Level I Questions Eddy Current Testing

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The document discusses eddy current testing techniques and concepts. It covers topics such as test parameters, material properties, and signal analysis.

Some common materials tested using eddy current testing include rods, tubes, wire, plates, sheets, and metalized foil.

The depth to which eddy currents are induced in a material is determined by the material's conductivity, permeability, and geometrical shape.


Level I Questions
Eddy Current Testing

1. In an electromagnetic testing situation, 4. VVhen conducting an eddy current test

which of the following can provide using a differential comparison coil
sources of noise? arrangement that compares an external
reference standard with the test specimen,
a. geometrical changes the system should be nulled or balanced:
b. permeability variations within the test
object a. with only the reference standard in one
c. electrical interference coil
d. all of the above b. with the reference standard in one coil
8.7.26 and an acceptable test specimen in the
other coil
2. The ratio of the response or amplitude c. with the reference standard in one coil
from signals of interest to the response or and an unacceptable test specimen in
amplitude of indications that contain no the other coil
useful information for the test being d. with only the test specimen in one coil
conducted is referred to as: E.35

a. Poisson's ratio 5. The impedance of a test coil will increase

b. signal~to~noise ratio if the:
c. the conductivity-to~ permeability ratio
d. the reactance-to~ resistance ratio a. test frequency increases
E.24 b. inductive reactance of the coil
3. Which of the following is not a basic c. inductance of the coil decreases
component of an eddy current test d. resistance of the coil decreases
system? 8.1.22

a. amplifier 6. Some of the products commonly tested

b. sine wave generator using encircling coils are:
c. couplant
d. filter a. rods, tubes and wire
8.4.6 b. plate when volumetrically inspected
c. sheets and rnetalized foil
d. all of the above

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18 Level I Questions - Eddy Current Testing

7. Which of the following would normally be 12. When testing plate with a probe coil, it is
considered the best ftll factor when testing noted that the eddy current output
straight tubing with an encircling or indication varies as the distance from the
feedthrough coil? coil to the surface of the test part varies.
The term used to describe this action is:
a. 1.75 (175%)
b. 0.95 (95%) a. fill factor
c. 0.50 (50%) b. lift-off
d. 0.25 (25%) c. phase differentiation
C.47 d. edge effect
8. When a metal part is placed in an eddy
current test coil, the impedance of the coil 13. The main purpose for spring-loaded eddy
will be changed by which of the following current probe coils is to:
properties of the part?
a. minimize lift -off variations
a. conductivity b. minimize wear on the probe
b. dimensions c. reduce operator fatigue
c. permeability d. eliminate edge effect
d. all of the above 8.3.2
14. Lift-off is utilized in:
9. An eddy current test makes use of
electrical current induced in a conductive a. measuring permeability changes

article by: b. measuring conductivity changes
c. measuring the thickness of
a. gamma rays non conductive coatings
b. an alternating magnetic field d. determining proper test frequency
c. a piezoelectric force 8.5.13
d. any of the above
C.11/G(Vol. 1).1.25 15. In eddy current test systems where
encircling coils are used, coupling
10. The conductivity of a material can be efficiency is referred to as:
altered by changing the:
a. lift-off
a. alloy of the specimen b. edge effect
b. heat treatment of the specimen c. fill factor
c. temperature of the specimen d. phase differentiation
d. all of the above C.45
16. When inspecting products with a uniform
11. The depth to which eddy currents are cross section, an eddy current signal is
induced in the material will be determined produced when the leading end or trailing
hythe: end of the product approaches the test
coil. This phenomenon is referred to as:
a. conductivity of the material
b. permeability of the material a. lift -off
c. geometrical shape of the material b. end effect
d. all of the above c. fill factor
8.2.18/0.3 Cl. phase discrimination

Level I Questions - Eddy Current Testing 19

17. Which of the following conditions would 22. Which of the following will affect the
be the most difficult to detect when eddy impedance of a test probe?
current testing a rod with an encircling
coil? a. conductivity of a test specimen in the
a. a deep surface crack that has a depth of b. permeability of a test specimen in the
30% of the rod diameter coil
b. a small inclusion in the center of the rod c. fill factor
c. a 5% change in diameter d. all of the above
d. a 10% change in conductivity 8.2.11,34
23. When a test coil consists of a double
18. When testing tubing with a bobbin coil, winding arrangement and one winding is
most of the eddy currents: referred to as a primary winding, the other
winding is referred to as the:
a. flow in a longitudinal direction down
the tubing a. absolute winding
b. flow radially in the tube b. secondary winding
c. flow around only the outside diameter c. phase winding
of the tubing d. none of the above
d. flow around the inside diameter of the 8.3.16
E.32 24. Large diameter surface scanning coils
would most likely be used for tbe
19. Which of the following test frequencies detection of:
would produce eddy currents with the
largest depth of penetration? a. pitting
b. small inclusions
a. 100Hz c. changes in conductivity
b. 10kHz d. porosity
c. 1 MHz A.136/G(Vol. 11).1.32
d. 10MHz
C.43 25. Small diameter probe coils would typically
be used for tbe detection of:
20. A test coil's opposition to the flow of
alternating current, causing the current to a. slow changes in dimensions
lag behind the voltage, is called: b. gradual changes in conductivity
c. variation in heat treatment
a. resistance d. small surface discontinuities
b. inductive reactance C.54/G(Vol. 11).1.32
c. impedance
d. capacitive reactance 26. Direct current saturation coils would most
8.1.14,17 likely be used when testing:

21. An increase in the impedance of a test coil a. steel

will: b. aluminum
c. copper
a. produce an increase in the voltage d. brass
through the test coil 8.2.13-14
b. cause a decrease in the 1neasured
voltage across the test coil
c. not affect the voltage in the test coil
d. decrease the voltage applied to the coil
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20 Level I Questions - Eddy Current Testing

27. An absolute coil arrangement can be

used in:

encircling coils only
probe coils only
probe and encircling coils only
31. A reference standard used to ensure that
the amplitnde and phase characteristics of
a test system do not drift during
continuous testing is called a:

a. DGS standard

d. probe, encircling and inside diameter b. calibration standard
coils c. reference block
8.3.11 d. none of the above
28. Which of the following expresses the
primary purpose( s) of the secondary 32. Which of the following could not be tested
winding(s) in an eddy current coil ? by the eddy current testing method?

a. induce eddy currents in the test a. a 102 mm (4 in.) thick plate to be

specimen tested for small discontinuities
b. detect changes in the eddy current flow throughout the plate
c. induce eddy currents in the test b. tubing to be tested for surface cracks
specimen and detect changes in the c. rod to be tested for laps and seams
eddy current flow d. tubing to be tested for variations in
d. provide DC saturation outside diameter
8.3.16 8.2.20

29. Which of the following eddy current test 33. Which of the following is not true about
coil arrangements uses one area of the test an eddy current test?
specimen as a reference standard against 4.tr!
which another area on the same specimen a. it can be used for high-speed testing
is simultaneously compared? b. it can accurately measure conductivity
c. it can be set up to provide high
a. single absolute coil sensitivity to small discontinuities
b. double absolute coil d. it can penetrate up to 152 mm (6 in.)
c. DC saturation coil in a test part
d. differential coil 8.2.20
34. The entire cross-sectional area of a tube
30. Reference standards used for can be ev_aluated at one time when using:
electromagnetic testing:
a. an encircling coil
a. must contain artificial discontinuities b. a probe coil
such as notches and drilled holes c. a secondary winding
b. must contain natural discontinuities d. none of the above
such as cracks and inclusions 8.3.9
c. must be free of measurable
discontinuities 35. When attempting to determine the exact
d. may contain artificial or natural circumferential location of a discontinuity
discontinuities or be free of in a tube, the test system should include:
discontinuities depending on the test
system and the type of test being a. a phase shifter
conducted b. a probe coil
8.6.7-9 c. an attenuator

d. a penetrameter

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Level I Questions - Eddy Current Testing 21

It js often possible to sort various 40. In order to generate measurable eddy

ferromagnetic alloys of a metal by currents in a test specimen, the specimen
eans of an eddy current test when: must be:

a. a conductor
a. there is a unique range of permeability
values for each alloy b. an insulator
b. there is a unique range of conductivity c. either a conductor or an insulator
values for each alloy d. a ferromagnetic material
c. the direction of induced eddy currents 6.2.4
varies for each alloy
d. the magnetic domains for each alloy 41. When using an encircling coil with both
are different primary and secondary windings, the
E.69 excitation alternating current is applied to:

Which of the following products would be a. the secondary winding

most applicable to a test using an inside b. the primary winding
coil? c. either the primary or secondary
winding depending on the setting of
a. sheet an instrument control
b. rod d. both the primary and secondary coils
c. bolt hole E.14
d. coating thicknesses
6.3.2 42. Which of the following is not a readout
system used to present eddy current test
When eddy current testing rod for information?
discontinuities, which of the following
conditions could produce extraneous a. alarms
indications? b. litmus paper
c. cathode ray tube
a. improper adjustment of the hold-down d. digital data storage
rollers used to center the rod in the coil E.26
b. feeding rod through the coil at an
excessive speed 43. Which of the following statements best
c. changes in dimension describes the selection of eddy current test
d. all of the above frequency?
e. none of the above
E.24 a. the frequency must equal the fife ratio
to give an accurate test
39. One method of reducing nonrelevant b. the frequency must be within ±3% of
indications when eddy current testing the fife ratio to give an accurate test
ferromagnetic materials is to: c. there is a range of suitable frequencies
centered around the optimum
a. decrease the pressure on the frequency
hold-down rollers d. the frequency should be within ±25%
b. use a direct current saturation coil to of the characteristic frequency
magnetically saturate the test specimen E.83
c. readjust the gain control
d. increase the rate of feedthrough in the

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22 Level I Questions - Eddy Current Testing

44. ·Which of the following options would not 48. Eddy current test techniques can be
have the potential to improve the used to:
displayed signal-to-noise ratio of a test?
a. measure nonmetallic coating
a. change to a test frequency that will thicknesses on conductors
decrease the noise b. measure cladding thicknesses
b. increase the amplification of the test (metal-to-metal)
instrument c. gage the thickness of conductive sheets
c. improve the fill factor d. all of the above
d. enable filter functions in the 8.5.13
E.24 49. Eddy currents cannot be induced in:

45. When conducting an eddy current test on a. latex paint

tubing, the magnitude of the indication b. aluminwn
caused by a discontinuity is dependent on: c. steel
d. copper
a. the depth of the discontinuity E.13
b. the width of the discontinuity
c. the length of the discontinuity 50. Which of the following statements is not
d. all of the above true of ferromagnetic materials?
a. they have permeability values much
46. A coil's magnetic field may be viewed as a greater than I
distribution of lines of flux around the b. they do not exhibit any magnetic
coil. The number of lines in a unit area is hysteresis characteristics
defined as: c. they will have a definite saturation
point on a B/H curve
a. magnetic probability d. they will exhibit some degree of
b. flux density residual magnetism
c. magnetic coupling C.18
d. hysteresis density
8.2.19jE.43 51. Eddy currents always travel:

47. Demagnetization is generally needed a. in circular paths

when the residual field in a specimen: b. in nonconductive materials
c. radially when testing rod with an
a. may affect the operation or accuracy of encircling coil
instruments when the specimen is d. in a gas
placed in service 8.2.5
b. may interfere with the proper
functioning of the part 52. For online eddy current inspections in a
c. might cause particles to be attracted tubing mill, the effective DC saturation
and held to the surface of moving parts point of ferromagnetic materials is
d. any of the above reasons could make reached when the current applied to the
demagnetization necessary saturation coil is set at a value where for
J.67 any further increase in that current, the
eddy current signal-to-noise ratio will:

a. start to increase
b. start to decrease
c. show no significant change
d. suddenly drop to zero
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Level I Questions - Eddy Current Testing 23

53. When sorting on the variation between 57. Nondestructive tests are commonly
two distinct alloys, it is desirable to hold conducted to:
all indications within the bounds of the
readout device in order to: a. determine the quality of finished
a. eliminate overloading b. locate defective material before
b. detect the possible existence of a third excessive fabrication is performed on
alloy the material
c. make proper balancing possible c. monitor material production
d phase the readings correctly techniques and processes
A.275 d. all of the above
54. A term used to define a standardized
condition in a device or system which 58. An eddy current coil arrangement that
results in zero output is: does not make a comparison with either
t\vo sections of the test specimen or one
a. high frequency standardization section of the test part and a reference
b. integration standard is called:
c. null or balance
d. differentiation a. an absolute coil arrangement
B.6.19/K.203 b. a self-comparison differential coil
55. A term used to describe holes, grooves, c. an external reference differential coil
notches, etc., that are introduced into a arrangement
reference standard to provide accurately d. none of the above
reproducible quality levels is: 8.3.12

a. a natural discontinuity 59. Which of the following are common

b. an artificial discontinuity applications for eddy current testing?
c. an ellipse
d. none of the above a. measurement of conductivity or a
8.6.9 combination of conductivity and
56. A term used to define one or more turns b. measurement of the thickness of thin
or loops of a conductor wound in such a metal sections) cladding or coating
manner as to produce an axial magnetic c. detection of surface and subsurface
field when current passes through the discontinuities
conductor is: d. all of the above
a. a coil
b. a resistor
c. a capacitor
d. an oscillator

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24 Level I Questions - Eddy Current Testing

60. Which of the following is not a primary 63. An eddy current system will measure
purpose for using an eddy current variations caused by differences in:
a. size or shape
a. to determine if the eddy current test b. grade or chemistry of the material
system is capable of performing the c. the way in which the material has been
test properly processed
b. to determine if a discontinuity is a d. all of the above
cause for rejection 8.4.8
c. to determine the instrument control
settings needed to pass the highest 64. A length of tubing containing a notch of
percentage of test specimens run uniform Width and depth running from
d. to determine if the sensitivity of a test end to end, when tested with an encircling
system has drifted with time self-reference differential coil system, will
8.6.4 produce:

61. Material must be reasonably centered in a. erratic signals

an encircling test coil of a discontinuity b. a continuous, sustained signal
detection system because, even with an c. no signal change
acceptable fill factor ratio: d. excessive signals
a. the coil would otherwise be out of
balance 65. In encircling coil eddy current testing,
b. parts of the material farthest away optimum sensitivity to a known
from the coil, radially, may receive a discontinuity placed at random on the
less sensitive inspection surface of a nonferrous length of tubing is
c: the flow of eddy currents around the obtained by:
product will be disturbed, resulting in
improper penetration a. proper choice of frequency
d. lack of proper centering may change b. centering the tubing in the coil
the phase adjustment of the c. proper adjustment of phase
instrument d. all of the above
8.3.10 0.10

62. VVhen you determine that a discontinuity 66. One principal advantage of spinning
detection instrument has been set up probe eddy current testing is:
incorrectly, or is defective, all material:
a. the ability to locate the exact position
a. should be retested since the time that a of discontinuities
correct setup or proper operation was b. its relative insensitivity to permeability
last verified variations
b. accepted should be retested c. the variety of internal and surface
c. rejected should be retested discontinuities that may be detected
d. none of the above d. all of the above
C.61 C.54

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Level I Questions - Eddy Current Testing 25

67. At any given instant, a spinning probe 71. In a feedthrough encircling coil
eddy current instrument should be discontinuity detection eddy current
inspecting: system, what would be the purpose of
running a calibration discontinuity several
a. one complete circumference of the times but in various positions (such as
product top, bottom, left and right)?
b. an area defined by the size of the probe
coil a. to check the phase selectivity
c. one longitudinal line the length of the b. to ensure proper centering of the
product material in the test coil
d. none of the above c. to select the modulation analysis
C.54 setting
d. to select the proper operating speed
68. A spinning probe eddy current instrument 8.3.10
would be most useful in:
72. In a feedthrough encircling coil eddy
a. measuring the hardness of current system, DC saturation would
ferromagnetic steel products probably be most helpful in testing:
b. discontinuity detection in hexagonal
and shaped material a. copper water tubing
c. detecting and precisely locating surface b. titanium tubing
discontinuities c. ferromagnetic steel tubing
d. inspection of copper bus bars for d. brass rivet wire
electrical conductivity 8.2.13
C. 54
73. In an electromagnetic test system, the test
69. In a feedthrough encircling coil eddy frequency is controlled by the:
current system, a calibration standard may
be used to: a. oscilloscope
b. sensitivity setting
a. ensure repeatability and reliability of c. oscillator circuit
the setup d. modulation analysis setting
b. determine the circumferential extent of A.175
a discontinuity
c. reduce sensitivity to vibration 7 4. Variations in the chemical corDposition of
d. measure the test frequency a nonferromagnetic alloy would most
C.61 lilcely affect its:

70. What causes phase shift in an eddy a. permeability

current test coil? b. conductivity
c. diameter
a. a change in the ratio of inductive d. frequency
reactance (XL) to resistance (R) 8.7.5
b. a change in the sensitivity setting of
the instrument 75. Which of the following frequencies will
c. use of modulation analysis provide the greatest eddy current
d. none of the above penetration in aluminum?
a. 1kHz
b. 10kHz
c. 3kHz
d. 300Hz

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26 Level I Questions - Eddy Current Testing

76. A symbol commonly used to express

conductivity is:

a. f'
c. XL
81. When testing tubes with an ID bobbin

a. low voltage signals indicate

insignificant discontinuity depths
b. high voltage signals are always from

d. R rejectable discontinuities
C.Vii/E.57 c. signals from support plates always hide
discontinuity signals
77. A symbol commonly used to express d. none of the above is true
permeability is: A.403

a. f' 82. A multicoil array probe used in a surface

b. (j scanning application:
c. X 1_
d. R a. should improve detection of localized
E.47 discontinuities
b. can cover a large surface area in one
78. The method used to generate eddy pass
currents in a test specimen by means of a c. might increase the complexity of signal
coil can most closely be compared with detection and interpretation
the action of a: d. all of the above
a. transformer
b. capacitor 83. Data from the external-reference
c. storage battery differential channels of lD bobbin probe
d generator data can be used to detect:
a. long, gradually tapering discontinuities
79. When eddy current testing a nonferrous b. one-sided erosion
specimen, a discontinuity will: c. temperature differences
d. all of the above
a. increase the effective conductivity of D.14
the specimen
b. increase the effective permeability of 84. Self-comparison differential channels
the specimen would be best for the detection of:
c. decrease the effective conductivity of
the specimen a. long tapered discontinuiti~s
d. none of the above b. short abrupt discontinuities
D.25 c. temperature differences
d. all of the above
80. In multifrequency t'ubing inspection • 8.3.13
applications, signal analysis is most often
performed using: 85. Which of the following affects the
characteristics of the primary coil in an
a. phase angle analysis only eddy current system?
b. signal amplitude analysis only
c. a careful correlation of both amplitude a. the presence of a crack
and phase information b. the presence of an edge
d. the ellipse method c. change in material properties
8.86 d. all of the above

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Level I Questions - Eddy Current Testing 27

86. Which of the following is applicable to 91. Ferromagnetic materials that have been

~ eddy current testing? magnetically saturated to suppress

permeability variations may retain a
a. it can be used to provide high certain amount of the magnetization. This
sensitivity to small discontinuities is called:
b. it can be used for high-speed testing
c. it can be used to measure coating a. coercive force
thicknesses b. residual magnetism
d. all of the above c. hysteresis loop
F.314 d. hysteresis loss
87. A secondary magnetic field produced by
eddy currents induced in a nonmagnetic 92. An alternating current flowing in a
conductor close to the inducing coils: conductor will set up:

a. induces a magnetic field parallel to the a. an alternating current field around the
surface conductor
b. aids the coil's magnetic field b. a periodically changing voltage tangent
c. opposes the coil's magnetic field to the conductor
d. decreases the frequency of the current c. an alternating magnetic field around
F.319 the conductor
d. none of the above
88. A test specimen used as a basis for 8.2.4
calibrating test equipment or as a
comparison when evaluating test results is 93. The characteristics of the alternating
referred to as a: magnetic field in the vicinity of the AC
coil are affected by:
a. null-balancer
b. phase shifter a. the coil parameters
c. reference standard b. the magnitude of the applied AC
d. high pass filter current
B.6.4/H.40.5 c. the frequency of the applied AC
89. The process of comparing the reading or d. all of the above
output of an instrument, device or dial 1.346
with a standard to determine the
instrument's accuracy, capacity or Figure 1
graduations is referred to as: 8

a. calibration
b. differentiation
c. integration
d. phase shifting
G(Vol. 11).2.13

90. Figure 1 is an illustration of a material's:

a. phase analysis loop

b. sine wave
c. hysteresis loop
d. none of the above
C.19/H.33.3 8'

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28 Levell Questions - Eddy Current Testing

94. The region around a magnet that attracts 96. The depth of penetration would
other pieces of iron or steel is called: _ _ _ _ if the localized permeability of
a material increased.
a. amaxwell
b. retentivity a. increase
c. the magnetic field b. decrease
d. alternating current c. remain constant
H.30.2 d. increase the conductivity
95. Testing that requires that the test article be
loaded and/or sectioned to verify and/or
establish mechanical or physical
properties is known as:

a. impedance testing
b. phase analysis testing
c. destructive testing
d. nondestructive testing

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~ Level II Questions
Eddy Current Testing

I. A method of minimizing the effect of 4. When testing by the eddy current method,
indications caused by gradual dimensional discontinuities will be most easily detected
changes while retaining the indications when the eddy currents are:
caused by discontinuities is to:
a. coplanar with the major plane of the
a. enable a high-pass filter in the eddy discontinuity
current test equipment b. perpendicular to the major plane of
b. enable a low-pass filter in the eddy the discontinuity
current test equipment c. parallel to the major plane of the
c. increase the band pass of the amplifier discontinuity
d. use the impedance method of testing d. 90 degrees out of phase with the
A.29,186 current in the coil
2. Which of the following methods may be
used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio 5. A term used to describe the effect
of an electromagnetic testing system? observed due to a change in the
electromagnetic coupling between a test
a. filtering or differentiation specimen and a probe coil when the
b. phase discrimination distance of separation between them is
c. integration varied is:
d. all of the above
A.173 a. fill factor
b. edge effect
3. In order to decrease the effect on c. end effect
conductivity readings due to variations in d. lift-off
test part thickness: A.130,324

a. the test frequency should be increased 6. A term used to define the phenomenon
b. the test frequency should be decreased where, at very high frequencies, the eddy
c. the fill factor should be decreased current flow is restricted to an extremely
d. there is no practical method for thin outer layer of the conductor is:
decreasing this effect
A.54 a. skin effect
b. high-frequency filtration
c. low-frequency filtration
d. any one of the above

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30 Levell I Questions - Eddy Current Testing

7. The fill factor when a 13 mm (0.5 in.) 12. A term used to define two or more coils
diameter bar is inserted in a 25 mm (I in.) electrically connected in opposition such
diameter coil is: that any electromagnetic condition which
is not common to both a test specimen
a. 0.5 (50%) and a reference specimen will produce a
b. 0.75 (75%) signal change in the system is:
c. 1.0 (100%)
d. 0.25 (25%) a. differential
D.24/E.89 b. absolute
c. laminar
8. Which of the following could be used to d. flying probes
suppress unwanted high-frequency A.52,129
13. In a manufacturing environment, tubing is
a. low-pass filter generally inspected using:
b. oscillator
c. phase discriminator a. U -shaped coils
d. high-pass filter b. gap coils
A.186 c. encircling coils
d. none of the above
9. The impedance change of an eddy current D.9/E.32
test coil due to a change in test part
characteristics can be most easily analyzed 14. When performing a hardness test on
as a combined change in: small parts with an encircling coil
arrangement, which of the following test
a. capacitive reactance and resistance parameters may be considered important?
b. harmonic frequencies and inductive
reactance a. length of the test sample
c. signal amplitude and phase b. thickness of the test sample
d. retentivity and harmonic frequencies c. cross-sectional area of the test sample
E.65 d. all of the above
10. The inductive reactance of a test coil can
be calculated using the formula: 15. In a test coil consisting of both a primary
and secondary winding, the voltage across
a. XL= 21tL the secondary is a function of:
b. XL = 0.51tL
c. XL= 21tjl a. test material permeability
d. X1.= IR b. test frequency
E.18/H.36.1 c. geometry of the test object
d. all of the above
11. When conducting, an electromagnetic test, 0.28
variations in the test material can be
detected as variations in: !6. Eddy current testing relies on the
principle of:
a. test speed
b. impedance of a pickup coil a. magnetostriction
c. none of the above b. electromagnetic induction
d. both a and b c. piezoelectric energy conversion
A. 51-52 d. magnetomotive force

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Level II Questions - Eddy Current Testing 31

17. When the Hfield strength around a 21. When testing tubing using an encircling
ferromagnetic material is increased and coil, what is the phase relationship of the
then decreased to zero, the induced field B output signals from identical ID and OD
within the part does not return to zero. discontinuities?
The term to define this B value when H
has returned to zero is: a. the signals are in phase
b. the phase of the OD discontinuity
a. coercive force leads the phase of the ID discontinuity
b. residual magnetism c. the phase of the OD discontinuity lags
c. saturation value the phase of the lD discontinuity
d. hysteresis loss d. indeterminate
A.48 E.86

18. The three major specimen parameters that 22. A term used to define an instrumentation
influence eddy current testing are: technique that discriminates between
variables in the test part by the phase
a. electrical conductivity, frequency and angle response differences seen on the
material geometry output device is:
b. density, permeability and frequency
c. electrical conductivity, permeability a. phase analysis
and material geometry b. phase distortion
d. thermal conductivity, electrical c. phase shifting
conductivity and permeability d. phase discrimination
E. 57
19. Doubling the number of turns on a
coil will: 23. If the characteristic frequency IJg) of a
material is 125 Hz, the test frequency
a. double the inductance required to give anf/fgratio of 10 would
b. halve the inductance be:
c. decrease the inductance by a factor of
four a. 1.25 Hz
d. increase the inductance by a factor of b. 12.5 Hz
four c. 1.25 kHz
0.15/E.13 d. 12.5 kHz
20. The frequency ratio f!J; can be defined as:
24. At a fixed test frequency, in which of the
a. the argUment of the mathematical following materials will the eddy current
function describing the penetration be greatest?
electromagnetic field within the test
specimen a. aluminum (35% lACS)
b. test frequency divided by limit b. brass (15% lACS)
frequency c. copper (95% lACS)
c. neither a nor b d. lead (7% lACS)
d. both a and b E.84

Pvc 08T
32 Level II Questions - Eddy Current Testing

25. If the test frequency increases while the 28. In Figure 2 (an impedance diagram for
field strength is held constant, the surface solid nonmagnetic rod), the _{gor
eddy current density: characteristic frequency is calculated by
the formula:
a. decreases
b. increases a. f. = <Jj.t/d2
c. remains the same b.t=oJ.L/2
d. could do any of the above c. !g
= 5066/crJ.Ld'
E.83-84 d. fg= R/L
26. As the fill factor decreases, the impedance
variation of a pickup coil produced by a 29. In Figure 2, a change in the f/fg ratio will
given change in conductivity will: result in:

a. increase a. a change in only the magnitude of the

b. remain the same voltage across the coil
c. decrease b. a change in only the phase of the
d. could do any of the above voltage across the coil
A.130 c. a change in both the phase and
magnitude of the voltage across the
Figure 2
d. no change in the phase or magnitude
of the voltage across the coil
Figure 3

0.6 6.25


0.4 1-\h?--A-'-\L-
400 0.3 1++'-++-44-J
0 40 000 11 = 0.751--1+--tii--JL....j
0.2 0.4 0.2
0.1 h-P''-1---1-......j

27. The abscissa values on the impedance

plane shown in Figure 2 are given in
terms of: 30. In Figure 3, the solid curves are plots for
different values of:
a. absolute conductivity
b. normalized resistance a. fill factor
c. absolute inductance b. heat treatment
d. normalized inductance c. conductivity
0.29 d. permeability
80£ ogc; qgc;
Level II Questions - Eddy Current Testing 33

31. Which of the following would be easier to 33. To eliminate any dependence on the
detect in tubing by the eddy current number of test coil turns, the inductance
method using the self-comparison values of an impedance diagram are:
differential coil arrangement?
a. disregarded
a. gradual changes in diameter b. normalized
b. gradual changes in conductivity c. corrected to a value of 1
c. changes in temperature d. none of the above
d. short discontinuities A.137
34. A term used to define a system that
indicates only the magnitude of variations
in the total coil impedance regardless of
Figure 4
the phase or direction in which it occurs
h.roL on an impedance plane is:
roL L=t5
0.16 a. inductive reactance magnitude system
b. feedback-controlled system
0.14 c. impedance-magnitude system
d. impedance vector analysis system
0.12 E.65
35. When eddy current testing tubing with a
0.08 system that includes adjustable filter
functions, which of the following variables
0.06 would be classified as a high frequency
a. small discontinuities
b. conductivity changes
c. diameter changes
d. wall thickness variations
0.02 0.04 0.06
36. A major problem for an untrained or
inexperienced operator using the eddy
current test method is the:
32. Figure 4 illustrates the fact that eddy
current responses: a. inability of eddy current testing to
accurately measure conductivity
a. can be caused by several parameters b. large number of variables that appear
b. differ in phase and magnitude with in the output readout mechanism
different parameter changes c. need to test at low speeds to prevent
c. can be made selective with regard to skipping
the variable of interest d. inability of eddy current testing to
d. all of the above detect small discontinuities
E.57 E.11

34 Level II Questions - Eddy Current Testing

39. In eddy current testing, the specimen is

Figure 5 coupled to the test coil by:

a. core coupling
b. magnetic saturation
c. the coil's magnetic field
d. magnetic domains

40. The thickness of nonconductive coatings

on a conductive base can be most simply
measured by:

a. observing the lift-off effect caused by

the coating
b. testing both sides of the specimen
c. varying the current in the test coil
d. varying the test frequency over a given
range during the test

41. The use of magnetic shielding around the

exciting coil will generally:

a. increase the magnetic field extension

but decrease the eddy current
3 7. Figure 5 illustrates the fact that the limit b. increase the magnetic field extension
frequency (/g) equations and the and eddy current penetration
impedance diagrams for long solid rods c. decrease the magnetic field extension
and long thin-walled tubing are: but increase the eddy current
a. different d. decrease the magnetic field extension
b. identical and eddy current penetration
c. similar A.139,144
d. unrelated
E.85 42. Which of the following is not a factor that
affects the inductance of an eddy current
38. VVhen a direct current saturation test coil?
technique is applied to a ferromagnetic
material, the flux density in the material is: a. diameter of the coils
b. test frequency
a. less than the flux density generated by c. overall shape of the coils
the test coil because of heat losses d. distance from other coils
b. less than the flux density generated by E.17
the test coil because of resistivity
c. the same as the flux density generated
by the test coil
d. greater than the flux density generated
by the test coil

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Level II Questions - Eddy Current Testing 35

43. The formula used to calculate the 48. Which of the following materials would be
impedance of an eddy current test coil is: more likely used to create a holding fixture
for a probe coil?
a. Z=UfL
b. Z=XL +R a. aluminum
b. plastic
c. Z=~XL +R
c. copper
d. Z=~XZ+R' d. steel
E.19 0.19

44. An out-of-phase condition between 49. A term used to define the timing
current and voltage: relationships involved in alternating
current signals is:
a. can exist only in the primary winding
of an eddy current coil a. magnitude
b. can exist only in the secondary b. phase
winding of an eddy current coil c. impedance
c. can exist in both the primary and d. reactance
secondary windings of an eddy current B.1.16/E.15
d. exists only in the test specimen 50. VVhen eddy current testing a nonferrous
A.160 material, the choice of mode of operation
and test frequency will be affected by the:
45. A surface coil mounted so that the coil can
be rotated about the circumference of a a. degree of phase discrimination
test specimen is known as a(n): required
b. eddy current penetration needed
a. bobbin coil c. discontinuity detection and sizing
b. encircling coil criteria
c. rotating coil d. all of the above
d. gap coil e. a and b only
E.406 A.403

46. An eddy current test coil which uses high 51. \Nhich of the following coil arrangements
permeability material to purposely shape would eliminate or decrease the effects of
the magnetic field is known as a(n): minor variations in diameter, chemical
composition, hardness, etc., which occur
a. bobbin coil gradually along the length of a wire?
b. encircling coil
c. rotating coil a. self-comparison differential
d. shielded coil b. external reference absolute
A.144 c. single coil absolute
d. double coil absolute
47. The conductivity value for a metal is a A.156
function of the:

a. heat treatment given the metal

b. cold working performed on the metal
c. aging process used on the metal
d. all of the above

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36 Level II Questions - Eddy Current Testing

52. Which of the following conditions are not 55. When a nonferromagnetic rod is placed
valid criteria when selecting specimens to inside an encircling coil:
be used as reference standards?
a. the magnetic field generated by the coil
a. the specimen should be of the same is increased in intensity
size and shape as the piece to be tested b. the distribution of eddy currents is
b. the specimen should have the same uniform through the rod's cross
heat treatment as the piece to be tested section
c. the surface finish of the specimen c. the distribution of eddy currents is at a
should be the same as the piece to be maximum at the rod's surface, or near
tested the surface, and decreases to essentially
d. if the material is aluminum, the surface zero at the rod's center
should always be anodized d. the temperature of the rod decreases
A.270 E.31

53. An eddy current test coil's magnetic field 56. A decrease in conductivity is
intensity in air: equivalent to:

a. increases with distance outside the coil a. an increase in permeability

and varies across the diameter inside b. an increase in resistivity
the coil c. a decrease in permeability
b. decreases with distance outside the coil d. a decrease in resistivity
and varies across the diameter inside A.53/8.2.8
the coil
c. decreases with distance outside the coil 57. When the voltage applied to a circuit and
and is assumed to be constant across the current through the circuit both reach
the diameter inside the coil their maximums and minimums at the
d. increases with distance outside the coil same time, the voltage and current are:
and is assumed to be constant across
the diameter inside the coil a. additive
E.66 b. in phase
c. regenerative
54. The circuhry or electronic functions that d. out of phase
make it possible to minimize the effect of E.15
signals caused by variables of no interest
on the readout mechanism are based on 58. Which of the following is not a commonly
differences in: used eddy current testing readout
a. amplitude
b. phase a. signal generator
c. frequency b. meter
d. any one or a combination of the c. X-Y display
quantities listed above d. strip-chart recorder
A.174 A.174

59. Which of the following materials would

have the highest resistivity value?

a. aluminum with a 42% lACS rating

b. magnesium with a 3 7% lACS rating

c. cast steel with a 10.7% lACS rating '
d. zirconium with a 3.4% lACS rating •··.·


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Level II Questions - Eddy Current Testing 37

60. The magnetic field generated by eddy 64. When the alternating current in an eddy
currents induced in a test specimen: current coil reverses direction:

a. opposes the magnetic field that a. the direction of the eddy currents in a
induced the eddy currents part remains the same
b. reinforces the magnetic field that b. the eddy currents in the test part will
induced the eddy currents change phase by 45°
c. cancels the magnetic field that induced c. the direction of the eddy currents in
the eddy currents the part also reverses
d. has no effect on the magnetic field that d. the eddy currents in the part remain
induced the eddy currents the same
A. 51 E.14

61. The impedance of a test coil usually can 65. To be useful, limit frequency equations
be represented by the vector sum of: must be:

a. inductive reactance and resistance a. used with their impedance diagrams

b. capacitive reactance and resistance b. used to determine their impedance
c. inductive reactance and capacitive diagrams
reactance c. both a and b
d. inductance and capacitance d. neither a nor b
A. 51 E.85

62. For age hardenable aluminum and 66. When a rod is placed in an encircling type
titanium alloys, changes in hardness are of coil, the density of eddy currents will be
indicated by changes in: the greatest:

a. retentivity a. at the surface

b. permeability b. at the center
c. conductivity c. midway between the surface and the
d. magnetostriction center
E.59 d. none of the above
63. The penetration of eddy currents in a
conductive material is decreased when: 67. The term jill factor applies to:

a. test frequency or conductivity of the a. a surface coil

specimen is decreased b. coaxial cable
b. test frequency is decreased or c. an encircling coil
conductivity of the specimen is d. all of the above
increased A.130
c. test frequency, conductivity of the
specimen or permeability of the 68. An eddy current system using handling
specimen is increased equipment with automatic marking of the
d. permeability of the specimen is defective are.as _primarily makes it possible
decreased to:
A. 54
a. remove defective areas of the product,
if desired
b. eliminate test surface contamination
c. allow an inexperienced operator to
establish the discontinuity cause
d. pass rejectable material
egg OLg egg egg opg osg eog
38 Level II Questions - Eddy Current Testing

69. Two test coils are often used in a bridge 74. When a magnetic material is placed in a
circuit to: region of an applied magnetizing force, a
magnetic field is developed in the
a. eliminate skin effect material by means of:
b. determine the differences between a
known standard sample and a test a. induction
piece b. conduction
c. increase the conductivity of the circuit c. heat transfer
d. decrease the system sensitivity d. magnetic domain transfer
A.178 H.30.6

70. The actual frequencies used in any specific 75. The atoms of a metal showing magnetic
eddy current inspection should be characteristics are grouped into regions
selected on the basis of the: that are the smallest known permanent
magnets. These regions are called:
a. thickness of the material
b. desired depth of penetration a. lattice structures
c. degree of sensitivity or resolution b. cells
required c. domains
d. all of the above d. planetary spins
E.83 E.44

71. The term used to define the difference 76. The flux density in a magnetized material
between actual instrument output and is usually designated by the:
expected output as defined by a straight
line calibration curve is: a. symbol J.1
b. symbol cr
a. phase shift c. letter B
b. nonlinearity d. letter H
c. lift-off H.30.22
d. skin effect
A.324-325 77. The magnetizing force of a saturation coil
is usually designated by the:
72. A term used to define any change in a
sinusoidal signal when the output is not a a. symbol J.1
linear reproduction of the input is: b. symbol cr
c. letter B
a. distortion d. letter H
b. linearity H.30.22
c. phase shifting
d. dynamic range 78. The ratio of a material's flux density to the
H.40.41 applied magnetizing force can be used to
determine the material's:
73. The magnetic domains in an
unmagnetized ferromagnetic material: a. permeability
b. conductivity
a. are arranged to facilitate the c. resistivity
conduction of electrons d. lift-off
b. are randomly oriented and neutralize 8.2.14
each other
c. are uniformly oriented
d. create a major north and south pole in
the material
88L PLL 09L 817L POL Q69
Level II Questions - Eddy Current Testing 39

82. In Figure 8, H represents:

Figure 6
v a. the magnetizing force
b. the material's flux density
c. the material's permeability
d. the material's conductivity

83. In Figure 8, B represents:

One cycle a. the magnetizing force

b. the material's flux density
79. The two sine wave signals (V and I) shown c. the material's permeability
in Figure 6 are: d. the material's conductivity
a. in phase
b. 45 degrees out of phase 84. In Figure 8, the distance represented by A
c. 90 degrees out of phase is a measure of the material's:
d. 180 degrees out of phase
8.2.36 a. permeability
b. conductivity
c. retentivity
Figure 7 d. coercive force
v 8.2.18

85. In Figure 8, the distance represented by C

is a measure of the material's:

a. permeability
b. conductivity
c. residual magnetism
One cycle d. coercive force

80. The two sine wave signals ( V and I) shown

in Figure 7 are: Figure 8 B

a. in phase
b. 45 degrees out of phase
c. 90 degrees out of phase
d. 180 degrees out of phase

81. The symbol commonly used to signify

impedance is:

a. Z c
b. XL
c. R
d. X,

P98 0178 Q£8 8(;8

8 008 B6L
40 Level II Questions - Eddy Current Testing

86. A term used to define a property of a test

system which enables the separation of
signals due to discontinuities in the test
specimen that are located in close
proximity to each other is:
88. A term used to defme a surface or internal
rupture that is attributed to processing at
too low a temperature or excessive
working or metal movement during the
forging, rolling or extruding operation is:

a. dynamic range a. a cold shut

b. sensitivity b. microshrinkage
c. linearity c. burst
d. resolution d. an inclusion
H.43.49 B.A-10

87. The inductive reactance of a coil is

measured in units of:

a. mhos
b. ohms
c. henries
d. gauss

ogg P98

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