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Installation, Operation and Maintenance

CVHE, CVHF, CVHG Water-Cooled

CenTraVac Chillers
With Tracer AdaptiView™ Control

Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of
heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge and training.
Improperly installed, adjusted or altered equipment by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury.
When working on the equipment, observe all precautions in the literature and on the tags, stickers, and labels that
are attached to the equipment.

April. 2020 TCVHE-SVX04E-EN

Confidential and proprietary Trane information
RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Warnings, Cautions and Notices

Warnings, Cautions and Notices Note that warnings, This Installation, Operation, and Maintenance manual
cautions and notices appear at appropriate intervals applies to CenTraVac chillers with two different refriger-
throughout this manual. Warnings are provide to alert ant and oil systems:
installing contractors to potential hazards that could • R-123 and OIL00022
result in death or personal injury. Cautions are designed • R-514A and OIL00334/OIL00335
to alert personnel to hazardous situations that could re-
Important: Verify proper refigerant and oil for your
sult in personal injury, while notices indicate a situation
chiller before proceeding!
that could result in equipment or property-damage-only
accidents. DDWARNING
Your personal safety and the proper operation of this Proper Field Wiring and Grounding
machine depend upon the strict observance of these pre- Required!
cautions. All field wiring MUST be performed by qualified per-
sonnel. Improperly installed and grounded field wiring
ATTENTION: Warnings, Cautions and Notices appear poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION hazards. To avoid
at appropriate sections throughout this literature. Read these hazards, you MUST follow requirements for field
these carefully: wiring installation and grounding as described in NEC
and your local/state electrical codes. Failure to follow
DDWARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous code could result in death or serious injury.
situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury. Note: Graphic labels (shown above) are used for CE
application only.
DDCAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury. • Before servicing, disconnect all power sources and
It could also be used to alert against allow at least 30 minutes for capacitors to discharge.
unsafe practices.
• All electrical enclosures—unit or remote—are IP2X.
DDNOTICE: Indicates a situation that could result
in equipment or property-damage

Important Environmental Concerns!

Scientific research has shown that certain man-made
chemicals can affect the earth’s naturally occurring strato-
spheric ozone layer when released to the atmosphere.
In particular, several of the identified chemicals that may
affect the ozone layer are refrigerants that contain Chlo-
rine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs) and those containing
Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (HCFCs). Not
all refrigerants containing these compounds have the
same potential impact to the environment. Trane advo-
cates the responsible handling of all refrigerants-includ-
ing industry replacements for CFCs and HCFCs such as

Responsible Refrigerant Practices!


Trane believes that responsible refrigerant practices are

important to the environment, our customers, and the
air conditioning industry. All technicians who handle
refrigerants must be certified. The Federal Clean Air Act
(Section 608) sets forth the requirements for handling,
reclaiming, recovering and recycling of certain refriger-
ants and the equipment that is used in these service pro-
cedures. In addition, some states or municipalities may
have additional requirements that must also be adhered
to for responsible management of refrigerants. Know the
applicable laws and follow them.

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Contains Refrigerant!
System contains oil and refrigerant under high pres-
sure. Recover refrigerant to relieve pressure before
opening the system. See unit nameplate for refrigerant
type. Do not use non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant
substitutes, or refrigerant additives.

Failure to follow proper procedures or the use of

non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant substitutes, or
refrigerant additives could result in death or serious
injury or equipment damage.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Installing/servicing this unit could result in exposure
to electrical, mechanical and chemical hazards.

• Before installing/servicing this unit, technicians

MUST put on all Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) recommended for the work being undertak-
en. (Examples; cut resistant gloves/sleeves, butyl
gloves, safety glasses, hard hat/bump cap, fall
protection, electrical PPE and arc flash clothing).
ALWAYS refer to appropriate MSDS sheets and
OSHA guidelines for proper PPE.
• When working with or around hazardous chem-
icals, ALWAYS refer to the appropriate MSDS
sheets and OSHA guidelines for information on
allowable personal exposure levels, proper respira-
tory protection and handling recommendations.
• If there is a risk of arc or flash, technicians MUST
put on all necessary Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) in accordance with NFPA70E for arc/flash
protection PRIOR to servicing the unit.
Failure to follow recommendations could result in
death or serious injury.

Trane and the Trane logo are trademarks of Trane in the
United States and other countries. All trademarks ref-
erenced in this document are the trademarks of their
respective owners.

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Table of Contents
Warnings, Cautions and Notices.......................2 Pressure Testing Waterside Piping................ 24
Trademarks.......................................................3 Purge Piping......................................................25
Unit Model Number Description.......................6 EarthWise Purge Requirements - Purge Instal-
lation................................................................ 25
Model Number Digit Description......................7
Vent Piping........................................................26
Refrigerant Vent-Line...................................... 26
ASHRAE Standard 15 Compliance.................. 8
General Recommendations..........................26
Unit Shipment.................................................. 8
Purge Discharge.............................................26
General Information........................................8
Vent-Line Materials........................................26
Installation requirements and Contractor re-
sponsibilities..................................................... 9 Vent-Line Sizing.............................................26
Storage Requirements for Chillers Not Yet Vent-Line Installation..................................... 27
Unit Components............................................ 11 Unit Insulation Requirements....................... 31
Unit Dimensions and Weights........................12 Insulation Thickness Requirements............... 31
Recommended Unit Clearances.....................12
Installation Controls.........................................33
Installation Mechanical....................................15 Specifications................................................. 33
Operating Environment..................................15 Wiring and Port Descriptions........................33
Foundation Requirements..............................15 Communication Interfaces............................34
Rigging.............................................................15 Rotary Switches.............................................34
Standard chiller lift.........................................15 LED Description and Operation....................34
Special lift requirements...............................16 Installing the Tracer AdaptiView Display...... 36
Unit Isolation...................................................16 Adjusting the Tracer AdaptiView Display Arm.
Isolation Pads..................................................16 ......................................................................... 37
Spring Isolators...............................................17 Electrical Requirements...................................38
Unit Leveling....................................................17 Installation Requirements.............................. 38
Installation Water Piping.................................19 Electrical Requirements................................. 38
Overview..........................................................19 Trane-Supplied Starter Wiring....................... 40
Water Treatment...............................................19 Customer-Supplied Remote Starter Wiring...41
Pressure Gauges.............................................19 Current Transformer and Potential Transform-
Valves - Drains and Vents................................19 er Wire Sizing.................................................. 42

Strainers...........................................................19 Power Supply Wiring.......................................43

Flow-Sensing Devices.................................... 20 3-Phase Power Source............................... 43

water temperature sensor.............................20 Circuit Breakers and Fused Disconnects...... 43

Evaporator and Condenser Water Piping..... 20 Power Factor Correction Capacitors (Option-
al)..................................................................... 43
Water Box Locations...................................... 21
Rule 2 - PFCC wires routed through current
Water Piping Connections............................. 22 transformers...................................................44
Grooved Pipe Coupling.................................. 23 Interconnecting Wiring................................... 44
Bolt-Tightening Sequence for Water Piping Starter to Motor Wiring (Remote-Mounted
Connections.................................................... 23 Starters Only).................................................. 45

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Starter to Control Panel Wiring..................... 46 Auxiliary Condensers..................................... 60

10kV–13.8kV Medium Voltage Installation....47 Control Panel Devices and Unit Mounted De-
vices................................................................. 61
10kV–13.8kV Medium Voltage Motor............ 47
Unit Control Panel..........................................61
Motor Terminal Box........................................ 47
Variable Water Flow Through the Evaporator..
Motor Supply Wiring...................................... 47 .........................................................................61
Motor Terminals.............................................48
User-Defined Language Support..................61
Ground Wire Terminal Lug.............................48
Unit Start-Up and Shut-down Procedures... 61
System Control Circuit Wiring........................49 Unit Start-Up Check.......................................61
Water Pump Interlock Circuits and Flow Daily Unit Shutdown.....................................62
Switch Input....................................................50
Seasonal Unit Shutdown..............................62
Temperature Sensor Circuits......................... 50
Optional Control and Output Circuits...........51
Record Keeping Forms..................................64
Optional Tracer Communication Interface...51
Daily Maintenance and Checks.....................64
Unit Start-Up................................................... 51
Compressor Oil Change................................. 66
Starter Module Configuration....................... 51
Oil Change Procedure.................................... 66
Schematic Wiring Drawings.......................... 51
Oil Filter........................................................... 66
Operating Principles.........................................52
Oil Filter Replacement Procedure.................66
General Requirements................................... 52
General Lubrication........................................ 67
Cooling Cycle.................................................. 52
Service for the 1st Stage Tang Operator......67
CVHE, CVHG 3-Stage Compressor...............52
Service for the 1st and 2nd Stage Tang Oper-
CVHF 2-Stage Compressor............................52 ators................................................................67
Oil and Refrigerant Pump.............................. 53 Cleaning the Condenser................................68
Compressor Lubrication System..................53 Cleaning the Evaporator................................ 68
Operating Principles......................................53 Purge System.................................................. 68
Motor Cooling System................................... 54 Leak Checking Based on Purge Pump Out
Tracer AdaptiView Display............................. 54 Time................................................................68
Tracer TU Chiller Service Tool........................ 54 Long Term Unit Storage................................. 69
Start-up and Shut Down..................................55 Unit Preparation.............................................69
Sequence of Operation.................................. 55 Refrigerant Charge......................................... 70
Start-up Sequence of Operation—Wye-Delta.. Recovery and Recycle Connections..............70
......................................................................... 55 Waterbox Removal and Installation...............72
Power Up Diagram........................................57 Discussion....................................................... 72
Software Operation Overview Diagram.......57 Procedure........................................................ 72
Ice Machine Control....................................... 57
Sound. Pressure Level ...... ..............................74
Free Cooling Cycle......................................... 59
Sound Pressure Level .....................................
. 74
Free Cooling (FRCL).......................................59
Forms ................................................................78
Hot Gas Bypass (HGBP)................................. 59
CenTraVac Commissioning Checklist............78
Hot Water Control........................................... 60
Heat Recovery Cycle...................................... 60

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Unit Model Number Description

The unit nameplate is located on the left side of the left Figure 1. Typical Unit Nameplate
hand control panel. A typical unit nameplate is illustrated
below and contains the following information.
• Unit model and size descriptor
• Unit electrical requirements
• Correct operating charge and refrigerant type
• Unit test pressures and maximum operating pres-
• Unit literature
Serial Number. The unit serial number provides the spe-
cific chiller identity. Always provide this serial number
when calling for service or during parts identification.
Service Model Number. The service model represents
the unit as built for service purposes. It identifies the se-
lections of variable unit features required when ordering
replacements parts or requesting service.
Note: Unit-mounted starters are identified by a separate
number found on the starter.
Product Description Block. The CenTraVac models are
defined and built using the Product Definition and Se-
lection (PDS) system. This system describes the product
offerings using a product coding block which is made up
of feature categories and codes that identifies all charac-
teristics of a unit.

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Model Number Digit Description

Digit Description
1–3 Unit Type
4 Development Sequence
5–7 Nominal Tonnage
8 Unit Voltage
9 Unit Type
10–11 Design Sequence
12 Hot Gas Bypass
13 Starter Type
14 Control Enclosure
15 Compressor Motor Power (CPKW)
16–18 Compressor Impeller Cutback
19 Evaporator Shell Size
20 Evaporator Tube Bundle (Nominal Tons)
21 Evaporator Tubes
22 Evaporator Waterbox
23 Condenser Shell Size
24 Condenser Tube Bundle (nominal tons)
25 Condenser Tubes
26 Condenser Waterbox
27 Heat Recovery Condenser Shell Size
28 Heat Recovery Condenser Tube Bundle (nominal tons)
29 Heat Recovery Tubes
30 Heat Recovery Condenser Waterbox
31 Auxiliary Condenser Size & Waterbox
32 Auxiliary Condenser Tubes
33 Orifice Size
34 Orifice Size
35 Unit Option-Insulation & Rupture Guard
36 Enhanced Protection
37 Generic BAS
38 Extended Operation
39 Tracer™ Communication
40 Condenser Refrigerant Control
41 Manufacturing Location
42 Special Options
43 Water Flow Control
44 Chilled Water Reset
45 Heat Recovery Temperature Sensors
46 Gas Powered Chiller
47 Compressor Motor Frame Size
48 Volute Discharge Angle
49 Operating Status
50 Industrial Chiller Package
51 Control Power Transformer
52 Motor & Terminal Board Config

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ASHRAE Standard 15 Compliance

Trane recommends that indoor CenTraVac unit installa-
tions fully meet or exceed the guidelines of the current
version of ASHRAE Standard 15, in addition to any appli-
cable local, state, or national requirements. This typically
• A refrigerant monitor or detector that is capable of
monitoring and alarming within the acceptable ex-
posure level of the refrigerant, and that can actuate
mechanical ventilation.
• Audible and visual alarms, activated by the refriger-
ant monitor, inside the equipment room and outside
of every entrance.
Note: The holding charge should register approximately
• The equipment room should be properly vented to
5 psig (34.5 kPa) at 72°F (22.2°C). Place a gauge
the outdoors, using mechanical ventilation that can
on access valve to verify. This access valve is
be activated by the refrigerant monitor.
located on the front of the oil tank, which is at the
• The purge discharge and relief valves must be prop- right rear corner of the chiller. If the charge has
erly piped to the outdoors. escaped, contact your local Trane sales office for
• If required by local or other codes, a self-contained instructions.
breathing apparatus should be available in close 3. The loose parts box and isolator pads ship on top of
proximity to the equipment room. the control panel box.
Refer to the latest copy of ASHRAE Standard 15 for 4. Check the oil sump sight glasses to verify that the
specific guidelines. Trane assumes no responsibility for oil level should be visible in the lower sight glass. If
any economic, health, or environmental issues that may no oil level is visible, contact your local Trane sales
result from an equipment room’s design or function. office.

Unit Shipment General Information

Regulations regarding waste handling are constantly
Inspect unit while it is still on the truck for any shipping changing. To ensure that personnel are in compliance
damage. with the latest federal, state and local regulations, con-
The chiller ships shrink-wrapped in a 0.254 mm (0.010- tact your local waste management office for the proper
in.) recyclable film protective covering. Do not remove procedures on handling, disposal, transporting and stor-
shrink-wrap for inspection! Inspect for damage to the age of oil, oil filters, refrigerant filters, and filter dryer
shrink-wrap and determine if physical damage has oc- cores.
Each chiller ships from the factory as a hermetically
assembled package; it is factory piped, wired and test-
ed. All openings except for the waterbox vent and drain
holes are covered or plugged to prevent contamination
during shipment and handling. Figure 2, p. 11 shows
an illustration of a typical unit and its components. As
soon as the unit arrives at the job site, inspect it thor-
oughly for damage and material shortages. In addition:
1. Verify the hermetic integrity of the unit by checking
the evaporator pressure for an indication of holding
charge pressure.
2. To prevent damaging moisture from entering the
unit and causing corrosion, each chiller is pressurized
with 3 to 5 psig of dry nitrogen before shipment.

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Installation requirements and DDWARNING

Contractor responsibilities Combustible Material!
Failure to follow this instruction could result in death
A list of the contractor responsibilities typically associat- or serious injury or equipment damage. Shrink-wrap
ed with the unit installation process is provided. is a combustible material. Avoid open flames and hot
Unit Start-up must be completed by a qualified Trane ser-
vice technician. Note: The chiller should remain within its protective
shrink-wrap covering during storage.

Type of Trane Supplied Trane Supplied Field Supplied

Requirement Trane Installed Field Installed Field Installed
Foundation • Meet foundation requirements
Rigging • Safety chains
Clevis connectors
Lifting beam
Isolation • Isolation pads or • Isolation pads or spring isolators
spring isolators
Electrical • Circuit breakers or • Jumper bars • Circuit breakers or fusible disconnects (optional)
fusible disconnects • Temperature sensor • Electrical connections to unit mounted starter (optional)
(optional) (optional outdoor air) • Electrical connections to remote mounted starter (optional)
• Unit mounted • Flow switches (may • Wiring sizes per submittal and NEC
starter (optional) be field supplies)
• PFCCs (remote mounted starter optional only)
• PFCCs (optional) • Remote mounted
• Terminal lugs
starter (optional)
• Ground connection(s)
• Jumper bars
• BAS wiring (optional)
• IPC wiring (AFD and remote mounted starters only
• Control voltage wiring (AFD and remote mounted starters only)
• Oil pump interlock wiring (AFD and remote mounted starters
• High condenser pressure interlock wiring (AFD and remote
mounted starters only).
• Chilled water pump contactor and wiring including interlock
• Condenser water pump contactor and wiring including interlock
• Option relays and wiring
Water piping • Flow switches (may • Taps for thermometers and gauges
be field supplied) • Thermometers
• Strainers (as required)
• Water flow pressure gauges
• Isolation and balancing valves in water piping
• Vents and drain on waterbox valves (1 each per pass)
• Pressure relief valves (for waterboxes as required)
Relief • Rupture disc as- • Rupture guard • Vent line and flexible connector and vent line from rupture disc
sembly (optional) to atmosphere
Insulation • Insulation (optional) • Insulation
• Chiller feet insulation
Water Piping Flanged Victaulic
Connection • Welded on flange for 150 and • Victaulic coupling for 150 and 300 psig waterboxes
Components 300 psig waterboxes • Fasteners for flanged-type connections (optional)
Other Materials • HCFC-22 refrigerant (1 lb maximum per machine as needed)
• Material and equipment to perform leak testing
• Dry nitrogen (8 psig maximum per machine as needed)

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Storage Requirements for Chillers Not Yet Installed

Insulation Damage!
Direct exposure to sunlight may damage factory in-
stalled insulation. Failure to follow these instructions
could result in insulation damage.

Less than 1 month 1 – 6months Greater than 6 months

Location requirements: Location requirements: Location requirements:
• solid foundation • solid foundation • solid foundation
• vibration free • vibration free • vibration free
• dry • dry • dry
• temperature range -40°F to 158°F (-40°C • temperature range -40°F to 158°F (-40°C • temperature range -40°F to 158°F (-40°C
to 70°C) to 70°C) to 70°C)
• Do not remove any plastic coverings • Do not remove any plastic coverings • Do not remove any plastic coverings
• Do not charge the chiller with refrigerant • Do not charge the chiller with refrigerant • Do not charge the chiller with refrigerant
• If additional refrigerant is on site, follow • If additional refrigerant is on site, follow • If additional refrigerant is on site, follow
manufactures storage requirements manufactures storage requirements manufactures storage requirements
• Verify dry nitrogen pressure using gauge • Verify dry nitrogen pressure using gauge • Verify dry nitrogen pressure using gauge
located on the evaporator shell reads 3 to located on the evaporator shell reads 3 to located on the evaporator shell reads 3 to
5 psig (21 to 34.5 kPa) 5 psig (21 to 34.5 kPa) 5 psig (21 to 34.5 kPa)
• Notify the local Trane office if charge has • Notify the local Trane office if charge has • Notify the local Trane office if charge has
escaped escaped escaped
• Do not operate purge unit • Do not operate purge unit • Do not operate purge unit
• Verify waterbox and tube bundles are • Verify waterbox and tube bundles are
clean and dry clean and dry
• Conduct an oil analysis and verify no oil
• Repeat yearly
• Replace oil if breakdown has occurred
• If no oil analysis program has been fol-
lowed, replace oil prior to start up
• Every 6 months start the oil pump and
rotate compressor shaft 450 degrees to
prevent bearing issues
• Contact your local Trane office to preform
this task
Note: Chillers stored 5 years or longer should be inspected every 5 years by a qualified service organization for leaks.

(a) If protective plastic coverings need to be removed for access and/or service, contact your local Trane office.

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Unit Components
Note: Components are identified from a viewpoint that faces the front side of the control panel.

Figure 2. Typical CVHF CenTraVac Chiller

1. Suction Elbow
2. Compressor
3. Terminal Box
1 4. Control Panel
2 5. Condenser
6. Motor Housing
4 7. Economizer
8. Oil Tank Assembly
3 9. Purge
10. Evaporator
11 11. Display Panel

6 5


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Unit Dimensions and Weights

Recommended Unit Clearances • Minimum vertical clearance above the unit is 3 feet
(91.44 cm).
Adequate clearances around and above the chiller are • Use a housekeeping pad to provide better service
required to allow sufficient access for service and main- clearances; refer to submittal for more information.
tenance operations. Specific unit clearance requirements Per NEC Article 110 - Unit mounted starters from 0-600V
are indicated in the submittal package provided for your require a 42 inch (106.68 cm) clearance, 601-2500V re-
unit. quire a 48 inch (121.92 cm) of clearance and 2501-9000V
• Do not install piping or conduit above the compres- require a 60 inch (152.4 cm) clearance.
sor motor assembly or behind the suction elbow of clearance. Refer to NEC and local electrical codes for
the unit. starter and control panel clearance requirements.

Figure 3. Clearance requirements

Economizer 18” (45.72 cm) D

Auxiliary condenser (optional)

Cooling condenser Right hand tube pull shown, apply tube

pull clearance dimension to left end for
Evaporator left hand tube pull.


Optional unit
mounted starter
Per NEC article 110 Per NEC article 110


Clearance requirements

Evaporator Size Shell Combo A B C D E

inch cm inch cm inch cm inch cm inch cm
Short/Short 45 114 141 358 321 815 40 101 62 157
050 Short/Long Short/Long 78 198 219 556 431 1094 40 101 62 157
Long/Long 45 114 187 474 411 1043 40 101 62 157
Short/Short 53 134 141 358 329 835 36 91 76 193
080 Short/Long Short/Long 85 215 219 556 439 1115 36 91 76 193
Long/Long 53 134 187 474 419 1064 36 91 76 193
Medium Long 78 198 207 525 444 1127 44 111 92 233
142 Medium/Long/ Long/Long 58 147 187 474 424 1076 44 111 92 233
Extended/Long 58 147 209 530 469 1191 44 111 92 233
210 Long
Long/Long 59 149 187 474 426 1082 47 119 102 259
250 Extended Extended/Long 63 160 209 530 475 1206 43 109 115 292
Note: All dimensions are approximate, refer to the unit submittal package for exact dimensions for your unit

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Unit Dimensions and Weights

The weight information provided here should be used • INDP (Industrial Control Panel), add 50 lb (23kg)
for general information purposes only. Trane does not • CPTR (Control Panel Transformer) option, add 130 lb
recommend using this weight information for consid- (50 kg)
erations relative to chiller handling. The large number
of variances between chiller selections drives variances • SMP (Supplemental Motor Protection) option, add
in chiller weights that are not recognized in this table. 500 lb (230 kg)
For specific weigts for you chiller refer to your submittal • Operating weights include the heaviest possible
package. refrigerant charge weight
These values represent chiller weights do not include the • Chillers with starter values include the weight of the
following: heaviest possible starter
• TECU 0.028” tubes • Heaviest possible bundle and heaviest possible mo-
• 150 psig non-marine waterboxes tor voltage combination for the applicable family of

Table 1. Unit Weights

Without Starters With Starters
Operating Weights Shipping Weights Operating Weights Shipping Weights
MODEL NTON CPKW EVSZ CDSZ lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg
350–570 588 050L 050L 21152 9595 18617 8445 222234 10085 19699 8935
350–570 588 050S 060L 19814 8988 17668 8014 20896 9478 18750 8505
350–570 588 060S 050S 18925 8584 16937 7683 20007 9075 18019 8173
350–570 588 080L 080L 30751 13949 26866 12186 31833 14439 27948 12677
350–570 588 080S 080L 28589 12968 25254 11455 29671 13459 26336 11946
350–570 588 080S 080S 26876 12191 23787 10790 27958 12682 24869 11281
650–910 957 080L 080L 32688 14827 28803 13065 34249 15535 30364 13773
C 650–910 957 080S 080L 30526 13847 27191 12334 32087 14555 28752 13042
650–910 957 080S 080S 2883 13070 25724 11668 30374 13778 27285 12376
F 650–910 957 142L 142L 42739 19386 36476 16546 44300 20094 38037 17254
650–910 957 142M 142L 41548 18846 35653 16172 43109 19554 37214 16880
1070–1300 1228 142E 142L 44647 20252 37997 17235 46064 20894 39414 17878
1070–1300 1228 142L 142L 43370 19672 37107 16831 44787 20315 38524 17474
1070–1300 1228 142M 142L 42179 19132 36284 16458 43596 19775 37701 17101
1070–1300 1228 210L 210L 52816 23957 44810 20325 54233 24600 46227 20968
1470 1340 210L 210L 56217 25500 48211 21869 57299 25991 49293 22359
1470–1720 1340 250E 250L 68393 31023 57807 26221 69475 31514 58889 26712
230–320 287 032L 032L 16691 7571 15145 6870 17773 8062 16227 7361
230–320 287 032S 032L 15795 7165 14484 6570 16877 7655 15566 7061
230–320 287 032S 032S 14960 6786 13730 6228 16042 7277 14812 6719
230–320 287 060L 060L 20650 9367 18081 8202 21732 9858 19163 8692
C 230–320 287 050S 050L 19312 8760 17132 7771 20394 9251 18214 8262
V 230–320 287 050S 050S 1278 8291 16248 7370 19360 8782 17330 7861
H 360–500 453 050L 050L 22187 10064 19618 8899 23269 10555 20700 9390
E 360–500 453 050S 050L 20849 9457 18669 8468 21931 9948 19751 8959
360–500 453 050S 050S 19815 8988 17785 8067 20897 9479 18867 8558
360–500 453 080L 080L 30758 13952 26806 12159 31840 14443 27888 12650
360–500 453 080S 080L 18595 12971 25194 14428 29677 13461 26276 11919
360–500 453 080S 080S 27155 12318 24016 10894 28237 12808 25098 11384

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Unit Dimensions and Weights

Table 1. Unit weights (continued)

Without Starters With Starters
Operating Weights Shipping Weights Operating Weights Shipping Weights
MODEL NTON CPKW EVSZ CDSZ lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg
480–565 489 050L 050L 23384 10607 20815 9442 24466 11098 21897 9932
480–565 489 060S 060L 22046 10000 19866 9011 3128 10491 20948 9502
480–565 489 050S 050S 21323 9672 19324 8765 22405 1063 20406 9256
480–565 489 080L 080L 31955 14495 28003 12702 33037 14986 29085 13193
480–565 489 080S 080L 29792 13514 26391 11971 30874 14004 27473 12462
480–656 489 080S 080S 29154 13224 26065 11823 30236 13715 27147 12314
670–780 621 080L 080L 33266 15089 29314 13297 34348 15580 30396 13788
C 670–780 621 080S 080L 31103 14108 27702 12566 32185 14599 28784 13056
670–780 621 080S 080S 30465 13819 27376 12418 31547 14310 28458 12909
G 670–780 621 142L 142L 44705 20278 38442 17437 45787 20769 39524 17928
670–780 621 142M 142L 43514 19738 37619 17064 44596 20229 38701 17555
920–1067 621 142L 142L 45545 20659 39282 17818 46627 21150 40364 18309
920–1067 621 142M 142L 44354 20119 38459 17445 46436 20610 39541 17936
920–1067 621 210L 210L 57319 26000 49375 22397 58401 26491 50457 22887
1100 621 142L 142L 45625 20695 39362 17854 46707 21186 40444 18346
1100 621 142M 142L 44434 20155 38539 17481 45516 20646 39621 17972
1100 621 210L 210L 57399 26036 49455 22432 58481 26527 50537 22923
190–270 242 032L 032L 16719 7584 15173 6882 17801 8075 16255 7373
190–270 242 032S 032L 15823 7177 14512 6583 16905 7668 15594 7073
190–270 242 032S 032S 14988 6799 13758 6241 16070 7289 14840 6731
190–270 242 050L 050L 20678 9380 18109 8214 21760 9870 19191 8705
C 190–270 242 050S 050L 19340 8773 17160 7784 20422 9263 18242 8275
V 190–270 242 050S 050S 18306 8304 16276 7383 19388 8794 17358 7874
H 300–420 379 050L 050L 21569 9784 19000 8618 22651 10274 20082 9109
E 300–420 379 050S 050L 20231 9177 18051 8188 21313 9668 19133 8679
300–420 379 050S 050S 19197 8708 17167 7787 20279 9199 18249 8278
300–420 379 080L 080L 30140 13672 26188 11879 31222 14162 27270 12370
300–420 379 080S 080L 27977 12690 24576 11148 29059 13181 25658 11638
300–420 379 080S 080S 26567 12037 23398 10613 27619 12528 24480 11104

142M&L 210 050 080
EVSZ 050 080
150psi 300psi 150psi 300psi DSTF DSTF
B 1473 1822 2194 2222 2454 2486 1646 2080

A 3489 4638 4124 5210

A EVSZ 142E 250E
150psi 300psi
B 2194 2222 2797
C 1270 1301 1705
D 293 293 343
E 406 406 483
E F 572 572 572
G 4506 4506 4506


51 51
30 30

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT
+5 °C to +40 °C

Installation Mechanical

Operating Environment DDWARNING

Heavy Objects!
To assure that electrical components operate properly, Do not use cables (chains or slings) except as shown in
do not locate the chiller in an area exposed to dust, dirt, Figure 4, p. 16. Each of the cables (chains or slings)
corrosive fumes, or excessive heat and humidity. The used to lift the unit must be capable of supporting
ambient temperature for chiller operation is the entire weight of the unit. Lifting cables (chains
+5 °C to +40 °C or slings) may not be of the same length. Adjust as
necessary for even unit lift. Failure to properly lift unit
DDNotice could result in death or serious injury, or equipment or
property-only damage.
Equipment Failure!
Unit operating at ambient temperatures exceed- DDWARNING
ing 110°F (43°C) can fatigue the unit’s rupture disc,
causing it to break at a reduced refrigerant pressure Improper Unit Lift!
(<15 psig).Starter component damage can also oc- Test lift unit approximately 24 inches (61 cm) to verify
cur because of the panel’s inability to dissipate heat proper center of gravity lift point. To avoid dropping of
adequately. If any of these adverse operating condi- unit, reposition lifting point if unit is not level. Do not
tions are present, take whatever action is necessary lift chiller utilizing waterbox lifting lug. Waterbox lift-
to improve the equipment room environment. ing lug is to be used only for removing waterbox from
chiller. Do not lift chiller utilizing elbow lifting tab.
Elbow lifting tab and approved clevis are used when
Foundation Requirements removing elbow from chiller. Failure to properly lift
unit could result in death or serious injury, or equip-
Chiller mounting surface must be: ment or property-only damage.
• Rigid non-warping mounting pads or a concrete
foundation. DDNotice
• Able to support the chiller at its full operating weight Wiring Damage!
(including completed piping, and full operating Care must be taken during rigging, assembly and dis-
charges of refrigerant, oil and water.) assembly to avoid damaging unit wiring. Damage to
unit wiring could result in equipment failure.
For proper unit operation, the chiller must be level within
1/16” (1.6 mm) over its length and width when set into Standard chiller lift
place on the mounting surface.
The tables provided in this manual show approximate 1. Insert clevis connections at the points indicated in
weights for various chiller sizes and options. For more Figure 4, p. 16. A 2 inch (50.8 mm) diameter lifting
specific weight information refer to the unit submittal hole is provided at each of these points.
package. 2. Attach the lifting chains or cables.
Trane will not assume responsibility for equipment 3. Once the lifting cables are in place, attach a safety
problems resulting from an improperly designed or con- chain or cable between the first-stage casing of the
structed foundation. compressor and the lifting beam. There should not be
tension on this safety cable; the cable is used only to
Rigging prevent the unit from rolling during the lift.
4. Position isolator pads or spring isolators beneath the
Lifting is the recommended method for moving chillers. chiller feet (see “Unit Isolation” p. 16 for instruc-
Suggested lifting arrangements for standard units are tions).
described in the standard chiller lift section.
Note: Follow instructions provided by spring isolator
Note: The lifting beam used for simplex units must be manufacturer, being careful to not damage isola-
at least 16 feet (4.88 meters) long. tor adjustment bolt.
5. Once the isolators are in place, lower the chiller work-
ing from end to end in small increments to maintain
6. When lift is complete, detach the clevis connections
and safety chain.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Mechanical

Figure 4. Rigging arrangements for Simplex units If the chiller cannot be moved using a standard chiller
16 feet lift, consider the following:
(4.8768 meters)
minimum effective
• When job site conditions require rigging of the chiller
at an angle greater than 45° from horizontal (end-
to-end) dowel-pin the compressor and remove it
Safety chain
from the unit. Be sure to contact a qualified service
or cable organization for specific rigging instructions. Do not
attempt to rotate chiller on to side.
• When lifting the chiller is either impractical or unde-
sirable, attach cables or chains to the jacking slots
shown in Figure 4, p. 16; then push or pull the unit
across a smooth surface. Should the chiller be on a
shipping skid, it is not necessary to remove the ship-
ping skid from the chiller before moving it into place.
• If removal of the compressor or economizer assem-
bly is necessary to move the chiller to the operating
location, contact Trane for special instructions con-
Jack slots
cerning chiller disassembly and reassembly proce-

Unit Isolation
To minimize sound and vibration transmission through
the building structure, and to assure proper weight dis-
tribution over the mounting surface, always install isola-
tion pads or spring isolators under the chiller feet.
800 Short shells only -
Auxiliary option Heat recovery option
use rigging flange
Note: Isolation pads (see Figure 5) are provided with
each chiller unless spring isolators are specified
on the sales order.
Special lift requirements Specific isolator loading data is provided in the unit
submittal package. If necessary, contact your local Trane
DDNotice sales office for further information.
Oil Loss! Important: When determining placement of isolation
To prevent oil migration out of the oil tank during pads or spring isolators, remember that
lifting procedures, remove the oil from the oil tank the control panel side of the unit is always
if the unit will be lifted at any angle greater than 15° designated as the unit front.
from horizontal end-to-end. If oil is allowed to run out
of the oil tank into other areas of the chiller, it will
be extremely difficult to return the oil to the oil tank
Isolation Pads
even during operation. Failure to prevent oil migration
out of the oil tank could result in equipment failure or When the unit is ready for final placement, position iso-
property-only damage. lation pads (6” sides) end for end under the full length of
the chiller leg. The pads measure 6”×18” (152.4x457 mm)
DDNotice and on some units there may be small gaps between
pads. Pads are provided to cover entire foot.
Equipment Damage!
Do not use a fork lift to move the chiller! Moving the
chiller using a fork lift could result in equipment or Figure 5. Isolation pad and dimensions
property-only damage.

Compressor Alignment!
Lifting the compressor/motor assembly from the shells
without factory-installed doweling in the compressor
casting flanges could result in misalignment of the
compressor castings. Failure to preserve compressor Remember that the chiller must be level within 1/16”
alignment could result in equipment or property-only
damage. (1.6 mm) over its length and width after it is lowered

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Mechanical

onto the isolation pads. In addition, all piping connected compress the springs until either the springs sup-
to the chiller must be properly isolated and supported so port the load or the top plate rests on the bottom
that it does not place any stress on the unit. housing of the isolator. If the springs are support-
ing the load, screwing down on the adjusting bolt
Spring Isolators (Step 7) will raise the chiller.
7. Turn the adjusting bolt on each of the remaining iso-
Spring isolators should be considered whenever chiller lators to obtain the required minimum clearance of
installation is planned for an upper story location. Base 1/4”(6.35 mm).
isolator placement is shown in Figure 7, p. 17. 8. Once the minimum required clearance is obtained
Figure 6. Chiller foot and isolator orientation on each of the isolators, level the chiller by turning
Side View of Unit End View of Unit
the adjusting bolt on each of the isolators on the low
center tube
sheet outside edge
side of the unit. Be sure to work from one isolator to
support leg of tube sheet the next. Remember that the chiller must be level to
center of
within 1/16” (0.15875 cm): over its length and width,
and that clearance of each isolator must be at least
1/4” (6.35 mm).
Note: The length of the
Note: The spring isolator must be centered
in relation to the tube sheet. Do not isolator should
be parallel to the
Figure 7. Isolation spring placement by shell size,
align the isolator with the flat part of
the chiller foot since the tube sheet is
often off center
evaporator and condenser length

Note: Do not adjust the isolators until the chiller is left rear right rear
Condenser 050 S/S, S/L, L/L
piped and charged with refrigerant and water.
080 S/S, S/L, L/L
1. Position the spring isolators under the chiller as 142 M/L, L/L 210
shown in Figure 7, p. 17. Make sure that each isola- Evaporator
tor is centered in relation to the tube sheet.
left front right front
Note: Spring isolators shipped with the chiller may not
be identical. Be sure to compare the data pro- left rear right rear
vided in the unit submittal package to determine
proper isolator placement. 142 E/L
left center 250 E/L
2. Set the isolators on the sub-base; shim as necessary
to provide a flat, level surface at the same elevation Evaporator
for the end supports. Be sure to support the full left front right front
underside of the isolator base plate; do not straddle
gaps or small shims.
3. If required, bolt the isolators to the floor through the
Unit Leveling
slots provided, or cement the pads.
Follow the instructions outlined below determined
Note: Fastening the isolators to the floor is not neces- whether or not the chiller is set level within 1/16” (1.6
sary unless specified. mm).
4. If the chiller must be fastened to the isolators, insert 1. Measure and make a punch mark an equal distance
capscrews through the chiller base and into holes up from the bottom of each foot of the chiller.
drilled and tapped in the upper housing of each isola-
2. Suspend a clear plastic tube along the length of the
tor. Do not allow the screws to protrude below the
chiller as shown below.
underside of the isolator upper housing, or interfere
with the adjusting bolts. An alternative method of 3. Fill the tube with water until the level aligns with the
fastening the chiller to the isolators is to cement the punch mark at one end of the chiller; then check the
neoprene pads. water level at the opposite mark. If the water level
does not align with the punch mark, use full length
5. Set the chiller on the isolators; refer to rigging section
shims to raise one end of the chiller until the water
for lifting instructions. The weight of the chiller will
level at each end of the tube aligns with the punch
force the upper housing of each isolator down, and
marks at both ends of the chiller.
could cause it to rest on the isolator’s lower housing.
(Figure 6 illustrates spring isolator construction.) 4. Once the unit is level across its length, repeat Step 1
through Step 3 to level the unit across its width.
6. Check the clearance on each isolator. If this dimen-
sion is less than 1/4” (6.35 mm) on any isolator, use
a wrench to turn the adjusting bolt one complete
revolution upward.
Note: When the load is applied to the isolators (Step
5), the top plate of each isolator moves down to

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Mechanical

Use of a laser level is an acceptable alternative method to level the unit.

Immediately report any unit damage incurred during handling or installation at the job site to the Trane sales office.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Water Piping

Overview Valves - Drains and Vents

Several water piping circuits must be installed and con-
nected to the chiller.
Waterbox Damage!
Note: Piping must be arranged and supported to avoid
stress on the equipment. It is strongly recom- Failure to follow instructions could result in damage
to the waterbox. Do not over-tighten or use exces-
mended that the piping contractor refrain from
sive Teflon® pipe tape when installing valves, drains,
piping closer than 3 feet (0.91 m) minimum to the plugs and vents on waterboxes.
equipment. This will allow for proper fit-up upon
arrival of the unit at the job site. Any adjustment 1. Install field-supplied air vents and drain valves on the
that is necessary can be made to the piping at water boxes. Each water box is provided with a 3/4”
that time. Expenses that result from a failure to (19 mm) National Pipe Thread Female (NPTF) vent
follow this recommendation will not be paid by and drain connection. Plastic plugs are factory-in-
Trane. stalled in both openings for shipment; remove and
discard these plugs before installing the water box
• Pipe the evaporator into the chilled water circuit;
vents and drain valves.
• Pipe the condenser into the cooling tower water cir-
• A heat-recovery condenser water circuit, (optional); Over pressurization!
• An auxiliary condenser water circuit, (optional) Failure to install pressure-relief valves in the con-
denser and evaporator water circuits could result in
Piping suggestions for each of the water circuits listed waterbox damage due to hydrostatic expansion.
above are outlined later in this section. General recom-
mendations for the installation of field supplied piping 2. If necessary for the application, install pressure-relief
components (e.g., valves, flow switches, etc.) common valves at the drain connections on the evaporator
to most chiller water circuits are listed below. and condenser water boxes. To do so, add a tee with
the relief valve attached to the drain valve Follow lo-
Water Treatment cal codes for determining if drain connection is large
enough for relief devices.
The use of untreated or improperly treated water in a To determine whether or not pressure relief valves are
CenTraVac may result in inefficient operation and possi- need ed for a specific application, keep in mind that:
ble tube damage. Trane strongly recommends engaging a. Vessels with close-coupled shutoff valves may
the services of a qualified water treatment specialist to cause high potentially damaging hydrostatic pres-
determine necessary water treatment. A label with a sures as fluid temperature rises.
customer note disclaimer note is affixed to each unit.
b. Relief valves are required by American Society
DDNOTICE of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) codes when the
shell waterside is ASME. Follow ASME guidelines
Proper Water Treatment! or other applicable codes to assure proper relief
The use of untreated or improperly treated water in a valve installation.
CenTraVac could result in scaling, erosion, corrosion,
algae or slime. It is recommended that the services of
a qualified water treatment specialist be engaged to Strainers
determine what water treatment, if any, is required.
Trane assumes no responsibility for equipment failures
which result from untreated or improperly treated
water, or saline or brackish water. Tube Damage!
Failure to install strainers in all water piping entering
Pressure Gauges the chiller could result in tube plugging conditions
that damage unit components.
Locate pressure gauge taps in a straight length of pipe. Install a strainer in the entering side of each piping
Place tap a minimum of one pipe diameter downstream circuit to avoid possible tube plugging in the chiller with
of any elbow, orifice etc. Example, for a 6” (152 mm) debris.
pipe, the tap would be at least 6” (152 mm) from any
elbow, orifice, etc.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Water Piping

Flow-Sensing Devices 6. Adjust the flow switch to open when water flow is
less than normal.
Use either flow switches or differential pressure switches DDNOTICE
in conjunction with the pump interlocks to verify evapo-
rator and condenser water flows. Proof of Flow Switch!
Evaporator and condenser water circuits require
To assure adequate chiller protection, wire the chilled-wa-
proof of flow switches. Failure to provide flow
ter and condenser-water flow switches in series with the switches or jumping-out of switches could result in
appropriate water pump interlock. Refer to the wiring severe equipment damage.
diagrams that shipped with the unit for specific electrical
connections. Evaporator and condenser proof of flow switches (either
flow or Delta-P) are required in series with the pump
Unless stated otherwise, all flow sensing devices must
contactor auxiliary shown on wiring diagrams. These
be field supplied. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s
switches are used with control logic to confirm flow prior
recommendations for device selection and installation.
to starting a unit and to stop a running unit if flow is lost.
The requirements of paddle flow switch are as follows: For trouble shooting, a viewable diagnostic is generat-
Figure 8. Flow switch installation ed if a proof of flow switch does not close when flow is
required. Failure to include the condenser proof of flow
switch and jumping out this switch could cause the unit
to stop on a secondary level of protection such as high
1 2 condenser pressure. Frequent cycling on these higher
level diagnostic devices could cause excessive thermal
and pressure cycling of unit components (O-rings, gas-
3 kets, sensors, motors, controls, etc.) resulting in prema-
ture failure.
4 For the thermal flow switch, the specific installation and
maintenance requirements can be found in the thermal
flow switch instructions, which is attached with the unit.

water temperature sensor

5 5
If there is high accuracy requirement for water tempera-
1. Flow switch body
2. One (1) pipe size larger bushing to avoid paddle interference
ture control, the water temperature sensor can installed
3. Pipe couping at the distance of 5 time pipe diameter from water box.
4. Flow switch paddle
5. Five (5) pipe diameters (no turns or fittings)
Also, review the general flow switch installation guide-
Evaporator and Condenser Water
lines listed below. Piping
1. Mount the flow switch upright in horizontal section
of pipe. Allow at least five pipe diameters of straight, Figure 9 and Figure 10 illustrate the typical water piping
horizontal run on each side of the switch. Avoid loca- arrangements recommended for the evaporator and
tions adjacent to elbows, orifices and valves whenev- condenser.
er possible. Note: Piping must be arranged and supported to avoid
2. To assure that the flow switch operates as designed, stress on the equipment. It is strongly recom-
adjust the length of the flow switch paddle to com- mended that the piping contractor refrain from
pensate for the pipe diameter and the height of the piping closer than 3 feet (0.91 m) minimum to the
coupling tee used to install the switch. equipment. This will allow for proper fit-up upon
arrival of the unit at the job site. Any adjustment
3. Install the flow switch using a coupling that is large that is necessary can be made to the piping at
enough to allow the insertion of a bushing one pipe that time. Expenses that result from a failure to
diameter larger than the flow switch base (Figure 8, follow this recommendation will not be paid by
p. 20). This will prevent interference with the flow Trane.
switch paddle.
Water piping connection sizes are identified in Table 2,
4. Verify that the direction-of-flow arrow on the switch p. 22, Table 3, p. 23, and Table 4, p. 23. Remem-
points in the same direction as actual water flow ber that with many waterboxes the entering and leav-
through the piping circuit. ing evaporator water can be piped to either water box
5. Remove all air from the piping circuit to prevent pos- connection when the tube bundles are split vertically.
sible flow switch “fluttering.” However, large evaporator waterboxes, with entering
and leaving connections not at the same level, must be

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Water Piping

connected with the entering water at the bottom and the

leaving water at the top.
Water Box Locations
Waterboxes with multiple pass arrangements utilize If necessary, the non-marine-style water boxes on each
baffle to separate the passes. These baffles are designed shell whether evaporator or condenser can be switched
for a maximum pressure of 137.9 kPad (20 psid). If larger end-for-end to obtain the desired piping arrangement.
pressure drops are expected in the application, contact Contact Trane Chiller Marketing for switching of ma-
your local Trane representative to discuss special water- rine-style boxes.
box options.
Note: Do not exchange positions of marine-style water
Important: Water flows must be piped in accordance boxes. Failure to follow this recommendation
with nameplate designation. could alter designed water flow piping configura-
Field-provided isolation valves for the evaporator and tion and prevent proper unit operation.
condenser water lines should be installed upstream and If removal of waterboxes is necessary, refer to the water-
downstream of the heat exchangers, and be installed far box removal section of this manual.
enough away from the chiller to also provide practical
If the water boxes on any of the shells are exchanged
service isolation for flow sensing devices, field ther-
end-for-end, be sure to reinstall them right side up to
mometers, flexible connectors, and any removable pipe
maintain the correct baffle arrangements. Use a new
gasket with each water box cover.
Note: Assure that the evaporator water piping is clear,
check it after the chilled water pump is operated
but before initial chiller start-up. If any partial
blockages exist, they can be detected and re-
moved to prevent possible tube damage resulting
from evaporator freeze-up or erosion.
Note: For condenser and large evaporator connections,
arrange the water piping so that the water supply
enters the shell at the lower connection, and exits
from the top connection. (Operational problems
may result if this is not obeyed) Some shells may
be piped as desired since both connections are at
the same level.
For applications that include an “infinite source” or
“multiple-use”, cooling condenser water supply, install a
valved bypass “leg” (optional) between the supply and
return pipes. This valved bypass allows the operator to
short-circuit water flow through the cooling condenser
when the supply water temperature is too low.
See CTV-PRB006-EN, Condenser Water Temperature
Control for CenTraVac Centrifugal Chiller Systems -
Engineering Bulletin, for additional application informa-
Note: System refrigerant pressure differential must be
maintained above 3 PSID (21 kPa) at all times.
Failure to do so could result in operating prob-
Note: Whenever a CVHE, CVHF, and CVHG unit is
equipped with an auxiliary condenser, use a
bypass valve system to avoid circulating water
through the auxiliary shell during unit shutdown.
Temperature and optimal water flow sensor
changes will also be required.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Water Piping

Water Piping Connections

Figure 9. Typical evaporator water piping circuit
Balancing Valve
Gate (Isolation) Valve or Ball
Outlet Thermometer (if field supplied)
2 1 3 4 5 4 Flanged Connection 1/2” (13 mm)
2 NPT Couplings
Drin, Vent, Anode


2 3 4 5 4

1. Flow switch 5S1 (Item in Legend of Components) may be installed in either the entering or leaving leg of the chilled
water circuit.
2. It is recommended to pipe the gauge between entering and leaving pipes. A shutoff valve on each side of the gauge
allows the operator to read either entering or leaving water pressure.

Figure 10. Typical condenser water piping circuits

1. Balancing Valve
2. Gate (Isolation) Valve or Ball Valve
3. Thermometer (if field supplied)
Outlet 4. Flanged Connection 1/2” (13 mm)
4 5 4 3 7 1 2 8 NPT Couplings
2 5. Drain, Vent, Anode
6. Strainer
7. Condenser Water Flow Switch (5S1)
2 8. 3-Way Valve (Optional)
9. Condenser Water Pump
10. Pressure Gauge
4 5 4 3 2 9 6

1. The Flow Switch 5S2 (Item 7 in Legend of Components) may be installed in either the entering or leaving leg of the chilled
water circuit.
2. It is recommended to pipe a single gauge between entering and leaving pipes.
3. Some type of field-supplied temperature control device may be required to regulate the temperature of the heat-recovery
condenser water circuit. For application recommendations, see Trane Application Manual, “AM-FND-8”, titled “Heat-
Recovery Engineering Seminar”.
4. Install a bypass valve system to avoid circulating water through the auxiliary shell when the unit is shut down.
5. On multiple pass condensers, entering condenser water must enter at the lowest nozzle.

All standard units use grooved-pipe connections. These Table 2. Evaporator water piping connection sizes
are cut-groove end NSP (Victaulic™ style) pipe connec-
ominal Pipe Size
tion. Flanged connections for 300 PSI waterboxes use
welded flanges. EVSZ 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass
Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm
Piping joined using grooved type couplings, like all types
of piping systems, requires proper support to carry the 050 10 273.0 8 219.1 6 168.3
weight of pipes and equipment. The support methods 080 12 323.9 10 273.0 8 219.1
used must eliminate undue stresses on joints, piping 142 16 406.4 12 323.9 10 273.0
and other components; allow movement where required, 210 16 406.4 14 355.6 12 323.9
and provide for any other special requirements (i.e.,
250 16 406.4 14 355.6 12 323.9
drainage, etc.).
Note: EVSZ = Evaporator Shell Size; S = Short Shell, L = Long
Note: Plug-type sensor extension cables are available Shell, E = Extended Shell
for purchase from Trane Parts Service if needed.
These sensor extension cables may be necessary
if the waterboxes are changed or if the tempera-
ture sensors are moved out into the unit piping
for better mixed temperature readings.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Water Piping

Table 3. Condenser water piping connection sizes Figure 12. Customer piping connection types
Flanged Victaulic
Nominal Pipe Size Water Box Water Box
CDSZ 2 pass Customer
Inch mm
050 8 219.1
080 10 273.0
142 12 323.9 Flange Style 77 Flexible
Customer Provided
210 14 355.6
250 14 355.6 Refer to the coupling manufacturer’s guidelines for spe-
Notes: CDSZ =Condenser Shell Size; S = Short Shell, L = Long cific information concerning proper piping system de-
Shell, E = Extended Shell sign and construction methods for grooved water piping
Figure 11. Typical grooved pipe connection Note: Flexible coupling gaskets require proper lubri-
cation before installation to provide a good seal.
Refer to the coupling manufacturer’s guidelines
for proper lubricant type and application.

Bolt-Tightening Sequence for Wa-

ter Piping Connections
A bolt-tightening sequence for flanges with flat gaskets
or O-rings is described in the following tables and fig-
ures. Remember that improperly tightened flanges may
Grooved Pipe Coupling Note: Before tightening any of the bolts, align the flang-
es. Flange bolt torque requirements are given
A customer-supplied, standard flexible grooved pipe below.
coupling (Victaulic Style 77 or equivalent) should be Table 5. Flange bolt torque recommendations for
used to complete the Victaulic connection for both 150 O-ring and flat-gasket piping connections
psig or 1035 kPa and 300 psig or 2068 kPa water boxes.
Bolt Size Gasket Type
Inch mm O-Ring Flat
Table 4. Water piping connection components 3/8” 9.5 25 (34) 12-18 (16-24)
1/2” 13 70 (95) 33-50 (45-68)
Customer Piping Connec-
5/8” 16 150 (203) 70-90 (95-122)
tion 3/4” 19 250 (339) 105-155 (142-210)
Unit Con- Note: Torques provided in ft/lb (Newton/metres). Bolt size is
Unit Model Victaulic™ Flanged determined by the diameter of bolt shank.
nection Type
(Condenser Customer
Flanges with 4, 8 or 12 Bolts
CVHE and 050 150 psig provided No Adapter Tighten all bolts to a snug tightness, following the ap-
CVHG and 1035 kPa victaulic Required propriate numerical sequence for the flange. Repeat this
non-marine adapter sequence to apply the final torque to each bolt.
only) 1 5
Customer Customer 1 3
7 1 12 9
CVHE, CVHF, Victaulic (All provided provided 4 5
8 3
and CVHG others) Victaulic victaulic
Coupling adapter 4 7
8 3

When a flexible coupling such as this is installed at the 4 2

10 11
2 6
water box connections, other flexible piping connectors 6 2

(i.e., braided-steel, elastomeric arch, etc.) are usually not 4 bolt flange 8 bolt flange 12 bolt flange

required to attenuate vibration and/ or prevent stress on Flanges with 16, 20 or 24 Bolts
the connections.
Following the appropriate numbered sequence, tighten
only the first half of the total number of bolts to a snug
tightness. Next, sequentially tighten the remaining half

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Water Piping

of the bolts in the proper order.

1 5 1 5
Pressure Testing Waterside Piping
20 9 1 5
9 24 9
16 13 20 13
12 13
17 16 17 Water side design pressure is either 150 or 300 psig refer
12 21
8 3
8 3 to unit nameplate or to submittal documentation.
7 7 4 7
4 4
11 22 11
11 18 18 15
14 15
15 14 14 19
6 2 10 6 2
19 10
6 2 23 Equipment Damage!
16 bolt flange 20 bolt flange 24 bolt flange
Do not over pressurize the system or exceed design
pressure. Always perform as a hydro pressure test
with water present in piping and water boxes. Fail-
Flanges with More than 24 Bolts ure to follow these recommendations could result in
equipment damage.
Sequentially tighten the first 12 bolts to a snug tight-
ness. Tighten the next 12 consecutively numbered bolts
in sequence, to the final torque. Then, apply final torque
to the first 12 bolts and the bolts not yet tightened (i.e.,
unnumbered bolts in the figure at right sure to start with
bolt “1” and move progressively around the flange in a
clockwise direction.
1 5 9
24 21


8 3

4 7


22 23
10 6 2

Evaporator Water Box Covers

Ensure that the water box head rests tightly against the
tube sheet; then snugly tighten the 26 bolts in sequential
order. If excessive tube sheet crown prevents the head
from contacting the tube sheet, tighten the bolts located
where the greatest gaps occur. Be sure to use an equal
number of bolt turns from side to side. Then, apply final
torque to each bolt in sequential order.
21 13 3 1 11 19
7 5

17 15

25 23

9 10

24 26

16 18

6 8
20 12 2 4 14 22

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Purge Piping

EarthWise Purge Requirements - 6. Using proper brazing techniques as per American

Welding society (A.W.S.) braze the following four
Purge Installation copper lines at the factory disassembly points:
• Purge suction line (larger)
For certain CenTraVacs, the purge system is not mount-
• Purge liquid drain line
ed on the chiller when it ships. For 800-ton heat recovery
chillers and 1250- and 1400-ton chillers with auxiliary • Regeneration line
condensers, the EarthWise™ Purge is shipped in a sepa- • High pressure cutout switch
rate container that is secured to the chiller shipping skid.
Note: Verify that the high-pressure cutout switch is con-
Install the purge system in accordance with the follow- nected to the line, which proceeds to the chiller
ing instructions. condenser. (Check the copper tube routing to veri-
1. Remove purge from its shipping brackets or contain- fy.)
er. • Assure braze joints are leak free
2. Disconnect purge gas and liquid lines and conduit
from shipping bracket that spans purge supports on DDWARNING
top of the heating or auxiliary condenser. Hazard of Explosion!
3. Remove shipping bracket and screws from purge Never use an open flame to detect gas leaks. Explo-
supports and discard. sive conditions may occur. Use a leak test solution
or other approved methods for leak testing. Failure
4. Locate purge on top of supports (purge base goes to follow recommended safe leak test procedures
outside supports). could result in death or serious injury or equipment
5. Secure the purge to the supports with the hardware or property-only-damage.
provided. 7. Remove purge panel cover and connect the unit wir-
ing per the unit wiring diagrams:
• Interprocessor communications bus (IPC).
Hazard of Explosion and Deadly Gases!
Never solder, braze or weld on refrigerant lines or • Chiller motor temperature sensor wires to motor
any unit components that are above atmospheric temperature module.
pressure or where refrigerant may be present. Al- • Conduit to control panel and interconnecting wires.
ways remove refrigerant by following the guidelines
established by the EPA Federal Clean Air Act or other • After inspection of terminations reassemble purge
state or local codes as appropriate. After refrigerant panel cover.
removal, use dry nitrogen to bring system back to 8. With completion of brazing and electrical connec-
atmospheric pressure before opening system for tions, the unit valves can be opened for unit opera-
repairs. Mixtures of refrigerants and air under pres-
sure may become combustible in the presence of an tion.
ignition source leading to an explosion. Excessive
heat from soldering, brazing or welding with refrig-
erant vapors present can form highly toxic gases and
extremely corrosive acids. Failure to follow all proper
safe refrigerant handling practices could result in
death or serious injury.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Vent Piping

Refrigerant Vent-Line (from Vibration Mounting and Control, Inc.), or equiva-

lent, is recommended.

General Recommendations Vent-Line Sizing

State and local codes, and ASHRAE Standard 15 contain Vent-line size must conform to local codes and require-
requirements for venting the relief device on the chiller ments. In most cases local codes are based on ASHRAE
to the atmosphere outside of the building. The require- Standard 15. ASHRAE Standard 15 provides specific
ments include, but are not limited to, permitted materi- requirements for the discharge piping that allows pres-
als, sizing, and proper termination. sure-relief devices to safely vent refrigerant to the atmo-
sphere if over pressurization occurs. In part, the standard
Note: The following information is a general outline
mandates that:
of vent-line installation requirements based on
ASHRAE Standard 15. Most codes contain similar • The minimum pipe size of the vent-line must equal
requirements but may vary in some significant ar- the size of the discharge connection on the pres-
eas. The installer must check state and local codes sure-relief device. A larger vent-line size may be
and follow the specific requirements applicable to necessary, depending on the length of the run.
the location. • Two or more relief devices can be piped together—
but only if the vent line is sized to handle all devices
Purge Discharge that could relieve at the same time.
To comply with ASHRAE Standard 15, the discharge pip- • When two or more relief devices share a common
ing from purge units that remove noncondensible gas vent line, the shared line must equal or exceed the
from refrigerating systems must conform to the ASHRAE sum of the outlet areas of all upstream relief devices,
Standard 15 requirements for relief piping. To help meet depending on the resulting back pressure.
this requirement the purge discharge is factory-piped to Section of ASHRAE Standard 15-2007 provides
the relief device assembly. guidance for determining the maximum vent-line length.
Appendix H of the standard provides the equation (shown
Vent-Line Materials in Figure 15, p. 30) and data necessary to properly size
the vent line at the outlet of a pressure-relief device or
All materials in the relief device vent system must be
fusible plug. The equation accounts for the relationship
compatible with the refrigerant in use. Commonly used
between pipe diameter, equivalent pipe length, and the
and accepted piping materials include steel and DWV
pressure difference between the vent-line inlet and outlet
(drain/waste/vent) copper. Consult local codes for restric-
to help assure that the vent-line system provides suffi-
tions on materials. Consult with the manufacturers of
cient flow capacity.
any field- provided components or materials for accept-
able material compatibility. As a further aid, Table 6, p. 29 in the ASHRAE Stan-
dard 15 lists the capacities of various vent-line sizes and
Note: PVC piping is compatible with R-123, but the glue
lengths; however, that data only applies to conventional
that joins the sections of plastic pipe may not be.
pressure-relief valves and NOT to balanced relief valves,
When considering a vent system constructed of
rupture members (as used on Trane centrifugal chillers),
plastic piping, such as PVC, make sure that both
fusible plugs, or pilot-operated valves.
the pipe material and the adhesive have been
tested for refrigerant compatibility. Also, verify Table 6, p. 29 and Figure 15, p. 30 provide a simpli-
that the local code permits PVC for refrigerant fied method to determine the appropriate vent- line size.
vent lines; even though ASHRAE Standard 15 Enter Figure 15, p. 30 with the total “C” value, read
doesn’t prohibit its use, some local codes do. across to a pipe curve and down to find the maximum
allowable length for that size pipe.
Testing conducted in Trane laboratories has qualified the
following materials for PVC pipe construction as being To determine the total “C” value for a specific unit, add
compatible with R-123: the appropriate “C” values for the evaporator, standard
condenser and economizer. If the unit is equipped with
Primer - Hercules, PVC Primer #60-465, RectorSeal PVC
any options (e.g., heat recovery, free cooling, or an aux-
Cleaner - Smiling Sam CL-3 Adhesive - Hercules, Clear
iliary condenser), add the applicable “C” value(s) to this
PVC, Medium Body, Medium Set, #60-020 RectorSeal
PVC Cement –Green Gene 104.
Note: The Table and Figure are only applicable for
Flexible connection devices for vibration isolation must
non-manifolded vent-line runs connected to a
also be compatible with the vented refrigerant. A flex-
15 psi rupture disc relief device. The pipe length
ible stainless-steel pump connector, such as the stain-
provided by the table is in “equivalent feet.” The
less-steel type MFP, style HNE, flexible pump connector

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Vent Piping

vent-line length in equivalent feet is the sum of line piping.

the linear pipe length plus the equivalent length 4. Use a flexible connection between the vent-line and
of the fittings (e.g., elbows). the rupture disc assembly to avoid placing stress on
the rupture disc. (Stress can alter rupture pressure
Vent-Line Installation and cause the disc to break prematurely.) The flexible
connector used to isolate the rupture disc from ex-
When constructing the rupture disc vent line, be sure to cessive vent-line vibration must be compatible with
consult local codes for applicable guidelines and con- the refrigerant in use. Use a flexible, steel connector
straints. such as the stainless-steel type MFP, style HNE, flex-
ible pump connector (from Vibration Mounting and
All CenTraVac centrifugal chillers are equipped with
Control, Inc.) or equivalent. See Figure 14, p. 28 for
carbon rupture discs. A cross-section of the rupture disc
a recommended relief piping arrangement.
assembly appears in Figure 13, p. 28 along with an
illustration indicating the location of the rupture disc 5. An individual vent-line is normally installed for each
on the suction elbow. If refrigerant pressure within the relief device. It is permissible to manifold the rupture
evaporator exceeds 15 psig the rupture disc breaks and discs of several machines into a common vent-line
shell pressure is relieved as refrigerant escapes from the provided that the appropriate ASHRAE Standards
chiller. and local code requirements for manifolded relief
devices are followed.
Several general recommendations for rupture disc vent
Note: Figure 14, p. 28 does not apply for manifold-
line installation are outlined below.
ed vent-lines.
1. Verify that the vacuum support side of the rupture
6. Route the vent-line piping so that it discharges out-
disc is positioned as shown in the cross- section view
doors in an area that will not spray refrigerant on
that appears in Figure 13, p. 28.
anyone. Position the vent-line discharge at least 15 ft
Note: If the rupture disc was removed for any reason, it (4.57 m) above grade level and at least 20 ft (6.1 m)
must be reinstalled (as shown in Figure 13) using from any building opening. Provide a vent-line termi-
the following installation procedure:and contact nation that cannot be blocked by debris or accumu-
CenTraVac Technical Service when reinstalling the late rainwater.
rupture disk.
a. Install the two bottom bolts though the pipe DDCAUTION!
flanges. Pressure-Relief Device Discharge
b. Install the rupture disc with a gasket on each side Hazard!
between the pipe flanges. Orient the disc with the When a pressure-relief device operates, it could dis-
reference arrow or vacuum support bar facing the charge a large amount of fluid and/or vapor. An im-
chiller side per Figure 13, p. 28. proper vent-line termination could result in personal
injury and/or property-only damage.
c. Install the two top bolts.
d. Center the disc and gaskets to the flange bore. Units MUST be equipped with a vent-line termina-
tion that discharges outdoors in an area that will not
e. Hand tighten all bolts assuring equal pressure. spray refrigerant on anyone.
f. Use a torque wrench set to 240 in·lb (27 Nm) with
a 9/16” (14 mm) socket. DDNOTICE
g. Tighten bolts in a star pattern, one half turn each, Proper Refrigerant Vent Line
to maintain even pressure on the disc. Termination!
h. Final torque on all bolts should be 240 in·lb (27 Improperly terminating a refrigerant vent line could
Nm). allow rain to enter the line. Accumulated rainwater
could cause the relief device to malfunction; or, in the
2. When attaching the vent-line to the chiller, do not case of a rupture disc, the rainwater pressure could
apply threading torque to the outside pipe of the cause the disc to rupture, allowing water to enter
rupture disc assembly. the chiller. Failure to properly terminate a refrigerant
vent line could result in equipment damage.
7. Provide a drip leg on the vent-line (see Figure 14, p.
Rupture Disc Damage! 28). Provide a standard 1/4” FL x 1/4” NPT, capped
Do not apply threading torque to the outside pipe. refrigerant service valve to facilitate liquid removal.
Failure to follow this recommendation could result in
damage to the rupture disc assembly.
3. Provide support as needed for the vent-line. Do not
use the rupture disc assembly to support the vent-

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Vent Piping

Equipment Damage!
All vent-lines must be equipped with a drip leg of
sufficient volume to hold the expected accumulation
of water and or refrigerant. The drip leg must be
drained periodically to assure that it does not over-
flow and allow fluid to flow into the horizontal por-
tion of the vent-line. Trane assumes no responsibility
for equipment damage caused by insufficient drain-
age of the drip leg.
8. Consult local regulations and codes for any addition-
al relief line requirements and refer to CFC-Guide-2.

Figure 13. Illustrates rupture disc location, cross section of rupture disc

outside pipe gasket


suction connection

Note: Pipe connection is 3” NPT

rupture disc


Figure 14. Arrangement for rupture disc relief piping



purge discharge
vent line
this pipe

flexible rupture disc

steel assembly

drip leg
(length as required
Note: If a RuptureGuard™ is to be installed, refer to
for easy access)
CTV-SVX06B-EN, Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance - Rupture Guard Pressure Relief Sys-
1/4” FL x 1/4” NPT tem Option, or the most recent version.
drain valve

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Vent Piping

Table 6. “C” values used to determine rupture disc vent line sizes
“C” Values for Unit Components
Size Total C val- Short H.R. Long H.R. Auxiliary With Free
Size (CDSZ)(b)
(EVSZ) (a) ue Condenser Condenser Condenser Cooling

050 Short 050 Short 64.05

050 Short 050 Long 71.94 23.56 31.45 15.28 6.16
050 Long 050 Long 83.02
080 Short 080 Short 86.28
080 Short 080 Long 96.02 29.06 38.80 15.28 5.87
080 Long 080 Long 111.29
142 Extended 142 Long 142.20 Design Special Design Special
142M 142 Long 126.37
142 Long 142 Long 136.76 N/A* 15.28
210 Long 210 Long 149.28 56.72
250 Extended 250 Long 173.33 62.12

1. Rupture disc diameter is 3 inches (76 mm).
2. To determine the total “C” value for a specific unit, add the appropriate “C” values for the evaporator, standard condenser and economizer. If
the unit is equipped with any options (e.g., heat recovery, free cooling or an auxiliary condenser, add the applicable “C” values to this total.
With this new sum, refer to Figure 15, p. 30 to determine the vent line pipe diameter.
(a) EVSZ = Evaporator shell size
(b) CDSZ = Condenser shell size

For CenTraVacs using a rupture disc relief:

• L = equivalent length of discharge piping, ft (m)
• Cr = rated capacity as stamped on the relief device in lb/min (kg/s), or SCFM multiplied by 0.0764 lb/min (convert
multiplier in lb/min to kg/s for SI)
Cr = C value from Table 6, p. 29 (convert C in lb/min to kg/s for SI)
• f = Moody friction factor in fully turbulent flow
• d = inside diameter of pipe or tube, in (mm)
• ln = natural logarithm
• P2 = absolute pressure at outlet of discharge piping, psi (kPa)
• P0 = allowed back pressure (absolute) at the outlet of pressure relief device, psi (kPa)
P0 = (0.50 P) + atmospheric pressure
Note: For rupture discs on CenTraVac chillers, P is 15 lb. Atmospheric pressure is at the elevation of the installation
above sea level; a default value is the atmospheric pressure at sea level, 14.7 psi (101.325 kPa).

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Vent Piping

Figure 15. Rupture disc vent pipe sizing

Pipe size as a Function of “C” Value and Length of Run

Pipe Size (I.D.)

friction factor

"C" Value




10 100 1000
L = Pipe Length (Equivalent Feet)
(Feet x .348 = Meters)
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15-2007

L= .214d (P 0 - P 2) - d * ln(P0 / P2)

5 2 2

f C2R 6f
P0= (0.5 * 15) + P2
P2= 14.7 psia
f= Moody Friction Factor in fully turbulent flow
Note: This chart, provided as a reference, is based on ASHRAE Standard 15-2007. Vent line size is typically dictated by state or local code which
may be different from ASHRAE Standard 15-2007 requirements.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT


Unit Insulation Requirements Table 7. Evaporator insulation requirements

EVSZ Standard Unit Free Cooling
Factory-installed insulation is available as an option for (Note 1) 3/4” 3/8” 3/4” 3/8”
all units. (19 mm) (9.5 mm) (19 mm) (9.5 mm)
Insulation Insulation Insulation Insulation
In those instances where the chiller is not factory-insulat- (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 1) (Note 2)
ed, install insulation over the areas outlined and high- (Square (Square (Square (Square
Feet) Feet) Feet) Feet)
lighted with dashed lines. It may also be necessary to
050 Short 385 63 398 72
insulate the compressor suction cover and motor barrel 050 Long 420 63 436 72
if the unit is installed in an area subjected to high humid- 080 Short 505 84 515 97
ities. 080 Long 553 84 566 97
Insulate all 1/4” (6.4 mm) eductor lines, one from the 142 Medium 555 98 555 133
142 Long 578 98 578 133
suction cover and one from the evaporator to prevent
142 Extended 603 104 629 133
210 Long 700 98 710 133
The quantities of insulation required based on unit size 250 Extended 770 97 780 133
and insulation thickness are listed in Table 7. Insulation Notes:
1. 3/4” (19 mm) sheet insulation is installed on the evaporator, evapora-
thickness is determined at normal design conditions tor water boxes, compressor motor, suction elbow and suction cover.
which are: 2. 3/8” (9.5 mm) sheet insulation is installed on all economizers. All liq-
uid lines and other pipes require the use of 1/2” (13 mm) pipe insulation
• • standard comfort-cooling leaving chilled water tem- or 3/8” (9.5 mm) sheet insulation. Copper oil eductor tube lines require
pipe insulation.
perature 3. Refrigerant Pump equipped units are NOT insulated on the motor or
refrigerant drain lines.
• 85°F Dry bulb ambient temperature
• 75% Relative humidity
Insulation Thickness Require-
Note: If the unit is not factory insulated: install insula-
tion around the evaporator bulbwells and ensure ments
that the bulbwells and connections for the water
box drains and vents are still accessible after Factory applied insulation. All low temperature surfac-
insulation is applied. The sensor modules (LLIDs) es are covered with 3/4” (19 mm) Armaflex II or equal
and interconnecting four wire cable (IPC Buss) must (thermal conductivity = 0.28 BTU/hr-ft sq.) (1.59 W/m2-
be raised up above the field-installed insulation. Secure K), including the evaporator, water boxes and suction
the IPC Buss to the insulation top/outer surface after elbow. The economizer and motor cooling lines are
insulation is completed. Do not insulate over the wiring insulated with 3/8” (10 mm) and 1/2” (13 mm) insulation
or sensor devices. respectively.
Important: Do not insulate the motor housing, unit Insulation is Armaflex or equivalent closed cell elasto-
wiring, or sensor modules. meric insulation, to prevent the formation of condensa-
tion up to a dew point rating of 74°F K = 0.25. Chillers
in high humidity areas or ice storage, low leaving water
temperature (less than 36-degree chilled water tempera-
ture/glycol) units may require double thickness to pre-
vent formation of condensation.

Insulation Damage!
To prevent damage to factory installed insulation:

- Do not allow the insulation to be exposed to exces-

sive sunlight. Store indoors or cover with canvas to
prevent exposure.

- Do not use thinners and solvents or other types of

paint. Use only water base latex. Failure to follow
these recommendations could result in insulation

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT


Figure 16. Recommended area for unit insulation

Line to

Filter drier and
eductor lines

Pipe (free
cooling only)



Suction cover

Eductor line

See Notes See Note 1 See Notes

1&3 Evaporator 1&3

1. Bulbwells, drain and vent connections must be accessible after insu-
2. Evaporators with ASME nameplates must have insulation cut out
around the nameplate. Do not glue insulation to the nameplate.
3. All units with evaporator marine waterboxes wrap waterbox shell
insulation with strapping and secure strapping with seal.
4. Apply two inch wide black tape on overlap joints. Where possible
apply three inch wide strip of 0.38 thick insulation over butt joint
5. Insulate all economizer supports.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Controls
This section covers information pertaining to the UC800
controller hardware. For information about the AdaptiV-
iew display, which is used to interface with the internal
chiller data and functions provided by the UC800, refer Power Supply
to CTV-SVU01C-EN, Tracer AdaptiView™ Display for Wa-
ter-Cooled CenTraVac™ Chillers Operations Guide, or the The UC800 (1A22) receives 24 Vac (210 mA) power from
most recent version. the 1A1 power supply located in the chiller control panel.

Wiring and Port Descriptions

Figure 17 illustrates the ports, LEDs, rotary switches, and
wiring terminations on the UC800 enclosure. The num-
bered list below Figure 17 corresponds to the numbered
callouts in the illustration.

Figure 17. Wiring locations and connection ports

2 3 4 5

+ + + +24

6 6




Front View

Bottom View

1. Rotary Switches for setting BACnet MAC address or Modbus ID. 6. Not used.
2. LINK for BACnet MS/TP, or Modbus Slave (two terminals, +/-) 7. Marquee LED power and UC800 Status indicator (Table 8, p.
Field wired if used. 34 ).
3. LINK for BACnet MS/TP, or Modbus Slave (two terminals, +/-) 8. Status LEDs for the BAS link, MBus link, and IMC link.
Field wired if used. 9. USB device type B connection for the service tool (Tracer TU).
4. Machine bus for existing machine LLIDS (IPC3 Tracer™ bus 10. Ethernet connection for the Tracer AdaptiView display (protocol
19.200 baud). 10/100).
5. Power (210 mA at 24 Vdc) and ground terminations (same bus 11. USB Host (not used).
as item 4) Factory wired.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Controls

Communication Interfaces
Table 8. LED behavior
There are four connections on the UC800 that support
LED UC800 Status
the communication interfaces listed. Refer to Figure 17, p. Powered. If the Marquee LED is green solid, the
33 for the locations of each of these ports. UC800 is powered and no problems exist.
Low power or malfunction. If the Marquee LED
• BACnet MS/TP Marquee
is red solid, the UC800 is powered, but there are
• Modbus Slave problems present.
Alarm. The Marquee LED blinks Red when an alarm
• LonTalk® using LCI-C (from the IPC3 bus) exists.
• Comm 4 using TCI (from the IPC3 bus) The TX LED blinks green at the data transfer rate
when the UC800 transfers data to other devices on
LINK, the link.
Rotary Switches MBUS,
The Rx LED blinks yellow at the data transfer rate
when the UC800 receives data from other devices
There are three rotary switches on the front of the UC800 on the link.
controller. Use these switches to define a three-digit ad- The LINK LED is solid green if the Ethernet link is
Ethernet connected and communicating. The ACT LED blinks
dress when the UC800 is installed in a BACnet or Mod-
Link yellow at the data transfer rate when data flow is
bus system (e.g., 107, 127, etc.). Valid addresses are 001 active on the link.
to 127 for BACnet and 001 to 247 for Modbus. The Service LED is solid green when pressed. For
qualified service technicians only. Do not use.
LED Description and Operation
There are 10 LEDs on the front of the UC800. Figure 18
Electrical Noise!
shows the locations of each LED and Table 8, p. 34
describes their behavior in specific instances. Maintain at least 6 inches between low-voltage (<30V)
and high voltage circuits. Failure to do so could result
in electrical noise that could distort the signals car-
ried by the low-voltage wiring, including IPC.

Figure 18. LED locations

Marquee LED






RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Controls

Figure 19. Control panel - Tracer AdaptiView main unit assembly (showing low voltage and higher voltage areas for
proper routing of field wiring)

Front View Right View

30V TO 115V 30V TO 115V

1K2 1T2 1T3 1T4

1X2 1S1 1K1

30V TO 115V

1T5 1T6 1T7

30V TO 115V 30V TO 115V

1A4 1A5 1A6 1A7 1A26 1A8 1A9 1A12 1A23
30V TO 115V


30V TO 115V 30V TO 115V


1A1 1A2
30V TO 115V


30V MAX 30V TO 115V

1A22 1A13 1A14 1A15 1A16 1A17 1A18 1A19 1A20 1A21 1A24


30V TO 115V


30 Volt Maximum 30–115 Volt Maximum

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Controls

Installing the Tracer AdaptiView DDCAUTION

Display Tension in Display Support Arm!
To prevent unexpected movement of the spring-
The Tracer AdaptiView display is boxed and shrink- loaded support arm, ensure that the support arm is
wrapped behind the control panel during shipment. The in the full upright position when removing the Tracer
AdaptiView display from the support arm. Failure to
Tracer AdaptiView display must be installed at the site.
do so could result in personal injury.
Important: The Tracer AdaptiView display and display
arm are to be installed by Trane, or an Note: Review “Adjusting the Tracer AdaptiView Display
agent of Trane, for best results. Arm” p. 37 prior to attaching the display as
some adjustments may be required prior to at-
1. Unwrap control panel and display arm. Locate the box con- taching the display to the support arm base.
taining the Tracer AdaptiView display behind the control
panel (labeled A). 6. Position the Tracer AdaptiView display, with the LCD
screen facing up, on top of the display support arm
2. After the box containing the display has been re- base plate.
moved, remove the shipping bracket from the back of
the control panel (B). Note: Make sure the Trane logo is positioned so that
it will be at the top when the Tracer AdaptiView
3. Remove the Tracer AdaptiView display from the box. display is attached to the display support arm.
Note: Screws are M4 (metric size 4), 6 to 8 mm long,
and are shipped with the display. DDNOTICE
Do Not Drop Display!
As you position the Tracer AdaptiView display on top
of the display support arm base plate, keep a firm
A grip on the display. Failure to do so could result in
equipment or property-only damage.
7. Align the four holes in the display with the bolt holes
in the display support arm base plate.
8. Attach the Tracer AdaptiView display to the display
support arm base plate (E). The Tracer AdaptiView
display is now installed and ready for use.


4. Plug the power cable (C) and the Ethernet cable (D)
into the bottom of the display.
Note: Both cables are already present and extend from
the end of the display arm.

5. Adjust the Tracer AdaptiView display support arm so
the base plate that attaches to the Tracer AdaptiView
display is horizontal.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Installation Controls

Adjusting the Tracer AdaptiView

Display Arm
The Tracer AdaptiView display arm may be too loose or
too tight and in need of adjustment. To adjust the tension
on the display arm:
1. There are three joints on the display arm that allow
the Tracer AdaptiView display to be positioned at a
variety of heights and angles (refer to items labeled 1,
2, and 3 in Figure 20). At each joint in the display arm
there is either a hex bolt (1 and 2) or hex screw (3).
Turn the hex bolt or screw in the proper direction to
increase or decrease tension.
Note: Each hex bolt or screw is labeled with ‘loos-
en’/‘tighten’, or ‘+’/’–’ indicators.
Figure 20. Joint locations on the display arm


2. Joint 3 has a 6 mm hex screw controlling the tension

on a gas spring, which allows the Tracer AdaptiView
display to tilt up and down.
3. Joints 1 and 2 are covered by a plastic cap. Remove
the plastic cap to access the hex bolt. Adjust using a
13 mm wrench as necessary.
4. To adjust the swivel of the Tracer AdaptiView display
(the spin right and left similar to the steering wheel
on a car), you need to adjust the hex bolt located
inside the display arm back plate. This adjustment
needs to be done BEFORE attaching the display. Use
a 9/16” or 14 mm wrench.
5. Use a 13 mm wrench to adjust the bolt (item labeled
4 in Figure 20) that allows the entire display arm to
swivel to the left and right.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Electrical Requirements

Installation Requirements The operation conditions .of the electrical parts .of the
existing units ,are announced as follows:
General Operating Condition
Low Voltage Circuits
Medium and High Voltage
ment Circuits
Electrocution and Fire Hazards with Im- The temperature of indoor
properly Installed and Grounded Field electric should be, at -5 Co

~40oC, and the average

Wiring! temperature measured
The temperature should
Improperly installed and grounded field wiring pos- during 24 hours should
be at - 5oC ~40oC, and
es FIRE & ELECTROCUTION hazards. To avoid these Ambient be, no more than 35oC
the averagetemperature
Air Tem- the temperature of
hazards, you MUST follow requirements for field wir- perature outdoor electric should
measured during. 24
ing installation and grounding as described in NEC hours should be no more
be at -25oC ~52oC, and
and your local/state electrical codes. All field wiring than 35oC
the average temperature
MUST be performed by qualified personnel. measured during .24
hours should be no more
Failure to follow these requirements could result in than 35oC
death or serious injury. The, relative humidi-
ty average measured,
during 24 hours should be
no more than 95%; the
Unit-mounted starters are available as an option on most The relative humidity. water vapor pressure av-
units with nominal voltages of up to 600 volts and unit should be no morethan erage measured during 24
mounted medium voltage across-the-line starters. While Humidity 50% when the tem-
hours should be no more
this option eliminate most field-installed wiring require- Condition perature is 40 C, and than 2.2kpa; the monthly
5%~95% no condensa- relative humidity average
ments, the electrical contractor must still complete the tion should be no more than
electrical connection for: 90%; the monthly water
vapor pressureaverage,
• Power supply wiring to the starter should be no more than
1.8 kpa. No condensation.
• Other unit control options present, and
The ambient air is not
• Any field-supplied control devices Polluting
significantly affected by
Polluting level is 3, dust, smoke, corrosive. or
As you review this manual, along with the wiring instruc- Level
flammable gas, steam or
tions presented in this section, keep in mind that: salt spray
Tri-star and soft start
All field-installed wiring must conform to National Elec- should be no more than
No more than 1000 me-
tric Code (NEC) guidelines, and any applicable state and Elevation 2000 meters; frequency
local codes. Be sure to satisfy proper equipment ground- conversion should be no
more than 1000 meters
ing requirements pe NEC.
Compressor motor and unit electrical data including
motor kw, voltage utilization range, rated loa amps and DDNOTICE:
locked rotor amps is listed on the chiller nameplate.
Component Damage!
All field-installed wiring must be checked for proper ter- Remove all debris from inside the starter panel. Failure
minations, and for possible shorts or grounds. to do so could result in an electrical short and could
Note: Always refer to the actual wiring diagrams that cause serious starter component damage.
shipped with the chiller or the unit submitta for Do not modify or cut enclosure to provide electrical
specific as-built electrical schematic and connec- access Rem ovable panels have been provided, and any
tion information. modificatio should be done away from the enclosure.
If the starter enclosur must be cut to provide electrical
access, exercise care to preven debris from falling inside
the enclosure. Refer to installatio information shipped
with the starter or submittal drawings.
If there is a special condition,it is decided by customers’

Electrical Requirements
• Follow all lockout-tagout procedures prior to per-
forming installation and/or service on the unit.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Electrical Requirements

• Always wear appropriate personal protective equip-

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Wait the required time to allow the capacitor(s) to
discharge; this could be up to 30minutes. Required!
Always wear appropriate personal protective equip-
• Verify that all capacitors are discharged prior to ser- ment in accordance with applicable regulations and/
vice using a properly rated volt meter. or standards to guard against potential electrical
• Use appropriate capacitor discharge tool when nec- shock and flash hazards. Failure to follow proper
essary. handling guidelines could result in death or serious
• Comply with the safety practices recommended in
For AWG/MCM equivalents in mm2 ,refer to Table 9: Live Electrical Components!
During installation, testing, servicing and trouble-
Table 9. Wire sizing reference shooting of this product, it may be necessary to work
with live electrical components. Have a qualified
AWG/MCM mm2 equivalent licensed electrician or other individual who has been
22 0.32 properly trained in handling live electrical compo-
21 0.35 nents perform these tasks.
20 0.5
18 0.75 Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions
17 1.0 when exposed to live electrical components could
16 1.5 result in death or serious injury.
14 2.5
12 4
10 6
8 10
6 16
4 25
2 or 1 35
1/0 50
2/0 70
2/0 or 3/0 95
4/0 or 250 120
300 150
350 or 400 185
450 or 500 240
note: AWG=American Wire Gauge

Important: Important: Customers are responsible for

all field wiring in compliance with local,
national, and/or international codes.

Hazardous Voltage w/Capacitors!
Disconnect all electric power, including remote
disconnects and discharge all motor start/run capac-
itors before servicing. Follow proper lockout/tagout
procedures to ensure the power cannot be inadver-
tently energized. For variable frequency drives or
other energy storing components provided by Trane
or others, refer to the appropriate manufacturer’s
literature for allowable waiting periods for discharge
of capacitors. Verify with an appropriate voltmeter
that all capacitors have discharged. Failure to discon-
nect power and discharge capacitors before servicing
could result in death or serious injury.

Note: For additional information regarding the safe

discharge of capacitors, see PROD-SVB06A-EN or

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Electrical Requirements

Trane-Supplied Starter Wiring

Table 10. Standard field power wiring requirements
Power Supply Wiring to Starter Panel Terminals
Starter Panel
3-Phase Line Voltage: Terminal
2X3-U1, V1, V1, and PE
Block (2TB3 or 2X3)
3-Phase Line Voltage: Circuit
2Q1-2X3-U1, V1, V1, and PE
Starter to Motor Power Starters
Remote Starter to Chiller Mo-
T1 through T6
tor Junction Box
Starter to Control Panel Starter Panel Terminals Unit Control Panel Max Terminal Wire Minimum Circuit
120 Vac Control Wiring Terminations Size Ampacity
120 Vac Power Supply (from 2X1-1, 2X1-2 1X1-1, 1X1-12
starter to control panel) 2X1-20 (Ground) 1X1-18 (Ground)
High Pressure Cutout to Start-
2X1-4 1X1-4 14 ga. (2.5 mm2) 20
1Q1 Circuit Breaker to Starter 2X1-6 1X1-3 14 ga. (2.5 mm2) 20
Oil Pump Interlock 2X1-7, 2X1-8 1A7-J2-4, 1A7-J2-2 14 ga. (2.5 mm2) 20
Low Voltage Circuits less Starter Panel Terminals Unit Control Panel
than 30 Vac Terminations
Standard Circuits
2A1- J3-3-4, or 2X1-12 to 13 if 1A1-J5-1-2, 3-4 Shield
Inter Processor Communica- 2 wire with ground
present (do not ground shield at ground at 1X1- 22
tions (IPC) Remote Mounted Comm link.
starter) (GND) only.
Note: All wiring to be in accordance with National Electrical Code and any local codes.

2. Auxiliary equipment must be powered from other sources as the chiller control panel power supplies are sized for
the chiller loads only.
(a) Ground lug for a unit-mounted solid state starter or wye-delta starter is sized to accept 14 AWG solid to 8 AWG
strand wire. For AWG/MCM equivalents in mm2 , refer to Table 9, p. 39. If local codes require different lug size, it
must be field- supplied and -installed.
(b) Refer to submittal and ship-with wiring schematics for voltage requirements.
(c) Must be separated from 120 Vac and higher wiring.

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Customer-Supplied Remote Starter Wiring

Table 11. Standard customer-supplied remote field wiring requirements
Power Supply Wiring to Starter Starter Panel Termi-
Panel nals
See starter by others sche-
Starter by others 3-phase power wiring
Starter to Motor Power Wiring Starters Motor
Remote starter to chiller motor junc- T1 through T6 termi-
T1 through T6 terminals
tion box nals
Starter to Control Panel 120 Vac Starter Panel Termi- Unit Control Panel Max Terminal Wire Minimum Circuit
Control Wiring nals Terminations Size Ampacity
See starter by others sche-
120 Vac Power Supply (from starter to 1X1-1, 1X1-12, 1X1-
matic 5X1-1, 5X1-2, 5X1- 8 ga. (10 mm2) 40
control panel) 18 (ground)
20 (ground)
Power from control panel 1Q1 5X1-3 1X1-3, 1A23-J6-3 14 ga. (2.5 mm2) 20
Interlock relay signal 5X1-4 1A23-J10-1 14 ga. (2.5 mm2) 20
Start contactor signal 5X1-5 1A23-J8-1 14 ga. (2.5 mm2) 20
Oil pump interlock 5X1-7, 5X1-8 1A7-J2-4, 1A7-J2-2 14 ga. (2.5 mm2) 20
Run contactor signal 5X1-10 1A23-J6-12 14 ga. (2.5 mm2) 20
Transition complete 5X1-14 1A23-J12-2 14 ga. (2.5 mm2) 20
Low Voltage Circuits less than Starter Panel Termi- Unit Control Panel
30 Vac nals Terminations
Standard Circuits
Current Transformers* (see table next 5CT4- white, black 1A23-J7-1,2
Note: Phasing must be
page) 5CT5- white, black 1A23-J7-3,4,
(Required) 5CT6- white, black 1A23-J7-5,6,
5T17-236,237 1A23 –J5-1,2,
Note: Phasing must be
Potential Transformers (Required) 5T18-238,239 1A23 –J5-3,4,
5T19-240,241 1A23 –J5-5,6
Note: All wiring to be in accordance with National Electrical Code and any local codes.
Note: Starter by others specification available from your local Trane sales office.

2. Refer to ship-with wiring schematics; some terminals may vary based on unit.
(a) For AWG/MCM equivalents in mm2 , refer to Table 9, p. 39 . Wires, lugs, and fuses/breakers are sized based on
National Electric Code NEC [NFPA 70] and UL 1995.
(b) Refer to submittal and ship-with wiring schematics for voltage requirements.
(c) Solid State Starter Fault input is used with low-and medium-voltage, customer-supplied solid state starters only.
(d) Must be separated from 120 Vac and higher wiring.

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Customer-Supplied Remote Starter Wiring

Current Transformer and Poten- Table 14. Max recommended total wire length (to and
from) for PT leads in a dual PT system
tial Transformer Wire Sizing Wire Max Wire Length Max Wire Length
Gauge Primary Secondary
For customer-supplied starter to chiller unit control panel Feet Meters Feet Meters
starter module 1A23 these wires must be separated from
8 3061 933 711 217
120 Vac or higher wiring.
10 1924 586 447 136
12 1211 369 281 85
Table 12. Maximum recommended wire length for sec-
14 761 232 177 53
ondary CT leads in dual CT system
16 478 145 111 33
Wire AWG (mm2) Maximum Wire Length Secondary
17 379 115 88 26
CT Leads
Feet Meters 18 301 91 70 21
8 (10) 1362.8 415.5 20 189 57 44 13
10 (6) 856.9 261.2
21 150 45 34 10
12 (4) 538.9 164.3
14 (2.5) 338.9 103.3 22 119 36 27 8
16 (1.5) 213.1 65.0 Notes:
17 (1) 169.1 51.5 1. Wire length is for copper conductors only.
2. The above length is maximum round trip wire length. The maxi-
18 (0.75) 134.1 40.9 mum distance the PT can be located from the starter module is half of
20 (0.5) 84.3 25.7 the listed value.
Note: 1. Wire length is for copper conductors only.
2. Wire length is total one-way distance that the CT can be
from the starter module.

Table 13. Maximum recommended total wire length for

PTs in a single PT system
Wire Gauge Maximum Lead Length
Feet Meters
8 5339 1627
10 3357 1023
12 2112 643
14 1328 404
16 835 254
17 662 201
18 525 160
20 330 100
21 262 79
22 207 63
Note: 1. Wire length is for copper conductors only.
2. The above length is maximum round trip wire length.
The maximum distance the PT can be located from the starter
module is half of the listed value.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Power Supply Wiring

W 1 V 1U 1
W 1 V 1U 1 W 1 V 1U 1
Ground Wire!
All field-installed wiring must be completed by quali-
fied personnel. All field-installed wiring must comply
with NEC and applicable local codes. Failure to follow
this instruction could result in death or serious inju- P E
To assure that power supply wiring to the starter panel is
W 1 V 1U 1 W 1 V 1U 1
properly installed and connected, review and follow the
guidelines outlined below.

3-Phase Power Source

• Verify that the starter nameplate ratings are compat-
• When installing the power supply conduit, ensure
ible with the power supply characteristics and with
that the position of the conduit does not interfere
the electrical data on the unit nameplate.
with the serviceability of any of the unit components,
or with structural members and equipment. Assure
that the conduit is long enough to simplify any ser-
Starter Damage! vicing that may be necessary in the future (e.g., start-
Debris inside the starter panel may cause an elec- er removal).
trical short. Failure to follow this instruction could
• Electrical wire torque specifications - follow starter
result in equipment damage.
manufacturer’s torque specifications.
• Steady satae voltage: 0.9 to 1.1 of nominal voltage
Use Copper Conductors Only! Frequency: 0.99 to 1.01 nominal frequency continuously
Unit terminals are not designed to accept other types 0.98 to 1.02 short time
of conductors. Failure to use copper conductors could
result in equipment damage.
• Do not modify or cut enclosure to provide electrical
access. Removable panels have been provided, and
any modification should be done away from the en- Circuit Breakers and Fused Dis-
closure. If the starter enclosure must be cut to pro-
vide electrical access, exercise care to prevent debris connects
from falling inside the enclosure.
Any field supplied circuit breaker or fused disconnect
• Use copper conductors to connect the 3-phase power
installed in power supplied to the chiller must be sized in
supply to the remote or unit-mounted starter panel.
compliance with NEC or local guidelines.
• Flexible conduit connections are recommended to
enhance serviceability and minimize vibration trans-
Power Factor Correction Capaci-
• Size the power supply wiring in accordance with tors (Optional)
NEC, using the RLA value stamped on the chiller
nameplate and transformer load on U1 and V1. Power factor correction capacitors (PFCCs) are designed
to provide power factor correction for the compressor
• Confirm that wire size is compatible with lug size
motor. PFCCs are available as an option for unit-mount-
stated in unit submittal.
ed starters and remote mounted starters.
• Make sure that the incoming power wiring is prop-
Note: Verify PFCC voltage rating is greater than or equal
erly phased; each power supply conduit run to the
to the compressor voltage rating stamped on the
starter must carry the correct number of conductors
unit nameplate.
to ensure equal phase representation
Refer to the wiring diagrams that shipped with
Note: Connect U1, V1, and W1 per starter diagram pro
the unit for specific PFCC wiring information.
vided with chiller.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Power Supply Wiring

If the current they provide isn’t registered by the over-

DDNOTICE load protectors, potentially damaging amperage can
Motor Damage! reach the motor. The simplest way to ensure that the
PFCCs must be wired into the starter correctly. overloads “see” all current supplied to the motor is to
Failure to do so could cause misapplication of these position the PFCCs upstream of the current transformers
capacitors and result in a loss of motor overload pro- as shown in the preceding figure. If the capacitor con-
tection and subsequently cause motor damage. nection points are downstream of the current transform-
ers, route the PFCC leads through the current transform-
PFCCs must be wired one of two ways as shown as
ers as shown in the following figure. This assures that
shown below.
the overloads register both line and capacitor-supplied
Rule 1 - PFCCs installed downstream of starter con- current.
tactor, upstream of current transformers. Current


Hazardous Voltage w/Capacitors! 2 Motor

Disconnect all electric power, including remote 3

disconnects and discharge all motor start/run capac-
itors before servicing. Follow proper lockout/tagout disconnect or Motor starter
procedures to ensure the power cannot be inadver- suitable contactor
tently energized. For variable frequency drives or breaker
other energy storing components provided by Trane Fuses
or others, refer to the appropriate manufacturer’s 3-phase
literature for allowable waiting periods for discharge capacitor
of capacitors. Verify with an appropriate voltmeter unit
that all capacitors have discharged. Failure to discon-
nect power and discharge capacitors before servicing
could result in death or serious injury. Interconnecting Wiring
Note: For additional information regarding the safe Typical equipment room conduit layouts with and with-
discharge of capacitors, see PROD-SVB06A-EN or out unit mounted starters are shown in Figure 21 and
PROD-SVB06A-FR Figure 22.
Simultaneously disconnect capacitors and load from line Important: Keep in mind that the interconnecting wir-
power. If the capacitors are not switched offline when the ing between the starter panel, compressor
load is disconnected, they continue to add capacitance and control panel is factory-installed with
to the electrical distribution system. A “leading” power unit-mounted starters but must be field-in-
factor—too much capacitance—may eventually develop. stalled when a remote mounted starter is
This overprotection causes poor voltage regulation, i.e., used.
voltage is high when the circuit is unloaded, then drops See starter submittal drawing for location of incoming
as loads are added. wiring to the starter.
Motor starter Current
contactor transformer
1 Figure 21. Typical equipment room layout for units with
2 Motor unit-mounted starters
3 1
disconnect or

Rule 2 - PFCC wires routed through cur-

rent transformers.
Size motor overload protection to account for capaci- 1. Line side power conduits
tor-supplied current. Overloads are typically set to mea- 2. Unit-mounted starter
sure the total current drawn by the motor. When PFCCs
3. Unit control panel
are used, they become the source of part of that current.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Power Supply Wiring

Figure 22. Typical equipment room layout for units with Terminal Clamps
remote-mounted starters
Terminal clamps are supplied with the motor terminals
to accommodate either bus bars or standard motor
terminal wire lugs. Terminal clamps provide additional
surface area to minimize the possibility of improper elec-
trical connections.

Wire Terminal Lugs

Wire terminal lugs must be field supplied.
• Use field provided crimp type wire terminal lugs
properly sized for the application.
5 3 Note: Wire size ranges for the starter line and load-side
lugs are listed on the starter submittal drawings
supplied by the starter manufacturer or Trane.
Carefully review the submitted wire lug sizes for
compatibility with the conductor sizes specified
by the electrical engineer or contractor.
• A terminal clamp with a 3/8” bolt is provided on
each motor terminal stud; use the factory supplied
Belleville washers on the wire lug connections. The
figure below illustrates the juncture between a motor
terminal stud and terminal lug.
Figure 23. Terminal stud, clamp and lug assembly

1. Line side power conduits
2. Remote-mounted starter
3. Unit control panel 1
4. IPC Circuit conduit less than 30V
Note: Must enter the low voltage Class 2 portion of the
unit control panel (1000 feet max). 3
5. Motor terminal box
6. 115 V Control conduit
1. Belleville washer
Note: Must enter the higher than 30 Vdc Class 1 portion
of the until control panel. 2. Terminal lugs
7. Lead power wiring 3. Terminal clamp
Note: Refer to the unit field connection diagram for ap- 4. Motor terminal stud
proximate unit control panel knock out locations. 5. 3/8” bolt
Note: To prevent damage to the unit control panel com-
ponents, do not route control conduit into the top
1. Torque for this assembly is 24 ft·lb (32.5 N·m).
of the box.
2. Install but do not connect the power leads between
Starter to Motor Wiring (Re- the starter and compressor motor. (These connec-
tions will be completed under supervision of a quali-
mote-Mounted Starters Only) fied Trane service engineer after the pre-start inspec-

Ground Wire Terminal Lugs DDNOTICE

Ground wire lugs are provided in the motor terminal box Component Damage!
and in the starter panel. Ensure the power supply wiring and output to motor
wiring are connected to the proper terminals. Failure
to do so will cause catastrophic failure of the starter
and, or motor.
RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Power Supply Wiring

Bus Bars operation.

3. Separate low-voltage (less than 30V) wiring from the
Bus bars and extra nuts are available as a Trane option.
115V wiring by running each in its own conduit.
Install the bus bars between the motor terminals when
4. As you route the IPC circuit out of the starter enclo-
using a low-voltage
sure, make sure that it is at least 6” from all wires
• across-the-line carrying a higher voltage.
• primary reactor/ resistor
• auto transformer
Grounding Required!
• customer-supplied outside the delta solid-state
Follow proper local and state electrical code on
• customer-supplied AFD. requirements for grounding. Failure to follow code
could result in death or serious injury.
Connect T1 to T6, T2 to T4, and T3 to T5.
Note: Bus bars are not needed in medium-voltage or 5. The IPC wiring shield should be grounded on one
high-voltage applications since only 3 terminals end only at control panel end.The other end should
are used in the motor and starter. be un-terminated and taped back on the cable sheath
to prevent any contact between shield and ground.
When attaching starter leads to 6.6 – 7kV motor termi-
nals, the 1/2”– 13 brass jam nuts should be tightened to 6. Oil Pump Interlock - All starters must provide an inter-
a maximum torque of 18 to 22 ft·lb (18 to 30 N·m). Al- lock (normally open) contact with the chiller oil pump
ways use a second wrench to back- up the assembly and connected to the control panel at Terminals 1A7-2-4
prevent applying excessive torque to the terminal shaft. and 1A7-J2-2 (14 ga.) The purpose of this interlock is
to power the oil pump on the chiller in the event that
a starter failure, such as welded contacts, keeps the
Starter to Control Panel Wiring chiller motor running after the controller interrupts
the run signal.
Field wiring connection diagram and starter to control
panel connection diagram showing the electrical connec-
tions required between the remote-mounted starter and
the control panel are available in the unit submittal.
Note: Install separate conduit into the low voltage (30
volts) section of the control panel.
When sizing and installing the electrical conductors for
these circuits, follow the guidelines listed. Use 14 ga.
wire for 120V control circuits unless otherwise specified.

Component Damage!
Remove all debris from inside the starter panel.
Failure to do so could result in an electrical short and
could cause serious starter component damage.

Electrical Noise!
Maintain at least 6 inches between low-voltage (<30V)
and high voltage circuits. Failure to do so could result
in electrical noise that may distort the signals carried
by the low voltage wiring, including the IPC wiring.
1. If the starter enclosure must be cut to provide electri-
cal access, exercise care to prevent debris from fall-
ing inside the enclosure. Do not cut AFD enclosure.
2. Use only shielded twisted pair wiring for the Inter-
processor Communication (IPC) circuit between the
starter and the control panel on remote mounted
starters. Recommended wire is Beldon Type 8760, 18
AWG for runs up to 1000 feet.
Note: The polarity of the IPC wiring is critical for proper

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

10kV–13.8kV Medium Voltage Installation

Hazardous Voltage!
Disconnect all electric power, including remote
disconnects before servicing. Follow proper lockout/
tagout procedures to ensure the power can not be
inadvertently energized. Failure to disconnect power
before servicing could result in death or serious inju-
All electrical circuits shall be treated as energized until
all lockout-tagout procedures are in place and the cir-
cuit has been tested to verify that it is de-energized. The
medium voltage motor terminal box cover must not be
removed if power is present, or if there is a possibility
that power may be present. Working on energized medi-
um voltage circuits is not an approved practice for nor-
mal HVAC maintenance or service.

Note: Dimensions in inches

10kV–13.8kV Medium Voltage The motor terminal box is large enough to accommo-
Motor date the use of stress cones. If conduit is applied a
flexible connection of the conduit to the box should be
The motor is suitable for remote mounted across-the- made to allow for unit serviceability and for vibration
line (including circuit breaker starting), primary reactor, isolation. The cable should be supported or protected
autotransformer, or solid-state starting. Refer to the unit against abrasion and wear on any edges or surfaces. Ca-
nameplate for motor data including RLA, LRA, etc. ble or conduit openings can be cut at any location in the
box sides, top, or bottom for cable entry. Always ensure
In all cases of non-Trane supplied starters, the Trane
that debris does not remain in the box after cutting cable
Engineering Specification for UC800 Starter By Others
entry holes.
(available through your local Trane office) must be fol-
lowed in order to ensure proper function and protection
of the chiller. A disconnecting means and short-circuit Motor Supply Wiring
protection must be installed ahead of the starter, unless
they are included as part of the starter. Trane assumes no
responsibility for the design, documentation, construc-
tion, compatibility, installation, start-up, or long term Grounding Required!
support of starters provided by others. Follow proper local and state electrical code on
requirements for grounding. Failure to follow code
Motor Terminal Box could result in death or serious injury.
Motor circuit wire sizing by the installer must be made in
A large steel motor terminal box is provided to allow for accordance with the National Electric Code or any other
the field connection of the motor power supply wire to applicable codes. All wiring to the CenTraVac motor must
the motor be shielded copper, with insulation rated to a minimum
• Motor terminal box cover only weight is 55 lb (25 kg) of 15kV.

• Two 7/8” (22 mm) lifting holes are provided in the Three terminals are provided on the chiller for the con-
cover. nection of power to the motor from the starter. Power
leads to motors must be in multiples of 3, with equal
• Motor terminal box weight without the cover is 215 phase representation in all conduits or wire trays. To limit
lb (98 kg) the effects of corona or ionization with cables carrying
• Two 3/8”-16 weld nuts are provided on the top of the more than 2000V, Trane requires that the power cable
terminal box to allow the use of properly rated lifting have a metallic shield, unless the cable is specifically
d-rings if removal is needed for clearance purposes. listed or approved for non-shielded use. If the cable is
shielded, the shielding must be grounded at one end
Note: If the box is removed for installation purposes,
(grounding is typically done at the starter or supply end).
the motor terminals MUST be protected against
impact or stress damage. Field fabrication of a Care must be taken while routing the incoming cables to
cover or guard is required. ensure that cable loads or tensions are not applied to the
terminal or premature terminal failure could result.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

10kV–13.8kV Medium Voltage Installation

Motor Terminals
Field provided ring type lugs, with no sharp edges or
corners, must be used by a qualified installer to con-
nect the power wiring to the motor terminals. Follow
all instructions provided with the field provided lugs to
ensure proper connections. The use of stress cones is
highly recommended to reduce and control longitudi-
nal and radial electrical stresses at the cable ends. Prior
to assembly the terminal stud, nuts, and lug should be
inspected and cleaned to ensure they are not damaged
or contaminated. When attaching starter leads to 2.3–6.6
kV motor terminals, the M14x2 brass jam nuts should be
tightened to a maximum torque of 32.5–40.7 N·m (24–30
ft·lb). Always use a second wrench to backup the assem-
bly and prevent applying excessive torque to the termi-
nal shaft.
Note:6.0kV and 6.6kV motors on 6800 or 6800L frames
(see compressor model number for motor frame) use
the same motor terminals as the 10kV–13.8kV motors.
The motor terminal has a copper shaft that is threaded
9/16” - 18 UNF2A. Brass nuts are provided on the motor
terminals to retain the lugs, and the final connection
should be tightened to 22–25 ft·lb (30–34 N·m). using a
7/8” (22 mm) socket on a torque wrench.

Motor Terminal Damage!
Do not apply torque to the motor terminal when
tightening lugs. Always use a second wrench to
back-up the assembly and prevent the application
of torque to the terminal shaft. Failure to follow this
instruction could cause equipment or property-only
Before beginning wiring and torquing, ensure proper
motor terminal care and do not apply any excess stress.

Ground Wire Terminal Lug

A ground wire lug is provided in the motor terminal box
to allow the field connection of an earth ground. The
lug will accept a field supplied ground wire of #8 to #2
AWG size. After the field connection of wiring is com-
plete inspect and clean the motor terminals and motor
housing, and remove any debris before reinstalling the
motor terminal box cover. The cover must be re-installed
onto the motor terminal box and all bolts installed. Do
not operate the chiller with the motor terminal box cover
removed or with any loose or missing cover bolts.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

System Control Circuit Wiring

Table 15. Unit control panel wiring 120 Vac
Standard Control Circuits:
Unit Control Panel Control
Wiring (120 Vac) Unit Control Terminations Input or Output Type Contacts
Chilled Water Flow Proving Input 1X1-5 to 1A6-J3-2 Binary Input Normally Open, closure with flow
Condenser Water Flow Proving
1X1-6 to 1A6-J2-2 Binary Input Normally Open, closure with flow
Chilled Water Pump Relay Output 1A5-J2- 4 to 6 Binary Output Normally Open
Condenser Water Pump Relay Out-
1A5-J2-1 to 3 Binary Output Normally Open
Optional Control Circuits
Note: Defaults are factory programmed, alternates can be selected at startup using the service tool.
(120 Vac)
Alarm Relay MAR (Non-Latching)
1A8-J2-1 to 3 Binary Output Normally Open
Limit Warning Relay Output 1A8-J2-4 to 6 Binary Output Normally Open
Alarm Relay MMR (Latching) Out-
1A8-J2-7 to 9 Binary Output Normally Open
Compressor Running Relay Output 1A8-J2-10 to 12 Binary Output Normally Open
Maximum Capacity Relay Output 1A9-J2-1 to 3 Binary Output Normally Open
Head Relief Request Relay Output 1A9-J2-4 to 6 Binary Output Normally Open
Purge Alarm Relay Output 1A9-J2-7 to 9 Binary Output Normally Open
Ice Making Relay Output 1A5-J2-10 to 12 Binary Output Normally Open
Free Cooling Relay Output 1A11-J2-4 to 6 Binary Output Normally Open
Standard Low Voltage Circuits Unit Control Panel
Input or Output Type Contacts
(less than 30 Vac) Terminations
Closure required for normal
External Auto Stop Input 1A13-J2-1 to 2 Binary Input
Closure required for normal
Emergency Stop Input 1A13-J2-1 to 2 Binary Input
Optional Low Voltage Circuits
External Base Loading Enable
1A18-J2-1 to 2 Binary Input Normally Open
External Hot Water Control Enable
1A18-J2-3 to 4 Binary Input Normally Open
External Ice Machine Control En-
1A19-J2-1 to 2 Binary Input Normally Open
able Input
External Free Cooling Input Enable
1A20-J2-1 to 2 Binary Input Normally Open
% RLA Compressor Output 1A15-J2-1 to 3 Analog Output 2–10 Vdc
External Condenser Pressure Out-
1A15-J2-4 to 6 Analog Output 2–10 Vdc
External Current Limit Setpoint
1A16-J2-2 to 3 Analog Input 2–10 Vdc, or 4–20 mA
External Current Limit Setpoint
1A16-J2-5 to 6 Analog Input 2–10 Vdc, or 4–20 mA
External Current Limit Setpoint
1A17-J2-2 to 3 Analog Input 2–10 Vdc, or 4–20 mA
Generic Refrigerant Monitor input
Analog Input 2–10 Vdc, or 4–20 mA
1A17-J2-5 to 6
Outdoor Air Temperature sensor IPC bus Connection and sensor Communication and sensor
Tracer™ Comm Interface or 1A14-J2-1(+) to 2(-)
Communication to Tracer or LonTalk (as ordered, see sales order)
LonTalk® 1A14-J2-3(+) to 4(-)
Note: All wiring to be in accordance with National Electrical Codes and any local codes

(a) If the Chilled Water Flow Proving Input is a factory-installed ifm efector flow-sensing device, the secondary field
device (recommended with 3.3°C [38°F] and lower leaving chilled water temperatures) for proof of flow connects from
1X1-5 to 1K26-4 (binary input; normally open, closure with flow). Remove factory jumper when used.
(b) If the Condenser Water Flow Proving Input is a factory-installed ifm efector flow-sensing device, the secondary
(optional) field device for proof of flow connects from 1X1-6 to 1K27-4 (binary input; normally open, closure with flow).
Remove factory jumper when used.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

System Control Circuit Wiring

Water Pump Interlock Circuits and Flow 1. Use 14 AWG, 600-volt copper wire to connect the
auxiliary contacts of the condenser water pump
Switch Input
contactor (5K2) in series with the flow switch (5S2)
installed in the condenser supply pipe
DDWARNING 2. Connect circuit to control panel terminals 1X1-6 to
Hazardous Voltage w/Capacitors! 1A6-J2-2
Disconnect all electric power, including remote
disconnects and discharge all motor start/run capac-
itors before servicing. Follow proper lockout/tagout
Temperature Sensor Circuits
procedures to ensure the power cannot be inadver-
tently energized. For variable frequency drives or All temperature sensors are factory installed except the
other energy storing components provided by Trane optional outdoor air temperature sensor. This sensor is
or others, refer to the appropriate manufacturer’s required for the outdoor air temperature type of chilled
literature for allowable waiting periods for discharge water reset. Follow the guidelines below to locate and
of capacitors. Verify with an appropriate voltmeter mount the outdoor air temperature sensor. Mount the
that all capacitors have discharged. Failure to discon- sensor probe where needed, however, mount the sensor
nect power and discharge capacitors before servicing module in the control panel.
could result in death or serious injury.
CWR - Outdoor Option.
Note: For additional information regarding the safe
discharge of capacitors, see PROD-SVB06A-EN or The outdoor temperature sensor similar to the unit
PROD-SVB06A-FR mounted temperature sensors in that it consists of the
sensor probe and the module. A four-wire IPC bus is con-
Chilled Water Pump. nected to the module for 24 Vdc power and the commu-
1. Wire the evaporator water pump contactor (5K1) to a nications link. Trane recommends mounting the sensor
separate 120 volt single phase power supply with 14 module within the control panel and the sensor two
AWG, 600 volt copper wire wire leads be extended and routed to the outdoor tem-
perature sensor probe sensing location. This assures the
2. Connect circuit to 1A5-J2-6 four wire IPC bus protection and provides access to the
3. Use 1A5-J2-4 120 Vac output to allow the control pan- module for configuration at start-up.
el to control the evaporator water pump, or wire the The sensor probe lead wire between the sensor probe
5K1 contactor to operate remotely and independently and the module can be separated by cutting the two
of the control panel. wire probe lead leaving equal lengths of wire on each
Chilled Water Proof of Flow. device; the sensor probe and the sensor module. Note
this sensor and module are matched and must remain
When installed properly, this circuit only allows com- together or inaccuracy may occur. These wires can then
pressor operation if the evaporator pump is running and be spliced with two 14–18 AWG 600V wires of sufficient
providing the required minimum water flow. length to reach the desired outdoor location, maximum
length 1000 feet (305 meters). The module four- wire bus
1. Wire the auxiliary contacts of the evaporator water
must be connected to the control panel four-wire bus
pump contactor (5K1) in series with the flow switch
using the Trane-approved connectors provided.
(5S1) installed in the evaporator supply pipe with 14
AWG, 600-volt copper wire The sensor will be configured (given its identity and
become functional) at start-up when the serviceman
2. Connect circuit to control panel terminals lX1-5 to
performs the start-up configuration. It will not be opera-
tional until that time.
Condenser Water Pump. Note: If shielded cable is used to extend the sensor
leads, be sure to tape off the shield wire at the
1. Wire the condenser water pump contactor (5K2) to a junction box and ground it at the control panel.
separate 120-volt, single phase power supply with 14 If the added length is run in conduit, do not run
AWG, 600-volt copper wire them in the same conduit with other circuits car-
2. Connect circuit to control panel terminals 1A5-J2-3 rying 30 or more volts.
3. Use 1A5-J2-1 120 Vac output to allow the control pan-
el to control the condenser pump.
Electrical Noise!
Condenser Water Proof of Flow. Maintain at least 6 inches between low-voltage (<30V)
and high voltage circuits. Failure to do so could result
When installed properly, this circuit only allows the com-
in electrical noise that may distort the signals carried
pressor to operate if the condenser pump is running and by the low-voltage wiring, including the IPC.
providing the required minimum water flow.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

System Control Circuit Wiring

Optional Control and Output Circuits Starter Module Configuration

Install various optional wiring as required by the owner’s
The starter module configuration settings will be checked
specifications. Refer to Table 15, p. 49.
(and configured for Remote Starters) during start-up
commissioning. To configure starter modules, and per-
Optional Tracer Communication Interface
form other starter checks, it is recommended that the line
This control option allows the control panel to exchange voltage three phase power be turned off and secured
information such as chiller status and operating set (locked out), and then a separate source control power
points with a Tracer system. (115 Vac) be utilized to power up the control circuits. To
do this, remove control coil circuit fuse, typically 2F4,
Note: The circuit must be run in separate conduit to and connect separate source power cord to starter termi-
prevent electrical noise interference. nal block 120 V source connect, and ground.
Additional information about the Tracer Comm option is Use the as-built starter schematic to assure correct fuse
published in the installation and operator’s guide that and terminals. Verify correct fuse is removed, control
ships with the Tracer. circuit connections are correct, then apply the 115 Vac
separate source power to service the controls.
Unit Start-Up
Schematic Wiring Drawings
All phases of initial unit start-up must be conducted un-
der the supervision of a qualified Trane technician. This The chart below consist of typical wiring drawings for a
includes pressure testing, evacuation, electrical checks, CenTraVac chiller available through e-Library. However,
refrigerant charging, actual start-up and operator instruc- please refer to the submittals and drawings that actually
tion. Advance notification is required to assure that initial shipped with the unit. Additional wiring drawings for
start- up is scheduled as close to the requested date as CenTraVac chillers are available from your local Trane
possible. office.

Field Wiring Layout Drawing Drawing Number Maximum Acceleration Time

Unit Mounted Wye-Delta Starter (USTR) 2311-0801 27
Unit Mounted Solid-State Starter (USID) 2311-0831 15
Unit Mounted Across-the-Line (UXL) 2311-0834 6
2311-0810 &
Unit Mounted Adaptive Frequency Drive (UAFD) 30
Unit Mounted Auto Transformer Start (UATR) 2311-0832 11
Unit Mounted Primary Transformer (UPIR) 2311-0833 11
Remote Wye-Delta Starter (RSTR) 2311-0802 27
Remote Mounted Solid-State Starter (FSID, WSID) 2311-0804 15
Remote Across-the-Line Starter (RXL) 2311-0808 6
Remote Primary Reactor Starter (RPIR) 2311-0807 11
Remote Auto Transformer Starter (RATR 2311-0806 11
Customer Supplied Wye-Delta Starter (CSTR) 2311-0457 27
Customer Supplied Primary Reactor or Auto Transformer Starter
2311-0479 11
Customer Supplied Across-the-Line Starter (CXL) 2311-0493 6
Customer Supplied Solid-State Starter (CSOL) 2311-0461 20
Purge Schematic 2311-0816
Unit Controls Schematic 2311-0810
System Controls Schematic 2311-0814
Optional Control Schematic 2311-0817
Connection Diagrams
Standard Connection Diagram Panel with Options 2311-0819
Field Connection Trane Starter (LV) 2311-0822
Unit Wiring 2311-0824
1. These are typical drawings only. Refer to specific as-built schematics for actual unit drawings which represent the unit wiring as shipped.
2. Contact your local Trane representative for all other schematics, wiring diagrams and/or connection diagrams not listed.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Operating Principles

General Requirements created by the orifice plates, thus further cooling the liq-
uid refrigerant. This flash gas is then drawn directly from
the first and second stages of the economizer into the
Operation and maintenance information for models
third-and second-stage impellers of the compressor, re-
CVHE, CVHF, CVHG are covered in this section. This
spectively. All remaining liquid refrigerant flows through
includes both 50 and 60 Hz centrifugal chillers equipped
another orifice plate to the evaporator.
with the AdaptiView UC800 control system. Please note
Figure 24. Pressure enthalpy curve 3 stage
that information pertains to all chiller types unless differ-
ences exist in which case the sections are broken down
by chiller type as applicable and discussed separately.
By carefully reviewing this information and following the
instructions given, the owner or operator can successful-
ly operate and maintain a CenTraVac unit. If mechanical 6 condenser

Pressure (PSI)
problems do occur, however, contact a qualified service compressor
7 high side economizer
organization to ensure proper diagnosis and repair of P3 4 3rd stage)
the unit. 8 low side economizer 3 compressor
(2nd stage)
evaporator 2 compressor
Cooling Cycle P1 1 (1st stage)

When in the cooling mode, liquid refrigerant is distrib-

uted along the length of the evaporator and sprayed
Figure 25. Refrigerant flow 3 stage
through small holes in a distributor (i.e., running the
entire length of the shell) to uniformly coat each evapo-
rator tube. Here, the liquid refrigerant absorbs enough
heat from the system water circulating through the evap-
orator tubes to vaporize. The gaseous refrigerant is then
drawn through the eliminators (which remove droplets
of liquid refrigerant from the gas) and first stage variable
inlet guide vanes, and into the first stage impeller.
Note: Inlet guide vanes are designed to modulate the
flow of gaseous refrigerant to meet system capacity
requirements; they also pre-rotate the gas, allowing it
to enter the impeller at an optimal angle that maximizes
efficiency at all load conditions. CVHF 2-Stage Compressor
Compressed gas from the first-stage impeller is dis-
CVHE, CVHG 3-Stage Compressor
charged through the second-stage variable guide vanes
Compressed gas from the first-stage impeller flows and into the second-stage impeller. Here, the refrigerant
through the fixed, second-stage inlet vanes and into gas is again compressed, and then discharged into the
the second-stage impeller. Here, the refrigerant gas is condenser. Baffles within the condenser shell distrib-
again compressed, and then discharged through the ute the compressed refrigerant gas evenly across the
third-stage variable guide vanes and into the third stage condenser tube bundle. Cooling tower water, circulated
impeller. through the condenser tubes, absorbs heat from the
refrigerant, causing it to condense. The liquid refrigerant
Once the gas is compressed a third time, it is discharged then flows out of the bottom of the condenser, passing
into the condenser. Baffles within the condenser shell through an orifice plate and into the economizer.
distribute the compressed refrigerant gas evenly across
the condenser tube bundle. The economizer reduces the energy requirements of
the refrigerant cycle by eliminating the need to pass all
Cooling tower water circulated through the condenser gaseous refrigerant through both stages of compression
tubes absorbs heat from the refrigerant, causing it to (see Figure 27, p. 53). Notice that some of the liquid
condense. The liquid refrigerant then passes through refrigerant flashes to a gas because of the pressure drop
orifice plate and into the economizer. created by the orifice plate, thus further cooling the liq-
The economizer reduces the energy requirements of uid refrigerant. This flash gas is then drawn directly from
the refrigerant cycle by eliminating the need to pass all the economizer into the second-stage impellers of the
gaseous refrigerant through three stages of compression compressor. All remaining liquid refrigerant flows out of
(see Figure 25, p. 52). Notice that some of the liquid the economizer, passes through another orifice plate and
refrigerant flashes to a gas because of the pressure drop into the evaporator.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Operating Principles

Figure 26. Pressure enthalpy curve 2 stage

Oil and Refrigerant Pump
Compressor Lubrication System
P3 5 4
A schematic diagram of the compressor lubrication sys-
Pressure (PSI)

economizer tem is illustrated below. Oil is pumped from the oil tank
2P 6
P1 3 (2nd stage) (by a pump and motor located within the tank) through
compressor an oil pressure regulating valve
evaporator (1st stage)
P1 1 2
Operating Principles
designed to maintain a net oil pressure of 18 to 22 psid.
Figure 27. Refrigerant flow 2 stage It is then filtered and sent to the oil cooler located in the
economizer and on to the bearings. From the bearings,
the oil drains back to the manifold and separator under
the motor and then on to the oil tank.

Figure 28. Oil refrigerant pump

compressor lubrication system
Compressor lubrication system
Oil reclaim system
1 15 Motor cooling system




8 18

17 19
9 10

1. Motor coolant return to condenser (2.125 OD) 11. Liquid refrigerant to pump (1.625 OD)
2. Oil tank vent to evaporator 12. Economizer
3. Oil separator and tank vent manifold 13. Oil supply to bearings (0.625 OD)
4. Tank vent line 14. Purge
5. Condenser 15. Compressor
6. eductors (0.375 OD)High pressure condenser gas to drive oil 16. Liquid refrigerant motor coolant supply (1.125 OD)
reclaim 17. Liquid refrigerant to economizer
7. Oil return to tank 18. Liquid refrigerant to evaporator
8. Oil tank 19. Evaporator
9. Oil cooler within economizer(0.625 OD coiled tubing) 20. Oil reclaim from suction cover (1st eductor)(0.25 OD)
10. (0.25 OD)Oil reclaim from evaporator (2nd eductor)

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Operating Principles

DDWARNING Tracer AdaptiView Display

Surface Temperatures!
Information is tailored to operators, service technicians
MAY EXCEED 150°F. Use caution while working on
and owners.
certain areas of the unit, failure to do so could result
in death or serious injury. When operating a chiller, there is specific information
you need on a day-to-day basis—setpoints, limits, diag-
To ensure proper lubrication and prevent refrigerant
nostic information, and reports.
from condensing in the oil tank, a 750-watt heater is in
a well in the oil tank. The heater is used to warm the oil Day-to-day operational information is presented at the
while the unit is off. With the default settings for R-123, display. Logically organized groups of information—
the oil heater is de-energized when the unit starts. With chiller modes of operation, active diagnostics, settings
the default settings for R-514A, Running Oil Temperature and reports put information conveniently at your fin-
Control is enabled, and the Running Oil Temperature Set- gertips. See CTV-SVU01C-EN, Tracer AdaptiView™ Dis-
point is factory-programmed at 100°F(37.8°C). With either play for Water- Cooled CenTraVac™ Chillers Operations
refrigerant, the heater energizes as needed to maintain Guide, for more details.
140°F to 145°F(60.0°C to 62.8°C) when the chiller is not
running. Tracer TU Chiller Service Tool
With R-123 and mineral oil, when the chiller is operating,
the temperature of the oil tank is typically 100°F to 160°F When servicing a chiller, you need different informa-
(37.8°C to 71.1°C). With R-514A, solid state oil heater con- tion—historic and active diagnostics, configuration set-
trol is installed and enabled. tings, and custom control algorithms, as well as opera-
The oil return lines from the thrust and journal bearings, tion settings.
transport oil and some seal leakage refrigerant. The oil For the service technician or advanced operator: all
return lines are routed into a manifold and separator chiller status, machine configuration settings, custom
under the motor. Gas flow exits the top of the manifold limits, and up to 60 active or historic diagnostics are
and is vented to the evaporator. Oil exits the bottom of displayed through the service tool interface. A technician
the manifold and returns to the tank. Separation of the can interact with an individual device or a group of de-
seal leakage gas in the separator keeps this gas out of vices for advanced troubleshooting. For more informa-
the tank. tion on Tracer TU, visit your local Trane Service company,
A dual eductor system is used to reclaim oil from the or Trane‘s website at
suction cover and the evaporator, and deposit it back
into the oil tank. These eductors use high pressure con-
denser gas to draw the oil from the suction cover and Every Trane Centrifugal chiller is designed for cus-
tomer’s condition to get best efficiency and perfor-
evaporator to the eductors and then discharged into the
mance, so please avoid to run chiller at conditions
oil tank. The evaporator eductor line has a shut off valve when chilled water set point is far from TOPSS
mounted by the evaporator and ships closed. During the selected condition, otherwise this may cause reli-
commissioning process, it is necessary for the designat- ability risk or trip issue. For more information, please
ed technicians to open and adjust this valve according to contact local Trane office.
the operating conditions.
Liquid refrigerant is used to cool the oil supply to both
the thrust bearing and journal bearings. On refrigerant
pump units the oil cooler is located inside the economiz-
er and uses refrigerant passing from the condenser to
evaporator to cool the oil. Oil leaves the oil cooler and
flows to both the thrust and journal bearings.

Motor Cooling System

Compressor motors are cooled with liquid refrigerant
(see Figure 28, p. 53). The refrigerant pump is located
on the front of the oil tank (motor inside the oil tank).
The refrigerant pump inlet is connected to the well at the
bottom of the condenser. The connection is on the side
where a weir assures a preferential supply of liquid. Re-
frigerant is delivered to the motor via the pump. Motor
refrigerant drain lines are routed to the condenser.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Start-up and Shut Down

Sequence of Operation Start-up Sequence of Operation—

This section will provide basic information on chiller
operation for common events. With microelectronic con-
trols, ladder diagrams cannot show today’s complex log- Logic Circuits within the various modules will deter-
ic, as the control functions are much more involved than mine the starting, running, and stopping operation of
older pneumatic or solid state controls. Adaptive control the chiller. When operation of the chiller is required the
algorithms can also complicate the exact sequence of chiller mode is set at “Auto.” Using customer supplied
operation. This section and its diagrams attempt to illus- power, the chilled water pump relay is energized and
trate common control sequences. chilled water flow must be verified within 4 minutes and
15 seconds, at the same time the oil vent line valve is
Software States opened. The main processors logic decides to start the
There are five generic states that the software can be in: chiller based on the differential to start setpoint. With the
Power Up differential to start criteria met, the module then energiz-
Stopped es condenser water pump relay with customer supplied
Based on the Restart Inhibit function and the Differen-
Running tial to Start setpoint, the oil and refrigerant pump is
Stopping energized, and the oil vent line valve is closed to the
minimum position. The oil pressure must be at least 82.7
kPad (12 psid) for 60 continuous seconds and condenser
water flow verified within 4 minutes and 15 seconds for
the compressor start sequence to be initiated. After the
compressor starts, the oil vent line valve begins to open;
it can take between 15 and 30 minutes to fully open de-
pending on the chiller running conditions.
The compressor motor starts in the “Wye” configuration
and then, after the compressor motor has accelerated
and the maximum phase current has dropped below 85
percent of the chiller nameplate RLA for 1.5 seconds, the
starter transitions to the “Delta” configuration.
Now that the compressor motor is running in the “Delta”
configuration, the inlet guide vanes will modulate,open-
ing and closing to the chiller load variation by operation
of the stepper vane motor actuator to satisfy chilled
water setpoint. The chiller continues to run in its appro-
priate mode of operation: Normal, Softload, Limit Mode,
Time Line Text and so on. If the oil tank temperature rises above the oil
The large time line cylinder indicates the upper level cooler setpoint while the compressor is running, the oil
operating mode, as it would be viewed on Tracer Adap- cooler solenoid valve shall be energized to cool the oil.
tiView. The shading color of the cylinder indicates the If the chilled water temperature drops below the chilled
software state. Text in parentheses indicates sub-mode water set point by an amount set as the “differential to
text as viewed on Tracer AdaptiView. Text above the stop” setpoint, a normal chiller stop sequence is initiated
time line cylinder is used to illustrate inputs to the Main as follows:
Processor. This may include User input to the Tracer 1. The inlet guide vanes are driven closed (up to 50 sec-
AdaptiView Touch pad, Control inputs from sensors, or onds).
Control Inputs from a Generic BAS. 2. After the inlet guide vanes are closed, the stop relay
Boxes indicate Control actions such as Turning on Re- and the condenser water pump relays open to turn off.
lays, or moving the Inlet Guide Vanes. Smaller cylinders The oil and refrigerant pump motor will continue to run
indicate diagnostic checks, text indicates time based for 3 minutes post- lube while the compressor coasts to
functions, solid double arrows indicate fixed timers, and a stop. The oil vent line valve will then open. The chilled
dashed double arrows indicate variable timers. water pump will continue to run while the main proces-
sor module monitors leaving chilled water temperature
preparing for the next compressor motor start based on
the “differential to start” setpoint. illustrates this se-
RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Start-up and Shut Down

Figure 29. Sequence of operation: power up to starting

Figure 30. Sequence of operation: running

Figure 31. Sequence of operation: satisfied setpoint

If the STOP key is pressed on the operator interface, the chiller will follow the same stop sequence as above except
the chilled water pump relay will also open and stop the chilled water pump after the chilled water pump delay timer
has timed out after compressor shut down. If the “Immediate Stop” is initiated, a panic stop occurs which follows
the same stop sequence as pressing the STOP key once except the inlet guide vanes are not sequence closed and the
compressor motor is immediately turned off.
Figure 32. Sequence of operation: normal shutdown to stopped and run inhibit

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Start-up and Shut Down

Power Up Diagram Ice Machine Control

The Power up chart shows the respective Tracer Adap-
The control panel provides a service level Enable or Dis-
tiView screens during a power up of the main processor.
able menu entry for the Ice Building feature when the Ice
This process takes from 30 to 50 seconds depending
Building option is installed. Ice Building can be entered
on the number of installed Options. On all power ups,
from Front Panel, or if hardware is specified the control
the software model always will transition through the
panel will accept either an isolated contact closure 1A19
Stopped software state independent of the last mode. If
Terminals J2-1 and J2-2 (Ground)) or a remote communi-
the last mode before power down was Auto, the transi-
cated input (BAS) to initiate the ice building mode where
tion from Stopped to Starting occurs, but it is not appar-
the unit runs fully loaded at all times. Ice building will
ent to the user.
be terminated either by opening the contact or based on
entering evaporator fluid temperature. The control panel
Software Operation Overview Diagram
will not permit the Ice Building mode to be entered again
The Software Operation Overview is a diagram of until the unit is switched to the non-ice building mode
the five possible software states. This diagram can be and back into the ice building mode. It is not acceptable
thought of as a State Chart, with the arrows, and arrow to reset the chilled water setpoint low to achieve a fully
text, depicting the transitions between states. The text loaded compressor. When entering ice building, the com-
in the circles are the internal software designations for pressor will be loaded at its maximum rate and when
each State. The first line of text in the Circles are the leaving ice building the compressor will be unloaded at
visible top level operating modes that can be displayed its maximum rate. While loading and unloading the com-
on Tracer AdaptiView. The shading of each software state pressor, all surge detection will be ignored. While in the
circle corresponds to the shading on the time lines that ice building mode, current limit setpoints less than the
show the state that the chiller is in. maximum will be ignored. Ice Building can be terminat-
ed by one of the following means:
• Front panel disable.
• Opening the external Ice. Contacts/ Remote commu-
nicated input (BAS).
• Satisfying an evaporator entering fluid temperature
setpoint. (Default is 27°F)
• Surging for 7 minutes at full open IGV.
Figure 33. Sequence of operation: ice making: running
to ice making

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Start-up and Shut Down

Figure 34. Sequence of operation: ice making: stopped to ice to ice building complete

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Start-up and Shut Down

Free Cooling Cycle must flow through the bleed line restriction. Because the
pressure drop through the bleed line is greater than that
of the orifice flow control device, the liquid refrigerant
Based on the principle that refrigerant migrates to the
flows normally from the condenser through the orifice
coldest area in the system, the free cooling option adapts
system and into the economizer.
the basic chiller to function as a simple heat exchang-
er. However, it does not provide control of the leaving Free Cooling (FRCL)
chilled water temperature.
If condenser water is available at a temperature lower To enable Free Cooling Mode:
than the required leaving chilled water temperature, the 1. Free Cooling must first be installed and commis-
operator interface must remain in AUTO and the oper- sioned.
ator starts the free cooling cycle by enabling the Free
2. Enable the Free Cooling mode in the Tracer AdaptiV-
cooling mode in the Tracer AdaptiView Feature Settings
iew Settings Menu
group of the
3. Press AUTO, and if used, close the external binary
operator interface, or by means of a BAS request. Sever-
input switch (connected to 1A20 J2- 1 to 2) while the
al components must be factory-installed or field-installed
chiller is in AUTO.
to equip the unit for free cooling operation:
Free Cooling cannot be entered if the chiller is in “STOP”.
• a refrigerant gas line, and electrically-actuated shut-
off valve, between the evaporator and condenser; If the chiller is in AUTO and not running, the condens-
er water pump will start. After condenser water flow is
• a valved liquid return line, and electrically-actuated
proven, Relay Module 1A11 will energize operating the
shutoff valve, between the condenser sump and the
Free Cooling Valves 4B12 and 4B13. The Free Cooling
Valves End Switches must open within 3 minutes, or
• a liquid refrigerant storage vessel (larger economiz- an MMR diagnostic will be generated. Once the Free
er); and, Cooling Valves End Switches open, the unit is in the Free
• additional refrigerant. Cooling mode. If the chiller is in AUTO and running pow-
ered cooling, the chiller will initiate a friendly shut down
When the chiller is changed over to the free cooling
first (Run: Unload, Post Lube, and drive vanes closed).
mode, the compressor will shut down if running, the
After the vanes have been overdriven closed and con-
shutoff valves in the liquid and gas lines open; unit
denser water flow proven, the Free Cooling relays will be
control logic prevents the compressor from energizing
energized. To disable Free Cooling and return to Powered
during free cooling. Liquid refrigerant then drains (by
Cooling, either disable the Free Cooling Mode in the
gravity) from the storage tank into the evaporator and
Tracer AdaptiView settings menu if used to enable Free
floods the tube bundle. Since the temperature and pres-
Cooling or OPEN the external binary input switch to the
sure of the refrigerant in the evaporator are higher than
1A20 Module if it was used to enable Free Cooling. Once
in the condenser (i.e., because of the difference in water
Free Cooling is disabled, the Free Cooling relays Relay
temperature), the refrigerant in the evaporator vaporizes
Module 1A11 will de-energize allowing the Free Cooling
and travels to the condenser, water causes the refriger-
valves to close. The Free Cooling valves end switches
ant to condense, and flow (again, by gravity) back to the
must close within 3 minutes or an MMR diagnostic is
generated. Once the end switches close the chiller will
This compulsory refrigerant cycle is sustained as long as return to AUTO and powered cooling will resume if there
a temperature differential exists between condenser and is a call for cooling based on the differential to start.
evaporator water. The actual cooling capacity provided
Note: The manual control of the inlet guide vanes is
by the free cooling cycle is determined by the difference
disabled while in the Free Cooling Mode and the
between these temperatures which, in turn, determines
compressor is prevented from starting by the
the rate of refrigerant flow between the evaporator and
control logic.
condenser shells.
Note: The relay at 1A11-J2-4 to 6 is a FC auxiliary relay
If the system load exceeds the available free cooling
and can be used as required.
capacity, the operator must manually initiate change-
over to the mechanical cooling mode by disabling the
free cooling mode of operation. The gas and liquid line Hot Gas Bypass (HGBP)
valves then close and compressor operation begins (see
beginning at Auto mode). Refrigerant gas is drawn out The hot gas bypass (HGBP) control option is designed
of the evaporator by the compressor, where it is then to minimize machine cycling by allowing the chiller to
compressed and discharged to the condenser. Most of operate stably under minimum load conditions. In these
the condensed refrigerant initially follows the path of situations, the inlet guide vanes are locked at a preset
least resistance by flowing into the storage tank. This minimum position, and unit capacity is governed by the
tank is vented to the economizer sump through a small HGBP valve actuator. Control circuitry is designed to
bleed line; when the storage tank is full, liquid refrigerant allow both the inlet guide vanes and the HGBP valve to

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Start-up and Shut Down

close for unit shutdown. After a chiller starts and is run- setpoint. Tracer is also able to set the hot water setpoint.
ning the inlet guide vanes will pass through the HGBP In the hot water mode the external chilled water setpoint
Cut-In-Vane position as the chiller starts to load. As the is the external hot water setpoint; that is, a single analog
chiller catches the load and starts to unload, the inlet input is shared at the 1A16 –J2-1 to J2-3 (ground).
guide vanes will close to the HGBP Cut-In Vane position. An external binary input to select external hot water
At this point the movement of the inlet guide vanes is control mode is on the EXOP OPTIONAL module 1A18
stopped and further loading/unloading of the chiller is terminals J2-3 to J2-4 (ground). Tracer also has a binary
controlled by the opening/closing of the HGBP Valve input to select chilled water control or hot water tem-
(4M5). When the control algorithm determines the chiller perature control. There is no additional leaving hot water
to be shut down, the inlet guide vanes will be driven temperature cutout; the HPC and condenser limit provide
fully closed, and the HGBP valve will be driven closed. for high temperature and pressure protection.
After the inlet guide vanes are fully closed the chiller
will shut down in the Friendly mode. Chillers with HGBP In hot water temperature control the softloading pull-
have a discharge temperature sensor (4R16) monitoring down rate limit operates as a softloading pullup rate
the discharge gas temperature from the compressor. If limit. The setpoint for setting the temperature rate limit
this temperature exceeds 200°F, the chiller will shut off is the same setpoint for normal cooling as it is for hot
on a MAR diagnostic. The chiller will reset automatically water temperature control. The hot water temperature
when this temperature drops 50°F below the trip-point. control feature is not designed to run with HGBP, AFD,
HGBP is enabled in the Features menu settings Group of free cooling, or ice making.
the Tracer AdaptiView Menus by enabling the option. The The factory set PID tuning values for the leaving water
setting the HGBP Cut-In Vane Position is setup at unit temperature control are the same settings for both nor-
commissioning via the service tool. mal cooling and hot water temperature control.

Hot Water Control Heat Recovery Cycle

Occasionally CTV chillers are selected to provide heat- Heat recovery is designed to salvage the heat that is
ing as a primary mission. With hot water temperature normally rejected to the atmosphere through the cooling
control, the chiller can be used as a heating source or tower, and put it to beneficial use. For example, a high-
cooling source. This feature provides greater application rise office building may require simultaneous heating
flexibility. In this case the operator selects a hot water and cooling during the winter months. With the addition
temperature and the chiller capacity is modulated to of a heat recovery cycle, heat removed from the building
maintain the hot water setpoint. Heating is the primary cooling load can be transferred to areas of the building
mission and cooling is a waste product or is a second- that require heat. (Keep in mind that the heat recovery
ary mission. This type of operation requires an endless cycle is only possible if a cooling load exists to act as a
source of evaporator load (heat), such as well or lake wa- heat source.)
ter. The chiller has only one condenser.
To provide a heat recovery cycle, a heat-recovery con-
This is NOT heat recovery. Although this feature could be denser is added to the unit. Though physically identical
used to recover heat in some form, a heat recovery unit to the standard cooling condenser, the heat-recovery
has a second heat exchanger on the condenser side. condenser is piped into a heat circuit rather than to
The Tracer AdaptiView Main Processor provides the hot the cooling tower. During the heat recovery cycle, the
water temperature control mode as standard. The leaving unit operates just as it does in the cooling only mode
condenser water temperature is controlled to a hot water except that the cooling load heat is rejected to the heat-
setpoint between 80°F and 140°F (26.7 to 60°C) The leav- ing water circuit rather than to the cooling tower water
ing evaporator water temperature is left to drift to satisfy circuit. When hot water is required, the heating water
the heating load of the condenser. In this application the circuit pumps energize. Water circulated through the
evaporator is normally piped into a lake, well, or other heat-recovery (or auxiliary) condenser tube bundle by
source of constant temperature water for the purpose of the pumps absorbs cooling-load from the compressed
extracting heat. In hot water temperature control mode refrigerant gas discharge by the compressor. The heated
all the limit modes and diagnostics operate as in normal water is then used to satisfy heating requirements.
cooling with one exception; the leaving condenser water
temperature sensor is an MMR diagnostic when in hot Auxiliary Condensers
water temperature control mode. (It is an informational
warning in the normal cooling mode.) Unlike the heat-recovery condenser (which is designed
In the hot water temperature control mode the differen- to satisfy comfort heating requirements), the auxiliary
tial-to-start and differential-to-stop setpoints are used condenser serves a preheat function only, and is used
with respect to the hot water setpoint instead of with the in those applications where hot water is needed for use
chilled water setpoint. The control panel provides a sep- in kitchens, lavatories, etc. While the operation of the
arate entry at the Tracer AdaptiView to set the hot water auxiliary condenser is physically identical to that of the

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Start-up and Shut Down

heat-recovery condenser, it is comparatively smaller in

size, and its heating capacity is not controlled. Trane does
Unit Start-Up and Shut-down
not recommend operating the auxiliary condenser alone Procedures
because of its small size.

Control Panel Devices and Unit Live Electrical Components!
Mounted Devices During installation, testing, servicing and trouble-
shooting of this product, it may be necessary to
work with live electrical components. Have a qual-
Unit Control Panel ified licensed electrician or other individual who
has been properly trained in handling live electrical
Safety and operating controls are housed in the unit components perform these tasks. Failure to follow
control panel, the starter panel and the purge control all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live
panel. The control panel‘s operator interface and main electrical components could result in death or serious
processor is called Tracer AdaptiView and is located on injury.
an adjustable arm connected to the base of the control
panel (for detailed information about operating Tracer DDWARNING
AdaptiView, see CTV-SVU01C-EN, Tracer AdaptiView™ Toxic Hazards!
Display for Water-Cooled CenTraVac™ Chillers Opera-
tions Guide, or the most recent version). • Do not run evaporator water pump longer than 30
minutes after the chiller is shutdown.
The control panel houses several other controls modules
called panel mounted LLID (Low Level Intelligent Device), • Ensure that the evaporator is isolated from the hot
power supply, terminal block, fuse, circuit breakers, and water loop before changeover to heating mode.
transformer. The IPC (Interprocessor communication)
Do not allow the chiller to increase above 110°F in
bus allows the communications between LLIDs and the
temperature while unit is off. Failure to prevent high
main processor. Unit mounted devices are called frame chiller temperature will cause the inside pressure
mounted LLIDs and can be temperature sensors or pres- to rise. The rupture disk is designed to relieve and
sure transducers. These and other functional switches discharge the refrigerant from the unit if the pressure
provide analog and binary inputs to the control system. in the evaporator exceeds 15 PSIG (103.4 Kpa). A sig-
nificant release of refrigerant into a confined space
Variable Water Flow Through the Evapo- due to a rupture disk failure could displace available
rator oxygen to breathe and cause possible asphyxiation.
Should a rupture disk fail, evacuate the area immedi-
Varying the water flow reduces the energy consumed by ately and contact the appropriate rescue or response
pumps, while requiring no extra energy for the chiller. authority. Failure to take appropriate precautions or
react properly to a potential hazard could result in
This strategy can be a significant source of energy sav-
death or serious injury.
ings, depending on the application. With its faster and
more intelligent response to changing conditions, the
UC800 reliably accommodates variable evaporator water
Unit Start-Up Check
flow and its effect on the chilled water temperature. 1. Verify the chilled water pump and condenser water
These improvements keep chilled water flowing at a pump starter are in ON or AUTO.
temperature closer to its setpoint.
2. Verify the cooling tower is in ON or AUTO.
User-Defined Language Support 3. Check the oil tank oil level, the level must be visible
in the lower sight glass. Also, be sure to check the oil
Tracer AdaptiView is capable of displaying English text tank temperature; normal oil tank temperature before
or any of twenty-four other languages. Switching lan- start-up is 140°F to 145°F (60°C to 63°C).
guages is simply accomplished from a language settings
menu. Note: Each oil heater is energized during the compres-
sor off cycle. During unit operation, the oil tank
heater may be de-energized. The oil heater may
be energized during unit operation with R-514A.
Note: If the chiller is equipped with the free cooling
option, ensure that the free cooling option is dis-
abled in the Chiller Settings menu.
4. Check the chilled water setpoint and readjust it, if
necessary, in the Chiller Settings menu.

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Start-up and Shut Down

5. If necessary, readjust the current limit setpoint in the When the cooling requirement is satisfied, the control
Chiller Setpoints menu. panel originates a Shutting down signal. The inlet guide
6. Press AUTO. vanes are driven closed for 50 seconds the compressor
stops, and the unit enters a
The control panel also checks compressor motor wind-
ing temperature, and a start is initiated after a minimum 3-minute post-lube period. The evaporator pump may
restart inhibit time if the winding temperature is less continue to run for the amount of time set using Tracer
than 265°F. The chilled water pump relay is energized and AdaptiView.
evaporator water flow is proven. Next, the control panel Once the post-lube cycle is done, the unit returns to auto
checks the leaving evaporator water temperature and mode.
compares it to the chilled water setpoint. If the difference
between these values is less than the start differential Daily Unit Shutdown
setpoint, cooling is not needed.
Note: Refer to Start-Run Shutdown sequence in the
If the control panel determines that the difference be- sequence of operation section.
tween the evaporator leaving water temperature and
chilled water setpoint exceeds the start differential set- 1. Press STOP.
point, the unit enters the initiate Start Mode and the oil 2. After compressor and water pumps shutdown, the
pump and Refrigerant pump and the condenser water operator may turn Pump Contactors to OFF or open
pump are started. If flow is not initially established pump disconnects.
within 4 minutes 15 seconds of the condenser pump
relay energization, an automatically resetting diagnostic Seasonal Unit Shutdown
“Condenser Water Flow Overdue” shall be generated
which terminates the prestart mode and de-energizes the
condenser water pump relay. This diagnostic is automat-
ically reset if flow is established at any later time. Oil Sump Heater Operation!
Note: This diagnostic does not automatically reset if Control power disconnect switch must remain closed
to allow oil sump heater operation. Failure to do this
Tracer AdaptiView is in control of the condenser
will allow refrigerant to condense in the oil pump.
pump through its condenser pump relay, since it
is commanded off at the time of the diagnostic. 1. Open all disconnect switches except the control pow-
It may reset and allow normal chiller operation er disconnect switch.
if the pump was controlled from some external 2. Drain the condenser piping and cooling tower, if
source. used. Rinse with clean water.
When less than 5 seconds remain on the restart inhibit, 3. Remove the drain and vent plugs from the condens-
the pre-start starter test is conducted on Y-Delta start- er headers to drain the condenser. Air dry bundle of
ers. If faults are detected, the unit’s compressor will not residual water.
start, and a diagnostic will be generated. If the compres-
sor motor starts and accelerates successfully, Running 4. Once the unit is secured for the season, the main-
appears on the display. If the purge is set to AUTO, the tenance procedures described under Annual Main-
purge will start running and will run as long as the chiller tenance in the Periodic Maintenance section of this
is running. manual should be performed by qualified Trane
service technicians.
Note: If a manual reset diagnostic condition is detected
during start-up, unit operation will be locked out, Note: During extended shutdown periods, be sure to
and a manual reset is required before the start-up operate the purge unit for a 2-hour period every
sequence can begin again. If the fault condition two weeks. This will prevent the accumulation of
has not cleared, the control panel will not permit air and noncondensables in the machine. To start
restart. the purge, change the purge mode to ON in the
unit control Settings Purge Menu. Remember to
turn the purge mode to Adaptive after the 2-hour
run time.

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Start-up and Shut Down

Seasonal Unit Start-Up

1. Close all drain valves, and reinstall the drain plugs in
the evaporator and condenser headers.
2. Service the auxiliary equipment according to the
start-up and maintenance instructions provided by
the respective equipment manufacturers.
3. Fill and vent the cooling tower, if used, as well as the
condenser and piping. At this point, all air must be
removed from the system (including each pass). Then
close the vents in the condenser waterboxes.
4. Open all of the valves in the evaporator chilled water
5. If the evaporator was previously drained, fill and vent
the evaporator and chilled water circuit. When all air
is removed from the system (including each pass),
close the vent valves in the evaporator water boxes.
6. Lubricate the external vane control linkage as need-
7. Check the adjustment and operation of each safety
and operating control.
8. Close all disconnect switches.
9. Perform instructions listed in Unit Start-Up Check

Control panel and Starter:
A ladder should be used when maintaining control panel and starter since the dis-
tance to the ground (see Figure 41. Attach the suggesting ladder drawing.)

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DDNOTICE Daily Maintenance and Checks
Moisture Contamination!
Operating Characteristic Normal Reading
If frequent purging is required, monitor purge pum- Approximate Evaporator Pres-
pout rate, identify and correct source of air or water 6 to 9 PSIA / -9 to -6 PSIG
leak as soon as possible. Failure to do so could short- Approximate Condenser Pres- 17 to 27 PSIA / 2 to 12 PSIG
en chiller life expectancy, due to moisture contami- sure (see Note 1 & Note 2) (standard condenser)
nation caused by leakage. Oil Sump Temperature Unit 140°F to 176°F (60°C to
not running 80°C)
DDWARNING Oil Sump Temperature Unit
95°F to 162°F (35°C to 72°C)
Hazardous Voltage w/Capacitors! Oil Sump Differential Oil Pres-
18 to 22 psid
sure (see Note 3)
Disconnect all electric power, including remote
disconnects before servicing. Follow proper lock- 1. Condenser pressure is dependent on condenser water tem-
out/ tagout procedures to ensure the power cannot perature, and should equal the saturation pressure of HCFC- 123
be inadvertently energized. For variable frequency at a temperature above that of leaving condenser water at full
drives or other energy storing components provided load.
by Trane or others, refer to the appropriate manu- 2. Normal pressure readings for ASME condenser exceed 12
facturer’s literature for allowable waiting periods for PSIG.
3. Oil tank pressure -9 to -6 psig HG Discharge oil pressure 7 to
discharge of capacitors. Verify with an appropriate 15 PSIG
voltmeter that all capacitors have discharged. Failure
to disconnect power and discharge capacitors before
servicing could result in death or serious injury.

Note: For additional information regarding the safe

discharge of capacitors, see PROD-SVB06A-EN or
This section describes the basic chiller preventive main-
tenance procedures, and recommends the intervals at
which these procedures should be performed. Use of a
periodic maintenance program is important to ensure
the best possible performance and efficiency from a
CenTraVac chiller.
Recommended purge maintenance procedures for the
EarthWise Purge Operation and Maintenance manual
which can be obtained at the nearest Trane office.
For R-123 chillers, recommended purge maintenance
procedures are detailed in Operation and Maintenance
Guide: EarthWise™ Purge system with Tracer AdaptiV-
iew™ Control for Water-Cooled CenTraVac™ Chillers
with R-123 Refrigerant (PRGF-SVX001*-EN). For R-514A
chillers, recommended purge maintenance procedures
are detailed in Operation and Maintenance Guide:
Purge System with Tracer AdaptiView™ Control for
Water-Cooled CenTraVac™ Chillers with R-514A Re-
frigerant (PRGG-SVX001*-EN).

Record Keeping Forms

An important aspect of the chiller maintenance program
is the regular completion of records. Provided at the end
of this manual are copies of the recommended forms.
When filled out accurately by the machine operator, the
completed logs can be reviewed to identify any develop-
ing trends in the chiller’s operating conditions. For exam-
ple, if the machine operator notices a gradual increase
in condensing pressure during a month’s time, he can
systematically check, then correct the possible cause of
this condition.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT


Daily Every 3 Every 6 months Annual

evaporator and condenser pres-
sures, oil tank pressure, differ-
ential oil pressure and discharge
oil pressure. Compare the read-
ings with the values provided in
the above.
Check the oil level in the chiller
oil sump using the two sight
glasses provided in the oil sump
head. When the unit is oper-
ating, the oil level should be
visible in the lower sight glass.
Complete logs on a daily basis.
Clean all water
strainers in the
water piping
Lubricate the vane control linkage
bearings, ball joints, and pivot
points. See “General Lubrication,”
p. 84.
Lubricate vane operator tang
O-rings. See “General Lubrication,”
p. 84.
Lubricate the oil filter shutoff valve
O-rings. See Step 7 in “Oil Filter
Replacement Procedure,” p. 83.
Drain contents of the rupture
disc and purge discharge ventline
drip-leg into an evacuated waste
container. Do this more often if the
purge is operated excessively. Ap-
ply oil to any exposed metal parts
to prevent rust.
Shut down the chiller once each year to check the
items listed on the “Annual Inspection Checklist”.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Guide to perform
purge maintenance procedures once a year.
Use an ice water bath to verify that the accuracy
of the evaporator refrigerant temperature sensor
(4R10) is still within tolerance (+ or - 2.0°F at
32°F (1°C at 0°C)). If the evaporator refrigerant
temperature displayed on the control panel read-
out is outside this 4-degree tolerance range,
replace the sensor. If the sensor is exposed to
temperature extremes outside its normal operat-
ing range (0°F to 90°F) (-18°C to 32°C), check its
accuracy at six- month intervals.
Inspect the condenser tubes for fouling; clean if
Submit a sample of the compressor oil to a Trane
qualified laboratory for comprehensive analysis.
Measure the compressor motor winding resistance
to ground; a qualified service technician should
conduct this check to ensure that the findings are
properly interpreted. Contact a qualified service
organization to leak-test the chiller; this proce-
dure is especially important if the system requires
frequent purging.
Every 3 years, use a nondestructive tube test to inspect the condenser and evaporator tubes.
Note: I t may be desirable to perform tube tests on these components at more frequent intervals, depending upon chiller application. This is espe-
cially true of critical process equipment.
Contact a qualified service organization to determine when to conduct a complete examination of the unit to discern the condition of the compres-
sor and internal components.
Note: ( a) Chronic air leaks, which can cause acidic conditions in the compressor oil and result in premature bearing wear; and, (b) Evaporator or
condenser water tube leaks. Water mixed with the compressor oil can result in bearing pitting, corrosion, or excessive wear

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Compressor Oil Change When oil analysis indicates the need to change compres-
sor oil, use the following procedure for removing oil.
• Draw the oil from the chiller through the oil charging
DDNotice valve on the chiller oil sump into an approved, evac-
Equipment Damage! uated tank; or,
Mixing refrigerants or oils could result in equipment • Pump the oil from the chiller through the oil charging
damage including bearing damage, introduction of valve into an airtight resealable container, using a
acids into the chiller, or continuous purge pump-out magnetically-driven auxiliary pump.
in high-head/high ambient applications. CenTraVac
chillers are manufactured with different refrigerant/ Forcing the oil from the oil sump by pressurizing the
oil systems: R-123 chillers using OIL00022 and R-514A chiller (by raising chiller temperature or adding nitrogen)
chillers using OIL00334/OIL00335. Verify proper refrig- is not recommended. Refrigerant dissolved in the oil
erant and oil for your chiller and do NOT mix refriger- can be removed and returned to the chiller by using an
ants or oils! appropriate deep vacuum recovery unit and heating and
This Installation, Operation, and Maintenance manual agitating the oil container. Follow all Federal, State, and
applies to CenTraVac chillers with two different refriger- Local regulations with regard to disposal of waste oil.
ant and oil systems:
• R-123 and OIL00022 Oil Filter
• R-514A and OIL00334/OIL00335
Replace oil filter: (1) annually, (2) at each oil change, (3)
Important: Verify proper refigerant and oil for your or if erratic oil pressure is experienced during chiller
chiller before proceeding! operation.
After the first 6 months or 1000 hours operation, which-
ever comes first, change the oil and filter. After this oil
Oil Filter Replacement Procedure
change, recommendations are to subscribe to an annual
Use the following procedure to service the oil filter.
oil analysis program rather than automatically change
the oil as part of scheduled maintenance. 1. Run the oil pump for two to three minutes to ensure
that the oil filter is warmed up to the oil sump tem-
Change the oil only if indicated by the oil analysis. Use
of an oil analysis program will reduce the chillers overall
lifetime waste oil generation and minimize refrigerant 2. Turn the oil pump motor off.
emissions. The analysis determines system moisture 3. Pull the D handle on the rotary valve locking pin out
content, acid level and wear metal content of the oil, and of its detent and rotate the valve to the DRAIN posi-
can be used as a diagnostic tool. The oil analysis should tion. An offset pointer is located on top of the valve
be performed by a qualified laboratory that is experi- with wrench flats to allow turning. The spring force
enced in refrigerant and oil chemistry and in the servic- on the locking pin should allow the pin to drop into a
ing of Trane centrifugal chillers. detent at this position.
In conjunction with other diagnostics performed by a 4. Allow at least 15 minutes for the oil to drain from the
qualified service technician, oil analyses can provide filter back into the oil sump.
valuable information on the performance of the chiller
5. Pull the D handle to unlock the pin and rotate the
to help minimize operating and maintenance costs and
valve to the Change Filter position. This isolates the
maximize its operating life. A drain fitting is installed in
filter from the unit. The locking pin should drop into a
the oil filter top, after the oil filter, for obtaining oil sam-
detent in this position.
6. Remove and replace the filter as quickly as possible.
Note: Use only Trane OIL00022. A full oil change is 9
Tighten filter 2/3 to 3/4 turn per instructions written
gallons of OIL00022.
on the filter. Place the used filter in a reusable con-
tainer. Follow all local, state and federal regulations
Oil Change Procedure to dispose of the filter. Pull the D handle to unlock
the pin and rotate the valve to the RUN position. The
locking pin should drop into a detent in this position.
The chiller is now ready for operation.
Heater Damage!
7. The oil filter shut off valve uses dual O-Rings to seal
The oil sump heater must be deenergized before to atmosphere. These should be manually lubricated
draining the sump. Failure to do so could possibly
by removing the pipe plug at the valve lubrication
burn out the oil sump heater.
port and placing a few drops of Trane OIL00022 or
OIL00334/OIL00335 in the cavity. Be sure to reinstall
the pipe plug when lubrication is completed.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT


8. Purge unit. effort required to operate the assembly.

9. Check oil pressure 18–22 psi. 4. Loosen but DO NOT REMOVE the 1/16” NPT lubrica-
tion port plug that is highest on the assembly.
5. Loosen and remove the remaining lower 1/16” NPT
6. Using a grease gun with an appropriate fitting, insert
ONLY Rheolube grease into the open port until clean
grease is seen to appear around the threads of the
plug in the opposite port.
Top View Run Change
Filter 7. Tighten the plug that was loosened in Step 4. Tighten
Drain the plug to hand tight plus 1/4 to 1/2 turn.
8. Remove the grease fitting, if used.
If grease fittings have been used for this procedure
The only chiller component that requires periodic lubri- then they MUST BE REMOVED before returning the
cation is the external vane linkage assembly and Rotary unit to service. Grease fittings are not vacuum-tight
oil valve. Lubricate the vane linkage shaft bearings and and will become a leak path.
rod end bearings as needed with a few drops of light- 9. Using a clean wooden dowel or other similar tool,
weight machine oil. remove excess grease from the remaining open lu-
Consider placing a bead of silicon caulk around the top brication port.
of the oil filter shut off valve if the chiller is located in a 10. Clean and then lightly coat the threads of the plug
wet, dusty or corrosive environment. with Rheolube grease and re-install it into the lubri-
The CenTraVac inlet guide vane tang operators should cation port. Tighten the plug to hand tight plus 1/4 to
be serviced annually with R-123 and R514A compatible 1/2 turn.
grease. Use only Trane approved R-123 and R514A com- 11. Before reconnecting the vane linkage, grasp the tang
patible grease: operator arm and manually operate the vane assem-
LUB00033 (16 oz. standard grease gun cartridge) bly. If it is now difficult to move, then the tang oper-
LUB00063 (3 oz. mini grease gun cartridge) ator may have become hydraulically locked because
of excess grease in the assembly. This situation could
cause damage to the O-rings of the assembly. If this
occurs then remove one of the lubrication plugs,
remove some of the grease, then re-install the plug.
12. Reconnect the linkage to the tang operator arm.
Ensure the spacer washers between the linkage and
the arm are properly placed and that the assembly
does not bind. Re-install any insulation that was cut
or removed. The unit may be restarted.

Service for the 1st and 2nd Stage Tang


Service for the 1st Stage Tang Operator Extended Capacity Chillers with 1470 or 1720 Com-
All Units Except Extended Capacity Chillers with
The 1st and 2nd stage rotary inlet guide vane tang oper-
1470 or 1720 Compressors
ators of the extended capacity chillers also require peri-
1. The chiller must be off. odic lubrication, at least annually, with Trane approved
R-123 and R514A compatible grease. These actuators
2. Carefully remove any insulation that may have been have two 1/8” NPT plugs located 180 degrees apart, with
placed over the two lubrication ports of the tang op- one on the top and the other on the bottom of the oper-
erator base. This insulation will need to be replaced ator base. Use the same procedure as described above,
after the service is complete. except that it will be necessary to temporarily disconnect
3. Note the position of the tang operator arm, note the the vane actuators from the tang operator arms in order
placement of spacing washers etc., then disconnect to test for a hydraulically locked condition.
the linkage rod from the tang operator arm. Manually
move the tang operator arm and note the amount of

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT


Cleaning the Condenser DDNOTICE

Unit Corrosion Damage!
DDNOTICE Proper procedures must be followed when using
Proper Water Treatment! corrosive chemicals to clean water side of unit. It is
recommended that the services of a qualified chem-
The use of untreated or improperly treated water in a
ical cleaning firm be used. Proper personal protec-
CenTraVac could result in scaling, erosion, corrosion,
tive equipment as recommended by the chemical
algae or slime. It is recommended that the services of
manufacturer should be used. Refer to the chemicals
a qualified water treatment specialist be engaged to
MSDS sheet for proper safety procedures. Failure to
determine what water treatment, if any, is required.
follow proper procedures could result in corrosion
Trane assumes no responsibility for equipment
damage to the unit and tubes.
failures which result from untreated or improperly
treated water, or saline or brackish water. Important: All of the materials used in the external
Figure 35. Typical Chemical Cleaning Setup circulation system, the quantity of the solu-
tion, the duration of the cleaning period,
and any required safety precautions should
pipe shutoff be approved by the company furnishing
connections valves the materials or performing the cleaning.
Remember, however, that whenever the
chemical tube cleaning method is used, it
must be followed up with mechanical tube
cleaning, flushing and inspection.

cleaning Cleaning the Evaporator

circulator Since the evaporator is typically part of a closed circuit,
pump it may not accumulate appreciable amounts of scale or
sludge. Normally, cleaning every three years is sufficient.
However, on open evaporator systems, such as air wash-
ers, periodic inspection and cleaning is recommended.
Condenser tube fouling is indicated when the approach
temperature (the difference between the condensing Purge System
refrigerant temperature and the leaving condenser water
temperature) is higher than predicted. Because some sections of the chiller’s refrigeration
If the annual condenser tube inspection indicates that system operate at less-than-atmospheric pressure, the
the tubes are fouled, two cleaning methods, mechanical possibility exists that air and moisture may leak into the
and chemical, can be used to rid the tubes of contami- system. If allowed to
nants. Use the mechanical cleaning method to remove accumulate, these noncondensables become trapped
sludge and loose material from smooth-bore tubes. in the condenser; this increases condensing pressure
To clean other types of tubes including internally-en- and compressor power requirements, and reduces the
hanced types, consult a qualified service organization for chiller’s efficiency and cooling capacity.
recommendations. The Trane EarthWise Purge is the only purge system
1. Follow all instructions in “Waterbox Removal and available for the CenTraVac chiller. The purge is designed
Installation” p. 72 to remove waterbox covers. to remove noncondensable gases and water from the
refrigeration system. EarthWise Purge unit operation,
2. Work a round nylon or brass bristled brush (attached maintenance and trouble shooting is covered by a sepa-
to a rod) in and out of each of the condenser water rate operation and maintenance manual, which may be
tubes to loosen the sludge. obtained from the nearest Trane office.
3. Thoroughly flush the condenser water tubes with
clean water. Leak Checking Based on Purge Pump Out
Scale deposits are best removed by chemical means. Time
Be sure to consult any qualified chemical house in the
A formula has been developed which allows the annu-
area (one familiar with the local water supply’s chemical
al refrigerant leakage rate to be calculated based on
mineral content) for a recommended cleaning solution
the daily purge pump out time and the unit refrigerant
suitable for the job. Remember, a standard condenser
charge. This formula is as follows:
water circuit is composed solely of copper, cast iron and
steel. % annual leakage rate = [(X min/day)*(0.0001 lb R-123/
min)/(Y lb)]*100

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT


• X= minutes/day of purge pump out operation 2. After the liquid refrigerant is removed, using a recov-
• Y= initial refrigerant charge ery or recycle unit or vacuum pump, pull a vacuum
to remove remaining refrigerant vapor from the unit.
A graph has been developed to aid in determining when
to do a leak check of a chiller based on the purge pump 3. After all traces of refrigerant are out of the unit, a
out time and unit size. This graph depicts normal purge positive nitrogen charge should be put into the unit
pump out times, small leaks and large leaks based on (6 to 8 psig). This positive pressure must be checked
the chiller tonnage. If the purge pump out time is in the monthly to ensure that no noncondensables get into
small leak region, then a leak check should be performed the unit. Use a pressure gage on the evaporator shell
and all leaks repaired at the earliest convenience. If the to verify that the 6 to 8 psig dry nitrogen holding
purge pump out time is in the large leak region, a thor- charge is still in the chiller. If this charge has escaped,
ough leak check of the unit should be performed imme- contact a qualified service organization and the Trane
diately to find and fix the leaks. sales engineer that handled the order.
4. The refrigerant charge should be stored in proper
large leak refrigerant containers. Due to possible leakage, do
small leaks not store in used drums.
typical operation
5. Maintain control power to the control panel. This
Purge minutes/day

will maintain oil temperature in the oil sump and the

capability of the control panel to present report infor-
mation. The Chiller Reports should be viewed once a
week for normal readings. Any abnormal observation
must be reported to the Trane Sales Engineer that
handled the order.

Hazardous Voltage w/Capacitors!
Chiller tons (per circuit)
Disconnect all electric power, including remote
disconnects before servicing. Follow proper lock-
out/ tagout procedures to ensure the power cannot
Long Term Unit Storage be inadvertently energized. For variable frequency
drives or other energy storing components provided
This section describes extended storage requirements by Trane or others, refer to the appropriate manu-
for chillers to be removed from service in excess of a facturer’s literature for allowable waiting periods for
discharge of capacitors. Verify with an appropriate
normal seasonal shutdown.
voltmeter that all capacitors have discharged. Failure
to disconnect power and discharge capacitors before
DDWARNING servicing could result in death or serious injury.
Contains Refrigerant!
Note: For additional information regarding the safe
System contains oil and refrigerant and may be un-
discharge of capacitors, see PROD-SVB06A-EN or
der positive pressure. Recover refrigerant to relieve
pressure before opening the system. See unit name-
plate for refrigerant type. Do not use non-approved 6. Remove the factory installed jumper or the field in-
refrigerants, refrigerant substitutes, or refrigerant stalled wiring on terminals in the unit control panel.
additives. Failure to follow proper procedures or the This will prevent unwanted chiller operation.
use of non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant substi-
tutes, or refrigerant additives could result in death or 7. Set the purge operating mode to OFF on UCP chillers.
serious injury or equipment damage. 8. The oil can be left in the unit.

DDNOTICE 9. The water side should not cause a problem if shut

down and drained. There may be slight scaling inside
Freezing Tubes Hazard! the tubes, but not enough to cause a problem. The
Ensure that water is not present in tubes during customer should inspect and clean tubes before the
evacuation. Failure to follow this instruction could unit is returned to service.
result in freezing tubes, damaging the chiller.
Note: Do not use untreated or improperly treated water,
Unit Preparation or equipment damage may occur.
Note: Scale deposits are best removed by chemical
The following steps are necessary in order to properly means. Be sure to consult any qualified chemi-
prepare a unit for storage. cal house in the area (one familiar with the local
1. Remove all liquid refrigerant if the unit is charged. water supply’s chemical mineral content) for a
recommended cleaning solution suitable for the

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT


job. 3. Transfer the refrigerant using one of the following

10. Motor bearings: If the motor sits for a long time the (listed in order of preference):
bearings could take a set and cause bearing prob- a. An approved Trane low pressure refrigerant re-
lems or replacement later. Once every six months the covery and recycle unit.
chiller oil pump must be started and the compressor b. The available pressure differential.
motor bump started to rotate the shaft. Contact a
qualified service organization to perform this task. If c. Gravity. (Use a return vent line to refrigerant
the compressor motor cannot be bump started, then drums to equalize pressure.)
the shaft must be rotated manually by a qualified ser- 4. Do not use dry nitrogen to push refrigerant into the
vice organization. chiller as was common practice in the past. This will
11. Obtain an oil analysis initially after six months of contaminate the charge and require excessive purg-
storage, and once each succeeding year. If no oil ing, which will result in unnecessary release of refrig-
breakdown is evident do not change the oil. If break- erant.
down is evident, the oil must be replaced. 5. Weigh in the proper charge.
12. If the unit is stored for more than five years, and the 6. Use recovery and recycle unit or vacuum pump to
storage is expected to be indefinite, the unit should evacuate hoses; discharge outdoors.
be examined for leaks every five years from the ini-
7. If refrigerant is supplied in new returnable cylinders,
tial storage date.
be sure and refer to General Service Bulletin CVHE-
13. When the unit is to be returned to service, the ser- SB-48B for information on returning cylinders. This
vices of a qualified service organization should be service bulletin is available at the nearest Trane office.
obtained to conduct all activities associated with the
Depending on the chiller duty, contact a qualified service
startup of a new chiller.
organization to determine when to conduct a complete
examination of the unit to discern the condition of the
Refrigerant Charge compressor and internal components.
Note: If your chiller is covered by a Trane extended
DDWARNING warranty, the terms of that warranty may require
that the procedures listed in the Periodic Mainte-
Contains Refrigerant!
nance section of this manual be followed for your
System contains oil and refrigerant and may be un- extended warranty to remain in force. The terms
der positive pressure. Recover refrigerant to relieve
may also require that the chiller be inspected by a
pressure before opening the system. See unit name-
plate for refrigerant type. Do not use non-approved Trane-authorized warranty agent every four years
refrigerants, refrigerant substitutes, or refrigerant or 40,000 operating hours, whichever occurs first. This
additives. Failure to follow proper procedures or the inspection will include, at a minimum, a review of the
use of non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant substi- annual inspection checklists and the daily operating
tutes, or refrigerant additives could result in death or logs, as well as performance of a leak test and a gener-
serious injury or equipment damage. al inspection of the chiller. The owner is then required
to follow the recommendations made as a result of this
DDNotice inspection at the owners expense.
Equipment Damage!
Recovery and Recycle Connections
Mixing refrigerants or oils could result in equipment
damage including bearing damage, introduction of To facilitate refrigerant removal and replacement, new-
acids into the chiller, or continuous purge pump-out er-design units are provided with a 3/4-inch vapor fitting
in high-head/high ambient applications. CenTraVac
with shutoff valve on the chiller suction and with a 3/4-
chillers are manufactured with different refrigerant/
oil systems: R-123 chillers using OIL00022 and R-514A inch liquid connection with shutoff valve at the bottom
chillers using OIL00334/OIL00335. Verify proper refrig- of the evaporator shell (refer to Refrigerant Handling
erant and oil for your chiller and do NOT mix refriger- Guidelines).
ants or oils!
The refrigerant charging procedure for Trane centrifugal
chillers is:
1. If water is p resent in the tubes, break machine
vacuum with refrigerant vapor, or circulate water, to
avoid tube damage.
2. Always use refrigerant compatible hoses or cop-
per-tubing with self-sealing connections or shut-off

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT


Leak Testing

Hazard of Explosion!
Never use an open flame to detect gas leaks. Explo-
sive conditions may occur. Use a leak test solution
or other approved methods for leak testing. Failure
to follow recommended safe leak test procedures
could result in death or serious injury or equipment
or property-only-damage.

Hazardous Pressures!
If a heat source is required to raise the tank pressure
during removal of refrigerant from cylinders, use
only warm water or heat blankets to raise the tank
temperature. Do not exceed a temperature of 150°F.
Do not, under any circumstances apply direct flame
to any portion of the cylinder. Failure to follow these
safety precautions could result in a sudden rise of
pressure possibly resulting in a violent explosion
which could result in death or serious injury.
To leak-test a chiller containing full refrigerant charge,
raise chiller pressure using a controlled hot water or
electric-resistance system to a maximum of 8 psig. Do
not use nitrogen, which will cause excessive refrigerant
discharge by the purge system.

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Waterbox Removal and Installation

PERFORM THE INSTALLATION AND SER- 2. Select the proper lift connection device from the Con-
VICING OF THIS EQUIPMENT. nection Devices table. The rated lifting capacity of the
selected lift connection device must meet or exceed
Discussion the published weight of the waterbox. Verify the wa-
terbox weight from the latest published literature.
This section will discuss recommended hoist ring/clevis- 3. Ensure that the lift connection device has the correct
es and lifting. Proper lifting technique will vary based on connection for the waterbox. Example: thread type
mechanical room layout. (course/fine, English/metric). Bolt diameter (English/
• It is the responsibility of the person(s) performing metric).
the work to be properly trained in the safe practice of 4. Properly connect the lift connection device to the
rigging, lifting, securing, and fastening the of water waterbox. Refer to Figure 36, p. 72. Ensure lift con-
box. nection device is securely fastened.
• It is the responsibility of the person(s) providing and CTV units - Install hoist ring on to the lifting connection
using the rigging and lifting devices to inspect these on the waterbox. Torque to 100 ft·lb for 3/4” threaded
devices to ensure they are free from defect and are connections and 28 ft·lb for 1/2” threaded connections.
rated to meet or exceed the published weight of the
Figure 36. Waterbox rigging and lifting - condenser and
• Always use rigging and lifting devices in accordance evaporator connections
with the applicable instructions for such device.

Procedure Lifting location

Heavy Objects!
Each of the individual cables (chains or slings) used
to lift the waterbox must be capable of supporting
the entire weight of the waterbox. The cables (chains
or slings) must be rated for overhead lifting applica-
tions with an acceptable working load limit. Failure
to properly lift waterbox could result in death or
serious injury.

Lifting Lifting
The proper use and ratings for eyebolts can be found location location
in ANSI/ASME standard B18.15. Maximum load
rating for eyebolts are based on a straight vertical
lift in a gradually increasing manner. Angular lifts
will significantly lower maximum loads and should
be avoided whenever possible. Loads should always
be applied to eyebolts in the plane of the eye, not
at some angle to this plane. Failure to properly lift
waterbox could result in death or serious injury.
Review mechanical room limitations and determine the
safest method or methods of rigging and lifting the wa-
1. Determine the type and size of chiller being serviced
(CVH, CVG). Refer to Trane Nameplate located on 5. Disconnect water pipes, if connected.
chiller control panel. 6. Remove water box bolts
Note: This bulletin contains rigging and lifting informa- 7. Lift the waterbox away from the shell.
tion for Trane CTV chillers built in La Crosse only.
For Trane CTV chillers built outside the US, refer
to literature provided by the applicable manufac-

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT

Waterbox Removal and Installation

Overhead Hazard!
Never stand below or in close proximately to heavy
objects while they are suspended from, or being lift-
ed by, a lifting device. Failure to follow these instruc-
tions could result in death or serious injuries.
8. Store waterbox in a safe and secure location and position.
Note: Do not leave waterbox suspended from lifting

Once service is complete the waterbox should be rein-
stalled on the shell following all previous procedures in
reverse. Use new O-rings or gaskets on all joints after
thoroughly cleaning each joint.
9. Torque waterbox bolts. Refer to Table 16.

Refer to Table 16 for torque and refer to CVHE-SVN02D-
EN, Installation - Piping Information: Water- Cooled
CenTraVac with CH530, or the most recent version for
CVHE torquing procedure.

Table 16. CenTraVac torque

Botl Size Inch Gasket type O-ring Flat ft·lb (N·m)
(mm) ft·lb (N·m)
3/8” (9.5) 25 (34) 12–18 (16–24)
1/2” (13) 70 (95) 33–50 (45–68)
5/8” (16) 150 (203) 70–90 (95–122)
3/4” (19) 250 (339) 105–155 (142–210)

60 Hz with AHRI relief (dBA) (continued)
60 Hz with AHRI relief (dBA)
Typical Sound Pressure
Typical Sound Pressure
Condenser Freq. 100% 75% 50% 25%
Condenser Freq. 100% 75% 50% 25% Model Shell Size Drive Load Load Load Load
Model Shell Size Drive Load Load Load Load
Y 82 79 77 77
030A, 030A Y 70 68 68 67 142L
CVHS 300 N 82 81 83 85
030B, 030B Y 70 68 68 67 CVHF 1070
Y 82 79 77 78
Y 77 77 77 77 210L, 250L
032S, 032L N 82 82 83 85
N 77 78 78 78
CVHE 230–250 Y 82 79 77 77
Y 78 77 77 77 142L
050S, 050L N 83 83 84 85
N 78 78 78 78 CVHF 1300
Y 83 81 78 79
Y 78 77 77 76 210, 250L
032S, 032L N 83 83 84 85
N 77 76 76 77
CVHE 280 Y 83 80 79 78
Y 78 77 77 76 210L
050S, 050L N 83 82 82 83
N 77 76 76 77 CVHF 1470
Y 84 82 80 79
Y 77 76 76 75 250L
032S, 032L N 83 83 82 83
N 77 78 78 78
CVHE 320 Y 84 81 79 80
Y 78 78 78 78 210L
050S, 050L N 84 82 82 83
N 78 78 80 80 CVHF 1720
Y 84 81 79 80
Y 78 78 77 77 250L
050S, 050L N 84 82 82 83
N 78 79 80 80
CVHE 360–400 Y 85 83 82 81
Y 78 78 78 78 CDHF 1500 210D
080S, 080L N 85 83 83 84
N 78 79 80 80
Y 84 82 80 79
Y 78 77 76 76 CDHF 2000 210D
050S, 050L N 84 82 82 83
N 77 77 78 79
CVHE 450 Y 85 82 81 80
Y 78 77 76 76 CDHF 2170 250D
080S, 080L N 85 82 81 82
N 77 77 78 79
Y 87 84 83 82
Y 79 77 76 76 CDHF 2550 250D
050S, 050L N 87 84 83 84
N 78 78 79 79
CVHE 500 Y 91 91 91 91
Y 79 77 76 76 CDHF 3000 250M
080S, 080L N 91 91 91 91
N 78 78 79 79
Y 79 78 78 79
050S, 050L
N 79 78 80 81 50 Hz with AHRI relief and starter (dBA)
CVHF 350
Y 79 78 78 79 Typical Sound Pressure
080S, 080L
N 79 78 80 81 Condenser 100% 75% 50% 25%
Y 78 77 76 77 Model Shell Size Load Load Load Load
050S, 050L
N 79 78 79 81 032S, 032L 78 78 79 81
CVHF 410 CVHE 190–270
Y 78 77 76 77 050S, 050L 78 78 79 81
080S, 080L
N 80 79 80 81 050S, 050L 77 77 78 80
CVHE 300–330
Y 80 78 77 78 080S, 080L 77 77 78 80
050S, 050L
N 79 78 79 82 050S, 050L 78 78 79 81
CVHF 485 CVHE 370–420
Y 80 78 77 78 080S, 080L 78 78 79 81
080S, 080L
N 79 79 79 82 050S, 050L 79 78 79 81
CVHG 480
Y 80 78 77 77 080S, 080L 79 78 79 81
050S, 050L
N 80 79 80 83 050S, 050L 79 79 80 82
CVHF 570 CVHG 565
Y 80 78 77 77 080S, 080L 79 79 80 82
080S, 080L
N 80 79 78 83 080S, 080L 80 78 79 81
CVHG 670
Y 81 79 78 78 142L 80 78 79 81
080S, 080L
N 80 79 81 83 080S, 080L 80 80 81 82
CVHF 620–650 CVHG 780
Y 81 79 79 79 142L 81 80 81 83
N 80 80 81 83 142L 81 81 82 83
CVHG 920
Y 81 78 76 77 210L 81 81 82 83
080S, 080L
N 81 79 80 83 142L 81 81 83 84
CVHF 760–770 CVHG 1100
Y 82 79 76 77 210L 81 81 83 84
N 82 81 81 83
Y 82 79 77 78
080S, 080L
N 82 82 81 83
CVHF 870–910
Y 82 78 76 77
N 83 82 83 84

60 Hz sound pressure (dB) by octave band with AHRI relief and Adaptive Frequency™ drive (AFD)
Model % Load 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz
100 66 65 63 63 65 63 59 54
75 67 64 64 62 63 62 58 53
CVHS 300
50 68 64 65 64 62 61 61 56
25 68 65 65 64 61 59 62 54
100 77 77 76 74 71 69 73 65
75 78 77 75 72 70 69 69 65
CVHE 230–250
50 78 77 76 72 71 70 70 65
25 77 76 75 72 71 71 69 66
100 79 76 75 73 70 71 72 66
75 78 77 75 72 70 69 69 65
CVHE 280
50 78 77 76 72 71 70 70 65
25 77 76 76 71 68 67 68 66
100 77 76 76 72 70 69 73 66
75 77 77 76 72 69 67 69 65
CVHE 320
50 77 76 76 72 69 67 67 66
25 77 76 76 72 69 67 68 66
100 79 78 74 72 72 72 69 64
75 78 77 74 72 72 71 68 64
CVHE 360–400
50 76 76 75 72 71 71 70 64
25 75 75 75 72 70 70 70 66
100 77 77 76 75 71 70 73 66
75 78 78 75 72 70 69 69 65
CVHE 450
50 77 75 74 72 70 69 69 66
25 77 76 74 72 69 68 67 66
100 71 69 69 69 70 71 75 65
75 70 70 69 68 69 70 72 65
CVHE 500
50 67 68 68 68 69 69 70 66
25 66 67 67 67 68 69 68 65
100 75 75 73 71 71 70 70 65
75 76 75 71 71 69 68 68 65
CVHF 350
50 75 75 73 70 68 67 67 65
25 75 75 73 70 68 67 66 65
100 77 77 74 72 73 72 70 65
75 77 77 76 72 72 71 69 65
CVHF 410
50 77 76 76 72 71 71 70 65
25 77 76 75 72 71 71 69 65
100 75 76 74 72 73 72 74 66
75 78 77 77 73 70 69 70 66
CVHF 485
50 78 76 76 72 70 68 69 67
25 77 77 76 72 70 68 67 67
100 76 77 76 74 74 72 74 66
75 77 76 76 72 71 69 71 67
CVHF 570
50 77 76 75 72 69 68 69 69
25 77 76 76 72 70 68 67 69
100 76 76 76 77 76 74 76 66
75 77 77 75 74 72 73 74 68
CVHF 620–650
50 77 76 75 73 70 72 72 69
25 78 77 75 72 70 71 71 68
100 79 78 78 79 76 74 74 66
75 77 76 76 75 73 70 70 66
CVHF 760–770
50 76 74 74 71 69 67 67 69
25 77 76 75 72 70 68 68 69
100 77 78 78 79 77 76 73 64
75 76 76 75 74 74 72 68 67
CVHF 870–910
50 77 75 75 72 70 67 66 68
25 78 76 77 74 71 68 67 68

60 Hz sound pressure (dB) by octave band with AHRI relief and Adaptive Frequency™ drive (AFD) (continued)
Model % Load 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz
100 78 77 76 74 77 73 71 65
75 72 73 75 72 73 69 69 67
CVHF 1070
50 76 74 75 72 72 67 66 68
25 72 73 74 72 71 66 66 69
100 78 78 79 77 80 75 72 65
75 77 77 77 74 76 72 69 66
50 77 76 75 73 73 68 66 68
25 77 75 75 74 73 69 66 68
100 79 79 79 78 79 77 74 65
75 79 77 78 77 75 72 65 66
CVHF 1470
50 76 76 77 75 74 71 68 66
25 79 78 77 74 71 68 67 66
100 76 80 79 78 80 78 75 64
75 76 77 77 76 78 74 70 66
CVHF 1720
50 77 79 79 75 73 69 66 67
25 77 79 79 75 73 71 67 69
100 78 78 82 80 80 76 72 65
75 77 78 81 81 80 76 71 64
CDHF 1500
50 76 79 79 81 80 75 71 63
25 76 79 78 83 80 75 70 62
100 80 82 81 81 80 76 72 69
75 80 79 81 79 78 74 71 68
CDHF 2000
50 81 79 80 76 73 70 68 70
25 80 79 80 77 74 70 69 68
100 79 79 80 79 83 77 74 68
75 76 79 78 77 78 75 71 68
CDHF 2170
50 76 78 79 77 75 73 70 71
25 77 79 80 77 75 71 69 70
100 77 82 82 80 83 80 75 68
75 77 80 81 79 81 78 73 68
CDHF 2550
50 77 79 80 78 80 76 71 69
25 76 79 80 77 79 76 70 68

50 Hz sound pressure (dB) by octave band with AHRI relief and starter
Model Number % Load 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz
100 78 77 75 75 76 73 68 65
75 77 77 76 74 76 72 66 65
CVHE 190–270
50 78 77 75 75 76 71 69 65
25 79 79 79 77 77 74 69 65
100 77 76 75 74 76 72 68 65
75 76 76 76 74 75 71 66 64
CVHE 300–330
50 77 76 75 75 75 70 69 64
25 78 78 78 76 76 73 69 65
100 77 77 76 75 76 73 68 65
75 77 77 76 75 76 72 66 64
CVHE 370–420
50 77 77 75 76 75 71 69 64
25 79 79 79 77 77 74 69 65
100 78 78 78 75 75 73 68 64
75 77 77 77 75 75 72 66 64
CVHG 480
50 78 78 77 75 74 73 68 65
25 79 79 79 76 77 73 69 65
100 79 78 77 74 76 73 70 65
75 79 79 79 74 74 71 67 65
CVHG 565
50 80 81 79 76 74 72 68 65
25 80 81 80 77 77 74 69 65
100 78 76 75 76 76 75 69 62
75 77 77 76 74 73 72 66 62
CVHG 670
50 78 77 77 76 76 72 68 62
25 78 76 78 77 77 76 70 63
100 76 74 75 75 77 75 71 66
75 74 72 74 75 76 74 71 65
CVHG 780
50 73 75 74 76 76 76 73 65
25 74 75 74 79 78 77 72 64
100 78 79 76 77 75 74 72 65
75 78 78 76 77 76 74 72 65
CVHG 920
50 78 79 77 79 77 76 73 65
25 78 78 77 78 79 78 74 65
100 71 70 73 71 77 74 69 63
75 70 69 72 72 78 75 71 63
CVHG 1100
50 68 68 70 72 79 77 73 64
25 72 73 71 74 80 78 73 65

RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT


CenTraVac Commissioning Checklist

Job Name  Location
Model #   Serial #
Sales Order #   Start-up Date
Note: The Unit Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals including Warning and Cautions, Applicable Service
Alerts and Bulletins, Submittals, and Design Specifications must be used in conjunction with this checklist.


A. Obtain Pre-commissioning Check Sheet

This must be prepared by installer for a particular unit, verifying the unit is ready for commissioning.

B. Obtain Design (order) Specification Data

This indicates the design criteria of the particular unit. A unit cannot be properly commissioned unless this data is
known. It is the responsibility of the selling office to furnish this data.

C. Obtain Wiring Diagrams

The “as-wired” electrical diagram should be compatible with the recommended Trane submittals and diagrams. Are
customer added external/remote control circuits compatible? Yes  No
D. General Installation Observations

 1. Is there any apparent shipping or rigging damage? Yes  No

 2. Record the unit pressure upon receipt:     psig. If there is no pressure, a leak test will have to be done be-
fore the unit can be evacuated and charged.
 3
 . Is the water piping correctly installed?
Flow Switches Yes No Pressure Gauges Yes No
Isolations Valves Yes No Flow Balancing Valves Yes No
Thermometer Wells Yes No Vent Cocks and Drains Yes No

 4. Have proper clearances around the unit been maintained per submittal and/or Installation? Are there Manual
guidelines available Yes  No
 5. Is power wiring of adequate ampacity and correct voltage? Yes  No
 6. Is the unit base acceptable, level, and is the unit on isolators (rubber as supplied by Trane or spring type)?
 Yes  No
 7. Have the low voltage circuits been properly isolated from the higher voltage control and power circuits?
 Yes  No

E. Comments 

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A. Pre-start Operations

1. Holding Charge
    psig. Must be positive pressure or leak test must be done.
2. Before relieving the holding charge, calibrate the H.P.C. high-pressure control
This is a check of pressure to the H.P.C. as well as calibration of the control.
Disconnect and cap the flare. Calibrate H.P.C. and reconnect flare.
 Relieve the holding charge.
 Check and if necessary, tighten all connections per proper specs.
3. Megohm the Motor (500 volt Meggar)
 Compressor motor Megohms - refer to temp/resistance chart for acceptable values. Remove surge suppres-
sors before Megging. Never Meg test with the unit in a vacuum.
T1 to Earth    T4 to Earth    T1 to T2 T1 to T4    
T2 to Earth    T5 to Earth    T1 to T3 T2 to T5   
T3 to Earth    T6 to Earth    T2 to T3 T3 to T6   
4. Evacuation
Connect the vacuum pump to start evacuation. Use a 2-stage pump with at least 5 CFM capacity. Connect to
the evaporator-charging valve with a hose no smaller than 3/4 inch ID.
a. For the IT Cutler-Hammer Solid State Starter it is necessary to shut off all power to the unit prior to evac-
uating the chiller. The IT starter has terminals 4, 5, & 6 hot when the unit is off. Failure to shut off power to
the chiller, with the vacuum pump hook up, will cause a motor failure.
5. Condenser
 Isolation and flow valves installed
 Calibrated thermometers and pressure gauges installed in/out condenser on machine side of any valve or
 If condenser pump controlled by control panel, is field wiring correct and complete?
 Condenser pump(s) run, system and strainers properly cleaned and/or flushed.
 Condenser water strainer in close proximity to entering connection of condenser.
 Previsions installed to properly maintain water treatment additives.
 Initial water treatment added to system
 Flow or differential pressure switch installed and where possible, wired in series with auxiliary of pump mo-
tor starter. Verify correct operation of flow proving circuit.
 Condenser water flow balance.
PSID design    GPM design   
PSID actual    GPM actual   
6. Evaporator
     psig. Must be positive pressure or leak test must be done.
 Calibrated thermometers and pressure gauges installed in/out of evaporator on machine side of any valve or
 If the evaporator pump controlled by the control panel, is field wiring correct and complete?
 Evaporator pump(s) run 24 hrs. System and strainers properly cleaned and/or flushed.
 Evaporator water strainer in close proximity to entering connection of evaporator.
 Provisions installed to properly maintain water treatment additives.
 Initial water treatment added to system.
 Flow or differential pressure switch installed and where possible, wired in series with auxiliary of pump mo-

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tor starter. Verify correct operation of flow proving circuit.

 Evaporator water flow balanced.
PSID design    GPM design   
PSID actual    GPM actual   
7. Electrical and Controls
a. Motor Starter Panel
 A
 ll terminals tightened.
 W
 iring free from abrasion, kinks, and sharp corners. Contactors and relays have freedom of move-
 A
 ll contacts are free of corrosion or dirt. Panel is free of dust, debris etc.
 C
 heck the ratio of the current transformers. Record the part numbers on the start-up log.
 U
 se only twisted shielded pair for the IPC circuit between the starter and the control panel on remote
starters. Recommended wire is Belden 8760, 18 AWG. Polarity is critical.
 T
 he low voltage IPC link ( 30 volts) must be in separate conduit from the 115-volt wiring.
 IPC link routing within the starter panel must stay a minimum of 6 inches from higher voltages.
 R
 emote starter to control panel connections are complete and comply with Trane requirements. Verify
oil pump interlock circuit to 1A7J2-4 and J2-2.
 C
 heck the correctness of the power connections from the starter to the motor.
 C
 heck the wiring to the starter for size, voltage and correct phase rotation (A-L1, B-L2, & C-L3)
 C
 heck the equal phase representation in each power-wiring conduit.
b. Control Panel
 A
 ll terminals tightened.
 W
 iring free from abrasion, kinks, and sharp corners.
 L
 ow voltage wires are isolated from high voltage wires.
 P
 anel is free of dust, debris etc.
 “
 Power Up” the control panel. (Non-AFD Starters)
1. Starter disconnect locked open.
2. Fuse 2F4 must be removed from the starter.
3. Connect auxiliary 115VAC-power cord to Terminals 1X1-5(L1) and 1X1-17(L2) in the starter panel.
4. Plug in cord to 115VAC-power source. Control panel is now energized.
 R
 ecord the configuration and setpoints of the UC800 control system, using Service Tool (Tracer TU).
Check “on-line” to be sure your Service Tool is current.
 U
 sing Tracer TU equipment utility configuration, check the UC800 firmware version and upgrade if
 U
 sing the unit nameplate data and the order specification, double check and reset, if required, the
settings of RLA & CTMS, using Service Tool.
If Evaporator and condenser water pumps are controlled by the control panel, use the AdaptiView
manual override menu to manually start and test the control of the pumps.
 C
 heck the setting of the oil pressure-regulating valve.
1. Use the AdaptiView manual override of the control panel to manually start the oil pump.
2. Proceed to the Compressor Report menu and observe the Differential Oil Pressure
3. Adjust the oil pressure-regulating valve to maintain 18 to 22 psid. The oil pressure- regulating valve
may require adjustment as the unit is started.
4. This procedure also checks to ensure correct sensing of oil pressure. The Oil Pressure Cutout setting
is adjustable within via the UC800 Service Tool.

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5. Return Oil Pump control to ‘Auto’ from within the AdaptiView.

 C
 heck vane operator and vanes (Service Tool).
1. Use the Service Tool manual override menu to manually override the vane control.
2. Enter targets from 0% to 100% and observe vane operation. At minimum and maximum travel the
operator should not exert any force on the vane assembly, adjust as required.
3. Vane movement is smooth to open/close.
4. Vane movement is reported back to the control panel.
5. Return Vane control to ‘Auto’.
 D
 ry run the starter (Service Tool).
1. Make sure the starter disconnect is safety locked open.
2. Use the Service Tool menu of the control panel to initiate the Starter Dry Run.
3. Observe correct operation of starter contactors.
4. Observe correct operation of transition complete signal (if required).
5. Disable Starter Dry Run when complete.
 R
 emove Power
 D
 isconnect and remove temporary power cord.
B. Preparation for Start-up.

1. Evacuation and charging

 Evacuation leak test. When vacuum has been drawn down to 500 microns to 1000 micons, secure the vac-
uum pump. Wait for 12 hours for a valid vacuum leak test. If the rise in vacuum is less than 500 microns
per 12 hours start-up may proceed.
the prescribed amount of refrigerant through the liquid charging valve at the liquid inlet to the evaporator.
Check that all drums contain a full amount of refrigerant. Amount charged lgs and kg.
2. Electrical
 D
 isconnect all temporary power cords, replace all fuses, connect motor leads, make final electrical in-
 P
 ower up the motor starter. Check for control voltage at control panel terminals 1X1-1 and 1X1-17.
 C
 heck current to the oil sump heater.
 A
 s the oil heats up, finish any operations not yet completed in preparation for starting the unit.
C. Chiller Start-up

1. Make all preliminary checks.

Oil temp, oil level, chilled water flow, chilled water load available (cooling units on) etc.
2. Start the unit
 If the phase rotation of the electrical power has not been positively confirmed, the actual rotation of the
motor must be checked. Observe the rotation of the motor shaft through the sight glass on the end of the
motor at the moment of start-up. Rotation must be CLOCKWISE. If the phase sequence is incorrect, con-
firmed by observation of the Phase Reversal diagnostic on the control panel, then the incoming power
leads to the stator must be adjusted by authorized personnel.
 A
 s the unit starts and runs, observe closely all operating conditions. Adjust the oil pressure regulator if
necessary to 18 to 22 psi net.
 In the AdaptiView Purge Settings menu of the control panel, place the Purge Operating Mode to ‘on’ to al-
low the removal of non-condensables. It may also be necessary to disable the Purge Pumpout Limit timer
found in the Purge Settings menu.

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 A
 fter the unit has the system down to design leaving chilled water temp and is under control, and the
purge is no longer relieving non-condensables, begin taking the start-up test log. Log the unit a minimum
of 3 times at 15-minute intervals.
 In the AdaptiView Purge Settings menu of the control panel, return the purge-operating mode to ‘Adaptive’.
 R
 estart the chiller and carefully observed the starting and loading sequence.
3. Instructions to the Chiller Operator.
 Instructions for starting, operating, and shutting down.
 Instructions for logging the unit.
 Instructions for periodic maintenance.
D. After 2 weeks of operation (International Units Only)
1. Remove the water box covers on both the evaporator and condenser. Mechanically brush clean all the
tubes. This is to assure there is no debris blocking any of the tubes. A piece of debris partially blocking a tube
may cause that tube to fail prematurely.
2. Replace the oil filter with the spare oil filter included in the control panel at time of shipment.

E. Comments and/or Recommendations:

Service Technician Signature Date

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Pre-commissioning Checksheet and Request for Serviceman
To: Trane ®Service Company
S.O. No.: Pre-commissioning Checksheet and #s:
Serial Request
 for Serviceman
To: Name: 
Job/Project Trane Service Company
S.O. No.: Serial #s:
Job/Project Name:
The following
Address:items are being installed and will be completed by: 
Check boxes if the task
The following is complete
items or if the and
are being installed answer is “yes”
will be .
completed by:
Check boxes if the task is complete or if the answer is "yes".

1. CenTraVac Chiller motor connection (remote starters)*

In place and piped. Do not insulate CenTraVac or Chilled water pump (connected and tested)
adjacent piping. The contractor is responsible for Condenser water pump (connected and tested)
any foreign material left in the unit. Cooling tower fan rotation checked
2. Piping Heat recovery condenser water
Chilled water piping connected to: pump (as applicable)
CenTraVac Power available for Service tools 115 VAC
Air handling units All controls installed and connected
Pumps All magnetic starters installed and connected
Condenser and heat recovery condenser
(as applicable) piping connected to: *Note: Do not make final remote starter to compressor
CenTraVac motor connections until requested to do so by the
Pumps Trane Service representative.
Cooling tower
Heating loop (as applicable) 6. Testing
Make-up water connected to cooling tower Dry nitrogen available for pressure testing
Water supply connected to filling system Trace gas amounts of Refrigerant-22 or R-134a
Systems filled available for leak testing, if necessary
Pumps run, air bled from system
Strainers cleaned 7. Refrigerant On Job Site

3. Flow Balancing Valves Installed 8. Systems Can Be Operated Under

Leaving chilled water Load Conditions
Leaving condenser water
Heat recovery condenser leaving water 9. Electrical, Control Man and Contractor's
Representative Are Available to Evacuate,
4. Gauges, Thermometers and Air Vents Charge and Test the CenTraVac under
Installed on both sides of evaporator Serviceman's Supervision
Installed on both sides of condenser and heat
recover condenser (as applicable) 10. Equipment Room
Does the equipment room have a refrigerant
5. Wiring monitor/sensor capable of monitoring and

Compressor motor starter has been furnished alarming within the allowable exposure level
by or approved by Trane La Crosse, WI of the refirgerant?
Full Power available Does the installation have properly placed and
Interconnecting wiring, starter to panel (as req'd) operating audible and visual refrigerant

External interlocks (flow swtch, pumps aux, etc) alarms?

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10. Equipment Room (continued) 11. Owner Awareness

Does the equipment room have proper Has the owner been fully instructed on the
mechanical ventilation? proper use of refrigerant HCFC-123?
If it is required by local code, is a Does the owner have a copy of the MSDS for
self-contained breathing apparatus available? refrigerant HCFC-123?
Was the owner given a copy of the
Refrigerant Handling Guidelines?

Note: Additional time required to properly complete the start-up and commissioning, due to any
incompleteness of the of the installation, will be invoiced at prevailing rates.

This is to certify that the CenTraVac chiller(s) has/have been properly and completely installed,
and that the applicable items listed above have been satisfactorily completed.

Checklist Completed By

Signed: Date:

In accordance with your quotation and our purchase order number __________, we will therefore
require the presence of Trane service on the site, for the purpose of start-up and commissioning,
by: Date:

Note: Advance notification is required to allow scheduling of the start-up as close as possible to
the requested date.

Additional Comments/Instructions

A copy of this completed form must be submitted to the Trane Service Agency that will be
responsible for the start-up of the chiller.

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Annual Inspection Checklist

Follow the Annual Maintenance Instructions provided in the text of this manual,
including but not limited to:

Compressor Motor Evaporator

 Motor continuity  Once every 3 years on a closed
 Motor meg test (record results) loop, visually inspect for scaling
 Check and tighten motor  and fouling in tubes. This may be
terminals needed annually if on an open
 Clean motor terminal board system or if performance issues
 Check control RLA settings are noted.

Starter or AFD Controls

 Check condition of starter  Check low refrigerant temp cutout
contacts setpoint. Check accuracy of
 Check/tighten all connections per sensor in ice water.
manufacturer’s specification.  Check evap leaving water temp
 Follow all manufacture’s low temp cutout setpoint. Check
recommendations for starter or accuracy of sensor in ice water.
AFD maintenance.  Ensure sensors are properly
 Inspect/clean/service the AFD seated in wells with thermo-paste
cooling system (water or air installed.
cooled AFD).  Check all electrical connections.
 Record all applicable starter or  Check the condenser high
starter component settings. pressure switch. Note trip point.
 Check adjustment and operation
Oil Sump of the IGV actuator.
 Change oil only if recommended  Note number of starts and
by oil analysis. (9 gal cap) operating hours.
 Change oil filter.  Check and record the chiller unit
 Lubricate oil filter valve. controls configuration and
 Check/clean Refrigerant/Oil setpoints.
pump motor terminals, start relay,  Check service bulletins and alerts
and capacitor connections. to determine if any updates are
 Refrigerant/Oil pump motor required or recommended.
ground/continuity check.
 Run oil pump and check net oil

 Visually inspect for scaling and
fouling in tubes. Note findings
and make recommendations for

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Leak Test Chiller Purge

 Check purge times and unit  Review the purge operation and
performance logs. Pressure leak maintenance manual and perform
test if warranted or every 3 years. all maintenance items identified.
 Refrigerant and oil analysis for  Replace the filter drier on the
acid content. purge return line.
 Inspect unit for any signs of
refrigerant or oil leakage. Exterior
 Check unit for any loose bolts on  Clean and touch-up painted
flanges, volutes, or casings. surfaces as needed.
 Repair deteriorated, torn, or
missing insulation.
 Lubricate linkages and tang

Interview customer and review any operating data from the cooling season.


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STARTUP Test Log Water Cooled CenTraVac

With UC800 Controller
AdaptiView Reports - log sheet Log 1 Log 2 Log 3
Refrig. Press
Flow Sw Status
Refrig. Press
Flow Sw Status
Running Time
Oil Tank Press
Oil Discharge Press
Oil Diff Press
Oil Tank Temp
IGV Position %
IGV Steps
% RLA U1, V1, W1
Amps U1,V1,W1
Volts AB, BC, CA
Power KW
Load PF
Winding # 1 Temp
Winding # 2 Temp
Winding # 3 Temp
with AFD only
AFD Freq
AFD Speed
AFD Transistor Temp
Time Until Next Purge Run
Daily Pumpout - 24 hrs
Avg. Daily Pumpout - 7 days
Daily Pumpout Limit/Alarm
Chiller On 7 days
Pumpout Chiller On 7 days
Pumpout Chiller Off 7 days
Pumpout - Life
Purge Rfgt Cprsr Suction Temp.
Purge Liquid Temp.
Tank Temp.(if
Carbon Tank Temp. present)

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STARTUP Chiller Report – Water Cooled CenTraVac

With UC800 Controller
Service Tool Records


Unit Information
Unit Name
Unit Model Number
Unit Sales Order Number
Unit Serial Number
Application Firmware
Boot Firmware
Build Part Number

Chiller Configuration
Unit Type (MODL)

Unit Capacity(PTON)
Compressor Size(NTON)
Manufacturing Location
Starter Type
Condenser High Pressure Cutout
Impeller Diameter

Line Voltage Sensing
Free Cooling
Hot Gas Bypass
Second Condenser
Hot Water Control
Outdoor Air Temp Sensor
External Chilled Water Setpoint
External Current Limit Setpoint
Hardware Ice Building
Refrigerant Monitor Type
Condenser Pressure Sensor
Evap Differential Wtr Press
Condenser Differential Water Pressure
Enhanced Oil Temperature Protection
Chiller Running Oil Temperature Control
Compressor Refrigerant Discharge Temperature Sensor
Bearing Temperature Sensors
IGV Actuators

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Operating Status Programmable Relays

LonTalk (Comm5) BAS Interface
Purge Control
% RLA and Condenser Rfgt Pressure Output
Max Capacity Relay Filter Time
Head Relief Relay Filter Time
Base Loading

Options Setup
ECWS Minimum Temperature
ECWS Maximum Temperature
Rfgt Pressure Output Type
Min Delta Rfgt Pressure Output
Max Delta Rfgt Pressure Output
Evaporator Differential Water Pressure Range

Starter (non AFD)

Stop Delay Time (Contactor Interrupt Failure)
Unit Line Voltage
Voltage Transformer Ratio
Rated Load Amps
CT Meter Scale
Current Unbalance Trip Point
Current Unbalance Grace Period
Maximum Acceleration Setting
Acceleration Time Out Action
Overload Type
Phase Reversal Protection
Contactor Integrity Test
Phase Reversal Grace Period
Surge Protection
Momentary Power Loss Protection
Restart Inhibit Stop to Start Time
Surge Sensitivity
Power Loss Reset Time
RTD Type

Starter (AFD)_
Restart Inhibit Stop to Start Time
Surge Protection
Surge Sensitivity
Power Loss Reset Time
Unit Line Voltage
Motor NP FLA (TVA)
Motor NP RLA
Motor NP Power
Motor NP Hertz
Motor NP RPM

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Stator Resistance
Flux Current Reference
Acceleration Time
Deceleration Time
Starter Current Limit
Current Limit Gain
Power Loss Mode
Power Loss Time
Flying Start
Flying Start Gain
Use Trane Defaults
RTD Type

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STARTUP Chiller Report – Water Cooled CenTraVac

With UC800 Controller
Service Tool Records

Chiller Service Setpoints
Chiller Setpoints
Front Panel Chilled Water Setpt
Front Panel Current Limit Setpoint
Front Panel Ice Building Command
Differential to Start
Differential to Stop
Setpoint Source
Evaporator Water Flow Point 1
Evaporator Pressure Drop Point 1
Evaporator Water Flow Point 2
Evaporator Pressure Drop Point 2
Evaporator Fluid Specific Gravity
Evaporator Fluid Specific Heat
Evap Low Water Flow Warning Setpoint
Low Differential Oil Pressure Cutout Setpoint
Check Oil Filter Diagnostic
Check Oil Filter Setpoint
Restart Inhibit Diagnostic
Minimum Capacity Limit
Maximum Capacity Limit

Compressor Setpoints
Motor Winding Temp Diagnostic Severity

Adjustable Frequency Drive Setpoints

AF Control
Re-Optimization Sensitivity

Chiller Field Startup Settings

Feature Settings
Chilled Water Reset Type
Return Reset Ratio
Return Start Reset
Return Maximum Reset
Outdoo Reset Ratio
Outdoor Start Reset
Outdoor Maximum Reset
Ext Chilled Wtr Setpt
Front Panel Ice Termn Setpt
Evaporator Design Delta Temp

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Evaporator Leaving Water Temp Cutout

Inlet Guide Vane Max Steps First Stage
Low Refrigerant Temp Cutout
Condenser Limit Setpt
Restart Inhibit Free Starts
Local Atmospheric Pressure
High Evaporator Water Temperature Cutout
High Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature Warning
Ice Building Feature
Current Limit Softload Start Point
Phase Unbalance Limit Protection
Over/Under Voltage Protection
Minimum Capacity Timer
Control Algorithm Flow Compensation

Manual Settings
Clear Energy Consumption
Purge Regen Cycle
Purge Exhaust Circuit Test
Clear Restart Inhibit Timer
Exhaust Circuit Pressure Test
Exhaust Circuit Vacuum Test

Adjustable Frequency Drive

Maximum Frequency
Minimum Frequency
AFD Surge Capacity Increase

Ice to Normal Cooling Timer Setpoint
Maximum Time at Minimum Capacity
Power-Up Start Delay
Condenser Water Pump Off Delay
Evaporator Water Pump Off Delay
Restart Inhibit Start to Start
Capacity Control Softload Time
Current Limit Control Softload Time
Starter Power Demand Time Period
Re-Optimization Timer
Daily Pumpout Limit
Disable Daily Pumpout Limit

Chiller Purge
Purge Mode
Purge Liquid Temp Inhibit
Purge Liquid Temperature Limit

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Create a list of all installed LLIDs.

Manual Entries
Refrigerant Level ____________________________________________________
Addition of Refrigerant ______________________________________________
Oil Level ____________________________________________________________
Vibration Levels _____________________________________________________
Addition of Oil ______________________________________________________

Signed _____________________________
Date _______________________________

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AdaptiView Display Customer Training Checklist

Equipment Description, including

Equipment Settings
how to use the touch screen
Viewing the Settings Screen
Screen Overview
Chiller Status Area Viewing and Changing
Main Display Area/Home Equipment Settings
Screen Chiller Settings
Component Screens Setpoint Sources
Main Menu Area Setpoint Source
Stopping/Restarting Chiller Operation
Changing the
Alarms Setpoint Source
Viewing the Alarms Screen Feature Settings
Understanding Alarm Icons Chilled Water Reset
Viewing Active and Historic
Purge Settings
Sorting Alarms Manual Control Settings
Resetting Alarms
Display Settings
The Two Other Alarm
Indicators on the display Viewing the Settings Screen
Viewing and Changing
Reports Display Preferences
Viewing the Reports Screen Viewing and Changing the
Viewing the Log Sheet Language Preference
Viewing the ASHRAE Viewing and Changing Date
Chiller Log and Time Preferences
Creating and Viewing a Cleaning the Display
Custom Report
Security Settings
Editing a Custom Report
Viewing the Settings Screen
Viewing Unit Information
(About This Chiller) Logging In
Viewing Chiller Operating Logging Out
Modes Disabling/Enabling Security
Viewing Purge Operating
Modes Troubleshooting

Data Graphs
Viewing the Data
Graphs Screen
Viewing Data Graphs
Changing the Scales on
Data Graphs
Creating Custom Data Graphs
Editing Custom Data Graphs
Deleting a Custom Data Graph

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Trane - by Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator - creates comfortable, energy
efficient indoor environments for commercial and residential applications. For more information,
please visit or
Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without
notice. We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices.

TCVHE-SVX04E-EN April. 2020

Supersedes CVHE-SVX004D-EN (Jun. 2019) ©2020 Trane

Confidential and proprietary Trane information

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