The document contains questions and answers related to corporate meetings and secretaryship. It discusses various types of board and shareholder meetings, how annual general meetings are held, statutory meetings, requirements for meetings to be valid, roles of chairman and proxy, types of resolutions, voting methods, and secretarial practices related to corporate meetings. Key points covered include different forms of board and shareholder meetings; once a year holding of AGMs; quorum requirement for validity; sections of Companies Act related to meetings; types of resolutions like ordinary, special and those requiring notice; and voting methods like show of hands, poll and electronic voting.
The document contains questions and answers related to corporate meetings and secretaryship. It discusses various types of board and shareholder meetings, how annual general meetings are held, statutory meetings, requirements for meetings to be valid, roles of chairman and proxy, types of resolutions, voting methods, and secretarial practices related to corporate meetings. Key points covered include different forms of board and shareholder meetings; once a year holding of AGMs; quorum requirement for validity; sections of Companies Act related to meetings; types of resolutions like ordinary, special and those requiring notice; and voting methods like show of hands, poll and electronic voting.
The document contains questions and answers related to corporate meetings and secretaryship. It discusses various types of board and shareholder meetings, how annual general meetings are held, statutory meetings, requirements for meetings to be valid, roles of chairman and proxy, types of resolutions, voting methods, and secretarial practices related to corporate meetings. Key points covered include different forms of board and shareholder meetings; once a year holding of AGMs; quorum requirement for validity; sections of Companies Act related to meetings; types of resolutions like ordinary, special and those requiring notice; and voting methods like show of hands, poll and electronic voting.
The document contains questions and answers related to corporate meetings and secretaryship. It discusses various types of board and shareholder meetings, how annual general meetings are held, statutory meetings, requirements for meetings to be valid, roles of chairman and proxy, types of resolutions, voting methods, and secretarial practices related to corporate meetings. Key points covered include different forms of board and shareholder meetings; once a year holding of AGMs; quorum requirement for validity; sections of Companies Act related to meetings; types of resolutions like ordinary, special and those requiring notice; and voting methods like show of hands, poll and electronic voting.
MANAGEMENT Chapter AND MEETINGS Corporate Paper Secretaryship Session Serial No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D Answer 18 1 What are the Meetings Meetings of Both A&B None of Both A&B different forms of the the Board the of Board Board of Committees above Meetings? Directors
18 2 What are the Meetings Annual Extraordina All of All of the
different forms of the General ry General the above of Shareholders Board of Meetings Meetings above 18 3 How the Annual Once in Twice in Every Thrice in None of Once in General Every Year Year Every Year the Every Year meeting is held above
18 4 The Statutory Incorporat Allotment of Utilization All of All of the
Meeting is ion shares of funds the above convened to above inform the shareholders matters through ? 18 5 The Meeting is With Without Both A&B None of With valid only Quorum Quorum the Quorum above
19 6 Who cannot act Minor Major Both A&B All of Minor
as a proxy? the above.
19 7 Which Section Sec 105 Sec10 Sec 80 None of Sec 105
of the the Companies above Act,2013 related to Proxy? 19 The relationship Principal Manager and Both A&B None of Principal between the and the the Director the and the 8 member and Agent above Agent the proxy is that of
19 Proxy Revocable Irrevocable Both A&B None of Revocable
is___________, the 9 which can be above revoked at any time. 19 Who is the Proxy Quorum Both A&B None of Proxy personal the 10 representative above of the member at a meeting? Which Section Sec 104 Sec 10 Both A&B None of Sec 104 has the Power the 20 11 to Elect the above Chairman? Who has the The Manager ShareholdersAll of The authority to Chairman the Chairman decide all above questions 20 12 which arise at a meeting and which require decision at the time Chairman Whole Partly Both A&B None of Whole should act the bonafide and in above 20 13 the best interest of the company as a _________. The Chairman Right to No right to Both A&B All of Right to has a decide decide the decide _____________ above 20 14 __priority amongst speakers? Does the sec True False May be None of True 104 has the true the 20 15 power to elect sometimes above the Chairman A Motion Writing Oral Both A&B None of Writing should be in the 21 16 _________ and above signed by the mover Resolution Sec 115 Sec 10 Sec 80 None of Sec 115 requiring the special notice above 21 17 comes under which Section of Companies Act,2013 Motion and True False May be None of False Resolution are true the 21 18 One and the sometimes above Same
A __________ Resolution Motion Both A&B None of Resolution
is the formal . the 21 19 expression of above the decision of the meeting? A Motion is a Definite Indefinite Both A&B None of Definite __________ the proposal put above 21 20 before a meeting for its consideration and adoption. Resolution Sec 115 Sec 80 Sec 10 None of Sec 115 requiring the special notice above 22 21 comes under which Section of Companies Act,2013. A resolution covered not covered in Both A&B None of covered relates to only in the the Notice the in the 22 22 such matters Notice above Notice that are __________of the meeting. A copy of 30 Days 60 Days 90Days None of 30 Days Special the 22 23 Resolution must above be filed with the Registrar within how What are the Ordinary Special Resolution All of All of the Types of Resolution Resolution requiring the above 22 24 Resolution? special above notice At every Annual Ordinary Special Both A&B None of Both A&B General Business Business the Meeting(AGM) above ,_________ and 22 25 __________ shall be discussed and decided through A Company has Central State Both A&B None of Central to pass certain Governme Government the Governme 23 26 resolutions by nt above nt ____________ through post ballot Listed By show Every By poll E-Voting None of E-Voting company and of hands the companies above having more 23 27 than 1000 shareholders are required to give_______. The vote cast by Sharehold Directors Managers All of Shareholde the _________ ers the rs plays decisive above role in the 23 28 General Meeting of a Company?
Voting can be By show of hands
By poll Both A&B None of Both A&B 23 29 done by? the above What are the By By voting Voting by All of All of the different attending electronically postal the above 23 30 methods of the ballot above Voting General Meeting What are the Before After the At the All of All of the different forms the meeting meeting the above 24 31 of Secretarial meeting above work relating to meetings? Minutes Be Not be Both a&b None of Not be maintained Tampered Tampered the Tampered 24 32 under this above section shall _________. Each pages of minutes must None of 24 33 be _________ Consecuti the Consecutiv numbered? vely Continuously Both a&b above ely The minutes Loose leaf Electronic Both A&B None of Both A&B can be mode the 24 34 maintained in above __________. According to Sec 10 Sec 110 Sec 118 None of Sec 118 which Section the that every above company shall 24 35 prepare, sign and keep minutes of every meeting.