OA Eigen Solution SSI Deep Water

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Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind

turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure and SSI

Article  in  Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering · February 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011


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4 authors, including:

Laszlo Arany Subhamoy Bhattacharya

University of Surrey University of Surrey


Stephen John Hogan

University of Bristol


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Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported

offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of
substructure and SSI
Laszlo Arany1, S. Bhattacharya2, John H.G. Macdonald3 and S. John Hogan4

University of Bristol
University of Surrey

Corresponding Author:
Professor Subhamoy Bhattacharya
Chair in Geomechanics
University of Surrey
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Phone: 01483 689534

Offshore wind turbines (OWTs) are dynamically loaded structures and therefore the estimation of the natural
frequency is an important design calculation to avoid resonance and resonance related effects (such as fatigue).
Monopiles are currently the most used foundation type and is also being considered in deeper waters (>30m)
where a stiff transition piece will join the monopile and the tapered tall tower. While rather computationally
expensive, high fidelity finite element analysis can be carried to find the Eigen solutions of the whole system
considering soil-structure interaction, while a quick hand calculation method is often convenient during the design
optimization stage or conceptual design stage. This paper proposes a simplified methodology to obtain the first
natural frequency of the whole system using only limited data on the WTG (Wind Turbine Generator), tower
dimensions, monopile dimensions and the ground. The most uncertain component is the ground and is
characterised by two parameters: type of ground profile (i.e. soil stiffness variation with depth) and the soil
stiffness at one monopile depth below mudline. In this framework, the fixed base natural frequency of the wind
turbine is first calculated and is then multiplied by two non-dimensional factors to account for the foundation
flexibility (i.e. the effect of soil-structure interaction). The theoretical background behind the model is the Euler-
Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories where the foundation is idealised by three coupled springs (lateral,
rocking and cross-coupling). 10 wind turbines founded in different ground conditions from 10 different wind farms
in Europe (e.g. Walney, Gunfleet sand, Burbo Bank, Belwind, Barrow, Kentish flat, Blyth, Lely, Thanet Sand, Irene
Vorrink) have been analysed and the results compared with the measured natural frequencies. The results show
good accuracy (errors below 3.5%). A step by step sample calculation is also shown for practical use of the
proposed methodology.

Keywords: Eigen Value, Monopile, Deeper Water, Beam Theory, Soil-Structure Interaction
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]


Offshore wind turbines (OWTs) are currently installed in high numbers in Northern Europe and the industry is
rapidly developing worldwide. For example, countries such as China, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan are currently
developing wind farms and the US has just installed its first pilot offshore wind farm. The Levelised Cost of Energy
(LCoE) and SCoE (Society’s Cost of Energy) from offshore wind is expected to decrease significantly in the near
future and challenging projects in further offshore and deeper water depths (30-50m), with heavier/larger wind
turbines (upwards of 6MW, with turbines of 10MW in the testing phase) are underway. OWTs are expected to
have a fatigue life of 25-30 years, while foundations are typically designed to last even longer (50 years).

It has been well established that offshore wind turbines are dynamically sensitive structures (Bhattacharya and
Adhikari 2011; Adhikari and Bhattacharya 2012; Bhattacharya et al 2013b; Bhattacharya et al 2013a; Lombardi et
al 2013), and dynamics of OWTs must be studied to avoid unplanned resonance which may lead to increased
fatigue damage through dynamic amplification of responses. Estimation of the natural frequency of the whole
system is an important design calculation (DNV 2014) so as to avoid the excitation frequencies arising from wind
turbulence loading, wave loading, the rotational frequency of the turbine (1P) and the blade passing frequency
(2P/3P). The installed number of these relatively new structures is likely to grow significantly in deeper waters
and will pose additional dynamic challenges, and is therefore the focus of the paper. Specifically, the paper tackles
the issue of the extra length of the tower in water (which is generally stiffer than the tower exposed in air) due to
deeper water sites which makes the tower relatively more flexible as compared to shallow water installations
thereby lowering the natural frequency of the whole system.

Figure 1 shows typical wind and wave power spectral densities for offshore sites which essentially describe the
frequency content of dynamic excitations from wind turbulence and waves. The graphs also show the turbine’s
rotational frequency range (1P) and the turbine’s blade passing frequency range (3P) for a range of commercial
wind turbines of different capacities (2MW to 8MW). A simplified way of translating the wind turbulence spectrum
and the wave spectrum into mudline bending moment spectra through linear transfer functions has been
presented in Arany et al. (2014b). The peak frequencies of loading have been shown to coincide with the peak
frequencies of wind turbulence and waves. However, loads at the 1P and 3P frequencies can also be observed
through effects such as aerodynamic and mass imbalance of the rotor and rotational sampling of turbulence by
the blades, for 1P and 3P loads, respectively (Burton et al 2011; Arany et al 2014b). Further details on the
estimations of the loads can be found in Bhattacharya (2014).

For the widely used soft-stiff design, the target Eigen frequency (first natural frequency) is a frequency in the gap
between 1P and 3P. Figure 1 also shows measured natural frequencies of a wide array of OWTs from several
different wind farms across Europe (see Table 1 for the nomenclature on the wind turbine structure for which the
measured natural frequency is shown and Table 5 for the specification of the turbines given in Figure 1). The
figure clearly shows the trend that the target natural frequencies of heavier turbines are indeed closer to the
excitation frequencies of the wave and wind making these structures even more sensitive to dynamics.

1.1 Dynamic issues in support structure design

Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of a wind turbine system along with the mechanical model relevant to the
study of the overall system dynamics which is important for many design calculations such as Eigen frequencies
and fatigue. The definitions of support structure, tower, substructure, foundation (monopile considered here),
transition piece, mudline and mean sea level are defined in Figure 2(a) and are consistently used throughout the
paper. For clarity, the support structure is the whole structure that supports the heavy turbine i.e. the
components below the Rotor Nacelle Assembly (RNA) which includes the tower, substructure and foundation.
The foundation is defined as the part of the support structure that is embedded in the ground below the mudline.
The tower is typically a tubular tapered column. As the natural frequencies of these systems are very close to the
forcing frequencies, the dynamics pose multiple design challenges and the scale of the challenges will vary
depending on turbine types and site characteristics. These issues are briefly mentioned in the next section.
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

Figure 1. Typical wind and wave spectra, rotational speed (1P) and blade passing (3P) frequency bands for six
commercial turbines and measured natural frequencies of the OWTs given in Table 1.

There are two main categories of modern wind turbines based on the operational range:
(a) Variable rotational speed machines have an operational speed range (1P range);
(b) Constant rotational speed wind turbines that operate at a single rotational speed (fixed 1P).

Variable speed machines have 1P and 2P/3P frequency bands which must be avoided, as opposed to a single
frequency (applicable to constant rotational speed machines). They are more restrictive from the point of view of
foundation design as the forcing frequency is a band rather than a unique value. The turbines currently used in
practice (under operation) are variable speed machines. Figure 1 shows the 1P and 3P bands for typical offshore
wind turbines ranging from 2MW (not in production anymore) turbines to commercially not yet available 8MW
turbines. It may be observed from Figure 1 that for most wind turbines, 1P and 3P excitation cover wide frequency
bands. To avoid these ranges, the designer of the support structure has three options from the point of view of
the stiffness of the tower and the foundation (Kühn 1997):

(a) Soft-soft structures: whereby the natural frequency lies below the 1P frequency range. This design is
typical for floating offshore platforms, but are practically impossible to achieve for fixed (grounded)
structures. Also, soft-soft fixed structures would likely be subject to high dynamic amplification of wave
load response.

(b) Soft-stiff structures: whereby the natural frequency lies above the 1P frequency range. This is the typical
design choice for practical bottom fixed structures, such as monopile founded OWTs. All wind turbines
in Figure 1 are designed soft-stiff.

(c) Stiff-stiff structures: whereby the natural frequency lies above the 3P range. Such designs are typically
considered to have a massive support structure and therefore uneconomic. However, the Hornsea
twisted jacket foundation supporting a met mast has recently successfully achieved a natural frequency
above the 3P band, (Lowe 2012).
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

Figure 2. Basic model of an OWT: (a) Main components. (b) Dimensions. (c) Mathematical model.

Table 1. Analysed offshore wind farms with the used wind turbines and soil conditions at the sites.
No. Wind farm name and Turbine type and Soil conditions at the site Data and measured frequency
location rated power sources
I. Lely Offsore Wind NedWind 40/500 2- Soft clay in the uppermost layer Zaaijer (2002)
Farm (Netherlands) bladed 500kW study to dense and very dense sand Lindoe Offshore Renewables
purpose wind turbine layers below. Center (2011)
II. Irene Vorrink Nordtank NTK600/43 Soft layers of silt and clay in the Zaaijer (2002)
Offshore Wind Farm 600kW study purpose upper seabed to dense and very Lindoe Offshore Renewables
(Netherlands) wind turbine dense sand below. Center (2011)
III. Blyth Offshore Wind Vestas V66 2MW Rocky seabed (weathered Camp et al. (2004)
Farm (UK) industrial offshore bedrock) Lindoe Offshore Renewables
wind turbine Center (2011)
IV. Kentish Flats Vestas V90 3MW Layers of dense sand and firm Damgaard et al (2013)
Offshore Wind Farm industrial offshore clay Lindoe Offshore Renewables
(UK) wind turbine Center (2011)
V. Barrow Offshore Vestas V90 3MW Layers of dense sand and stiff Damgaard et al (2013)
Wind Farm (UK) industrial offshore clay Lindoe Offshore Renewables
wind turbine Center (2011)
VI. Thanet Offshore Vestas V90 3MW Fine sand and stiff clay Damgaard et al (2013)
Wind Farm (UK) industrial offshore Lindoe Offshore Renewables
wind turbine Center (2011)
VII Belwind 1 Offshore Vestas V90 3MW Dense sand and stiff clay Damgaard et al (2013)
Wind Farm (Belgium) industrial offshore Lindoe Offshore Renewables
wind turbine Center (2011)
VIII Burbo Bank Offshore Vestas V90 3MW Saturated dense sand (2090) Versteijlen et al (2011)
Wind Farm (UK) industrial offshore Lindoe Offshore Renewables
wind turbine Center (2011)
IX Walney 1 Offshore Siemens SWT-3.6-107 Medium and dense sand layers. Lindoe Offshore Renewables
Wind Farm (UK 3.6MW industrial Center (2011)
offshore wind turbine 4C Offshore Limited (2015a)
4C Offshore Limited (2015b)
X Gunfleet Sands Siemens SWT-3.6-107 Sand and clay layers Leblanc Thilsted and Tarp-
Offshore Wind Farm 3.6MW industrial Johansen (2011)
(UK) offshore wind turbine Lindoe Offshore Renewables
Center (2011)
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

It is quite clear from Figure 1 that designing a soft-stiff system which avoids both the 1P and 3P frequency bands
is challenging because of the tight tolerance of the target natural frequency. Indeed, some OWTs with a wide
rotational speed range, such as the Areva M5000 5MW in Figure 1 with 4.5-14.8rpm do not even have a gap
between 1P and 3P and they are overlapping. Modern wind turbines often feature a sophisticated pitch control
system designed to leap frog the rotational frequency range that would cause resonance of the structure due to
the corresponding 3P frequency. For example, if the rotational speed range is 5-13rpm, equivalent to 0.083-
0.216Hz, then the 3P frequency band is 0.25-0.65Hz. If the structural natural frequency is 0.35Hz, then the pitch
control may regulate the rotational speed such that the corresponding 3P frequency avoids ±10% of the structural
natural frequency i.e. the frequency band 0.315-0.385Hz to comply with the DNV code (DNV 2014). This would
result in a jump in the rotational speed from 6.3rpm to 7.7rpm, avoiding operation between these values.
Obviously, this is also not without cost, both in terms of initial costs, maintenance and power production.

The second issue is the top head mass, i.e. the mass of the rotor nacelle assembly (RNA, see Figure 2 for clarity).
With increasing capacity of the turbine, the mass of the rotor-nacelle assembly increases and the natural
frequency will also decrease keeping other factors constant. Furthermore, the hub height is also higher due to
longer blades (associated with heavier turbines) which increases the flexibility of the taller towers causing further
reduction in the natural frequency. This trend can also be seen in Figure 1, the target natural frequency of wind
turbines (in soft-stiff design) with higher power output is typically lower. Fortunately, the large rotor diameter
wind turbines also tend to have lower rotational speeds. This is because of the fact that for optimum power
production the tip speed ratios (ratio of the speed of the tip of the blades and the incoming wind speed) are
maintained at a favourable value, also to avoid blade damage. Furthermore, the top head mass is dependent on
the choice of drive (with or without gearbox). Direct drive wind turbines do not need gearboxes, and thus
significant weight reduction can be achieved (theoretically). However, the weight reduction is not obvious
because the power of an electric generator is proportional to its rotational speed, see Equation 1 (Burton et al
2011) and thus direct drive wind turbines typically have larger diameter (and thus heavier) generators.
𝑃 = 𝐶𝑔 𝐷𝑔2 𝐿𝑔 Ω𝑔 (1)

where 𝐶𝑔 is a constant and 𝐷𝑔 , 𝐿𝑔 , Ω𝑔 are the diameter, length and rotational speed of the generator, respectively.

As the total mass of the rotor-nacelle assembly influences the natural frequency, the design of the support
structure for wind turbines may be improved by an integrated design.

A further effect is the increasing importance of the flexibility of the monopile, the grouted connection and the
transition piece (that is, the substructure) as a consequence of increasing water depth. The longer the monopile,
the more effect the substructure has on the natural frequency of the total structure. This is in contrast with
shallow water turbines where the tower is overwhelmingly softer than the substructure and the natural frequency
of the whole system is critically governed by the bending stiffness of the tower and the soil stiffness.

For large wind turbines the frequency band of the wave excitation (see JONSWAP spectrum in Figure 1)
becomes important as it is very close to the natural frequency of the whole system. This issue gains even more
importance as the substructure diameter increases for large wind turbines. If the structure is also installed in
deeper water, then both the expected significant wave height and the length of the substructure increase,
resulting in dynamic wave loads comparable to or exceeding the wind load.

The natural frequency of the whole system therefore needs to be assessed in the feasibility study phase and
also in the early phases of the foundation design. This calls for a simplified methodology that is quick and uses
only limited data about the wind turbine and the site.

1.2 Motivation behind the study

This study aims to provide a simple, quick and reliable tool for the foundation designer to assess the fundamental
natural frequency of the turbine-substructure-foundation-soil system. The simple expressions obtained in this
work build on previous research in the dynamics of offshore wind turbines. Analysis of OWTs modelled as Euler-
Bernoulli beams and founded on two independent springs (lateral and rocking stiffness) is carried out in Adhikari
and Bhattacharya (2011); Adhikari and Bhattacharya (2012) while soil-structure interaction was experimentally
verified in Bhattacharya and Adhikari (2011). A major discrepancy between measured and predicted natural
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

frequencies of OWT structures has been reported in a multitude of studies (Kühn 1997; Zaaijer 2002a; Damgaard
and Andersen 2012; Kallehave and Thilsted 2012; Lowe 2012; Zania 2014). The sources of uncertainty related to
the discrepancy can be due to theory or physical idealisation of the system or parameters or a combination of the
above and are summarised below:

(1) Beam model uncertainty i.e. uncertainty in the mathematical idealisation of the physical system: The
current methodology is based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, however, the authors have found in
Arany et al. (2015) that more sophisticated beam models including rotary inertia (Rayleigh beam) and
shear deformation (Timoshenko beam) do not provide notable improvements in the results (less than
0.1%). Therefore, the simple Euler-Bernoulli model is satisfactory for wind turbine towers. Further details
are given in Appendix A.

(2) Uncertainty in the modelling of the substructure: The substructure is modelled by a single equivalent
cross section (which is the cross section of the monopile). This approximation may lead to over or
underestimation of substructure stiffness.

(3) Uncertainty in the modelling of the foundation. The analysis focuses on Eigen solutions of a linear system,
and therefore nonlinear soil behaviour is not modelled. The foundation system is not expected to go into
the nonlinear regime and therefore the linear approximation is considered acceptable. In the linear
regime, the foundation is modelled with three coupled springs (KL, KR and KLR) resulting in an exact model
of the linearized system, see Figure 2(c). It was found in Arany et al. (2015) that the cross coupling spring
(KLR) cannot be excluded from the analysis.

(4) The major uncertainty is the well-known issue of measurement of soil stiffness. It is challenging to
estimate foundation stiffness with complex soil layers at offshore sites. A sensitivity analysis was carried
out (Arany et al 2014a) and it was found that underestimation of soil stiffness by 30% would typically
result in a frequency increase of 0.2-5% while overestimation by 30% causes a natural frequency change
of 2-5.6%. The uncertainty analysis was carried out by considering the effect of stiffness changes for the
ten wind turbines presented in Table 1, as well as 6 other industrial wind turbines not discussed in this
paper. The transcendental equations resulting from the analytical formulation have been solved, using
the three springs approximation for the foundation and Timoshenko beam theory for the tower, as given
in Appendix B, and also in Arany et al (2015) (a simplified version of the problem has also been given in
Adhikari and Bhattacharya (2011) and Adhikari and Bhattacharya (2012)). The equations have been
numerically solved for all wind turbines in different soil conditions to analyse the sensitivity.

(5) Another aspect is the idealisation of the tapered tower of varying wall thickness with an equivalent
diameter and wall thickness as a constant bending stiffness column, as has been used in many of the
simplified methods (van der Tempel and Molenaar 2002b; Zaaijer 2002b; Adhikari and Bhattacharya
2011; Adhikari and Bhattacharya 2012; Zania 2014; Arany et al 2015).

(6) A further source of uncertainty is the damping of the real structure. If the damping ratio is 𝜁, the natural
frequency of underdamped vibrations can be expressed with the undamped frequency 𝑓1 as
𝑓̃1 = 𝑓1 √1 − 𝜁 2
The main sources of damping of an offshore wind turbine structure are the aerodynamic damping, soil
damping, structural damping (damping of steel), hydrodynamic damping and additional damping from
tower motion dampers (e.g. slosh dampers).
𝜁𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝜁𝑎𝑒𝑟𝑜 + 𝜁𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡. + 𝜁𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 + 𝜁ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜. + 𝜁𝑑𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟

1.3 Damping of structural vibrations of offshore wind turbines

As the natural frequencies of offshore wind turbines are close to forcing frequencies, damping is critical to restrict
damage accumulation and avoid premature maintenance. Therefore discussion is warranted for issues related to
damping and for practical design purposes can be idealised in fore-aft and side-to-side vibrations of offshore wind
turbines. The main difference between the sway-bending (or rocking) vibrations about two axes (X and Y in
Figure 2) is that in the along-wind direction higher damping is expected due to the high aerodynamic damping
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

caused by the rotating blades interacting with the airflow. On the other hand, for the side-to-side direction, the
aerodynamic damping is orders of magnitudes lower.

A non-operational (parked or idling) OWT has similar aerodynamic damping in the fore-aft as in the side-to-side
direction. Since the wind load is acting in the along-wind direction, the highest load amplitudes are expected in
fore-aft motion. This is because for most wind turbines in water depths less than 30m, wind loading is the
dominant load, while for very large diameter monopiles in medium to deep water, wave loading is expected to
have equal or higher magnitude. It is worth noting that due to the yaw mechanism of the wind turbine, the along-
wind and cross-wind directions are dynamically moving and are not fixed, therefore the foundation is subjected
to both cross-wind and along-wind loading in all directions during the lifetime of the OWT. One can conclude that
analysing vibrations in both directions is important.

Studies considering the damping of the first bending mode either empirically or theoretically include Camp et
al. (2004); Tarp-johansen et al. (2009); Versteijlen et al. (2011); Damgaard and Andersen (2012); Damgaard et al.
(2013); Shirzadeh et al. (2013). Based on these studies and other estimates and in the absence of other data, the
following assessment of damping ratio contributions is recommended:

 Structural damping: 0.15-1.5%. The value of structural damping depends on the connections in the
structure (such as welded connections, grouted connections, etc) in addition to material damping
(usually steel) through energy dissipation in the form of heat (hysteretic damping).

 Soil damping: 0.444-1%. The sources of damping resulting from soil-structure interaction (SSI) include
hysteretic (material) damping of the soil, wave radiation damping (geometric dissipation) and, to a much
lesser extent, pore fluid induced damping. Wave radiation damping and pore fluid induced damping are
negligible for excitations below 1Hz, and therefore hysteretic damping is dominant for the purposes of
this study. The soil damping depends on the type of soil and the strain level.

 Hydrodynamic damping: 0.07-0.23%. Results from wave radiation and viscous damping due to
hydrodynamic drag. In the low frequency vibration of wind turbines the relative velocity of the
substructure is low and therefore viscous damping, which is proportional to the square of the velocity is
typically very low. The larger contribution results from wave radiation damping, which is proportional to
the relative velocity.

 Aerodynamic damping: in the fore-aft direction for an operational turbine 1-6%, for a parking turbine or
in the crosswind direction 0.06-0.23%. Aerodynamic damping is the result of the relative velocity
between the wind turbine structure and the surrounding air. Aerodynamic damping depends on the
particular wind turbine, and is inherent in the popular Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory for
aeroelastic analysis of wind turbine rotors. The magnitude for a particular wind turbine also depends on
the rotational speed of the turbine.

The total damping of the first mode of vibration is typically between 1-4% in side-to-side vibration, or for a
parked,stopped or idling turbine. On the other hand, the total damping is between 2-8% for an operational wind
turbine in the fore-aft direction.


In this study, the OWT mechanical model used in Adhikari and Bhattacharya (2011); Adhikari and Bhattacharya
(2012) and Arany et al (2015) is extended to consider the effect of the stiffness of the substructure which becomes
critical for deeper water, see Figure 2. The rotor-nacelle assembly (RNA) is modelled as a lumped top head mass
𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 and the tower and the substructure are modelled as beams. The foundation is idealised as three springs
(lateral 𝐾𝐿 , rocking or rotational 𝐾𝑅 , and cross coupling 𝐾𝐿𝑅 stiffness). This methodology requires 14 input
parameters which are given in Table 1 and the definitions are shown in Figure 2. Arany et al (2015) demonstrated
that the more sophisticated Timoshenko beam model, which takes into account mass moment of inertia and
shear deformation in the equations of motion of the tower, provides no notable improvement over the simpler
Euler-Bernoulli beam model in natural frequency estimation. It was concluded that the tower can be considered
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

a slender beam and the Euler-Bernoulli beam is sufficiently accurate, therefore it was used to obtain the results
presented in this paper.

Appendix B shows the derivation of the frequency equations of the two beam models. The natural frequency
in both cases can be obtained numerically from the resulting transcendental equations. Approximate closed form
expressions have been fitted to the results to fit the expression given by Equation 2 which states that the first
natural frequency (𝑓1 ) can be obtained by multiplying the fixed base frequency (cantilever beam frequency 𝑓𝐹𝐵 )
by two factors 𝐶𝑅 and 𝐶𝐿 which account for the flexibility provided by the foundation. In other words, the
foundation flexibility coefficients 𝐶𝑅 and 𝐶𝐿 are applied to the fixed base (cantilever beam) natural frequency to
obtain the natural frequency taking into account the foundation compliance and soil-structure interaction. The
formula for the first mode natural frequency is then given as:
𝑓1 = 𝐶𝑅 𝐶𝐿 𝑓𝐹𝐵 . (2)

2.1 Parameters and idealisation

The methodology uses 14 basic parameters for the wind turbine support structure and the site
(foundation stiffness) and are summarized in Table 2. It is considered useful to explain the idealisation
of the structure in a bit more detail. Figure 2(b) shows the dimensions of the tapered and equivalent
towers. The tapering is assumed to be linear with the tower diameter linearly decreasing from 𝐷𝑏 at
the bottom to 𝐷𝑡 at the top of the tower. The average diameter is used as the equivalent constant
diameter for the idealised tower 𝐷𝑇 , that is
𝐷𝑏 +𝐷𝑡
𝐷𝑇 = (3)

The wall thickness 𝑡𝑇 is assumed to be constant along the tower. The equivalent mass of the tower is
calculated from the geometry and density of the tower material 𝜌𝑇 as
𝑚′𝑇 = 𝜌𝑇 𝐷𝑇 𝜋𝑡𝑇 𝐿 𝑇 (4)

Note, in some cases this mass may not necessarily be exactly the same as the actual mass of the tower
𝑚 𝑇 . However, in cases when the average tower thickness or a range of tower wall thicknesses is not
available, the thickness can be back-calculated from the tower mass
𝑡𝑇′ = (5)
𝜌𝑇 𝐿𝑇 𝐷𝑇 𝜋

The model is based on a beam with two different cross section. It is assumed that the cross section
of the monopile is the first section of the beam from the mudline to the bottom of the tower, and the
second section of the beam is the tower from the tower bottom to the rotor nacelle assembly. In this
formulation the flexibilities of the grouted connection and the transition piece are neglected. The first
section is of length 𝐿𝑆 , diameter 𝐷𝑃 , wall thickness 𝑡𝑃 and bending stiffness 𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 , while the second
cross section is of length 𝐿 𝑇 , diameter 𝐷𝑇 , wall thickness 𝑡𝑇 and bending stiffness 𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇 . The platform
height above mudline 𝐿𝑆 is defined as the distance from the mudline (seabed) to the bottom of the
tower (tower – transition piece connection).

2.2 Calculation procedure for simple natural frequency estimation

The natural frequency estimation process can be summarized in three steps:

Step 1: Calculate fixed base natural frequency 𝑓𝐹𝐵 of the variable cross section beam using the monopile
flexibility coefficient 𝐶𝑀𝑃 .

Step 2: Calculate the non-dimensional foundation stiffness parameters: 𝜂𝐿 , 𝜂𝑅 , 𝜂𝐿𝑅 .

Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

Step 3: Calculate and apply foundation flexibility coefficients 𝐶𝐿 and 𝐶𝑅 and apply them to obtain the
first natural frequency on the flexible foundation, i.e. 𝑓1 = 𝐶𝐿 𝐶𝑅 𝑓𝐹𝐵

Table 2. Information required for frequency estimation.

# Input parameter Symbol Unit
1 Mass of the rotor-nacelle assembly 𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑠
2 Tower height 𝐿𝑇 𝑚
3 Tower top diameter 𝐷𝑡 𝑚
4 Tower bottom diameter 𝐷𝑏 𝑚
5 Average tower wall thickness 𝑡𝑇 𝑚
6 Tower Young’s modulus 𝐸𝑇 𝐺𝑃𝑎
7 Tower mass 𝑚𝑇 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑠
8 Platform height above mudline 𝐿𝑆 𝑚
9 Monopile diameter 𝐷𝑃 𝑚
10 Monopile wall thickness 𝑡𝑃 𝑚
11 Monopile Young’s modulus 𝐸𝑃 𝐺𝑃𝑎
12 Lateral stiffness of foundation 𝐾𝐿 𝐺𝑁/𝑚
13 Cross stiffness of foundation 𝐾𝐿𝑅 𝐺𝑁
14 Rocking stiffness of foundation 𝐾𝑅 𝐺𝑁𝑚

The steps are described in more detail along with the methodology and calculation steps together with
references for further reading.

Calculation procedure for Step 1: The fixed base natural frequency can be calculated by the simple
natural frequency formula of the cantilever beam. The derivation can be found in Appendix A.
1 𝑘
𝑓𝐹𝐵 = √ (6)
2𝜋 𝑚
where for the tower and the RNA only, the equivalent stiffness of the beam 𝑘 based on the tower
bending stiffness 𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇 and length 𝐿 𝑇 , and the equivalent mass (considering the mass of the tower 𝑚′𝑇
and the mass of the rotor-nacelle assembly 𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 ) are given by:

3𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇 33
𝑘= and 𝑚 = 𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 + 𝑚′𝑇 (7)
𝐿3𝑇 140

Substituting back into the formula, the following is given for the fixed base natural frequency.
1 3𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇
𝑓𝐹𝐵,𝑇 =
2𝜋 √𝐿3 (𝑚 33 ′ (8)
𝑅𝑁𝐴 +140𝑚𝑇 )

In these expressions the second moment of area 𝐼𝑇 and the mass 𝑚′𝑇 of a constant diameter tower are
considered. That is, if the average diameter of the tower is 𝐷𝑇 and the average wall thickness of the
tower is 𝑡𝑇 then the equivalent second moment of area 𝐼𝑇 and the equivalent tower mass 𝑚′𝑇 are
𝐼𝑇 = 𝜋𝐷𝑇3 𝑡𝑇 𝑚′𝑇 = 𝜌𝑇 𝐷𝑇 𝜋𝑡𝑇 𝐿 𝑇 (9)

A similar expression is given specifically for wind turbine towers by van der Tempel and Molenaar
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

1 3.04𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇
𝑓𝐹𝐵,𝑇 = √ ′ (10)
2𝜋 𝐿3 (𝑚 𝑅𝑁𝐴 +0.227𝑚𝑇 )

In this paper the simple expression in Equation 8 is used. The flexibility of the monopile is taken into
account by a monopile flexibility coefficient 𝐶𝑀𝑃 expressed in terms of two non-dimensional numbers,

bending stiffness ratio: 𝜒=
platform/tower length ratio: 𝜓= .

where 𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇 is the bending stiffness of the constant diameter tower, 𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 is the bending stiffness of the
monopile, 𝐿𝑆 is the platform height above the seabed (distance from the mudline to the top of the
transition piece) and 𝐿 𝑇 is the height of the tower.
The fixed base natural frequency of the wind turbine – substructure system is

𝑓𝐹𝐵 = 𝐶𝑀𝑃 ∙ 𝑓𝐹𝐵,𝑇 = √ ∙ 𝑓𝐹𝐵,𝑇 (11)
1+(1+𝜓)3 𝜒−𝜒

Figure 3 shows the effect of the parameters 𝜒 and 𝜓 on the fixed base natural frequency. To make
these parameters more physically meaningful, one can say that increasing 𝜒 represents a stiffer
monopile, while increasing 𝜓 represents deeper water.

Calculation procedure for Step 2: In the second step, the foundation stiffness is non-dimensionalised
using the tower’s length 𝐿 𝑇 and the equivalent bending stiffness of the tapered tower 𝐸𝐼𝜂 . The non-
dimensional lateral, cross-coupling and rotational stiffness values, 𝜂𝐿 , 𝜂𝐿𝑅 , 𝜂𝑅 respectively, are
necessary for this calculation


𝜂𝐿 = 𝜂𝐿𝑅 = 𝜂𝑅 = (12)

These formulae use the equivalent bending stiffness for a tapered tower as given in Bhattacharya
(2011); Arany et al (2014). The derivation is shown in Appendix C. Only the final formulae are presented
here for brevity:

𝐸𝐼𝜂 = 𝐸𝐼𝑡 ∙ 𝑓(𝑞) (13)

where 𝐸𝐼𝑡 is the bending stiffness at the top of the tower.

1 2𝑞 2 (𝑞−1)3 𝐷𝑏
𝑓(𝑞) = ∙ with 𝑞= (14)
3 2𝑞 2 𝑙𝑛 𝑞−3𝑞 2 +4𝑞−1 𝐷𝑡
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

Figure 3. The effect of water depth and monopile stiffness on the fixed base natural frequency.

Calculation procedure for Step 3: The empirical foundation flexibility factors are applied to the natural

1 1
𝐶𝑅 (𝜂𝐿 , 𝜂𝑅 , 𝜂𝐿𝑅 ) = 1 − 𝜂2
𝐶𝐿 (𝜂𝐿 , 𝜂𝑅 , 𝜂𝐿𝑅 ) = 1 − 𝜂 2 (15)
1+𝑎(𝜂𝑅 − 𝐿𝑅 ) 1+𝑏(𝜂𝐿 − 𝐿𝑅 )
𝜂𝐿 𝜂𝑅

where 𝑎, 𝑏 are empirical constants. The values of these constants were found to be 𝑎 ≈ 0.6 and 𝑏 ≈
0.5 and were obtained by fitting closed form curves to the solutions obtained by solving the
transcendental equations resulting from the analytical formulation given in Appendix B. Further details
can be found in Arany et al (2015) and a simplified version of the problem has also been solved in Adhikari and
Bhattacharya (2011) and Adhikari and Bhattacharya (2012). A total of 16 wind turbines have been used to
find best-fit values of 𝑎 and 𝑏 minimising the mean squared error between the numerical and closed
form results. The curve fit reproduces the natural frequency for all 16 wind turbines with excellent
accuracy (<1%) for practical parameter combinations. The applicability of the formulae in Equation 15
is limited to

2 2
6𝜂𝑅 > 1.2 and 𝜂𝐿 > 1.2 (16)
𝜂𝐿 𝜂𝑅

With these the natural frequency of the OWT on a flexible foundation can be calculated as given in
Equation 2.
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

2.3 Example step by step calculation: Blyth Offshore Wind Farm Vestas V66 2MW

The input data for the calculations are shown in Table 3 (number III). Foundation stiffness is one of the
most uncertain quantities and Appendix D discusses a method to obtain foundation stiffness in the
absence of detailed site data.

Step 1: The parameters in Table 2 are used to calculate the fixed base natural frequency of the tower

1 3𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇
𝑓𝐹𝐵,𝑇 = = 0.703[𝐻𝑧]
2𝜋 √(𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 + 33 𝑚𝑇
′ )𝐿3

In this formulation 𝐷𝑇 is the average tower diameter

𝐷𝑏 +𝐷𝑡 4.25+2.75
𝐷𝑇 = = = 3.5[𝑚], (18)
2 2

The tower wall thickness is determined from the mass of the tower as

𝑚𝑇 159000[𝑘𝑔]
𝑡𝑇 = = ≈ 0.034[𝑚] (19)
𝜌𝑇 𝐷𝑇 𝜋𝐿𝑇 7860[𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 ]∙3.5[𝑚]∙𝜋∙55[𝑚]
and 𝐼𝑇 is the second moment of area of the equivalent constant diameter tower cross section

1 1
𝐼𝑇 = 𝐷𝑇3 𝑡𝑇 𝜋 = ∙ 3.53 [𝑚3 ] ∙ 0.034[𝑚] ∙ 𝜋 = 0.572 [𝑚4 ]. (20)
8 8

The bending stiffness ratio and length ratio are calculated as

𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇 210[𝐺𝑃𝑎]∙0.572[𝑚4 ]
𝜒= = = 0.710[−] (21)
𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 210[𝐺𝑃𝑎]∙0.806[𝑚4 ]
𝐿𝑆 16[𝑚]
𝜓= = = 0.306[−] (22)
𝐿𝑇 55[𝑚]

where the monopile’s second moment of area is

1 1
𝐼𝑃 = 𝐷𝑃3 𝑡𝑃 𝜋 = ∙ 3.53 ∙ 0.05 ∙ 𝜋 = 0.806[𝑚4 ]. (23)
8 8

The natural frequency of the monopile supported wind turbine on a fixed base is given as
𝑓𝐹𝐵 = 𝐶𝑀𝑃 ∙ 𝑓𝐹𝐵,𝑇 = √ ∙ 0.703[𝐻𝑧] = 0.514[𝐻𝑧] (24)
1+(1+0.306)3 ∙0.710−0.710)

Step 2: The equivalent bending stiffness needed for the non-dimensional stiffness parameters is

𝐷𝑏 4.25 1 2𝑞 2 (𝑞−1)3
𝑞= = = 1.55 𝑓(𝑞) = ∙ = 2.69 (25)
𝐷𝑡 2.75 3 2𝑞 2 𝑙𝑛 𝑞−3𝑞 2 +4𝑞−1
𝐸𝐼𝜂 = 𝐸𝐼𝑡𝑜𝑝 ∙ 𝑓(𝑞) ≈ 147[𝐺𝑁𝑚 (26)

See details on the derivation of these expressions in Appendix B. Then the non-dimensional stiffness
parameters can be obtained from
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

𝜂𝐿 = = 45709[−] (27)
𝜂𝐿𝑅 = = −903[−] (28)
𝜂𝑅 = = 50[−] (29)

Step 3: The foundation flexibility factors are calculated

𝐶𝑅 (𝜂𝐿 , 𝜂𝑅 , 𝜂𝐿𝑅 ) = 1 − (−903)2
= 0.951 (30)
1+0.6(50− )
𝐶𝐿 (𝜂𝐿 , 𝜂𝑅 , 𝜂𝐿𝑅 ) = 1 − (−903)2
= 1.000 (31)
1+0.5(45709− )

he natural frequency is then obtained from

𝑓1 = 𝐶𝑅 𝐶𝐿 𝑓𝐹𝐵 = 0.951 ∙ 1.000 ∙ 0.514[𝐻𝑧] = 0.489 [𝐻𝑧] (32)

The measured frequency at Blyth wind farm is 0.488 Hz, and thus there’s an excellent match with an
error of 0.2%.The natural frequency on the monopile foundation is about 4.9% lower than it would be
on a completely stiff fixed base. This difference is small because at the Blyth site the monopile is grouted
into very stiff bedrock. The influence of the foundation flexibility is higher for most sites with values
ranging from 4% to 15% for wind turbines analysed in this paper.

3.0 Application of the methodology to installed wind turbines and discussion

To demonstrate the general applicability of this method, the natural frequency of several wind turbines
will be determined. The analysed offshore wind farms and turbines are presented in Table 1, as well as
references to the sources of data. The input data of the turbines is summarized in Table 2. The
calculations shown in Section 2.3 are carried out for all wind turbines in Table 1. Some intermediate
parameters are shown in Table 4 and the results are given in Table 5 and compared with the measured
data. The measured natural frequency values have been reported by various researchers and have been
obtained by different methodologies of signal processing. Further details on the case studies can be
found in the references given in Table 1. The results show that the empirical formula presented in this
paper approximates the natural frequency within -3.2% to 3.1% of the measured frequency. This can
be considered an excellent match given such a simplified methodology. The difference between the
fixed base natural frequency and that for the flexible foundation using the present method is typically
within the range 3-15%, which is considered typical for most offshore wind turbines. The flexibility
(percentage reduction of the first natural frequency) introduced by the compliance of the foundation
is reported for each wind turbine in Table 5.

As the foundation stiffness parameter(𝐾𝐿 , 𝐾𝑅 ) increases, the foundation flexibility coefficients

(𝐶𝐿 , 𝐶𝑅 ) also increase and the natural frequency approaches the fixed base natural frequency 𝑓𝐹𝐵 . Most
of the contribution to the frequency change (4-15%) results from the rotational foundation flexibility
coefficient 𝐶𝑅 and the lateral foundation stiffness coefficient 𝐶𝐿 has very limited influence (of less than
1% on the natural frequency) of all analysed turbines. Consequently, the most important foundation
stiffness parameter is the rotational stiffness 𝐾𝑅 .
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

In Figure 4 three turbines are used to illustrate the effect of the non-dimensional rotational stiffness
𝜂𝑅 on the natural frequency in terms of the rotational foundation flexibility coefficient 𝐶𝑅 . It should be
noted that the curves flatten out for increasing rotational stiffness. The foundation designer should
choose the foundation stiffness such that the OWT structure is in the flat part of this curve. This ensures
that even if the foundation stiffness was estimated with significant errors or if the stiffness changes
during the lifetime of the turbine, the natural frequency change is limited and does not affect the
foundation’s ability to meet the Fatigue Limit State (FLS) and Serviceability Limit State (SLS) criteria. On
the dropping part of the curve, however, a slight increase or decrease of the stiffness might cause
substantial change in the natural frequency, which may lead to increased fatigue damage and reduced
service life.

Figure 4. Rotational foundation flexibility coefficient curves as a function of non-dimensional rotational

stiffness for three different sites, all using Vestas V90 3MW offshore wind turbines.

It is important to emphasize that the foundation stiffnesses 𝐾𝐿 , 𝐾𝐿𝑅 , 𝐾𝑅 and thus the non-
dimensional foundation stiffnesses 𝜂𝐿 , 𝜂𝐿𝑅 , 𝜂𝑅 are not independent parameters. Appendix D provides
a brief discussion about the available methods for estimating the foundation stiffness, and simple
expressions are provided for the simple cases of cohesive soils, cohesionless soils and rock. Following
these formulae, the independent parameters of foundation stiffness are the geometry of the pile
(diameter 𝐷𝑃 , wall thickness 𝑡𝑃 and embedded length 𝐿𝑃 as defined in Figure 2(b)) and soil parameters
(expressed using either the modulus of subgrade reaction 𝑘ℎ , the coefficient of subgrade reaction 𝑛ℎ
or the effective shear modulus 𝐺 ∗ ).

Furthermore, as discussed in Section 1, the damping in the first sway-bending mode also influences
the measured natural frequency. The damping is lower for side-to-side direction and for a parked/idling
turbine than in the fore-aft direction for an operational turbine due to the significant contribution of
aerodynamic damping. The total damping of the system was estimated between 2-8% in Section 1,
which amounts to a frequency change of about 0.02-0.32%.
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure and SSI and is available at this
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

Table 3. Input parameters for wind turbines listed in Table 1.

# Input parameter Symbol Unit I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
1 Mass of the rotor-nacelle assembly 𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑠 32 35.7 80 130.8 130.8 130.8 130.8 234.5 234.5 234.5
2 Tower height 𝐿𝑇 𝑚 37.9 44.5 54.5 60.06 58 54.1 53 66 67.3 60
3 Tower bottom diameter 𝐷𝑏 𝑚 3.2 3.5 4.25 4.45 4.45 4.3 4.3 5 5 5
4 Tower top diameter 𝐷𝑡 𝑚 1.9 1.7 2.75 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 3 3 3
5 Average tower wall thickness 𝑡𝑇 𝑚𝑚 13 13 34 22 32 36 28 28 41 33
6 Tower Young’s modulus 𝐸𝑇 𝐺𝑃𝑎 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
7 Tower weight 𝑚𝑇 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑠 31.44 37 159 108 153 160 120 180 260 193
8 Platform height above mudline 𝐿𝑆 𝑚 7.1, 12.1 5.2 – 6.0 16.5 16 33 41.1 37 22.8 37.3 28
9 Monopile diameter 𝐷𝑃 𝑚 3.2, 3.7 3.515 3.5 4.3 4.75 4.7 5 4.7 6 5
10 Monopile wall thickness 𝑡𝑃 𝑚𝑚 35 35 5 45 45-80 65 50-75 45-75 80 35-50
10 Monopile Young’s modulus 𝐸𝑃 𝐺𝑃𝑎 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
11 Lateral stiffness of foundation 𝐾𝐿 𝐺𝑁/𝑚 0.52, 0.62 0.58 42.66 0.82 1.03 1.05 1.02 1.11 1.53 1.02
12 Cross stiffness of foundation 𝐾𝐿𝑅 𝐺𝑁 -2.74, -3.57 -3.25 -45.50 -5.42 -7.68 -7.89 -7.59 -8.56 -13.88 -7.59
13 Rocking stiffness of foundation 𝐾𝑅 𝐺𝑁𝑚/𝑟𝑎𝑑 23.63, 33.59 29.67 136.04 58.77 93.45 96.84 91.93 108.03 205.72 91.93

Table 4. Calculated parameters for wind turbines listed in Table 1.

Parameter Symbol Unit I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

Tower average diameter 𝐷𝑇 𝑚 2.55 2.6 3.5 3.375 3.375 3.3 3.3 4 4 4
Average second moment of area 𝐼𝑇 𝑚4 0.086 0.089 0.574 0.325 0.478 0.512 0.392 0.694 1.034 0.818
Tower diameter ratio 𝐷𝑏 /𝐷𝑡 𝑞 [−] 1.68 2.06 1.55 1.935 1.935 1.870 1.870 1.667 1.667 1.667
Bending stiffness coefficient for η 𝑓(𝑞) [−] 3.28 5.23 2.02 4.528 4.528 4.181 4.181 3.204 3.204 3.465
Equivalent bending stiffness of the 𝐸𝐼𝜂 𝐺𝑁𝑚2 21.86 16.73 116.71 92.8 66.8 61.7 61.7 173.9 267.5 136.5
tapered tower for non-dimensional
stiffness parameters
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

Table 5. Natural frequency results.

Turbine Natural frequency [Hz] Error Flexibility
Wind farm
ID measured fixed base formula [%] [%]
I. Lely A2 0.634 0.713 0.643 1.36% 9.9%
A3 0.735 0.767 0.712 -3.19% 7.2%
II. Irene Vorrink 3 0.546 -1.10% 5.3%
7 0.554 -0.18% 5.8%
0.583 – 0.552 –
12 0.553 0.18% 5.3%
0.586 0.555
23 0.563 1.42% 5.8%
28 0.560 0.89% 5.8%
III. Blyth Southernmost 0.488 0.514 0.489 0.12% 4.9%
IV. Kentish Flats - 0.339 0.380 0.339 0.01% 10.9%
V. Barrow - 0.369 0.387 0.367 0.54% 5.2%
VI. Thanet - 0.370 0.402 0.382 3.08% 5.0%
VII. Belwind - 0.372 0.401 0.380 2.12% 5.4%
VIII. Burbo Bank - 0.292 0.322 0.295 1.05% 8.4%
IX. Walney - 0.350 0.380 0.349 0.40% 8.4%
X. Gunfleet Sands - 0.314 0.352 0.315 0.31% 10.6%

3.1 Discussion on the parameters for foundation stiffness estimation

There are two groups of parameters necessary to determine foundation stiffness, categorised as pile
data and soil data, as tabulated in Tables 6 and 7 for all the turbines listed in Table 1. The pile
parameters are the pile diameter 𝐷𝑃 , the pile wall thickness 𝑡𝑃 , and the pile embedded length 𝐿𝑃 , as
defined in Figure 2(b). The diameter of monopiles is typically constant along the length. However, the
pile wall thickness may change. In this paper the wall thickness was chosen as the pile thickness in the
region below the mudline, because the top layers are considered more important from the point of
view of pile head deflection/rotation and pile stiffness. As can be seen based on Appendix D, the
stiffness of the soil is described by different parameters for different soil types. For cohesive soils where
the modulus of subgrade reaction is considered constant with depth below mudline, the critical
parameter is the modulus of subgrade reaction 𝑘ℎ . For cohesionless soils where 𝑘ℎ increases linearly
with depth, the key parameter is the coefficient of subgrade reaction 𝑛ℎ , which describes the rate at
which the modulus of subgrade reaction increases with depth. The parameter 𝑛ℎ , however, is a simple
linear function of the unit weight 𝛾𝑆 and thus the density 𝜌𝑆 of the cohesionless soil using the formula
of Terzaghi (1955) as given in Equation D5 (in Appendix D). In case of rocks the important parameters
are the shear modulus 𝐺𝑆 and the Poisson’s ratio 𝜈𝑆 , from which the effective shear modulus of
Equation D7 can be calculated.

As mentioned in Section 2.4, the foundation stiffness parameters 𝐾𝐿 , 𝐾𝑅 and 𝐾𝐿𝑅 are not independent.
It is apparent from Table D1 (in Appendix D) that the independent parameters required to determine
the foundation flexibility factor 𝐹𝐹𝐹 = 𝐶𝑅 𝐶𝐿 are different for each soil type and pile slenderness
combination. The simplest cases are for cohesionless soils where only two independent parameters are
necessary. For slender piles these are the density of soil 𝜌𝑆 and the bending stiffness of the monopile
𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 , and for rigid piles they are the soil density 𝜌𝑆 and the pile embedded length 𝐿𝑃 . These two cases
are shown in Figure 5. There are more independent parameters for clays and rock, and those cases
therefore do not allow for easy visualization.
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

Figure 5. Foundation flexibility factor as a function of soil effective unit weight and pile bending stiffness for
slender piles and as a function of soil effective unit weight and embedded length for rigid piles.


A simple methodology has been presented to calculate the first natural frequency of an offshore wind
turbine founded on a monopile. The methodology is based on multiplying the fixed base cantilever
beam natural frequency by two foundation flexibility factors to include the compliance of the
foundation as well as the flexibility of the substructure. The monopile foundation is modelled by three
coupled springs (lateral, rotational and cross coupling stiffness). The closed form formulae presented
in this paper were obtained from fitting curves to the natural frequency results obtained from
numerically solving the transcendental equations. Several conclusions can be drawn from this study:
 It is shown through the study of 10 wind turbines that the natural frequency can be predicted
with accurately(the error range is ±3.5%).
 For the wind turbines considered, foundation flexibility reduced the fixed base natural
frequency typically by 4-15%.
 The foundation flexibility factor is very sensitive to the rotational stiffness 𝐾𝑅 of the monopile.
On the other hand, the natural frequency change from the fixed base frequency due to lateral
stiffness of the monopile ( 𝐾𝐿 ) is limited to about 1%.
 The simple framework for the calculation of the foundation stiffness following the work of
Poulos and Davis (1980); Randolph (1981) and Carter and Kulhawy (1992) used in this study
was found to give reasonable results for the 10 wind turbines studied where three different
soil types (cohesive/clay, cohesionless/sand and rock) and two limit case approximations of
slender / infinitely long and rigid / infinitely stiff piles were analysed. It was found that most
real monopiles fall between the limiting cases of infinitely long and rigid piles.
 The effect of water depth and monopile stiffness were also analysed and it is found that the
methodology can correctly represent the flexibility of the monopile and therefore the
approximation is applicable both in shallow and deep water.
 While the final design verification can be carried out using detailed finite element
investigations, the method presented in the paper can be used to estimate the natural
frequency using limited information about the wind turbine and the site and may be a useful
tool for initial analyses and conceptual design.
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure and SSI and is available at this
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

Table 6. Input and calculated soil parameters for each wind turbine listed in Table 1.
# Input parameter Symbol Unit I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
1 Soil density 𝜌𝑆 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 2000 2000 2850 920 920 920 920 2090 2000 2000
2 Soil’s Young’s modulus 𝐸𝑆 𝑀𝑃𝑎 5160
3 Soil’s Poisson’s ratio 𝜈 [−] 0.2
4 Soil’s shear modulus 𝐺𝑆 𝑀𝑃𝑎 2150.0
Soil coefficient of subgrade reaction 𝑛ℎ 𝑀𝑁/𝑚3 29.1 29.1 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 30.4 29.1 29.1
Soil's equivalent shear modulus 𝐺∗ 𝑀𝑃𝑎 2472.50

Table 7. Input and calculated pile parameters for each wind turbine listed in Table 1.
# Input parameter Symbol Unit I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
1 Pile diameter (range) 𝑚 3.2-3.7 3.515 3.5 4.3 4.75 4.05-5.1 4.07-5.0 4.7 6 4.7
Chosen value 𝐷𝑃 𝑚 3.2; 3.7 3.515 3.5 4.3 4.75 4.7 5 4.7 6 4.7
2 Pile wall thickness (range) 𝑚𝑚 35 35 50 35-50 45-80 60 50-75 45-75 80 50-94
Chosen value 𝑡𝑃 𝑚𝑚 35 35 50 45 80 60 70 75 80 94
3 Pile embedded length (range) 𝑚 30 23-24.6 12-15 18-34 30.2-40.7 25-30 35 21-24 30 27-38
Chosen value 𝐿𝑃 𝑚 30 24.6 15 29.5 40 30 35 24 30 38
4 Pile material’s Young’s modulus 𝐸𝑃 𝐺𝑃𝑎 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
Pile equivalent Young's modulus 𝐸𝑒 𝐺𝑃𝑎 15.45 16.23 22.99 17.04 26.89 20.64 22.55 25.55 21.52 31.62
Pile bending stiffness 𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 𝐺𝑁𝑚2 142.09 121.64 169.32 285.88 671.92 494.29 691.70 611.89 1368.78 757.49
Pile slenderness parameter 𝛽𝐿𝑃 [−] 2.712 2.310 4.459 2.750 3.329 2.711 3.138 1.931 1.529 2.338
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

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Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]


The motion of the cantilever beam can be described as a single degree of freedom mass-spring system. The free
vibration of this system is given by
𝑚𝑥̈ (𝑡) + 𝑘𝑥(𝑡) = 0 (A1)
Assuming harmonic vibration, the following equation can be obtained:
3𝐸𝐼 33 ′
−𝑚𝜔2 + 𝑘 = 0 with 𝑘= and 𝑚 = 𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 + 𝑚𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (A2)
𝐿3𝑇 140
and from the circular frequency the Hertz frequency is easily obtained
𝑘 1 𝑘
𝜔=√  𝑓1 = √ (A3)
𝑚 2𝜋 𝑚

The flexibility of the substructure expresses the dependence of the natural frequency on the water
depth, that is, the flexibility of the monopile above the mudline and that of the transition piece. For the
sake of simplicity, the model used in this paper assumes that the monopile’s bending stiffness continues
throughout the water depth and up to the root of the tower. For clarity, see Figure A1.

Figure A1. Cantilever beam with variable cross section.

Bending stiffness ratio: 𝜒=
Platform/tower length ratio: 𝜓=

Castigliano’s second theorem for a linearly elastic 1 DoF structure can be written as
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

where 𝑈 is the strain energy, 𝑞 is the generalised displacement, and 𝑄 is the generalised force. For the
particular problem, the theorem can be used to calculate the top head deflection (the total deflection
at the hub 𝑤(0)) due to a horizontal force 𝐹 acting at the hub as

𝜕𝑈 𝜕 𝐿𝑇 +𝐿𝑆 [𝑀(𝑧)]2 𝜕 𝐿𝑇 𝐹 2 𝑧 2 𝜕 𝐿𝑇 +𝐿𝑆 𝐹 2 𝑧 2 𝐹𝑧 3
𝑤(0) = = ∫ 𝑑𝑧 = ∫ 𝑑𝑧 + ∫ 𝑑𝑧 = [ ] +
𝜕𝐹 𝜕𝐹 0 2𝐸𝐼(𝑧) 𝜕𝐹 0 2𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇 𝜕𝐹 𝐿 𝑇 2𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 3𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇 0
𝐹𝑧 3 𝐹𝐿3𝑇 𝐹(𝐿𝑇 +𝐿𝑆 )3 𝐹𝐿3𝑇
[ ] = + − (A6)
where the moment distribution along the structure caused by the horizontal force 𝐹 is given as
𝑀(𝑧) = 𝐹𝑧 (A7)
The stiffness of the 1DoF system is then given as
𝑘= = 3 = = (A8)
𝑤(0) 𝐿3
𝑇 +(𝐿𝑇 +𝐿𝑆 ) 𝐿3 𝐿3𝑇 +(𝐿3𝑇 +3𝐿2𝑇 𝐿𝑆 +3𝐿𝑇 𝐿2𝑆 +𝐿3𝑆 )𝜒−𝐿3𝑇 𝜒 𝐿3𝑇 (1+(1+𝜓)3 𝜒−𝜒)
−3𝐸 𝑇𝐼
From this the natural frequency is calculated as
1 𝑘
𝑓𝐹𝐵 = √ (A9)
2𝜋 𝑚
where 𝑚 is the generalised mass of the 1DoF system. The stiffness can be written as
𝑘= 𝑘𝑇 (A10)
1+(1+𝜓)3 𝜒−𝜒
where 𝑘 𝑇 is the stiffness of the tower without the substructure, given as
𝑘= 3
The fixed-base natural frequency of the tower-substructure system (excluding foundation stiffness) is given using
the bending stiffness ratio 𝜒 and the platform/tower length ratio 𝜓 as

𝑓𝐹𝐵 = √ 𝑓 (A11)
1+(1+𝜓)3 𝜒−𝜒 𝐹𝐵,𝑇
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]


B.1 Euler-Bernoulli beam

The equation of motion using the Euler-Bernoulli beam model for a beam with an axial force is
𝜕2 𝜕2 𝑤(𝑧,𝑡) 𝜕2 𝑤(𝑧,𝑡) 𝜕 𝜕𝑤(𝑧,𝑡)
(𝐸𝐼(𝑧) ) + 𝜇(𝑧) + (𝑃∗ ) = 𝑝(𝑧, 𝑡) (B1)
𝜕𝑧 2 𝜕𝑧 2 𝜕𝑡 2 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑧
where 𝐸𝐼(𝑧) is the bending stiffness distribution along the axial coordinate 𝑧, 𝜇(𝑧) is the distribution of mass per
unit length, 𝑃∗ is the axial force acting on the beam due to the top head mass and the self-weight of the tower,
𝑝(𝑧, 𝑡) is the excitation of the beam, 𝑤(𝑧, 𝑡) is the deflection profile.

Using constant equivalent values for the axial force, bending stiffness and mass per length, and considering free
harmonic vibration of the beam with separation of variables 𝑤(𝑧, 𝑡) = 𝑊(𝑧) ∙ 𝑒 𝑖𝜔𝑡 , the equation can be reduced
to the following using the non-dimensional parameters of Table A1 and the dimensionless axial coordinate 𝜉 =
𝑊 ′′′′ + 𝜈𝑊 ′′ − 𝛺2 𝑊 = 0 (B2)
where 𝜈 = 𝑃∗ 𝐿2𝑇 /𝐸𝐼𝜈 is the non-dimensional axial force and Ω = 𝜔/𝑐0 = 𝜔√𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇 /𝑚 𝑇 𝐿3 is the non-
dimensional circular frequency.

Using the non-dimensional numbers as defined above, the boundary conditions can be written for the bottom of
the tower (𝜉 = 0):

𝑊 ′′′ (0) + (𝜈 + 𝜂𝐿𝑅 )𝑊 ′ (0) + 𝜂𝐿 𝑊(0) = 0 (B3)

𝑊 ′′ (0) − 𝜂𝑅 𝑊 ′ (0) + 𝜂𝐿𝑅 𝑊(0) = 0 (B4)

and the top of the tower (𝜉 = 1):

𝑊 ′′′ (1) + 𝜈𝑊 ′ (1) + 𝛼𝛺2 𝑊(1) = 0 (B5)

′′ (1) 2 ′ (1)
𝑊 − 𝛽𝛺 𝑊 =0 (B6)
The parameters used in the boundary conditions are defined in Table A1. The characteristic equation for
the equation of motion can be written as
𝜆4 + 𝜈𝜆2 − 𝛺2 = 0 or 𝑧̃ 2 + 𝜈𝑧̃ − 𝛺2 = 0 with 𝑧̃ = 𝜆2 (B7)
−𝜈±√𝜈2 +4𝛺 2 𝜈 𝜈 2 𝜈 𝜈 2
𝑧̃1,2 = = − − √( ) + 𝛺2 , − + √( ) + 𝛺2
2 2 2 2 2
The four solutions are then
𝑟1 = 𝑖√𝑧̃1 𝑟2 = −𝑖√𝑧̃1 𝑟3 = √𝑧̃2 𝑟4 = −√𝑧̃2 (B8)
with which the solution is in the form
𝑊(𝜉) = 𝐶1 𝑒 𝑟1 𝜉 + 𝐶2 𝑒 𝑟2 𝜉 + 𝐶3 𝑒 𝑟3 𝜉 + 𝐶4 𝑒 𝑟4 𝜉 (B9)
which can be transformed using Euler’s identity to
𝑊(𝜉) = 𝑃1 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜆1 𝜉) + 𝑃2 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜆1 𝜉) + 𝑃3 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ(𝜆2 𝜉) + 𝑃4 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ(𝜆2 𝜉) (B10)
𝜆1 = √|𝑧̃1 | and 𝜆2 = √|𝑧̃2 |. (B11)
Substituting this form of the solution into the boundary conditions, one obtains four equations, written in matrix
form as
𝑴∙𝒑=0 (B12)
𝒑𝑻 = [𝑷𝟏 𝑷𝟐 𝑷𝟑 𝑷𝟒 ] (B13)
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

𝜂𝐿 𝜆13 + (𝜈 + 𝜂𝐿𝑅 )𝜆1

𝜆1 − 𝜂𝐿𝑅 −𝜂𝑅 𝜆1
𝑴= 3 3
(𝜆1 + 𝜈𝜆1 ) sinh(𝜆1 ) + αΩ2 cosh(𝜆1 ) (𝜆1 + 𝜈𝜆1 ) cosh(𝜆1 ) + αΩ2 sinh(𝜆1 )
[ 𝜆12 cosh(𝜆1 ) − 𝛽Ω2 𝜆1 sinh(𝜆1 ) 𝜆12 sinh(𝜆1 ) − 𝛽Ω2 𝜆1 cosh(𝜆1 )

𝜂𝐿 −𝜆32 + (𝜈 + 𝜂𝐿𝑅 )𝜆2

−𝜆2 − 𝜂𝐿𝑅 −𝜂𝑅 𝜆2
(𝜆32 − 𝜈𝜆2 ) 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜆2 ) + 𝛼𝛺2 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜆2 ) (−𝜆32 + 𝜈𝜆2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜆2 ) + 𝛼𝛺2 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜆2 )
−𝜆22 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜆2 ) + 𝛽𝛺2 𝜆2 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜆2 ) −𝜆22 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜆2 ) − 𝛽𝛺2 𝜆2 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜆2 ) ]

Looking for nontrivial solutions of this equation one obtains

𝑑𝑒𝑡(𝑀) = 0 (B15)
from which one can obtain the non-dimensional circular frequency Ω, and from that the natural frequency using
𝜔 𝑚𝑇 𝐿3𝑇
𝑓1 = = 𝛺𝑐0 = 𝛺√ (B16)
2𝜋 𝐸𝐼𝜂
The equation that has to be solved is transcendental and therefore solutions can only be obtained numerically.

Table A1. Non-dimensional variables.

Dimensionless group Formula Dimensionless group Formula
Non-dimensional lateral 𝐾𝐿 𝐿3𝑇 𝑃∗ 𝐿2𝑇
𝜂𝐿 = Non-dimensional axial force 𝜈=
stiffness 𝐸𝐼𝜂 𝐸𝐼𝜈
Non-dimensional rotational 𝐾𝑅 𝐿 𝑇 𝑚 𝑅𝑁𝐴
𝜂𝑅 = Mass ratio 𝛼=
stiffness 𝐸𝐼𝜂 𝑚𝑇
Non-dimensional cross 𝐾𝐿𝑅 𝐿2𝑇 Non-dimensional rotary 𝐽
𝜂𝐿𝑅 = 𝛽= 2
stiffness 𝐸𝐼𝜂 inertia 𝜇𝐿
𝐾𝐿 , 𝐾𝑅 , 𝐾𝐿𝑅 are the lateral, rotational and cross stiffness of the foundation, respectively; 𝐸𝐼𝜂 is the equivalent
bending stiffness of the tapered tower; 𝐿 𝑇 is the hub height above the bottom of the tower; 𝑃∗ is the modified
axial force, 𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 is the mass of the rotor-nacelle assembly; 𝑚𝑇 is the mass of the tower; 𝐽 is the rotary inertia
of the top mass; 𝜇 is the equivalent mass per unit length of the tower
*The rotary inertia is taken to be zero for all wind turbines considered as information is not available in the
referenced literature.
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]


The towers of offshore wind turbines are tapered towers with diameters decreasing from the bottom
to the top. Typically, the wall thickness of the tower also decreases with height. However, some small
and medium sized turbines have constant wall thickness. The formulation presented in this paper
replaces this tower shape with an equivalent constant diameter, constant wall thickness tower. The
average tower diameter

𝐷𝑏 +𝐷𝑡
𝐷𝑇 = (C1)

is used in combination with an equivalent tower wall thickness 𝑡𝑇 . Note that if the average wall
thickness is determined from a range of wall thicknesses of the tower or from the mean of the top and
bottom wall thicknesses, then the tower mass, as calculated from the idealised tower geometry,

𝑚′𝑇 = 𝐷𝑇 𝜋𝑡𝑇 𝜌𝑇 𝐿 𝑇 (C2)

may not be the same as the actual tower mass 𝑚 𝑇 . In the case that information about tower wall
thickness is not available, the equivalent thickness can be chosen such that the actual tower mass is
maintained, that is,
𝑡𝑇 = (C3)

The non-dimensional stiffness parameters are normalized with the length 𝐿 𝑇 and the bending stiffness
𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇 of the tower. When calculating these non-dimensional stiffness parameters, the equivalent
bending stiffness is calculated such that the deflection at the tower top due to a force acting
perpendicular to the tower at the tower top is the same for the equivalent constant diameter tower as
that of the tapered tower. The derivation is given here.

𝐷𝑏 = 𝑞𝐷𝑡 (C4)

The diameter varies along the structure as

𝐷(𝑧) = [𝐿 𝑇 + (𝑞 − 1)𝑧] (C5)

with 𝑧 = 0 at the top of the tower and positive downwards. The second moment of area is then given as

1 1 𝐷𝑡3
𝐼𝑇 (𝑧) = 𝜋𝐷𝑇3 (𝑧)𝑡𝑇 = 𝜋 𝑡 [𝐿 + (𝑞 − 1)𝑧]3 = 𝐼𝑡 (1 + 𝑎𝑧)3 (C6)
8 8 𝐿3𝑇 𝑇 𝑇

. (C7)

Moment curvature relation is written as

𝑑2 𝑤
𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑇 = 𝐹𝑧 (C8)
𝑑𝑧 2

where 𝐹 is the horizontal force at the hub. One can write

𝑑2 𝑤
𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑡 (1 + 𝑎𝑧)3 = 𝐹𝑧 (C9)
𝑑𝑧 2
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

and from that 𝑤 is obtained via integration

𝑑2 𝑤 𝐹𝑧
= (C10)
𝑑𝑧 2 𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑡 (1+𝑎𝑧)3
𝑑𝑤 𝐹 1 1
= [ − ]+𝐶
1 (C11)
𝑑𝑧 𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑡 𝑎2 2(1+𝑎𝑧)2 1+𝑎𝑧
𝐹 1 𝑙𝑛(1+𝑎𝑧)
𝑤= [− − ] + 𝐶1 𝑧 + 𝐶2 (C12)
𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑡 𝑎2 2𝑎(1+𝑎𝑧)2 𝑎

The boundary conditions are used to calculate the constants.

𝑑𝑤 𝐹 1 1
𝑧 = 𝐿𝑇 , =0 𝐶1 = [ − ] (C13)
𝑑𝑧 𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑡 𝑎2 1+𝑎𝐿𝑇 2(1+𝑎𝐿)2
𝐹 𝑙𝑛(1+𝑎𝐿𝑇 ) 1 𝐿𝑇 𝐿𝑇
𝑧 = 𝐿𝑇 , 𝑤 = 0 𝐶2 = [ + − + ] (C14)
𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑡 𝑎2 𝑎 2𝑎(1+𝑎𝐿𝑇 ) 1+𝑎𝐿𝑇 2(1+𝑎𝐿𝑇 )2

The deflection at the end of the column is obtained by substituting 𝑧 = 0 into the equation of deflection

𝐻 𝑙𝑛(1+𝑎𝐿𝑇 ) 1 𝐿𝑇 𝐿𝑇 1
𝑤𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒 = [ + − + − ] (C15)
𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑏 𝑎2 𝑎 2𝑎(1+𝑎𝐿𝑇 ) 1+𝑎𝐿𝑇 2(1+𝑎𝐿𝑇 )2 2𝑎
𝐹𝐿3 𝑞 2 (2 𝑙𝑛 𝑞−3)+4𝑞−1
𝑤𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒 = [ ] (C16)
𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑡 2𝑞 2 (𝑞−1)3

The stiffness is then given as

𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑏 2𝑞 2 (𝑞−1)3
𝑘= [ ] (C17)
𝐿3𝑇 𝑞 2 (2 𝑙𝑛 𝑞−3)+4𝑞−1

Verification: for a cantilever beam of constant diameter

2𝑞 2 (𝑞−1)3
𝑙𝑖𝑚 [ ]=3 (C18)
𝑞→1 𝑞 2 (2 𝑙𝑛 𝑞−3)+4𝑞−1

In the paper the following notification is used

𝐸𝑇 𝐼𝑡 = 𝐸𝐼𝑡
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]


The stiffness of the foundation is used as input in the calculations shown in this paper. However,
determining the stiffness is the most challenging task. In the absence of careful (very expensive) and
detailed site measured data, existing formulations available in the literature may be used to estimate
the stiffness of the foundation theoretically. For the sake of brevity only a brief summary of some
common methods are presented here.
For static analysis, two methods are given in Poulos and Davis (1980), one methodology based on a
subgrade analysis approach partially based on Broms (1964a) and Broms (1964b) and another based
on an elastic continuum approach. Results are provided for both cohesive and cohesionless soils, with
simple analytical results available for slender (infinitely long) and rigid (infinitely stiff) piles. Another
static stiffness approach is recommended in Eurocode 8 Part 5 (European Committee for
Standardization 2003) based on Gazetas (1984), developed for seismic analysis of slender piles.
Dynamic analysis using a subgrade reaction approach of a beam on an elastic foundation was
developed in terms of p-y curves (Matlock 1970; Novak 1974; Reese et al 1975; O’Neill and Murchinson
1983; API 2005), which is the currently accepted design procedure suggested by e.g. the DNV code for
offshore wind turbines (DNV 2014). This methodology is based on Winkler’s approach (Winkler 1867)
and utilizes non-linear springs to model the elastic foundation. Analytical solutions for dynamic analysis
have been published by e.g. Nogami and Novak (1977) and Novak and Nogami (1977). Green’s function
based models have also been developed for dynamic stiffness of piles, e.g. Kausel (1981); Kaynia (1982).
Recent work regarding dynamic stiffness and damping of monopiles of offshore wind turbines include
Shadlou and Bhattacharya (2014); Zania (2014); Damgaard et al (2014). For seismic analysis, a three-
step solution was suggested by Kausel et al (1978), including simplified approximate expressions that
make the method more attractive than finite element analysis. Finite element based methods for
analysis of piles were developed by e.g. Blaney et al (1976).
In this appendix, however, the simple formulae in Poulos and Davis (1980); Randolph (1981); Carter
and Kulhawy (1992) are used. These formulations neglect the frequency dependence of foundation
stiffness, which can be justified for dynamic loading of offshore wind turbines because the frequencies
of excitation are so low. For seismic analysis, however, this frequency dependence should be taken into
account. These approximations provide quick and easy solutions for foundation stiffness, achieving
sufficiently accurate results for the natural frequency as shown in the paper.

The two main parameters to decide the calculation methodology for foundation stiffness are:
(I) Soil condition and ground profile at the site and
(II) Pile slenderness/rigidity.

The ground type/ soil determines the main soil parameter for estimating soil stiffness, while
determining whether the pile can be considered slender or rigid. This allows for simplification of the
foundation stiffness estimation and for the use of closed form solutions instead of graphs or numerical

Ground profile and soil conditions at the site

There are three main categories to consider from the point of view of the current analysis.
(1) Cohesive soils: the horizontal modulus of subgrade reaction 𝑘ℎ is considered constant with
depth below the mudline. This is typically used for over-consolidated clayey soils which is often
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

encountered in offshore conditions, see Bhattacharya et al (2009) for typical North Sea soils.
For normally consolidated cohesive soils, the subgrade reaction increases linearly with depth.

(2) Cohesionless soils: the horizontal modulus of subgrade reaction 𝑘ℎ is assumed to increase with
the square root of the depth below the mudline. This can be typically used for loose to medium
dense sand and gravels.

(3) Bedrock: The foundation stiffness is determined by the shear modulus of the soil. This is
typically used for weathered bedrock and very dense sand.

(4) Complex layered soils: For real sites the soil is obviously not always as simple as the above
categories and different layers are often observed. One of the above categories may be chosen
for such complex sites, bearing in mind that from the point of view of pile head
deflection/rotation and pile stiffness the upper layers of the soil are of higher importance, and
the upper layers should be weighted accordingly. The soil types at the sites of all the wind
turbines considered in this paper are listed in Table 1 in Section 1. Alternatively, the stiffness
can be more accurately obtained from p-y curves.

The constant horizontal modulus of subgrade reaction 𝑘ℎ for cohesive soils can be determined using
the expression of Vesic (1961), using the parameters from Table 6 and 7:

0.65 12 𝐸𝑆 𝐷𝑃 𝐸𝑆
𝑘(ℎ) = √ ( ) (D1)
𝐷𝑃 𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 1−𝜈𝑆2

where 𝐼𝑃 is the second moment of area of the pile cross section 𝐸𝑆 is the elastic modulus of the soil,
and 𝜈𝑆 is the soil’s Poisson’s ratio. Broms (1964b) provides another expression for clays based on the
secant Young’s modulus 𝐸50

𝑘ℎ = (D2)

which can be used in combination with the formula of Skempton (1951) or the more conservative
formula of Davisson (1970) as quoted in Poulos and Davis (1980), in terms of the undrained shear
strength 𝑐𝑢
Skempton: 𝐸50 = (50. .200) ∙ 𝑐𝑢 and 𝑘ℎ = (80. .320) ∙ 𝑢 (D3)
Davisson: 𝑘ℎ = 67 ∙
The linearly varying modulus of subgrade reaction of cohesionless soils can be written following Poulos
and Davis (1980) as:
𝑘ℎ = 𝑛ℎ ∙ (D4)
where 𝑛ℎ is the coefficient of subgrade reaction, calculated for sand after Terzaghi (1955) as
𝑛ℎ = 𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑑 (D5)
where 𝛾 is the specific weight of sand and 𝐴 = 100 − 300 for loose sand, 𝐴 = 300 − 1000 for medium
sand, and 𝐴 = 1000 − 2000 for dense sand. The modulus of subgrade reaction 𝑘ℎ for cohesive soils
and the coefficient of subgrade reaction 𝑛ℎ for cohesionless soils are used to calculate the foundation
stiffness, as given in Table D1. In Table D1 𝜌 and 𝜃 are mudline pile head deflection and rotation,
respectively, 𝐹 and 𝑀 are horizontal force and overturning moment at the mudline.
Closed form solution of Eigen frequency of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in deeper waters incorporating stiffness of substructure
and SSI and is available at this http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.011 [Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering]

Slenderness/rigidity of the pile

Simple closed form solutions are readily available for the simplified cases obtained by assuming either
a slender pile or a rigid pile.

(a) Slender pile: The monopile is idealised as ‘slender’ or ‘infinitely long’ assuming that the pile
flexibly deflects and that the pile fails first by yielding through a plastic hinge (as opposed to
failure of the soil).

(b) Rigid pile: The monopile is idealised as ‘rigid’ or ‘infinitely stiff’ assuming that the pile undergoes
rigid body rotation (the soil fails first). However significant bending moment may be generated
in the pile

Two main methods are presented here to determine whether a pile can be slender or rigid. The first
one is given in Poulos and Davis (1980) and is based on the modulus of subgrade reaction 𝑘ℎ and the
bending stiffness of the pile 𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 . The slenderness parameter is calculated as
4 𝑘 𝐷𝑃
𝛽=√ ℎ (D6)

The pile is considered slender or infinitely long if 𝛽𝐿𝑃 > 2.5, and considered rigid if 𝛽𝐿𝑃 < 1.5.

The second method is that of Randolph (1981) and Carter and Kulhawy (1992), which is based on
the equivalent Young’s modulus 𝐸𝑒 of the pile, and the effective shear strength of the soil 𝐺 ∗ .
𝐸𝑒 = 4 𝜋/64 𝐺 ∗ = 𝐺𝑆 (1 + 𝜈𝑆 ) (D7)
𝐷𝑃 4
where 𝐺𝑆 is the shear modulus of the soil. The pile is considered
𝐿𝑃 𝐸 7
slender, if ≥ ( 𝑒∗ ) (D8)
𝐿𝑃 𝐸 2
rigid, if ≤ 0.05 ( 𝑒∗ ) . (D9)

This methodology is used for rocks by Carter and Kulhawy (1992). The formulae summarized in Table D1
were used to approximate the foundation stiffness in the present study and were found to provide
good approximations in terms of natural frequency. The difference between the rigid and slender pile
approximations is typically 1-6%.

Table D1. Approximation formulae based on soil conditions and pile slenderness.
Slender pile Rigid pile
Constant 𝑘ℎ 𝑘ℎ 𝐷𝑃 𝑘ℎ 𝐷𝑃 𝑘ℎ 𝐷𝑃 𝐿2
− 𝑘ℎ 𝐷𝑃 𝐿 −
(Poulos and Davis 𝐹 𝛽 2𝛽 2 𝜌 𝐹 2 𝜌
⌈ ⌉= [ ] ⌈ ⌉= [ ]
1980) 𝑀 𝑘ℎ 𝐷𝑃 𝑘ℎ 𝐷𝑃 𝜃 𝑀 𝑘ℎ 𝐷𝑃 𝐿2 𝑘ℎ 𝐷𝑃 𝐿3 𝜃

[ 2𝛽 2 2𝛽 3 ] [− 2 3 ]
Linear 𝑘ℎ 3 4 2 3 1 2 1
𝐹 1.077 ∙ 𝑛ℎ5 (𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 )5 −0.99 ∙ 𝑛ℎ5 (𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 )5 𝜌 𝐿 𝑛ℎ − 𝐿3 𝑛ℎ 𝜌
⌈ ⌉ =[ 2 3
(Poulos and Davis ⌈ ⌉=[ ][ ]
𝑀 2 3 1 4 𝜃 ][ ]
1980) −0.99 ∙ 𝑛ℎ5 (𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 )5 1.485 ∙ 𝑛ℎ5 (𝐸𝑃 𝐼𝑃 )5 𝑀 1 1 4 𝜃
− 𝐿3 𝑛ℎ 𝐿 𝑛ℎ
3 4
1 3 2 1 7 9
Bedrock – shear 𝐸𝑒 7 𝐸𝑒 7
3.15𝐺 ∗ 𝐷𝑃 ( ) −0.53𝐺 ∗ 𝐷𝑃2 ( ) 3.15𝐺 ∗ 𝐷𝑃3 𝐿3 2𝐺 ∗ 𝐷𝑃8 𝐿8
modulus 𝐺𝑆 based 𝐹 𝐺∗ 𝐺 ∗ [𝜌 ] 1 − 1
⌈ ⌉= 2𝐿 4 2𝐿 4
(Randolph 1981; 𝑀 3 5 𝜃 1 − 0.28 ( ) 1 − 0.28 ( ) 𝜌
𝐸𝑒 7 𝐸𝑒 7 𝐹 𝐷𝑃 𝐷𝑃
Carter and Kulhawy [ −0.53𝐺 ∗ 2
𝐷𝑃 ( ) 0.25𝐺 ∗ 𝐷𝑃3 ( ∗ ) ] ⌈ ⌉= [ ]
𝐺∗ 𝐺 𝑀 7 9 4 5 𝜃
1992) 2𝐺 ∗ 𝐷𝑃8 𝐿8 4𝐺 ∗ 𝐷𝑃3 𝐿3
− 1 1
2𝐿 4 2𝐿 4
[ 1 − 0.28 (𝐷𝑃 ) 1 − 0.28 ( ) ]

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