Going Beyond T-SNE: Exposing Whatlies in Text Embeddings
Going Beyond T-SNE: Exposing Whatlies in Text Embeddings
Going Beyond T-SNE: Exposing Whatlies in Text Embeddings
We introduce whatlies, an open source
toolkit for visually inspecting word and sen-
arXiv:2009.02113v1 [cs.CL] 4 Sep 2020
p1 = (emb
p2 = (emb
p1 | p2
These plots are fully interactive. It is possible Figure 5: Demonstration of PCA and UMAP transforma-
to click and drag in order to navigate through the tions.
embedding space and zoom in and out. These plots
can be hosted on a website but they can also be Transformations in whatlies are slightly dif-
exported to png/svg for publication. It is fur- ferent than for example scikit-learn transforma-
thermore possible to apply any vector arithmetic tions because in addition to dimensionality reduc-
operations for these plots, resulting in Figure 4: tion, the transformation can also add embeddings
that represent each principal component to the Subsequently, the new EmbeddingSet can be
EmbeddingSet object. As a result, they can be visualised as a distance map as in Figure 6, reveal-
referred to as axes for creating visualisations as ing a number of spurious correlations that suggest
seen in Figure 5. a gender bias in the embedding space.
pipe = Pipeline([
("embed", BytePairLanguage("en")),
("model", LogisticRegression())
X = [
"i really like this post",
"thanks for that comment",
"i enjoy this friendly forum",
"this is a bad post", Figure 6: Distance map for visualising bias. If there was no
"i dislike this article", bias then we would expect ‘she-he‘ to have a distance near 1.0
"this is not well written" compared to ‘nurse-physician‘. The figure shows this is not
] the case.
y = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0])
It is possible to apply the debiasing technique
pipe.fit(X, y).predict(X) introduced by Bolukbasi et al. (2016) in order to
approximately remove the direction corresponding
This feature enables fast exploration of many to gender. The code snippet below achieves this by,
different word embedding algorithms.9 again, using the arithmetic notation.
emb = lang[words]
Visualising Bias. One use-case of whatlies axis = EmbeddingSet(
is to gain insight into bias-related issues in an em- (lang['man'] - lang['woman']),
bedding space. Because the library readily sup- (lang['king'] - lang['queen']),
(lang['father'] - lang['mother'])
ports vector arithmetic it is possible to create an ).average()
EmbeddingSet holding pairs of representations: emb_debias = emb | axis
are working with a notation that uses square the help of outside contributions. In particular we’d
brackets that can select an embedding from like to thank Masoud Kazemi for many contribu-
the context of the sentence that it resides in: tions to the project.
mod_name = "en_trf_robertabase_lg" We would furthermore like to thank Adam Lopez
lang = SpacyLanguage(mod_name) for many rounds of discussion that considerably
emb1 = lang['[bank] of the river'] improved the paper.
emb2 = lang['money on the [bank]']
assert emb1.vector != emb2.vector
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