Legal Units Under The Oral Languages in 06843cc3
Legal Units Under The Oral Languages in 06843cc3
Legal Units Under The Oral Languages in 06843cc3
293 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7, July -2020
Desnitskaya's admission, dialectics is shown to analyzed in detail, and the first chapter deals
be the influence of this epic poem on the basic with the lexical layer of the epic "Forty Girls",
dialect, the dialectics of the later periods. [2,51]. the historical origin of the words in it, its
In recent years, Russian linguists have thematic groups.
begun to study a new scientific field between The presence of elements of Oghuz
linguistics and folklore - linguofolkloristics - language in the dictionary of Karakalpak folk
and have developed a scientific basis in this epics "Gorogli", "Garib-Oshiq" and "Sayatkhan-
area. The organization of the language of Hamro" is mainly due to the fact that these
folklore works as an object of study in this field epics are widespread among Karakalpaks, as
is developing in three main directions: 1st well as other Turkic peoples through the
direction: solving the problem of the Turkmen and Azerbaijani peoples.
relationship of oral speech with the oral poetic According to folklorists, these epics, as well as
form of literary language; Area 2: organization lyro-epic epics, were created by Karakalpak
of the general structure and individual bakhshis from Turkmen bakhshis and created
elements of folklore works; Area 3: Functional Karakalpak national versions. Therefore, the
and methodological study of oral poetic elements of the Oguz language in the dictionary
language. of epics have been preserved to a certain extent.
The study of the linguistic features of Many of these words have some peculiarities in
folklore works began to be organized in the the Turkic peoples, some of them are lexical
Turkic peoples in the 50s of the XX century. units peculiar to the peoples of the Oghuz
During this period, scientific research was group.
conducted on the linguistic features of folk In the epics "Gorogli", "Garib-Oshiq" and
epics, as well as the language of various genres "Sayatkhan-Hamro" there are many words that
of folklore works [3, 65]. express the parts of the human body and
D. Mametkuliev's dissertation "Language kinship. The use of words in this group alone
features of the epic" Shohsanam and Garib "" depends on the ideological content of these folk
analyzes the phonetic, grammatical and lexical epics. Because in these epics, people's lifestyles,
features of the epic. In the section devoted to dreams, marital experiences and other
the study of the lexical nature of this work, a emotions are widely described.
small vocabulary layer is divided into thematic In modern Karakalpak literary language,
groups. words such as dene, „‡†‡•á – • are considered
In S. Tursunov's dissertation on a synonymous. [6, 39]. Of these, the words beden,
theme "Lexical features of the epic" Alpomish – • are more common in the language of
"the general vocabulary of the dictionary is classical poets and folklore. Also, in a number
divided and classified into more than 30 of languages of the modern Oguz-Qarluq group,
thematic groups. In the second chapter of the the words „‡†‡•á – • are used.
work the professional words encountered in Note that in the epics "Gorogly", "Gharib-Oshiq"
the epic, in the third chapter the functional- and "Sayatkhan-Hamro" the word (dene) is
stylistic features of the lexicon of the epic are used in such senses as („‡†‡•á – •á Ž •Šá Œ‡•‡–á
studied. [4, 20-21]. jism). ramiz. We consider these words as
Sh.Abdunazimov studied the language of elements of the Oghuz language in folk epics.
the epic "Forty Girls", a national epic unique to Because such words are almost non-existent in
Karakalpaks, which is not found in other Turkic the languages of the Kipchak group of Turkic
peoples. [5, 84]. The language of the epic is languages. For example:
294 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7, July -2020
[«G», 77-bet].
ƒ„ƒšƒ••‹ „‡†‡•‹ —‘•Þ’ (Ž†‹ ‹” –ƒŽƒ’ ›Ž‡†‹• ܑ —‰ïŽƒ•‰ïƒ
ü ï-A», 133-bet]. [«G», 21-bet].
Çœ‹Ž•‡• –‡•†‡ ƒ›ƒ–Þ•
[«G», 88-bet]. The traveler Said:
In the epics "Gorogli", "Garib-Oshiq" and - ƒ”á •‘Ž —‰ïŽƒ•†Þ ›‡”–‹’ •‡Žá „‘Ž•ƒ•ƒ
"Sayatkhan-Hamro" a number of words (ltiremen-dedi. [«S-H», 207-bet]
expressing the meaning of kinship are close to
the words of the Karakalpak literary language. The words among the elements of the Oghuz
Such words are also rare in the language of language (†‹›ƒ”á ‘„ƒá • •–á •Š š ”á ‘ïƒŽƒ›ƒ–)
classical poets. [7.93]. reflect the social life of that period.
The word " ‘ï•‹-qardash " means
relatives, and is a common word in the Oghuz — ‘„ƒŽƒ” Üš•‡† •ƒ”†ƒ” ›‡Ž‹ ›‡†‹
language. In the epics, they meet in the form of [«G», 83-bet].
brothers and sisters. For example:
In this example, the word "oba" is used in the
‘ï•‹ “ƒ”†ƒ•ŠŽƒ” ƒ•ƒ• „ƒë
Karakalpak language as a synonym along with
[«G», 44-bet].
the word " ƒ‘ïÞŽ ".
‹œ†‡• • Ž‡• ƒ›–Þ “ ‘ï•‹-‰ïƒ”†ƒ•Š“ƒ
ü ï-A», 56-bet]. ª“–‹›ƒ” ›‡– „ƒ•“ƒ †‹›ƒ”†Þ
ü ï-A», 56-bet].
The word " ‘ï•‹-qardash " is used in ‹›ƒ”„‡•‹” ƒ–ŽÞ •Š Š ” „ƒ” ›‡†‹
the works of the Karakalpak classical poet ü ï-A», 17-bet].
Ajiniyaz. The poet's works are influenced by
the old Turkic written literary language and the In this example, the words diyar and shahr are
Turkmen poet Makhtumkuli. used synonymously with the words Karakalpak
(Œ—”–á ‘ïƒ–ƒ•, qala).
Š—Ž •ƒ›†ƒ•†ƒ Œƒ•Þ •‡–•‡ ‰‡‘ Žƒ•Šá
”– ›‹‰‹––‹ á • ”– “ƒ”Þ•†ƒ•Þ „‘Ž•ƒ•ƒ ‹” • •–Ž‹ ›‡Žƒ––Þ •(”†‹
[8, 55]. [«S-H», 196-bet].
The word (Pursat) in Karakalpak means time ‡”‘ï‹ ƒ‰ïƒ•Š“ƒ •‡Ž †‘Žƒ•
[‘ޖ]. ü ï-A», 41-bet].
—Ž ƒ•ŠÞŽÞ’–Þ ’ƒ•ŽÞ „ Š ”†‡ The word " ƒ‰ï" is not found in the modern
ü ï-A», 99-bet]. Karakalpak language, it is used as (may). This
ƒš•‡– ’‡•‡• •‡• „ƒ‘ïÞ”Þ•†Þ –‹Ž†‹”†‹ word indicates that the elements of the Oguz
ü ï-A», 169-bet]. language are preserved in the epics.
The epics also contain elements of the Oghuz
The word (Zaxmet) is specific to the language: (neshik-“ƒŽƒ›á 1”†‡•- ›”‡•á •)”‹!-
Turkmen language and means (mehnat). We •)•‹„‹!á ‰ï—„„ƒ-– ›Ž‡) and so on.
see in the epics that these words are used
interchangeably. This word is found in the ƒ”ƒ”•Þœ „‹œ •‡•Š‹• Šƒ•„ÞŽ Œ—”–Þ•ƒ
works of some Karakalpak classical poets, and [«G», 118-bet]
in modern literature it is found in exotic ƒ•ŠÞ•‰ïƒ ƒŽ†Þ”†Þ (”†‡‰‹-‰ïƒœ†Þ
lexicons. [«G», 75-bet]
Lexical units specific to Oguz languages are also ‡” ‰—„„ƒŽÞ ƒŽ–Þ• “ÞŽÞ•Š
rarely used in words denoting action. [«G», 101-bet]
‹” †‡• ƒ”ƒ• ƒŽ•ƒ› • ’Ž‡”‹ –Þ”Þ•Þ’ —‘ïÞá „‹†ƒ“Žƒ”Þ ’ƒ”Žƒ’
[«G», 65-bet]. [«G», 118-bet]
” „‡•†‡ ƒŽ‰ïƒ•Þ •‡•‡• “ƒ”Þ•Þ• —†ƒ• šÞœ•‡– • ”‹ ›‡•†‹
[«G», 46-bet]. [«G», 138-bet]
“ › œ‹ †‹ („‡›‹• „‡ë
[«S-H», 199-bet]. Some Oghuz words used in folk epics,
such as Gorogly and Garib-Oshik, are also used
296 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7, July -2020
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„ƒ“Þ•ŠÞ á †(•†‹á “ƒŽƒ•á ‘œƒŽ) and h. yego dialektnaya sistema. Nukus .: Kazan,
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