Spec Sumitomo LS218-A

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SUMITOMO L$218-RH5 Basic Machine 511-0495 Upper Machinery UPPER FRAME: Allwelded,pracifon mechinedunt. TURNTABLE BEARING WITH INTEGRAL RING GEAR: (Outer 366 90:80 uoper trae, rN race wth inion meshes with Internal anal eng eer. A machined surace is provided! far mounting tuintable beating CONTROL SYSTEM: Alemoie controled hydroUle ser¥0 for iMechaties linkage Woe for swing. Working speed can be pressey cant ole by lover stroke. Fume CONTROL SYS! EM Sytem redding prs diplacement HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Systm combining variable denacoment xi) pump ane’ fied duplacement gear" pumps provides both incepondint and combined operations Main hole/acx. holst/team host motor — AXin| piston maior wh cau ertarce eave, Swingmotor ~ Axil piston meta. “Travel motar— Axial ston motors wih broke valve, Spring apeliedinvcralarslescd mille es. Sakae ate tied Hydraulic ol veseroir ~ 909 lier capa LOAD HOIST ASSEMBLY: Front {rsain] and rear (ous) opera ing itm. Each chine by she Bblactonl enh piston motor through ridcton grar Dowering fe Tobe eum ineltter Gnectian for hoisting 0 tover ingload, 3rd dean equiped az opsional extra Clutches = "Power mydraulic acuated, intrmal expending, sal ojusting 2ahoe ype Braker — ternal contracting band type opevaved by fant pedal with locking latch. For crane mede, automatic brake (spring apolied, hydraulically released) +¢ ap pled aalen sonirol fewer in nauiral aostinn, For bucket mado, treet esusilabis wha contral lever in nvutral postion Locks— Eleetreally onorsted dium lock paul BOOM HOIST ASSEMBLY: Driven by the bidirectional axial piston motor through reduction gear powering th Tope drum in either direction for hoissing or law ing boom. Brake— Spring applied, hydraulicaly released multe disk ype: Locke Electreally oparard di Jock pam SWINS: Driven by twa Units of exia| peton motors, theouoh reduction gear. Brakes — Brake i applied by sorieg and relexsec by hydraulic syinder Lock — Mechanically operated p&v connection frame tock, Spoed— High: 25 min’' (2.5 om), Lew: 1.Smin! (1.5 rpm) OPERATOR'S CAB: Ful vision compartment with soley, ghse pares, the competely Independent cap Is nsulated COUNTERWEICHT: Ramavsble, 7 blocks mounted en rear of Upper frame by bol POWER UNIT: Wale & Model | Mreubah DzoT =] Type Watarcooie, 4-cyle dese ergine No, at endo Bore & stroke [Diepscemert Tac [raved oo ha 169 OWE RON BSG;RMBLOOH) | “[psetenif;omin" AOBKgn/ 00RD | Lower Machinery LOWER FRAME; All welded robus!roted steel, box construction, SIDE FRAMES: All welded robust sled sel. Connected 10 lower rama by links and pirs, Fetvacted 0” end sel by bydraulle eyiingar ROLLERS: Hea! trated, mounted on bushingt with Footing ols recuirhg na further lubrication, Double flange, Bottom —§ pcs. per see trae. Ton— 3 po. per see Fame. role spined ta drive shatt mounted an anilfeétion toarings. IDLERS: Heat treated, mounted) on ushings with floating ‘Pals recuiring no farther Mibrication. TRACKS: Heat sreated, ne lug tyse, muliple hinged shes, 45 ps. per side Frame. ‘Shoe width — 810mm fetancer ‘865mm optional extal TRACK TENSION ADJUSTER: Adjusted by hydreulie eylindem 2 the idler blocks. Tension ean be automatically Telacied when conoemal lead oceurred on tracks. TRAVEL AND STEER: Axial piston motor with reduction gee Is tecaud at inne ative end of eseh crawler sie Frama, Each trick ie driven simultancously a ind \idually for strightine travel, or pivot tur, or the ‘racks can be coun‘ee-rotaied For spin turns, Brake —_ Spring applied, hydaulically released multiple dise brakes spplied automatically when contra lover in reutral position. Speed — To speod range, 1.3hmh,. Pump contol ‘OFF* (ordinally) G.atanj,. Pump contol ON" Generel Dimensions A: Howe over low aanery unit 33750 {A° Heinrt over high gantry ani 825m Bs Heiaht of cab 3.595 © Counterwuigne ground clearance 1.400% E . Center olrotatian to boom fact pin S1400n F | Genter ta canter distance of tambler 540m H+ High trom round to boom feat ain 2275", 1: Groral width othouse 3.”00n 4 Ground eloarnes oss ic Cantar to center clstance acral ‘tuned 4.000") retraced 260", 1: Ooaeall width of crawler ‘tended 4810, retracted 370m M+ Shoo wat Deron N > Height of shoe 4.160" © Tail swing radiusat low gorary 8820m rly improving our products and therefore Feserve tho righ to change designe and specifications witheut notion, SUMITOMO (5.1.1) CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO.. LTD. 9-5-9 Tatsumi, Kote-ku, Tokyo 195-0059, Japan Phone: 81-3-5568-2985 Facstle; 61-9-5508-2927 Printed in Japan: Crane 80 metric tons LS218-RHS CRANE WORKING RANGES: a = lis Tg] Beam / ie j€ Height stove Ground (om Working Radius (en) LS218-RH5 Crane 80 metric tons & CRANE BOOMS: Lattice construction: round tubular main chords, alloy. hi-ten steel, wit bracing of ound tel tubing Boom connections. Intine pin connections Basic boom So... 5 Tworpiece, 12.20m basic length; 6.10m base and 6.10m top section; 1.55m deep and 1.55m wide at connections. Boom paint machinery. Four head sheaves mounted on antifric- ‘ion bearings Boom extensions, » Availeble in 3.05m, 6.10m_ and 9.15m (Comman with tower boom) lenaths with pendants. Maximum boom length 7.90m, JID ee «+ Two-piece; 9:15m basic length with 4.57m long base and top sections, 0.81 deep and 0.81m wide at connections Jibextensions ........ 26.2... Available in 4.57m jib extensions, Maxi mum jib length 180m, Boom plus jib lengih 48.80m + 18,30m, 51.85 + 13.70m. HOOK BLOCK: BOt, four sheaves Standard, 50t, two sheaves Optional extra 30t, one sheave. 2.1... Optional extra 10t, no sheave fececes ees Standard for jib GANTRY: Retractable high gantry Line SPEED: Tiemann Eo ovine | pase Tie ape wana Pump concior ) Cable cia | 2 ‘SFE TO» | Sw in rom sa | Hah 60 min | ion 18min | Tero [seinem [rate wonme | engpmimin | Hansen | zen M1 cee Tia go pfelt | Rip tase (Fear) oe __Low 30 m/min Low7.5mimin | 26mm [erage 326mm —_| Parallel grooved 60 mimin 15mimin | 16mm Boomhoi | 420ren feed | aera ‘0 mini Zone HOIST REEVING a tee ee peau [SOR [te ate ore aoa Pree “sa5mnm (Opt) ‘B2at 73.5KPa (017Skagfiem') With basic boom and counterweight A, B, C, D, E,F and G, Weight without countorweight ane front attachment: approx. 52.6 COUNTERWEIGHT: A (5.11), B (6.11), C (6.11), D (871), E (2.01) F (1.00, G (1.01) Total 24.0% SAFETY DEVICE: Hook over hoist limiting device, boom over hoist limiting device, boom angle indicator, boom back stop, drum pawl lock for main, aux. and boom hoist drum, safety valve in hhydraulie cireut, wing lock, swing alarm, load mament iimiter (optional extra). GRADEABILITY: 30% (17°) with basi boom and counterweight, Constantly improving our products ané therefore reserve the nght te change dasigns and specifications without noice SUMITOMO (S.H.1) CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO. LTD. 9-5:9 Tatsumi, Kolo-k, Tokyo 195-0089 Japan 1512 (F)-0597 Phone: 61-9-556%2309 Facsimile: 81-9-65082927 aaa SUMITOMO LS218-RH5 LS218-RH5 CRANE CAPACITIES: aa Boom nai "in). [42.20 1525 1830] 2105 e440 [27454050 2055] 98604065 [4270 4575] 48.80 | 51.85 | 5490 | 5790 Sm] 106 40] 400 45 | eee 637 $0 | 578 577 578 60 | 43.1 | 430 BT Tror| 362 [341 [sao [as9 [ose fasy dT iss - 60 | 200 [205 264 | 23 | 202 | 20) 200 270 i 49 [249 242 | 28.1 | 240 [28 =] 20a 207 | 907 | 206 203 202 204 163162 | 182 | 162 159) 158157 | 198 | 155 | 184 133189 | 134] 189 128127 | 126 | 125 | 124 | 129 | 122 110 | 11.0 108 105 | 104! 103 | 102 | 101 | 100 95 oo a9 | 88 87 oo 32 | 82 [ar ye | 7s | 74 72. Ta ee ey | 66 65 62 3 50 | a7 | 30 33 5a 62] 51] 50 45 at] 46| 45) 43 38 | 42 | 41] 40) 37 32 37] ae | 35 | 32 27 32 a2] s1| 28 22 2928 | 26 | 29 1 L 2a | 22 | 18 13 Notes: 1. Capecitias shown ara in metric tons and are based on 75% of ‘minimum tiping loads over the side — with mschine sanding layel on firm supporting surface under ideal job conditions \ Daduetions from the ifting cane capacities must be made for s weight of hook block JPR anate SN Kind ofhook block | 82 | 50 | 90 | 10 Conta ik oe | Ta | oe [Bs [Ba 2. When opereting of the main boom peat sheaves with lib on boom the following deductions in machine lifting copacties ust bo made: att (nd ais | 1370 | 1630 Weight tebedeauctea ith | 150 | 210 | 200 3, High ganiry i required and side frames must be exterded for ‘il operating conditions, Bpsctends togrouna SC800 JIB CAPACITIES: Go oie rs “ibionath tm) | Sbserangie | Ke, w a0 ea af) so — we 80 Noe th capris rset | Fanmail af a {hem Boom which the tt nad exept ih hy se ‘edit by thematieer Nb Cote sore it “eso ie a5 BL ato ba nd ceed ete teat ibe 3a 32 ai; Hester Aer tae Ie onschie itn rice oc wali. jib hook block (0.4). 4, Avaliable boom lersih to attach the jib Is from 36.60m to B1B6m. The masirnam ip langeh ie 18 30m 5, The ib set angle to boom must not excaed 30

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