Mathematics Form 2 - Chapter 1 - Patterns & Sequences

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CHAPTER 1.1 Patterns 12 Sequences 13 Patterns and Sequences eee © Number pattern . + Odd number : + Even number *. + Fibonacci Number +: + Pascal's Triangle + 5 Rone, . + Algebraic expression + ° Tem is Pola nombor Nombor ganjil Nombor genap Nombor Fibonacci Segi Tiga Pascal Jajukan Ungkapan algebra Sebutan ‘The sunfiower is a unique flower in terms of the arrangements of its seeds. The seeds are arranged in a spiral pattern and follow a particular direction, The number of seeds in the spirals can be arranged in a number pattern known as Fibonacci Numbers. The seeds are usually arranged into 2 types of spiral patterns, For example, 21 spirals follow the clockwise pattern and 234 spirals follow the anti-clockwise pattern, ‘The numbers 21 and 34 are found in the Fibonacci sequence. ‘The Fibonacci Numbers began with a question posed by the Italian mathematician, Leonardo of Pisa or Fibonacci in his book, ‘Liber Abaci’ about the population of rabbits. The question posed was that if a pair of female and male rabbits were placed in an enclosed space, how many pairs of rabbits will be reproduced in a year? If every pair of rabbits reproduce a new pair every month, then the increase in the population of the rabbits will produce a number sequence as follows 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ... These numbers are known as Fibonacei Numbers. The Fibonacci Numbers are arranged by adding the number before it. For example, the pairs of rabbits are 1 + 1, then the population of the rabbits becomes 2. Consequently, by adding the preceding number 1 and 2, the population of the rabbits becomes 3 and so forth. For more information wey stupy Tats CHAPTER? The concept of number pattern and sequence Zz, ‘can be applied in architecture, fashion design, science, astronomy, chemistry, physics and = technology. Prk) ‘Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences ‘Aim: Recognising patterns Materials: Potato, onion, mustard stem, drawing paper and water colour Steps: 1. Take a piece of drawing paper. 2. Cut the potato, onion and mustard stem as shown in the pictures below. 3. Use the materials and do stamping on the drawing paper. 4. Dry the printout. = From the activity above, students will be able to recognise the different type of pattems in our natural surroundings. These patterns become attractive formations. 1.1 Patterns 1.1.1 Recognising number patterns En SNL) Erman Recognise and describe patterns of various number sets and objects based (on real life situations, and hence make generalisation ‘on patterns. From the activity above, the pattems seen are repetitions of a polygon. ‘Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences CN Taw [asst] com ras From the activity above, the number of squares in the pattern I, 4,7, .. is determined by adding 3 to the number before it. Addition of 3 is the pattern for this sequence. Draw the next object. State its pattern, (a) ie "Th Q © g AX &® Pattern: Add two dots to the Pattern: Add a triangle to the previous Previous object. object. Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences CED Determine the pattems for the following. (@) -10,~4,2,8, © 2,618, 54, Beas 1:33 © 15 Solution: (@) 10, -4, 2, 8. NAA 8 Pattern: Add 6 to the previous number. © % 6 18, 54... CA ans 33 8 Pattern: Multiply the previous ‘number by 3. Onn ae Pattern: Add pe the previous number. ‘Even and Odd numbers Given a series of numbers 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, .... 67. Identify and state the pattern for the sequence of (@_ odd numbers Solution: Gii) even numbers (b) 17,7,-3,-13, (@) 81,27,9,3, (b) 17, 7, -3,-13,.. nan “10 0 10 Pattern: Subtract 10 from the previous number. @ 81,27, 9, 3, AAS 3 33 Pattern: Divide the previous number by3. Pattern: Subtract 0.3 from the previous number. feryvad 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57, 62, 67 () Odd numbers: 7, 17, 27, 37,47,57 and 67 ee +0 +10 ‘These odd numbers were obtained by adding 10 to the previous number. Gi) Even numbers: 12, 22, 32, 42, 52 and 62 Naa +0 +40 ‘These even numbers were obtained by adding10 to the previous number. Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences Pascal's Triangle The diagram below shows a Pascal's Triangle. Based on the triangle, the numbers in the row can be determined by adding the numbers in the previous row. Bey EE ae i os 3 | ‘The Pascal's Triangle above starts with the number 1. The next row | is 1, 1. All the rows start and end with 1. The other numbers can be obtained by adding the two numbers above. ‘The number 2 (row 3) is found by adding the two numbers 1, 1 (row 2), Likewise the number 3 on the fourth row is found by adding the ‘number 1 and 2 from the previous row. Number 6 is found by adding i Yang Hui Triangle the two numbers 3 and 3 from the previous row. | Pascate Tangle was known Fill in the last row. eer neeer | From the triangle above, various number series and certain patterns | (Se mage snore nd Saesinnne [seme Method 1 1 Method 2 ae 1 os “Teun marr f o oy) 5 1d 1 1 A331 1 341 Wns 121 lage 41 14641 ‘x11 = 1234321 Sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4, Sequence: 1, 3, 6, se Guta Leama Pattern: Add I Pattern: Add 2, 3, 4, Detocumip ine velie ote next two terms, —— ‘Complete the Pascal's Triangle below. Solution: @ 3,8, 15,24, 35, i 7,5,8,4,9,3, i) 2,4, 5, 10, 12, 24,27, (0) 1,4, 9, 18, 35, . & CHAPTER 1 Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences Fibonacei Numbers Fibonacci Numbers are a pattern of numbers in a sequence. (Re Tic The 07) Ree he om 11 12 23 ats ‘This sequence starts with 0, 1, 1 and the next term is obtained by adding the previous two terms. Example: f nae i 5, porlesei ve as eae EINES Complete the number sequence below (a) 0,1, 1, . i 36,0, . (b) 1, 3, a , Hl, .. Solution: Cyc a ci ed ee ese ee GEES 11 1. Draw the following patterns for the diagrams below. @ How will you form more Fibonacci squares? 3 [2 ‘Scan the QR Code or visit b) (Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences 2. State the pattern for the following sequence. (@) 5,12, 19,26,... () -1,-4,-7,-10,... © -4,0,4,8, @ 144,72, 36, 18, .. © 4,1,0,-1 (11.2, -33.6, 100.8, -3024, .. 24 4 3. For the number sequence 28, 37, 46, 55, ..., 145, state the number pattern for (@) odd numbers (b) even numbers 4, Complete the following Fibonacci Numbers sequence 1.2 Sequences 1.2.1 Sequences UNIT CMe Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences Based on the activities, the pattern can be determined by following the previous arrangement. An arrangement of numbers or objects following this pattem is known as sequence. 1.2.2 Patterns of a sequence LEARNING “~~ STANDARD ae and hence complete and ere) Determine whether each set of numbers is a sequence (@) -10, -6,-2, 2,6, (b) 4,5,~7, 10,-1 Solution: (@) 10, -6,-2, 2 6... (b) 4, 5, -7, 10, -14, Do You know ke AAA AAA = veprap cine Wesa ar | Pattern: Add 4 Pattern: None Therefore, the set of ‘Therefore, the set of numbers | numbers is a sequence. is not a sequence. | | | Astonamers use | | pattems to predict the > Number sequence path ofa comet. | Complete the number sequences below. 7,13, HB, 25, a , .. > 20, ES, 64, 52, a Es, +03, 0027, 00081, Lau... @ 5 pea F © @ xt Solution: (Cypress, lest) 3 © ; AAA 6 (©) 03: 0.09 0.027, 0.0081, 2.00243 ae @ Sr x03 x03 *03 03 %03 (Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences Do You know : “Tiiangular numbers are Complete the number sequences below based on the given pattem. | Tyaveuersumbers or (@ Subtract 4 from the previous number. dots to make an equilateral triangle. 6, oS, > ven 1,3,6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 96. ei (b) Multiply the previous number by 3. 7, me © Subtract 8 previous number. 213, @ Divide the previous number by 5. 400, : , | bes Solution: 10 e (a) 92, 88, 84, 80, 76, ... (b) 21, 63, 189, 567, 1 701, ... (©) 13.3, 5.3,-2.7, -10.7, -18.7, (@) 80, 16, 3.2, 0.64, 0.128, ... 1, Determine whether each set of the numbers is a sequence. (@) 3, 18, 33,48, .. (b) 100, 116, 132, 148, © 1.0,-1.7,-2.4, 3.1, .. (@) =15, 30, 60, -120, © 0.32, -0.16,-0.8, -0.4, 15 eS! 1 1 On ao ae 25 Bea 2. Complete the number sequences below. (a) 34, 28, Ea 16, , (b) . aa, UG! +4, (c) 0.07, Toe, @ . . . ©) 0.2,2.4, 28.8, Log, pin oO +80, -16, , ane —™27Cs = ae Tae =>) 5 )6| 6S 8.1, 274.1, -2.1, le ae: © (2-2 : oO) Cae CHAPTER 1 (Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences 3, Complete the number sequences below based on the given pattern. (a) Add 7 to the previous number. 22, kai, ist Fas FE, (©) Divide the previous number by 2. 96, Fi 7 : + + 1.3 Patterns and Sequences 1.3.1 Pattern of a sequence using numbers, words and algebraic expressions Describe the pattern for the number sequence 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, by using numbers, words and algebraic expressions. Solution: (Numbers 1017, 25, 33,2 Cnn ne +8 48 48 48 ‘Therefore, the pattern is + 8. Gi) Words sig tpe25.9. 53. Ninn ne We 8 8 ‘Therefore, the pattern for the above sequence is add 8 to the previous number. (ii) Algebraic expressions 19) 19,025, 33) 5 1=1+8(0) 9=1+8() 1721+8Q) 25=1+8@) 33=1+8(4) eat BANAT) Make generalisation ‘about the pattern of ‘Aninterior decorator wishes to arrange the ties on a wall, sing the pattems below. 2 OLS Whats the pattern? ‘Therefore, the pattern for the number sequence can be expressed as 1 +n where, 1, 2,3, 4) oo 1.3.2 Terms of a sequence ‘The n* term in a number sequence and is written as T, whereby Tis the term and n is the position of the term, 4,8, 12, 16, From the sequence above T1=4, 18, B=12, T.= 16, For example, (Chapter 1 Pattoms and Sequences State the 5* term for the following number sequence. 2,10, 18, . Solution: ‘Step 1: Determine the pattern for the number sequence. 210). 18. aA 8 Number pattem: Add 8 to the previous number. Step 2: List down the first 5 terms as shown below. T,=26 Hence, the 5* term is 34. Given the number sequence 65, 60, 55, 50, term in the number sequence is 40. Solution: Step I: Step 2: 65, 60, 55,50, .. T,=65 VAAZ Ses T= 60 Pattern: Subtract 5 from the ERS previous number. Determine which Hence, 40 is the 6" term, PSTN BNP) Determine specific terms of a sequence. Do You know J The queen bee lays eggs in ts nest which has a hexagonal patter, Can) “THIN SMART) 2+ Qe2+1=s 34 Q+9+ 1 paareers) B+ (+541 () State the next two terms of the sequence. (i) State the rterm. “rane sMaRT Identify the pattoms forthe sequences below. © 1,4,9, 18,95 i) 23, 45, 89, 177 i 5,7, 12, 19,31 (v0, 4,2, 6, 4.8 (W) 4,7, 15,21, 59, 117 10) 22) 56) WB _B No eer ty 4) 6) State the suitable pairs of ‘numbers for, B,C, D, E. ‘Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences 1.3.3 Solving problems EXD c Specifications + Container size: Moderate 1 + Dried Food and pellet maybe used + A timer is used to arrange feeding time _ + Use the latest technology to prevent food from getting moist or stuck in the container + Can be operated manually or automatically + Digital screen display ‘Automatic fish feeder Tt STANDARD. Becln: ‘The picture shows an automatic fish feeder and its specifications. If Eng Wei decides to feed the fishes 4 times a day with the first feeding time at 7:35 a.m., at what time should he feed the fish for the third feeding? Conelusion Hence, fishes are fed for the third time at 7:35 p.m. 1. State the pattern for the number sequences below in words. (@) 4,12, 36, 108, 324, .. (b) 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, .. 2. Determine the pattern for the number sequences below using algebraic expressions, @ 24,8, 16... () 5,811, 14. © 3.6.9, 12, @ 31-13, 3. Determine the seventh and the eleventh terms for the number sequences below. @ -3,5,13,.. ® 452.7. © -37,-43,- Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences 4, The table below shows the timetable for buses travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Pulau Pinang. Departure time 8:00am, 9:00 a.m, Based om the table above, answer the following questions. (@)_ Calculate the interval between departure time of one bus and the next bus. (b) What time does Bus E leave? (©) What time will Bus E reach Pulau Pinang if the journey takes 5 hours? BO ceexnencnincs 1. Match the term with the suitable statement. 2. Determine the pattern for the given number sequences. (@) 7,13, 19,25, .. (© -13,-39, -117, 351, .. 3. Complete the table below. @) 2,4,6,8... (b) 54, 50, 46, 42, . @) 1296, 216, 36, 6, .. (b) 100, 50, 25, 12.5, .. Chapter 1 Patterns and 4, Complete the following number sequence. z @ 1,351,914... = (b) BE 20,10... (©) 268, , +, 169, 136, | : che oe re Ae] 2 6 5. The first four terms of a sequence are 9, x, (a) Calculate the value of x. (b)_ State the pattern of the sequence u: (Numbers Gi) Words (iii) Algebraic expressions 6. Complete the Fibonacci Numbers shown below. 0,1,1, : : 7. The diagram below shows the first five rows of the Pascal's Triangle. Complete the Pascal's ‘Triangle. Explain how the Pascal's Triangle is formed. 8. The first four terms for a sequence are 11, x, (a) Calculate the value of x. (b)_ State the tenth term, Tio (Chapter 1 Pattems and Sequences 9, Nina arranged some buttons as shown below. (a) State the pattern for the number of buttons. (b) Determine the sequence for the buttons. (©) Draw the fourth term of the arrangement of buttons. (@) Calculate the value of T.. 10. Encik Hamid wishes to replant the oil palm plants. The distance between each plant is 9 m and os the distances are triangular shaped. Encik Hamid sketched a map of the plants as shown below. If Encik Hamid planted 18 oil palm plants, what is the area of his land? 11. Raiyan went to see a doctor because he had been unwell for more than three days. The doctor prescribed three types of medicines which are fever medication, antibiotics and flu medication. Help Raiyan to plot a time table for taking his medication if he starts at 8:30 a.m. Medicine a ae eso __ Fever Antibiotics Flu Fever =2 tablets 3 times a day tablet 2 times a day Flu = I tablet 1 times a day Cae) Chapter 1 Patterns and Sequences Algebraic expressions Sue. Salas ts 3,6,9, 12, 15, nw 34 8 1s written as 3n where Pattern: +3 n=1,2,3,~ ‘Words 4,7, 10, 13, 16, ... ‘The sequence begins with the number 4 and the pattern is add 3 to the number before it. Title: Futuristic building ‘Materials: Paper cups, mineral water bottle, glue, ruler and scissors Each group is to make building which has futuristic features using the materials. Colour the building and name it. In group present the product. V ide — 255 PCDI C TTI CSOT TTS ITEC I TG

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