Gene Keys: Hologenetic Profile
Gene Keys: Hologenetic Profile
Gene Keys: Hologenetic Profile
Your Life's Work is to live a mythic life. To live a mythic life means that you have to carve your own unique
path, which is only important if it constantly forces you to grow, evolve, and keep letting go. You have to
experience life to its fullest potential. You have to plumb the depths and soar to the heights. You have to try
anything and everything. You may live lifetimes within a single life. Yours is not the safe path — yours is the
way of pleasure and pain, of contradiction and adventure. Whatever you do in this life, and it truly doesn't
matter what it is, you have to live your life as a hero or heroine on a great journey. Eventually you will return
home, but the journey is all-important. If at the end of your life, no one has pleaded to write your biography,
you have probably not given all of yourself to the experience!
The most important thing for you in life is not to cut yourself off from others. Because the 19th Gift governs
how you evolve as an individual, you can never escape the needs of the material plane. Thus, most of your
key issues in life will stem from deeply material issues. You must learn to be sensitive both to your own
needs and those of others. Balancing these two will be your great task and over time, it will become your
greatest gift to others. There is one great truth you must always hold in your mind; as long as you have a
place to live, enough food to eat, and friendship, you have all your needs met. Anything else is, strictly
speaking, luxury. If you always keep this perspective, you will never lose sight of the real meaning of your life.
Everything for you is about timing. Inside your body, there are certain minerals that are deeply attuned to the
movement of all universal forms. Through the medium of your brain chemistry, you always know when you
are in the right place and when you are not. The more attuned you become to these inner intuitive impulses
the more magical your life will seem. You will arrive places and leave places with magical timing. You will say
the right thing at exactly the right time to exactly the right person in exactly the right place. Everything you do
will hum with power and influence without your even having to think about any of it. You must learn above all
else to harness the secret impulses within your body and translate them instantly into action or passivity.
Your life is a symbol of the power of creative evolution. Evolution never looks back, but always creates at the
cutting edge. It isn't concerned with old forms or future forms — just the process of bringing something out
of the dark into the light. Yours is such a life. Thus it is advisable that you forget about where you are going,
and simply surrender to the evolutionary impulse as it pulses on and off in you. You are always either
creating or resting. Your purpose is to move some part of the world towards beauty. You should not ponder
your life too much, for that would move you away from your creative power. The less you know about
yourself the better, because anything you discover will immediately become out of date and hamper your
Pearl Diplomacy
6.4 Line 4 - Charity
Attraction Discernment
13.2 Line 2 - Lust/Passion
Purpose Beauty
1.2 Entropy
Line 2 - Posture (fluids)