Online Police Station Criminal Management System: Name of Student

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Submitted by:

Name of student ID_NO

Melkamu Chemere-------------------------------TER/4676/07
Lakachew Yibeltal--------------------------------TER/4670/07
Yassab Aziz --------------------------------TER/4696/07
Tesfaye Bayih -------------------------------------TER/4691/07

In Partial Fulfilment for the Award of the Degree Of

Under the guidance of

Gizachewu M. (MSC)




Debre Marko’s, Ethiopia

December 2010 E.C
Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010


Crime is a human experience and it has to be controlled. Debre Marko’s city police
station plays a great role to control crime and criminal activities But the way of
managing those criminal and crime activities done manually and this is due to lack
of automated system that supports the station workers to communicate with citizen
to share information and store, retrieve and managing criminal activities. In order
to control crime efficiently we need to develop web based systems.

This project entitled with “online criminal management system” is designed to

develop a web application in which any citizen can report crimes; if anybody wants
to complaint against crimes he must enjoys with online communication to police
station. This project provides to store records of crimes and criminals which have
made disciplinary case and used to make simply retrieve information from the
database. The system implemented is a typical automated crime management
system, based on client-server architecture allowing data storage and criminal
record interchange between the police.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

First of all we would like to thanks for our God that keeps our life up to this time
and giving all strength for successful completion of this documentation. Secondly
we would like to thanks for our Advisor Gizachew Melkamu for his great
contribution guidance, support and gives us continuous initiation and
encouragement from the begging up to the end of the project. We also want to
thank for inspector ayalneh who is Debre Marko’s city police station manager and
office workers since they provide all the Information about how the current system
works. And we would like to thanks for the department of information technology
that contribute computer laboratory for the success of the project.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

List Of Tables...............................................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................7
1.1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................7
1.2. Background of the project.................................................................................................................8
1.3. Statement of the Problems................................................................................................................8
1.4. Objectives of the project...................................................................................................................9
1.4.1. General objective.......................................................................................................................9
1.4.2. Specific objective.......................................................................................................................9
1.5. Scope of the Project..........................................................................................................................9
1.6. Limitation of the project.................................................................................................................10
1.7. Significance of the Project..............................................................................................................10
1.8. System requirement........................................................................................................................10
1.8.1. Hardware requirement tool......................................................................................................11
1.8.2. Software requirement tool........................................................................................................11
1.8.3. Programming language............................................................................................................12
1.9. Data collection Methodology..........................................................................................................12
1.9.1. Data collection.........................................................................................................................12
1.9.2. System development methodology..........................................................................................13
1.10. Feasibility study............................................................................................................................13
1.10.1. Operational Feasibility...........................................................................................................14
1.10.2. Economic Feasibility.............................................................................................................14
1.10.3. Technical Feasibility..............................................................................................................14
1.10.4. Legal Feasibility....................................................................................................................15
Chapter Two..............................................................................................................................................15
2. System analysis.....................................................................................................................................15
2.1. Over View of Existing System.......................................................................................................15
2.1.1. Users of the existing system....................................................................................................16

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

2.2. System requirement Specification..................................................................................................16

2.2.1. Functional requirement............................................................................................................16
2.2.2. Non-functional requirements:..................................................................................................18
2.2.3. Business rule............................................................................................................................19
2.3. System requirement analysis...........................................................................................................20
2.3.1. Actor and Use case Identification............................................................................................20
Table 2.1 Use Case Identification..............................................................................................................23
Table 2.2: Register Employee Use Case Description.................................................................................26
Table 2.3: Create Account Use Case Description......................................................................................27
Table 2.4: Login Use Case Description.....................................................................................................28
Table 2.5: View Accused Criminal Use Case Description.........................................................................29
Table 2.6: Assign Traffic Police Use Case Description.............................................................................30
Table 2.7: Post Missing Criminals Use Case Description..........................................................................31
2.3.2. UML Sequence Diagrams........................................................................................................32
2.3.3. UML Activity diagram............................................................................................................40
2.3.4. Analysis Class Diagram...........................................................................................................44
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................46
3. System Design.......................................................................................................................................46
3.1. Design Class Diagram....................................................................................................................46

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

List Of Tables

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

1.1. Introduction
In this modern world, information technology plays a big role. With the
introduction of computers, the business world was changed forever. Using
computers and software, businesses use information technology to ensure that their
departments run successfully. (1.1)
Now a days Technology is being used in almost every company to accomplish
specific tasks. Many businesses are using various business communication
technologies to change the way their employees interact and communicate while at
work. Employees can use various communication tools to interact or exchange
information at work such us developing website for online communication.
Web application is one parts of information technology in which applications and
information’s are stored on servers and users can access that information or
application remotely using web browsers. “Online criminal management system”
is a web application that provides users interact with the system without any
physical existence. This system helps the police department to manage and
investigate crimes, to generate fast reports, and to retrieve criminal cases in
efficient and effective manner. It also establishing an active and equal partnership
between the Police and the public through which crime and community safety
issues can jointly be discussed and solutions determined and implemented.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

1.2. Background of the project

In 1913, during the reign of Emperor Minilik II, the Ethiopian police was founded
for the first time in our history. A modern police establishment was newly founded
in 1934. Debre Markos police station was also established newly as a police force
at the same time in 1934. It is the basic unit that looks after the law and order of
that area. Debre Markos police station is headed by a Station House Officer
(S.H.O.) who is generally an inspector from the police department. Under him
works a team consisting of a Sub-Inspector, Head Constable and Constables. The
station was organized in to five big departments that were detection department,
prevention department, traffic department, human resource management
department and council community. Still now, the system is working manual.

1.3. Statement of the Problems

The existing system of police station is time consuming and not very user friendly.
All criminal information’s are paper based which is cumbersome to maintain.
Sometimes the complaints may be ignored by the police. Even an efficient officer
may not be able to handle more than one case at a time. As we all know, a covered
truth; bribery plays an important role in the existing system, many cases were
pulled up in the corners, due to lack of commitment in the job. The existing system
is criticized for being inefficient, time consuming, and poorly managed. Because of
the large number of serious crimes, minor complaints may be ignored, requires lots
of manual work, the existing system doesn’t have system security. Retrieval of
data in a desired way is so difficult, Data redundancy and inconsistency, There is a
Work load over police departments since investigation reports and investigation
files are manually operated.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

1.4. Objectives of the project

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of this project is to develop online system for Debre Markos
police station criminal management system.

1.4.2. Specific objective

The specific objectives of the proposed project are:

 To enable searching for any relevant information about crime quickly

that is registered from anywhere in the city.
 It enables searching the required information by using keys and also
the main function of the system is sharing of information to the
appropriate of different station.
 Develop a system that enabling the user to communicate easily across
the station and complaints to report crimes online.
 Understand functional and non-functional requirements of the system
 Design attractive user interface that the police station worker and
customers can easily interact.
 Confirm secure data flow in the station
 Develop a system that make retrieval of required data efficient
 Develop a system that facilitates fast report generation
 To develop database system for Debre Markos city police station.

1.5. Scope of the Project

The scope of a project shows the boundary of the project it will cover. It may be
geographical boundary or functional boundary.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

 Geographical boundary: -Geographically the system is limited to Debre

Marko’s city.
 Functional boundary: - the proposed project had functionally limited to,
Register employee by human resource management department, Investigate
Criminal, Gather information, Give information, Give and take the
nomination, generating reports, and take backup. Record newly arrived
criminal cases.

1.6. Limitation of the project

The Proposed System may have some Limitations some of them are:

 Lack of social security number: due to the system does not support with
social security number criminals cannot easily investigate.
 The system does not support different language.

1.7. Significance of the Project

This system has the following significance:
 Create customer or complaint satisfaction by save time and resource needed
to waste to a completion their task.
 It enables citizens to give nomination easily without arriving in the station.
 Make Public can get criminal’s information.
 Make police head easily manage and control the system.
 Communication between different stations will be easy and fast.
 Easy to manage citizens’ complaints, criminals data.
 Create satisfaction for police officer and staff members by minimizing
workload because they know what ever any crime without arriving in the
place where the crime was committed.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

 Implementation of this project will lead the organization to a better

performance that can highly reduce the workload of employee and can
achieve its goal.

1.8. System requirement

Hardware and software tools required for the successful completion of the
projects are listed below with their respective significance.

1.8.1. Hardware requirement tool

Computer: - with 4.00 GB RAM, 500 GB hard disk and processor speed
above 2.4 GHz.

Flash: -16 and more GB flash is required for data storage and data movement.

Disks (CD):-720 MB necessary for the movement of relevant data and for backup
and recovery mechanism.

Internet Connection: -the main information source to develop our system. To

extract relevant information about our project from internet.

Printer: - helps to print documentations

Writing material (pen, paper):- for writing all necessary information associated
with the project during interview or time of data collection

Note book: - to take notes during data collection and for other

1.8.2. Software requirement tool

Software requirements to develop system are as follows
WAMP server: - 32-bit version of wampserver, used to run application.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Microsoft word 2010:- to write on any necessary documents about the project

Microsoft Visio2010: - used to draw diagrams

Adobe Photoshop CS4: -to edit images.

Notepad++:- editor’s that helps to write a php implementation code

Microsoft Power Point 2010:- helps to prepare presentation of the project.

Browser (Mozilla Firefox):- It is used for system testing.

1.8.3. Programming language

 PHP: - to design user interface we use php for the following reason.
 It is aback end.
 It is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.
 It supports a wide range of databases
 It is free. Download it from the official PHP resource:
 It is easy to learn and runs efficiently on the server side.
 MySQL: -use for the following reason
 To creating and manipulating databases.
 Easy to use, open Source, it is fast and secure.
 It runs on many operating systems.
 HTML: - to display content.  
 Java script language: - to create interactive webpages.
 UML: - helps to develop use case diagram

1.9. Data collection Methodology

Different fact finding techniques were used to gather information about the
current system. It is the fundamental activity for the development of the system.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

1.9.1. Data collection

Data collection is the most important part of our project to find the main required
information to system and to understand how the system works. We used the
following methods to collect relevant data required to our project.

We use two data collection methods to collect the data need for the team project
those are:-

 Primary data collection methods

 Interview: - the project team gathered necessary information about how
the organization works and current flow of work by interviewing
debremarkos city police head, staff member and society. During
Interviewing the team got various necessary information from the station
and the team asking different question about the organization how to work
and the overall structure.
 Observation: - This is also another way of collecting data and information.
This is performing by looking what will happen in the organization by
existing the working place. It may be difficult to explain that they do or to
even describe accurately how they achieve a task, so observation very
crucial to gathering information.
 Secondary data collection methods
 Document analysis: - it is tried to discover all written documents about the
organizational areas relevant to the project. Not only that but also we tried to
review other relevant documents that helps to develop our project.

1.9.2. System development methodology

This project is developed by the object oriented programming (OOP), it is clear
and modified in class models and object oriented, it uses methods and functions
easily. The program must inherit in different functions and methods.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

1.10. Feasibility study

A feasibility study is a test of system proposal according to its workability, impact
on the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources.
A feasibility study looks at the viability of an idea with an emphasis on
identifying potential problems. Project managers use feasibility studies to
determine potential positive and negative outcomes of a project before investing a
considerable amount of time and money into it.

1.10.1. Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the
problems, and takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope
definition and how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements
analysis phase of system development. It is important to understand how the new
systems will fit into the current day-to-day operations of the organization.

1.10.2. Economic Feasibility

The proposed system is economically feasible since it had many benefits that it
gives than the existed manual system.
 Tangible benefits

Tangible benefits are something that has a physical existence. Cost reduction and
avoidance, increase the income of the organization, improving response time,
producing error free out put such as report generating, and no redundancy,
increased management planning and control

 Intangible benefits

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Increase information processing efficiency, faster decision making, increase

accuracy, right information at the right time, Customer satisfaction, increase
employee commitment. Intangible costs are not always foreseen.

1.10.3. Technical Feasibility

The team proposed system is technically feasible since, it can be easily maintained
and repaired; accomplished with the available technology, technically, the system
will be powerful to be applied by low skilled users as much as possible and easily
accessible by the people who can easily understand natural languages

1.10.4. Legal Feasibility

The system to be developing is not contrary with any government directives, and
with any cultural aspects or norms, because it gives services for Debre Markos
police station workers, all the Debre Markos police workers also agreed before the
system developed. So the government and peoples are profitable and the system
will be legally feasible.

Chapter Two

2. System analysis
System analysis is a process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing
problems and the information to recommend improvements on the system. It is a
problem solving activity that requires intensive communication between the system
users and system developers. System analysis or study is an important phase of any
system development process. (2.1)

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

2.1. Over View of Existing System

Currently in Ethiopia there is no any automated system for sharing of
information between the police and the citizens. Almost all activities in the current
system take much time cost and need labor works. The existing system needs
spadework when police wants to retrieve criminal information that can be search
from large document files. Police want to detect or search detail information about
the some criminal action the police went long distances from place to place with
transport or with their foot (areas that does not have transport access). In the
existing system complaint went to police station to report their aggrivance, and  
anonymous events like thefts, murder, missing citizens, dead bodies and other
miscellaneous events, at this time the complaint spend their time, lose money for
transport, faced an accident and sacrifice energy.

Generally the system works manually in the above process of these takes long
period of time to respond user’s service request and also it consumes high human
power difficult to manage.

2.1.1. Users of the existing system

Users are entities that interact with the system. User those involved in the existing
system are: -

 Police Head
 Criminal preventive police
 Traffic Officer
 Traffic police
 Detective Officer
 Human resource manager
 Customer

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

2.2. System requirement Specification

A project requirement is an objective that must be met. Project requirements
provide an obvious tool for evaluating the quality of a project, because a final
review should examine whether each requirement has been met. This project is
concerned in the functional requirements and non-functional requirements

2.2.1. Functional requirement

The functional requirements describe the core tasks of the system or it is the
intended behaviors of the system. The new proposed system of criminal
management system focus mainly those tasks, services or functions that the system
is required to perform. The team project supposed to have the following three main
process functional requirements.

Input data: - this is the functionality that the system will allow the user to enter
input data using forms for processing.

 The system should allow system administrator create account.

 The system should allow preventive police to Register new criminal
 The system should allow detective police register accused criminals
 The system should allow Human resource manager register new employee
 The system should allow Human resource manager Post notice
 The system should allow system administrator post lows of the government.
 The system should allow preventive police post missing criminals
 The system should allow citizen give nomination to missing criminals
Process data: - This is the other functionality that the system provides to process
the data or inputs that the user submits using forms. The system provides those
data processing functionality listed below.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

 The system should allow validating the input data.

 The system should allow system administrator update user states
 The system should allow preventive police update missing criminal
 The system should allow detective police update status of accused
 The system should allow preventive police update register complaint
 The system should allow Human resource manager update employee status
 The system should allow system administrator update user comment

Data output: This is the functionality that the system provides several data’s as an
output. Those functionalities are

 The system should allow detective police view registered criminal

 The system should allow detective police generate report
 The system should allow traffics view accident
 The system should allow system administrator view report
 The system should allow system administrator View feedback
 The system should allow citizens View missing criminal
 The system should allow citizens View notices
 The system should allow citizens View missing criminal

2.2.2. Non-functional requirements:

Nonfunctional Requirements (also known as system qualities) define system
attributes such as security, reliability, performance, maintainability, scalability, and
usability. They serve as constraints or restrictions on the design of the system
across the different backlogs. In general this system ensures the usability,
efficiency and effectiveness of the entire system. (2.2)

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

 Availability: The system can function 24 hours a day and seven days a week
 Efficiency: This system must ensure allocation and use of services being
requested for the users by using minimum memory storage, cost, and time.
 Security: The user accesses the system using valid user name and password.
The system use encryption security mechanism to secure password.
 Error handling: When a user interacts with the system errors may occur. To
control this kind of in accuracies our system will generate different user
friendly messages.
 Scalability: the system adding new features and new user without any
 User Interface: The interface will be user friendly and can properly guide the
user how to use the system and perform operations easily since every link
name in the system similar to the task performed.

2.2.3. Business rule

The system has different business rules that the organization to follow. These
business rules are obligations that the police must fulfill in order to the system
will function properly and effectively.
These rules considered as in the system because any member of the department not
beyond these state. The most common business rules with the police station are:

BR 1: the police station department head should manage other members in the
BR 2: Members of the station shall obey all laws and ordinances.
BR 3: polices cannot use force and other illegal methods to do their investigation.
BR 4: Members of the Department shall not express any prejudice concerning race,
sex, religion, national origin, life-style, or similar personal characteristics.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

BR 5: Be honest in all matters.

BR 6: All employees of the Department shall report their places of residence and
their telephone number to the Commanding Officer or supervisor of the Bureau,
Division, District, Unit or Office to which they are assigned.
Business rules of the new team proposed system:
BR1: To access the system the users must be registered in the system and must
have account.
BR2: User of the system must be login to the system to access the service provided
by the system
BR3: All user access the system based on their privilege given by police head.

2.3. System requirement analysis

Systems Requirement Analysis gives the professional systems understanding the
tools to set up a proper and effective analysis of the resources, schedules and parts
that will be needed in order to successfully undertake and complete any large,
complex project. The text offers the reader the methodology for rationally breaking
a large project down into a series of stepwise questions so that a schedule can be
determined and a plan can be established for what needs to be procured, how it
should be obtained, and what the likely costs in dollars, manpower and equipment
will be in order to complete the project at hand. (2.3)

2.3.1. Actor and Use case Identification

 Actors: - use in the system to represent user that interact with the system
 Use case: - A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide a
measurable value to an actor.

Actor Identification

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

1. Police Head
2. Criminal preventive police
3. Detective Officer
4. Traffic Officer
5. Traffic police
6. Human resource manager
7. Customer

Police Head: - have the following activities

Create Account
View User profile
Assign Police
Update User profile
View Employee
View Comment
View Nomination
Post Missing Criminals
Take Recovery
View Traffic accident Report
View Criminal Report

Criminal preventive police: - have the following activities

Register Criminal
View Nomination
Send nomination
Generate Crime Report

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Detective Officer: - have the following activities

View Criminal
Progress case
Register witness
Register Accused
Register Accuser
Update criminal status

Traffic Officer: - have the following activities

 Assign Traffic Police

 View Report
 Generate Accident Report

Traffic police: - have the following activities

View Accident
Register Accident
Update Accident
Generate Report

Human resource manager: - have the following activities

Register Employee
Update employee

Customer: - have the following activities

 View Missing Criminal

 Give Nomination

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

 Give Comment
 Upload files
 Use case identification:
Use case is an activities that accomplished by actors. Use case describes a
sequence of actions that provide a measurable value to an actor. In the following
table we try to list use case id, use case name and its description

Table 2.1 Use Case Identification

Use case ID Use case Name Include

Uc1 Create Account Login
Uc2 View User Profile Login
Uc3 Update User Profile Login
Uc4 Assign Police Login
Uc5 View Employee Login
Uc6 View Comment Login
Uc7 View Nomination Login
Uc8 Post Missing Criminals Login
Uc9 Take Recovery Login
Uc10 View Traffic Accident Report Login
Uc11 View Criminal Report Login
Uc12 Register Criminal Login
Uc13 View Nomination Login
Uc14 Send nomination Login
Uc15 Generate Crime Report Login
Uc16 View Criminal Login
Uc17 Register Accused Login

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Uc18 Register Accuser Login

Uc19 Register witness Login
Uc20 Progress case Login
Uc21 Update criminal status Login
Uc22 Assign Traffic Police Login
Uc23 View Report Login
Uc24 Generate Accident Report Login
Uc25 View Accident Login
Uc26 Register Accident Login
Uc27 Update Accident Login
Uc28 Generate Report Login
Uc29 Register Employee Login
Uc30 Update Employee Login
Uc31 View Missing Criminal ---------
Uc32 Give Nomination --------
Uc33 Give Comment --------
Uc34 Upload files ---------
Uc35 Login ---------
Uc36 Logout Login

UML Use Case Diagrams

A UML use case diagram shows the relationships among actors and use cases
within a system. A use case diagram is a graphic representation of the interactions
among the elements of a system. (2.4)

A use case diagram contains the following sub-components:-

 System boundary: - which defines the system of interest in relation to the world
around it.
 The actors: - usually individuals involved with the system defined according to
their roles.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

 The use cases: - which the specific roles are played by the actors within and
around the system.
 The relationships between and among the actors and the use cases
Online Criminal management system
Register Accident View Accident Extend Upload files
View Missing

Download files
Accident Report
Traffic police Edit Accident Give Nomination

Assign Traffic Give Comment

Police Customer

View Report Register Employee


Generat traffic <<Include>> Update Employee
Traffic Officer
Accedent report
Include Human resource manager

View Nomination
Create Account


<<Include>> Register Criminal

View Employee
<<Include>> Criminal Preventive Police

LOGIN Include Generate Crime

Take Recovery
<<Include>> Send Nomination
View Comment
<<Extend>> <<Include>>

<<Include>> <<Include>>
Update Criminal
Update User profile Status
<<Include>> <<Include>>

<<Include>> <<Include>>
<Include> <<Include>>
Police Head View Criminal
Assign Police LOGOUT

View User profile Progress Case

View Nomination
Register Accuser Register Witness
detective police

Post Missing 26 Register Accused

criminal View Criminal View Accused Criminals
Report Criminal
View Traffic Report
Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Figure 2.1 Online criminal management systems Use Case Diagram

 Use Case description

A use case description is a business analysis presentation of the steps defining
the interactions between a user (called an actor) and a system (usually a
computer system). It details the interactions and sets the expectations of how
the user will work within the system. (2.5).

Table 2.2: Register Employee Use Case Description

Use Case Name Register Employee
Use Case ID Uc29
Include Login
Actor Human resource manager
Description Human resource manager register employee to the database in the
precondition The users should be works of police station
Basic course of Actor action System response
1. User open the system 2. The System open to user page
3. User click on Register 4. System displays user registration
user Link form
5. The user fill each 6. If the user correctly fill each
individual fields and required field the system display
press register button “you are Successfully registered”
7. Use case end.

Alternative course If the user enters wrong username or password, the system
of action display
“Incorrect input” and the process turn again from step 4.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Post condition Employee are legal users of the station

Table 2.3: Create Account Use Case Description

Use Case Name Create Account
Use Case ID Uc1
Include Login
Actor Police Head
Description Police Head create account for already registered users
precondition Police Head must login and should get list of users’ information
From Registered Employee.
Basic course of Actor action System response
1. police head Login to the 2. The System open to police head
system page
3. click on Create Account 4. System displays Create Account
Link form
5. The police head fill the 6. If the entered data is valid the
field including user name system display “you are
and password then Click on Successfully create account”
Create Account button message.
7. Use case end.

Alternative course If the user enters wrong username or password, the system
of action display invalid input message and process turn again from step 4.

Post condition Users can login to the system with their account

Table 2.4: Login Use Case Description

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Use Case Name Login

Use Case ID Uc29
Include Login
Actor Police Head, Preventive Police, Detective Officer, Human
Resource manager, Traffic Officer, Traffic Police.
Description This use case is used to ensure security for system usage. Only
legal users can access the system.
precondition The user must have a valid user name and password from police
Basic course of Actor action System response
1. the user open the system 2. The System display Home Page
3. User Click Login Menu 4. The System display login form
5. User fills form and clicks 6. System displays user page
login button
7. Use case end.

Alternative course User may input wrong user name and password the system
of action display wrong message.
The process turn back to step 5
Post condition Users perform its own task on the system

Table 2.5: View Accused Criminal Use Case Description

Use Case Name View Accused Criminal

Use Case ID Uc8
Include Login
Actor Detective Officer

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Description Detective Officer can view the accused criminal

precondition The Detective Officer must have a valid user name and password
to view the accused criminal.
Basic course of Actor action System response
1. the user login to system 2. The user input correct value
3. Detective Officer click system display Detective Officer
view accused Criminal link Page
5. Use case end. 4. System displays accused
Criminal list

Alternative course User may input wrong user name and password the system show
of action incorrect message.
The process turn back to step 1
Post condition Logout from the system.

Table 2.6: Assign Traffic Police Use Case Description

Use Case Name Assign Traffic Police

Use Case ID Uc4
Include Login
Actor Traffic Officer
Description Traffic Officer Assign traffic police to their working Place

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

precondition The user must have a valid user name and password to Assign
traffic police to their task.
Basic course of Actor action System response
1. the user login to system 2. System directs to user page
3. the user click Assign 4. The system opens the form.
Traffic button 6. system display successfully
5. the user Fill the Form and message
click Assign Traffic button 7. Use case end.
Alternative course User may input wrong user name and password the system show
of action incorrect message.
The process turn back to step 1
Post condition User’s logout from the system.

Table 1: Post Missing Criminals Use Case Description

Use Case Name Post Missing Criminals

Use Case ID Uc12
Include Login
Actor Police Head
Description Police Head can post missing criminal.
precondition The user must have a valid user name and password to view the
accused criminal.
Basic course of Actor action System response
1. The user login to system. 2. System directs to user page.
3. The user click on Post 4. The system displays post
missing criminal link missing criminal form.
5. The user fills all the 6. The system displays “the
necessary information about missing criminal successfully
the missing criminal and press posted” message.
Post Button.
7. Use case end.

Alternative A1. If the user enters the wrong username or password, the system

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

course of action notifies “the wrong input” and process continues from step 1.
A2. If the user misses the required fields or entered wrong data, the
system notifies “the missed field or wrong data” and the process
continue from step 5.
Post condition User’s logout from the system.

2.3.2. UML Sequence Diagrams

UML sequence diagrams model the flow of logic within your system in a visual
manner, enabling you both to document and validate your logic, and are commonly
used for both analysis and design purposes. Sequence diagrams are the most
popular UML artifact for dynamic modeling, which focuses on identifying the
behavior within your system. (2.6)

UML Sequence Diagrams Description

 capture the interaction between objects in the context of a collaboration

 show object instances that play the roles defined in a collaboration
 show the order of the interaction visually by using the vertical axis of the
diagram to represent time what messages are sent and when
 show elements as they interact over time, showing interactions or interaction
Home Page Login Form User Page DataBase
User Open()

Open Login Menu


Fill The Form And Click Login Button

Incorrect Input Check if invalid

Else Check Registered
If not Exist
Wrong User Name Password try again


Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Figure 2.1 User Login Sequence Diagram

Home Page Login Form User Page Assign Police Form DataBase
Police Head

Open Login Menu


Fill The Form And Click Login Button

Incorrect Input Check if invalid

Else Check Registered

If not Exist
Wrong User Name Password try again


Click Assign Police Link


Fill the Form and Click Assign Save

Try Again Invalid

Successfully Assigned Valid

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Figure 2.2 Assign police Sequence Diagram

HR manager System Home Page Login Form User Page Registration Form DataBase


Open Login Menu


Fill the form and press login button

please enter valid input Check if not Valid


Please Correct user name and password check if not mach


Open User Register Menu Display

Fill the Form and click Register Button

correct your input if invalid input


Try Again
if not saved

Logout Successfully Registered

Turn to home Page

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

System Home Page Login Form Police Head Page Post Missing Criminal

Police Head

Open Login Menu


Fill Form then press login button

Check Validity
Invalid input
Check Registration
Figure 2.2 Employee Register Sequence Diagram
Wrong user name and password Try Again


Open Post missing criminal Menu Display

Fill the Form and click Post Button

incorrect input if invalid input

Else Save
Try Again
if not saved
Display Successfully Message

Turn to home Page

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Police Head Page Search User Profile Form Update User Profile Form DataBase
Police Head
Click on Update User Profile link

Fill Form and Click Search Button Check if invalid

Figure 2.3 Posts Missing Criminal Sequence Diagram
Invalid Input Message
Else Check From Database

User Not Found Message Display

If Not Exist
Display User Profile
Police Head Fill Form and Click Update Button
Check if invalid
Incorrect Input Try Again Else Save
if not Save
Fail to saved

Update Successfully
Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Figure 2.4 Update User Profile Sequence Diagram

Detective Officer Detective Officer Page Accused Criminal DataBase


Click View Accused Criminal Link Check value

If Value Not Exist

Data not found message display

Display the Value

Click Logout button

Close() 37
Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Figure 2.5 View Accused Criminal Sequence Diagram

Home Page Nomination Form


Click Give Nomination Link Display

Fill The Form And Click Send Button

Check validity
Incorrect Input
click saved or not
Failed to send try agin!

Send Successfully

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Figure 2.6 Give Nomination Sequence Diagram

2.3.3. UML Activity diagram

Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to
another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

The control flow is drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be
sequential, branched, or concurrent. Activity diagrams deal with all type of flow
control by using different elements such as fork, join, etc. (2.7)

Detective Officer Open Home Page



Enter User Name and password

open System

invalid user name and password

Click On View Post Criminal link

Valid User Name and Password

Click On Update Criminal Status link Stop

System Display Posted Criminal information

System Display criminal information

Click Edit Button

Figure 2.7 View post System

criminal Activity
Display Diagram
Creminal Information

Edit and Click Update Button

System Display Wrong statment


System Display "Successfully Updated" message Stop

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Home Page Login Hr manager Correct The input


Invalid Input
System Respond incorrect Statment

Valid input

HR Page

Click register user link

Display Registration Form

HR manager Fill Form and click Register Button System Display Form User correct It

Figure 2.8 Update Criminal Status Activity Diagram

invalid input
System Display Wrong statment

41 input

System Display "User Successfully Register" message

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

open customer Page



Enter User Name and password

invalid user name and password

Valid User Name and Password

Click On Add Existence of Accident link

System Display Add Existence of Accident Form

Customer Fill the Information

Figure 2.9 Register Employee Activity Diagram

incorrect input System Display wrong statment


System Display "send Successfully " message Stop

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Figure 2.9 Register Accident Activity Diagram

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

2.3.4. Analysis Class Diagram

Class diagrams are one of the most useful types of diagrams in UML in order to
clearly map out the structure of a particular system by modeling its classes,
attributes, operations, and relationships between objects. (2.8)

Class Diagram Consists the following component

. HR Manager Detective Officer Preventive Police

Police Head
+Regster Employee() +View Criminal Detail() +View Nomination()
+Manage Account() +Generate Report() +Send Notification()
1 +Manage Criminal Status()
+View Employee() +Register Criminal()
+manage FIR()
+View Comment() 1 has
+Assign Police() Manage View
1 1
Register 1
1 1
* has 1

View Post 1 Witness

* 1 FIR
Comment Manage -Fname
Users -Date
-Fname 1
-Time -Lname
-ID -mobile Phone No
-Lname -Place
-FName investigate
-wereda Missing Ciminal -sex
* -Lname -Type of Crime
-City -MID -Password -Level of Crime * -age
-Kebele -Fname -Description
1 -wereda
-Role -kebele
-Description -Lname -Accuser
-Status -Description
-Photo -Accused
-Posting Reason -witness
1 -City 1
Give -Kebele Accused Criminal
has 1
* 1 -Fname
Customer * -Age
1 investigate
-Fname -sex
-Lname -mobile phone_no
Traffice Police -City
-Mobile Phone No
-Kebele -wereda
+Give Comment() +Register Accident() -Kebele
+View post Criminal() +Manage Accident() investigate -
+Give Nomination()
* assign
1 -CID
Send nomination View -Type
Traffice Police -Description *
Accuser -Date
+Register Accident() -AID -City
-AID +Manage Accident() -Fname -wereda
-Vehicle Owner Fname -Lname -Kebele
-Vehicle Owner Mname -Age -mobile Phone no
1 -Vehicle Owner Lname -wereda
-Driver License_No -Kebele
-crime commited date *
-crime commited time 1 44
-types of crime
-vehicle registerar region
-Vehicle bord_No
-Level of Crime
Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Figure 2.10 Criminal Management systems Class Diagram

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010


3. System Design

The term design describes a final system and the process by which it is developed
it refers to the technical specification that will be applied in implementing the
proposed system. It also include the construction of program and design of output,
input, code, database and process of the system

System design is the transformation of the analysis model into a system design
model. Up to now we were in the problem domain. System design is the first part
to get into the solution domain in a software development.
The main purpose of system design is to determine how the system is going to
build and to obtain the information needed to direct the actual implementation of
the system. It focuses on understanding the model how the software will be built.

3.1. Design Class Diagram

Class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static
structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's
 Their attributes,
 Operations (methods)
 And the relationships among the classes.
A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies
among classes in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). It provides an overview

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

of the target system by describing the objects and classes inside the system and the
relationships between them.

HR Manager Detective Officer Preventive Police

Police Head
+Regster Employee() +View Criminal Detail() +View Nomination()
+Manage Account() +Generate Report() +Send Notification()
1 +Manage Criminal Status()
+View Employee() +Register Criminal()
+manage FIR()
+View Comment() 1
+Assign Police() has Manage
Register 1 1
has 1
1 1
1 View
View 1
Post 1
Manage Users Witness
Comment -WID:varchar(20)
-Fname:varchar(20) -User_name::varchar(20) -Fname:varchar(20)
-Lname:varchar(20) * -Password::varchar(100) investigate -Lname:varchar(20)
-Role:varchar(20) * -mobile_Phone_no:int
* -age:int
FIR -wereda:string
-FIR_ID:varchar(20) -kebele:string
1 1 -Date:date -Description:text
Missing Ciminal -Time:time
-MID:varchar(20) -Place:varchar(20)
Give -Fname:varchar(20) -Type of Crime:varchar(20)
-Lname:varchar(20) -Level of Crime:varchar(20)
-Photo:blob -Description:text 1
-Posting_Reason:text -Accuser:varchar(20)
Customer -City:string -Accused:varchar(20) Accused Criminal
-Fname:varchar(20) -Kebele:text -witness:varchar(20)
-Lname:varchar(20) -Lname:varchar(20)
-Mobile_Phone_No:int(11) -Age:int
1 *
-Kebele:string 1 1 -sex::varchar(10)
+Give Comment() investigate -mobile_phone_no
+View post Criminal() Traffice Officer -City:string
+Give Nomination() -wereda:string
+Assign Traffic Police()
1 +Manage View Accident()
Send nomination 1

* 1
Accident -CID::varchar(20)
* 1 -Type::varchar(20)
-AID:varchar(20) *
Accuser -Description:text *
-Vehicle_Owner_Fname:string -Date:date
-Vehicle_Owner_Mname:string View -AID:varchar(20)
Traffice Police -Fname:varchar(20) -City:varchar(20)
-Vehicle_Owner_Lname:string -wereda:string
-Driver License_No:int -Lname:varchar(20)
+Register Accident()
47 -Age:int -Kebele:string
-crime_commited_date:date() -mobile_Phone_no:int
-types_of_crime:text +Manage Accident() -wereda:string
-Vehicle_bord_No:string -Kebele:string
Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Figure 3.1 Criminal Management Design Class Diagram

3.2. Database design /Physical data model

Physical data model represents how the model built in the database. A physical
database model shows all table structures, including column name, column data
type, column constraints, primary key, foreign key, and relationships between
tables. In our system sample database structure is the following.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Table 3.1 accused criminal Database Table

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Table 3.2 First Information Report Database Table

Table 3.3 Nomination Database Table

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

Table 3.4 User profile Database Table

3.3. User Interface Design

User interface design is the design of System with the focus on the user's
experience and interaction. The main target of user interface design is to make the
user's interaction as simple and efficient as possible.

In this system users will communicate with the system through the following user
interface links, button, forms and pictures that described under the system. The
following some interface design describe the logical characteristics of some
interfaces between the system and the users.

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

3.4. System Architecture

3.4.1 Deployment Diagram

Deployment diagram shows execution architecture of systems that represent the

assignment (deployment) of software artifacts to deployment targets (usually
nodes). Nodes represent either hardware devices or software execution

Deployment diagrams are used to model the hardware that will be used to
implement the system the link between different item of hardware and the
deployment of software on to that hardware.

Through deployment diagram we are able to model

 Where hardware is located

 Where software is located
 What is the communication path between various hardware parts

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Database Server
Client request Web Server

Response wamp server Response


Figure 3.2 Deployment Diagram

firefox) 53 MYSQL
Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010


[1.1]. “introduction about impact of information technology," 23: December 2010. [Online].

[2.1]. "about System Requirement Analysis," 14 December 2010. [Online]. Available:

[2.2]. "about Non-Functional System Requirement Analysis," 14 December 2010. [Online].


[2.3]. "about System Requirement Analysis," 14 December 2010. [Online]. Available:

[2.4]. “UML Use Case Diagrams," 21 December 2010. [Online]. Available:

[2.5]. “Use Case Description," 21 December 2010. [Online]. Available:

Online police station criminal Management System in Debre Markos city 2010

[2.6]. “about Sequence Diagram,” Accessed 28 December 2010.

[Online]. Available:

[2.7]. “about UML Activity Diagram,” Accessed 28 December 2010.

[2.8]. “about UML Analysis class Diagram,” Accessed 30 December 2010.

[Online]. Available:


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