Silicon Wafer (Substrate) Preparation 2. Epitaxial Growth 3. Oxidation 4. Photolithography 5. Diffusion 6. Ion Implantation 7. Isolation Techniques 8. Metallization
Silicon Wafer (Substrate) Preparation 2. Epitaxial Growth 3. Oxidation 4. Photolithography 5. Diffusion 6. Ion Implantation 7. Isolation Techniques 8. Metallization
Silicon Wafer (Substrate) Preparation 2. Epitaxial Growth 3. Oxidation 4. Photolithography 5. Diffusion 6. Ion Implantation 7. Isolation Techniques 8. Metallization
the input bias currents it is called input offset current. | Ios = I+ B-I - B | A small voltage
applied to the input terminals to make the output voltage as zero when the two input
lock with the incoming signal is called the lock in range or tracking range.
Capture range: The range of frequencies over which the PLL can acquire
The ICL8038 is a function generator chip, capable of generating triangular, square ,
sine, pulse and sawtooth waveforms . From these sine, square & triangular wave forms
PART-B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks)
11. (a) Describe about the basic process used in silicon planar technology with (13)
neat diagram.
(b) Construct a typical transistor from the fabrication techniques of monolithic
ICs and briefly explain the process involved in it.
12. (a) List the Six Characteristics of an ideal op-amp and explain in detail, and
Give the practical op-amp equivalent circuit. (13)
(b) Draw and explain the working principle symmetrical emitter coupled
differential amplifier and derive for CMRR. (13)
13. (a) Discuss multivibrators in detail with neat sketches. (13)
The two states of circuit are only stable for a limited time and the circuit
switches between them with the output alternating between positive and
negative saturation values.
• Analysis of this circuit starts with the assumption that at time t=0
the output has just switched to state 1, and the transition would have
• An op-amp Astable multivibrator is also called as free running
oscillator. The basic principle of generation of square wave is to
force an op-amp to operate in the saturation region (±Vsat).
• A fraction β =R2/(R1+R2) of the output is feedback to the positive
input terminal of op-amp. The charge in the capacitor increases &
decreases upto a threshold value called ±βVsat. The charge in the
capacitor triggers the op-amp to stay either at +Vsat or –Vsat.
• Asymmetrical square wave can also be generated with the help of
Zener diodes. Astable multi vibrator do not require a external
trigger pulse for its operation & output toggles from one state to
another and does not contain a stable state.
• Astable multi vibrator is mainly used in timing applications &
waveforms generators.
The expression of fo is obtained from the charging period t1 & t2 of
capacitor as T=2RCln (R1+2R2)/R1
2. To simplify the above expression, the value of R1 & R2 should be
taken as R2 = 1.16R Such that fo simplifies to fo =1/2RC.
3. Assume the value of R1 and find R2.
4. Assume the value of C & Determine R from fo =1/2R C
5. Calculate the threshold point from βVSATl = R1lVTl/ R1-R2
l/βVSATl w h e r e β is the feedback ratio.
(b) (i) Sketch an instrumentation amplifier using 3 Op-Amp and derive its (7)
output voltage equation.
• The most commonly used Instrumentation amplifiers consist of
three op-amps. In this circuit, a non-inverting amplifier is
connected to each input of the differential amplifier.
• This instrumentation amplifier provides high input impedance
for exact measurement of input data from transducers .
• The op-amps 1 & 2 are non-inverting amplifiers and together
form an input stage of the instrumentation amplifier. The op-
amp 3 is a difference amplifier that forms the output stage of the
instrumentation amplifier.
• The output stage of the instrumentation amplifier is a difference
amplifier, whose output Vout is the amplified difference of the
input signals applied to its input terminals. If the outputs of op-
amp 1 and op-amp 2 are Vo1 and Vo2 respectively, then the
output of the difference amplifier is given by,
• Vout = (R3/R2)(Vo1-Vo2)
• The expressions for Vo1 and Vo2 can be found in terms of the
input voltages and resistances.
• Consider the input stage of the instrumentation amplifier as
shown in the figure below.
(ii) Explain the first order low pass butterworth filter with neat diagram.
Derive its frequency response and plot the same (6)
It has a constant gain from 0 Hz to a high cutoff frequency f1.
2. At fH the gain in down by 3db.
3. The frequency between 0 Hz and fH are known as the pass band
frequencies where as the range of frequencies those beyond fH, that are
attenuated includes the stop band frequencies.
4. Butterworth, Chebyshev and Cauer filter are some of the most
commonly used practical filters.
5. The key characteristics of the butter worth filter are that it has a flat
pass band as well as stop band. For this reason, it is sometimes called flat-
flat filters.
6. Chebyshev filter -> has a ripple pass band & flat stop band.
7. Causer Filter -> has a ripple pass band & ripple stop band. It gives
best stop band response among the three.
• First order LPF that uses an RC for filtering op-amp is used in the
non inverting configuration. Resistor R1 & Rf determine the gain of
the filter. According to the voltage –divider rule, the voltage at the
non-inverting terminal (across capacitor) C is,
A LPF can be designed by implementing the following steps.
1. Choose a value of high cut off frequency fH.
2. Select a value of C less than or equal to 1μf.
3. Choose the value of R using fh=1/2πRC
4. Finally select values of R1 and RF dependent on the desired pass
band gain AF Using A=(1+Rf/R1)
14. (a) Describe the block diagram of a VCO and explain its operation. (13)
(b) (i) Discuss the operation of a FSK generator using 555 timer.
(ii) Describe any two applications of PLL. (6)
15. (a) (i) Discuss about the functional diagram of 723 IC regulator in detail.
(ii) Explain the fold back characteristics of 723 IC regulator.
(b) Explain the operation of LM79XX fixed voltage regulator with necessary
PART-C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)
16. (a) Configure a circuit using analog multiplier to measure the square and (15)
square root of a signal.
(b) Determine the output voltage for the following circuits.
(i) (7+8))