Project 1 Task 1.: MOS PPT 2016 - Exercise 2
Project 1 Task 1.: MOS PPT 2016 - Exercise 2
Project 1 Task 1.: MOS PPT 2016 - Exercise 2
Project 1
Task 1. On slide 5, apply the Fill - White, Text 1, Shadow Word Art style to the text,
"Update At Least Weekly!".
1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 5.
2. Select the text Update At Least Weekly!
3. On the DRAWING TOOLS FORMAT tab, in the WordArt Styles group, open the gallery
and select Fill - White, Text 1, Shadow. (Hint: It is the first option)
Task 2. Hyperlink the text on the last slide to the
corresponding website address.
Task 3. On the last slide, insert a text box in the lower-right quarter of the slide. Resize the
width of the textbox to2.5 (6.35cm) and insert the text: Questions? Feel free to contact us.
Task 4. Change the layout of slide 3 to Two Content. Apply an Intense Effect -
Lavender, Accent 6 style to the shape.
1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the slide 3
2. On the HOME tab, in the Slides group, click Layout and select Two Content.
3. Click on the heart shape to select it and reveal the DRAWING TOOLS FORMAT contextual
4. On the DRAWING TOOLS FORMAT tab, in the Shape Styles group, click on the gallery to
open it.
5. Hover your mouse over each style to view its name. Click Intense Effect - Lavender,
Accent 6 (Hint: It's at the bottom of the last column). "
Task 5. Apply a Blue, Solid Fill background to slide 2.
1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the slide 2.
2. On the DESIGN tab, in the Customize group, click Format Background.
3. In the Format Background pane, beneath Fill click Solid fill to select it.
4. Click the Color down-arrow and select Blue.
5. Click the X in the upper-right corner of the pane to close it.
Project 2
Task 1. Remove the Header and Footer from the Notes Master.
1. On the VIEW tab, in the Master Views group, click Notes Master.
2. On the NOTES MASTER tab, in the Placeholders group, click the Header box and the Footer
box to disable those two features.
3. In the Close group, click Close Master View.
Task 2. Change this presentation to be viewed in Widescreen (16:9) and ensure the fit.
1. On the DESIGN tab, in the Customize group, click Slide Size.
2. Select Widescreen.
3. Click Ensure Fit.
Task 3. Configure printing option to print Notes Pages for the presentation.
1. Click the FILE tab.
2. Select Print.
3. Beneath Settings, click the second down-arrow to change Full Page Slides to Notes Pages.
(Hint: Notice that Notes Pages are now displayed in the print preview window.)
4. Click the encircled left arrow in the upper-left corner to return to the slide presentation.
Task 4. On slide 5, add a Pareto Histogram chart using default settings and data.
1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 5.
2. In the slide placeholder, click the Insert Chart icon.
3. In the Insert Chart pop-up window, in the left pane select Histogram.
4. In the list of available Histogram charts, click Pareto.
5. Click OK.
Task 5. Create a Upward Arrow Process SmartArt graphic on the last slide.
Project 3
Task 1. Configure printing options to print slides 1, 3, and 4 as full page slides.
1. Select slides 1, 3 and 4 by holding down the CTRL button and clicking on them individually.
2. Click the FILE tab to select it.
3. On the left click Print.
4. Beneath Settings click the first down-arrow to change Print All Slides to Print Selection.
5. Click the second down-arrow to ensure that Full Page Slides is selected.
6. Click the encircled left-arrow in the upper-left corner to return to the slide presentation.
Task 2. Prepare this presentation to be printed in Grayscale.
1. Click the FILE tab.
2. Select Print.
3. Beneath Settings, click the down-arrow on the last option to change Color to Grayscale.
4. Click the encircled left arrow in the upper-left corner to return to the slide presentation.
Task 3. Format the text on slide 4 into two columns with 0.5" (1.27 cm) spacing between
the columns.
Task 5. On the last slide, change the animation path for the MOS Certificate to Square.
1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the last slide.
2. Click on the image of the MOS Certificate to select it.
3. On the ANIMATIONS tab, in the Animation group, click the More down-arrow to open the
4. Beneath Motion Paths, ensure that Shapes is selected.
5. To the right of the gallery, click Effect Options and select Square.
Project 4
Task 1. Add Badge.png Picture to the bottom right corner of the slide master.
1. On the VIEW tab, in the Master Views group, click Slide Master.
2. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the Slide Master (top slide)
3. On the INSERT tab, in the Images group, click Pictures.
4. Browse to the GMetrix Templates folder and select Badge.png.
5. Click the Insert button.
6. Drag the image to the lower right corner of the slide master.
7. Select the Slide Master tab and click Close Master View.
Project 6
Task 1. Import Marketing.rtf located in the Gmetrix Templates folder to create two new
slides immediately following the title slide.
1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 1.
2. On the HOME tab, in the Slides group, click New Slide and select Slides from Outline...
3. In GMetrix Templates folder, select Marketing.rtf.
4. Click Insert. (Hint: Two new slides should be created titled, "Interesting Statistics" and "Best
Ways to Start".)
Task 2. Remove the last slide, titled Summary, in this presentation.
Task 4. Edit the video End Time to stop exactly 14 seconds into the video.
1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the slide containing the video.
2. Click inside the video window to select it and reveal the video contextual tabs.
3. On the VIDEO TOOLS PLAYBACK tab, in the Editing group, click Trim Video.
4. In the Trim Video pop-up window, change the End Time to 00:14
5. Click OK.
Task 5. Set the video to Medium volume.
1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the slide containing the video.
2. Click inside the video window to select it and reveal the video contextual tabs.
3. On the VIDEO TOOLS PLAYBACK tab, in the Video Options group, click the box for
volume, and select Medium.
Project 7
Task 1. Place the photograph Boat and Canoe.jpg from the Documents folder into the
placeholder located on the right of slide 4.
Task 2. Center align the Equal shapes on slide 5 to the top shape, then group the shapes.
Task 5. Navigate to the comment by Thor Christensen "Should we show price ranges?"
and delete the comment.
"1. On the REVIEW tab, in the Comments group, click Show Comments.
2. In the Comments group, click Next. If you see a message pop-up asking if you want to
continue searching from the beginning, click Continue.
3. Keep clicking Next until you locate the comment by Thor Christensen that reads, ""Should
we show price ranges?"" (Hint: It is on slide 6).
4. After you've located the comment, In the comment group, click Delete. (Hint: You can also
click the X in the upper-right of the comment.)"