Indonesian Millennials and Z Generations Opinion Survey On Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
Indonesian Millennials and Z Generations Opinion Survey On Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
Indonesian Millennials and Z Generations Opinion Survey On Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
学号: 6320000682
专业: 化学工程与工艺
May 2021
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
Table of Contents:
I. Executive Summary
a. Introduction
b. Background
c. Methodology of Survey
I. Executive Summary
My country of origin, the Republic of Indonesia (印度尼西亚) has hundreds of ethnicities that
make up the diversity of tribes, traditional arts, and cultures. Despite the considerable diversity,
all that diversity become unified and make Indonesia what it is today. One of the Indonesian
original traditional arts that this report present is the Indonesian Batik Traditional Art. Batik is
my main topic because I am fascinated by the traditional culture of Indonesia which is still
preserved and can even be adjusted with the modern times today. I have conducted a survey to
attract Millennials and Z Generation to provide their opinion about Batik Traditional Art.
One of Batik-pattern
survived from Majapahit
Empire reign
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
translation, 蜡 防 印 花 (wax printing). The definition indicates that Batik has a production
technique of casting “malam” or precisely etching wax that is placed on a container called
canting (small copper-made dipper, 小铜斗 , now the dipper material is made of Teflon to be
heat-resistant, 特氟龙 ) and made with seal/stamp ( 印). Originally, there were 2 types of Batik
processing, which are handmade batik ( 手指) and the one that made with a seal. However, both
types of process are incredibly complex and require extensive preparation because it requires
zero margins of error from the start to the finished product of Batik that is ready for sale.
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
The image on the left is the pattern-planning drawn with a pencil in preparation for Batik that is
handmade, the middle image is Batik being drawn by hand using “canting”. Handmade Batik requires
intense patience and pattern drawing has to be consistent, added with the creativity of the workers
itself. The right image is Batik made with seal and still relatively difficult, since the heating of wax
and laying the pattern must be done carefully, and pay attention to the continuation of the pattern.
Recognizing the complex and labour-intensive process of these 2 primary processing of Batik,
combined with the development of advanced technology, and the invention of other simple processes,
there was a noticeable decline in this traditional process of production. Despite the decline, Batik art
wasn’t threatened to be extinct as a more modern process of Batik production was applied such as
From these three modern methods, the complexity of the pattern is much simpler in the printing
method, compared to the complex pattern of handmade and seal-made. All of the modern method
of processing shaped nearly 90% of Batik production across Indonesia, with the positive impact
of preserving Batik art, so that the present and future generation still be able to know and enjoy
Indonesian Batik Art.
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
Methodology of Survey
The survey I conducted was among my friends and throughout my connections of the Millennials
and Z Generations. The purpose of this survey which only aimed at 2 generations, is to limit the
scope of opinion to the younger generation born from 1980-1996 (Millennials Generation) and
1997-2010 (Z Generation). I used the online platform Google Forms to received all the answers
to the question devised for the survey. The opinion survey titled, “Indonesian Millennials and
Z Generation Opinion Survey on Indonesian Batik Traditional Art” was first published on
May 17th, 2021, which I promoted through social media, and require their answers to be filled
through the Google Forms link provided.
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
The link to the survey is The survey was lasted for 1
week, until May 25th, 2021 and consisted of 13 questions, multiple choices, short answers, and
long answers. The questions that I provide to the survey respondents are open-ended and
accompanied with Indonesian language translation, and the respondents fill the survey with their
opinions and suggestions about Indonesian Batik Traditional Art. Here is the list of 13 questions:
From the period of 1 week period for filling out the survey, there are 155 respondents, all
of whom gave various answers. The survey consisted of 59 male and 96 female
What I found out about their fascination with Batik shows that
around 95,5% or 148 respondents expressed their interest, while the
rest are either neutral or not very interested. The respondents’
occupation percentages are represented in the pie chart below.
Secretary and Administration Student
3% 5% 29%
Business and Financial
Education and Training
Private Employee
Religious Occupations
Government and Regional 27%
The respondents’ occupation comprises mostly college students or undergraduates, and private
employees, which in total there are 24 types of occupations of respondents filled in the online
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
According to the pie chart below, A third of Millennials and Z Generations have an interest
in Batik mostly of the reason of the identification of Batik as a National Identity, followed by
the Elegance, and Unique Patterns. Another choice of reasons such as Flexibility, Aesthetics,
2% 3%
National Identity
Unique Patterns
and fashionable gaining lesser respondents. Other reasons for wearing Batik are formal
importance, comfort, and attractiveness. In conclusion, the awareness of Batik as a National
Identity has been rooted in young generations and become one of the primary reasons that
Batik remains extremely popular.
The reason for the interest in Batik art is also in line with the knowledge of the younger
generation, that state Batik is an art that depicts Indonesian identity, reflects Indonesia’s
original culture, and has been famous throughout the world. As for the usage of Batik in the
daily life of Indonesian young generations, Batik usually used for formal dress code of
events, general apparel for attending celebrations or party, and even some workplace and
most of the schools has a special day that mandate the employees and students to wear Batik
clothes. Some young people even use it to hang out with peers and friends. The reason for
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
wearing Batik clothes shows how widespread and flexible the use of Batik is, so that is in
extremely high demand by the younger generation.
The handmade Batik method comes second that shows a clear effort in preserving one of the
two traditional methods of production of Batik. Another type of Batik usually worn are
screen printing, seal/stamp, and painting Batik. The other category is where respondents have
mixed types and own several types of Batik. This result shows how attentive the young
generations of having Batik clothes to wear.
It’s not only clothes, however, but that young people also have other objects that have a Batik
motif, such as handphone case, sarong, pencil case, wallet, trousers, bag,
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
dresses, blankets, folders, and other everyday items. The presence of goods other than
clothing with a Batik motif indicates that Batik has become a common thing and is no longer
just for certain occasion or objects.
Apart from being a fashion model of clothing, the younger generation describes Batik as one
of Indonesia’s precious wealth. Batik is also presented in traditional community ceremonies
and other events following historical cultural traditions. As for Indonesia’s hundreds of
ethnicities and cultures, modern and traditional Batik making has spread across all provinces
of Indonesia, and even Millennials and Z generations take notice of it and here are their
Batik Megamendung, origin from West Java Province, is a very popular type of Batik, which
is the pleasure of young people owning this type of Batik and has been used as the cover of
Batik Design, a foreign book from the Netherlands.
The other types of popular Batik are Batik Medan, origin from Medan City, North Sumatran
Province, Batik Tujuh Rupa (7 forms), origin from Pekalongan City, Central Java Province,
Batik Yogya, origin from City of Yogyakarta, Special
Region of Yogyakarta,
Batik Surakarta, origin from Surakarta City, Central Java Province, Indonesia
wearing Batik apparel, the most factor is self-motivation. Indeed that other data shows the
other factors are a formality of events, media influence, relatives, family, and others such as
culture and job obligations. However, the majority has the self-motivation on using Batik is
the most important factor that shows the Indonesian Millennials and Z Generations already
have pure intentions in preserving Batik art.
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
However, with the development of times and as generations grow in the future, the more
modern types of clothing will emerge, and provoke the question of how it is the future of
Batik art. Indonesian young generations are inclined to the western trend of clothing styles
and famous branded apparels. Young people tend to fond of the clothing styles of famous
artists or influencers and Batik tends to be the usage in formal events or on a specific day.
According to the survey, our young generations generate a positive opinion about Batik art
future and allow me to state their opinions. The majority of the respondents state that Batik
will continuously exist and still become part of the daily usage of Indonesian citizens and
will continue to be of fascination to the future generations and the whole of Indonesia.
The development of modern types of clothing may threaten the reputation of Batik art, but
respondents have the key to keep Batik art alive, namely increasing the popularity of Batik
art through social media. One respondent stated Batik will still be the most precious treasure
of art among Indonesian and international communities considering that Batik is also very
popular abroad. Although there are also some opinions which state that the future Batik will
be facing fierce competition with modern clothing styles, respondents still have high hopes
that the Batik art will survive for future generations to come.
Respondents also provided various solutions regarding the preservation of Batik art. Batik
can be used more often in an event so that it can become a habit. The role of the Millennials
and Z Generations is also needed in campaigning for the use of batik so that the next
generation can continue this trend. Respondents also thought that it is hoped that in the
future, local designers will create Batik designs that are suitable for informal activities to
make them more attractive.
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
dances, events, news that happens every day. I am also amazed how quickly a trend will
become famous if it is popularized through social media such as Facebook, Tiktok,
Instagram, and other media. A term of online generations like this can be used as an
advantage to popularize and preserve Batik art. Today’s young generation can also
understand and be affected by the Batik through social media.
c. Conclusion
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art has survived for hundreds of years even in this modern
era. The various production processes of Batik, handmade, seal/stamp, digital printing,
screen printing, and painting, all of them have provided extraordinary beauty and
uniqueness which also shows the original identity of the Indonesian nation. The younger
generation, namely Millennials and Z Generations, have provided their opinions in the
survey I have conducted. From the survey, it is clear that the younger generation has a
crucial role to preserve Batik art so that it can be enjoyed by future generations. I am
certain that Batik will survive and there will be the latest innovations regarding the
promotion of local Batik as well as getting more well-known internationally.
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
This survey aims to fulfill the Mid-term Examination assignment of the Overview of China
(中国概况) course. The results of the opinion records will be analyzed and compiled in the
Investigation Report and will be submitted to the lecturer, 尹晓静老师. The opinion results in
the individual participant forms will not be disseminated or misused for any purpose. I,
Timothy Joseph Hutagaol, Chemical Engineering undergraduate student, Tianjin University,
would like to thank the participants for taking the time to fill out this form.
Survei ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi tugas Ujian Tengah Semester mata kuliah Overview of
China (中国概况). Hasil dari rekam pendapat akan dianalisis dalam Laporan Investigasi dan
akan dikumpulkan kepada dosen, 尹晓静老师. Hasil pendapat dalam formulir masing-masing
peserta tidak akan disebarkan atau disalahgunakan untuk tujuan apa pun. Saya, Timothy
Joseph Hutagaol, mahasiswa S1 Teknik Kimia, Tianjin University, berterima kasih kepada
peserta sudah meluangkan waktu mengisi formulir ini.
* Required
Your answer
Occupation / Pekerjaan
Your answer
Your answer
2. What is the reason of you wearing batik? / Apakah alasan anda berbusana batik? *
O Motif unik
O Fleksibel
O Estetika
O Elegan
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
O Identitas bangsa
O Fashionable
O Other:
3. What do you know about batik art? / Apakah yang anda ketahui tentang kesenian batik? *
Your answer
4. When do you usually wear batik? / Kapan biasanya anda berbusana Batik? *
Your answer
5. What type of Batik do you often use? Tipe Batik seperti apa yang sering anda gunakan? *
O Batik Tulis
O Batik Cap
O Batik Cetak Sablon
O Batik Printing
O Batik Lukis
O Other:
6. Do you have other objects that has a batik motif? (For example, a batik-patterned wallet,
sarong, apparel, footwear, etc) / Apa Anda memiliki benda lain yang bermotif batik? (Misalnya
dompet bermotif batik, sarung, pakaian, sepatu, dll.) *
Your answer
7. According to your opinion, what is the philosophy or purpose behind batik art? / Menurut
pendapat Anda, apa filosofi atau makna dari kesenian batik? *
Your answer
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
8. Modern and traditional batik making has spread across all provinces in Indonesia. Which
type of batik are you most interested in, and type in your reasons. / Pembuatan batik modern
maupun tradisional tersebar di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia. Jenis batik manakah yang paling
anda minati, dan sertakan juga alasannya. *
Your answer
9. What are your considerations when wearing batik clothes? / Apa pertimbangan Anda saat
memakai busana batik? *
O Fashionable
O Fleksibel
O Elegan
O Nasionalisme
O Estetika
O Other:
10. Who influenced you to dress in batik? / Siapa yang memengaruhi Anda untuk berbusana
batik? *
O Media (TV, Social Media, dll)
O Kerabat
O Diri sendiri
O Formalitas Dresscode Acara
O Other:
11. With the development of various types of modern clothing culture today, what do you think
about the trends in the use of Batik in the future? / Dengan berkembangnya budaya pakaian
yang lebih modern yang lebih bervariasi saat ini, bagaimana pendapatmu mengenai tren
pemakaian Batik di masa depan? *
Indonesian Batik Traditional Art
Your answer
12. In your opinion, do millennials and generation Z prefer modern clothes or wear batik?
Include the reason as well. / Menurut pendapat Anda, apakah generasi milenial dan generasi Z
lebih menyukai pakaian modern atau berbusana batik ? Sertakan juga alasannya. *
Your answer
13. In your opinion, what is the role of the current generation in preserving batik art culture in
the future? / Menurut pendapat Anda, bagaimana peran generasi saat ini untuk melestarikan
kebudayaan batik di masa depan? *
Your answer