Carb Article
Carb Article
Carb Article
The key to achieving this? Improving our diet and eliminating from it all
carbohydrates harmful to our health and our figure.
On the other hand, another of the big questions that has generated
thousands of debates and research among nutrition experts is this:
carbohydrates are the main culprits that we do not get to lose
weight? Does a healthy diet necessarily have to be one in which
carbohydrates hardly play a role? And the answer is still not
entirely clear, because the truth is that carbohydrates are an
essential element in our diet, the problem is that most people do
not know how to identify them, nor dose them properly.
Nowadays, there are millions of people who are forced to follow a low-
carbohydrate diet, either for health reasons (they suffer from type 1 or 2
diabetes) or to lose weight, however, surveys reveal that a large majority
of these people do not achieve what they set out to do and are frustrated
by not seeing any change and having to give up eating more tasty food.
Which brings us to the last question we will answer in this article:
to lose weight, do you have to starve yourself and give up tasty
foods? And the answer is no, of course not.
Then, to help all those who are trying to lose weight and do not
know what kind of diet to take, or for those who are already
carrying out some kind of low-carbohydrate diet and do not see
much effect, we will develop a simple food guide where we will
explain the whole truth about carbohydrates, the types of
carbohydrates that should be consumed daily and other key tips to
lead to lose weight with little physical effort.
In the last decade there have been all kinds of dietary plans that
encouraged us to reduce the intake of "fats" because that would be the
only way to lose weight and reduce the risk of diseases associated with
overweight, but the truth is that what we have to reduce are sugars and
refined starches to achieve this and not fats. And where are most of
these harmful sugars present? In carbohydrates.
Both fats and carbohydrates are a key element in our diet as long as
they are "healthy", so our main mission will be to learn to identify them
and gradually introduce them into our diets. For example, foods such as
fish, extra virgin olive oil and avocado (very present in all healthy diets
around the world right now) are very rich in fats, but in healthy fats that
help our body to function and regulate its metabolism, providing us with
a very high nutritional level but with a very low caloric level.
Do you want to have more control over the number of carbohydrates you
consume and their composition? Then you should pay close attention to
the labels that foods are required to carry to inform the consumer of the
calories contained in that food. Likewise, that label can also inform you
about the type of carbohydrates that comprise that food, such as
starches, refined or natural sugars and fiber, and the amount of each of
these ingredients separately.
In this way you can keep a much tighter control of the number of
carbohydrates you consume, while controlling the amount of starches
and sugars you ingest from them, something really essential for those
people with diabetes problems and who need to always have very
controlled glucose levels.
A diet low in the main macronutrient has proven to be one of the best
ways to lose weight, without having to completely eliminate
carbohydrates from your life, or having to stop implementing other daily
routines in your life that enhance all its benefits, such as moderate
exercise or increase the quality of our sleep. Below we will list one by
one the types of foods that will help you to have a balanced and low
carbohydrate diet, without being considered a ketogenic diet.
Take note!
Do you want to eat a diet low in saturated fat but rich in nutrients? Then
you need to increase the consumption of legumes in your life. Legumes
such as peas, chickpeas, beans or lentils, are some of the most
nutritious foods that exist, providing us with low amounts of fat in
exchange for a high content of iron, magnesium, potassium and other
equally beneficial fibers.
Whole grains are the best alternative to refined cereals, as they contain
a high amount of fiber and essential vitamins, such as all those
belonging to the group of B vitamins, while refined cereals do not contain
these nutrients and have a high value of saturated fats that will make us
raise our weight and our blood sugar dangerously. Oats, rye, chia,
sesame and other whole grain cereals are some of the best options you
will find in the market, being all of them very versatile and suitable to eat
with lunch, snack or even as a side dish in your lunch and dinner salads.
Lean meats
Many studies have already shown that people who do not get enough
sleep are more prone to overweight and poor eating. The reason? A
hormonal imbalance that occurs when the person does not sleep too
much, causing the body to generate too much grenil, the hormone
responsible for appetite, and not enough leptin, the hormone that does
not make you feel satiated.
In this way, people with severe sleep problems will not only feel much
more tired, but also have an uncontrollable urge to eat at all hours to
compensate for this hormonal imbalance. Therefore, try to sleep more
and better so that your body can eat properly and without hormonal
problems in between.
It may seem strange to you, but there are several experts in nutrition and
psychology who say that writing down in a notebook everything we eat
throughout the day is a good way to control ourselves, finding out at
what times of the day we tend to be hungrier and what bad habits we
should start to change in order to lose weight. Seeing explicitly
everything we eat in a day will give us a more realistic view of our
progress and make us more aware of everything we do wrong or right in
the process.
Has it ever happened to you that you think you are hungry, when in
reality you are thirsty? Our body sends us similar signals when we are
hungry or thirsty, so many of us confuse them and try to fill that
emptiness eating between meals (and usually foods rich in sugar), when
in fact we just need to hydrate ourselves. To avoid this, the best thing to
do is to always carry a bottle of water with us, about 250 ml
approximately, and take small sips every hour. This way we will always
be hydrated and will increase our feeling of satiety between meals.
Enjoy it!