Threats Sl. No - Threats Weigh T Rating (1-5) Weighte D Score Comments/ Justification

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Sl. Threats Weigh Rating Weighte Comments/ Justification

No t (1-5) d Score
1 The Govt. BGMEA, 0.25 5 1.25 Ensuring safety and security of the
BKMEA, including buyer’s laborers has to be maintained not
organization abroad are only for the compliance issue
exerting pressure for came in the forefront but also a
ensuring safety and basic human right. For this to
security of the laborers, ensure the cost of Garment
and also better working industry has gone up. Buyers are
condition after the Tazrin not paying any extra CM on this
havoc and Rana Plaza ground. Ultimately the industries
tragedy. profit margins are getting low day
by day, certainly a threat for the
new entrants.
2 International citizenry as 0.25 3 0.75 Concern of human rights bodies
well as human rights are yet a vocal issue. Soon, this
bodies are becoming may drive buyers to make another
vocal regarding the poor mandatory issue without raising
wages of the workers and any CM on to their orders.
hefty profits of the Ultimate result is extra CM, again
owners and internal a threat for the new entrants.
3 The USA has withdrawn 0.25 4 1.00 Keeping apart the trade unionism
GSP facility on the plea of consequence either good or bad
worker’s right. for the garment industries in
Bangladesh, the withdrawn of GSP
facility pushed the garment
manufacturer to another hurdles.
4 We are not a big cotton 0.25 3 0.75 Textile is the backward linkage of
producing country like Garment Industry and the first
our neighbors -India and and basic raw materials for Textile
Pakistan is cotton from which threads are
produced in spinning mills than
weaving or knitting and than
other intermediate process are
done to forward the fabrics in to
garment industry. A long run
cotton import uncertainty will
always be there as a back-end
TOTAL 1 3.75

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