English Proficiency Test For Aviation: Set 20-Pilot
English Proficiency Test For Aviation: Set 20-Pilot
English Proficiency Test For Aviation: Set 20-Pilot
(Audio Only)
Task 2. Read-back Radiotelephony Messages
Directions: Read each message loudly and clearly. You will have 20 to 40 seconds to
read each message depending on the time allotted. Begin speaking after the prompt.
a. Good Air 517, cross Osan VOR at or above FL 200, Descent to six thousand.
b. Cleared to Inchon via Gangwon flight planned route FL 240. To enter controlled
airspace FL 240, Bravo Air 558. (20’)
d. Vero Beach ground, Hall-air 889, we are ready to active runway with information P.
e. Mayday, mayday, mayday, Hong Kong Approach, Oriental 555, bird strike, we’ll
land on runway 7, 10 miles south of airport, 3,000, heading 330 (30’)
Task 3. Stating Own Idea about a Situation
Directions: Look at the picture below and provide the information below the picture.
You will have 20 seconds to think about your answer, and 60 seconds to answer each
question. Now look at the picture and think about your answer. (20’)
1. Describe the picture in as much detail as possible. Now describe the picture. (60’)
2. How do you think this situation occurred? Now, answer the question. (60’)
Task 4. Answering Questions about a Conversation
Directions: Listen to the following conversation between a pilot and an air traffic
controller, and answer 2 questions following. You will have 20 seconds to think about
your answer for each question and 30 seconds to answer each. You may take notes as
you listen to the conversation. Now listen.
(Audio Only)
Controller: Long-Air 776, heading 070, descend to and maintain 1,500 feet until
established the localizer, clear for ILS runway 05 approach.
Pilot: Heading 070, descend to 1,500 feet until established on the localizer
clear for ILS 05 approach.
Controller: Long-Air 776, you are too low, check your altitude and instruments.
Controller: Long-Air 776, cancel the ILS approach, and continue non-precision
approach runway 07
1. Why did the controller advise the pilot to check his instruments?
Task 5. Creating a Story from Illustrations
Directions: The illustrations presented below show a story. You will tell a story in
your own words using the pictures below. You will have 20 seconds to think about the
story and 1 ½ minutes to tell the story.
“ A few days ago, Captain Hanson was flying with a first officer.”
1 2
3 4 5
Task 6. Responding to a Communication Problem
Directions: Listen to the following situation. Afterward, you will have to respond to a
communication, then rephrase and clarify your response. You will have 15 seconds to
respond to the first communication and 45 seconds to clarify your response for second
communication. There will be no time provided to think about your response.
Now listen to the situation.
Pretend that you are the pilot of Tango Air 554, flying at altitude of FL 250 when
you experience severe turbulence. You intend to descend to 12,000ft. You contacted
the control center to replay your intention. The controller replied :
(Audio Only)
Controller : Tango air 554, I did not hear clearly, could you repeat?
Task 7. Responding to an Emergency
Directions : Listen to the following situation, then explain how you would resolve the
situation. You will also need to provide a sample of your radio message. You will have
30 seconds to think about only for the first question, then you will have 60 seconds to
answer each question. Now listen to the situation.
(Audio Only)
You are the pilot of twin engine airplane. While you were flying, one of the
passengers said that it looked like fuel leaking. You checked your fuel gauge but you
could not find anything unusual.
Task 8. Handling a System Malfunction
Directions: Listen to the following situation, and explain how you would resolve the
situation. You will have 30 seconds to think about your answer and 1 ½ minutes to
answer the question. Now listen to the situation.
(Audio Only)
You are the pilot of a twin engine airplane. While you were flying, one of the
passengers said that it looked like fuel was leaking. You checked your fuel gauge but
you could not find anything unusual.
1. What will you do in this situation? Now, think about your answer. (15’)
2. Now, provide a sample of your message to the concerned air traffic controller. (60’)
Task 9. Expressing an Opinion 1
Directions: Listen to the following question. You will have 30 seconds to think
about your answer and 1 ½ minutes to make your response. Now listen to the question.
Most people in the aviation industry believe that flying is the safest means of travel.
Do you share the same belief? Why?
Task 10. Expressing an Opinion 2
Directions: Listen to the following question. You will have 30 seconds to think
about your answer and 1 ½ minutes to make your response. Now listen to the question.
The airplane has evolved into a comfortable, reliable and dependable means of travel.
Some people, however, are still uncomfortable about riding in it and try to avoid
doing so. Do you think their fear is unreasonable? Why?
Interviewer: What do you usually talk about in the cockpit during long flights?