Neuroimaging Studies of Mental Rotation: A Meta-Analysis and Review
Neuroimaging Studies of Mental Rotation: A Meta-Analysis and Review
Neuroimaging Studies of Mental Rotation: A Meta-Analysis and Review
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Zacks, Jeffrey M., ,"Neuroimaging studies of mental rotation: A meta-analysis and review." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.20,1.
1-19. (2008).
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Neuroimaging Studies of Mental Rotation:
A Meta-analysis and Review
Jeffrey M. Zacks
& Mental rotation is a hypothesized imagery process that has these areas is modulated by parametric manipulations of mental
inspired controversy regarding the substrate of human spatial rotation tasks, supporting the view that mental rotation de-
reasoning. Two central questions about mental rotation remain: pends on analog representations. Mental rotation also is ac-
Does mental rotation depend on analog spatial representations, companied by activity in the medial superior precentral cortex,
and does mental rotation depend on motor simulation? A re- particularly under conditions that favor motor simulation, sup-
view and meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies help answer porting the view that mental rotation depends on motor sim-
these questions. Mental rotation is accompanied by increased ulation in some situations. The relationship between mental
activity in the intraparietal sulcus and adjacent regions. These rotation and motor simulation can be understood in terms of
areas contain spatially mapped representations, and activity in how these two processes update spatial reference frames. &
agery debate, supporting the analog representation view
Mental rotation is a hypothetical psychological opera- (Kosslyn, 1994; but see Pylyshyn, 2003). Neuroimaging
tion in which a mental image is rotated around some studies of mental rotation provide a valuable means to
axis in three-dimensional space. Mental rotation was first test the hypothesis that mental rotation, in particular,
revealed in behavioral experiments (Cooper & Shepard, operates in virtue of analog spatial representations.
1973; Shepard & Metzler, 1971) in virtue of a striking Imaging evidence for such representations should satisfy
finding: The time to make a judgment about a rotated two criteria. First, activation should be observed in areas
object often increases in a near-linear fashion with the known to be spatially mapped. Second, the observed
amount of rotation required to bring the object into activation should be modulated by the amount of men-
alignment with a comparison object or with a previously tal rotation performed in a given trial or block of trials;
learned template. Participants in mental rotation experi- this can be indexed by variables such as the angular
ments generally report strong introspective impressions distance of the rotation or participants’ response time. If
that they perform the experimental tasks by forming a spatially mapped regions of the brain consistently show
mental image of the stimulus and imagine it rotating increases in activation with increasing amounts of men-
until aligned. That is, they intuit that they are perform- tal rotation, this would provide good evidence that men-
ing an operation on analog spatial representations, in tal rotation depends on analog spatial representations.
which ‘‘the intermediate stages of the internal process More recently, a debate has emerged about the role of
have a demonstrable one-to-one relation to intermediate motor processes in mental rotation. Early neuroimaging
stages of the corresponding external process’’ (Shepard studies found activity during mental rotation tasks in areas
& Cooper, 1982, p. 13). in the posterior frontal cortex that are associated with
Mental rotation has been controversial since the first motor planning and execution (Cohen & Bookheimer,
reports. The experimental results have been taken as 1994). These findings and others have led researchers to
evidence for the existence of analog spatial representa- ask whether motor simulation plays an important role in
tions in the mind/brain (Shepard & Cooper, 1982); mental rotation tasks. Neuroimaging studies can also con-
however, alternative interpretations have attempted to tribute to answering this question. To do so, it is im-
explain the behavioral patterns in mental imagery ex- portant to dissociate activity in motor regions of the brain
periments without recourse to analog representations due to motor demands of a task (e.g., pressing a response
(Pylyshyn, 1981). Neuropsychological and neuroimaging button) from activity related to spatial reasoning.
data have provided further evidence in the larger im- There are now several dozen neuroimaging studies of
mental rotation (see Appendix A), so one might hope that
the available data would help settle these outstanding
Washington University in Saint Louis controversies: Does mental rotation depend on analog
D 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20:1, pp. 1–19
spatial representations, and does mental rotation de- activation was converted to the stereotactic coordinate
pend on motor simulation? Unfortunately, however, the system of Talairach and Tournoux (1988) and entered
body of extant data is difficult to navigate: Foci of brain into a database. When a paper reported multiple analy-
activity associated with mental rotation have been re- ses that reused the same degrees of freedom, the most
ported in every lobe of the cerebrum and in the cere- tightly controlled task comparison was used. For results
bellum. The range of experimental and control tasks reported in figures or described verbally, the stereotactic
has varied widely, which may contribute to this variability. coordinates of each focus of activation were recorded
In such situations, the statistical technique of meta- using CARET (Van Essen et al., 2001; http://brainmap.
analysis is particularly valuable (Turkeltaub, Eden, Jones, and the PALS atlas (Van Essen, 2005;
& Zeffiro, 2002). In the rest of this article, I describe http://
a meta-analytic study of neuroimaging studies of men- do?id=679528). (This required subjective judgments as
tal rotation, delving into more detail on neuroimaging to the centroid of each focus based on the reported
and other data relevant to the motor imagery question, data.) A total of 320 activation foci were identified, 213
and discuss the implications of these data for the two transformation-specific foci and 107 omnibus foci. These
controversies. are listed in Appendix B.
Volume-wise probability maps were generated using
the method and software described by Turkeltaub et al.
(2002). Each focus of activation was located in a com-
mon stereotactic space (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988
space) and convolved with a Gaussian kernel (SD =
Articles were identified by searching the PsycInfo (www. 6.0 mm) to model the spatial uncertainty associated with and MedLine ( the focus’s location. The resulting Gaussian distributions
factsheets/medline.html) databases in July 2006 for articles were summed, projected onto a 2-mm isotropic lattice,
whose titles, abstracts, or keywords included the term and thresholded to control the voxelwise false-positive
‘‘mental rotation’’ and any of the following terms: ‘‘PET,’’ rate at p .001, based on the Monte Carlo simulations
‘‘positron emission tomography,’’ ‘‘fMRI,’’ ‘‘MRI,’’ or ‘‘neu- reported by Turkeltaub et al. Three maps were generat-
roimaging.’’ This returned 68 documents. Documents were ed: one based on the transformation-specific foci, one
excluded if they were not peer-reviewed journal articles based on the omnibus foci, and one based on all of the
publishing new data (e.g., dissertations, review articles, foci. After thresholding, contiguous clusters of above-
n = 8), did not report a positron emission tomography threshold voxels were identified. Above-threshold voxels
(PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) within the cortex were visualized using the PALS atlas
study (e.g., behavioral experiments, n = 13), did not and using CARET. The complete dataset, including the
study mental rotation of visual stimuli (e.g., spatial navi- individual foci and probability maps, is available at http://
gation or mental rotation of haptic stimuli, n = 6), or if
they did not present the data in a form from which a name=JCogNeuro_07.
stereotactic coordinate could be extracted (e.g., only
sulci/gyri or Brodmann’s areas reported, or a small num-
ber of transverse slice images, n = 9). The remaining 32
articles are listed in Appendix A. In all experiments,
participants either decided whether two objects matched
or decided whether an object matched a prototype (e.g., The results of the meta-analysis are shown in Table 1
whether an alphanumeric character was facing forward). and Figure 1. Brain regions that were consistently ac-
The majority of experiments (n = 19) used Shepard and tivated included the superior parietal, frontal, and in-
Metzler (1971) objects or similar stimuli. Other stimulus ferotemporal cortex. Activity was observed bilaterally in
sets included alphanumeric characters (n = 7), drawings most areas; however, in the parietal cortex, activity was
or photographs of objects (n = 4), drawings or photos of somewhat more consistently observed in the right hemi-
hands (n = 4), abstract 2-D line figures (n = 3), abstract sphere, whereas in the frontal cortex, activity was more
3-D cubes (n = 3), and drawings of bodies (n = 1). consistently observed in the left hemisphere.
For each article, the task comparisons reported were
categorized as transformation-specific or omnibus.
Posterior Parietal/Occipital Cortex
Transformation-specific contrasts isolated within-task
effects of mental rotation, for example, by comparing a A large number of studies reported foci of activation in
condition involving stimuli with large rotations to stimuli the superior parietal cortex and adjacent areas, leading
with small rotations during the same task. Task com- to a large significant region of activation centered in the
parisons were identified as omnibus if they compared intraparietal sulcus and extending into the transverse
a mental rotation task to a loose control, for example, occipital sulcus, including Brodmann’s areas 7, 19, 39,
looking at a fixation crosshair. Each reported focus of and 40. The consistent activation of the superior parie-
Coordinates are for the center of mass of a contiguous above-threshold probability cluster.
Zacks 3
Thus, the results of the meta-analysis satisfy two key
criteria for supporting the hypothesis that mental rota-
tion depends on analog spatial representations. First,
activity was observed in a brain area known to imple-
ment spatial maps, namely, the superior parietal cortex.
Second, activity in this region was consistently related
to the amount of mental rotation performed in a trial or
block of trials; activations were observed in transformation-
specific comparisons, not only in omnibus comparisons.
This result reduces the likelihood that activity in the pos-
terior parietal cortex during mental rotation tasks re-
flects incidental task features such as encoding a visual
stimulus or making a manual response.
Zacks 5
Sheridan, & Tversky, 2002; Harris et al., 2000; Tagaris, depend (Zacks & Michelon, 2005). Performing most
Kim, Strupp, & Andersen, 1996). (This does not, how- mental rotation tasks requires coordinating two different
ever, necessitate that mental rotation operate holistically reference frames: an object-centered reference frame
on whole objects rather than on object parts; see, e.g., and an environmental reference frame. Object-centered
Just & Carpenter, 1985.) Together with the meta-analytic reference frames locate things relative to the intrinsic
result, these provide relatively good support for the axes of objects. For example, a car has a well-defined top
hypothesis that mental rotation is a continuous trans- (roof ), bottom (undercarriage), front (grille), and back
formation performed on analog spatial representations. (trunk). Environmental reference frames locate things
Second, motor areas in the posterior frontal cortex are relative to the larger environment. For example, a movie
clearly activated during many mental rotation paradigms. theater has a well-defined front (screen), back (exits),
However, these activations appear to reflect at least two top (ceiling), and bottom (floor). For visually presented
different processes. Activity in lateral inferior precentral stimuli, both of these reference frames must be com-
regions, overlapping M1 and PM, likely reflects incidental puted by the brain from information initially coded in an
features of some mental rotation tasks such as the need eye-centered reference frame. One possibility is that
to execute a motor response. Activity in medial superior object-centered and environmental reference frames in
regions, most likely in the SMA, probably reflects com- the superior parietal cortex are distributed representa-
putational processes that are specific to the mental image tions constructed in the superior parietal cortex by gain
transformations. In particular, activity in these regions may fields, which modulate the eye-centered responses of
reflect the use of motor simulation strategies when the individual cells based on signals coding the current
task affords it. Studies using transcranial magnetic stimu- position of the head and body (Andersen & Buneo,
lation have provided converging evidence consistent with 2002). When mentally rotating an object, a person
this hypothesis, although they do not have the spatial updates the relationship between the object’s object-
resolution to distinguish between M1, the SMA, and the centered reference frame and an environmental frame. If
premotor cortex. Three studies have reported that tem- the task requires one to compare two objects to decide
porarily lesioning the left motor cortex impairs mental if they are identical, updating is used to align the two
rotation of hands, but not of alphanumeric characters or objects’ object-centered reference frames, so that the
feet (Tomasino, Borroni, Isaja, & Ida Rumiati, 2005; Ganis, locations of object features can be compared in a
Keenan, Kosslyn, & Pascual-Leone, 2000). common environmental reference frame. Interactions
Modulation of activity in the precentral cortex may among cell populations in the superior parietal cortex
reflect the degree that participants adopt a motor sim- may be the mechanism by which these two frames are
ulation strategy to solve a mental rotation task. (The brought into a particular relation. Such interactions may
lateral inferior prefrontal cortex and the superior parie- be governed by associations learned from a lifetime of
tal cortex also play important roles in motor planning, experience observing rotational motion.
and thus, may also be modulated by the use of motor In some situations, it may be possible to bring to bear
simulation.) That activity also may reflect the use of a yet another reference frame when performing mental
motor transformation strategy, which could be imple- rotation tasks: effector-centered reference frames, which
mented by transformations of a neural representation of are defined relative to one’s hands or feet. When one
a reaching movement (Georgopoulos, Lurito, Petrides, grasps an object, an effector-based reference frame be-
Schwartz, & Massey, 1989). The hypothesis that motor comes coupled to the object’s object-based reference
simulation sometimes interacts with mental rotation frame. When one moves the object by hand, this coupled
receives further support from behavioral studies that reference frame is updated relative to the larger environ-
have identified interactions between mental and manual mental reference frame. It is well established that people
rotation (Wexler, Kosslyn, & Berthoz, 1998; Wohlschläger can simulate the updating of effector-based references
& Wohlschläger, 1998). In these experiments, partici- frames; this type of updating is at the core of motor im-
pants were asked to mentally rotate a picture in order to agery ( Jeannerod & Frak, 1999). Adult humans have ex-
make a spatial judgment, while turning a knob or tensive experience with grasping and carrying. For some
joystick. Manual rotation in the same direction as the mental rotation tasks, people may tend to bring this ex-
mental rotation sped response times, whereas manual perience to bear, updating not just an object-based refer-
rotation in the opposite direction slowed response ence frame but also a coupled object- and effector-based
times. This interaction between motor performance frame. This may be advantageous because it allows one to
and mental rotation indicates that when motor simula- bring additional computational resources to bear. Large
tion arises in mental imagery tasks, it is not merely numbers of cells in the precentral cortex are known to
epiphenomenal; instead, motor processes interact with code locations in effector-based coordinates (Colby,
visuospatial processes. 1998). Therefore, during some mental imagery tasks,
How are we to understand such interactions compu- people may update effector-based reference frames in
tationally? One way is to analyze mental imagery tasks in addition to object-based reference frames, leading to ac-
terms of the spatial reference frames on which they tivation in the precentral cortex.2 In short, the nervous
Zacks 7
29. Windischberger, C., Lamm, C., Bauer, H., & Moser, bodies: An fMRI investigation. Neuropsychologia,
E. (2003). Human motor cortex activity during mental 37, 1029–1040.
rotation. Neuroimage, 20, 225–232. 32. Zitzmann, M., Weckesser, M., Schober, O., &
30. Wraga, M., Thompson, W. L., Alpert, N. M., & Nieschlag, E. (2001). Changes in cerebral glucose
Kosslyn, S. M. (2003). Implicit transfer of motor strategies metabolism and visuospatial capability in hypogonadal
in mental rotation. Brain and Cognition, 52, 135–143. males under testosterone substitution therapy.
31. Zacks, J., Rypma, B., Gabrieli, J. D., Tversky, B., Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and
& Glover, G. H. (1999). Imagined transformations of Diabetes, 109, 302–304.
Activation foci entered in the meta-analysis. (See Appendix A for ID numbers. All coordinates reported in Talairach
’88 space. T = transformation-specific; O = omnibus. This table can be downloaded from
ID Page Table or Figure Condition/Contrast Class Hand-entered? x y z
ID Page Table or Figure Condition/Contrast Class Hand-entered? x y z
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APPENDIX B (continued)
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ID Page Table or Figure Condition/Contrast Class Hand-entered? x y z
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APPENDIX B (continued)
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ID Page Table or Figure Condition/Contrast Class Hand-entered? x y z
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APPENDIX B (continued)
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ID Page Table or Figure Condition/Contrast Class Hand-entered? x y z
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APPENDIX B (continued)
ID Page Table or Figure Condition/Contrast Class Hand-entered? x y z
ID Page Table or Figure Condition/Contrast Class Hand-entered? x y z
MR = mental rotation; IA = internal action; EA = external action; ADHD = attention deficit disorder; EH = experimental hands; CH = control
hands; ET = experimental tools; CT = control tools; HO = hand-object; OO = object-object.
*This coordinate appears in the original publication as 15, 90, 24; this erratum was corrected for the analyses.
Zacks 17
Acknowledgments to mental rotation demonstrated with rTMS. Journal of
Cognitive Neuroscience, 15, 1–9.
Ty Fagan and Corey Maley assisted with the collection and clas- Jeannerod, M., & Frak, V. (1999). Mental imaging of motor
sification of the data for the meta-analysis. John Harwell and activity in humans. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 9,
David Van Essen provided valuable assistance with making the 735–739.
foci data available online. I thank them, and also Larry Snyder for Just, M. A., & Carpenter, P. A. (1985). Cognitive coordinate
helpful discussion. systems: Accounts of mental rotation and individual
Reprint requests should be sent to Jeffrey M. Zacks, Departments differences in spatial ability. Psychological Review, 92,
of Psychology and Radiology, Washington University in Saint 137–172.
Louis, St. Louis, MO, or via e-mail: [email protected]. Karnath, H.-O., Ferber, S., & Himmelbach, M. (2001). Spatial
awareness is a function of the temporal not the posterior
parietal lobe. Nature, 411, 950–952.
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the imagery debate. Cambridge: MIT Press.
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patterns can arise due to incidental differences between a small N. M. (1998). Mental rotation of objects versus hands: Neural
number of studies, if each study contributes several nearby foci mechanisms revealed by positron emission tomography.
to the analysis. This was not the case in the present instance: In Psychophysiology, 35, 151–161.
the left hemisphere, 12 separate studies were represented; in Kosslyn, S. M., Thompson, W. L., Wraga, M., & Alpert, N. M.
the right hemisphere, 8 separate studies were represented. (2001). Imagining rotation by endogenous versus exogenous
2. The parietal cortex and the frontal cortex contain cells that forces: Distinct neural mechanisms. NeuroReport, 12,
code information that can be read out in effector-based coor- 2519–2525.
dinates (Andersen & Buneo, 2002; Colby, 1998). Therefore, it is Michelon, P., Vettel, J. M., & Zacks, J. M. (2006). Lateral
possible that some of the variations in activation in parietal somatotopic organization during imagined and prepared
regions across mental rotation paradigms reflect the engage- movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 95, 811–822.
ment of these representations. Picard, N., & Strick, P. L. (2001). Imaging the premotor
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Podzebenko, K., Egan, G. F., & Watson, J. D. (2002).
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