General / Power Transmission
General / Power Transmission
General / Power Transmission
general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1
The correlation between viscosity and temperature usually is described in the double logarithmic Ubbelohde diagram.
general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1
Wear protection resp. wear reduction It is measured in a test device, which moves two cylindri-
In hydraulic components there are many gliding contacts cal test elements under a defined load. On one of the test
partly under high (side) loads. Beside the correct viscosity, elements a wear mark is created. This wear mark grows
which on one hand is responsible for the required supply during the first seconds of the test, but then stays for
of lubricating fluid to the gap, on the other hand assures several minutes at a constant size. The size of this wear
a stable lubricating film, the wear reduction capability of mark gives a reading for the specific “wear free” load for
the hydraulic fluid is of major importance. this particular fluid in N/mm².
The describing parameter, the „Schadenskraftstufe“ (load For general applications
carrying capability), is determined in the FZG-normal test this value has to be at least
A/8.3/90 according to DIN 51 354 part 2 (gear transmis- 30 N/mm², measured in accordance to DIN 51 347-2.
sion test rig, 12 defined load steps at 90°C start tempera-
ture and 8.3 m/s circumferance speed). For heavily loaded hydraulic equipment and fast cycling
Depending on the nominal working pressure the following machines and/or high dynamic loads this value should
„Schadenskraftstufe“ is recommended not be below
50 N/mm², measured in accordance to DIN 51 347-2.
nominal pressure [bar] "Schadenskraftstufe"
80 – 125 ≥5
125 – 200 5–6 But a fluid can maintain its wear prohibiting capabilities
200 – 250 7–9 only, when it is not contaminated with hard and aggressive
250 – 320 ≥ 10 particles. Therefore in the interest of a long functional life
> 320 ≥ 12 of all components the filtration of the hydraulic fluid
need special attention.
Max pressure limit: 1.25 x nominal pressure
The sealing and gliding gaps in hydraulic components
typically are in the range of 3-10 µm. That means they
Mineral oils are offered according to DIN 51 524 in dif- are in the same size range as most of the particles found
ferent fluid types in a hydraulic fluid.
• HL-fluids according to DIN 51 524 part 2, normal work-
ing load conditions, „Schadenskraftstufe“ 6 – 10 The smaller the number of particles in a hydraulic fluid,
the lower the wear of the hydraulic components will be.
• HLP-fluids according to DIN 51 524 part 3, higher work-
And wear is by nearly 90% the root cause for failure of
ing load conditions, „Schadenskraftsstufe“ > 10
hydraulic pumps and motors.
Modern HLP-fluids today usually come with a „Schadens-
kraftstufe“ >12. They are equipped with wear prohibiting To ensure a disruption free operation of a general
additives, which ensure a high safety of operation even hydraulic system, at least a fluid quality (cleanliness
level) of 20/18/15 according to ISO 4406 is required.
under severe working conditions.
The characteristic values indicate, how many particles
Beside the wear reduction due to the elasto-hydrodynamic in the size range >2 µm (1. value), >5µm 2. value) and
properties of the hydraulic fluid, which are expressed in >15 µm (3. value) are present in one ml of a fluid. The
the FZG value, the behavior of the fluid in a mixed friction value 20 stands for 5.000 – 10.000 particles per ml, the
situation is very important for the use of a fluid in heavy 18 stands for 1.300 - 2.500 particles per ml, and the 15
duty hydraulic applications. In hydraulic components for 160 – 320 particles per ml.
mixed friction occurs permanently, because the veloc-
ity difference between two components in contact very
often is below the minimum velocity for hydrodynamic
general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1
On top of that it needs to be considered: The assembly of the system is the main cause for prob-
• across a breather and through the piston rod seal lems in this area.
and wiper of a hydraulic cylinder particles can enter a
hydraulic system Nevertheless the system “hydraulic fluid & elasto- metric
seal” is extremely sensitive. Temperature, chemical incom-
• wear on pumps, motors and valves adds more particles patibility and mechanical damages are the most frequent
to the fluid causes for a failure of this system. Please contact Parker
• mineral oil delivered in barrels typically has a clean- if you have any question to this topic.
liness level of 21/19/16 according to ISO 4406 or
worse. Parker does not give an explicit recommendation for a
certain fluid product, fluid brand or fluid manufacturer.
Therefore it is very important, to pay highest attention The permanent research and development in the field of
also to the systems filtration in respect of its layout, its hydraulic fluids and seal materials makes it impossible
supervision and its maintenance. to test all possible combinations for compatibility with our
components. The recommendations made here and the
The load to the fluid in hydraulic systems leads to its discussion of possible restrictions, relevant standards and
aging. Therefore the fluid needs to be checked for its other useful literature should help to select the right fluid
perfect condition. This check should be performed at for a hydraulic system and to design the power unit in a
least twice a year and include as a minimum requirement way that it is able to fulfill all requirements.
the determination of neutralization number, viscosity,
colour index and cleanliness level.
general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1
ponents are tested with mineral oil; they need to be
completely made empty before installation!
• Normal paints and coatings are destroyed. Please
contact fluid supplier!
• Never mix with mineral oil, solid sediments will develop
and block filters, orifices etc.!
general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1
general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1
general-fluids_UK.INDD CM_21.01.2008.1