7.1 KCNJ13 2q37 1D ?
5.1 4.1
There are at least three distinct regions of the intramembrane nature. The important functional role of the slide helix is high-
part of the pore: the selectivity filter, a centrally located water lighted by the fact that many loss-of-function mutations associ-
filled cavity of approximately 10 Å in diameter, and the narrowing ated with Andersen-Tawil syndrome (LQT7) are located in the
of the pore at the cytoplasmic side as the pore-lining M2 helixes slide helix.
come closer to each other (known as bundle-crossing). M2 helixes A large C-terminal domain provided by four Kir2.x subunits
also possess a highly conserved glycine residue (a “hinge”; G168 consists primarily of β-strands and potentially strongly interacts
in Kir2.1) that likely contributes to the channel gating by allow- with a smaller N-terminal domain. As shown in Fig. 4.2, C-ter-
ing the helixes to bend and change the size of the pore at the minal domain forms a large intracellular vestibule, approximately
bundle crossing. 30 Å in length, for easy ion passage and likely provides binding
The so-called slide helix formed by the N-terminus region sites for various intracellular agents. The cytoplasmic domain
just preceding the M1 helix is another unique and important harbors a number of residues (e.g., E224 and E299 in Fig. 4.2)
regulatory feature of both bacterial and mammalian Kir chan- known to contribute to inward rectification.
nels.9 This helix intercalates between the inner leaflet of the A membrane phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphos-
plasma membrane and cytosol likely because of its amphiphilic phate (PIP2) is an important structural and regulatory component
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Pore helix
M2 helix
Selectivity Inner helix G168
M1 M1 helix
Outer helix
Water cavity D172
Bundle Slide helix
crossing G-loop
N N E299
Cytoplasmic pore
FIGURE 4.2 Architecture of a typical Kir channel. X-ray structure of chicken Kir2.2 crystallized in
the presence of PIP2 (accession code 3SPI, available in the Protein Data Bank; from Hansen and col-
leagues8). Only two opposing subunits are shown for clarity. Right, The structure is rotated approxi-
mately 90 degrees to better present the intracellular ion conduction pathway and bound molecules of
PIP2. Numbering of the amino acids corresponds to that in Kir2.1. Red circles represent the K+ ions in
the selectivity filter. Blue circles show the location of three residues most critical for inward rectifi-
cation. Spermine molecule (Spm) is shown in the middle at the same scale as the Kir2.2 structure.
Analysis and visual presentation of the structures were performed using DeepView Swiss-PdbViewer
and PyMol software.
of Kir channels.10 In the membrane, PIP2 likely interacts with domain (D172; the rectification controller; see Fig. 4.2) and in
hydrophobic amino acids on both M1 and M2 transmembrane the C-terminal tail [E224 and E299; Kir2.1 amino acid (aa) num-
helices as well as with a well-conserved (among Kir channels) RWR bering; see Fig. 4.2]. Positively charged polyamines enter the Kir
motif located just at the end of the M1 domain (see Fig. 4.2). The channel pore to physically occlude it, which is a process aided
interaction of PIP2 with a specific region in the cytoplasmic domain by negative charges provided by aspartate and glutamate resi-
leads to an approximately 6 Å translation of the entire cytoplasmic dues. Both electrophysiological and structural data are consistent
domain toward the membrane associated with the movement of the with the idea that channel block occurs in two sequential steps. A
M1 helix, which ultimately leads to the opening of the gate.8 weakly voltage-dependent (shallow) blocking step involves entry
of polyamine into the Kir2.1 pore at a site provided by a ring
Mechanism of Polyamine-Induced Rectification of negative charges (E224 and E299) in the C-terminus. A more
The key experiments conducted in mid-1990s with the first strongly voltage-dependent blocking step reflects the movement
cloned members of the Kir2 subfamily have clearly demonstrated of polyamine to its deep binding site near the D172 residue. It
that almost all essential properties of classical strong inward rec- is also believed that the strong voltage dependence of the poly-
tification could be explained by a voltage-dependent block of the amine block arises not only from the high valency (z) of poly-
channel by the ubiquitous intracellular organic cations, the poly- amines (z≈4 for spermine) but also from a displacement (push)
amines.11 The micromolar concentrations of free polyamines of K+ ions through the pore.12 Among the polyamines, spermine
(primarily spermine and spermidine) are sufficient to reproduce is the most voltage-dependent blocker and also has the highest
the degree of rectification observed in native cells. The strength potency for blocking the channel.
of rectification varies among the different members of the Kir A characteristic feature of Kir2.1 and Kir3 channels is a flex-
subfamily, and although every Kir channel shows some degree of ible cytoplasmic pore-facing G-loop (see Fig. 4.2) that forms a
inward rectification, they can be broadly grouped as either strongly girdle around the central axis of the Kir channel.13 It was esti-
rectifying (Kir2 and Kir3) or weakly rectifying (Kir1 and Kir6) mated that this girdle constricts the ion permeation pathway to
channels. It is well established that the time-dependent activation approximately 3 Å. Mutations in the G-loop were shown to dis-
of strong, inward rectifiers during membrane hyperpolarization rupt inward rectification. In addition to the previously described
reflects the exit of polyamines (primarily sperimine) from the pore. E224 and E299 residues, it was shown that A255 and A259
located farther away from the pore axis are also involved in chan-
Rectification Properties Are Related to Electrostatic nel rectification. Electrophysiological experiments using cyste-
Interactions in the Cytoplasmic Pore of a Kir Channel ine modifications in the pore region of a mutant Kir6.2 channel
Early work with cloned Kir channels established that strong (N160D; equivalent to D172 in Kir2.1) showed that spermine
inward rectification by intracellular polyamines depends on three binds at a deep site beyond the rectification controller residue
negatively charged residues located in the second transmembrane D172, a site that is close to the extracellular mouth of the pore.
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In another study, refinement of the crystal structures of bacte- with specific antibodies. Intercalated discs were not studied
rial KirBac1.1 and KirBac3.1 allowed identification of the shallow electrophysiologically in regard to the presence of IK1 chan-
polyamine binding sites at the cytoplasmic interface between the
two subunits.14 These observations notwithstanding, the precise
nels, although labeling with various Kir2 antibodies can clearly
be observed at this location. Moreover, there is evidence that 4
mechanism involved in rectification is still being worked out, and in canine ventricular and atrial myocytes, Kir2.3 subunits are
the exact location of polyamine binding sites in Kir channels is expressed at higher levels in intercalated disc membranes rela-
still a controversial issue. tive to T-tubules.
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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
V123G T145C
FAF Other
∆ 95–98 ∆ 163–164
L94P M1 M2
∆ 91–94 D172N
R82W R82Q/W K187R E303K T305I/S
R80C R189I V302del
Finally, some mutations in KCNJ2 could not be easily classi- be a muscarinic (M2) or a purinergic (P1) receptor, which are
fied into the four categories mentioned previously, and for this activated by acetylcholine or adenosine, respectively. The ulti-
reason they are referred to as other in Fig. 4.3. mate result of channel activation is the opening of the Kir3.1/
Kir3.4 channels, which permits K+ efflux and consequently
hyperpolarizes the cell membrane.
Acetylcholine-Activated Potassium As in a typical K+ channel, the ion selectivity in Kir3.x chan-
Channels nels is conferred by the presence of the signature sequence
(T-X-G-Y/F-G),4,40 and the mechanism of rectification involves
Structure and Function an asparagine or an aspartate residue for interactions with the
In the heart, Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channels are responsible for the effects polyamines (details of rectification have been discussed previ-
of acetylcholine and adenosine, and they act through a coupling ously). Thus the mechanism of rectification is similar to that
mechanism involving a receptor, a G protein (Go/Gi family), and described for Kir2 channels, and the Kir3.x channels belong to
the K+ channel.2,39 Because channel gating requires a G protein, the class of strong inward rectifier channels.2 Membrane topol-
Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channels are considered a type of KG channel.4 For ogy of Kir3 channels is similar to that described for Kir2 chan-
channel activation, the G-protein–coupled receptor (Fig. 4.4) can nels (see Fig. 4.2).
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(M2 or P1)
Cell-attached Inside-out
GTP 100µM
3 min
ACh 1.1µM
–60 mV
GTP 100µM
2.5 min
Ado 10µM
–80 mV
FIGURE 4.4 Activation of the Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channels by muscarinic (M2) and purinergic (P1)
G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). (A) The membrane-delimited pathway for activation of
acetylcholine (Ach) and adenosine (Ado) gated Kir channels. Ligand-GPCR interaction enhances the
guanosine triphosphate (GTP) association with a G-protein α-subunit, and results in the release of the
β/γ-subunits for the activation of the Kir channel. Potassium efflux hyperpolarizes the cell membrane.
(B) Requirement of GTP for Kir3.1/Kir3.4 activations by ACh (top single channel traces) and Ado
(bottom single channel traces). Holding potentials for experiments are annotated. Channel activity
is present in the cell-attached patch mode, with ACh or Ado present in the pipette (top inset). Patch
excision (at arrow; inside-out patch configuration) loss of GTP results in the loss of channel activity.
Subsequent application of GTP (100 μM; intracellular side) restored channel activity. ([A] Modified
from Breitwieser GE. GIRK channels: hierarchy of control. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2005;289:C509-
C511. [B] Modified from Hibino H, Inanobe A, Furutani K, et al. Inwardly rectifying potassium chan-
nels: their structure, function, and physiological roles. Physiol Rev. 2010;90:291-366.)
Exactly how do Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channels and G proteins N-terminus is positioned between the two C-terminal domains.41
interact to cause channel opening? First, a brief discussion of The study also showed that for Kir3.1 channels, the cytoplasmic
G proteins is necessary. G proteins are complexes consisting of residues L262, L333, and E336 are important in gating, and the
an α- [molecular weight (MW), ∼40,000], a β- (MW, ∼35,000), equivalent residues are H64 and L262 in Kir3.4 channels.
and a γ- (MW, ∼8000) subunit, which all transduce signals from
membrane receptors [e.g., muscarinic (M2)] to an effector, such
as a KG channel.4,39 Four subfamily members of the guanosine
Cellular and Membrane Localization
diphosphate (GDP) Gα subunit dictate selectivity of signaling There are tissue-dependent differences in the expression of IKACh
[activation of adenylate cyclase (Gαs), inhibition of adenylate in the myocardium, with a very high density of expression in
cyclase (Gαi), and activation of phospholipase (Gq)].39 Normally, nodal tissues.2,4 Following the cloning of genes underlying Kir3
Gα is bound to GDP in the absence of an agonist, and the Gα/ channels in the early to middle 1990s, investigators have probed
GDP complex is coupled to the receptor and has low guanosine myocardial tissues to examine the localization of the gene prod-
triphosphatase (GTPase) activity. With vagal stimulation and ucts. Overall, these studies reported an abundance of Kir3.1 and
ligand-receptor interaction, GDP is exchanged for guanosine tri- Kir3.4 mRNA in the nodal and atrial, but not ventricular, tis-
phosphate (GTP) and results in the uncoupling of Gβγ from Gα sues, which would be consistent with tissue distribution of IKACh.
(see Fig. 4.4A). The released Gβγ-subunits in turn activate the In one such study,42 a comprehensive analysis was performed
Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channels. There is a critical requirement for GTP using Western blot and immunofluorescence to examine chan-
for channel activation (see Fig. 4.4B). A variety of experiments nel distribution in sinus-nodal, atrial, and ventricular tissues, and
have determined the precise molecular interactions involved in showed similar results for the expression patterns across species
the Gβγ-induced Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channel gating, and have shown (rat, ferret, and guinea pig hearts). It was reported that, whereas
that the cytoplasmic region of the channel is intimately involved there was minimal expression of Kir3.1 in the ventricles of all
with gating. For example, crystal structure analyses of the cyto- species tested, Kir3.1 and Kir 3.4 were highly expressed in the
plasmic region of Kir3.1 suggest that the C-terminus of two atrial tissue of all the species. It was noted that although there
neighboring Kir3 channels subunits bind to each other and that an were relatively high levels of expression in the atria, significant
Descargado para Armando Rodriguez Exposito ([email protected]) en HS EMEA/LA Infomed de por Elsevier en octubre 09, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
quantitative differences in Kir3.1 and Kir3.4 protein levels were on inherited cardiac channelopathies associated with the Kir3.1/
found in the different species. Furthermore, it was demonstrated Kir3.4 channels. However, alterations in Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channel
that Kir3.1 and M2 receptor colocalized in the sinoatrial node. In
nodal and atrial tissue, immunofluorescence showed localization
activity have been reported in certain cardiac rhythm abnormali-
ties.50 Electrical remodeling in atrial fibrillation patients has been 4
of Kir3.x/M2 receptors more on the outer (lateral) membranes shown to increase the constitutively active component of IKACh,
than in T-tubular membranes.42 Similar quantitative differences which could cause an abbreviation of the action potential dura-
in expression have been reported for atrial versus ventricular tis- tion. More recently, a study was performed in a large Chinese
sues in the human myocardium.42,43 family (49 individuals) with autosomal-dominant long QT syn-
drome (LQTS).51 The locus of the LQTS-associated gene was
Kir3.x Macromolecular Complexes and mapped to chromosome 11q23.3-24.3. A combination of bio-
chemistry and cell electrophysiology in heterologous expression
Channel Biogenesis systems was used to demonstrate that a heterozygous G387R
Similar to Kir2.x channels, multiple signaling molecules and mutation on the Kir3.4 (KCNJ5) gene that was identified in all
cytoskeletal proteins directly or indirectly interact with cardiac affected family members was responsible for the reduced channel
Kir3.x channels in multiprotein scaffolds.4 Thus scaffolds con- expression on the sarcolemma.
taining Kir3.x channels include a variety of clustering proteins,
actin and protein kinases, and some phosphatases.20,44 Although
experimental data shows that assembly of Kir3.x channels in the ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels
multiprotein complexes is essential for normal channel function,
the details of Kir3.x protein-protein/lipid interactions remain
Structure and Function
unknown.4,20,45 Caveolae, a group of specialized sarcolemmal Among all inward rectifiers, KATP channels are the most unique
membrane domains of ∼50–100 nm, are a subset of cholesterol in their molecular architecture.52 As in other Kir channels, the ion
and sphingolipids-enriched lipid rafts that play a role in Kir3.x conduction pathway is provided by a tetrameric arrangement of
channel function. Named after the clustering protein caveolin, pore-forming subunits, but additional auxiliary regulatory subunits
these lipid rafts sequester Kir3.x channel complexes, a process are necessary for the channel to be fully functional (Fig. 4.5B). The
thought to exemplify the importance of channel clustering into two known isoforms of the pore-forming subunits are encoded by
specific microdomains. G-protein coupled receptors (adrenergic Kir6.1 (KCNJ8) and Kir6.2 (KCNJ11) genes. The two isoforms
and muscarinic) release Gβγ subunits following ligand biding; of auxiliary subunits are encoded by SUR1 (ABCC8) and SUR2
however, it is only the Gβ-subunits of the Gi/o, and not the Gs, (ABCC9) genes (the SUR name originates from “sulfonylureas,”
protein that are capable of activating the Kir3.x (IK ACh) channels. a class of drugs known to inhibit KATP channels by acting on the
Therefore it has been hypothesized that lipid rafts may differen- auxiliary subunit). SUR2 gene can be alternatively spliced at the
tially cluster Gs and Gi proteins into distinct microdomains. very C-terminus (last 42 aa) leading to the SUR2A and SUR2B
isoforms. The genomic arrangements of SUR and Kir6 genes are
unique as well. Specifically, SUR1 is followed by Kir6.2 in close
Pharmacology and Regulation proximity on chromosome 11pp15.1, whereas while SUR2 is fol-
It is well established that Kir3.1/Kir3.4 are generally insensitive to lowed by Kir6.1 on chromosome 12p12.1. The consequences of
classical K+ channel blockers such as or 4-AP or tetraethylammo- this arrangement regarding the regulation at a genomic level are
nium.4 However, experiments in cardiac myocytes isolated from not clear at this time. Although the heteromeric assembly of Kir6.x
rabbit hearts show that the toxin, tertiapin, is a selective blocker subunits produces functional channels in vitro, it remains unclear
of IKACh.46 A channel block is highly potent, with an affinity in whether heteromeric Kir6.x complexes exist in native tissues. In
the nanomolar range. Cardiac Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channels are also contrast, both SUR1/Kir6.2 and SUR2/Kir6.2 channels likely exist
inhibited by quinine, quinidine, and verapamil; however, affini- in native tissues. Membrane topology and general organization of
ties of the these drugs are in the micromolar range.4 Based on Kir6.x subunits is highly similar to that in well-characterized Kir2.x
the results of experiments in heterologous (oocyte) expression channels (see Fig. 4.2).
systems, current through Kir3.x channels is enhanced by “intoxi- KATP channels display weak rectification; however, it has been
cating” concentrations of ethanol, and an approximately 43-aa shown that just a single amino acid substitution in the so-called
stretch on the C-terminus has been identified as important for rectification controller region of inward rectifiers (see Fig. 4.2,
the ethanol effect.47 Similarly, in a heterologous expression sys- Kir2.1; N160D in Kir6.2) converts Kir6.2 into a strongly rec-
tem, Kir3.x channels displayed sensitivity to intracellular acidifica- tifying channel.53 A defining property of KATP channels is their
tion, an inhibitory effect that was dependent on histidine residues characteristic sensitivity to intracellular ATP (hence the name
in the N- and C-terminal regions of the channels.4 A variety of ATP-dependent K+ channels). Under normal conditions, both
other agents have also been shown to modulate Kir3.x channels. exogenously expressed Kir6.2/SUR2 channels and native chan-
For example, similar to all Kir channels, Kir3.1/Kir3.4 require nels in cardiac myocytes are inhibited by ATP in the micromolar
PIP2 for channel activity.4 Curiously, however, the PIP2 effect is range (10 to 100 μM) by direct binding to the channel rather than
enhanced by other factors, such as the G-protein–Gβγ complex, as through phosphorylation mechanisms. In the absence of intracel-
well as by intracellular cations. In general, Kir3.x channel activity lular Mg2+ ions, adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and other nucleo-
is also sensitive to mechanical stretch, can be modified by phos- tides also inhibit the channel. Modeling studies suggests that the
phorylating agents, and is sensitive (negatively) to regulators of ATP binding pocket is located at the interface of the N and C
G-protein signaling.4 terminus of each Kir6.x subunit; therefore the KATP channel pos-
sesses four ATP binding sites.
The overall structure of auxiliary SUR subunit is presented in
Channelopathies Fig. 4.5B. It is believed that SUR interacts with Kir6.x subunits
Over four decades ago, a mouse with a striking locomotor defi- to modulate channel gating through the TMD0 domain and L0
ciency (weaving) was described, and the defect has subsequently linker region. Experimental data are consistent with the idea that
been traced to a naturally occurring gain-in-function mutation in intracellular ATP induces dimerization of nucleotide-binding
the Kir3.2 channel.48 Additional neurological defects attendant to domains NBD1 and NBD2, converting them into a catalytically
this mutation earned the weaver mouse the title of the “most can- active site for the Mg2+-dependent hydrolysis of ATP (leading
tankerous rodent.”49 There is relatively little information available to MgATP). Hydrolysis of ATP is followed by a conformational
Descargado para Armando Rodriguez Exposito ([email protected]) en HS EMEA/LA Infomed de por Elsevier en octubre 09, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
88 Å
Slide helix
N-terminus L0
A C-terminus B C
FIGURE 4.5 Molecular structure of K ATP channel. (A) A pore-forming subunit of KATP channel is
encoded by the Kir6.x genes and contains two transmembrane helical domains, TM1 and TM2; a pore-
forming region (P-helix); a large C-terminal domain; and characteristic N-terminal domain (slide helix)
interfacing the inner leaflet of the membrane and cytoplasmic C-terminus. (B) An auxiliary subunit to
the channel is encoded by SUR1 and SUR 2A/B genes and consists of the seventeen transmembrane
helices organized in several distinct domains and several important cytoplasmic regions. The TMD0 do-
main and L0 region are responsible for the interaction with Kir6.x subunits and regulation of gating of
the channel. TMD1 and TMD2 domains are followed by nucleotide binding domains, NBD1 and NBD2,
which form two nucleotide binding sites at their interface. (C) The arrangement of Kir6.x and SURx
subunits in an octameric KATP channel complex. Modeling studies predict one adenosine triphosphate
binding site at each of the Kir6 interfaces and Mg2+-nucleotide binding sites in the NBD domains of
SUR subunit. (Modified from Flagg TP, Enkvetchakul D, Koster JC, et al. Muscle KATP channels: recent
insights to energy sensing and myoprotection. Physiol Rev. 2010;90:799-829.)
change that is then transduced to the Kir6.x subunit; however, KATP channels. Studies with exogenously expressing systems
MgADP is an even more potent activator of the KATP channel. showed that cloned KATP channels originating from coexpres-
The latter puts the hydrolysis hypothesis into question. Accord- sion of Kir6.1 and SUR2B subunits resemble native KATP chan-
ingly, it has been suggested that NBDs can be locked in a posthy- nels in smooth muscle, for the most part. A strongest support for
drolytic state by MgADP and other nucleotides to sustain the the Kir6.1/SUR2B composition of smooth muscle KATP chan-
active state of the channel. nels comes from experiments with genetically modified mice.
Specifically, KATP currents cannot be recorded in aortic smooth
muscle cells isolated from either Kir6.1 or SUR2 knockout mice,
Cellular and Membrane Localization whereas the activity of the KATP channels is preserved in these
KATP channels are found in virtually every kind of cardiac tis- cells in Kir6.2 knockout mice.
sues, but they are most prominent in cardiac myocytes and Mitochondrial KATP channels received a lot of attention since
smooth muscle cells. Detailed experimental analysis reveals they were first described at this location in early 1990s. In con-
significant differences in various properties of native KATP trast to sarcolemmal KATP channels, however, their molecular
channels, suggesting a different subunit organization in every identity remains highly controversial.52 Although exogenously
case.54 A significant amount of evidence suggests that ventricu- coexpressed Kir6.1 and SUR1 subunits produce KATP channels
lar sarcolemmal KATP channels are likely composed of Kir6.2 with many properties resembling those found in mitochon-
and SUR2A subunits. In particular, functional sarcolemmal dria, the activity of the mitochondrial KATP channels in Kir6.1
KATP channels are absent in Kir6.2 knockout mice, and various knockout mice was not affected. Recent promising developments
channel properties (including large single channel conductance, in this area include the identification of mitochondria-specific
high sensitivity to pinacidil and cromakalim, and low sensitiv- short-form of SUR2 subunits generated by a nonconventional
ity to diazoxide) are similar to those obtained from ventricular intraexonic splicing, which can underlie the mitochondrial KATP
myocytes. The latter is also supported by a relatively low level channels.55 There is also strong evidence that the pore-form-
of SUR1 (a pancreatic isoform) in the ventricles, and the find- ing subunit of the mitochondrial KATP channels is encoded by
ing that the activity of KATP channels is essentially unaffected in KCNJ1 (Kir1.1).56
ventricular myocytes from SUR1 knockout mice. Recent experi-
ments with mice showed, however, that SUR1 subunit of the Kir6.x/SURx Macromolecular Complexes and
KATP channel may be a dominant isoform in atrial tissue. In par-
ticular, the activity of the KATP channels could not be detected
Channel Biogenesis
in atrial myocytes isolated from SUR1 knockout mice, and the There is evidence that Kir6.x/SURx channels are assembled in
pharmacological profile of atrial KATP channels is reminiscent of multiprotein scaffolds that are necessary for normal channel func-
that conferred by SUR1 (higher sensitivity to diazoxide, lower tion. The Kir6.x/SURx macromolecular complexes are thought
to pinacidil) rather than SUR2 subunits. It remains unresolved to contain metabolically active protein subunits, including Na/K
whether this subunit composition exists in atrial tissue of other ATPases, as well as kinases.57,58 In one study,59 a number of gly-
animals and humans. colytic enzymes (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase,
KATP channels in smooth muscle display a number of proper- triose-phosphate isomerase, and pyruvate kinase), were described
ties distinct from those in cardiac myocytes, suggesting unique as protein subunits of the Kir6.x/SURx protein complex, which
subunit composition.52 Significantly smaller channel densities (up are obligatory for the normal function of the channel. Conse-
to 100-fold per cell), generally low single channel conductance quently, it has been hypothesized that this clustering of channel
(∼30 pS), and a lack of channel activity upon excision of the mem- proteins/enzymes complexes may be needed to modulate the ATP
brane patch are some of the common features of smooth muscle levels in the microenvironment of the channels. Furthermore,
Descargado para Armando Rodriguez Exposito ([email protected]) en HS EMEA/LA Infomed de por Elsevier en octubre 09, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
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