Car - Risk Assessment
Car - Risk Assessment
Car - Risk Assessment
(1) Hazard Risk (2) Who might be harmed and how? (3) What controls exist to reduce (4) What action can be taken
risk to further reduce risk?
One issues is being around the 4x2=8 The crew or the cast could be The car will be parked in a certain Another action that can be taken
car itself, this could be incase affected as they are working around location away from others, this will to reduce the risk is having people
someone opens a door or moves the car mean that people can go near the work at distance from the car so
it slightly that could affect car knowing its not going to be that they are safer.
someone moved.
Another issue could be other 4x2=8 The crew or the cast could be To prevent this we will work at a Another way to prevent this is too
road users that are in the affected as they are working around remote location out of the way from shoot when people are meant to
surrounding area. the car and near the road others, for instance an open car be at work and school, this will
park that's empty. reduce are chances of people
being out.
A hazard could be affecting the 4x2=8 The pedestrians walking around the To prevent this we will tape the Another way to prevent this is to
pedestrians in the nearby area area might become of harm as the area off to make sure no film on a weekday when there's a
as the car is driven being filmed car might be moving around. pedestrians come near to the car reduced chance that people will
and get injured when filming. be out near where we're filming.
(1) Hazard Risk (2) Who might be harmed and how? (3) What controls exist to reduce (5) What action can be taken
risk to further reduce risk?
5 Dying or being permanently disabled 5 Will almost certainly happen 16-25 Stop! Do not start activity again until risk is
4 Serious injury/long term illness 4 Highly likely to happen 10-15 High risk level, High priority. Take action
straight away to control the risk
3 Temporary disability/3 days off sick 3 Not so likely 6-9 Medium risk level. Tighten up controls and
make a plan to do something about risk
2 Will need medical attention 2 Even less likely 3-5 Fairly low risk level. Low priority but keep
possible action in mind
1 Minor injury eg. Bruise, graze 1 Unlikely to happen at all 1-2 Low or trivial risk. No further action
SO: a x b = c