Ford Improved Shorthand
Ford Improved Shorthand
Ford Improved Shorthand
Gregg is the most common type of shorthand and is the scrolling type most
people recognize as shorthand. This method is difficult to learn and very hard to
read. It was never meant to be used to record information for storage. It was
meant to be used for dictation that would then be immediately transcribed. If
someone were to write notes in Gregg shorthand and try to read them six
months later it would be very difficult. The writing method is also imprecise
because it uses sounds, not letters. Many of the symbols also vary in size so
one slash means one sound and a slightly longer slash another and an even
longer slash means yet something else. If you do not keep your writing scaled
the same it becomes hard to read. It also omits vowels. Try writing down a
password this way! Gregg was not going to meet my needs.
If you want to write languages other than English you can simply add
the pronunciation marks or use the actual character for non-standard
If you forget a letter, you can use the regular letter. You can figure out what you
wrote even if you don’t remember every letter because your mind will fill in the
blanks when you recognize most letters.
You may want to make your writing even harder to read if you are writing in a
diary or journal. There is something personal about writing with your own hand
rather than using a computer. Journals are still very popular, but no one wants
just anyone to read a private diary or journal. Writing in code is impractical and
difficult. Plus, what if you forget the code? The Ford method makes it easy.
Move characters up or down on the line so they are not all aligned the
You can make it harder to read even for someone who knows what the
letters mean by writing in Pig Latin or Carnie Talk.
The Ford Improved Shorthand method is free for personal or business use as
long as it is not sold and no money is charged for the system or materials. If you
teach this system or make any materials from it available as part of another
product or course then you must obtain permission. The image showing the
Ford Improved Shorthand characters may be used on other websites as long as
it is not altered or cropped. It may be resized as long as all text is readable.