Bricks Test Procedures
Bricks Test Procedures
Bricks Test Procedures
Hi friends, you are welcomed in the world of Civil Allied Gyan. In this
article I have explained about water absorption test of brick (brick test).
By the help of this blog you can easily find the water absorption test of brick (brick
test). So please continue to the end & keep your love and support on me.
Hi friends, you are welcomed in the world of Civil Allied Gyan. In this article
I have explained about test for compressive strength of different types of bricks.
By the help of this blog you can easily test the compressive strength of different
types of bricks. So please continue to the end & keep your love and support on
b).Cellular brick – Cellular bricks have no holes, but may have frogs or cavities
not exceeding 20% of the gross volume of the brick.
c).Perforated brick – Perforated bricks have holes not exceeding 25% of the
gross volume of the brick. The area of any one hole shall not exceed 10% of the
gross area of the brick.
d).Frogged brick – Frogged bricks shall have depressions in one bed. Frog size
should not exceed 130mm×50 mm×10 mm.
(Heat the water to boiling point (100ºC) in approximately 1 h. Boil theme for 5
hour continuously, and then quit it for cooling to room temperature by natural
loss of heat for not less than 16 h or more than 19 h).
–: Then follow the row no. 7. and 8. of procedure.
Hi friends, you are welcomed in the world of Civil Allied Gyan. In this
article I have explained about determination of water absorption of brick by 5
hours boiling test.
By the help of this blog you can determine the water absorption of brick by 5
hours boiling test easily. So please continue to the end & keep your love and
support on me.
1. First of all, take 10 bricks sampled in accordance with this test procedure.
2. Dry the specimens to constant mass in the oven at a temperature of
between 110 ᵒC and 115 ᵒC.
3. Now cool the specimens to room temperature and weigh each specimen to
an accuracy of 0.1% of its mass. Note down it as M1.
4. Place the 10 specimens in a single layer in a tank of water immediately
after weighing, so that the water can circulate freely on all sides of them.
Leave a space of about 10 mm between bricks and the sides of the tank.
5. Heat the water to boiling point (100ᵒC) in approximately 1 h.
6. Boil theme for 5 hour continuously, and then quit it for cooling to room
temperature by natural loss of heat for not less than 16 h or more than 19
7. Take the specimens, wipe off the surface water with a damp cloth and
weigh. When wiping perforated bricks, shake them to expel water that
might otherwise be left in the perforations.
8. Weigh any one of the specimens within 2 min after its removal from the
water. Note down it as M2.
Water Avera
Brick M 1 M 2 Absorpti ge
s on (%) Water
IS: 1077:1999
IS: 12894:1990
IS: 13757:1993
Brick Sizes Based on IS 1077 Specification (Common Burnt Clay Building Bricks)
A.) The standard modular size of common building bricks shall be as follows:
Length Depth/Width Height
(L) (D/W) (H)
mm mm mm
190 90 90
190 90 40
Dimension of Brick
C.) Additionally, for obtaining proper bond arrangement and modular dimensions
for the brick work, with the non-modular sizes, the sizes of bricks may be as
Length Depth/Width Height
(L) (D/W) (H)
mm mm mm
70 110 701/3
Hi friends, you are welcomed in the world of Civil Allied Gyan. In this
article I have explained about efflorescence test of bricks (brick test).
By the help of this blog you can easily test the efflorescence of bricks. So please
continue to the end & keep your love and support on me.
The liability to efflorescence shall be reported as ‘nil’, ‘slight’, ‘moderate’, ‘heavy’
or ‘serious’ in accordance with the following definitions:-
By the help of this you can easily perform the test for specific gravity of fine
aggregate. So please continue to the end & keep your love and support on me.
IS: 2386 (Part-3): 1963, Methods of test for aggregates for concrete
(Determination of Specific Gravity of aggregates)
1. Take a clean, dry pycnometer and determine its empty weight (W₁ g).
2. Take a clean sample of fine aggregate (about 1kg) for which specific
gravity is to be find out and transfer that to the pycnometer and weight (W₂
g). The aggregates finer than 6.3mm are taken.
3. Pour distilled water in the pycnometer with aggregate sample at the
temperature at 27 ºC, to just immerse sample.
4. Immediately after immersion, remove the entrapped air from the sample by
shaking or rotating the pycnometer, placing a finger on the hole at the top
of the sealed pycnometer.
5. Wipe out the outer surface of pycnometer. Now the pycnometer is
completely filled up with water till the hole at the top, and after confirming
that there is no more entrapped air in pycnometer, weight it (W₃ g).
6. Transfer the aggregate of the pycnometer into a try care being taken to
ensure that all the aggregate is transferred. Clean the pycnometer.
7. Refill the pycnometer with distilled water up to the top of the pycnometer,
without any entrapped air. It should be completely dry from outside and
take the weight (W₄ g).
8. For mineral filler, specific gravity bottle is used and the material is filled up
to one-third of the capacity of bottle. The rest of the process of determining
specific gravity is similar to the one described above.
Trail Trail
No.1 No. 2
Weight of pycnometer +
water + Fine aggregate (W₃
Weight of pycnometer +
water in air (W₄ g)
General Remarks:-
Setting time of cement paste is that the interval during which the cement paste
losses its plasticity after adding water in cement.
(1) Initial setting time of cement and (2) Final setting time of cement.
Initial setting time is regarded as the time elapsed between the moments that the
water is added to the cement to the time that the paste starts losing its plasticity
and the hardening of the cement starts. It is the time within which the cement can
be molded in any desired shape without losing its strength.
The final setting time is the time elapsed between the moment when water is
added to the cement and the time when the paste has completely lost its
plasticity and has attained the sufficient firmness to resist certain and definite
pressure. This is the time taken for the cement paste to becomes hard and attain
the shape of the mould in which it is cast.
Determination of Initial Setting Time and Final Setting Time of Cement
as per IS: 4031 (Part 5)-1988
Hi friends, you are welcomed in the world of Civil Allied Gyan. Read definition,
apparatus, IS code, test procedure, formula, result and lab report about initial
and final setting time of cement by Vicat apparatus.
IS Code of Initial Setting Time and Final Setting Time Test of Cement
Paste Sample:-
1. IS: 4031 (Part 5)-1988, Methods of physical test for hydraulic cement paste
2. IS: 5513-1996, For specification for Vicat’s apparatus
Apparatus Required For Initial Setting Time and Final Setting Time Test
of Cement Paste:-
The other two needles are made to freely fall into a Vicat mould filled with the
cement paste and the amount of penetration of the needles of plunger of 10 mm
diameter can be noted using the vertical graduations from 0 mm to 50 mm.
Parts of Vicat’s Apparatus with Explanation:-
1. Needles
Needle for Initial Setting Time: The needle is having a cross sectional area of
1mm². The end of the needle is flat.
Needle for Final Setting Time: The needle is circular and is having a cross
sectional area of 1mm². The needle is fitted with a metal attachment. The end of
needle projects beyond the cutting edge of the hollowed out metal attachment.
Plunger is made of polished brass with a projection at the upper end for insertion
into the movable rod. The lower end is flat.
3. Movable Rod
Movable rod carries an indicator which moves over a graduated scale attached to
the frame (certain models have an additional attachment of dash pot, which
facilitates lowering of movable rod slowly).
4. Graduated Scale
Graduated scale is 40mm in length and the shortest division of scale is 1mm.
5. Vicat Mould
Single mould: The Vicat mould is in the foam of a frustum of a cone having an
internal diameter of 60 ± 0.5mm at the top, 70 ± 0.5mm at the bottom and height
40 ± 0.5mm.
Split type Vicat mould: The split type Vicat mould is used as an alternative to
single mould. This mould consist of a split ring having an internal diameter 80 ±
0.1mm and a height 40 ± 0.5mm. A non-porous base plate is provided. The split
mould is provided with a suitable clamping ring.
The samples of the cement shall be taken as per IS: 3535- 1986* and the
relevant standard specification for the type of cement being tested. Mix
thoroughly the cement sample before testing.
The moist closet or moist room shall be maintained at 25ºC to 29ºC and at a
relative humidity equal to or more than 90%.
Vicat Apparatus
Procedure for Initial Setting Time and Final Setting Time Test of Cement
1. Before testing the setting time of cement, do the consistency test to obtain
the required quantity of water to give the paste normal consistency.
2. Prepare a neat 300 g cement paste by gauging the cement with 0.85 times
the water required to give a paste of standard consistency. Potable or
distilled water will be used in preparing the cement paste.
3. Take care that the time of gauging is not less than 3 minutes, not more
than 5 minutes and the gauging will be completed before setting occurs.
4. The gauging time will be counted from the time of adding the water to the
dry cement until starting to fill the mould. Record this time (T₁).
5. Fill the Vicat mould with a cement paste gauged as above and also the
mould resting on a nonporous plate.
6. Fill the mould completely and smooth off the surface of the cement paste
making it level with the top of the Vicat mould.
7. In filling, the mould operators hands and the blade of the gauging trowel
will only be used.
8. After moulding, immediately place the test block within the moist closet or
moist room and allow it to remain there except when determinations of the
time of setting are being made.
1. Place the test block confined in the mould and resting on the non-porous
plate, under the rod bearing lower the needle gently until it comes in touch
with the surface of the test block and quickly release, allowing it to
penetrate into the test block.
2. In. the beginning, the needle will completely pierce the test block.
3. Repeat this procedure until the needle, when brought in touch with the test
block and released as described above, fails the to pierce the block
beyond a point 4.5 mm to 5.5 mm measured from the bottom of the mould.
4. The period elapsing between the moments when the cement is mixed with
water and the moment at which the needle fails to pierce the test block
beyond a point 4.5 mm to 5.5 mm measured from the bottom of the mould
will be the initial setting time of the cement paste.
5. Record this time (T₂).
1. Replace the needle of the Vicat apparatus by the needle with an annular
2. The sample of cement paste will be considered as finally set when, upon
applying the needle gently to the surface of the test block, the needle
makes an impression there on, while the attachment fails to do so.
3. The period elapsing between the time when the cement is mixed with
water and the time at which the needle makes an impression on the
surface of test block while the attachment fails to do so will be the final
setting time of the cement paste.
4. Record this time (T₃).
Note: In the event of a scum forming on the surface of the test block, use the
underside of the block for the determination of setting time of cement.
1. Type of cement =…………………….
(min) (mm)
T₃ = Time when the needle makes an impression but the attachment fails to do
1. The initial setting time of the cement paste sample is found to be ………..
2. The final setting time of the cement paste sample is found to be ………..
The results of initial setting time and final setting time of cement is reported
to the nearest five minutes.
1. Cement should not set too rapidly or too slowly. In the first case if a
cement paste sets too rapidly, there might be insufficient time to transport
and place the concrete before it becomes too rigid. In the second case too
long a setting period tends to slow the project work unduly, also it might
postpone the actual use of the structure because of inadequate strength at
the desired age.
2. Setting of cement should not be confused with hardening of cement,
which refers to the gain in mechanical strength after the certain degree of
resistance to the penetration of a special attachment pressed into it.
3. Determination of setting time is the time required for concretizing of
cement paste to a defined consistency.
4. During setting of cement, the initial chemical reaction of cement with water
indirectly related to form aluminum-silicate compound.
5. Initial setting time test of cement is important for transportation, placing
and compaction of cement paste.
6. Determination of initial setting time duration is required to delay the
process of hydration or hardening.
7. Determination of final setting time facilitates safe removal of scaffolding or
8. During the final setting time, primary chemical reaction of cement with
water is almost completed.
Value of Initial and Final Setting Time for Ordinary Portland Cement
The initial setting time for OPC, SRC, PPC, RHPC and PSC is 30 minutes. The
final setting time for OPC, SRC, PPC, RHPC and PSC is 600 minutes.
Fineness Test of Cement by Dry Sieving or Sieve Analysis
Civil Allied Gyan March 27, 2020
Fineness of Cement by Sieve Analysis as per IS: 4031 (Part 1): 1996
Hi friends, you are welcomed in the world of Civil Allied Gyan. Here we have
explained about determination of fineness of cement of by sieve analysis. Read
definition, apparatus, IS code, test procedure, observations, formula, result and
lab report about fineness of cement of by sieve analysis.
1. 90μ IS Sieve with pan as per IS: 460 (Part 1, 2 and 3): 1985
2. Sieve lid
3. Weighing balance capable of weighing up to 100 g to the nearest 10 mg
4. A nylon or pure bristle brush, preferably with 25 mm to 40 mm bristle, for
cleaning the sieve
5. Gauging trowel
6. Tray
7. Tamping rod
8. Sieve Shaking Machine (optional)
Temperature and Humidity:-
The temperature of moulding room, dry materials and water will be maintained at
4. Brand of cement=.................
5. Room temperature=..................
Weight of Sample
Weight of Residue of
% of Fineness of
Weight of Residue of
Fly Ash
% of Fineness of Fly
Formula for Fineness of Cement by Sieve Analysis:-
Report the value of the fineness of cement, to the nearest 0.1 percent, as the
residue on the 90 pm sieve for the cement tested.
The standard deviation of the repeatability is about 0.2 percent and of the
reproducibility is about 0.3 percent.
5. Make sure that the sieving operation is done in all the direction for a
minimum of 15 minutes.
6. Sieving will be done holding the sieve in both hands and gentle wrist
motion, this will involve no danger of spilling the cement, which will be kept
well spread out on the screen. More or less continuous rotation of the
sieve will be carried out throughout sieving.
7. Washers, shots and slugs will not be used on the sieve. The underside of
Hi friends, you are welcomed in the world of Civil Allied Gyan. Read about
significance or importance of fineness test of cement and effect of fineness test
of cement.
Image by
Significance or Importance of Fineness Test of Cement or
Effect of Fineness Test of Cement