Abdul Baseer C.R in D.J
Abdul Baseer C.R in D.J
Abdul Baseer C.R in D.J
4. Conservator of Forest,
FP&M Circle, Peshawar
Respectfully Sheweth:
G R O U N D S:
G. That the findings of the courts below are not only deficient in
their contents but are hallow and frail in substance. Grave
miscarriage of justice is resulting to the present petitioner
flowing from the orders and judgment impugned herein because
actually the disputed house has duly allotted to the present
H. It is pertinent to highlight that the learned trial court did not pay
any attention towards the point that the office letter
No.1308/RA/PK/Accommodation dated 30.11.2010 has been
quashed by the competent authorities.
I. That the impugned orders also did not find mention the fact that
in the light of policy letter No.EO(Admn)34-M/2010 dated
27.03.2010 duly issued from the Administration Department of
K.P.K, Peshawar, the respondent No.1/ plaintiff is not entitled to
the government accommodation at Peshawar being on
deputation at Malakand.
J. That any other ground which may be raised during the course of
arguments, with the kind permission of this Honourable Court.
Faheem Marwat
Date: __/__/2011 Advocate High Court
I, Abdul Baseer S/o Khuda Bakhsh, DFO/ DDP Environment
Department Civil Secretariat, Peshawar, do hereby solemnly affirm and
declare on oath that the contents of the accompanying Revision Petition
are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing
has been kept secret from this Hon’ble Court.
Faheem Marwat
Advocate High Court, Peshawar
Abdul Baseer……………………………………………………Petitioner
Sanaullah and others…………………………………………Respondents
S.No Description of Documents Annex Pages
1. Grounds of revision petition with affidavit 1-5
2. Copies of Plaint & application for interim A-B
3. Copies of the written statements, C, D, E
replications and orders
4. Copy of application under Order-7 Rule-11 F
5. Copies of replications and orders impugned G-H
6. Wakalat Nama
Faheem Marwat
Date: __/__/2011 Advocate High Court
Cell: 0321-9650538