19 Diksha CTS06026-8401
19 Diksha CTS06026-8401
19 Diksha CTS06026-8401
Department of Mathematics, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, A-10, Sector-62, Noida-
201307, Uttar Pradesh, India
Gort Engovation (Biomechanics and Aerospace), 15 Southmere Avenue, Bradford, BD73NU,
England, United Kingdom
Address all correspondence to Lokendra Kumar E-mail: [email protected]
In the present study, the unsteady laminar heat and mass transfer in incompressible micropolar boundary layer flow
from a porous stretching sheet with variable suction has been examined. The unsteadiness in the flow, temperature, and
concentration fields is caused by the time dependence of the stretching velocity, surface temperature, and surface concen-
tration. By using a similarity transformation the governing time-dependent boundary layer equations with appropriate
boundary conditions are rendered into a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The dimensionless governing
equations are then solved numerically by using the finite-element method. The effect of the suction parameter, unsteadi-
ness parameter, coupling constant parameter, and Schmidt number on the distributions of the velocity, microrotation,
temperature, and concentration functions are examined at length. The skin friction, wall heat transfer rate, and wall
mass transfer are also computed. Under special cases, comparison of the flow velocity and rate of heat transfer is made
with the exact solution and also with numerical results available from the literature. An excellent agreement between the
results is obtained. Furthermore, validation of the present finite-element solutions is also achieved with a second-order-
accurate finite-difference method outlined in the literature. In addition, the convergence of the finite-element numerical
solutions is discussed explicitly. The study is relevant to materials-processing technology.
KEY WORDS: unsteady flow, stretching permeable sheet, micropolar fluid, heat and mass transfer, finite-
element method (FEM), Nakamura tridiagonal scheme (NTS), Nusselt number, Sherwood number
1940–2503/14/$35.00 ⃝
c 2014 by Begell House, Inc. 155
156 Gupta et al.
fluids cannot be described satisfactorily by the classical in Eringen (2001), Lukaszewicz (1999), and more re-
theory of Newtonian fluid flows, even for simple shear- cently Anwar Bég et al. (2011); the first two treatises
ing flows. Eringen (1966) proposed the theory of microp- address continuum thermodynamics foundations and the
olar fluids (a simplification of his more complex micro- latter focuses on computational simulations of nonlin-
morphic fluid model) by developing constitutive equa- ear boundary value problems in engineering. Many re-
tions that take into account the effects arising from the searchers have investigated the flow of micropolar flu-
local structure and micromotions of the fluid elements ids from a diverse range of external geometries includ-
(microelements). Micropolar fluids can support the cou- ing the stretching surface. These investigations have ad-
ple stresses, shear stresses, and body couples, and also dressed numerous multi-physical phenomena including
exhibit microrotational effects and inertia. The theory of wall transpiration, turbulence, thermal dispersion, elec-
thermo-micropolar fluids was subsequently also devel- trophoresis, thermal radiation, wavy surfaces, oscillatory
oped by Eringen (1972) via a generalization of microp- flow, peristaltic waves, body rotation, magnetohydrody-
olar fluids to heat conduction and other thermal effects. namics, supersonic flow, and Marangoni effects (Anwar
The elegance of these theories is that Navier–Stokes vis- Bég et al., 2011). Therefore, micropolar transport phe-
cous flow equations may be retrieved as a special case. nomena continue to provide many stimulating and tech-
Therefore, these theories present an excellent framework nologically important problems for mathematical and en-
for exploring new non-Newtonian characteristics and si- gineering researchers well into the 21st century. Numer-
multaneously validating solutions to mathematical mod- ical computations for the flow of micropolar fluid over
els via comparisons with Newtonian models when mi- a non-isothermal stretching sheet with suction and blow-
cropolar terms are neglected. Interesting aspects of the- ing were presented by Hassanien and Gorla (1990). Mo-
ory and applications of micropolar fluids can be found hammadein and Gorla (2001) examined the effects of vis-
cous dissipation and internal heat generation on the flow cesses occurring in environmental systems and process
of micropolar fluid over a stretching sheet that consid- engineering involve fluid flow combined with heat and
ered prescribed surface temperature and heat flux. Nazar mass transfer. Diffusion of chemically reactive species
et al. (2004) employed the implicit Keller box method to in stretching sheet flow was studied by Andersson et al.
study the stagnation point flow of micropolar fluid over (1994). Eldabe et al. (2004) addressed double-diffusive
a stretching sheet, although they considered very limited (cross-diffusion) effects on mixed convection and mass
Prandtl numbers. transfer flow of non-Newtonian fluids with temperature-
In the aforementioned studies, the flows were assumed dependent viscosity. Anwar Bég et al. (2007) compu-
to be steady. However, in polymeric extrusion processes, tationally analyzed the double-diffusive heat and mass
as elaborated by Middleman (1977), the boundary layer transfer in chemically reacting micropolar transport in
flow in stretching sheets may become time dependent porous materials, showing that with increasing order of
and it is necessary to consider unsteady flow models. chemical reaction both flow and microrotation are decel-
This is particularly important for impulsive stretching and erated. Rawat et al. (2012) analyzed the Forchheimer non-
where a narrow slit is involved (Densen, 1973). Many in- linear drag force effect on coupled heat and mass transfer
teresting studies have been reported for transient multi- in reactive micropolar flow from a linear stretching sheet
physical flows from stretching surfaces. Rajeswari and in porous media.
Nath (1992) investigated the unsteady flow over a stretch- Many researchers have also investigated the unsteady
ing surface in a rotating fluid. Rashidi et al. (2013) inves- heat and mass transfer from a stretching surface. This
tigated entropy generation effects (via the Bejan number) problem is also of great importance in polymeric pro-
in unsteady magneto-convection from a stretching, rotat- cessing because the presence of a diffusing species can
ing disk system with a modification to Zhou’s differen- be used to manipulate the microstructural characteristics
tial transform technique. Anwar Bég et al. (2013b) used of fabricated materials and assist in eliminating inhomo-
Liao’s homotopy analysis method to simulate smart fabric geneties and inconsistencies (Middleman, 1977). Shateyi
stretching flows with a magnetized Walters-B viscoelastic and Mosta (2009) described in detail the effect of thermal
model. These studies have highlighted the strong contri- radiation on heat and mass transfer of a viscous Newto-
bution of transient nonlinear stretching rates to the ensu- nian fluid over an unsteady stretching sheet. Using the
ing unsteadiness in momentum and thermal fields. element-free Galerkin method with a penalty function,
Several studies of micropolar transport from stretching Sharma et al. (2010) computed solutions for transient heat
surfaces have also been communicated, which mainly fo- and mass transfer in magnetized boundary layer flow. Au-
cused on chemical engineering scenarios, both for steady- rangzaib and Shafie (2012) examined non-uniform heat
state and time-dependent situations. Kelson and Dessaux absorption/generation and thermophoretic effects on heat
(2001) studied mass flux and microrotation boundary con- and mass transfer in hydromagnetic micropolar flow from
dition effects on transient stretching sheet flows of mi- an unsteady stretching sheet in non-Darcian permeable
cropolar fluids. Gupta et al. (2014) employed a finite- media.
element (FE) algorithm to analyze the radiative flux ef- The purpose of the present study is to analyze the tran-
fects on shrinking sheet micropolar flows. Bachok et al. sient coupled heat and mass transfer in micropolar bound-
(2011) theoretically studied the unsteady boundary layer ary layer flow driven by a porous stretching sheet with
flow and heat transfer due to a stretching sheet, showing time-dependent suction at the sheet surface (wall). The
that the surface shear stress and heat transfer rate are in- thermal and physical characteristics of the unsteady flow
creasing functions of the unsteadiness parameter. By tak- are investigated in the regime by assuming variation of the
ing into account strong and weak concentrations of mi- temperature and concentration with the horizontal coordi-
croelements, Hayat et al. (2011) examined the effect of nate (x) (parallel to the sheet plane) and time (t). Appro-
magnetic field on the time-dependent flow of micropo- priate similarity transformations have been implemented
lar fluid between stretching sheets. Bachok et al. (2010) to convert the dimensional partial differential equations
computationally simulated the unsteady flow of an incom- with three independent variables into dimensionless ordi-
pressible micropolar fluid over a stretching sheet, elabo- nary differential equations that have been solved numeri-
rating in detail on the case of prescribed surface heat flux. cally by using the variational FE method (FEM) (Reddy,
The aforementioned studies have dwelled solely on 2005). Validation has also been achieved with an implicit
convection heat transfer problems and have neglected finite-difference method, known as the Nakamura tridi-
species diffusion, i.e., mass transfer. Many transport pro- agonal scheme (NTS) (Nakamura, 1994). The influence
( )
where a, b, d, and e are constants with a > 0, b ≥ 0, d ≥ ′′ ′ ′ 1 ′
C + Sc (f C − f C) − Scτ C + ηC = 0 (14)
0, and e ≥ 0 (with et < 1), and both a and e have dimen- 2
sions (time)−1 . Here, Vw is a variable distribution of suc- The corresponding dimensionless boundary conditions
tion (or(injection)
√ through
) the porous sheet and is given by (6)–(7) reduce to
Vw = 1/ 1 − et v0 (Bhattacharyya et al., 2013). At t
= 0, Eqs. (1)–(5) describe the steady micropolar transport f (0) = −λ, f ′ (0) = 1, g (0) = − f ′′ (0) ,
phenomena over a stretching sheet. The particular forms 2
of Uw (x, t), Tw (x, t), Hw (x, t), and Vw have been cho- θ (0) = 1, C (0) = 1 (15)
sen in order to obtain new similarity transformations that
convert the governing partial differential equations into f ′ (∞) = 0, g (∞) = 0, θ (∞) = 0, C (∞) = 0 (16)
a set of ordinary differential equations and also achieve where the prime denotes the differentiation with respect
normalization (non-dimensionalization) of the boundary to η only; K = S/µ (coupling constant parameter); τ
value problem. = e/a (unsteadiness parameter); Pr = µcp /κ (Prandtl √
Governing equations are nonlinear partial differential number); Sc = µ/ρD (Schmidt number); λ = v0 / aν
equations and are usually difficult to solve. Therefore, (suction parameter); and λ > 0 corresponds to suction
sophisticated transformation methods, called similarity (mass removal via the sheet), λ < 0 corresponds to injec-
transformations (well known in fluid dynamics) are in- tion (blowing), and λ = 0 corresponds to an impermeable
troduced to convert the original nonlinear partial differen- sheet.
tial equations to simplified nonlinear ordinary differential The quantities of physical interest in this problem are
equations, which constitute the considerable mathemati- the local skin friction coefficient, the local Nusselt and
cal simplification of the problem. local Sherwood numbers, which are defined, respectively,
The continuity equation [Eq. (1)] is satisfied by intro- as
ducing a stream function φ such that 2τw qx
Cf = , Nux = ,
∂φ ∂φ ρUw2 κ (Tw − T∞ )
u= , v=− (9) jw x
∂y ∂x Shx = (17)
D (Hw − H∞ )
The momentum, angular momentum, energy, and con-
centration equations can be transformed into the corre- where the local wall shear stress (τw ), heat transfer from
sponding ordinary differential equations by introducing the plate (q), and local mass flux (jw ) are given by the
the following transformations: following expressions:
√ √ [ ] ( )
√ ∂u ∂T
Uw Uw τw = − (µ+S) +SN , q = −κ ,
η= y, φ = νxUw f, N = Uw g ∂y y=0 ∂y y=0
νx νx ( )
T − T∞ H − H∞ ∂H
θ= , C= (10) jw = −D (18)
Tw − T∞ Hw − H∞ ∂y y=0
The transformed nonlinear ordinary differential equations Using the similarity transformations given in Eq. (10), we
are obtain
( ) Nux
1 1/2 ′′
= −θ′ (0) ,
(1+K)f ′′′+f f ′′−(f ′ ) +Kg ′− τ f ′ + ηf ′′ = 0 (11) Cf (Rex ) = − (2+K)f (0) ,
2 (Rex )
( ) 1/2
= −C ′ (0) (19)
K (Re x )
1+ g ′′ + f g ′ − f ′ g − K (2g + f ′′ ) − τ
2 where Rex = Uw x/ν is the local Reynolds number.
( )
3 1 ′
× g + ηg = 0 (12)
( )
1 The set of differential equations [Eqs. (11)–(14)] is non-
θ′′ + Pr (f θ′ − f ′ θ) − Prτ θ + ηθ′ = 0 (13) linear, and therefore invariably a numerical technique is
It has been observed that for large values of η (>30), with w1 = w2 = w3 = w4 = w5 = ψi (i = 1,2), where the ψi
there is no appreciable effect on the results. Therefore, are the shape functions for a typical element (ηe , ηe+1 )
for computational purposes infinity has been fixed as 30. and are taken as
The whole domain is divided into a set of n line elements
ηe+1 −η η−ηe
of width he = 30/n. ψ1 = , ψ2 = , ηe ≤ η ≤ ηe+1 (33)
ηe+1 −ηe ηe+1 −ηe
3.1 Variational Formulation The FE model of the equations thus formed is given in
The variational form associated with Eqs. (20)–(24) over matrix-vector form by
a typical two-noded linear element (ηe , ηe+1 ) is given by [ 11 ] [ 12 ]
[K 21 ] [K 22 ] [ 023 ] 0 0 {f }
K 0
[K 32 ] [K 33 ] 0 {h}
w1 {f ′ − h} dη = 0 (27) 0 K K 0 0 {g}
[ 44 ]
ηe 0 0 0 K 0 {θ}
[ 55 ]
0 0 0 0 K {C}
η∫e+1 {
w2 (1 + K) h′′ + f h′ − h2 + Kg ′ {0}
{ 3}
( )} = {b4 }
1 ′ b
− τ h + ηh dη = 0 (28) { 5}
2 b
( )η
where [K mn ] and [bm ] (m, n = 1,2,3,4,5) are the matrices dh e+1
b2i = − (1 + K) ψi ,
of order 2 × 2 and 2 × 1, respectively, and are defined as dη ηe
( )( )η
η∫e+1 η∫e+1 K dg e+1
dψj b3i = − 1 + ψi (41)
Kij = ψi dη, 12
Kij =− ψi ψj dη (35) 2 dη ηe
ηe ηe ( )η ( )η
dθ e+1 dC e+1
b4i = − ψi , bi = − ψi
dη ηe dη ηe
η∫e+1 η∫e+1 ∑2 ∑2
dψi dψj dψj where f¯ = i=1 f¯i ψi and h̄ = i=1 h̄i ψi are assumed
Kij = − (1 + K)
dη + f¯ψi dη
dη dη dη to be known. The system of equations obtained after the
ηe ηe assembly of the element equations is nonlinear; therefore,
η∫e+1 η∫e+1 η∫e+1
an iterative scheme is used to solve it. The system is lin-
τ dψj
− h̄ψi ψj dη−τ ψi ψj dη− ηψi dη (36) earize by incorporating functions f¯ and h̄, which are as-
2 dη sumed to be known at a lower iteration level. Computa-
ηe ηe ηe
tions for functions f , h, g, θ, and C are then executed
∫ ηe+1 for a higher level. This process is repeated until the de-
23 dψj sired accuracy of 0.00005 is obtained. Table 1 gives the
Kij = K ψi dη,
ηe dη convergence of results with the increasing number of ele-
∫ ηe+1 ments. From Table 1 it is clear that the results do not show
Kij = −K ψi dη (37) any appreciable change as we go from n = 270 to n = 300,
ηe dη
and therefore the final results are reported for n = 300.
To ensure the accuracy of the present numerical so-
( ) ∫ ηe+1 lution, a comparison of the flow velocity is made with
K dψi dψj
Kij 33
=− 1+ dη the exact solution given by Crane (1970) as f (η) =
2 dη dη
∫ ηe+1
∫ ηe+1 1 − exp (−η) in the special case (τ = 0, K = 0, λ = 0, Sc
dψ j = 0), which is given in Table 2. The rate of heat transfer
+ f¯ψi dη − h̄ψi ψj dη
ηe dη ηe obtained by the FEM is also compared with the numer-
∫ ηe+1 ∫ ηe+1 ical results of Bachok et al. (2011) for viscous fluid (K
− 2K ψi ψj dη − τ ψi ψj dη = 0) in the absence of the suction parameter (λ = 0) and
ηe 2 ηe
∫ ηe+1 mass transfer (Sc = 0), which is presented in Table 3. It
τ dψj
− ηψi dη (38) is demonstrated from Tables 2 and 3 that the numerical
2 ηe dη results so obtained are in full agreement and thus confirm
the validity of the present FEM results.
∫ ηe+1 ∫ ηe+1
dψi dψj dψj
Kij =− dη + Pr f¯ψi dη
ηe dη dη ηe dη TABLE 1: Convergence of results with the variation of
∫ ηe+1 ∫ ηe+1 number of elements n (λ = −1, τ = 2, K = 2, Pr = 0.733,
− Pr h̄ψi ψj dη − Pr τ ψi ψj dη Sc = 0.25)
ηe ηe
∫ n f (3) h(3) g(3) θ(3) C(3)
τ ηe+1 dψj
− Pr ηψi dη (39) 30 0.1576 0.1271 0.0306 0.0926 0.1994
2 ηe dη
60 0.1526 0.1276 0.0315 0.0949 0.2018
90 0.1515 0.1274 0.0317 0.0953 0.2022
∫ ηe+1 ∫ ηe+1 120 0.1505 0.1272 0.0318 0.0954 0.2024
dψi dψj dψj
Kij =− dη + Sc f¯ψi dη 150 0.1501 0.1271 0.0318 0.0955 0.2025
ηe dη dη ηe dη
∫ ηe+1 ∫ ηe+1 180 0.1497 0.1270 0.0319 0.0955 0.2026
− Sc h̄ψi ψj dη − Scτ ψi ψj dη 210 0.1496 0.1270 0.0319 0.0955 0.2026
ηe 240 0.1494 0.1270 0.0319 0.0956 0.2026
τ ηe+1 dψj 270 0.1494 0.1270 0.0319 0.0956 0.2026
− Sc ηψi dη (40)
2 ηe dη 300 0.1493 0.1269 0.0319 0.0956 0.2026
TABLE 2: Comparison of the flow velocity, f ′ (η), ob- this method. It is also particularly effective at simulat-
tained by the exact solution of Crane [1], FEM, and NTS ing highly nonlinear flows as characterized by coupled
for the Newtonian case neglecting mass transfer (λ = 0, heat transfer problems. Interesting applications utilizing
τ = 0, K = 0, Pr = 0.733, Sc = 0) the Nakamura scheme include fire dynamics (Anwar Bég,
2005), micropolar fluid dynamics (Gorla et al., 1998), and
f ′ (η)
η nanofluid bioconvection microorganism flows in micro-
Crane (1970) FEM NTS
bial fuel cells (Anwar Bég et al., 2013a). The NTS works
0 1 1 1 well for both one-dimensional (ordinary differential) and
1 0.3679 0.3678 0.3679 two-dimensional (partial differential) non-similar flows.
2 0.1353 0.1353 0.1354 The NTS entails a combination of the following aspects:
3 0.0498 0.0498 0.0498
4 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 • The flow domain is discretized using an equi-spaced
5 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 finite-difference mesh in the η direction.
6 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025
7 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 • The derivatives for f , g, θ, and C with respect to η
8 0.0003 0.0003 0.0004 are evaluated by central difference approximations.
9 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 • A single iteration loop based on the method of suc-
10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 cessive substitution is utilized due to the high non-
11 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 linearity of the momentum, angular momentum, en-
12 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ergy, and species conservation equations.
13, 14, 15 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
• The finite-difference discretized equations are
solved as a linear second-order boundary value prob-
TABLE 3: Comparison of −θ′ (0) for different values of lem of the ordinary differential equation type on the
τ and Pr (λ = K = Sc = 0) (Newtonian case neglecting η domain.
mass transfer)
τ Pr Bachok et al. (2011) FEM NTS For angular momentum, energy, and concentration
conservation Eqs. (12)–(14), which are each second-order
0.72 0.8086 0.8086 0.8084
equations, only a direct substitution is needed. How-
1 1.0000 0.9999 1.0021
0 ever, a reduction is required for translational momentum
3 1.9237 1.9235 1.9236
Eq. (11), which is third order. By setting
10 3.7207 3.7202 3.7200
0.72 1.1005 1.1003 1.1049 P = f ′, Q = g, R = θ, W =C (43)
1 1.3205 1.3202 1.3211
1 3 2.4024 2.4011 2.4028 Equations (11)–(14) then assume the following form:
7 3.7682 3.7643 3.7679
10 4.5428 4.5363 4.5425 • Nakamura linear momentum equation
A1 P ′′ + B1 P ′ + C1 P = S1 (44)
TRIDIAGONAL SCHEME (NTS) • Nakamura angular momentum equation
FIG. 2: Velocity distribution for different λ (τ = 2 , K = FIG. 5: Concentration distribution for different λ (τ = 2,
2, Sc = 0.25) K = 2, Sc = 0.25)
FIG. 6: Velocity distribution for different τ (λ = −1, FIG. 9: Concentration distribution for different τ
K = 2, Sc = 0.25) (λ = −1, K = 2, Sc = 0.25)
FIG. 7: Microrotation distribution for different τ (λ = −1, FIG. 10: Velocity distribution for different K (λ = −1,
K = 2 , Sc = 0.25) τ = 2, Sc = 0.25)
FIG. 8: Temperature distribution for different τ (λ = −1, FIG. 11: Microrotation distribution for different K
K = 2, Sc = 0.25) (λ = −1, τ = 2, Sc = 0.25)
TABLE 4: Skin friction coefficient, f ′′ (0), for different values of λ, τ, K, and Sc with Pr = 0.733 (general micropolar
case with heat and mass transfer)
τ = 2, K = 2, Sc = 0.25 λ = −1, K = 2, Sc = 0.25 λ = −1, τ = 2, Sc = 0.25 λ = −1, τ = 2, K = 2
f ′′ (0) f ′′ (0) f ′′ (0) f ′′ (0) f ′′ (0) f ′′ (0) f ′′ (0) f ′′ (0)
λ τ K Sc
−2 −0.7645 −0.7644 1 −0.7318 − 0.7316 0 −1.1985 −1.1983 0.15 −0.9182 −0.9181
−1 −0.9182 −0.9183 2 −0.9182 − 0.9183 2 −0.9182 −0.9180 0.25 −0.9182 −0.9181
0 −1.1151 −1.1150 3 −1.0769 −1.0770 4 −0.7774 − 0.7776 0.5 − 0.9182 −0.9181
1 −1.3622 −1.3624 4 −1.2172 −1.2174 6 − 0.6881 −0.6883 1.0 −0.9182 −0.9181
2 −1.6614 −1.6615 5 −1.3440 −1.3442 8 −0.6247 −0.6245 1.5 −0.9182 −0.9181
TABLE 5: Local Nusselt number, −θ′ (0), for different values of λ, τ, K, and Sc with Pr = 0.733 (general micropolar
case with heat and mass transfer)
τ = 2, K = 2, Sc = 0.25 λ = −1, K = 2, Sc = 0.25 λ = −1, τ = 2, Sc = 0.25 λ = −1, τ = 2, K = 2
−θ′ (0) −θ′ (0) −θ′ (0) −θ′ (0) −θ′ (0) −θ′ (0) −θ′ (0) −θ′ (0)
λ τ K Sc
−2 0.8649 0.8649 1 0.8552 0.8553 0 1.0596 1.0596 0.15 1.0771 1.0771
−1 1.0771 1.0771 2 1.0771 1.0771 2 1.0771 1.0771 0.25 1.0771 1.0771
0 1.3651 1.3651 3 1.2667 1.2667 4 1.0869 1.0869 0.5 1.0771 1.0771
1 1.7431 1.7431 4 1.4343 1.4344 6 1.0935 1.0936 1.0 1.0771 1.0771
2 2.2106 2.2106 5 1.5860 1.5860 8 1.0984 1.0984 1.5 1.0771 1.0771
TABLE 6: Local Sherwood number, −C ′ (0), for different values of λ, τ, K, and Sc with Pr = 0.733 (general
micropolar case with heat and mass transfer)
τ = 2, K = 2, Sc = 0.25 λ = −1, K = 2, Sc = 0.25 λ = −1, τ = 2, Sc = 0.25 λ = −1, τ = 2, K = 2
−C ′ (0) −C ′ (0) −C ′ (0) −C ′ (0) −C ′ (0) −C ′ (0) −C ′ (0) −C ′ (0)
λ τ K Sc
−2 0.5933 0.5933 1 0.5385 0.5385 0 0.6621 0.6621 0.15 0.5312 0.5312
−1 0.6754 0.6754 2 0.6754 0.6754 2 0.6754 0.6754 0.25 0.6754 0.6754
0 0.7727 0.7727 3 0.7911 0.7911 4 0.6833 0.6833 0.5 0.9189 0.9189
1 0.8874 0.8874 4 0.8931 0.8931 6 0.6887 0.6887 1.0 1.2169 1.2169
2 1.0215 1.0215 5 0.9852 0.9852 8 0.6928 0.6929 1.5 1.4120 1.4120
the value of τ induces a significant decay in concentra- responds to Newtonian fluid and K ̸= 0 represents mi-
tion magnitudes. Therefore, increasing unsteadiness ef- cropolar fluids. Increasing K corresponds to an increase
fectively serves to decrease the concentration boundary in the concentration of microelements; this greater den-
layer thickness. Thus, unsteadiness in the stretching sheet sity of microelements affects the flow field characteristics.
system (τ) can be used successfully to regulate the ve- It can also be inferred that the velocity of Newtonian fluid
locity, temperature, and concentration characteristics in is less than the velocity of micropolar fluid, confirming
micropolar fluids, a feature of great utility in materials the drag-reducing properties of micropolar fluids, as first
processing operations. identified by Eringen (1966). It is evident from Fig. 11
Figure 10 illustrates that the velocity increases with a that on the surface microrotation decreases with an in-
rise in coupling constant parameter K, where K = 0 cor- crease in K. At a certain distance from the sheet a reversal
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