General / Power Transmission

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Catalogue HY11-3500/UK Hydraulic Fluids

General / Power Transmission

General • Higher pressure losses in pipes and components

The hydraulic fluid is an important component of any oper- • Reduction of hydraulic-mechanic efficiency,
ating hydraulic systems. The fluid covers several tasks • More pressure drop in suction line, filling losses,
• Power transmission cavitation
• Wear protection resp. wear reduction • Sealing and lubrication gaps are not getting fully filled,
• Heat transfer. loss of lubrication.
The importance of the fluid may be seen in the following
A too low viscosity leads to the following problems:
statement: “Statistical data indicate, that more than 80%
of all failures of hydraulic components are causal related • Higher leakage across all sealing gaps in the pump
to an improper condition of the hydraulic fluid. and in valves
• Thinner lubrication film causes more direct metal-
The selection and the maintenance and/or control of the to-metal contact and more wear in glide and roller
fluid for a hydraulic system is of major importance. The bearings.
main criteria for this selection are given in the following.
For these reasons the selection of the right viscosity and
Power transmission the best viskositys-temperature index needs highest at-
An important index for the power transmission behavior tention. Some of the selection criterias are:
of a hydraulic fluid is the bulk module Eoil, measured in • Function principle of hydraulic pumps and motors used
bar. It describes, how much the volume of a fluid content in the system
is reduced under pressure. • Nominal pressure, nominal temperature (and range)
• Environmental temperature (and range)
A „hard“ hydraulic fluid (high bulk module) transmits pres-
sures very fast and leads to a stiff hydraulic system. This • Length of piping.
is appreciated in closed loop controlled systems. „Stiff“
systems are achieved by small pressurized volumes, hard The following limits are to be considered:
surrounding walls (pipes instead of flexible hoses) and
high viscose fluids. Beside that pressure increases the • Optimum working viscosity regarding efficiency,
bulk module of mineral oil. economy and safety
ν opt = 20 – 40 mm2/s
A „soft“ hydraulic system is more subject to instability, but
it is in general quieter, because high frequent pressure • Working viscosity for full operability
ripple is damped better. ν operation = 16 – 100 mm2/s
• Viscosity limits for reduced operating conditions (speed
The air content of a fluid plays an important role. Mineral of rotation, pressure, load cycle)
oil contains some 9% air in solution under atmospheric ν limit = 12 – 300 mm2/s
pressure . If caused by under pressure in a hydraulic
circuit (pump inlet, high fluid velocity in orifices or by tur- • Lowest viscosity limit, start of the damaging metal-
bulences due to high return line speed into the reservoir), to-metal contact, only for short time and max. 50%
part of this air occurs as bubbles, the systems stiffness is nominal pressure
drastically reduced, which can cause several problems. ν min = 8 mm2/s
The viscosity of the hydraulic fluid has a high influence • Highest start up viscosity, suction limit of pumps, only
on the dynamic power transmission. A high viscosity, for short time when suction line is short and straight
that means a „thick“ fluid, leads to a worse fluidity and ν Start = 800 mm2/s
that means:
• The recommended temperature range (fluid tempera-
ture) for the operation of a hydraulic system is between
30°C and 70°C, -30°C as the lowest and +90°C as the
highest limit never should be exceeded depending on
a fluid capable of these temperatures. 13

general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1

13-11 Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG

Hydraulic Controls Division
Kaarst, Germany
Catalogue HY11-3500/UK Hydraulic Fluids
Power Transmission

Mineral oil is offered in different viscosity classes (VG,

viscosity grade). The characteristic number describes the
nominal viscosity in mm²/s at 40°C:

VG 22 arctic conditions, extremely long pipes; VG 46 normal conditions, closed buildings;

VG 32 wintery conditions; VG 68 tropical conditions.

Viscosity-temperature-diagram for mineral oil

The correlation between viscosity and temperature usually is described in the double logarithmic Ubbelohde diagram.

general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1

13-12 Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG

Hydraulic Controls Division
Kaarst, Germany
Catalogue HY11-3500/UK Hydraulic Fluids
Wear Protection / Wear Reduction

Wear protection resp. wear reduction It is measured in a test device, which moves two cylindri-
In hydraulic components there are many gliding contacts cal test elements under a defined load. On one of the test
partly under high (side) loads. Beside the correct viscosity, elements a wear mark is created. This wear mark grows
which on one hand is responsible for the required supply during the first seconds of the test, but then stays for
of lubricating fluid to the gap, on the other hand assures several minutes at a constant size. The size of this wear
a stable lubricating film, the wear reduction capability of mark gives a reading for the specific “wear free” load for
the hydraulic fluid is of major importance. this particular fluid in N/mm².
The describing parameter, the „Schadenskraftstufe“ (load For general applications
carrying capability), is determined in the FZG-normal test this value has to be at least
A/8.3/90 according to DIN 51 354 part 2 (gear transmis- 30 N/mm², measured in accordance to DIN 51 347-2.
sion test rig, 12 defined load steps at 90°C start tempera-
ture and 8.3 m/s circumferance speed). For heavily loaded hydraulic equipment and fast cycling
Depending on the nominal working pressure the following machines and/or high dynamic loads this value should
„Schadenskraftstufe“ is recommended not be below
50 N/mm², measured in accordance to DIN 51 347-2.
nominal pressure [bar] "Schadenskraftstufe"
80 – 125 ≥5
125 – 200 5–6 But a fluid can maintain its wear prohibiting capabilities
200 – 250 7–9 only, when it is not contaminated with hard and aggressive
250 – 320 ≥ 10 particles. Therefore in the interest of a long functional life
> 320 ≥ 12 of all components the filtration of the hydraulic fluid
need special attention.
Max pressure limit: 1.25 x nominal pressure
The sealing and gliding gaps in hydraulic components
typically are in the range of 3-10 µm. That means they
Mineral oils are offered according to DIN 51 524 in dif- are in the same size range as most of the particles found
ferent fluid types in a hydraulic fluid.
• HL-fluids according to DIN 51 524 part 2, normal work-
ing load conditions, „Schadenskraftstufe“ 6 – 10 The smaller the number of particles in a hydraulic fluid,
the lower the wear of the hydraulic components will be.
• HLP-fluids according to DIN 51 524 part 3, higher work-
And wear is by nearly 90% the root cause for failure of
ing load conditions, „Schadenskraftsstufe“ > 10
hydraulic pumps and motors.
Modern HLP-fluids today usually come with a „Schadens-
kraftstufe“ >12. They are equipped with wear prohibiting To ensure a disruption free operation of a general
additives, which ensure a high safety of operation even hydraulic system, at least a fluid quality (cleanliness
level) of 20/18/15 according to ISO 4406 is required.
under severe working conditions.
The characteristic values indicate, how many particles
Beside the wear reduction due to the elasto-hydrodynamic in the size range >2 µm (1. value), >5µm 2. value) and
properties of the hydraulic fluid, which are expressed in >15 µm (3. value) are present in one ml of a fluid. The
the FZG value, the behavior of the fluid in a mixed friction value 20 stands for 5.000 – 10.000 particles per ml, the
situation is very important for the use of a fluid in heavy 18 stands for 1.300 - 2.500 particles per ml, and the 15
duty hydraulic applications. In hydraulic components for 160 – 320 particles per ml.
mixed friction occurs permanently, because the veloc-
ity difference between two components in contact very
often is below the minimum velocity for hydrodynamic

During mixed friction, i. e.: at a direct metal-to-metal

contact between two surfaces, the “lubricity” of a fluid is
most important. The lubricity is measured according to 13
DIN 51 347 and is expressed as a specific load in N/mm²,
at which wear does not yet occur. This value sometimes
also is called the “Brugger-value”.

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13-13 Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG

Hydraulic Controls Division
Kaarst, Germany
Catalogue HY11-3500/UK Hydraulic Fluids
Heat Dissipation / Seals

That illustrates, that a hydraulic fluid of the cleanliness Heat dissipation

level 20/18/15 still a huge number of particles is distrib-
uted in the fluid content. That also indicates, that this fluid The temperature has an important influence on the prop-
quality only for general and low pressure applications is erties of the hydraulic fluid. Viscosity, lubricity, aging and
good enough. other significant features depend direct or indirectly on
the temperature. That indicates, that the thermal balance
When the requirements in functional safety and op- of a hydraulic system needs to be considered during the
erational life are higher or at high pressure applications layout and design. On one hand the fluid is stressed by
Parker recommends a cleanliness level 18/16/13 acc. ISO a high temperature, on the other hand the fluid is the
4406. The fluid then is allowed to contain 1.300 – 2.500 medium to transport the heat away from resistors, orifices
particels >4µm, 320 – 640 particles >6µm and 40 – 80 and other throttling devices and friction zones. Therefore
particles >14 µm per ml. during layout it has to be made sure, that nowhere in the
system a local overheating by dissipated heat can occur.
To achieve a cleanliness level the hydraulic circuit must be That could destroy seals, lead to a failure of components
equipped with a suitable filtration system. But it has to be due to lack of lubricity or finally lead to a destruction of
considered that filters never perform an absolute cleaning the fluid itself.
of the fluid. A filter element with a β-value of e.g. β10 ≥ 75
does not retain all particles larger than 10µm. Still 1/75 of A final comment to seals. A good hydraulic system
all particles larger than 10µm will pass the element. should not show, that it operates with a fluid. There
should be no leakage at all. In general hydraulic com-
This review shows ponents are leak free. More than 90% of all problems
occur at interfaces
• A reservoir filling of 100 l contains billions of contami-
nation particles • Ports
• Even a „10µ-filter“ will let pass millions of particles • Flange interfaces of valves
>10 µm • Connectors

On top of that it needs to be considered: The assembly of the system is the main cause for prob-
• across a breather and through the piston rod seal lems in this area.
and wiper of a hydraulic cylinder particles can enter a
hydraulic system Nevertheless the system “hydraulic fluid & elasto- metric
seal” is extremely sensitive. Temperature, chemical incom-
• wear on pumps, motors and valves adds more particles patibility and mechanical damages are the most frequent
to the fluid causes for a failure of this system. Please contact Parker
• mineral oil delivered in barrels typically has a clean- if you have any question to this topic.
liness level of 21/19/16 according to ISO 4406 or
worse. Parker does not give an explicit recommendation for a
certain fluid product, fluid brand or fluid manufacturer.
Therefore it is very important, to pay highest attention The permanent research and development in the field of
also to the systems filtration in respect of its layout, its hydraulic fluids and seal materials makes it impossible
supervision and its maintenance. to test all possible combinations for compatibility with our
components. The recommendations made here and the
The load to the fluid in hydraulic systems leads to its discussion of possible restrictions, relevant standards and
aging. Therefore the fluid needs to be checked for its other useful literature should help to select the right fluid
perfect condition. This check should be performed at for a hydraulic system and to design the power unit in a
least twice a year and include as a minimum requirement way that it is able to fulfill all requirements.
the determination of neutralization number, viscosity,
colour index and cleanliness level.

13 The operational life of the fluid depends very much on

the operating pressure, the operating temperature, the
circulation number (delivery of all pumps divided by
the reservoir content) and the type of the fluid. General
statements to the average time of usage therefore are

general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1

13-14 Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG

Hydraulic Controls Division
Kaarst, Germany
Catalogue HY11-3500/UK Hydraulic Fluids
Special Fluids

Special fluids for environment protection

All statements made above are in principle also valid Note !

for these fluids. Regarding the selection/definition of Even bio-degradable fluids need to be disposed
the required viscosity level, the cleanliness level and according to special disposing rules (like mineral
the lubrication and wear protection behavior all criteria oil). Prior to the use of these fluids we recommend
discussed in the mineral oil section have to be applied to contact our specialists.
Fluids according to DIN 51 502 (HF-Fluids)
The following special fluid features and conditions are to
be considered: These fluids are fire resistant. The following classes are
Fluids based on natural ingredients HFA oil in water emulsion: 95 – 98% water
• Good lubricaction, viscosity-temperature characteris- HFB water in oil emulsion: >40% water
tics better than standard mineral oil. HFC water containing solutions: 35 – 55% water
• Density slightly higher than mineral oil, therefore check (poly-glycole)
for good suction conditions! HFD water free fluids
• Pour point approx. – 30°, therefore not suitable for low (mainly phosphor acid ester).
temperature operation.
• Accelerated aging. First fluid change after 500 h, se- The operation of Parker hydraulic components with HFD
cond change after another 1.000 h. Then all 2.000 h or fluids within the limits of the fluid suppliers specification
annually, if less than 2.000 h annual operation. (temperature range, filtration, seal material compatibility)
• High affinity to water. The ingression of water has to and the viscosity limits of our components is possible
be avoided under all conditions. At temperature above without restrictions.
50°C destroys the fluid if water is present.
The operation with HFC involves certain restrictions re-
• Can be mixed with mineral oil (under loss of biological
garding pressure limitation and bearing life reduction in
rotating units. Please contact our specialists.
• Internal coating of reservoirs etc. to be compatible with Parker does not give a general release for the operation
the fluid. Check with fluid supplier. with HFA and HFB fluids. In certain cases a special ap-
proval can be given upon request.
Fluids basing on esters (synthetical esters)
• The same remarks as for fluids based on natural If you are not sure, wether our products can be used
ingredients with a special fluid or not, please call us. Our special-
ists are glad to answer your questions and to give
Fluids basing on polyglycol (not HFC/water glycol) you any necessary support.
• Good lubricaction, viscosity-temperature characteristic
better than standard mineral oil.
• Aging/durability according to actual knowledge similar
to mineral oil.
• Pourpoint approx. – 40°C, be careful at low tempe-
• Density significantly higher than at mineral oil. There-
fore the max. input speeds for self priming pumps are
to be reduced by 20%.
• Use fluorcarbon as seal material. Our hydraulic com-

ponents are tested with mineral oil; they need to be
completely made empty before installation!
• Normal paints and coatings are destroyed. Please
contact fluid supplier!
• Never mix with mineral oil, solid sediments will develop
and block filters, orifices etc.!

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13-15 Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG

Hydraulic Controls Division
Kaarst, Germany
Catalogue HY11-3500/UK


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13-16 Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG

Hydraulic Controls Division
Kaarst, Germany
Catalogue HY11-3500/UK


general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1

13-17 Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG

Hydraulic Controls Division
Kaarst, Germany

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