Practical Accounting Problems II
Practical Accounting Problems II
Practical Accounting Problems II
Problem 9.Eros Corporation acquired the net assets of Honey Pete receives P7,500 for his share in the venture profit.
Company on January 1,2010, and made the following entry to Furthermore, he agrees to be charged for the unsold merchandise
record the acquisition: as of December 31, 2009. What is the cost of the unsold
Current assets P600,000 merchandise changed to Pete?
Equipment 900,000 a. P18,000
Land 300,000 b. P3,000
Building 1,800,000 c. P33,000
d. P12,000 Balance P1,547,575
If PD received P54,000 from the first distribution of cash, how Additional information:
much did CG receive at that time? a. Merchandise was billed to the branch at cost
a. P30,000 b. The freight charged to the Davao branch on December 12
b. P12,000 was erroneous. It should have been charged to Cebu
c. P18,000 branch.
d. P33,000 c. Expenses charged to the branch on December 31 represent
allocated portions of home office expenses chargeable to
Problem 12. The Eagle Company has a branch in Davao City. As of branch operations.
December 31,2009, books of the home office and the branch show d. The branch income summary shows a credit balance of
summaries of their reciprocal accounts as follows: P876,750.
Problem 17. On April 30,2009, the capital accounts of P,Q, and Problem 19. Ping, Pong and Pang decided to dissolve their
R shows the following balances: P-P150,000, Q-P75,000 and R- partnership on May 31, 2009. On this date, their capital
P45,000. At this time, S is admitted to the firm when he balances were as follows:
purchases a one-sixth interest in the firm for P27,500. The old Ping P87,500
partners equalized their capital investments. Afterwards, all Pong 105,000
the partners agree to divide profits and losses equally. The Pang 35,000
new partnership closes its books on June 30, 2009 reporting a
profit of P4,200 for two months. The partners made the The following provision for sharing profits and losses is
following withdrawals: P and R, P450 per month; Q and S 300 per provided in the agreement. Available income is distributed only
month. On June 30, 2009, S invests enough cash to increases his as far as it is available.
capital to a one-third interest in the partnership. How much Available income is to be distributed in the following
cash is to be invested by S? sequence:
a. P108,025 1. Ping, who is the managing partner gets a salary of
b. P68,025 P180,000 a year; the remaining partners gets a salary of
c. P67,425 P72,000 each.
d. P107,425 2. Interest is imputed on the average capital balances at
12% per annum
Problem 18. The books of Magic, Inc. show the following 3. Any remaining profits and losses are to be shared 3:2:5
balances on December 31, 2009:
The average capital balances during the period ended were
Accounts Receivable P533,375 P70,000, P85,000 and P27,500, for Ping, Pong and Pang,
Deferred Gross Profit, unadjusted 64,600 respectively.
The net income from January to May 31, 2009 was P121,500. Also, Remittance to home office 302,500
before liquidation on May 31,2009, the partnership’s cash and
liabilities, respectively, were P70,000 and P157,500 (inclusive Allowance for overvaluation of branch inventory amounted to
of customer deposits amounting to P4,000). Liquidation expenses P67,000 in the home office books.
of P7,500 was paid. For Pong to receive P126,400 in full
settlement of his interest in the partnership, how much must be In the home office books, the branch net income (loss) is:
realized from the sale of the partnership’s non-cash assets? a. P16,000
a. P408,500 b. (P15,000)
b. P416,000 c. (P7,100)
c. P457,000 d. (P5,580)
d. P402,375
Problem 22. Amor Inc., franchisor, entered into franchise
Problem 20. Bataan Construction Company recognized gross profit agreement with Adore Inc., Franchisee on July 1, 2009. The
of P42,000 on its long-term project which has accumulated costs initial franchisee fees agreed upon is P850,000,of which
of P490,000. To finish the project, the company estimates that P150,000is payable upon signing and the balance to be covered
it has to incur additional cost of P735,000. The contract price by a non-interest bearing note payable in four equal annual
is: anstallments. It was agreed that the down payment is not
a. P798,000 refundable, notwithstanding lack of substantial performance of
b. P1,330,000 services by franchiser. Probability of collection is unlikely.
c. P1,102,500
d. P1,837,500 The following expenses were incurred:
Initial services:
Problem 21. The Red Roses Company has a branch in Isabela City. Direct cost P235,000
Shipments of merchandise to the branch totaled P297,000 for the Indirect cost 75,000
year, which included a 25% mark-up on cost. Continuing services:
Direct cost 37,800
The following data summarizing branch operations for the Indirect cost 15,000
period ended December 31, 2009:
Sales on account P407,000 The management of Adore has estimated that they can borrow loan
Sales on cash basis 121,000 at rate of 12%. The franchisee commenced its operatipns on July
Collections of accounts 330,000 31,2009 A continuing franchise fee equal to 5% of its monthly
Expenses paid 149,000 gross sales. Adore reported gross sales of P1,300,000 for the
Expenses unpaid 41,000 month. When Amor prepares its financial statements on August
Purchase of merchandise for cash 143,000 31,2009, how much is the net income to be reported? PV factor
Inventory on hand, January 1 is 3.04.
(60% from outside purchases) 114,000 a. P99,350
Inventory on hand, December 31 b. P75,640
(70% from home office) 165,000 c. P46,150
d. P35,510 Cost of direct materials used P200,000
Cost of direct labor, including site
Problem 23. The following information relates to Jenna and supervision of P50,000 150,000
Jenny’s partners capital accounts for fiscal year ending June Cost of indirect materials used 55,000
30: Cost incurred in obtaining the contract
Jenny Jenna previously written of 70,000
Balance, July 1 P86,400 P115,200 Depreciation of plant and equipment used
Add: Additional Investment, on the contract 120,000
January 1 38,400 19,200 Payroll of design and technical department
Net Income for the year: allocated to the contract 80,000
Salaries 20,500 14,500 Insurance costs (2/3 for other contracts) 180,000
Interest 7,920 9,360 Costs of contracted research and
Bonus 3,720 - development activities 105,000
Remainder 14,880 9,920 Depreciation of idle plant and equipment
Total 171,820 168,180 not used on a particular contract 60,000
Deduct: Drawings Selling costs 45,000
Monthly amounts 15,070 15,060 General and administrative expenses
Additional drawings, specifically included under the terms
June 30 2,400 403 of the contract 30,000
Balance, June 30 154,350 152,717 Borrowing cost incurred during the
construction period 130,000
Bonus is based on net income after salaries,interest and bonus. Advances made to subcontractors 100,000
If the net income remains the same the following fiscal year,
and if there is no change in the partnership agreement nor any What is the realized gross profit for the period?
additional investment, how much will Jenna’s total share of the a. P104,335
net income be the following year? b. P111,055
a. P33,577 c. P125,195
b. P33,780 d. P134,610
c. P33,696
d. P33,874 Problem 25. Forever, Inc. granted a franchise to Hopeless
Romantic for the Manila area. The franchisee was to pay a
Problem 24. On July 1, 2009, TL Construction Corp. contracred franchise fee of P250,000, payable in five equal annual
to build an office building for LQ, Inc. for a total contract anstallments starting with the payment upon signing of the
price of P2,950,000. Estimated total contract costs is agreement. The franchise was to pay monthly 3% of gross sales
P2,600,000. of the preceding month. Should the operations of the outlet
prove to be unprofitable, the franchise may be canceled wiyh
Costs incurred to date are as follows related to the project whatever obligations owing Forever, Inc. in connection with the
were as as follows: P250,000 franchise fee waived. The prevailing interest rate for
a non-interest bearing note is 14%. The first year generated a
gross sales of P1,250,000. What is the amount of unearned Problem 28. Carol and Manny agreed on a joint venture to
franchise fee after the first year of operations? purchase and sell custom-made items. They agreed to contribute
a. P287,500 P250,000 each to be used in purchasing the merchandise, share
b. P145,700 equally in any gain or loss, and record their venture
c. P195,700 transactions in their individual books.
d. P250,000 Upon termination of the venture, the following information were
Problem 26.Lovebirds Corporation sells goods on the installment Joint venture account credit balances: Carol,P180,000;
basis. For the year just ended, the following were reported: Manny, P202,000
Cost of installment sales P525,000 Cost of custom-made items taken:by Carol, P15,000; Manny,
Loss on repossession 13,500 P29,0000
Fair value of repossessed merchandise 112,500
Expenses paid: by Carol, P18,500; Manny, P23,000
Account defaulted 180,000
Compute for the joint venture sales.
Deferred gross profit,end 108,000
a. P882,000
b. P838,000
How much was the collections for the year?
c. P923,500
a. P210,000
d. P879,500
b. P264,000
c. P390,000
Problem 29. On July 1,2009 the Venus Company acquired the net
d. P415,715
assets of Cupid Company for a consideration transferred of
P16,000,000. At the acquisition date, the carrying amount of
Problem 27. On December 31,2009, ABC Corporation combined net
Cupid’s net assets was P10,000,000.
income together with its Bacolod branch amounted to P350,000.
During the year, shipments of merchandise to the branch
At the acquisition date, a provisional fair value of
amounted to P135,000. On June 30,2009, the home office
P12,000,000 was attributed to the net assets. An additional
purchased and recorded fixed asset for the use of the branch
valuation received on May 31,2010 increased this provisional
amounting to P200,000. Useful life is 5 years. Remittance of
fair value to P13,000,000 and on July 30,2010 this fair value
P70,000 was made during the year to the home office. Purhases
was finalized at P14,000,000.
of merchandise from outside suppliers amounted to P125,000.
Ending inventories amounted to P80,000. Sales for the year was
What amount should Venus present for goodwill in its statement
reported at P400,000. The branch paid selling and
of financial position at December 31,2010?
administrative expenses amounting to P75,000. How much is the
a. P6,000,000
separate income of the home office?
b. P3,000,000
a. P105,000
c. P4,000,000
b. P225,000
d. P2,000,000
c. P245,000
d. P125,000
Problem 30. The following is the income statement of Makati
City Branch for the year ended December 31,2009. What is the ending balance of installment accounts receivable
Sales P600,000 on December 31,2010?
Cost of Sales a. P3,540,000
Inventory, beginning 80,000 b. P2,550,000
Shipments from home office 350,000 c. P2,662,500
Purchases from outsiders 110,000 d. P1,837,500
Total goods available for sale 540,000
Inventory, ending (100,000)(440,000) Problem 32. Nora and Vilma formed a joint venture to purchase
Gross Profit 160,000 and sell a special type of merchandise. The venturers agreed to
Operating Expenses (100,000) contribute cash of P270,000 each too be used in purchasing the
Net Income P60,000 merchandise, and to share profits and losses equally. They also
agreed that each shall record his purchases, sales, and
20% of the beginning inventory and 46% of the ending inventory expenses in their own books.
came from outside purchases. After effecting the necessary
adjustments the true net income of the branch was ascertained Upon termination of the joint venture, the following data are
to be P132,000. made available:
Nora Vilma
How much is the percentage mark-up on cost imposed by the home Joint Venture P234,000 CR P170,600 DR
office to the branch and the cost of goods sold of the branch Inventory Taken 10,800 33,750
in as far as the home office is concerned? Expenses paid from JV Cash 5,400 9,900
a. 25%; P288,000
b. 25%; P368,000 How much cash is to be received by Vilma in the final
c. 20%; P288,000 settlement?
d. 20%; P368,000 a. P267,950
b. P290,225
Problem 31. Lakers Corp.,which began operations on January 1, c. P323,975
2009, appropriately uses the Installment method of accounting d. P280,325
for revenues. The following information is available for the
years ended December 31,2009 and 2010:
2009 2010 Problem 33. Frenchkiss Corporation opened a sales agency in
Cost of installment sales P1,500,000 P3,000,000 Sta. Rosa Laguna in 2009. The following is a summary of the
Gross Profit realized on transactions of the sales agency:
sales made in List price P342,000
2009 225,000 135,000 Volume discount 5% and 5%
2010 - 300,000 Freight on shipment of agency 7,000
Gross profit percentage based Collections, net of 7.5% discount 249,750
on cost 30% 40% Selling expenses paid from the agency
Revolving fund 19,250 assets of Successful, Inc. Underlying book value and fair value
Administrative expenses allocated to information for the balance sheet items of Successful at the
Agency 5% of net sales time of acquisition are as follows:
Samples shipped to agency: Book Value Fair Value
Cost 28,700 Cash P80,000 P80,000
Inventory,end 15,925 Accounts Receivable 120,000 120,000
Inventory 60,000 115,000
Remaining receivable is estimated to be 95% collectible. The Land 50,000 70,000
Company’s gross profit rate based on invoice price is 40% Building and Equipment 400,000 350,000
excluding the freight cost on shipments to agency. Less:Accumulated depreciation(120,000)
Total Assets 590,000 735,000
What is the net income of the agency for 2009?
a. P34,334 Accounts Payable P30,000 P30,000
b. P49,767 Bonds Payable 200,000 180,000
c. P47,834 Common Stock (P5 par value) 150,000
d. P47,535 Additional Paid-in Capital 70,000
Retained Earnings 140,000
Problem 34. Olongapo Construction Company entered into two Total Liabilities and Equities590,000
construction jobs which both commenced in 2009 (in thousands).
Project 1 Project 2 Successful, Inc. shares were selling at P18 and
Contract price P52,500 P37,500 Congratulations, Inc. were selling at P50 just before the
Costs incurred during 2009 30,000 35,000 merger announcement. Additional cash payments made by
Estimated Cost to Complete 15,000 8,700 Congratulations, Inc. in completing the acquisitions were:
General and administrative
Expenses 2,500 1,250 Broker’s fee paid to firm that located
Billings for clients during 2009 31,500 30,000 Successful P15,000
Collections during 2009 28,000 25,000 Engagement fee on agreed upon procedures
For share issuance 10,000
Based on the information given, how much is the gross profit Legal fees for the merger 12,000
would Colt report in its 2009 income statement? Cost of SEC registration of Congratulations
Percentage of completion Zero Profit Share 7,000
a. (6,200,000) (1,200,000)
b. 5,000,000 (6,200,000) What is the amount of additional paid in capital related to the
c. (1,200,000) (6,200,000) issuance of shares?
d. 1,300,000 (1,200,000) a. P473,000
b. P436,000
Problem 35. On January 1, 2010, Congratulations, Inc. issues c. P448,000
12,000 shares of its P10 par value stock to acquire the net d. P463,000