Present Perfect Tense - Past Participles: Inglés
Present Perfect Tense - Past Participles: Inglés
Present Perfect Tense - Past Participles: Inglés
A. Write the simple past and past participle of the following verbs.
B. Complete the chart below with the correct form of the verb.
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Present Perfect Tense
Choose the correct verb from the list below to complete the following sentences. Put the verb in thepresent
prefect tense.
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15. Frank for that company for many years.
16. After three months of looking, she a beautiful apartment to rent.
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Present Perfect Tense - Negative
A. Choose the correct verb from the list below to complete the following sentences. Put the verb in the
negative form of the present prefect tense.
1. Mathew is waiting on the corner for his girlfriend, but she yet.
2. My brother lives in a different country. I him for two years.
3. Ellie and Bill got a divorce five years ago. They to each other since then.
4. It is only 8:45. The class yet.
5. It started to snow last night and it still .
6. She has finally decided which car she wants, but she it yet.
7. I heard that the movie at the Roxy Theater is great , but I it yet.
8. I bought a newspaper today, but I still it.
9. He took his car to the service station yesterday, but they it yet.
10.The Andersons moved out of New York ten years ago and they back
to the city since then.
B. Match the questions on the left with the correct answer on the right.
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10. Have you read the paper yet? J) No, it hasn’t. It’s still raining.
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Present Perfect Tense with Since and For
Rewrite the following sentences using since or for and the verb provided. You may have to change some of
the words, but keep the same meaning.
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Present Perfect Tense with Already/Yet
Read the schedule above and make 10 sentences using already and yet. Assume it is now 12:00.
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Present Perfect Tense with Already/Yet
7:00 -8:00 8:00-9:00 9:00-10:00 10:00-12:00 12:00-2:00 2:00-4:00 4:00-6:00 6:00-9:00 9:00-10:00
Follow the example on the previous page (Mrs. Tonner’s Schedule). Fill in the above schedule with yourown
activities, then write full sentences below.
Ex. It’s 11:00. I have already taken a shower and had breakfast. I haven’t had lunch yet.
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Past Participles – Bingo
Instructions: Choose 24 verbs from the list below and write the past participle of each one in any space
on your bingo card. Mix them up. Do not write them in the same order as the list. (This will ensure you
all have a different card.) Your teacher will call out certain past participles. If you have one, cover it with
your bean, piece of cardboard, candy, or any other marker your teacher gives you. When you have one
line any way covered, shout Bingo. (You must have the correct past participle under each marker in
order to win.)
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Verb Bingo – Past Participles
Copyright 2008. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
Present Perfect Tense with Ever and Never
Practice using the present perfect tense by asking questions beginning with “Have you ever…?”. Use the
words provided to make your questions.
Ex. you /ever/ be/ to France - Have you ever been to France?
Yes, I have. I’ve been there several times. or Yes, I have. I was there last year. or No, I haven’t.
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Present Perfect – Scrambled Sentences
Put the words below in the correct order to make grammatically correct sentences. (Each sentence is in
the present perfect tense.)
Ex. finished they yet homework their haven’t They haven’t finished their homework yet.
8. new very happy the their children puppy they have since got been
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Present Perfect Tense – Questions with How Long
Practice using Since and For
Read the following sentences and write a ‘how long’ question for each one.
Ex. I live in Toronto. How long have you lived in Toronto? I have lived in Toronto for twenty years. or
I have lived in Toronto since I was a child. or I have lived in Toronto since 1988.
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Present Perfect Tense Vs. Simple Past Tense
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb provided, simple past or present
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Present Perfect Tense Vs. Simple Past Tense (2)
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb provided, simple past or present
I (not/smoke) for over five years now and I will never smoke again.
7. Frank (work) for ABC Electric from 1990 to 2002. Now he owns his own
business. He (have) it for six years.
11. Last year we (drive) through three Canadian provinces. Now we are traveling
in Europe. We already (drive) through eight countries.
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13. Mr. Barnes (die) last year. Mrs. Barnes (move)
intoher daughter’s house shortly after that and (be) there since then.
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Interview your classmates. Use the words provided below to ask questions with the present
perfect tense.Write the name of the classmate who gives you a “yes” answer. Then follow-
up with another question using the simple past tense.
Ex. ( ever/ see/ the Eiffel Tower) Walk around the class and find someone who has seen
the Eiffel Tower.Have you ever seen the Eiffel Tower? Yes, I have. Mary
8. (ever/sleep/ in a tent)